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���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� History of Events

Anti‑Semitism today, at the end of 2001, is the greatest of taboos. Racism generally is taboo, but most people of most races harbor racist attitudes. So, while being publicly branded a "racist" is damaging, the racist may rest assured that many understand that he is not the demon the media makes him out to be.

Anti‑Semitism, on the other hand, is more complex. Many third‑tier, commonsense racists do not understand why anyone would think negatively of jews. They are comfortable expressing dislike of blacks or other minorities based on crime rates or illegitimacy or drug use. But most may not even know any jews (or know they know jews). Jews, they assume, are white people who go to a different church. And why wouldn't they think this when well‑organized, highly funded Jewish groups have been diligently working for decades to create that very impression or, rather, that lack of impression, the most strategic of all impressions: invisibility.

Once one has the eyes to see them, their ubiquitous presence and culture destroying nature is obvious to the point of revulsion. Indeed, there is a reason why the founding fathers of America, as well as other world‑ renowned philosophers, writers, entrepreneurs and great leaders throughout history have warned against them. Many have openly scorned the jews as the most dangerous enemy to Western cultural integrity and European values, others have merely depicted the jew as the lecherous, deceptive creature it is. (There is nothing more "anti‑Semitic" or offensive to jews than depicting them accurately)

Are we to believe, as Jewish lapdogs in "our" media and classrooms and oval office would have us believe, that there is no truth to the views these men held? That their powerful intellects derail and plunge into the darkest depths of irrationality and venomous "hatred" regarding the Jews for no reason whatsoever?

Is it more logical to believe these men are all cursed with a morbid, unjustified dislike of a good and noble people, or that there are solid reasons for this express, consistent condemnation of Jewishness? The books we read in school reiterate the horror of the Holocaust (capital "H" trademarked) and the unjust persecution of the jews. But they fail to include the history of destruction wrought by jews on their "host" nations. This encourages us to believe exactly what is on its face absolutely absurd; that anti‑Semitism is a kind of irrational mental illness from which even the greatest minds may, and apparently usually do, suffer.

History is amazing. The history of the Jewish race in world culture is perhaps the most gruesomely fascinating phenomenon a person standing at the beginning of the 21st century may behold. Especially if they, like me, spent most of their life completely blind to the relevance of jews and their Jewishness in the world around them.

Need one read a dozen books, a hundred, a thousand� to grasp this history? Hardly. Below you'll find a consolidated time line of real racial terrorism. Through it the ages will race before you like clouds in a celluloid sky tumbling forward in thousands of frames per second. Watch the world you know come into being and disintegrate under your feet. Some of this; the latter years of the 20th century, should look familiar, as you've lived through it.

You will certainly recognize many of the names and events referenced. I wonder, though, how much of the context will ring true to you? How closely will this history, which focuses on the Jewish role in world events, match the interpretation of events as you understood them at the� time, or have been taught to understand them? How much will it differ? For VNN oldschoolers this may do no more than sketch in broad outline a horror story you understand all too well. For newcomers it may seem a time line of the preposterous itself, a history of the unthinkable, the impossible.

Jews of course still work as a rabid hive to demonize and destroy anyone who resists or speaks out in any way against the jews' agenda (this is "anti‑Semitism" as jews understand the term). Yet, for the first time since the jews' post‑war ascendency to political power and media control of public opinion, jews as jews are on the radar screen and criticism of jews is bursting the seams of a silence they thought they had all sewn up. Every newspaper, journal, and semitically correct magazine in America has become a veritable wailing wall. They all echo with the panicked cries and screeches of Jewish and gentile lapdog pundits scrambling to catch up to and stomp out the lit fuse of anti‑Semitism as it races to the powder keg of Pogrom v.2002. Good news is: They won't catch it. ITZ Coming. Indeed. And the yids are shitting matzo balls.

1,600,000 B.C.: Earliest human life recorded.

250,000: Earliest Homo Sapiens, God Created the other races. (Genesis Chapter One)

70,000: Neanderthals use stone tools and fire.

40,000: Ice Age ends: Cro‑Magnons migrate into Europe.

30,000: Neanderthals disappear.

28,000: Asians cross land bridge between Asia and America.

20,000: European cave art begins.

8000: Agriculture develops in Near East.

7000: First walled cities, pottery, and use of metals appear.

4307: God Formed from the dust of the ground the White Race. (Genesis 2:1)

4236: Earliest date on Egyptian calendar.

4100: Adam formed by Yahweh.

4000: Seth is born to Adam.

3900: Enos is born to Seth.

3800: Cainan is born to Enos.

3760: Earliest date on Jewish calendar.

3700: Mahalaleel is born to Cainan.

3600: Jared is born to Mahalaleel.

3500: Enoch is born to Jared.

3400: Methuselah is born to Enoch.

3200: Lamech is born to Methuselah.

3100: "Enoch walked with God: and he was not; for God took him" Egypt united under first dynasty.

3000: Phoenicians migrate to Eastern Mediterranean. Seth dies at age 912. Noah is born to Lamech.

2900: Enos dies at age 905. Cainan dies at age 910.

2800: Mehalaleel dies at age 895.

2780: First Egyptian Pyramid.

2700: Jared dies at age 962.

2697: Huang‑ti becomes "Yellow Emperor" of China (Chittim).

2675: Shem, Ham, and Japheth are born to Noah

2575: Arphaxad born to Shem 2 years after The Flood.

2550: Methuselah dies at age 969, same year as The Flood.

2475: Peleg is born to Eber; in those days the earth was divided.

2450: Eber is born (from whom comes the name Hebrews).

2400: Salah is born to Arphaxad.

2350: Nahor is born to Serug.

2325: Serug is born to Reu.

2300: Reu is born to Peleg.

2250: Abram born to Terah.

2200: Terah is born to Nahor.

2175: Abram's name changed to Abraham; Isaac is born to Abraham.

2150: Ishmael is born to Abram through Hagar. Aryans invade Indus Valley.

2125: Abram leaves Haran.

2100: Noah dies at age 950 (350 years after the Flood).

2025: Jacob and Esau are born to Isaac; Abraham dies at age 175.

2000: Isaac marries Rebecca. Bronze age begins in Europe.

1991‑1786: The Patriarchs.

1975: Jacob dies in Egypt at age 147.

1925: Isaac dies at age 180.

1921: God called Abraham. (Genesis 12:1)

1911: Ishmael born. (Genesis 16:5)

1900: Joseph is born to Jacob.

1898: Sodom and Gomorrah destroyed.(Genesis 19)

1897: Isaac Born.(Genesis 21:1‑2)

1825: Joseph dies in Egypt at age 110.

1776‑1280: Hebrews in Egypt.

1760: Shang dynasty is founded in China.

1728‑1686: Hammurapi.

1600: Moses is born in Egypt.

1550: Moses flees to the land of Midian.

1570‑1310: 18th Dynasty.

1500: The Exodus from Egypt.

1450: Death of Moses at age 120; the Israelites enter Canaan.

1400‑1350: Iron Age begins in Asia.

1400: Deliverance by Othniel, Caleb's younger brother.

1375: Ehud judges Israel.

1325: Shamgar judges Israel.

1310‑1200: 19th Dynasty.

1300: The land rests under Deborah and Barak.

1275: Servitude to the Midianites.

1250‑1280: Exodus of Israelites from Egypt.

1250: Gideon judges Israel.

1240: Conquest of Canaan under Joshua.

1225: Tola defends Israel.

1200: Jair judges Israel.

1200‑1125: Philistines settle in Palestine.

1200‑1020: The Judges.


Origin of The Illuminati Back in 1203 B.C.: From the official printing press of the Rosicrucians, it states: "In 1203 B.C., several of the Brothers of the Order who were of the Illuminati were commissioned to go into other lands and spread the secret doctrines by the establishment of other Lodges. It was quite apparent that Egypt was to be subjected to a devastation and that its great learning might be lost.

"It was finally decided that �no undue haste should be sanctioned in permitting the Brothers who have gone abroad to establish Lodges, but rather that those who travel here in search of the Light should be tried, and to those found qualified shall be given the commission to return to their people and establish a Lodge in the name of the Brotherhood.

It was this dictum; known as the �Amra,' that in later years proved the wisdom of the Councilors at this meeting, for it not only became a hard and fast rule, but made for the success of the plans of propagation. It was in this wise that the phrase �travel East for learning or Light' first came into use; for those who soon began to travel to Egypt came from the West. About the year 1000 B.C., there came to Egypt a character whose name is recorded as Aslomon." (Rosicrucian, Questions and Answers, with Complete History, H. Spencer Lewis, Ph.D., F.R.C., pp. 44‑45)

If this is true, Israel's King Solomon was trained in the Illuminati teaching. No wonder he allowed his wives to establish their own private booths to worship their false gods.

From the book Kabbalah by Charles Ponce which shows this symbol to be of occultic origin. It is one of the three greatest occultic or Satanic symbols. It had nothing to do with King David, but a 15th century teacher of the Kabbalistic teachings. "Solomon had the assistance of two who had traveled in Egypt as architects and artists; Huramabi of Tyre and one Hiram Abif. The Saloman brotherhood was closely watched by the fraternity in Egypt, which had removed its headquarters to Thebes again because of political changes and the warring invasions in the territory of El Amarna, which eventually reduced the entire community to ruins.

It was found that Saloman restricted his order to males and adapted a great many of the details of the Rosicrucian initiations and services. At first it was believed that he would apply to the Grand Lodge in Thebes for a charter and make his work a branch of the R.C., but it became apparent before the first assembly was held that he was not adhering to the Rosicrucian philosophy, for he used the sun as the exclusive symbol of his order.

Of the growth of the Saloman brotherhood, as it was officially called in all ancient documents, one may read in all literature bearing upon Freemasonry. it has evolved into a semi‑mystical, speculative, secret, fraternal order of power and great honor, gradually altering the principles laid down by Saloman, it is true, but doing so for the greater benefit of man. The Greeks were now coming to Hebes to study, and it was at this time that the world‑wide spread of the organization began." (Rosicrucian, Questions and Answers, with Complete History, H. Spencer Lewis, Ph.D., F.R.C., pp. 48‑49)

1075: Philistines capture the Ark; Eli dies; David reigns in Hebron.

1050: David captures Zion and moves his capital there. Fall of Shiloh. Samuel. Dorian tribes invade Peloponnesus. (Joshua 18:1)

1025: David dies at age 70; Solomon succeeds him on the throne.

1020‑1004: Saul. (1 Samuel 9:2)

1000: Temple completed and dedicated

1000‑965: David. Hebrews establish Jerusalem capital of Israel. Teutons migrate to Rhine River area. (Ruth 4:22)

975: Solomon dies; Rehoboam begins reign.

965‑928: Solomon. Rezon.(2 Samuel 12:24)

950: Southern kingdom (Judah) Northern kingdom (Israel). Asa begins 41 year reign.

935‑???: 22nd Dynasty.

935‑914: Shishak.(1 Kings 11:43)

928‑911: Rehoboam (Judah). (1 Kings 11:43)

925: Omri ‑ Samaria founded. Jehoshaphat begins 25 year reign. Abijah begins 3 year reign. Jeroboam I, son of Nebat.

918‑917: Shishak invades Palestine. (1 Kings 11:40)

911‑908: Abijah (Judah). (1 Kings 14:1)

908‑867: Asa (Judah). (1 Kings 15:8)

907‑906: Nadab (Israel). (1 Kings 14:20)

906‑883: Baasha (Israel) Ben‑Hadad I. (1 Kings 15:16)

883‑882: Elah (Israel). (1 Kings 16:6)

882: Zimri (Israel). (1 Kings 16:9)

882‑871: Omri (Israel) Ben‑Hadad II. (1 Kings 16:16)

875: Jehoram/Ahaziah/Athaliah. Joash begins 40 year reign. Jehu begins his reign.

871‑852: Ahab (Israel). (1 Kings 16:28)

867‑846: Jehoshaphat (Judah). (1 Kings 4:3)

860: Jehoahaz begins his reign.

853: Battle of Oarqar. Elijah.

852‑852: Ahaziah (Israel). (1 Kings 22:40)

851‑842: Jehu (Israel). Hazael.

850: Amaziah begins 29 year reign. (1 Kings 22:50)

846‑843: Jehoram (Judah).

843‑842: Ahaziah (Judah). (1 Kings 22:40)

836‑798: Jehoash (Judah).(2 Kings 11:21)

825: Southern kingdom (Judah). Northern kingdom (Israel).

815‑800: Jehoahaz (Israel). Ben‑Hadad III. Carthage is founded by Phoenicians. (2 Kings 10:35)

810: Azariah (Uzziah) begins reign. Joash begins his reign.

800: Jeroboam II begins his reign

800‑784: Jehoash (Israel). Amos. (2 Kings 11:21; Amos 1:1) Hosea the prophet. Jotham begins 16 year reign. Isaiah and Amos

the prophets.

798‑769: Amaziah (Judah). (2 Kings 12:21)

784‑748: Jehoash (Israel). Hosea. (Hosea 1:1)

769‑733: Uzziah (Judah). (2 Kings 15:31; 2 Chronicles 26:1)

758‑743: Jotham (Judah) (regent). (2 Kings 15:5; 2 Chronicles 26:21)

753: Rome is founded

750: Ahaz begins 16 year reign. Menahem begins 10 year reign. Hezekiah begins 29 year reign. Hoshea begins 9 year reign. Micah

the prophet. 10 tribes dispersed by Assyria.

748‑747: Zechariah (Israel). Rezin. (1 Chronicles)

748‑747: Shallum (Israel). (2 Kings 15:10)

758‑743: Ahaz (Judah) (regent). (2 Kings 15:38)

747‑737: Menahem (Israel). (2 Kings 15:14)

740‑700: Prophecies of Isaiah.

737‑735: Pekahiah (Israel). (2 Kings 15:22)

735‑733: Pekah (Israel). (2 Kings 15:25)

733‑727: Ahaz (Judah). (2 Kings 15:38; 1 Chronicles 3:13)

733‑724: Hoshea (Israel). (2 Kings 15:30; 1 Chronicles 27:20)

727‑698: Hezekiah (Judah). (2 Kings 16:20; 2 Chronicles 28:27)

722: Samaria captured by Shalmaneser V. (2 Kings 17:6)

720: Sargon makes Samaria an Assyrian province. Mass deportation of Israelites. (Isaiah 20:1)

701: Expedition of Sennacherib against Hezekiah. (Isaiah 36:1)

700: Manasseh begins 55 year reign.

698‑642: Manasseh (Judah). (2 Kings 20:21)

650: Amon begins 2 year reign.

641‑640: Amon (Judah). (2 Chronicles 33:20)

639‑609: Josiah (Judah). (2 Kings 21:24)

627‑585: Prophecies of Jeremiah.

625: Josiah begins 31 year reign. Jeremiah and Zephaniah the prophets. Jehoiakim begins 11 year reign.

612: Fall of Nineveh. (Zephaniah 2:13)

609: Jehoahaz (Judah). Battle of Megiddo. (2 Kings 10:35; 1 Chronicles 7:29)


"And the Lord said unto me A Conspiracy is found among the Men of Judah, and among the Inhabitants of Jerusalem." (Jeremiah 11:9)

608‑598: Jehoiakim (Judah). (2 Kings 23:34)

600: Ezekiel and Daniel carried captive into Babylon. The Temple burnt, Jerusalem destroyed by Nebuchadnezzar

597: Jehoiachin (Judah). Expedition of Nebuchadnezzar against Judah, Jehoiachin deported to Babylon. (2 Kings 24:8; 25:1‑2)

595‑586: Zedekiah (Judah). (2 Kings 24:18)


593‑571: Prophecies of Ezekiel."There is a Conspiracy of her prophets in the midst thereof, like a roaring lion ravening the prey; they have devoured should; they have taken the treasure and precious things; they have made her many widows in the midst thereof." (Ezekiel 22:25)


"And behold, the glory of the God of Israel was there, according to the vision that I saw in the plain. Then said he unto me, Son of man, lift up thine eyes now the way toward the north. So I lifted up mine eyes the way toward the north, and behold northward at the gate of the altar this image of jealousy in the entry. He said furthermore unto me, Son of man, seest thou what they do? even the great abominations that the house of Israel committeth here, that I should go far off from my sanctuary?..." (Ezekiel 8:4‑6); "Again the word of the Lord came unto me saying, Son of man, thy brethren, even thy brethren, the men� of thy kindred, and all the House of Israel wholly, are they unto whom the Inhabitants of Jerusalem have said, get you far from the lord: unto us (Jews) is this land (Palestine) given in possession." (Ezekiel 11:14)


"And the Glory of the Lord went up from the midst of the city, and stood upon the mountain which is on the east side." (Ezekiel 11:23)

Thus fulfilling God's words which He spoke to Ezekiel 11:23, before this happened.


"Thus saith the Lord God; because the enemy [Israel's enemy ‑ The Jews] hath said against you, aha, even the Ancient High Places are our's in Possession." (Ezekiel 36:2)

586: Destruction of Jerusalem; mass deportation to Babylonia. Exile of Judeans in Babylonia. (2 Kings 25:20‑11)

585‑???: Murder of Gedaliah. 6th cent. Canonization of the Pentateuch (in Babylonian Exile).

580: King Nebuchadnezzar builds Hanging Gardens of Babylon.

563: Buddha is born.

560: Jehoiachin (Jeconiah) released from prison in Babylon.

551: Confucius is born.

550: Belshazzar slain by Median/Persian army as Babylon falls.

540: Cyrus in his third year decrees the rebuilding of the Temple.

539: Cyrus takes Babylonia.

538: First return under Sheshbazzar. Cyrus' edict. (Ezra 1)

525: Haggai the prophet. The Temple is rebuilt; Zechariah the prophet. Egypt conquered by Cambyses.

522: Zerubbabel governor. (Haggai 1:1)

520‑515: Temple rebuilt.

475: Esther is made queen by Ahasuerus. Ezra returns to Jerusalem.

465‑424: Artaxerxes I. (Ezra 4:7)

450: Artaxerxes Longimanus decrees to rebuild walls of Jerusalem. Nehemiah governs Judah. Malachi the prophet.

428‑???: Second return under Ezra.

445: Walls of Jerusalem reconstructed under Nehemiah; Ezra reads the Law.

411: Destruction of the temple of the Jewish colony at Elephantine.

404‑358: Artaxerxes II. Egypt regains freedom.

400 BC (approx.): The now‑separate Jewish religion (rabbinical Judaism as generally known today*) officially begins, but in oral form at first. It maintains that the Judah are the "chosen people of God" (their God is Jehovah), and that all other people are inferior to the Judah. In other words, the first "official" bigotry in history, long before Christianity. (*Note that there is a difference between "Old Testament Israel" and the more modern "rabbinical Judaism").

350: Alexander the Great. Ptolemies and Seleucids (Greek kings of Egypt and Syria).

348: Artaxerxes III deports a number of Jews to Hyrcania. 4th cent. Canonization of the Prophets Section of the Bible.

343: Egypt reconquered by Persia.

332: Alexander the Great conquers Egypt and Palestine.

323‑285: Ptolemy I. Death of Alexander the Great. Chandragupta founds first Empire of India.

312‑280: Seleucus I. Mid‑3rd cent. Pentateuch translated into Greek in Egypt.

301: Ptolemy I conquers Palestine.

285‑246: Ptolemy II, Philadelphus.

250: Septuagint ‑ Old Testament translated into Greek.

246‑221: Ptolemy III, Euergetes.

223‑187: Antiochus III.

221‑203: Ptolemy IV, Philopator.

219‑217: Antiochus III conquers most of Palestine. Ptolemy IV defeats Antiochus III in the battle of Rafah and recovers


215: Great Wall of China is built.

203‑181: Ptolemy V, Epiphanes.

198: Battle of Panias (Banias): Palestine passes to the Seleucids.

175: Antiochus Epiphanes.

172: Jerusalem becomes a polis (Antiochia).

171‑167: Menelaus high priest.

170: Book of Ben Sira written.

169: Antiochus IV plunders the Temple treasuries.

168: Antiochus IV invades Egypt, storms Jerusalem; gentiles settled on the Acra.

167: Antiochus IV outlaws the practice of Judaism; profanation of the Temple; the rebellion of the Hasmoneans begins.

166‑160: Judah Maccabee, leaders of the rebellion, victorious over several Syrian armies.

164‑163: Antiochus V. Judah Maccabee captures Jerusalem and reeducates the Temple.

161: Judah Maccabee defeats Nicanor and reconquers Jerusalem, treaty between Judah and Rome.

160: Judah Maccabee falls in battle against Bacchides, Jonathan assumes the leadership; guerilla warfare.

157: Treaty between Bacchides and Jonathan, withdrawal of Seleucid garrisons, Jonathan enters Jerusalem.

152‑145: Jonathan high priest. Alexander Balas.

150: The Maccabean Revolt.

142: Jonathan treacherously murdered by Tryphon. Simeon assumes leadership; Demetrius II recognizes the independence of Judea; renewal of treaty with Rome.

140: Great Assembly in Jerusalem confirms Simeon as ethnarch, high priest, and commander in chief.

134‑132: War with Antiochus Vii; Jerusalem besieged; treaty between John Hyrcanus and Antiochus VII.


Simeon assassinated. John Hyrcanus. Latter second century First Book of Maccabees written. Treaty with Rome renewed.


The Sadducees were constant opponents of the Pharisees and their imported Babylonian paganism, which they misrepresented as the Tradition of the Elders, the "Oral Law" transmitted privately to Moses and on down the line, superseding anything written in the Bible. In the six years of civil war between them and Alexander Jannaeus, King and High Priest of Jerusalem, 50,000 were killed on both sides before this Sadducean ruler succumbed and his widow Salome turned affairs over to the Pharisees in 79 B.C. Her brother, Simon ben Shetah, had been waiting for such an opportunity.

67‑63: Civil war between Hyrcanus II and Aristobulus.


The continued civil war resulted in the sons of Alexander, Hyrcanus and Aristobulus, both going hat in hand to Pompey, Caesar's Roman general who was in Syria at the time, and asked him to invade Palestine and slaughter their respective opponents. Pompey decides in favor of Hyrcanus II. Temple Mount besieged and captured by Pompey. This is how Rome happened to be in power when Christ was born. And it was only after Christ's Ascension that the Pharisees triumphed.

63‑40: Hyrcanus II ethnarch and high priest. Judea loses its Independence.

55: Julius Caesar conquers Gaul, invades Britain.

53: Palestine conquered by the Romans under Pompey

50: Julius Caesar.

48: Hyrcanus II and Antipater help Caesar in Alexandria. Caesar confirms Jewish privileges.

44: Assassination of Caesar.

37‑4: Jerusalem captured by Herod. Herod Shemaiah and Avtalion.


Christ was born. Caesar Augustus begins his rule as Roman emperor. Philip, Herod Anitpas, Archelaus ‑ tetrarchs of Palestine. "For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour" Tiberius Caesar ‑ emperor of Rome. Pontius Pilate, provincial governor of Judaea. The gospel of the Kingdom is preached.


Judea, Samaria, and Idumea formed into a Roman province (ludaea) under a praefectus beginning of 1st cent. death of Hillel. Tiberius expels the Jews. Claudius, Roman Emperor, as recorded in "Epistolae:" "{Jews were} fomenting a general plague on the whole world."

26‑36: Pontius Pilate praefectus.

27‑14 A.D.: Augustus. Temple rebuilt by Herod.

"It is highly probable that the bulk of the Jew's ancestors �never' lived in Palestine �at all,' which witnesses the power of historical assertion over fact." (H.G. Wells, The Outline of History)

There are basically two concepts of religious theory in Judaism, the orthodox principle and the reformed principle. The Orthodox Jew is strictly a Talmudic worshiper. The Talmud {a written continuation of the Oral Laws of the Jews} was not compiled by one person, or at one time. Generations of scholars and jurists took a period of several centuries to complete it.

In one version, Rabbi Aschi began it in 327 A.D. and labored over it for sixty years; he was followed by Rabbi Maremar about the year 500 A.D. This part of the Talmud includes thirty‑six chapters of interpretations. For nearly 500 years after the Talmud was completed, the study of the Talmud produced a variety of theories, partly due to public calamities and partly caused by dissensions among the Jewish scholars. In the eleventh century, others wrote further editions to the Talmud, while present day rabbinical scholars still write their interpretation of the Jewish Law. The great confusion created by the different versions of Jewish Law has led many Jews to fall away from religious belief.

Several rabbis have verified that the Jewish congregation is predominantly agnostics and atheists. Weary of waiting for the coming of the Messiah, the Jews have tended to identify the Messiahship with the Jewish nation itself and not with any particular individual. This is the religion of the Reformed Jew. Regardless of whether a Jew is an Orthodox or a Reformed believer, almost all the Jews contribute and give their wholehearted support to their Zionist political government.


The Spirit of God is poured out upon the Apostles on Pentecost. Stoning of Stephen ‑ first martyr. Christ crucified by the Jews (Luke 23:23‑33; 24:20; John 19:6; 19:14‑18; Acts 2:36; 3:14‑15; 4:8‑10; 4:11‑12; 5:30; 10:39; 13:27‑29; 1 Thessalonians 2:14‑15); death of Shammai. The Jews are the enemy of Christians. They tried to destroy The Lord Jesus Christ by Crucifying Him and persecuted His followers, killing and torturing them Historically speaking, scripture believers had accepted Christ as the Messiah foretold. They were no longer "Jews," but called themselves "Christians." These were the True Israelites, not Jews, the Jews have never accepted Christ, nor the Christian religion. They were persecuted as such by the Pharisees.

Jews kill Christ, or rather, have him killed, as some prefer. (Christ is born about 4 BC). Christ is indeed killed by Jews for, among other things, idolatry. At the time of the trial of Yahshua there were about twelve former high priests around, along with Caiaphas who was then the high priest; so these made up the "council of the high priests." In John 11:47‑48, (this is how it reads in the Greek): "Then assembled the high priests (and that's in the plural) and the Pharisees a high council, and said, "What are we doing? Because this man doeth many miracles. If we allow Him thus, all will believe in Him; and will come the Romans then and take away from us both the place and the nation." What were they referring to? They didn't fear because somebody was going around, as your Judeo‑Christian churches give you the picture of Christ, meekly whimpering that people ought to behave themselves and be good. Yahshua was reminding the people that nothing they had in their then existing religious or political system was according to the Laws of God.

When Herod the Great died, he left Judea "by will" to one of his sons Herod Archelaus, to be king over it, as the Romans had confirmed the first Herod as King of Judea. But the Romans "were not born yesterday," and they were not about to make an untried man king; so they confirmed Herod Archelaus merely as governor for a test period. From 4 B.C., to 6 A.D., a period of ten years, he gave the people of Judea about the most miserable misrule that any nation has had in history, with the exception of Russia from 1917 to the present time.

Remember that the Romans were hated as the alien conquerors who maintained rule by military force, so the people would not on any mere trifling ground of discontent ask the Romans to take over the complete government. They had been allowed (to keep them from being too discontented), a measure of local self government. But this was so intolerable that the people sent an embassy to Rome, complaining of what Herod Archelaus had done, until the Romans put him on trial, found him guilty, removed him, and exiled him into Gaul; and the people asked that a Roman governor be appointed in Judea. So the Romans appointed a series of procurators; Roman governors, of whom Pontius Pilate happened to be number six. So one of these Edomite Jews had become so unbearable that people wouldn't stand for it any longer and they complained to the Romans and the Romans removed him.

You can understand what the high priests were talking about, when they said, "We're not going to get away with our racket if we let this man continue educating the people. They'll complain to the Romans until the Romans take the rulership of this nation away from us." That is the reason they determined to murder Yahshua; not because they disliked His religious doctrines. If He was just a meek man of sorrows, that your Judeo‑Christian churches try to tell you He was, the Sadducees wouldn't even have bothered sneering at Him. But He was a threat to their power and for that they determined to murder Him.

It is doubtful if at any time in history you could find such a collection of unhung scoundrels as these high priests who were part of the Sanhedrin at the time of the trial of Yahshua. Among those we can trace is Simon Ben Boethus who was high priest for some period of time ending in 4 B.C., at the death of the first Herod. Joazar, who was the son of Simon, was high priest from 4 B.C. to 2 A.D. Eliazar, a second son of Simon Gen Boethus, was high priest three months in the year 2 B.C. Jesus Ben Sie was high priest from 2 to 6 A.D. Annas, mentioned in the bible (that's the first one before whom they brought Yahshua for a mock trial), was the father‑in‑law of Caiaphas, and had been high priest from the year 7 to the year 11 A.D. Ishmael Ben Phabi was high priest nine years, probably 14 to 22 A.D. Eleazar was again high priest, 23 to 24 A.D. Simon Ben Camithus, 24 to 25 A.D., and Caiaphas from 25 to 36 A.D. Also, there were a number of important priests that are largely related to annas who later became in their turn high priests and who were also in this "chamber of priests."

31: Jews allowed to return to Jerusalem.

35: Paul's conversion on the road to Damascus. The Gospel comes to the Gentiles; Cornelius baptized

37‑41: Cahguta. Crisis caused by Caligula's insistence on being worshiped as a deity. Anti‑Jewish riots in Alexandria.

40: Legation of Jews of Egypt lead by Philip to Rome. Until 40 Philo writes in Alexandria. Believers first called Christians� at Antioch.

41‑44: Agrippa I. Claudius issues edict of toleration.

43: James beheaded by Agrippa I; Peter freed from prison by an angel.

45: Paul's first missionary journey.

47: Council at Jerusalem.

50: Paul's second missionary journey.

53:� Paul's third missionary journey.

54‑68: Nero accepts Judaism and becomes a Jew. Rome under Nero is partly destroyed by fire.

60: Paul at Rome

65: Rome burns and Nero persecutes Christians. Death of Paul; Nero commits suicide.


Massacre of the Jews at Alexandria. Beginning of revolt against Rome. Jews revolt against Roman rule as they become tired of the type of oppressive Roman taxes they now impose on modern Americans. Masses of Jews rioted and wiped out the small Roman garrison stationed in Jerusalem. Cestius Gallus, the Roman ruler in neighboring Syria, sent in a larger force of soldiers. But the insurgent Jews routed them as well. The next exchange would be different. The Romans returned with 60,000 heavily armed professional troops. The Romans first attacked in Galilee in the north, where they killed and sold into slavery an estimated 100,000 Jews. The Jews who survived the Galilee massacre fled to Jerusalem for their final stand and prepared for a siege by the Romans. During the summer of 70 AD, the Romans breached the walls of Jerusalem, and initiated an orgy of violence and destruction. Shortly thereafter, they destroyed the Second Temple. This was the final and most devastating Roman blow against Judea. It is estimated that as many as one million Jews died in the revolt against Rome. This precipitated the Jewish diaspora leaving Judea and the movement from temple worship to decentralized Rabbinical Judaism. In addition, that great document of Jewish ethnocentrism, the Talmud Yerushalmi, was assembled in Tiberias, modern day Israel soon after the final Jewish defeat in Jerusalem.

67: Vespasian conquers Galilee the Zealots take over in Jerusalem.

69‑79: Vespasian.

70: Jerusalem besieged and conquered by Titus; the Temple destroyed. Destruction of Qumran community. Sanhedrin established at Jabneh by Johanan Birth of Zakkai.

72: Judea completely conquered; the "Fiscus Judaicus" instituted by Vespasian.

73: Temple in Leotopolis closed. Fall of Masada.

79: Eruption of Vesuvius destroys Pompeii.

79‑81: Titus. Josephus completes Jewish Wars.

80: Christian persecutions under Domitian.

93: Josephus completes Jewish Antiquities.

115: The Jews of Babylonia, Palestine, Egypt, Cyprus, Cyrene, and Libya rise against Trajan.

116‑117: "War of Quietus."

118: The Jews of Palestine rise against Trajan and Hadrian; "War of Lucius Quietus."

132‑135: Bar Kokhba war. Fall of Bethar; Aelia Capitolina established; Akiva executed.

133: Rebellion of Bar Kokba against Hadrian; restoration of the Jewish state.

135: Fall of Bethar; end of Bar Kokba's rebellion.

135‑138: Persecutions of Hadrian.

138‑161: Antoninus Pius. 2nd cent. Canonization of the Ketuvim (Hagiographa).

140: Sanhedrin at Usha.

164: Revolution in Palestine against Antoninus Pius.

170: Sanhedrin at Bet She'arim.


Earliest Secret Chinese Societies. The earliest notice we have of a secret Chinese league is towards the close of the Han Dynasty (A.D. 185). Three patriots, having then associated themselves, defended the throne against the "Yellow Cap" rebels, a society numbering among its members the flower of Chinese litt�rateurs. From that time until the establishment of the Tartar dynasty (twelfth century), the League showed few sings of vitality. But at the beginning of the eighteenth century five monks and seven other persons bound themselves by an oath, which they ratified by mixing blood from the arm of each, and drinking it in common, to overthrow the Tsings, the Tartar dynasty, and restore the Mings, the dispossessed Chinese dynasty. The name of the society they founded was Pelin‑kiao, or the White Lily. The members relied on a prophecy that one of them should be emperor of China. The leaders were Wang‑lung and a bonze named Fan‑ui. The former made himself master of the town of Shoo‑chang‑hien, but was soon driven thence, and eventually captured, and executed with many of his followers.

In 1777 the Pe‑lin‑kiao again appeared, only to be defeated again; the heads of the leaders, including those of two women, were cut off and placed in cages for public inspection. In 1800 a sect called the Wonderful Association, and another, called the Tsing‑lien‑kiao, supposed to be the Pe‑lin‑kiao under a new name, conspired against the ruling dynasty, but unsuccessfully.

Under the reign of the Emperor Kia‑King (1799‑1820) arose the Th'i�n‑Hauw‑Hoi'h, that is, the family of the Queen of Heaven, spread through Cochin‑China, Siam, and Corea, with its headquarters in the southern provinces of the empire. The society on being discovered and, as it was thought, exterminated, arose again under the name of the Great Hung League; Hung literally means flood, and the leaders adopted the name to intimate that their society was to flood the earth.

To avoid appearance of all belonging to one society, they gave different names, some borrowed from previously existing sects, to the branches they established. Thus they were known as the Triad Society, the Blue Lotus Hall, the Golden Orchid District, and others. These soon attracted the attention of Government, and for some time they were kept in check.

About 1826 the chief leader of the League was one Kwang San. It was reported that, to make himself ferocious he once drank gall, taken out of a murdered man's body, mixed with wine. He resided chiefly at the tin‑mines of Loocoot, where the brethren then swarmed. The directing power was vested in three persons; the chief, with the title of Koh, i.e., the Elder; the two others took that of Hiong Thi, i.e., Younger Brothers. In the Malacca branches the three chiefs were called Tai‑Koh, eldest brother, Ji‑Koh, second brother, and San‑Koh, third brother. The oath of secrecy was taken by the aspirant kneeling before an image, under two sharp swords.

While the oath was being administered the Hiong Ghi had also to kneel, the one on the right, the other on the left of the aspirant, and hold over his head the swords in such a fashion as to form a triangle. The oath contained thirty‑six articles, of which the following was the most important: "I swear that I shall know neither father nor mother, nor brother nor sister, nor wife nor child, but the brotherhood alone; where the brotherhood leads or pursues, there I shall follow or pursue; its foe shall be my foe."

The aspirant, with a knife, then made an incision into his finger, and allowed three drops of blood to fall into a cup of arrack; the three officials did the same thing, and then drank the liquor. In order further to ratify the oath, the newly‑sworn member cut off the head of a white cock, which was to intimate that if he proved untrue, his head should be cut off.

In 1850 Tae‑ping‑wang, the noted revolutionary leader, made a fresh attempt to restore the Ming dynasty, from whom he pretended to be descended. With his defeat and death the League again subsided into obscurity. In the spring of 1863 a quantity of books were accidentally found by the police in the house of a Chinaman, suspected of theft, at Padang (Sumatra), containing the laws, statutes, oaths, mysteries of initiation, catechism, description of flags, symbols, and secret signs of the League, all of which were published in English in a volume at Batavia in 1866.

But this discovery showed the League to be still in existence, and about the year 1870 it started into activity again; in Sarawk it assumed such a threatening aspect that the Government made a law decreeing death to every member ipso facto. The disturbances at Singapore in 1872 also were due to the secret societies of the Chinese in the Straits Settlements. On that occasion the Sam‑Sings, or "fighting men," were the chief rioters, taking the part of the street hawkers, against whom some severe regulations had been issued. Murder and incendiarism, torturing and maiming, are the usual practices of the League, which again made itself very obnoxious in 1883 and 1885.

The section of the "Black Flag," the remnant of the Taepings, as also the "White Lily," were the most active in their demonstrations against the Tsing dynasty. The last police reports from the protected state of Perak, in the Malay Peninsula, say that in 1888 secret societies "caused endless trouble and anxiety," although in 1887 four members of the Ghee Hin Association were sentenced to twenty years' imprisonment for conducting an agency for their society. half the Chinese in Perak are members of secret societies, tickets being found upon them whenever the police have occasion to search them.

The Straits Times of the 17th September 1889 contained full particulars of the trial of a number of prisoners who were proved to be members of the Ghee Hin or Sam Tian secret society at Sarawak. The six leaders were shot; eleven, being active members, carrying out orders of the leaders, beating, frightening, or murdering non‑members, were sentenced to receive six dozen strokes with a rattan, to have their heads shaved, to be imprisoned during the Rajah's pleasure; seven others, against whom no specific charges were made out, were dismissed on swearing to have no further dealings with the society.

Toward the end of the year 1895 a number of Mohammedans rose against the Chinese Government and captured the capital of the province of Kansu; the secret societies in Central China joined the Mohammedan insurgents. Their success, however, was of short duration; in the month of December of the same year the insurrection was crushed, and some fifteen of the leaders were captured and beheaded. Others made their escape. Among these was Sun Yet Sun, or, as he is also called, Sun Wen, a medical man, well known in Hong‑Kong. His being made a prisoner in the house of the Chinese Ambassador in London in the month of October 1896, until, at the instance of Lord Salisbury, he was released.

He asserted that he was kidnaped by the Chinese Ambassador's people, by being induced to walk into the Ambassador's house; but it is a curious circumstance that San Wen, who evidently knew something of London, should not have known where the Chinese Embassy was located, especially after all the excitement caused by Li Hung Chang's visit to the Continent and to England.

In justice to the Taepings and other secret associations in China, it must be stated that the insurrection was and is the war of an oppressed nationality against foreign invaders. The Mantchoos or Tsing dynasty are an alien tribe, ruling over the vast Chinese empire; their government was one of the most despotic the world has ever seen; their laws were so ruthless and unjust, that it would seem they could never be carried out, did not the blood of millions, perishing by every kind of frightful death that the most diabolical cruelty could invent attest the fact of their being obeyed. Yet British ministers did sanction the enlistment of British officers, Bible Gordon being their leader, what a satire! and men in the service of the Mantchoos, whom they further supplied with arms and artillery.

From the book published at Batavia, and mentioned above, we extract the following information: "The lodge is built in a square, surrounded by walls, which are pierced at the four cardinal points by as many gates; the faces are adorned by triangles, the mystic symbol of union. Within the enclosure is the hall of fidelity and loyalty, where the oaths of membership are taken. Here also stands the altar, and the precious nine‑storied pagoda, in which the images of the five monkish founders are enshrined. The lodges, of course, only appear in out‑of‑the‑way places, where they are safe from the observation of the Mandarins; in towns and populous neighborhoods the lodge is dispensed with; the meetings are held at the house of the president. The instruments of the lodge are numerous. First in importance is the diploma; then there are numerous flags; there is the �bushel,' which contains among other articles the �red staff,' with which justice is done to offenders against the laws of the society; the scissors, with which the hair of the neophytes is cut off; a jade foot measure, a balance, an abacus, etc.

"The supreme government is vested in the grand masters of the five principal lodges, and the affairs of each lodge are administered by a president, a vice‑president, one master, two introducers, one fiscal, thirteen councilors, several agents, who are otherwise known as �grass shoes,' �iron planks,' or �night brethren,' and some minor officials, who, as indicative of their rank, wear flowers in their hair...

"Henry Pottinger, in a despatch to Lord Aberdeen (1843), perhaps alludes to a secret society, saying: "The song being finished, Ke‑Ying, the Chinese commissioner, having taken from his arm a gold bracelet, gave it to me, informing me, at the same time, that he had received it in his tender youth from his father, and that it contained a mysterious legend, and that, by merely showing it, it would in all parts of China assure me a fraternal reception."

The Ko lao Hui: The secret society which at the present time seems to be the most powerful in China. It was at first a purely military association whose object was mutual protection against the plunder and extortion practiced by the civil officials in dealing with the pay and maintenance of the troops. It is believed that the initiation consists in killing a cock and drinking the blood, either by itself, or mixed with wine. It is also believed to use a planchet, whose movements are attributed to occult influence; gradually persons not connected with the army were admitted; the ticket of membership is a small oblong piece of linen or calico, stamped with a few Chinese characters. The possession of one of these, if discovered, entails immediate execution by the authorities.

The society is anti‑foreign and anti‑missionary, and is believed to be at the bottom of all the riots against foreigners, and especially against foreign missionaries, which have occurred in China. Of course, as long as missionaries, instead of making it their business to convert the heathens at home, will go among people who don't want them, and in China will establish themselves outside Treaty limits, they should be prepared to take the risks they voluntarily incur, but whenever attacked, they make the Chinese Government pay them liberally for any inconvenience or loss they may have suffered, of course, with the assistance of English gun‑boats.

In 1891 the Ko lao Hui, which is also anti‑dynastic, caused inflammatory placards to be posted up in various parts of the empire, which the authorities immediately tore down, only to be posted up afresh; the society also distributed anti‑missionary pamphlets, with titles such as: "The Devil Doctriners ought to be killed," wherein the missionaries are charged with every kind of crime against morals and life; the Roman Catholics are more severely handled than the Protestants.

In September 1891 it would appear that the society was organizing a rising against the Government, and a Mr. C.W. Mason, a British subject, and a fourth‑class assistant in the Customs at Shanghai, was implicated in the project, he having been instrumental in introducing arms and dynamite into the country for the use of the conspirators. He was sentenced to nine months' imprisonment with hard labor and he was further at the expiration of that period, to find two sureties of $2500 to be of good behavior and failing in this he was to be deported from China. This latter happening on his release, he was sent out of the country in September 1892.

In November 1891 a famous Ko lao Hue leader named Chen‑kin‑Lung fell into the hands of the Chinese Government. He had been staying at an inn with about thirty of his followers. Gagged and bound, he was taken on board a steam‑launch kept ready to start, and carried to Shanghai. His examination was conducted with the greatest secrecy by the magistrate and deputies of the Viceroy and the Governor. On his person were found several official documents issued by the Ko lao Hui, and a short dagger with a poisoned blade.

He was addressed in the despatches as the "Eighth Great Prince," and was evidently the commander of a strong force. Three examinations were held, but Chen preserved the strictest silence. Torture was employed, but in vain; the only words that could be extracted form him were, "Spare yourselves the trouble and me the pain; be convinced that there are men ready to sacrifice their lives for the good of a cause which will bring happiness to this country for thousands of generations to come."

Then more gentle means were employed, but with what result is not known...That the popular feeling against Christian missionaries in China was and still is very strong cannot be denied, and has displayed itself in frequent attacks on their persons and property.

Such outbreaks are almost regularly reported in the European Press, but is not allowed to be known in the United States. A plain intimation was given to Sir Ratherford Alcock on his bidding adieu to a high Chinese official. "I wish," said the functionary, "now you are going home, you would take away with you your opium, and your Christian missionaries."... (The Secret Societies of all Ages and Countries, Charles William Heckethorn, vol. ii, pp. 131‑138)

200: Sanhedrin at Sepphoris.

210: Reduction of the Mishnah to writing.

212: Jews (together with most of subject of the empire) become Roman citizens.

Expulsions of Jews from Host Nations:

1). A.D. 250, Carthage;

2). 415, Alexandria;

3). 554, Diocese of Clement (France);

4). 561, Diocese of Uzzes (France);

5). 612, Visigoth Spain;

6). 642, Visigoth Empire;

7). 855, Italy;

8). 876, Sens;

9). 1012, Mayence;

10). 1181, France;

11). 1290, England;

12). 1306, France;

13). 1348, Switzerland;

14). 1349, Hielbronn (Germany);

15). 1349, Hungary;

16). 1388, Strasbourg;

17). 1394, Germany;

18). 1394, France;

19). 1422, Austria;

20). 1424, Fribourg & Zurich;

21). 1426, Cologne;

22). 1432, Savory;

23). 1438, Mainz;

24). 1439, Augsburg;

25). 1446, Bavaria;

26). 1453, Franconis;

27). 1453, Breslau;

28). 1454, Wurzburg;

29). 1485, Vincenza (Italy);

30). 1492, Spain;

31). 1495, Lithuania;

32). 1497, Portugal;

33). 1499, Germany;

34). 1514, Strasbourg;

35). 1519, Regensburg;

36). 1540, Naples;

37). 1542, Bohemia;

38). 1550, Genoa;

39). 1551, Bavaria;

40). 1555, Pesaro;

41). 1559, Austria;

42). 1561, Prague;

43). 1567, Wurzburg, Genoese Republic;

44). 1569, Papal States;

45). 1571, Brandenburg;

46). 1582, Netherlands;

47). 1593, Brandenburg, Austria;

48). 1597, Cremona, Pavia & Lodi;

49). 1614, Frankfort;

50). 1615, Worms;

51). 1619, Kiev;

52). 1649, Ukraine;

53). 1654, LittleRussia;

54). 1656, Lithuania;

55). 1669, Oran (North Africa);

56). 1670, Vienna;

57). 1712, Sandomir;

58). 1727, Russia;

59). 1738, Wurtemburg;

60). 1740, LittleRussia;

61). 1744, Bohemia;

62). 1744, Livonia;

63). 1745, Moravia;

64). 1753, Kovad (Lithuania);

65). 1761, Bordeaux;

66). 1772, Jews deported to the Pale of Settlement (Russia);

67). 1775, Warsaw;

68). 1789, Alace;

69). 1804, Villages in Russia;

70). 1808, Villages & Countrysides (Russia);

71). 1815, Lubeck & Bremen;

72). 1815, Franconia, Swabia & Bavaria;

73). 1820, Bremes;

74). 1843, Russian Border Austria & Prussia;

75). 1862, Area in the U.S. under Grant's Jurisdiction;

76). 1866, Galatz, Romania;

77). 1919, Bavaria (foreign born Jews);

78). 1938‑45, Nazi Controlled Areas;

79). 1948, Arab Countries. (International Jewish Encyclopedia).

The degrading fate of those who mock the wise becomes horribly apparent in the actual text of the Talmud.� "He said: What is your punishment? They replied with boiling hot excrement, since a Master has said: Whoever mocks at the words of the Sages is punished with boiling hot excrement." (Git. 56b)

Thrown Out: Jews have claimed over and over at every opportunity that they have been innocent victims of anti‑Semitism time and time again. They are always portrayed on television and in the movies as being guilty of no wrong doing, desiring only to practice their faith, and make an honest living. An inquiring mind cannot help but wonder that, if this is the case ‑ that the Jews are innocent ‑ why have the Jews been the brunt of persecution so many times without cause?

If a man were accused of a serious crime and tried and found guilty by a jury of his peers, we would find but little cause to put faith in a claim by him of persecution. However if he insisted that this was exactly the case, and that only because he believed differently than others was he charged of misconduct, then we might grant him a second trial to assure ourselves he had not been the victim of misjustice, believing with confidence that the people would not a second time find an innocent party guilty of crime that he did not commit.

If, at the conclusion of the second trial by another jury of peers, the man is found guilty of an offense against the people, we have no reason to listen to or place belief in continued cries of persecution. What does this have to do with the Jew? Quite simple. Since the year 250 A.D., the Jews have, by their own records and count, been expelled from eighty‑one (81) countries, nations, or political entities. Let's see now. Eighty‑one countries, eighty‑one people's courts, eighty‑one guilty verdicts, and eighty‑one cries of persecution.

The first time, maybe. The second time doubtful. But eighty‑one times to have been found worthy of expulsion for crimes against the people of the countries they were in at the time? Such a claim stretches the limits of human credulity beyond its most liberal bounds of endurance.

It has been said that the Jews protest to much. When one comes to the realization of the fact that these different peoples in most cases did not know of each other, or for that matter had not even heard of the others existence, and yet determined, independently, over a two thousand year span of time that the Jews were committing such serious crimes that it was necessary to uproot them lock, stock and barrel in order to drive them from their homes, many times with loss of life and great destruction of property, it is then and only then, that a true appreciation of the Jewish question is obtained.

268: Goths invade Greece.

286: Judah III., son of Judah II., patriarch, collects a tax from foreign communities.

306: Council of Elvira forbids Christians to eat with Jews or to intermarry with them.

306‑337: Constantine I.

321: Jews in Cologne.

325: First Nicene Council separates the celebration of Easter from that of the Jewish Passover. Christian Church formulates its policy toward the Jews; the Jews must continue to exist for the sake of Christianity in seclusion and humiliation.

329: Constantius forbids, under penalty of death, marriage of a Jew with a Christian woman, and circumcision of slaves.


Constantius II. Death of Abbaye. Constantius II prohibits marriage between Jews and Christians and possession of Christian slaves by Jews.

351: Jews and Samaritans revolt against Gallus; destruction of Bet Sh'earim.

359: Permanent calendar committed to writing.

361: Restoration of the Temple at Jerusalem undertaken under Julian the Apostate.

362: Julian the Apostate abolishes the Jew tax.

363: Julian the Apostate allows Jews to start rebuilding the Temple.

370: Asian Huns invade Europe.

400: Moses, the False Messiah of Crete. Death of Judah IV.

406: Vandals invade Gaul; Romans leave Britain.

415: Cyril, Bishop of Alexandria, drives the Jews from Alexandria.

418: Jews excluded from all public offices and dignities in the Roman empire.

425: Extinction of the patriarchate. Patriarchate abolished. Angles, Saxons, and Jutes invade Britain.

427: Death of Ashi. 5th cent. Yose b. Yose earliest liturgical poet known by name.

433: Attila the Hun begins reign.

438: Theodosius II Novellae against the Jews and heretics.

455: Persecution of the Babylonian Jews under Yezdegerd III. Jews forbidden to keep the Sabbath.

465: The Council of Vannes (Gaul) prohibits the clergy from taking part in Jewish banquets.

470: Persecutions by the authorities; Huna b. Mar Zutra the exilarch and others executed by the authorities.

471: Persecution of the Babylonian Jews under Firuz (Perozes); the exilarch Huna Maria and others suffer martyrdom.

476: End of Western Roman Empire. Goths depose Western Roman Emperor, Romulas Augustus; Middle Ages begin.

481‑511: Clovis I king of the Franks.

495‑502: Revolt of Mar Zutra the exilarch.


Babylonian Talmud completed. You may ascertain by turning to top Jewish authorities today that the Babylonian Talmud, the written form of the Tradition of the Pharisees, is the sole authority of the so‑called "Jewish" religion, or Judaism.

The 1905 Jewish Encyclopedia, concerning the Pharisees, states:

"With the destruction of the Temple (70 A.D.) the Sadducees disappeared altogether, leaving the regulation of all Jewish affairs in the hands of the Pharisees. Henceforth, Jewish life was (is) regulated by the Pharisees; the whole history of Judaism was reconstructed from the Pharisaic point of view, and a new aspect was given to the Sanhedrin of the past. A new chain of tradition supplanted the older priestly tradition. (Abot 1:1) Pharisaism {has} shaped the character of Judaism and the life and thought of the Jew for all the future."

Historically speaking, True Israelites have accepted Christ as the Messiah as foretold in the Scriptures. They were NOT JEWS and called themselves "Christians." They were persecuted as such by the Pharisees. In fact the word "Pharisee" comes from the word "separated," because they were separated and different from the True Israelites.

Rabbi Finklestein's history of the Jews, states: "The Talmud derives its authority from the position held by the ancient academies (Pharisee academies). The teachers of those academies, both of Babylonia and Palestine, were considered the rightful successors of the older Sanhedrin...

"At the present time, the Jewish people have no living central authority comparable in status to the ancient Sanhedrins or the later academies. Therefore, any decision regarding the Jewish religion must be based on the Talmud as the final resume of the teaching of those authorities when they existed." (The Jews ‑ Their History, Culture, and Religion, Vol. 4, p. 1332, Jewish Publication Society of America, 1949)

"The Talmud; Heart's Blood of the Jewish Faith," was the heading of a November, 1959, installment of a best‑selling book by the Jewish author, Herman Wouk, which ran serially in the New York Herald‑Tribune. "The Talmud is to this day the Circulating Heart's Blood of the Jewish Religion. Whatever laws, customs or ceremonies we observe, whether we are Orthodox, Conservative, Reform or merely spasmodic sentimentalists, we follow the Talmud. It is our common Law."

The Babylonian Talmud is composed of Mishnah (or "Halacha"), or laws, formulated by the Pharisees whose teachings comprise the Talmud, and "Gemara," or argumentative teachings about these laws. There are 63 books in the Babylonian Talmud, largely divided without topical organization.

All Talmud books have "Mishnah" (plural "Mishnaim"). Some lack a "Gemara." The "Mishnah" or law of one or another Pharisee may be referred to, for example, as the "Mishnah of Rabbi Akiba," or of "Eliezer ben Jacob." The name Mishnah is applied in particular to the collection of Halachoth, or laws, made by Judah Hanasi (generally known as Rabbi) and his colleagues at the beginning of the 3rd Century C.E. (Note: "C.E." stands for "Common Era," to avoid "A.D." or "Year of Our Lord," from the Latin, Anno Domini).

"The Mishnah represents the culmination of a series of attempts to bring order into the vast mass of traditions which had been transmitted orally for many centuries...The compilation of the Mishnah is not, however, the work of one man, or even of the scholars of one age, but rather the result of a long process extending over a period of two centuries.

"In the Palestine Pharisee Talmudic center at Jabneh (for it was never in Jerusalem but at Jabneh where the Jerusalem Talmud was composed) there was a concerted effort on the part of the sages of Jabneh (about 90 C.E.) to assemble and harmonize the Halachah...Akiba (died about 135 C.E.) arranged the Halachoth in logical order and probably constructed the frame work of the present day Mishnah; the collection of the Akiba was enlarged and brought up to date by his disciples Meir (Note: Who, the Talmud says, was a descendant of Nero, a convert to Talmudaism {Judaism}), it became the custom, after the time of Akiba, for every head of an academy to compile his own Mishnah so that the confusion that resulted...motivated Judah Hanasi to compile a standard authoritative Mishnah; although it is reported that Judah made use of thirteen different collections of alachoth in his work, his Mishnah is based largely upon the collection of Meir, and indirectly, therefore, upon that of Akiba." (Universal Jewish Encyclopedia, "Mishnah")

Judah Hanasi, who compiled the Mishnah, was born about A.D. 135 and died after A.D. 200 (same authority, "Judah Hanasi"). "Nasi," meaning "prince" of Jewry, was the title given the head of the Sanhedrin court (Beth Din), which meted out life and death under Talmudic Law. The Talmud is divided into six main divisions called "Sedarim" (orders), but each division and each volume is a hodge‑podge of every subject imaginable.

The main and overall characteristics of the Talmud are: pomp, silliness, obscenity and more obscenity, a setting up of laws seemingly for the purpose of inventing circumventions, and evasions; delight in sadistic cruelty; reversal of all Biblical moral teachings on theft, murder, sodomy, perjury, treatment of children and parents; insane hatred of Christ, Christians and every phase of Christianity. The Six Divisions of the Babylonian Talmud, called "Seder" (plural Sedarim), are:

1). Zeraim (seeds), composed of the following books:

a). Berakoth. The name of this book supposedly means benedictions, but is as foul a collection of obscenity as one could find, with 405 pages of what is nothing but "privy talk."

The following 10 books occupy one 406‑page volume in the Soncino edition:

b). Pe'ah (corner).

c). Demai (doubtful).

d). Kil'ayim (mixtures).

e). Shebi'th (seventh).

f). Termuah (heave offerings).

g). Ma'aseroth (tithes).

h). Ma'aser Sheni (second tithe).

I). Hallah (dough).

j). �Oriah

k). Bikkurim (first fruits).

There are 11 books in Zeraim.

2). Seder Moed (festivals):

a). Sabbath (laws of endless silly regulations and their evasions).

b). Erubin (mingling).

c). Pesahim (passover).

d). Shekalin (shekels).

e). Yoma (Yom Kippur).

f). Sukkah (booths).

g). Yob Tob (feast day).

h). Rosh Hashona (New Year).

I). Ta'anit (fasting).

j). Megillah (Scroll of Esther, read on Purim).

k). Moed Katan (half feasts).

l). Hagiagah (feasting).

The Megillah is a sadistic celebration of drunkenness and bloodlust, the Talmudic admonition being that it is the day of the Jew to be so drunk on Purim he doesn't know the difference between "Blessed be Mordecai" and "Cursed be Haman."

There are 12 books in Moed.

3). Seder Nashim (women). This section includes a 13‑page introduction to the Soncino edition by Rabbi J.H. Hertz. These books are principally distinguished by their sub‑sewer filth and obscenity:

a). Yebamoth (the dead brother's widow) occupies 2 volumes, 871 pages in the Soncino edition.

b). Kethuboth (on the sum due a wife who is divorced, occupies 2 volumes and 728 pages of Talmudic sex filth (e.g. a baby girl �������������� being fair prey for adult men).

c). Nedarim (vows): 282 pages of filth and immorality, illustrative of what Christ denounced when attacking the Pharisees.

d). Nazir (more vows); 253 pages in the Soncino edition, hairsplitting, immoral twaddle, and including the Kol Nidre.

e). Soth (the suspected woman), 271 pages in the Soncino edition.

f). Kiddushin (betrothal).

g). Gittin (on getting the "Get" or divorce) with space allotted for such things as placing Christ and all Christians in Hell, 439 pages in the Soncino edition.

There are 7 books in the Nasham.

4). Seder Nezikin (damages):

a). Baba Kamma (the first gate): 719 pages of Talmudic ramblings, a general law on damages being that hurting Gentile property is permissible; injuring Jewish property is like assaulting the Divine, for only "Jews" are "men" and non‑Jews rank as animals. This is "brotherhood" as advocated in the Talmud.

b). Baba Mezia (middle gate): 676 pages in Soncino edition of similar import.

c). Baba Bathra (last gate): 779 pages in two volumes and replete with anti‑Gentile preaching.

d). Sanhedrin (781 pages): States the introduction in the Soncino edition of the Talmud: "It forms, along with Makkoth, the chief repository of the criminal law of the Talmud." This section includes the most virulent calumnies of Jesus, including His imaginary stoning, burning in dung, His decapitation, His strangling in dung, His hanging, or crucifixion for "blaspheming" the Pharisee "sages."

e). Makkoth (beatings), 175 pages in the Soncino edition.

f). Shebuoth (oaths, more vows), 309 pages.

g). Edayyoth (testimonies).

h). Abodah Zarah on treatment of the presumably non‑human, non‑Jew, 366 pages.

I). Aboth (sayings of the fathers of Talmudism).

j). Horayoth (rulings).

There are 10 books in Seder Nezikin.

5). Seder Kodashim (sacrifices):

a). Zebahim (bloody sacrifices).

b). Menahot (meal offering).

c). Hulin (killing).

d). Bekorot (first born).

e). Arakin (estimation).

f). Temurah (exchange).

g). Keritot (extermination).

h). Me'ilah (trespass).

I). Tamid (daily offering).

j). Middot (measures).

k). Minim (birds' nests).

There are 11 books in Kodashim.

6). Seder Tohoroth (cleanness):

a). Niddah (the menstruant woman) is the prize part in this alleged religious section, devoting 509 pages to discussing smell, color, and examination by the rabbis of menstruation, without apparent medical or any other purpose except wallowing in the repulsive; pomp and asininity also abound.

The other 11 books occupy one 589‑page volume in the Soncino edition.

b). Kelim (vessel, utensil cleanness) illustrates through "nit‑picking" rules the "straining at a gnat," cited� by Christ (Matthew 23:24); also: "Pharisees make clean the outside of cup and the platter; but your inward part is full of ravening and wickedness." (Luke 11:39)

c). Oholoth (tents).

d). Nega'im (plagues).

e). Parah (young cow).

f). Tohoroth (purification).

g). Mikawaoth (ritual bath ‑ such as the menstruant woman should take before having intercourse with her husband, thus ridding her of the evil eye).

h). Makshirin (kosher, proper).

I). Zabim (flux).

j). Tebul Yom.

k). Yadayim (hands).

l). The last book of Tohoroth is Ukzin (stems). There are 12 books in Tophoroth.

The last 11 of these (excepting Niddah) occupy one 589‑page volume in the Soncino edition. The 1,098 pages on �cleanness,' filled with the foulest obscenities of thought, once again justify Christ's disdain for this hypocrisy and serve to illustrate the justification for His attitude toward the Talmudic Pharisees.

500: Abu‑Kariba, Kimyarite king, adopts Judaism, converts his army and his people.

516: (May 14, 15) Uprising against Jews of Clermont; synagogue destroyed.

517: The Council of Epaon forbids Christians to take part in Jewish banquets.

518: Persecution of the Jews by Kobad, King of Persia.

525: End of Jewish kingdom in southern Arabia.

532: Justinian I, decrees that the testimony of Jews shall be valid only in Jewish cases.

537: Justinian declares Jews incapable of holding any official dignity.

538: The Council of Orleans forbids Jews to appear on the street at Eastertide.

553: Justinian interferes in the conduct of Jewish worship.

570: Muhammad is born at Mecca.

589: Reccared, Visigothic King of Spain, completely isolates Jews from Christians. Beginning with the period of Geonim.

612, 633, 638: Severe legal measures against the Jews in Spain.

612: Sisebut, Visigoth king, forces the Jews to accept baptism or to emigrate.


The persecution and destruction of White Christian people by the Jews is not a recent thing but reaches far back into history. Writing in April, 1921 issue of the "Hebrew Christian Alliance Quarterly," the Rev. M. Malbert stated:

"I am going to show that real religious persecution is uniquely Jewish...In the time of Justinian, in the sixth century, the Jews massacred Christians in Caesarea and destroyed their churches. When Stephanus, the governor, attempted to defend the Christians, the Jews fell on him and slew him. In 608 A.D. the Jews of Antioch fell upon their Christian neighbors and killed them with fire and sword...About 614 A.D. the Persians advanced upon Palestine and the Jews, after joining their standard, massacred the Christians and destroyed their churches. Ninety thousand Christians perished in Jerusalem alone." (The International Jew, Vol. IV (1922), pp. 171, 173)

614‑617: Jewish rule established in Jerusalem under the Persians.

620: Vikings invade Ireland.

622: Muhammad's flight to Medina.

624: The Banu Kainuka's, a Jewish‑Arabic tribe, driven from Arabia by Mohammed.

624‑628: Jewish tribes of Arabia destroyed by Muhammad.

627: Emperor Heraclius forbids Jews to enter Jerusalem, and harasses the Palestinian Jews.

628‑638: Dagobert I expels Jews from Frankish Kingdom.

629: Dagobert orders the Jews of the Frankish empire to accept baptism or to emigrate.

632: Death of Muhammad. Heraclius decrees forced baptism.

633: Visigothic king, and Isidore of Seville, forces converts from Judaism to Christianity.

634: Muslims begin conquest of Near East and Africa.

638: Chintila enacts that only professing Catholics shall remain in Visigothic Spain; Jews emigrate. Jerusalem conquered by the Arabs.

640: Omar, the second calif, banishes all Jews from Arabia; the "Pact of Omar" imposes restrictions upon Jews in the whole Mohammedan world.

640‑642: Egypt conquered by the Arabs.

641: Bulan, khan [chaghan] of the Chazars, becomes a Jew.

694: All Jews in Spain and Gallic Provence declared slaves; children under seven forcibly baptized.

694‑711: Jewish religion outlawed in Spain.

711: Spain conquered by the Arabs.

721: Appearance of the false Messiah Serenus in Syria causes many Spanish Jews to emigrate to Palestine.

740: Conversion of the Khazars to Judaism. In Asia (northeast of Turkey), an entire Mongol/Turkish tribe, called the Khazars, allegedly convert to Judaism en mass, all 4,000 of them, on orders of their leader, Bulan. This will allegedly become the Ashkenazim (largest) branch of world Jewry. New Standard Jewish Encyclopedia, page 179,[GCP pg. 68] "ASHKENAZI, ASHKENAZIM...constituted before 1963 some nine‑tenths of the Jewish people (about 15,000,000 out of 16,5000,000)[ As of 1968 it is believed by some Jewish authorities to be closer to 100%]"


The Catholic Church and its' surrogate ruler, the English king, disagreed over the division of rents, taxes and tithes taken from the people. The English king had his own champion; a Catholic priest named John Wycliffe. His weapon was the Bible. A serious ecclesiastical argument by a king with the Church over money was something that had not happened in a thousand years, and it caused consternation in the ranks of the Catholic Church.

Wycliffe knew the Bible, He pointed to a place where it said that monopolies were forbidden, especially land‑monopolies, that the land was to be divided and never ever sold. (God's Law: "Woe unto them that join house to house, that lay field to field, till there be no place, and they may be placed alone in the midst of the earth." (John 5:8) "The land shall not be sold for ever." (Leviticus 25:23) Wycliffe had known this for a long time, but he couldn't speak out and challenge the Catholic Church unless he had someone to protect him from being burned alive as a heretic.

The princes of England were glad to give him their protection; there was a lot of money at stake. He was talking their language when he told the world that God said that land‑monopolies were illegal, illegal for the Church, that is. The princes paid Wycliffe to attend all the conferences they held with the Pope's representatives. He was their "expert witness," and they paid him 20 shilling a day for doing it, a royal income in that time. As their in‑house ecclesiastic‑lawyer he argued their case and they protected him from a Roman Church that was irate because one of their employees had switched sides and let the cat out of the bag on this land‑monopoly thing. (He now publicly proclaimed the doctrine that righteousness is the sole title to dominion and to property, that an unrighteous clergy has no such title, and that the decision as to whether or not the property of the ecclesiastics should be take away rests with the civil power." (Encyclopedia Britannica 14th ed, vol. 23, p. 822)

In 1366, he published his "Determiatio quaedam de dominio" supporting parliament in refusing the tribute demanded by Pope Urban V. (Encyclopedia Britannica 14th ed, Vol. 23, p. 822) The controversy continued:

"As soon as parliament met in the autumn of 1377, Wycliffe was consulted by it as to whether or not it was lawful to allow that treasure to pass out of the country in obedience to the pope's demand." (Encyclopedia Britannica, 14th ed,

Vol. 23, p. 823)

Wycliffe quoted scripture proving that it was unlawful to do so. Wycliffe was indispensable; from being the Pope's churchman, he was acting as the Princes'‑churchman‑a state priest. He said things that the Roman church burned people for saying, those people who had no protection.

Wycliffe suggested to the king that the quickest way for the king to gain the support of the people was to allow them to read the scriptures and determine for themselves who was right; the prince or the pope. The King's council agreed; but to do this, a Bible in English would be needed since most of the people who could read couldn't read the Latin Vulgate. Wycliffe agreed to translate the Bible from Rome's Latin Vulgate into English; thereby depriving the Church of the monopoly on the Holy Scripture that they had had for a thousand years.

The Bible is an operation manual for all who study it. With the Bible to guide; the warts on the nose of the Roman Church became visible to all. Wycliffe not only translated the Bible, but wrote books expounding the doctrines he had discovered, things that were eagerly read by reform‑minded Catholic priests all over Europe. In rapid succession he wrote the following arguments and pronouncements:

* De civli dominio: His argument was that for the clergy to hold property is sinful, and that it is lawful for statesmen; God's stewards, to take away the goods of a clergy no longer obedient to God.

* Wycliffe recommended that the king take possession of the property claimed by Rome, including all the Church‑owned monopolies in England as a "divine right."

The king liked that. Other kings in other countries liked that, Land‑monopoly, the church's biggest prize, was getting within reach. Why should kings split the peasants' tithe and the merchants' rents and taxes with the church? After all, wasn't England protected by an English Channel if the Church called down a crusade on her head?

* He declared that the doctrine of arbitrary divine decrees of papal infallibility was anathema.

The Bible determines right and wrong. Many priests like that one.

* Based on the cornerstone truth that "In the beginning was the WORD and the WORD was with God and the WORD was God" the laws, statutes and judgments; and that the Pope was violating the WORD, he found the Pope to be an antichrist (See vol. Ii. Of the Sermones, Book iii. Of his Opus evangelicum entitled De Anticristo)

Later reformers picked up on this one. The Pope didn't like being called an "antichrist" anymore than today's Pope and antichrist protestant preachers enjoy being labeled with the antichrist tag.

* Knowing that acorns don't fall far from the oak, he pronounced that all "Church Order" were liable to the same corruption.

This put the Roman Church on one side and the king and his supporters on the other. The people were the balance.

* The argument in his last book Opus evangelicum, proclaimed his insistence on the "sufficiency of Holy Scripture."

Today, this argument is accepted by all Protestants, and many Catholics, in theory. Back then, it was heresy; it put limits on what the Church could do. The Church (an the princes), could either submit to the Word and obey its commandments, or fight the Word, and destroy those who demanded obedience to it. Both chose to give lip service to the first and to follow the latter course.

* It was his discussions from the scripture that brought forth the doctrines of "free‑will," "merit," and "predestation."

Calvin later added "grace," and Wycliffe's "merit" proved that the "grace" resulted in salvation. It is hard to have one without the other in spite of the thief crucified with Yahshua who had no time to do good works.

* With his new Bible in hand, Wycliffe trained "poor preachers" who spread out over England taking the Word to all who would listen.

The day of the itinerant preacher had arrived and the Word went directly to the people, and the common people loved it. They rejoiced in the clear and homely doctrine which dwelt chiefly on the simple "Law" illustrated by the parables contained in the gospels. Unknown to both King and Church, England's people were being taught that their God, the Word, had promised them wonderful things. These things were there, all around them, if only they would take them for themselves. After all, it was their land the King and Church were squabbling over, it was they who actually produced the wealth upon which both King and Church fed.

Each time the Church came after Wycliffe, he appealed for protection from the king, and got it. (John Huss later raised Wycliffe's doctrine to the dignity of a national religion. Many of the works attributed to Huss were actually the works of Wycliffe. Huss, Luther and other continental reformers owed Wycliffe much, and the spirit of the English reformer permeated the reformed churches of Europe)


The Peasant's Revolt: While kings and prelates argued over who was to get the land‑monopoly with its tithes and rents, the people had been listening and learning that God said that land was not to be a church‑monopoly, nor a prince‑monopoly, but that it was to be divided among the people and never ever sold. The Bible said that the land was not to be taxed, that the Bible said that God had made the children of Israel "kings and priests" not the Kings or the Roman Church. Of course, the poor preachers who preached to the people had no mighty protector to protect them when they condemned land‑monopolies, usury‑monopolies, and taught the Biblical stories about the Phineas Priesthood. Both the Church and the King could hang them out to dry, so they "whispered." They were so quiet that neither the prince nor the confessionals of the priest revealed that they were whispering, or what they were whispering about.

Matters came to a head in 1381 when Archbishop Sudbury ordered the king to collect from every adult additional tribute in the form of a poll tax. Rich or poor the tax was the same. The poorest family had to provide his three goats. All hell broke loose, the people weren't going to do it. Scripture said that Christians were not to be taxed. (God's Law: "Of whom the kings of the earth take custom or tribute? Of their own children, or of strangers? Peter said unto him, of strangers." (Gr. Allorios foreign, not akin)...Then are the children free." (Matthew 17:25‑26) All England burst into flame from coast to coast, from city to city, and town to town. Castles and manors were burned. Tax collectors, priests, and lawyers were hunted down and butchered along with proctors (overseers), unjust judges and rulers. County, manor, castle, and town militias armed themselves and gathered. In an age when 8,000 men made a respectable army, the English peasant army numbering 100,000 gathered and elected Wat Tyler their leader. John Ball, a poor preacher, was his religious advisor. They marched on London, the Londoners were equally oppressed by the church monopolizing manufactures and trade. London's city aldermen opened the city's gates and the rural army joined the city's disaffected militias and together they began hunting down unjust churchmen, judges, lawyers, foreigners, and Lombards (bankers). (God's Law is simple and just. Most of man's statues are unjust. Each one is passed to shave a bit from God's Law and give advantage to special interests. Judges and lawyers, instrumental in destroying justice, were hated by the people) Whole areas were burnt.

They demanded to be freed from being slaves of the manor. They demanded freedom from taxes and the tithe, and they demanded the right to rent land at four‑pence an acre as freemen rather than being the property of the manor. These peasants were armed with long‑bows and most arrived in their manorial militia companies. Many of them had fought in the king's wars with France. The week before they were humble serfs, now, united, they were the most powerful force in the world; and they were armed.

Wat Tyler and his followers met with the royal party of Richard II, a boy aged 14. Most peasant demands seem modest by today's standards, that they not be treated as villains (manor‑slaves), be allowed to rent their land at four‑pence an acre, be able to move away when they liked, be given relief from and cassation of countless rents, dues, taxes, and tithes.

These demands were granted; Royal letters were written to local governors, and everything was put in a charter. The English love charters. While this was going on, more ecclesiastics were hunted down and dispatched by peasant vigilantes. The next day when they arrived to meet with the king, Tyler had consulted with his poor‑preacher advisors and had expanded the peasant demands to include the division of the land among the people as required by scripture. This was the real heart of the matter.

Taking the church land‑monopoly from the Catholic Church and dividing it among the king's supporters "en fief" to the king rather than Rome was the prize the king and his party had planned to take for themselves. Now, the peasants demanded this land for their own. The peasants in essence rejected both King and Church and meant to take what was their own land back again. A king without a kingdom was no longer a king.

The king's party made ready to deal with these trusting peasants. After, all, they had a kingdom to lose or a kingdom to gain, their future rode on the success of their plans. They negotiated with the peasants to disarm their suspicions. It was planned that when next they met, a SWAT team composed of the mayor of London and twelve of his supporters would suddenly rush Wat Tyler, and cut him down. Everything went as planned.

When Tyler got close enough, the assassination party drew concealed weapons and rushed Tyler, killing him. (The terminal lesson is that violators of the Word can never be trusted. A thief, a liar, or a usurer will also murder) The people were left without a spokesman. Thousands of peasants drew their bows and the lives of the king's party hung by a thread, one bowman loosing his arrow would have caused a thousand more to fly, but before the arrows could be loosed, the young king boldly rode forward and said that he would be their leader. In essence, the wolf told the sheep that he would protect them and the sheep foolishly believed him.

The king rode back to the safety of the Tower of London and issued orders to his armies to attack the peasants. The chivalry of England, knights in full armor, went after the peasants slaying indiscriminately. The king quickly annulled the freedoms he had just granted and hanged the peasants by the hundreds.

Tyler's advisor, the people's preacher John Ball, when condemned, confessed that he learned his subversive doctrines from Wycliffe. William Courtenay, who succeeded the executed Archbishop Sudbury, the author of the poll tax that had touched off the revolt; as Archbishop of Canterbury, resolved to stamp out the Wycliffe heresy, including Wycliffe himself. He called a council of bishops, theologians and canonists at the Blackfriars' Convent. But the king still needed Wycliffe, so he remained at large and was unmolested. After all, the king had to have a theological lawyer to support his claim to the church's land‑monopoly. Neither the king nor the Church needed a third claimant to step in; peasants aroused by learning Christian teachings. The prince and church disagreed on almost everything except that. They still do.

The slaughter of peasants continued until there was no evidence of rebellion left. Those Protestants who were left alive kept very quiet, but they did not go away. Today we are regaled in story after story of how Catholics slaughtered Protestants. This is true; however, the story glossed over by the establishment church is that it was the "state‑protestant" appointed by the king who slew peasant‑Protestants by the thousands. "State Protestantism" defends the king's gold as aggressively as the Catholic Church defends its gold.


The Wycliffe rebellion was the emergence of something new. It was not another warmed over "Paulican" struggle for Church wealth, between Church and King, or a new "wannabe" rival. Wycliffe's Bible had released the Word into the minds and hearts of the people The Word itself was the leader, it was something that could not be reasoned with, or, as it turned out, stamped out. The people were following a leader who was not "the King and his appointed preachers," nor "the Church and its appointed kings" it was God the Word who Himself stood against both King and Priest. It was no longer the 1st and 2nd castes of priest and king suppressing the 3rd and 4th castes of farmer‑merchants and workers. The vision that was not followed was "Thy kingdom come on earth as it is in heaven."

Wycliffe's secret followers were called "Lollards." After Wycliffe's death in 1384, the "poor‑preachers" that he had trained quietly used Wycliffe's Bible to declare the authority of the Word into the late 14th and early 15th centuries. They were highly critical of the wealth and power of the church. In time they won the support of Oxford scholars, country gentlemen, wealthy merchants, powerful nobles, and the masses of common people.

The Lollards were subject to more and more persecution. Executions were continuous. To set the example, King Henry V even brought his friend, the popular Sir John Oldcastle, to trial and then burned him at the stake. The Lollards remained underground where they survived to await another day. They were not custodians of the Word. Their time would come once more,

it was inevitable. Wycliffe had loosed the Word in the land


John Huss was a Czech religious reformer. He was an ordained priest who came under the influence of the writings of John Wycliffe and became the leader of the Catholic‑Slav reformation. He too criticized the church's wealth and corruption and he supported Wycliffe's doctrines. Gradually losing the support of the Catholic clergy, he was forbidden to preach and was excommunicated in 1411. One after another he was abandoned by the archbishop, king and university. Given safe conduct by Sigismund, the Holy Roman Emperor, he traveled to Constance in 1414. He should have known better. The policy of an episcopacy may vary considerably from those of the god of the presbytery:

"A man who has been excommunicated by the Pope may be killed anywhere." (Theological Moralis, Busenbaum‑Lacroix, 1757)

"Any person who has promised security to the heretics shall not be obliged to keep his promise." (Council of Constantine; Fifty Years In the Church of Rome, Chiniquy, Chick Publication, Chino, CA 1985, p. 288)

At Constance he was arrested, condemned for heresy, and burned at the stake.

Huss rejected the absolute author of pope and the Church. He asserted the authority of Scripture over the church. His execution ignited the Hussite revolt by his followers who spread Slavic‑Protestant teachings among the Slaves of central Europe. (The Word passing through the Slav filter, become Slavic. Because of the Law, it is a twisting of the Word; a form of Paulicanism. However, Slavs are our close kinsmen. We own them and they owe us. And, they too have suffered at the hands of a common enemy)

After Huss's death his followers, the Hussites, spread throughout Bohemia and Moravia teaching the supremacy of Wycliffe's teachings over the doctrines of the Catholic Church. In time they split into two faction; one faction wished to retain episcopal government and traditional ritual. The other wished to return to a primitive simplicity, conform to scriptural mandates, and proposed warfare to subdue God's enemies and transgressors of the Law. This group provided the main military force of the Hussite revolution which seized church lands and destroyed church property.

The pope called for a counter‑reformation crusade against the Hussites. The Hussites, fighting from heavily built wagons containing cannon, repeatedly defeated their opponents. In time they were worn down to a handful who sought safety in the hills. Some joined the Catholic church, others joined Luther's revolt. The non‑violent group of Hussites survived and has come down to us in the form of the Moravin Church.


Ulrich Zwingli was a leader of the Swiss reformation. A Catholic priest, he became a chaplain to Swiss mercenary troops hired to fight in the Italian campaigns. He became convinced that hiring men as mercenaries to kill other men was a great evil. (This is a lesson that the U.S. must again learn. If the price is right, currently, U.S. mercenaries will destroy any people or nation on earth)

On his return home he continued his Bible studies; which led him to drop his papal subsidy, and attack ecclesiastical buses. He allowed his followers to eat mean on fast days, and married in violation of Church prohibition. Zwingli's Sixty‑seven Articles became the basis for the Swiss Reformed Church. Zwingli was responsible for extending the reformation to other Swiss cities: Bern, Ballen, and Basel. Zqingli was killed on the battlefield of Kappel in 1531 defending Zurich from the counter‑reformation crusade by the Catholic cantons of southern Switzerland who had been sent by the papacy.


Luther: The Reformation proper is said to have started in Germany on October 31, 1517, when Martin Luther, an Augustinian Catholic priest, posted his "95 Theses." The "Theses" invited debate over the sale of indulgences by the Catholic Church. The papacy views this as heresy and proceeded to take steps against Luther.

Luther was protected from the Catholic Church by Frederick III, elector of Saxony. Frederick extended his protection over Luther in exchange for Luther's endorsement of his seizing church property; in the same manner as Wycliffe had been used earlier by the King of England. Luther's writings invited the Christian Nobility of the German Nation to reform the church themselves. He attacked the papacy and its view of the mass; the Catholic teaching that the bread and wine of communion was miraculously changed into the actual blood and flesh of Yahshua. (God's Law: "Whatsoever man there be of the house of Israel, or of the strangers that sojourn among you, that eateth any manner of blood; I will set my face against that soul that eateth blood, and will cut him off (destroy him) from among his people." (Genesis 9:4) He said that the people were being taught to be canabal‑like; eathing God's flesh.

He translated the New Testament into German, and wrote the Small and Large Catechisms, countless sermons, hymns, and over 100 volumes of tracts, biblical commentaries, thousands of letters, and then translated the whole Bible into German. In the German states where protestant princes supported him, he organized Evangelical churches. He abolished confession and private mass. Priests were allowed to marry and monasteries were abandoned. Preaching the Word, he sowed the wind.


The German Peasants War: The Peasants' War was precipitated by Luther's bible. Luther had gotten the backing and protection of the princes by preaching the same things Wycliffe had taught more than a century before. In exchange for being allowed to preach the Word and to secure protection from being executed by the Catholic Church for doing it, Luther taught that the princes were more entitled to Church lands and the income from those lands than was the Church. He also taught that the Church was corrupt, which it was, and still is. Luther's message was democratic. Its force and directness added fuel to the discontent smoldering for generations alongside natural anti‑clericalism.

Seven years after Luther's attack on the indulgence system (Indulgences: a certificate guaranteeing forgiveness for uncommitted sins), the peasants had learned their God given rights and revolt broke out. It was sudden; the standard, a peasant's wooden shoe, a "clog" on a pole.

In June 1524, encouraged by the successful bid for freedom made by the Swiss, many cities, knights, and even princes came to terms with the insurgents and joined their ranks. The rebels put forward a religious and social program, a basic demand was that each village be allowed to elect its own pastor who wasn't appointed by the Catholic Church. They made another demand, that Church land be divided among the peasants. This demand was to separate the peasants from the ruling kings.

Many of the prince‑ecclesiastics felt that it would be better strategy to have the Church land that was under their management divided into many peasant's farm holdings than it was to have it given to individual protestant princes, thereby making the princes powerful opponents. Amongst these ecclesiastical "friends of the farmers" were the elector‑palatine, the Bishops of Bamberg and Speyer and the Abotts of Fulda and Hersfeld.

Then too, by being agreeable and negotiating, they might save their heads and maybe retain some land and income. Being disagreeable put them in double jeopardy. The covetous Lutheran princes on one side were poised to seize their land and on the other side the peasants already had it.

Much of Europe went up in flames as the peasants wreaked havoc on their ancient oppressors. According to the Encyclopedia Briticannica, 14th ed, Vol. 23, p. 265: "There was much secularization of church property, suppression of monasteries and introduction of the Lutheran service in many churches."

However, this revolt was playing hob with the agreement that Luther had made with Philip of Hess. Philip was a major figure in Germany at that time. Luther had agreed to support Philip's claim to church land in exchange for his protection. Philip could get the land only if he secured Luther's help to suppress the peasants' revolt.

Luther was now caught between a rock and a hard place. Both the Word contained in the Bible that he had translated and his teachings triggered the insurgents. At first he sympathized with them and wrote a pamphlet protesting the harsh measures used against them. But Philip was threatened with losing the coveted Church property to the upstart peasants. Luther was the reason for this, and if he lost this land he would have no economic reason to protect Luther from the tender mercies of the Catholic Church. Being faced with the loss of Philip's protection and the possible loss of the whole reformation movement, including his head, caused Luther to reconsider.

Luther chose to cast his lot with the Princes against the peasants. He wrote another tract Against The Murdering Thieving Hordes of Peasants. This latest tract breathed fire and slaughter down on the peasants. The main revolt was subdued before the end of 1525, it ended in disaster. Peasant outrages and propaganda against them had united the princes, and when they had the upper hand they wreaked outrages of their own in a ferocious vengeance on the people. The protestant‑princes retrieved the land‑monopoly from the protestant‑peasants that the peasants had retrieved form the Catholic Church.

The Teutonic Order Switches Sides

A notable event of 1525 was the action of Albert of Hohenzollern, grand master of the Teutonic Order, who, supported by most of his knights, declared for Luther, secularized the property of the Teutonic Order and made himself the personal ruler of its territory between Poland and the Baltic. (Encyclopedia Briticannica, 14th ed, Vol. 23, p. 265) This defection was stunning. The Teutonic Order of the Catholic Church was the principal warrior priesthood of the Roman Catholic Church.

Lutheranism ‑ A State Religion

Since the peasant rebels had in nearly all cases claimed religious sanctions for their acts, the peasants were allowed to keep Luther's bible so as not to unduly antagonize them. However, to safeguard the possession of the new property acquired from the Catholic Church plus the property taken away from the rebellious peasants the princes demanded that new Lutheran pastors be appointed by episcopal means, "from the top down," rather than presbyterian, "from the bottom up." The princes were to have veto power over the selection of Lutheran bishops. This gave the German princes power over what was to be taught the people by Lutheran pastors. In this manner Lutheranism became a "state‑religion" in the service of the princes.

Princely selection of Lutheran Bishops forced Lutheran priests to teach only the one third of the Bible not dealing with government. State‑Protestantism was a revival of the ancient "Paulicanism" by which nothing but Pauline scriptures are used to disprove the Word rather than the correct method of using Paul to prove the Word. The protestant princes were adamant, they had no intention of losing their lands again to peasants who had become religious zealots, the way the Catholic Church lost their lands to them; just because the Bible said "the land is to be divided and never sold." The blood bath that resulted from the peasants' revolt was not a Catholic atrocity, but state‑Protestantism drowning peasant‑Protestants in a sea of blood to prevent them from taking back their land.

Besides Germany, "state‑Lutheranism" of the Princes became the state‑religion of Denmark, Sweden, Norway, and Finland. As a state‑religion of Denmark, Sweden, Norway, and Finland. As a state‑religion, Lutheranism could not be turned against the rulers of the state. The preachers attempting to do so would be fired. In revised form and as a popular movement, state‑Lutheranism penetrated Hungary, Transylvania, Moravia, Bohemia and Poland.

Roman Catholicism, the religion of the Latin nations and Poland, except for brief periods, had always tolerated corruption as a way of life, it still does. The Protestant state‑churches of Europe and America are better in degree only; if at all. The great thing accomplished by Luther's revolt is that the Bible was released from a thousand year captivity and the Word was loose in the land. (At Fishburne Military School in the 1940s, the bible instructor was a Lutheran pastor. He was one of the best. Much of American Lutheranism has been influenced by religious dissenters escaping Europe's state‑religions who owe allegiance to the entire Word, not just the politically accepted one‑third of the Bible)

The Paulican Revival

Taking part in the Protestant Revolt were Anabaptists, so named because of their opposition to infant baptism. Most were sincere lawful reformists, but some were Paulicans; they rejected the restraints of the Law contained in the Word. They formed communes of seized property and held it under a leader rather than dividing it. They also indulged in sexual license. The aberrations were harshly suppressed along with the general suppression of the peasants.


Jews are kicked out of the following countries, not once but many times: France, Hungary, Belgium, Austria, Prussia, Spain, Italy, Netherlands, and most other countries in Europe, Christian or not. They are kicked out due to their collective, objectively measurable negative impact on these cultures, not due to some groundless, irrational, blind "hatred," as Jews today would have you believe.


The Counter Reformation: Wycliffe (1328‑1384) set things in motion with his translation of the bible. About a century and a half later, William Tyndale (1494‑1536) translated the New Testament into the English vernacular. Fearing that Henry VIII would kill him for making a Bible translation that would teach people their rights, he moved to Germany to get his work printed. Even there his work was protested, and legal injunctions for a time halted his printing. Beginning again, he translated much of the Old Testament and wrote many tracts, all causing consternation when they arrived back in England. King Henry demanded that he be returned to England for spreading sedition. In 1535 he was betrayed by a friend, Henry Philips, in Belgium, condemned as a heretic, strangled at the stake and his body was burned. This was one more case of an episcopal protestant state‑religion defending its master, the king.


Lutheran tracts and missionaries spread the protestant movement to France. One convert was a Jewish Catholic priest named John Calvin. His beliefs came under attack, and he was forced to flee to Geneva, Switzerland, where he helped organize a great evangelical organization. His book Institutes of the Christian Religion (1536) had great influence in Scotland and France. In France, the Protestants, called Huguenots, became very strong, and in 1559, two thousand congregations met to organize a nationwide church.

John Calvin, John Knox, and other reformers translated the Bible into English; a different translation from Wycliffe's translation which had come from the Catholic Vulgate. It was called the Geneva Bible. The unique thing about this bible was that it contained margin notes by the reformers in small print expounding sections that many found difficult to understand. In this way, the finest brains of the Reformation put their collective opinions into a record that was read by practically every household in Britain. The result was so incendiary that King James was forced to authorize a new Bible to replace it; the one we know today as the King James version.

The first settlers to America brought the Geneva Bible and dispensed Law from it. It referred to the patriarchs as "our fathers," thereby taking the title "Israel" from Britain's Episcopal Church and Rome's Catholic Church for themselves as being the nation of Israel scattered throughout the West. This is an important claim. (Israel ‑ Heb: Yisra'el ‑ "He will rule as God... also his posterity." Strong's Concordance)

Calvin is considered the father of British Protestantism; Close attention was paid to the things he wrote, such as:

"How absurd would it be that in satisfying men you should incur the displeasure of him for whose sake you obey men themselves! The Lord, therefore, is the King of kings, who, when He has opened His sacred mouth, must alone be heard, before all and above all men; next to Him we are subject to those men who are in authority over us, but only in Him. If they command anything against Him, let it go un‑esteemed." (Calvin: Institutes of the Christian Religion, The Westminister Press, Philadelphia, 1960, Book 4: Chapter 20: Paragraph 32)

"I know with what great and present peril this constancy is menaced, because kings bear defiance with the greatest displeasure, whose �wrath is a messenger of death' (Proverbs 16:14), says Solomon. But since this edict has been proclaimed by the heavenly herald, Peter ‑ "We must obey God rather than men" (Acts 5:29) let us comfort ourselves with the thought that we are rendering that obedience which the Lord requires when we suffer anything rather than turn aside from piety. And that our courage may not grow faint. Paul pricks at us with another goad: That we have been redeemed by Christ at so great a price as our redemption cost Him, so that we should not enslave ourselves to the wicked desires of men, much less be subject to their impiety. (1 Corinthians 7:23)." (Calvin: Institutes of the Christian Religion, The Westminister Press, Philadelphia, 1960, Book 4: Chapter 20: p. 1)

It is an unfortunate truth that our Judeo‑Christian clergy is as much a bunch of treasonous dogs as those in the middle ages proved to be to the peasants or common people. For instance the following about John Calvin is never mentioned above a whisper:

"Judaism, which was destroyed politically (as a result of the destruction of the Temple in 70 A.D.), went forth into the great world. It adapted its possessions to its wanderings. I once compared it to an army going to war, a "movable State."

Jews were compelled to smuggle their goods across from frontier to frontier; so they chose abstract wares, easy to stubble; and this gave them ability, despite ghettos and restrictions, to enter everywhere; and so it is that the Hebrew people have penetrated everywhere. The argument is that JUDAISM, BY PENETRATING AMONG THE CHRISTIANS, HAS GRADUALLY REINSTITUTED THE REMNANTS OF PAGANISM. SUCH PENETRATION HAS NOT BEEN WITHOUT DELIBERATE JEWISH CONNIVING IN THE SHAPE OF ASSISTANCE BESTOWED IN A THOUSAND WAYS, DEVICES AND DISGUISES. IT HAS BEEN AFFECTED IN GREAT MEASURE BY CRYPTO‑JEWS, WHO HAVE PERMEATED CHRISTIANITY AND SPOKEN THROUGH THE MOUTH OF CHRISTIANITY (By false teachers, as we were warned of by Christ).


It was disciples of Jewish teachers who headed the Protestant movements. These dogs, these haters of the Jews have a keen nose. In truth, JEWISH INFLUENCE IN GERMANY IS POWERFUL. It is impossible to ignore it. Marx was a Jew. His manner of thought was Jewish. His keenness of intellect was Jewish; and one of his forebears was a most distinguished rabbi endowed with a powerful mind. THE NEWSPAPERS, UNDER JEWISH CONTROL, obviously served as an auxiliary in all movements in favor of freedom.

Not in vain have Jews been drawn toward journalism. In their hands IT BECAME A WEAPON HIGHLY FITTED TO MEET THEIR NEEDS...The MANY CHRISTIANS HAVE AT LAST REALIZED THIS SECRET, THAT JUDAISM HAS GRADUALLY PENETRATED THEM LIKE A DRUG...AND IS TRYING TO ORGANIZE THE FINAL BATTLE. TRUE CHRISTIANS ARE TRYING TO ORGANIZE ITS LAST WAR AGAINST JUDAISM. And there is no doubt that this being waged specifically against Democracy, against Socialism. This is another world wide warfare again against the forces of Judaism. I venture to think that Socialism in its highest form is the fruit of the Jewish spirit, and the fruit of the world outlook of the prophets. It is they who were the first Socialists.

WAR IS NOW BEING WAGED AGAINST US {but unknown to most of Christianity. Because God's People refuse to accept knowledge and recognize the enemy}, AGAINST JUDAISM, not in our own land, but in the great outer world where we are scattered. They would 'smoke us out' of all the cracks and crannies where we have hidden. They would exterminate us like bacilli, and be rid of us." (N.H. Bialik, in an address delivered at the Hebrew University, Jerusalem, May 11, 1933, which appeared in Lines of Communication, Palestine, July, 1933)� *(We Jews can boast of being the Creators of the Reformation! Calvin was one of our Children; he was of Jewish descent, and was entrusted by Jewish authority and encouraged with Jewish finance to draft his scheme in the Reformation. From a series of speeches at the B'nai B'rith Convention in Paris, published shortly afterwards in the London Catholic Gazette, February, 1936; Paris Le Reveil du Peuple published similar account a little later and Phillip II, by William Thomas Walsh)

The establishment's protestant religion in the West gives lip service to Calvin, but the average protestant preacher would die before quoting the above. He would be accused of disloyalty to his country and inciting riot and rebellion against the establishment. It would be the same as insisting "We must obey God rather than men." (Acts 5:29) which puts men at enmity with Lawless governments who punish its critics by removing tax‑exemption a la Bob Jones University and numerous individual churches.


Britain's Revolt: The Protestant Revolt reached its most advanced stage in Great Britain. By the time John Knox arrived on the scene, Henry VIII had already seized the properties belonging to the Catholic Church. He took over the Catholic Church in England, made himself its head, and installed his own bishops whose job it was to announce to the world that what the king did was God's will. This was Henry's own new Protestant state‑church. It was the old Roman Catholic Church turned into an English Catholic Church with a new name and some new rituals and beliefs. It was entirely episcopal. At the time of Knox, Henry's daughter, a devout Catholic, sat on the Scottish throne.

John Knox, too, had been a Catholic Priest, he became a protestant through the efforts of George Wishart, who was soon thereafter burned at the stake. In retaliation, Scottish Protestants executed cardinal David Beaton who had been Wishart's judge. The Catholic Church sent out a force to punish the rebels. Knox joined in the defense of St. Andrews castle and was captured. Sentenced to serve on a French galley, friends secured his release after 19 months.

In 1553, Knox sought refuge in Geneva where he met and worked with John Calvin. In 1554, Knox began to justify resistance to faithless rulers who attack their dutiful subjects, he also collaborated in the writing of the Geneva Bible. Returning to Scotland in 1559 he was foremost in the fight against the Catholic queen who was forced to abdicate in 1567, whereupon Protestantism was secured in Scotland. Unfortunately, the Church lands were promised to the nobles in return for their protection.

The English Civil War

Scottish Presbyterianism spread to England where Wycliffe's Lollards had prepared a fertile field. As people grew disenchanted with the episcopacy of the king and his Church they were added to the revolt. The king's income produced by the church and its businesses began to diminish, forcing the king to demand increased taxes. The people resisted, demanding the total abolition of the office of bishop by the Church of England, and that the Bible replace the king's Book of Common Prayer which contained neutered verses.

In time, the dispute centered in the Catholic king vs. a Protestant parliament. The king turned to his supporters who held their land "en fief" to him and commanded that they take the field with their supporters. Parliament called up the nation's militia, under the command of nobles sympathetic to parliament.


The leader of Parliament's presbyterian forces was Oliver Cromwell. In a series of brilliant battles he defeated the forces of the Catholic king. This left a protestant parliament ruling the nation with no opposition. It was the opportunity the people had waited for, they lobbied parliament to redress ancient wrongs, and parliament began to talk about dividing the land as commanded by scripture. When it ordered Cromwell to disband his army, he refused, packed parliament with his own supporters, and set himself up as a king with the title "Lord Protector." Then, he killed the defeated king and settled his followers, en fief to himself,� on lands confiscated from the king's supporters.

Protesting his reverence for God, he set about undoing the reforms of the Protestant Presbyterians. He put religious reform on hold and forbade dissenters to discuss their religious dissents in his army (Dharma). To prevent rebellion to his own rule he respected the prevailing prejudice against Catholics, still, he allowed the surrogates of the catholic Church, the Jews, into England (God's Law: "They shall not dwell in thy land, lest they make thee sin against me." (1 Kings 4:21‑24) "Receive a stranger into thine house, and he will disturb thee, and turn thee out of thine own." (Ecclesiasticus 2, 11:34) where they took the place of the expelled Catholics who had formerly managed Church financial and business interests. Some believe that Cromwell was a secret agent of the Roman Catholic Church.

When Cromwell died the old rulers quietly stepped back into the shoes that he had kept safe from the Presbyterian Protestants. King Charles II restored the Anglican Episcopal Church, which he called "protestant," as the state religion. He banned the Presbyterian Covenanters as traitors, banned presbyterian meetings and fined, confiscated, imprisoned, transported, and executed those who were arrested attending meetings held far out in the open fields. It was called "the killing times."

Cromwell's followers were allowed to keep their lands if they transferred their enfiefment obligations to the new king. The remnant who insisted "No King but Jesus" and that "We must obey God rather than men." (Acts 5:29) were outlawed.


The single purpose of the Catholic Church's counter‑reformation was not to "reform," but to re‑establish its supremacy over its old trade areas and to regain lost land, wealth, tax privileges, and to destroy the reformers and their reformation.


The first weapon of the Catholic Church is religious sanctions. In the past the mere threat of excommunication was enough to bring to heel one of their own who displeased the Roman ecclesiastical hierarchy. It was the first weapon used then and now. It is unbelievably effective among Catholic believers. Leon Degrell organized the Rexist Party in Belgium. This is what happened:

"Contesting the 1936 elections...the Rexists scored a smashing success against the established parties...Degrelle's movement gained 11.5% of the vote and 33 seats in Parliament. But the victory upset the church hierarchy in this heavily Catholic country. When Degrelle challenged the Belgian prime minister in a by‑election the following year, the church ruled that voting for the Rexists was �a mortal sin.'...For his role...Degrelle was excommunicated by the Catholic Church..." (Supplement to Gothic Ripples, #28, December 1994, Greenhow Hill, Harrogate, England, HG35JQ)

Inquisition At Work

The Inquisition stood ready to back up excommunication. There was little it could do in protestant lands that had been lost, but there was a great deal that could be done in lands newly re‑conquered or lands still under Catholic control. The reform minded must be routed out. (A free examination of "the Jewish question" would reveal ownership and surrogate enfiffments, the knowledge of which would throw the West's power structure into chaos and the world into revolution. Therefore, the investigation has to stop at the "Six Million," regardless how untenable the claim) This was the job for the inquisition's "thought police." They backed up the priests' "excommunication" so thoroughly that where Catholicism ruled there was never again a protestant problem. Suspects disappeared, some returned years later but refused to speak of their experiences.

The Inquisition had no hesitancy in going after anyone who stood in the way of Church policy, great or small. Among the victims of the Catholic Inquisition were Joan of Arc, Galileo, and the entire Catholic military Order of Templars. Joan of Arc had disobediently fought the English after Papal policy had awarded a portion of France to England; the Templars committed the grievous sin of accumulating wealth desired by the Church. In time, the outrages committed by the inquisition caused it to be suppressed in Portugal in 1821 and Spain in 1834. Their job was taken over by secular government departments where state‑Catholicism's inference outweighed Roman Catholicism.

It should be mentioned here that within Catholicism itself there is always a struggle going on as patriotic national ecclesiastics ally themselves with national political leaders to attempt to limit the power of the ubiquitous Roman Church. This struggle is the dirty laundry that the Catholic church hides form the public, but it can be deadly When a Mexican bishop is assassinated, or a German Catholic banker is ambushed and killed, the immediate thought is that it is the ongoing dispute over church jurisdiction. "State Catholicism" supports the state as it strives with its neighbors. Roman Catholicism supports the international trade cartel. The objectives of the two may vary widely.


William Shakespeare creates the negative Jewish character "Shylock," a Jewish money‑lender (surprise), for his

play The Merchant of Venice. Jews have often since tried to ban the play from being performed.


The Thirty Years War: Once the peasants and their allies among the knights and nobles had been suppressed, the princes held their land unchallenged, excepted by its previous owner, the Catholic Church. The Catholic Church ordered the Holy Roman Emperor to organize a crusade to get it back.

The resulting war was between an alliance of Catholic princes and an alliance of princes claiming to be Protestant. Both Catholic and Protestant peasants were driven into the armies of the two factions to fight the wars, and bloody wars they were. Brandenburg, Mecklenburg, the Palatinate, Wurttenberg, Pommerania, and parts of Bavaria lost 50% or more of their population. Some estimates say that the population of Germany dropped from 20 million to 6 million. Whatever it was, the war between the Catholic Kings and the Protestant Princes over the ownership of the peoples' land was the bloodiest thing seen before the 20th century.

The war ended when there weren't enough peasant soldiers left to fight it any longer, Catholic princes and Protestant princes then got together and made a notable agreement; one having effects down to today. The agreement was this: if a prince was Catholic, his people had to be Catholic. Those who weren't could move elsewhere. If a prince was Protestant, his people had to be Protestant: those who weren't were free to move. This resulted in most German states being either Catholic or Protestant. Today, most sons of the peasants who fought the wars have no idea why this is so, but those who profited from the war, they remember.

The peasant's enemy in Protestant lands was now the Protestant Princes and the Lutheran state‑religion taught by prince‑selected politically‑correct priests. In Catholic lands it was the Catholic Church and their appointed religiously‑correct kings. The enemy of both kings and priests was the Word. The Word rests ultimately with the people the Word claims as its own.

The chronological sequence of events from the execution of King Charles in 1649 to the institution of the Bank of England in 1694 shows how the National Debt was increased. The International Bankers used intrigue and cunning to throw Christians at each others' throats.

1649: Cromwell financed by Jews, waged war in Ireland. Captures Drougheda and Wexford. British Protests blamed for persecution of Irish Catholics.

1650: Montrose in rebellion against Cromwell. Captured and executed.

1651: Charles II invades England. Defeated and flees back to France.

1652: England involved in war with Dutch.

1653: Cromwell proclaims himself Lord Protector of England.

1654: England involved in more wars.

1656: Trouble started in American Colonies.

1657: Death of Cromwell, Son Richard named Protector.

1659: Richard, disgusted with intrigue, resigns.

1660: General Monk occupies London. Charles II proclaimed King.

1661: Truth revealed regarding intrigue entered into by Cromwell and his cohorts Ireton, and Bradshaw, causes serious public reaction. Bodies are exhumed and hung from gallows on Tyburn Hill, London.

1662: Religious strife is engendered to divide members of the Protestant denominations. Non‑Conformists to the established Church of England are persecuted.

1664: England is again involved in war with Holland.

1665: A great depression settles over England. Unemployment, shortages of food undermine the health of the people and the Great Plague breaks out. (The outbreak of the Great Fire of London, known as "The Great Cleaner" ended the plague)

1666: England involved in war with France and Holland.


Cabal agents start new religious and political strife. (The word Cabal is closely related to Cabala, a mysterious Jewish theosophy dating back into antiquity but which became very active during the 10th and succeeding centuries. Cabala was announced as "a special revelation" which enabled Rabbis to explain to the Jewish people the hidden meanings of the Sacred Writings of the Talmud. Pear's Cyclopedia 57th edition, page 529 says "Cabalism was later carried to great excess."

Cabalist leaders pretending to read signs, and evidence, in letters and forms, and numbers, contained in the Scriptures. The French named this mysterious Rite Cabale. The French used the term Cabale to designate any group of political or private intriguers.

The English coined the name Cabal because the chief personages concerned with Cabalistic intrigue in England were Clifford Ashley, Buckingham, Arlington, and Lauderdale, in that order. The first letter of their names spells Cabal! Cabalists were the instigators of various forms of political and religious unrest during the unhappy reign of Charles II)


England and Holland make Peace. The men directing international intrigue change their characters. They become match‑makers. They elevate Mr. William Stradholder to the rank of Captain‑General of the Dutch Forces. He became William Prince of Orange. It was arranged that he meet Mary, the eldest daughter of the Duke of York. The Duke was only one place removed from becoming King of England.


Princess Mary of England married William Prince of Orange. To place William Prince of Orange upon the Throne of England it was necessary to get rid of both Charles II, and the Duke of York, who was slated to become James II.


The Rye House Plot was hatched. The intention was to assassinate both King Charles II and the Duke of York. It failed.


King Charles II died. The Duke of York became King James II of England. Immediately a campaign of L'Infamie was started against James II. The Duke of Monmouth was persuaded, or bribed, into leading an insurrection to overthrow the king. On June 30, the Battle of Sedgemoor was fought. Monmouth was defeated and captured. He was executed July 15th.

In August Judge Jeffreys opened, what historians have named, "The Bloody Assizes." Over three hundred persons concerned in the Monmouth Rebellion were sentenced to death under circumstances of atrocious cruelty. Nearly one thousand others were condemned to be sold as slaves. This was a typical example of how the Secret Powers, working behind the scenes, create conditions for which other people are blamed. They in turn are liquidated. King James still had to be disposed of before William of Orange could be placed on the throne to carry out their mandate. Every person in England was bewitched and bewildered. They were not allowed to know the truth (the people are never allowed to know the truth, and when it is presented to them they will not believe it). They blamed everyone, and everything except the "Secret Powers" who were pulling the strings (the same thing that is happening at the present time in America). Then the conspirators made their next move.


They ordered William Prince of Orange to land in England at Torbay. This he did on November 5th. King James abdicated and fled to France. He had become unpopular by reason of the campaign of L'Infamie, intrigue and his own foolishness and culpability.


William of Orange and Mary, were proclaimed King and Queen of England. King James did not intend to give up the Throne without a fight. He was a Catholic, so the Secret Powers set up William of Orange as the Champion of the Protestant Faith. On February 15, 1689, King James landed in Ireland. The Battle of

The Boyne was fought by men of definite, and opposing, religious convictions. The Battle has been celebrated by Orangemen on the 12th of July ever since. There is probably not one Orangeman in ten thousand who knows that all the wars and rebellions fought from 1640 to 1689 were fomented by the Jewish International money‑lenders for the purpose of putting themselves in position to control British politics and economy. Their first objective was to obtain permission to institute a Bank of England and consolidate and secure the debts Britain owed them for loans made to her to fight the wars they instigated. History shows how they completed their plans. In the final analysis, none of the countries and people involved in the wars and revolutions obtained any lasting benefits. No permanent or satisfactory solution was reached regarding the political, economic, and religious issues involved. The only people to benefit were the small group of Jewish money‑lenders who financed the wars and revolutions, and their friends and agents, who supplied the armies, the ships, and the munitions.

It is important to remember that no sooner was the Dutch General sitting upon the throne of England than he persuaded the British Treasury to borrow �1,250,000 from the Jewish Bankers who had put him there. The school book history Informs our children that the negotiations were conducted by Sir John Houblen and Mr. William Patterson on behalf of the British Government with money‑lenders whose identity remained secret. A search of historical documents reveals that in order to maintain complete secrecy the negotiations regarding the terms of the loan were carried on in a church. In the days of Christ the money‑lenders used the Temple.

In the days of William of Orange they desecrated a church. The International Jewish money‑lenders agreed to accommodate the British Treasury to the extent of �1,250,000 providing they could dictate their own terms and conditions. This was agreed to. The terms were in part:

1). That the names of those who made the loan remain secret; and that they be granted a Charter to establish a Bank of England. (The identity of the men who control the Bank of England still remains a secret. The MacMillan Committee appointed in 1929 to throw light on the subject failed completely. Mr. Montague Norman, the official Head of the Bank of England was most evasive and non‑committal in any answer he made to the committee)

2). That the directors of the Bank of England be granted the legal right to establish the Gold Standard for currency by which;

3). They could make loans to the value of �10 for every �1 value of gold they had on deposit in their vaults.

4). That they be permitted to consolidate the national debt; and secure payment of amounts due as principal and interest by direct taxation of the people.

Thus, for the some of �1,250,000, King William of Orange sold the people of England into economic bondage. The Jewish money‑lenders gained their ambitions. They had usurped the power to issue and control the currency of the nation.

And, having secured that power they cared not who made the laws. The International Jewish Bankers never intend that England be allowed to pay off the national indebtedness. The plan was to create international conditions which would plunge ALL nations concerned deeper and deeper into their debt. (If such a policy is carried to its logical conclusion it is only a matter of time before the International Jewish money‑lenders will control the wealth, natural resources, and man‑power of the entire world. History shows how rapidly they have progressed toward their goal since 1694)

The Secret Power behind the World Revolutionary Movement pulled the necessary strings and brought about "The Wars of the Spanish Succession."� In 1701 the Duke of Marlborough was made Commander‑in‑chief of the armed forces of Holland. No less an authority than the Jewish Encyclopedia records the fact that for his many services the Duke of Marlborough received not less than �6,000 a year from the Dutch Jewish Banker, Solomon Medina.

The Encyclopedia Americana calls Hyrcanus a Jewish high priest [135‑105 B.C.] who forced the Idumeans to become "Jews." Idumea is the Greek for Edomites. The works of Josephes relates how the Idumeans were forced to accept Judaism. In the Bible Esau, Edo, Mt. Seir and Idumea are interchangeable for the offspring of ESAU, Jacob's twin brother.

760: Halakhot Pesukot (attributed to Yehudai b. Nahman).

761: The Karate schism led by Aan ben David.

762‑767: Aan b. David lays the foundation of Karaism.

768‑814: Reign of Charlemagne begins.

797: Isaac sent by Charlemagne on an embassy to Harun al‑Rashid.

800: Charlemagne is crowned Holy Roman Emperor.

814: "Capitula de Judefs" of Charlemagne and Ludwig decide that Jews should not have church utensils in pledge. Arabic numerals are established.

827: Eberard, "Magister Judaeorum" under Louis I. the Pious, king of the Franks, protects the Jews against Agobard, Bishop of Lyons.

845: Council of Meaux, under Amolo, bishop of Lyons, enacts anti‑Jewish decrees, renewing those of Constantine and Theodosius II.

850: Al‑Mutawakkil orders the "Peoples of the Book" to wear yellow kerchiefs.

862: Viking Russ tribe seizes control of Northern Russia.

874: Vikings settle Iceland.

875: Nahshon b. Zadok researches on the Jewish calendar.

878: Ibrahim ibn Ahmad orders Jews of Sicily to wear a badge.

900: Spain begins to drive out the Moors (Arabs).

932: Printed books from wood blocks are developed in China.

981: Eric the Red begins settlement of Greenland.

998: End of Khazar Kingdom.

1000: Vikings begin exploration of North America.

1007: Persecution at Rouen by Robert the Devil.

1012: Jews driven from Mayence by Emperor Henry II. Expulsion of Jews from Mainz.

1013: (Apr. 19) Massacre at Cordova by soldiers of Sulaiman ibn al‑Hakim.

1021: Al‑Hakim renews the �Pact of Omar' in Egypt. Muslim Druse sect is found by Caliph al‑Hakim.

1054: Byzantine Empire breaks with Holy Roman Church.

1066: Banishment of the Jews from Granada. Jews settle in England. England conquered by William of Normandy.� Jews enter England with the Norman Invasion and establish banks.

1078: Pope Gregory VII. (Hildebrand) promulgates canonical law against Jews holding office in Christendom. Jerusalem conquered by the Seljuks.

1079: Jews repulsed from Ireland. This is the origin of St. Patrick's Day, as when he drove the snakes from Ireland.

1085: Pope Gregory VII. protests against Jews being placed by the King of Castile in authority over Christians.

1090: "Fuero" (decree) of Alfonson VI, appoints duel means of settling litigation between Christian and Jew. Henry IV, grants Judah ben Kalonymus and Jews of Speyer protection to life and property.

1096‑99: First Crusade; Jews massacred along the Rhine and elsewhere. Contemporary history deletes the killing of Jews and falsely records the Crusade was to oust the Muslims from the Holy Land.

1099: The Jews of Jerusalem burned in a Synagogue by the Crusaders under Godfrey of Bouillon.

1103: The "Constitutio Pacis" of the imperial court at Mayence assures the Jews of the emperor's peace.

1117: Persecution at Rome; appearance of a false Messiah at Cordova.

1120: Calixtus II, issues bull "Sicut Judaeis," the charter of the Roman Jews.

1124: Ladislaus I, of Bohemia decrees that no Christian shall serve Jews.

1144: Alleged martyrdom of St. William of Norwich (first case of blood accusation).

1144 A.D.

Norwich: A twelve‑year‑old Christian boy was crucified and his side pierced at the Jewish Passover. His body was found in a sack hidden in a tree. A converted Jew, called Theobald of Cambridge, confessed that the Jews took blood every year from a Christian child because they thought that only by so doing could they ever obtain their freedom and return to Palestine; and that it was their custom to draw lots to decide whence the blood was to be supplied; Theobald said that last year the lot fell to Narbonne, but in this year to Norwich.

The boy was locally beatified and has ever since been known as St. William. The Sheriff, probably bribed, refused to bring the Jews to trial. (Close and Patent Rolls of the Realm, London, Winchester and Oxford) There is an illustration of an old painted rood‑screen depicting the Ritual Murder and Sacrifice of St. William; the screen itself is in Loddon Church, Norfolk, unless the Power of the Jewish Money has had it removed. No one denies this case as a historical event, but the Jews of course say it was not a Ritual Sacrifice.� (J.C. Cox's Norfolk Churches, Vol. II, p. 47; Victoria County History of Norfolk, 1906, Vol. II)

The Jew, C. Roth stated, in reference to this case: "Modern enquirers, after careful examination of the facts, have concluded that the child probably lost consciousness in consequence of a cataleptic fit, and was buried prematurely by his relatives." (The Ritual Murder Libel and the Jew (1935), C. Roth) How these so‑called enquirers arrived at a conclusion like that after all those years, Mr. Roth does not say; nor is it a compliment to the Church to suggest that its ministers would allow the boy's death to be celebrated as a martyrdom of a saint without having satisfied themselves that the wounds on the body confirmed the crucifixion and the piercing of the side. John Foxe's Acts and Monuments of the Church records this Ritual Sacrifice, as did the Bollandists and other historians. The Prior, William Turbe, who afterwards became Bishop of Norwich, was the leading light in insisting that the crime was one of Jewish Ritual Sacrifice; in the Dictionary of National Biography (edited by a Jew) it is made clear that his career, apart from this Ritual Sacrifice, is that of a man of great strength of character and moral courage.

1146‑1148: Second Crusade; Jews massacred throughout France and Germany. Beginning of the Almohad persecution in northern Africa and Southern Spain; Jews flee, or pretend to accept Islam.

1150: Statutes of Aries appoint a special Jewish oath.

1156: Jews of Persia persecuted on account of Pseudo‑Messiah, David Alroy. Civil wars fought in Japan.


Gloucester: The body of a Christian child named Harold was found in the river with the usual wounds of crucifixion. Sometimes wrongly dated 1168. (Recorded in Monumentsa Germania Historia, Vol. VI (Erfurt Annals); Polychronican, R. Higdon; Chronicles, R. Grafton, p. 46)

1161: Abraham ibn Daud completes Sefer ha‑Kabbalah. Chinese use explosives in warfare.

1168: Latins and Greeks, Jews and Saracens, granted right of being judged by their own laws in Sicily. Maimonides completes commentary on the Mishnah.

1171: Thirty‑one Jews and Jewesses of Blois Burned on the charge of having used human blood in the Passover. Destruction of the Blois community;

1171. Blois, France: At Passover, a Christian child was crucified, his body drained of blood and thrown into the river. (Monumenta Germania Historica, VI, 520; Magd. Cent. 12, c. 14 and 13, c. 14)

1172: Persecution of the Jews of Yemen. Messianic excitement.

1174: Sultan Nureddin Mahmud removes all Jews of Syria and Egypt from public offices.

1178: Riot at Toledo, at which Fermosa, the Jewish mistress of Alfonso VIII., is killed.


The third Lateran Council passes decrees protecting the religious liberty of the Jews. Jews of Boppard and Neighborhood slain because body of Christian woman found on banks of Rhine. Jews expelled from Bohemia.


Pontoise: A Christian boy named Richard was tortured, crucified and bled white. Philip Augustus's chaplains and historians, Rigord and Guillaume l'Armorician, attested this case. The body of the boy was taken to the Church of the Holy Innocents in Paris and he was canonized as St. Richard. (Acta, Vol. III, March, 591; Magd. Cent., 23, c. 14; Spec. Vinc., 129, c. 25; and Cosm. Munst., 23, c. 14)

1180: First Maimonidean controversy. Maimonides completes Mishneh Torah.


Bury St. Edmunds: A Christian child called Robert was sacrificed at Passover. The child was buried in the church and its presence there was supposed to cause "miracles." (Rohrbacher, from the Chronicle of Gervase of Canterbury)

1182: (April) Philip Augustus of France banishes the Jews from his hereditary provinces and takes one‑third of their debts.

1187: Jerusalem captured by Saladin.

1189: Attack on the Jews of London at coronation of Richard I. Third Crusade. Last recorded Viking voyage to North America.

1190: (May 17) Self‑immolation of 150 Jews at York to avoid baptism. Anti‑Jewish riots; massacre at York. Maimonides completes Guide of the Perplexed. Genghis Khan begins conquest of Asia.

1192. Winchester: A Christian boy crucified. (The Jewish Encyclopedia says this was a false charge)

Braisne: Philip Augustus attended to this case personally, and had the criminals burnt. It was a case of the crucifixion of a Christian sold to the Jews by Agnes, Countess of Dreux, who considered him guilty of homicide and theft. (Histoire des Ducs et Comtes de Champagne, IV, 1 st part, p. 72, Paris, 1865, by A. de Jubainville; Spec. Vinc., 129, c. 25; Gauin, L. 6, De Francis; Magd. Cent., 12, c. 14, col. 1670)

1194: "Ordinances of the Jewry" passed in England for registering Jewish debts, thus preparing the way for the exchequer of Jews.

1198: Jews permitted to return to France by Philip Augustus for 15,000 livres in silver.

1200: Bishop Conrad of Mayence issues an oath in German for Jews of Erfurt.

1204: Crusaders capture and sack Constantinople.

1205: (July 15) Innocent III. writes to Archbishop of Sens and Bishop of Paris laying down the principle that Jews are bound to perpetual subjection because of the Crucifixion.

1209: Council of Avignon issues restrictive measures against the Jews. (July 22) French Jews attacked and plundered; 200 murdered.

1210: Jews of England imprisoned by King John. Extortions of John Lackland. Mongols invade China.

1210‑11: French and English rabbis emigrate to Palestine. Settlement of 300 French and English rabbis.

1212: The Jews of Toledo killed by Crusaders under the Cistercian monk Arnold; first persecution of Jews in Castile.


Magna Carta of England signed by King John which limits rights of the crown in Jewish debts to the principal. Pope Innocent III. Among many anti‑Jewish measures, decrees the Jew badge.

1221: Jews killed at Erfurt.


Golden Bull of Hungary refuses Jews the right to hold public office. Council of Oxford imposes restrictions on the English Jews.

1227: Council of Narbonne reenacts the anti‑Jewish decrees of the fourth Lateran Council.

1228: Sixth Crusade results in capture of Jerusalem.

1230: (Dec.) "Statutum de Judeis" in France by Louis IX prohibits Jews from making contracts or leaving their lords' lands.


Winchester: Christian boy crucified. Details lacking. (Hayamon's History of the Jews in England; also in Annals of Winchester; and conclusively in the Close Roll 16, Henry III, membrane 8, 26.6. 1232)


(Dec. 10) Jews of Fulda find a murdered Christian; 261 Jews killed as a consequence.


Norwich: In this case, the Jews stole a Christian child and hid him with a view to crucifying him. Haydn's Dictionary of Dates (1847), says: "They (the Jews) circumcise and attempt to crucify a child at Norwich; the offenders are condemned in a fine of 20,000 marks." (Huillard Breolles, Grande Chronique, III, 86. Close Roll, 19 Henry III, m 23)

1235: Blood libel at Fulda.


Frederick II. takes Jews of Sicily under his protection as being his "servi camerae" (first use of this term). Persecutions in West France. Frederick II Hohenstaufen introduces the concept of servicamerae. 12th‑13th cent. Hasidei Ashkenazi; Sefer Hasidim compiled. 12th‑14th cent. Tosafot (France and Germany).


Fulda, Hesse‑Nassan: Five children murdered; Jews confessed under torture, but said the blood was wanted for healing purposes. Frederick II exonerated the Jews from suspicion, but the Crusaders had already dealt with a number by putting them to death. Frederick II called together a number of converted Jews, who denied the existence of Jewish Ritual Sacrifice. But Frederick's bias is evident in his own words when, in publishing his decision, he gives his objects in calling these people together, "although our conscience regarded the innocence of the aforesaid Jews adequately proved on the ground of several writings." Had Frederick II lived today, he would have relied little upon religious literature in deciding whether Jewish Ritual Sacrifice exists or not. (Chron. Hirsaug., and Magd. Cent., 13, c. 24)


(June 25) Disputation before Louis IX. of France between Nichoias Donin and the Jews represented by Jehiel of Paris, Moses of Coucy, Talmudist and itinerant preachers and two others. Disputation of Paris. Mongols capture Moscow, destroy Kiev.


(May 24) Riot at Frankfort on account of a Jewish convert, Jewish Parliament summoned to Worchester, England. Tatars reach the frontiers of Silesia.

1242: Burning of Talmud at Paris.


Archduke Frederick II. the Valiant, of Austria, grants privileges to the Jews ("Privilegium Frede ricianum"). Twenty‑ four wagon‑loads of Talmuds and other manuscripts (1200) burned at Paris. Jerusalem captured by the Khwarizms. London: A Christian child's body found unburied in the cemetery of St. Benedict, with ritual cuts. Buried in St. Paul's. (Social England, Vol. I, p. 407, edited by H.D. Traill)


James I. of Aragon, in the Ordenamiento of Huesa declares Jews to be "in commanda regis," Council of B�ziers forbids Jews to practice medicine.


Valreas, France: Just before Easter, a two‑year‑old Christian girl's body was found in the town moat with wounds on forehead, hands and feet. Jews confessed that they wanted the blood of the child, but did not say that it was for ceremonial purposes. Pope Innocent IV said that three of the Jews were executed without confessing, but the Jewish Encyclopedia, 1903, Vol. III, p. 261, says they confessed.


Saragossa: A Christian boy crucified, afterwards canonized as St. Dominiculus. Pius VII, 24th November 1805, confirmed a decree of the Congregation of Rites of 31st August, according this canonization.


Lincoln: A Christian boy called Hugh was kidnaped by the Jews and crucified and tortured in hatred of Jesus Christ. The boy's mother found the body in a well on the premises of a Jew called Joppin or Copinus. This Jew, promised by the judge his liufe if he confessed, did so, and 91 Jews were arrested; eventually 18 were hanged for the crime. King Henry III himself personally ordered the juridical investigation of the case five weeks after the discovery of the body, and refused to allow mercy to be shown to the Jew Copinus, who was executed. (Henry III, 39, m. 2, 7.10 1255; 39, m. 2, 14.10.1255; 40, m. 20, 24.II, 1255; 40, m. 13, 13.3.1256; 42, m. 6, 19.6.1258. Patent Rolls, Henry III, 40, m. 20, 26.II.1255; 40, m. 19, 9.12.1255; 40, 27.3.1256; and 40, m. 5, 20.8.1256)

1249: Innocent IV issues bull against blood libel.

1254: (Dec.) Louis IX. expels Jews from France.


(July 31) St. Hugh of Lincoln disappears, and the Jews are accused of murdering him for ritual purposes. Blood libel at Lincoln.

1257. London: A Christian child sacrificed. (Cluverius, Epitome Historia, p. 541)


Jahudan de Cavalleria becomes "bayle‑general" and treasurer of Aragon. Provincial council of Fritziar for province of Mayence repeats several of the canonical restrictions, including the badge (first time in Germany).


Pforzheim, Baden: An old woman sold a seven‑year‑old Christian girl to the Jews, who bled her, strangled her and threw the body into the river. The old woman was convicted on the evidence of her own daughter.

A number of Jews were condemned to death, two committing suicide. (Bollandists, Acta, Vol. II, p. 838; Rohrbacher, L'Histoire Universelle de l'Englise Catblique, Vol. XVIII, pp. 697‑700; Thos. Cantipranus, De ratione vita, Vol. II, xxix)


Expulsion from Brabant, by Henry III. of all Jews except those living by trade.


�Disputation at Barcelona between Pablo Christiani and Nahmanides. Jews of London sacked.


Massacres at London, Canterbury, Winchester, and Cambridge by the barons in revolt against Henry VII. Charter of Boleslav V the Pious.

1265: (May 2) Persecution at Sunzig; 72 persons burned in synagogue.

1267: (May 12) Synod of Vienna, under Cardinal Guida, orders Jews to wear pointed hats.

1270: (June 23) Persecution at Weissenburg. Death of Nahmanides.


(Nov. 4) Jews of Lerida obtain permission to substitute oath by the Ten Commandments for the oath "more Judaici."


�(July 7) Gregory X. issues bull against blood accusation. Mongols attempt invasion of Japan but fail.


Jews expelled from Marlborough, Glouchester, Worchester, and Cambridge, at the request of Queen‑ mother.


London: Christian boy crucified. (Close Roll of the Realm, 4, Edward I, membrane 14, 3.3.1276)


Northampton: A Christian child crucified. "They (the Jews) crucify a child at Northampton for which 50 are drawn at horses' tails and hanged." (Haydn's Dictionary of Dates, 1847, Reiley, Memorials of London, p. 15; H. Desportes, Le Mystere du Sang)


Alfonso X. orders all Jews of Leon an d'Castile to be imprisoned till they pay 12,000 maravedis, and 12,000 for every day of delay in payment. English Jews forced to attend sermons of Dominicans.


(June 28) Meir ben Baruch of Rothenburg (1220‑93), chief rabbi of Germany, imprisoned when about to emigrate. Sancho of Castile in Cortes of Palencia orders Jews to submit their cases to the ordinary alcaldes (abolition of legislative autonomy). (Nov. 30) Bull of Honorius IV. to archbishops of York and Canterbury against Talmud. Zohar in final form completed by Moses b. Shem Tov de Leon.


Oberwesel, on the Rhine: A Christian boy named Werner was tortured for three days at Passover, hanged by the legs and bled white. The body was found in the river. A sculptured representation of this Ritual Sacrifice is still in the Oberwesel Church. (Aventinus, Annals of Bavaria, 1521, 17, p. 576; Chron. Hirsaug., Magd. Cent., 13, c. 14)


Berne: Rudolf, a Christian boy, was murdered at Passover in the house of a rich Jew called Matler. Jews confessed that he had been crucified; many were put to death. (Bollandists, Acta, Vol. II, April; Helvetia sancta (H. Murer); Karl Howard, Die Brunnen zu Bern, 1848, p. 250; Cosm. Munst., 13, p. 482)

A stone monument still exists in Berne commemorating the crime. It is called The Fountain of the Child‑Devourer, and is now on the Kornhausplatz. It represents a monster, with a Jewish countenance, eating a child. The figure wears the Judenbut, the hat prescribed for the Jews to wear by decree of the Fourth Lateran Council in 1215. This monument was first placed in a street of the Jews' quarter as a reminder of the monstrous crime and as a punishment for the whole of Berne Jewry. Later, it was removed to its present location.

(May 2) All Jews in England thrown into prison.


Jews burned at Troyes. Troyes, France: some Jews were tried for a Ritual Sacrifice and 13 were executed by burning. (Jewish Encyclopedia, 1906, Vol. XII, p. 267)


Oxford: The Patent Roll 18 Edward I, m. 21, 21st June, 1920, contains an order for the Gaul delivery of a Jew, Isaac de Pulet, detained for the murder of a Christian boy at Oxford. One month later, King Edward issued his decree expelling the Jews from the Kingdom.

It was the Oxford murder which proved the last straw in toleration for the English. Hugh was locally beatified, and his tomb may still be seen in Lincoln Cathedral, but the Jewish Money Power has evidently been at work, for between 1910 and 1930, a notice was fixed above the shrine which reads as follows: "The body of Hugh was given burial in the Cathedral and treated as that of a martyr. When the Minster was repaved, the skeleton of a small child was found beneath the present tombstone.

There are many incidents in the story which tend to throw doubt upon it, and the existence of similar stores in England and elsewhere points to their origin in the fanatical hatred of the Jews of the Middle Ages and in the common superstition, now wholly discredited, and that ritual murder was a factor of Jewish Paschal Rites. Attempts were made as early as the 13th century by the Church to protect the Jews against the hatred of the populace and against this particular accusation."

No one who studies the case history questions the historical facts in this case; but the Jews and their Judaised Christians unite in denying the fact of this Ritual Sacrifice.

The Jews are expelled from England by King Edward I due to their anti‑British culture.


Acre captured by the Muslims; end of Latin Kingdom of Jerusalem. Death of Abraham Abulafia. Crusades end as Muslims rout Christians in Palestine.

1294: (Aug. 7) Bolko I. of Silesia grants Jews "Privilegium Fredericianum."

1295: (June 23) Boniface VIII. enters Rome and spurns the Torah presented to him by Jewish deputation.

1298: Persecution of the Jews in Germany instigated by Rindfleisch; Mordecai ben Hillel a martyr.

1298‑1299: Rindfleisch persecutions.

1300‑1306: Third Maimonidean controversy.

1301: Jews plundered and slain at Magdeburg.


Ordinance of Philip the Fair enacts that all trials between Christians and Jews be decided by regular courts.

1306: Expulsion of Jews from France under Philip the Fair.

1309‑78: "Avignonese captivity" of the popes.

1315: (July 28) Jews recalled to France by Louis X. for twelve years.

1320: The Pastoureaux persecutions in France ("gezerat ha‑ro'im").


The leper persecution in France ("gezera�mezora'im"). (June 24) Second expulsion of the Jews from France. Five thousand slain in Dauphin� on charge of well‑poisoning.

1322: (Pentecost) Talmuds burned in Rome. Expulsion from the Kingdom of France.


(Oct. 9) Casimir III. the Great, of Poland, grants Jews "Privilegium Fredericianum."; extends the charter of 1264.

1336: Civil war lasting until 1392 begins in Japan.


(May) Armleder massacres at Ensisheim, M�hlhausen, Rufach, etc. Beginning of the Hundred Years' War between England and France. Before 1340, Jacob b. Asher completes Arba'ah Turim.

1346: Blood accusation at Munich.

1347: Bubonic plague spreads from China to Cyprus.


(Feb. 28) The Ordenamiento of Alcaza orders all usury to cease. (July 16) Karl IV. forbids Jews being summoned before the Vehmgericht. Black Death massacres in Spain and France. The Jews introduce the Bubonic Plague into England as their revenge for having driven them out in 1290. Protective bulls of Clement VI.


Persecution of the Jews in central Europe on account of the Black Death. Pope Clement VI. issues two bulls protecting them. Immigration from Germany.

1350: Alfonso IV. of Portugal enforces the badge (first in the Peninsula).


Cortes of Valladolid demands the abolition of the judicial autonomy of Spanish‑Jewish communities. Jews burned at K�nigsberg in Neumark. Plague reaches Russia; Europe's toll tops 25 million.

1353: Jews invited back to Worms on account of their usefulness.

1356: Charles IV grants the Electors the privilege of taxing the Jews.

1359: Jews recalled to France.


Samuel Abulafia dies under torture on the charge of peculation. Manessier de Vesoul obtains from King John a decree permitting Jews to dwell in France.

1363: Tamerlane begins conquest of Asia.

1365: Jews expelled by Louis the Great from Hungary; many go to Wallachia.

1368: Mongol dynasty ends in China; Ming dynasty begins.

1370: All Jews imprisoned and robbed in Austria.

1380: (Nov. 15) Riot at Paris; many Jews plundered, several killed, most fled.

1381: A synod at Mayence regulates the rabbinical marriage laws.

1386: Beginning of the union between Poland and Lithuania.

1387: Jews expelled from Basel.

1388: Witold of Lithuania grants charter to Jews of Brest‑Litovsk.


(Apr. 18) The charge of insult to a priest carrying the sacrament leads to the massacre of the Jews in Prague.

1390: Turks conquer Asia Minor.


(June 6) Spanish horrors begin; Ferdinand Martinez incites the mob against the Jews of Seville; anti‑Jewish riots spread throughout Castile and Aragon. Massacres and conversions.

1394: (Nov. 3) Third and last expulsion of the Jews from France, under Charles VI.

1399: Blood libel in Poznan.


Persecution of the Jews of Prague at the instigation of the convert Pessach; Lipmann of M�hihausen among the sufferers.

1403: (Oct. 25) Juan II. of Castile withdraws civil jurisdiction from Jews.

1405: Jews expelled from Speyer.

1407: (Oct. 26) Jews attacked at Cracow.

1410: (Sept.) Me�r Alguades slain on charge of host‑desecration.

1411: Vincent Ferrer raises the populace against the Jews and passes oppressive legislation.


(Jan. 7) Religious disputation at Tortosa arranged by Pope Benedict XIII., between Geronimo de Santa F� and Vidal Ben veniste ibn Labi; Joseph Albo.

1415: (May 11) Bull of Benedict XIII. against the Talmud and any Jewish book attacking Christianity.

1419: Martin V against forced conversion.

1419‑36: Hussite Wars.


Charges of host‑desecration lead to the putting to death of a number of Jews and to the expulsion of the remainder from Lower and Upper Austria. Expulsion from Lyons.


Wiener Gesera; expulsion from Austria. Second general massacre of Jews in all the Spanish Provinces.

1423: Jews expelled from Cologne.

1424: Jews expelled from Zurich.

1425: Joseph Albo completes Sefer ha‑Ikkarim.

1427: Papal edict prohibits transportation of Jews to Palestine in ships of Venice and Ancona.

1431: Burning of Joan of Arc as a witch at Rouen.


Rabbinical synod at Valladolid. Host‑tragedy at Segovia, a synod at Avila, under Abraham Benveniste Senior, provides for an educational system for Jewish Spain.

1434: Annihilation of the Jews of Majorea.

1435: Jews expelled from Speyer. Massacre and conversion of the Jews of Majorca.

1438: Jews expelled from Mayence.

1440: Jews expelled from Augsburg.

1447: Casimir IV. of Poland grants special privileges to Jews.

1450: Ludwig X. of Bavaria throws all the Jews in forty towns into prison and confiscates their property.

1451: Nichoias de Cusa enforces the wearing of the Jew badge in Germany.

1452‑53: John of Capistrano incites persecutions and expulsions.


Constantinople captured by the Turks; end of the Hundred Years' War. Onward, Jews favored as a valuable trading and artisan element in the Ottoman Empire. Byzantine Empire; Middle Ages end; Renaissance begins.


(May 2) Forty‑one Jews burned at Breslau, and Jews expelled from Brunn and Olmu, through Capistrano. Death of Abraham Benveniste. Privileges revoked; riots in Cracow. Movable‑type printing press is introduced.

1455: England's war of the Roses is fought.

1458: Jews expelled from Erfurt.


(March 5) The states of Austria demand that no Jew be permitted to dwell there. Jews Expelled From Savoy.


Rinn, Innsbruck: A Christian boy called Andreas Oxner was bought by the Jews and sacrificed for his blood on a stone in the forest. The body was found by his mother in a birch‑tree. No Jew was apprehended because, the border being near, they had fled when the crime was made known. The Abbe Vacandard, defender of the Jews, says there was no trial. Well, of course there wasn't. Even in 1995 there is no trial for a crime where the criminals have escaped! The boy was sanctified by Pope Benedict XIV, in his Bull Beatus Andreas, Venice, 1778, which says he was, "cruelly assassinated by the Jews in hatred of the faith of Jesus Christ."

This last is admitted by Pope Clemet XIV, who wrote his report on the investigation he made into the matter of Jewish Ritual Sacrifices when, as Cardinal Ganganelli, he had been commissioned by Pope Benedict XIV to go into the matter; and in this report, he said: "I admit the truth of another fact, which happened in the year 1462 in the village of Rinn, in the Diocese of Brixen, in the person of the Blessed Andreas, a boy barbarously murdered by the Jews in hatred of the faith of Jesus Christ."� No one questions the historical occurrence of this case. An engraving on wood representing the Ritual Sacrifice still exists in the church.

1464: (Apr. 12) Jews plundered and Murdered by soldiers in Cracow.

1467: Eighteen Jews burned at Nuremberg.

1468: Jews expelled from Neisse by the gilds. Blood accusation brought against Jews of Sepulveda.


Sepulveda, Segovia, Spain: The Jews sacrificed a Christian child on a cross. The Bishop of Segovia investigated the crime, and ordered the culprits to Segovia, where they were executed. It is important to know that this Bishop was himself a son of a converted Jew; Jean d'Avila was his name. Colmenares's History of Segovia records the facts of the case, which was juridically decided by a man of Jewish blood. That may be the reason that one finds no mention of it in Strack's book in defence of the Jews, The Jew and Human Sacrifice.

1469: Jews plundered and slain at Posen.

1470: Jews expelled from Bishopric of Mayence.

1473: Marranos of Valladolid and Cordoba Massacred. Expulsion from Mainz.

1474: Marranos of Segovia massacred.


Bernardinus of Feltre preaches against the Jews in Italy. The Jews charged with the murder of Simon of Trent for ritual purposes. Riots in Padua and elsewhere in Italy and Sicily. Jews expelled from several towns. Blood libel of Trent. Beginning of Hebrew printing (Rashi printed in Reggio di Calabria).


The Case of St. Simon of Trent: In 1475, a three‑year‑old Christian boy named Simon disappeared in the Italian town of Trent; the circumstances were such that suspicion fell upon the Jews. Hoping to avert this suspicion, they themselves "found" the child's body in a conduit where they afterwards confessed to having thrown it into the conduit. Examination of the body, however, revealed that the boy had not drowned; there were strange wounds on the body, of circumcision and crucifixion.

About seven Jews were arrested; they were tortured and confessed that the boy had been Ritually Sacrificed for the purpose of obtaining Christian blood to mix with the ceremonial unleavened bread; these confessions were made separately and agreed in all essential details. The Jews were tried and were ultimately executed. The officer in charge of the investigation of the crime, Jean de Salis de Brescia, had before him a converted Jew, Jean de Feltro, who described how his father told him that Jews of his town, Lanzhut, had killed a Christian child at Passover to get the blood of which they partook in wine and cakes.

No one has ever dared to try and deny the historical events of this case; only the Jews invent "reasons" why it was not Ritual Murder! But there is no escape from the opposite conclusion. In 1750 in answer to a Jewish appeal from Poland, the Inquisition sent Cardinal Ganganelli (later he became Pope Clement XIV) to investigate and report on the whole subject, with particular reference to the many cases then being reported in Poland; although this man went out with a biased mind in favor of the Jews.

In his report, he says: "With my weak faculties I endeavored to demonstrate the non‑existence of the crime which was imputed to the Jewish nation in Poland," hardly the spirit in which to enter upon such an investigation), he actually says of this Trent case (See Report of Cardinal Ganganelli, in C. Roth's The Ritual Murder Libel and the Jew, 1935, p. 83):

"I admit then as true the fact of the Blessed Simon, a boy three years old, killed by the Jews in Trent in the year 1475 in hatred of the faith of Jesus Christ (although it is disputed by Basnage and Wagenseil); for the celebrated Flaminio Cornaro, a Venetia Senator, in his work On the Cult of the Child St. Simon of Trent (Vence, 1753) disposes of all the doubts raised by the above mentioned critics."

The Jews try to throw discredit on the judges who condemned the Jewish murderers by quoting Pope Sixtus IV who refused to sanction the cult of St. Simon; but the reason for this was that the cult was not then authorized by Rome, but was a popular movement without authority and contrary to Church discipline; this same Pope later expressed his approval of the verdict on the Jews in the Papal Bull XII Kal. July, 1478.

We have not only the testimony as to the correctitude of the proceedings from Sixtus IV; but also that of several other Popes; such as Sixtus V, who regularized the popular cult of St. Simon by ratifying it in 1588, as cited by Benedict XIV in Book I, Ch. xiv, No. 4 of his "On the Canonisation of the Saints;" also by this same Pope Benedict XIV in his Bull Peatus Andreas of 22nd February, 1755, in which he confirms Simon as a saint, a fact omitted from the arguments of that advocate for the Jews, Strack (The Jew and Human Sacrifice); Gregory XIII recognized Simon as a martyr, and even visited the shrine; and, as already stated, Clement XIV was obliged to recognize that it was a case of Jewish murder in hatred of Christianity.

In short, the Ritual Murder of St. Simon at Trent is supported by such evidence that those who doubt it are thereby condemning without reason high juridical and ecclesiastical authorities whose probity and intelligence there is not the slightest excuse to deny.

1476: Blood accusation in Regensburg through the convert Wolfram.

1477: Jews plundered at Colmar and burned at Passau; the rest expelled through Bishop.


Jews expelled from Diocese of Bamberg on account of Simon of Trent affair. Spanish Inquisition is begun by Ferdinand and Isabella, period of exploration by Europeans begins.

1480: Inquisition established in Spain.


Venice. This case, as admitted in the Jewish Encyclopedia, 1906, Vol. XII, p. 410, was settled by trial. Three Jews were executed.

1481: The inquisition against the Marranos established in Seville and at other places in Castile.


Inquisition established in Aragon; Thomas de TorQuemada {a Jew}, chief inquisitor. Portuguese colonize African Gold Coast.

1483: TorQuemada appointed inquisitor general. Expulsion from Warsaw.

1484: Jews expelled from Aries.


Padua, Italy: The victim in this case was canonized as St. Lorenzino, Benedict XIV mentioning him as a martyr in Bull Beatus Andreas. This case was attested by the Episcopal Court of Padua.


(Jan. 25) First auto at Barcelona. (May 24 and July 30) Autos da f� at Toledo: at former, 21 Jews burned, 400 punished; and latter, 76 burned. Bartholomew Daz sails around Cape of Good Hope.


(Dec.) Jews expelled from Geneva.

Toledo. This is a most important case, the circumstances of which have been clarified by W.T. Walsh in his interesting book on Isabella of Spain, 1931 (Sheed & Ward), in which he devotes pp. 441 to 468 to his researches on this Ritual Murder charge.� Had it not been for Mr. Walsh, one might be influenced by the Jewish Encyclopedia's statement (1903, Vol. III, p. 262) that "Modern historians even deny that a child had disappeared at all" in this case"

Strenuous efforts were made by Loeb and H.C. Lea to clear the Jews from guilt of this murder; as also by Abbe Vacandard. Walsh shows that on October 27th, 1490, a Jew named Yuce confessed to having been present at the crucifixion of a Christian boy called Christopher at La Guardia, near Toledo.


The Spanish Inquisition begins. The Jews are expelled from Spain. Some Jews, called Marranos, convert to Catholicism but secretly practice Judaism.

1492‑93: Expulsion from Sicily.


Tyrnau, Hungary: A Christian boy was bled white and killed. The Jews culprits were betrayed by the confessions of women, who were persuaded to do so by the sight of some instruments of torture, which however were not applied to them. The Jews, arrested after this confession, themselves confessed this was the fourth child they had killed for the blood, but they said they wanted this for medical purposes. (Bollandists, Acta, April, Vol. II, 838)

1494: Jews plundered in Naples. Blood accusation at Tyrnau.


Jews expelled from Florence, but readmitted after a few months on account of their utility; Jews Expelled From Lithuania.


Expulsion of Jews from Syria. Manoel of Portugal orders the Jews to accept baptism or leave the country.

1497: Onward, refugees from Portugal welcomed by the sultans. John Cabot discovers Newfoundland.

1498: The exiles settled in Navarre banished. Jews expelled from Nuremberg and Ulm.


The Charles VIII of France in 1489 ordered all Jews to embrace Christianity and become loyal citizens and good subjects or suffer forfeiture of their goods and chattels, also expulsion from his domain. The heads of Sephardim Jewry thereupon wrote in their extremity to the Elders of Zion, the Sanhedrin, then sitting in Constantinople, asking for advice as to what they should do. The mischievous reply to this appeal has come up to us across the years of history, and shows itself as being directly responsible for the growth of the Zionist Movement, which came 400 years later, throughout the earth. The Constantinople Elders responded:

"Dear beloved brethren in Moses: We have received your letter in which you tell us of the anxieties and misfortunes which you are enduring. We are pierced by as great pain to hear it as yourselves. The advice of the Grand Satraps and Rabbis is the following: As for what you say that the King of France obliges you to become Christians: do it, since you cannot do otherwise...As for what you say about the command to despoil you of your goods make your sons merchants, that little by little they may despoil the Christians of theirs. As for what you say about their attempts on your lives; make your sons doctors and apothecaries, that they may take away Christian lives. As for what you say of their destroying your synagogues; make your sons canons and clerics in order that they may destroy their churches. As for the many other vexations you complain of: arrange that your sons become advocates and lawyers, and see that they always mix themselves up with the affairs of State, in order that by putting Christians under your yoke you may dominate the world and be avenged on them. Do not swerve from this order that we give you, because you will find by experience that, humiliated as you are, you will reach the actuality of power."

1501: (July) Fifty‑four Jews burned at Seville.

1502: Appearance of the Pseudo‑Messiah Asher Lammlein. Columbus discovers Nicaragua.

The converso Fernao de Noronha becomes Brazil's first governor, as Sephardic Jews quickly gain a monopoly over the nascent sugar industry. This established the foundation for the rum trade. The first African slaves in the New World were used as laborers on the Brazilian and Caribbean sugar plantations.

1503: Jews permitted to return to Lithuania. Judaizing followers of Zechariah of Kiev burned at Moscow.


Jews expelled from Orange. All slain at Budewis on a child‑murder accusation. Portuguese colonize Mozambique.

1506: Massacre of Marranos in Lisbon.


First world map showing "America" is produced, although a map of America had been in existence for more than a thousand years; and was probably a copy of the one made by the Ancient Israelites.


Burning of Jewish books at Frankfort. Thirty‑eight Jews burned in Berlin for Child Murder. (Gratz, ix. 94)


Brandenburg: Several Jews were accused in Berlin of buying a small Christian boy, bleeding him and killing him. They confessed, and 41 were executed. (Richard Mun, Die Juden in Berlin; Sir Richard Burton, The Jew, the Gypsy and El Islam, 1898, p. 126)

1513: Balboa discovers the Pacific Ocean.

1517: Martin Luther publishes his 95 theses and begins the Reformation.

The 95 Theses

by Martin Luther

1. When our Lord and Master Jesus Christ said, "Repent" (Mt 4:17), he willed the entire life of believers to be one of repentance.

2. This word cannot be understood as referring to the sacrament of penance, that is, confession and satisfaction, as administered by the clergy.

3. Yet it does not mean solely inner repentance; such inner repentance is worthless unless it produces various outward mortification of the flesh.

4. The penalty of sin remains as long as the hatred of self (that is, true inner repentance), namely till our entrance into the kingdom of heaven.

5. The pope neither desires nor is able to remit any penalties except those imposed by his own authority or that of the canons.

6. The pope cannot remit any guilt, except by declaring and showing that it has been remitted by God; or, to be sure, by remitting guilt in cases reserved to his judgment. If his right to grant remission in these cases were disregarded, the guilt would certainly remain unforgiven.

7. God remits guilt to no one unless at the same time he humbles him in all things and makes him submissive to the vicar, the priest.

8. The penitential canons are imposed only on the living, and, according to the canons themselves, nothing should be imposed on the dying.

9. Therefore the Holy Spirit through the pope is kind to us insofar as the pope in his decrees always makes exception of the article of death and of necessity.

10. Those priests act ignorantly and wickedly who, in the case of the dying, reserve canonical penalties for purgatory. One does not go to purgatory and even if they did could not be prayed out of it because the Scriptures say: "None of them can by any means redeem his brother, nor give to God a ransom for him." (Psalm 49:7) (KJV)

11. Those tares of changing the canonical penalty to the penalty of purgatory were evidently sown while the bishops slept. Matthew 13:25

12. In former times canonical penalties were imposed, not after, but before absolution, as tests of true contrition.

13. The dying are freed by death from all penalties, are already dead as far as the canon laws are concerned, and have a right to be released from them.

14. Imperfect piety or love on the part of the dying person necessarily brings with it great fear; and the smaller the love, the greater the fear.

15. This fear or horror is sufficient in itself, to say nothing of other things, to constitute the penalty of purgatory, since it is very near to the horror of despair.

16. Hell, purgatory, and heaven seem to differ the same as despair, fear, and assurance of salvation.

17. It seems as though for the souls in purgatory fear should necessarily decrease and love increase.

18. Furthermore, it does not seem proved, either by reason or by Scripture, that souls in purgatory are outside the state of merit, that is, unable to grow in love.

19. Nor does it seem proved that souls in purgatory, at least not all of them, are certain and assured of their own salvation, even if we ourselves may be entirely certain of it.

20. Therefore the pope, when he uses the words "plenary remission of all penalties," does not actually mean "all penalties," but only those imposed by himself.

21. Thus those indulgence preachers are in error who say that a man is absolved from every penalty and saved by papal indulgences.

22. As a matter of fact, the pope remits to souls in purgatory no penalty which, according to canon law, they should have paid in this life.

23. If remission of all penalties whatsoever could be granted to anyone at all, certainly it would be granted only to the most perfect, that is, to very few.

24. For this reason most people are necessarily deceived by that indiscriminate and high‑sounding promise of release from penalty.

25. That power which the pope has in general over purgatory corresponds to the power which any bishop or curate has in a particular way in his own diocese and parish.

26. The pope does very well when he grants remission to souls in purgatory, not by the power of the keys, which he does not have, but by way of intercession for them.

27. They preach only human doctrines who say that as soon as the money clinks into the money chest, the soul flies out of purgatory.

28. It is certain that when money clinks in the money chest, greed and avarice can be increased; but when the church intercedes, the result is in the hands of God alone.

29. Who knows whether all souls in purgatory wish to be redeemed, since we have exceptions in St. Severinus and St. Paschal, as related in a legend.

30. No one is sure of the integrity of his own contrition, much less of having received plenary remission.

31. The man who actually buys indulgences is as rare as he who is really penitent; indeed, he is exceedingly rare.

32. Those who believe that they can be certain of their salvation because they have indulgence letters will be eternally damned, together with their teachers.

33. Men must especially be on guard against those who say that the pope's pardons are that inestimable gift of God by which man is reconciled to him.

34. For the graces of indulgences are concerned only with the penalties of sacramental satisfaction established by man.

35. They who teach that contrition is not necessary on the part of those who intend to buy souls out of purgatory or to buy confessional privileges preach unchristian doctrine.

36. Any truly repentant Christian has a right to full remission of penalty and guilt, even without indulgence letters.

37. Any true Christian, whether living or dead, participates in all the blessings of Christ and the church; and this is granted him by God, even without indulgence letters.

38. Nevertheless, papal remission and blessing are by no means to be disregarded, for they are, as I have said (Thesis 6), the proclamation of the divine remission.

39. It is very difficult, even for the most learned theologians, at one and the same time to commend to the people the bounty of indulgences and the need of true contrition.

40. A Christian who is truly contrite seeks and loves to pay penalties for his sins; the bounty of indulgences, however, relaxes penalties and causes men to hate them; at least it furnishes occasion for hating them.

41. Papal indulgences must be preached with caution, lest people erroneously think that they are preferable to other good works of love.

42. Christians are to be taught that the pope does not intend that the buying of indulgences should in any way be compared with works of mercy.

43. Christians are to be taught that he who gives to the poor or lends to the needy does a better deed than he who buys indulgences.

44. Because love grows by works of love, man thereby becomes better. Man does not, however, become better by means of indulgences but is merely freed from penalties.

45. Christians are to be taught that he who sees a needy man and passes him by, yet gives his money for indulgences, does not buy papal indulgences but God's wrath.

46. Christians are to be taught that, unless they have more than they need, they must reserve enough for their family needs and by no means squander it on indulgences.

47. Christians are to be taught that they buying of indulgences is a

matter of free choice, not commanded.

48 Christians are to be taught that the pope, in granting indulgences, needs and thus desires their devout prayer more than their money.

49. Christians are to be taught that papal indulgences are useful only if they do not put their trust in them, but very harmful if they lose their fear of God because of them.

50. Christians are to be taught that if the pope knew the exactions of the indulgence preachers, he would rather that the basilica of St. Peter were burned to ashes than built up with the skin, flesh, and bones of his sheep.

51. Christians are to be taught that the pope would and should wish to give of his own money, even though he had to sell the basilica of St. Peter, to many of those from whom certain hawkers of indulgences cajole money.

52. It is vain to trust in salvation by indulgence letters, even though the indulgence commissary, or even the pope, were to offer his soul as security.

53. They are the enemies of Christ and the pope who forbid altogether the preaching of the Word of God in some churches in order that indulgences may be preached in others.

54. Injury is done to the Word of God when, in the same sermon, an equal or larger amount of time is devoted to indulgences than to the Word.

55. It is certainly the pope's sentiment that if indulgences, which are a very insignificant thing, are celebrated with one bell, one procession, and one ceremony, then the gospel, which is the very greatest thing, should be preached with a hundred bells, a hundred processions, a hundred ceremonies.

56. The true treasures of the church, out of which the pope distributes indulgences, are not sufficiently discussed or known among the people of Christ.

57. That indulgences are not temporal treasures is certainly clear, for many indulgence sellers do not distribute them freely but only gather them.

58. Nor are they the merits of Christ and the saints, for, even without the pope, the latter always work grace for the inner man, and the cross, death, and hell for the outer man.

59. St. Lawrence said that the poor of the church were the treasures of the church, but he spoke according to the usage of the word in his own time.

60. Without want of consideration we say that the keys of the church, given by the merits of Christ, are that treasure.

61. For it is clear that the pope's power is of itself sufficient for the remission of penalties and cases reserved by himself.

62. The true treasure of the church is the most holy gospel of the glory and grace of God.

63. But this treasure is naturally most odious, for it makes the first to be last. Matthew 20:16.

64. On the other hand, the treasure of indulgences is naturally most acceptable, for it makes the last to be first.

65. Therefore the treasures of the gospel are nets with which one formerly fished for men of wealth.

66. The treasures of indulgences are nets with which one now fishes for the wealth of men.

67. The indulgences which the demagogues acclaim as the greatest graces are actually understood to be such only insofar as they promote gain.

68. They are nevertheless in truth the most insignificant graces when compared with the grace of God and the piety of the cross.

69. Bishops and curates are bound to admit the commissaries of papal indulgences with all reverence.

70. But they are much more bound to strain their eyes and ears lest these men preach their own dreams instead of what the pope has commissioned.

71. Let him who speaks against the truth concerning papal indulgences be anathema and accursed.

72. But let him who guards against the lust and license of the indulgence preachers be blessed.

73. Just as the pope justly thunders against those who by any means whatever contrive harm to the sale of indulgences.

74. Much more does he intend to thunder against those who use indulgences as a pretext to contrive harm to holy love and truth.

75. To consider papal indulgences so great that they could absolve a man even if he had done the impossible and had violated the mother of God is madness.

76. We say on the contrary that papal indulgences cannot remove the very least of venial sins as far as guilt is concerned.

77. To say that even St. Peter if he were now pope, could not grant greater graces is blasphemy against St. Peter and the pope.

78. We say on the contrary that even the present pope, or any pope whatsoever, has greater graces at his disposal, that is, the gospel, spiritual powers, gifts of healing, etc., as it is written. I Corinthians 12:28.

79. To say that the cross emblazoned with the papal coat of arms, and set up by the indulgence preachers is equal in worth to the cross of Christ is blasphemy.

80. The bishops, curates, and theologians who permit such talk to be spread among the people will have to answer for this.

81. This unbridled preaching of indulgences makes it difficult even for learned men to rescue the reverence which is due the pope from slander or from the shrewd questions of the laity.

82. Such as: "Why does not the pope empty purgatory for the sake of holy love and the dire need of the souls that are there if he redeems an infinite number of souls for the sake of miserable money with which to build a church? The former reason would be most just; the latter is most trivial."

83. Again, "Why are funeral and anniversary masses for the dead continued and why does he not return or permit the withdrawal of the endowments founded for them, since it is wrong to pray for the redeemed?"

84. Again, "What is this new piety of God and the pope that for a consideration of money they permit a man who is impious and their enemy to buy out of purgatory the pious soul of a friend of God and do not rather, because of the need of that pious and beloved soul, free it for pure love's sake?"

85. Again, "Why are the penitential canons, long since abrogated and dead in actual fact and through disuse, now satisfied by the granting of indulgences as though they were still alive and in force?"

86. Again, "Why does not the pope, whose wealth is today greater than the wealth of the richest Crassus, build this one basilica of St. Peter with his own money rather than with the money of poor believers?"

87. Again, "What does the pope remit or grant to those who by perfect contrition already have a right to full remission and blessings?"

88. Again, "What greater blessing could come to the church than if the pope were to bestow these remissions and blessings on every believer a hundred times a day, as he now does but once?"

89. "Since the pope seeks the salvation of souls rather than money by his indulgences, why does he suspend the indulgences and pardons previously granted when they have equal efficacy?"

90. To repress these very sharp arguments of the laity by force alone, and not to resolve them by giving reasons, is to expose the church and the pope to the ridicule of their enemies and to make Christians unhappy.

91. If, therefore, indulgences were preached according to the spirit and intention of the pope, all these doubts would be readily resolved. Indeed, they would not exist.

92. Away, then, with all those prophets who say to the people of Christ, "Peace, peace," and there is no peace! Jeremiah 6:14

93. Blessed be all those prophets who say to the people of Christ, "Cross, cross," and there is no cross!

94. Christians should be exhorted to be diligent in following Christ, their Head, through penalties, death and hell.

95. And thus be confident of entering into heaven through many tribulations rather than through the false security of peace. Acts 14:22

1519: Expulsion from Regensburg.

1520‑23: First compete editions of the Talmud printed.

The Illuminati of Spain


The Illuminati, as a Spanish sect called the Alombrados was founded about 1520. Ignatius Loyola, a Jewish Spanish Basque, while a student at Salamanca (1527), was tried by an ecclesiastical commission for alleged sympathy with this sect but was acquitted with an admonition. (Occult Theocracy, by Lady Queenborough [Edith Starr Miller], p. 307)


The Jews of Cairo threatened with destruction by Ahmad Shaitan, Viceroy of Egypt. Jews return to Genoa.


(May 21) Thirty Jews burned at Posing on Blood Accusation. Solomon Molko (Diogo Pires, 1501‑32 begins his Messianic agitation.

1531: Clement VII issues a bull establishing the Portuguese Inquisition for Marranos.

1534: Henry VIII is excommunicated and founds Church of England.

1534‑36: Sigismund I absolves Jews from wearing the badge. Calvin publishes Institution Chretimenne.


Jews expelled from Naples. Expulsion from Prague and crown cities. Hernando de Soto discovers Mississippi River.

The Order of The Jesuits


The Order of the Jesuits was founded in 1541. We give the following quotations from the Encyclopedia Britannica.

"The Company of the Jesuits was founded by Don Inigo de Loyola (Ignatius Loyola, a Jew), a Spanish nobleman and soldier, on April 5, 1541, at the church of Saint Paul without the Walls, near Rome, under the sanction of the Pope, Paul III. It has six grades. These are novices, scholastics, temporal, coadjutors, professed of the three vows, and professed of the four vows, the latter two grades being the only ones which confer a share in the government and eligibility for the offices of the society. Its head, virtually a commander‑in‑chief, is known as the General. He wields absolute power over the members who are pledged to blind obedience. The General claims his authority from the Pope."

The "fourth vow" is one of special allegiance to the Pope promising to go in obedience to him for missionary purposes whensoever and whithersoever he may order, a pledge seriously qualified in practice, however, by the power given to the general of alone sending out or recalling any missionary.

"The question has long been hotly debated whether, in addition to these six avowed grades, there be not a seventh, answering in some degree to the Tertiaries of the Franciscan and Dominican orders, secretly affiliated to the society, and acting as its unsuspected emissaries in various lay positions. This class is styled in France �Jesuits of the short robe,' and some evidence in support of its actual existence was alleged during the lawsuits against the company under Louis XV. The Jesuits themselves deny the existence of any such body, and are able to adduce the negative disproof that no provision for it is to be found in their constitutions. On the other hand, there are clauses therein which make the creation of such a class perfectly feasible if thought expedient.

"One is the power given to the general to receive candidates secretly, and to conceal their admission, for which there is a remarkable precedent in the case of Francis Borgia, Duke of Gandia, afterwards himself general of the society; the other is an even more singular clause, providing for the admission of candidates to the company by persons who are not themselves members of it...

"The general, who should by the statutes of the society reside permanently at Rome, holds in his hands the right of appointment, not only to the office of provincial over each of the great districts into which the houses are mapped, but to the offices of each house in particular, no shadow of electoral right or even suggestion being recognized. The superiors and rectors of all houses and colleges in Europe must report weekly to their provincial on all matters concerning the members of the society and all outsiders with whom they may have had dealings of any sort. The provincial, for his part, must report monthly to the general, giving him a summary of all details which have reached himself. But, as a check on him, all superiors of houses in his province are to make separate reports directly to the general once in three months, and further to communicate with him, without delay, every time any matter of importance occurs, irrespective of any information which the provincial may have forwarded.

"Nor is this all; an elaborate system of espionage and deletion forms part of the recognized order of every house, and, in direct contrast to the ancient indictment and confession of faults in open conventual chapter, every inmate of a house is liable to secret accusation to its superior, while the superior himself may be similarly deleted to the provincial or the general.

"Nor is the general himself exempt from control on the part of the society, lest by any possible error he be unfaithful to its interests. A consultative council is impose on him by the general congregation, consisting of six persons, whom he may neither select nor remove, namely, four assistants, each representing a nation, an admonisher or adviser (resembling the adulates of a military commander) to warn him of any faults or mistakes, and his confessor.

"One of these must be in constant attendance on him; and, while he is not at liberty to abdicate his office, nor to accept any dignity or office outside it without the assent of the society, he may yet be suspended or deposed by its authority. There would seem at first to be an effectual external check provided, however, in the fact that, while all the officers of the society, except the council aforesaid, hold of the general, he in turn holds the Pope, and is his liegeman directly, as well as in virtue of the fourth vow, which he has taken in common with the other professed. But such is the extraordinary skill with which the relations of the society to the papacy were originally drafted by Loyola, and subsequently worked by his successors, that it has always remained organically independent, and might very conceivably break with Rome without imperiling its own existence.

"The general has usually stood towards the Pope much as a powerful grand feudatory of the Middle Ages did towards a weak titular lord paramount, or perhaps as the captain of a splendid host of �Free Companions' did towards a potentate with whom he chose to take temporary and precarious service; and the shrewd Roman populace have long shown their recognition of this fact by styling these two great personages severally the �White Pope' and the �Black Pope.'

"In truth the society has never, from the very first, obeyed the Pope, whenever its will and his happened to run counter to each other. The merited odium which has overtaken the Inquisition, usually officered by Dominicans, has induced the Jesuits, whose own controversial methods had been different, to disclaim all connection with that tribunal, and to represent their society as free from complicity in its acts. But, in truth, it was Ignatius Loyola himself who procured its erection in Portugal in 1545‑6, and F. Nithard, one of the very few Cardinals of the society, was inquisitor‑general of that kingdom in 1655.

"The first successes of the Indian mission were entirely amongst the lowest class; but when Robert de'Nobili, to win the Brahmins, adopted their insignia and mode of life in 1605, a step sanctioned by Gregory XV, in 1623, the fathers who followed his example pushed the new caste‑feeling so far as absolutely to refuse the ministrations and sacraments of religion to the pariahs, lest the Brahmin converts should take offense, an attempt which was reported to Rome by Norbert, a Capuchin, and by the bishop of Rosalia, and was vainly censured in the pontifical briefs of Innocent X in 1645, Clement IX in 1669, Clement XII in 1734 and 1739, and Benedict XIV, in 1745. The �Chinese rites,' assailed with equal unsuccess by 9 popes, were not finally put down until 1744, by a bull of Benedict XIV...By these rites the Jesuit missionaries had virtually assimilated Christianity to heathenism, and their practical reply in opposition to a papal decree in 1700 was to obtain an edict from the emperor of China declaring that there was nothing idolatrous or superstitious in the inculpated usages, while in 1710 they flung Cardinal Tournon, legate of Clement XI, into the prison of the Inquisition at Macao, where he perished.

"Finally, they disobeyed the brief of suppression issued by Clement XIV in 1773, which enjoined them to disperse at once, to send back all novices to their houses, and to receive no more members. It is thus clear that the society has always regarded itself as an independent power, ready indeed to cooperate with the papacy so long as their roads and interests are the same, and to avail itself to the uttermost of the many pontifical decrees in its own favor, but drawing the line far short of practical submission when their interest diverge."

The Jesuit power [which has, since it creation, been under total control of the Jews], appeared much weakened in England by the rise of the Jewish Power with the advent of Cromwell, persisted nevertheless in its efforts to recapture its former status in that land. During the reign of James II, it schemed and intrigued incessantly through its representatives Father St. Germain [Once regent of the Jesuit College of Clermont] and his successor Father Columbiere. (D. Jones, The Secret History of White‑Hall, 1697, p. 41)

After the enactment of the limitation of the English throne to Protestant succession the Jesuit diplomatists were hard put. To quote the Encyclopedia further: "After many difficulties they had succeeded in getting a footing in France, through the help of Duprat, bishop of Clermont, who founded a college for them in 1545 in the town of Billom, besides making over to them his house at Paris, the Hotel de Clermont, which became the nucleus of the afterwards famous college of Louis‑le‑Grand, while a formal legalization was granted to them by the states‑general at Poissy in 1561."

From the Jesuit College at Ingolstadt is said to have issued the sect known as "The Illuminati of Bavaria" founded by Adam Weishaupt [a Jew] under the guidance of Nicolai, in 1776. Weishaupt, its nominal founder, however, seems to have played a subordinate though conspicuous role in the organization of this sect. (See The Illuminati Of Bavaria; Founded 1776) In July 21, 1773, the Pope had abolished the order of Jesuits but Frederick II of Prussia encouraged and protected them with a view no doubt of using their political knowledge and skill against the Bourbons, the Hapsburgs and the Pope.

The well‑known authority on theocratic organizations, Heckethorn, writes the following concerning the Jesuits: "There is considerable analogy between Masonic and Jesuitic degrees; and the Jesuits also tread down the shoe and bare the knee, because Ignatius Loyola thus presented himself at Rome and asked for the confirmation of the order. Not satisfied with confession, preaching, and instruction, whereby they had acquired unexampled influence, they formed in Italy and France, in 1563, several �Congregations,' i.e. clandestine meetings held in subterranean chapels and other secret places. the Congregationists had a sectarian organization, with appropriate catechisms and manuals, which had to be given up before death, wherefore very few copies remain." (Heckethorn, Secret Societies of all Ages and Countries, Vol. II, p. 296)

To show the further similarity of the Jesuit‑Judaic‑Masonic‑Gnostic‑Brahmin‑Illuminati theology we now quote from a MS. in the library of the Rue Richelieu at Paris entitled Histoire des congregations et sodalites jesuitiques depuis 1563 jusqu'au temps present (1709).(Schaff‑Herzog, The Encyclopedia of Religious Knowledge, Art. Jesuits)

"Initiation. From this, as well as other works, we gather some of the ceremonies with which aspirants were initiated into the Order. Having in nearly all Roman Catholic countries succeeded in becoming the educators of the young, they were able to mold the youthful mind according to their secret aims. If then, after a number of years, they detected in the pupil a blind and fanatic faith, conjoined with exalted pietism and indomitable courage, they proceeded to initiate him; in the opposite case, they excluded him.

"The proofs lasted twenty‑four hours, for which the candidate was prepared by long and severe fasting, which, by prostrating his bodily strength, inflamed his fancy, and, just before the trial, a powerful drink was administered to him. Then the mystic scene began ‑‑ diabolical apparitions, evocation of the dead, representations of the flames of hell, skeletons, moving skulls, artificial thunder and lightning, in fact, the whole paraphernalia and apparatus of the ancient mysteries. If the neophyte, who was closely watched, showed fear of terror, he remained for ever in the inferior degree; but if he bore the proof well, he was advanced to a higher grade.

"At the initiation into the second degree (Scholastici) the same proofs, but on a grander scale, had to be undergone. The candidate, again prepared for them by long fastings, was led with his eyes bandaged into a large cavern, resounding with wild howlings and roarings, which he had to traverse, reciting at the same time prayers specially appointed for that occasion. At the end of the cave he had to crawl through a narrow opening, and while doing this, the bandage was taken from his eyes by an unseen hand, and he found himself in a square dungeon, whose floor was covered with mortuary cloth, on which stood three lamps, shedding a feeble light on the skulls and skeletons ranged around.

"This was the Cave of Evocation, the Black Chamber, so famous in the annals of the Fathers. Here, giving himself up to prayer, the neophyte passed some time, during which the priests could, without his being aware of it, watch his every movement and gesture. If his behavior was satisfactory, all at once two brethren, representing archangels, presented themselves before him, without his being able to tell whence they had so suddenly started up, a good deal can be done with properly fitted and oiled trap‑doors, and, observing perfect silence, bound his forehead with a white band soaked with blood, and covered with hieroglyphics; they then hung a small crucifix round his neck, and a small satchel containing relics, or what did duty for them.

"Finally, they took off all his clothing, which they cast on a pyre in one corner of the cave, and marked his body with numerous crosses, drawn with blood. At this point, the hierophant with his assistants entered, and, having bound a red cloth round the middle of the candidate's body, the brethren, clothed in bloodstained garments, placed themselves beside him, and drawing their daggers, formed the steel arch over his head.

"A carpet being then spread on the floor, all knelt down and prayed for about an hour, after which the pyre was secretly set on fire; the further wall of the cave opened, the air resounded with strains, now gay, now lugubrious, and a long procession of specters, phantoms, angels, and demons filed past the neophyte like the �supers' in a pantomime.

"Whilst this farce was going on, the candidate took the following oath: �In the name of Christ crucified, I swear to burst the bonds that yet unite me to father, mother, brothers, sisters, relations, friends; to the King, magistrates, and any other authority, to which I may ever have sworn fealty, obedience, gratitude, or service.

"I renounce...the place of my birth, henceforth to exist in another sphere. I swear to reveal to my new superior, whom I desire to know, what I have done, thought, read learnt, or discovered, and to observe and watch all that comes under my notice. I swear to yield myself up to my superior, as if I were a corpse, deprived of life and will. I finally swear to flee temptation, and to reveal all I succeed in discovering, well aware that lightning is not more rapid and ready than the dagger to reach me wherever I may be.'

"The new member having taken this oath was then introduced into a neighboring cell, where he took a bath, and was clothed in garments of new and white linen. He, then, finally repaired with the other brethren to a banquet, where he could with choice food and wine compensate himself for his long abstinence, and the horrors and fatigues he had passed through.

"In 1614, there was published at Cracow what purported to be the Secret Instructions given to members of the Society of Jesus. It is said that Hieronymus Zahorowski, who had recently severed his connection with the society, published the book with the cooperation of Count George Zbraski and other polish enemies of the order but the repudiation or the work by the society is no conclusive evidence of its spuriousness as it has been its policy from the beginning to deny all discreditable reports and to take the chance of being proved unveracious." (Schaff‑Herzog, Art. Jesuits)

It will suffice to give the headings of the chapters forming the Book of Secret Instruction of the Society of Jesus.(Heckethorn, Vol. II, p. 302) The Preface specially warns superiors not to allow it to fall into the hands of strangers, as it might give them a bad opinion of the Order. The Chapters are headed as follows:

"I. How the Society is to proceed in founding a new establishment.

II. How the Brethren of the Society may acquire and preserve the friendship of Princes and other distinguished Personages.

III. How the Society is to conduct itself towards those who possess great influence in a state; and who, though they are not rich, may yet be of service to others.

IV. Hints to Preachers and Confessors of Kings and great personages.

V. What conduct to observe toward the clergy and other religious orders.

VI. How to win over rich widows.

VII. How to hold fast widows and dispose of their property.

VIII. How to induce the children of widows to adopt a life of religious seclusion.

IX. Of the increase of College revenues.

X. Of the private rigor of discipline to be observed by the society.

XI. How �Ours' shall conduct themselves toward those that have been dismissed from the society.

XII. Whom to keep and make much of in the society.

XIII. How to select young people for admission into the society, and how to keep them there.

XIV. Of reserved cases, and reasons for dismissing from the society.

XV. How to behave towards nuns and devout women.

XVI. How to pretend contempt for riches.

XVII. General means for advancing the interests of the society.

The intermeddling of this society in the affairs, political, ecclesiastical and civil, of many countries, is related in numerous works, and repeatedly produced the suppression and expulsion of the order, though it constantly reappeared with new names.

In 1716 the French army was infested with Jesuitical and anti‑ Jesuitical societies. The Parliament of Paris suppressed them in 1762. They were abolished by papal bull in 1773 at the demand of France, Spain, Portugal, Parma, Naples and Austria. They are, however, still to be found everywhere, and they hold considerable property in England. A modern writer justly calls the �Black International.'"

Historically, the Jesuits are given credit for the Gunpowder Plot of 1605, fomenting the Thirty years war, the encouragement of the aspiration of Mary Stuart which led to her execution, the Revocation of the Edict of Nantes by Louis XIV, 1685, and numerous other great events of history. Which is no doubt true as the Protocols attest that the Jews have been behind every revolution and war in the world for more than a thousand years. The Sanfedesti was founded at the epoch of the suppression of the Jesuits for the defense of religion, the privileges and jurisdiction of Rome and the temporal power of the popes. Their successors were the Calderari. (Occult Theocracy, pp. 308‑318)


Jews expelled from Bohemia because of fires in Prague and other towns. Pseudo‑Messiah (David Reuveni?) burned at Evora.

1543: Luther publishes his attack on the Jews.

1548: Eighteen hundred Marranos released from prisons of the Inquisition in Portugal.

1549: Obadiah of Bertinoro's commentary on the Mishnah published.

1550: (April 2) Jews banished from Genoa.

1551: Jews expelled from Bavaria and Wurttenberg.


Rabbinical synod at Perrars. Censorship of Jewish books introduced. Solomon ibn Verga's Shevet Yehudah published.


Paul IV issues the bull "Cum Nimis Absurdum" that Jews be confined to ghettos. Jews expelled from the Palatinate. Peace of Augsburg. Joseph Caro's Beit Yosef published.

1556: Twenty‑four Jews of Ancona hanged and burned by order of Paul IV.

1558: Elizabeth I becomes Queen of England.

1558‑60: The Zohar printed.

The Defenders


The Defenders, a Roman Catholic Order, was founded in 1562.

This Irish Catholic organization, similar to that of the Spanish Guarduna, was founded in 1562 by Roger Moore behind whom were French and Spanish Jesuits [Jews]. According to Captain Pollard, author of The Secret Societies of Ireland,

"The nominal function of the Defenders was the protection of the fugitive priests during the period of proscription and the holding of the passes while Mass was celebrated in some mountain glen. The enemies of the faith being the Protestants, and the Protestants standing for the Constitutional authority of Britain, the Defenders soon became a criminal association of law‑breakers and bandits." (Secret Societies of Ireland, p. 2)

In 1641 they rose and massacred many Protestants, but were duly crushed by Cromwell in 1649. This Irish Catholic element was already opposed by the Roman Catholic Archbishop Plunket, of whom Captain Pollare writes:

"Archbishop Oliver Plunket, Roman Catholic Primate of Ireland, who had attempted to put down the criminal association of Defenders in the South of Ireland, was accused by the infamous Oates; and at his trial at Westminster certain of these Irish priests, who had been censured by him, gave false evidence against him. The Archbishop, though innocent, was, through the false evidence of these members of the secret society, sentenced and duly hanged at Tyburn."

1564: Joseph Caro's Shulhan Arukh published.

1566: Joseph Nasi created Duke of Naxos.

1567: (June 15) Jews expelled from Genoese territory.

1568: Isaac Luria Levi (1534‑72), Cabalist, pretends to be the Messiah, son of Joseph.


(Feb. 26) Bull of Pius V. "Hebraeorum Gens." Expels Jews from Papal States except Rome, Bologna, and Ancona.

1570: Solomon Ashkenaze sent as an envoy to Venice by Sultan Selim II.

1572: Massacre of St. Bartholomew's Day.

1573: The Jew Lippold executed at Berlin; all Jews expelled from Brandenburg.


Stephen Bathori allows the Jews of Poland to carry on trade without restrictions. Stephen Bathori issues decrees against blood libel.


Union between Spain and Portugal. A number of influential conversos invest their capital in financing overseas ventures of the Crown, provisioning an army in Flanders and in the East Indies, and supplying contracts for Africa.

1582: Jews Expelled from Seilsia. Gregorian calendar is introduced.

1584: Gregory XIII orders compulsory sermons to Jews.

1586: The Jews of Poland establish Council of Four Lands; Mordecal Jafe probably its first president.


Destruction of the Spanish Armada by the English.

1590: Marranos settle in Amsterdam.

1592: (Aug. 17) Papal edict forbids Jews to admit Christians into synagogues, etc.


Clement VIII expels the Jews from all the Papal States except Rome and Ancona. The first Marrano settlement in Holland made at Amsterdam under Jacob Tirado.

1595: Dutch colonize Guinea Coast.

1596: Persecution of the Persian Jews by Shah Abbas the Great.

1597: Shalshelet ha‑Kabbalah by Gedaliah b. Joseph ibn Yahia published. Expulsion from Milan.


The 1599 Edition of the Geneva Bible was printed. Every edition of the Geneva Bible contains thousands of marginal notes authored by the leaders of the Reformation. Those leaders were men such as John Calvin, John Knox, Miles Coverdale, and others. Strangely enough, there has never been a really comprehensive study of those marginal notes. Stranger still is the fact that the majority of today's Protestants consider themselves "Calvinists" and have almost no conception of what John Calvin ("As long as there remains among the Gentiles any moral conception of the social order, and until all faith, patriotism, and dignity are uprooted, our reign over the world shall not come...And the Gentiles, in their stupidity, have proved easier dupes than we expected them to be. One would expect more intelligence and more practical common sense, but they are no better than a herd of sheep. Let them graze in our fields till they become fat enough to be worthy of being immolated to our future King of the World...

"We have founded many secret associations, which all work for our purpose, under our orders and our direction. We have made it an honor, a great honor, for the Gentiles to join us in our organizations, which are, thanks to our gold, flourishing now more than ever. Yet it remains our secret that those Gentiles who betray their own and most precious interests, by joining us in our plot, should never know that those associations are of our creation, and that they serve our purpose.

"One of the many triumphs of our Freemasonry is that those Gentiles who become members of our Lodges, should never suspect that we are using them to build their own jails, upon whose terraces we shall erect the throne of our Universal King of the Jews; and should never know that we are commanding them to forge the chains of their own servility to our future King of the World...

"We have induced some of our children to join the Christian Body, with the explicit intimation that they should work in a still more efficient way for the disintegration of the Christian Church, by creating scandals within her. We have thus followed the advice of our Prince of the Jews, who so wisely said: �Let some of your children become cannons, so that they may destroy the Church.' Unfortunately, not all among the �convert' Jews have proved faithful to their mission. Many of them have even betrayed us! But, on the other hand, others have kept their promise and honored their word. Thus the counsel of our Elders has proved successful.

"We are the Fathers of all Revolutions, even of those which sometimes happen to turn against us. We are the supreme Masters of Peace and War. We can boast of being the Creators of the Reformation! Calvin (Phillip II, by William Thomas Walsh, pp. 248; 252; The Nameless War, Ramsey; Plot Against The Church) was one of our Children; he was of Jewish descent, and was entrusted by Jewish authority and encouraged with Jewish finance to draft his scheme in the Reformation.

"Martin Luther yielded to the influence of his Jewish friends unknowingly, and again, by Jewish authority, and with Jewish finance, his plot against the Catholic Church met with success. But unfortunately he discovered the deception, and became a threat to us, so we disposed of him as we have so many others who dare to oppose us...

"Many countries, including the United States have already fallen for our scheming. But the Christian Church is still alive...We must destroy it without the least delay and without the slightest mercy. Most of the Press in the world is under our Control; let us therefore encourage in a still more violent way the hatred of the world against the Christian Church. Let us intensify our activities in poisoning the morality of the Gentiles. Let us spread the spirit of revolution in the minds of the people. They must be made to despise Patriotism and the love of their family, to consider their faith as a humbug, their obedience to their Christ as a degrading servility, so that they become deaf to the appeal of the Church and blind to her warnings against us. Let us, above all, make it impossible for Christians to be reunited, or for non‑Christians to join the Church; otherwise the greatest obstruction to our domination will be strengthened and all our work undone. Our plot will be unveiled, the Gentiles will turn against us, in the spirit of revenge, and our domination over them will never be realized.

"Let us remember that as long as there still remain active enemies of the Christian Church, we may hope to become Master of the World...And let us remember always that the future Jewish King will never reign in the world before Christianity is overthrown..." (From a series of speeches at the B'nai B'rith Convention in Paris, published shortly afterwards in the London Catholic Gazette, February, 1936; Paris Le Reveil du Peuple published similar account a little later)) believed in or stood for. The most "Calvinistic" of the Geneva Bibles was the edition printed from 1599 onwards, though the first edition of 1560 contained enough Calvinistic marginal notes to incense the Anglican clergy. In a memorandum to the translators of the Bishops' Bible, Archbishop Parker wrote: "Item to make no bitter notes vppon any text, or yet to set down any determinacion in place of controversie." (Pollard, Records, p. 297)

By 1599 the marginal notes had reached "maximum Calvinism." Compare the "two and fortie months" marginal notes in Revelation 11:2:� "Meaning, a certain time: for God hath limited the times of Antichrists tyranie." (1560 Edition); "Or a thousand, two hundred and threescore days, as is said in the next verse: that is a thousand two hundred and threescore yeeres, a day for a yeere, as often in Ezechiel & Daniel, which thing I noted before 2,10.

"The beginning of these thousand two hundred and threescore yeeres were account from the passion of Christ, whereby (the partition wall being broken down) wee were made two of one, Ephesians 2,14. I say one flocke vnder one Shepheard, Iohn 10,16, and the end of these yeeres precisely falleth into the Popedome of Boniface the eight who a little before the end of ye yeere of Christ a thousand two hundreth ninetie foure, entered the Popedom of Rome, in the feast of S. Lucie (as Bergomenis saith) hauing put in prison his predecessor Coelestinus, whom by fraud, vnder color of oracle, he deceived: for which cause, there was well said of him, Intrauit vt vulpes, regauit vt leo, moriuus est vt canis.

"That is, he entered like a foxe, raigned like a lion, and died like a dogge. For if from a thousand two hundred ninetie foure yeeres thou shalt take the age of Christ which he liued on earth, thou shalt finde there remaineth just 1260 yeers, which are mentioned in this place and many others." (1599 edition)

Most of the "Marian exiles," or those Englishmen who left England rather than be burned at the stake by Bloody Mary, settled in places like Frankfurt and Strasbourg. A minor squabble over the order of church services escalated into a full‑blown schism with the arrival of a Dr. Richard Cox and his group from England. John Knox, Knox traveled back and forth between Geneva and Scotland. At one time he was captured in Scotland and became a galley slave, and his followers left and eventually settled in Geneva.

Geneva in the 1550s was a center for Biblical textual scholarship. Not surprisingly, the Marian exiles decided to translate a complete version of their own into English. Up until that time the only existing English translations were the New Testament translation of William Tyndale and a couple of government‑controlled versions put out by the state‑run government‑controlled English Church. All the translations that had been one in Geneva up until that time were from Hebrew and Greek into French, for the benefit of French Huguenots.

No one today knows exactly who translated what in the Geneva Bible. William Whittingham is generally given credit as the general editor. What is known is that the translators labored literally night and day from 1556 until 1559. Marginal notes continued to be added and expanded upon until 1599. The Geneva Bible was the first Bible to divide Scripture into verses and the first to put interpolated words (words that do not appear in the Hebrew or Greek manuscripts that are added to clarify the meanings in English) into italics.

Though the Great Bible was the "official" Bible for the government‑run English Church the Geneva Bible immediately became the most popular in England. Even after the appearance of the King James Bible in 1611 the Geneva Bible remained the most popular version for many years.

Archbishop William Laud exerted his influence to prevent the printing of the Geneva Bible in England and from 1616 onwards all English editions of the Geneva Bible were printed in Amsterdam. The King James Bible was almost never used in Scotland until the issuance of the "Canons and Constitutions Ecclesiastical" in 1636 which stipulated that each parish should possess a Bible "of the translation of King James."

Despite orders from higher ups, many of the leading ministers in Scotland continued to use the Geneva Bible. Today most of those who consider themselves Calvinists have never heard of a Geneva Bible. A completely annotated Geneva Bible, with all the marginal notes of John Calvin, John Knox, and the other Reformers, has not been printed since 1644, until 1991 when a facsimile was printed.

There is a note in the Preface, p. iii, which states:

"Note: Be careful when attempting to interpret marginal notes. In the 16th century The Bible was not just a Spiritual Guide, it was a Legal Document. The word �argument' used before the chapters is even used today by attorneys on motions and briefs. This is further illustrated by the admonishment to study and obey God's statutes and judgments. There are no statutes in the New Testament (God's statutes are found in Exodus 20 to the End of Deuteronomy in the Old Testament), indicating a serious difference of opinion with today's �God's Law is put away in Christ' crowd."

For the last three centuries Protestants have fancied themselves the heirs of the Reformation, the Puritans, the Calvinists, and the Pilgrims who landed at Plymouth Rock. This assumption is one of history's greatest ironies. Today's Protestants laboring under that assumption use the King James Bible. Most of the newer Bibles such as the Revised Standard Version are simply updates of the King James. The irony is that none of the groups named in the preceding paragraph used a King James Bible nor would they have used it if it had been given to them free. The Bible in use by those groups until it went out of print in 1644, was the Geneva Bible. The first Geneva Bible, both Old and New Testaments, was first published in English in 1560 in what is now Geneva, Switzerland.

At the time Geneva was a city‑state. Geneva did not become part of Switzerland until 1815. William Shakespeare, John Bunyan, John Milton, the Pilgrims who landed on Plymouth Rock in 1620, and other luminaries of that era used the Geneva Bible exclusively. Until he had his own version named after him, so did King James I of England. James I later tried to disclaim any knowledge of the Geneva Bible, though he quotes the Geneva Bible in his own writings. As a Professor Eadie reported it:

"...his virtual disclaimer of all knowledge up to a late period of the Genevan notes and version was simply a bold, unblushing falsehood, a clumsy attempt to sever himself and his earlier Scottish beliefs and usages that he might win favor with his English churchmen." (Luther A. Weigle, The English New Testament, p. 24)

The irony goes further. King James did not encourage a translation of the Bible in order to enlighten the common people: his sole intent was to deny them the marginal notes of the Geneva Bible. The marginal notes of the Geneva version were what made it so popular with the common people. The king James Bible was, and is for all practical purposes, a government publication.

1600: English East India Company is chartered.


"{Jews} ate the English nation to its bones." (John Speed, 17th Century British historian, in Historie of Great Britaine)

1602: Dutch East India Company is formed.

1604: Russia begins settlement in Siberia.

1606: Willem Jansz discovers Australia.

1607: English founded North American colony of Virginia.

1610: Hudson Bay is discovered.

1612: Portuguese Jews granted right of residence in Hamburg.

1613: First Romanov Czar.

1615: Jews return to Frankfort and Worms.

1618: Beginning of Thirty Years' War.

1619: First Black Slaves arrive in Virginia.

Forty‑six Sephardic conversos organize and become shareholders in the Hamburg Merchant Bank. Many of them were the financial agents for various North European courts. Other Sephardic banks are founded in Amsterdam and Antwerp.


Mayflower arrives at Plymouth Rock, Cape Cod and founded colony; Battle of the White Mountain. Jewish slave traders bring slaves to America.


A group of Sephardim become organizers and important shareholders of the Dutch West India Company, which soon dominates the African slave trade.

1623: Separate council for Lithuania established (Poland‑Lithuania).

1624: Ghetto established at Ferrara. Excommunication of Vriel da Costa.

1626: Dutch founded New Amsterdam (New York).

1629: (June 26) Lippman Heller forced to leave his post as rabbi in Prague.

1630: Death of Isaiah Horwitz in Palestine.

1633: Colony of Connecticut is established.



Jansenism was founded in 1638.

This was a peculiar form of Calvinism inaugurated by Cornelius Jansenius (1585‑1638) from Louvain in the Netherlands. The doctrine of Jansenism is exposed in a work called Augustinus, written by Jansenius, and published after his death in 1640. According to Jansenius' theory of Predestination, man was either saved or damned according to God's own will, regardless of his merits or demerits.

From the Low Countries, Jansenism penetrated into France and its chief center was in the Port Royal Abbey near Paris. It was Duvergier de Hauranne who had been a good friend of Jansenius during their student days who, as abbot of Saint Cyran, introduced Jansenism into Port Royal. Antoine Arnauld was the leader of the Jansenists and was followed by Pasquier Quesnel. Many great minds of the seventeenth century were Jansenists, among the Le Maitre de Sacy, Blaise Pascal, Lancelot, Nicole and Fontaine, Secretary of State of Louis XV.

Janensim, which had undergone severe treatment in France under Louis XIV, revived under the Regency in 1715, and found supporters among the learned and the high clergy against the policy of the Pope. It is during this period that among the Jansenist sectarians there arose the strange occurrences practiced by what became known as the Convulsionaries of St. Medard.

The Jansenist party was very rich thanks to the boite a Perrette (Perrette's box). This was a special fund Jansenism took out all the money for its political and other needs. It had taken its name from the servant of Mr. Nicole, a leading Jansenist, who had started the fund and confided the care of it to his servant. In 1778 it amounted already to 1100 livres and in 1865 was still very substantial. Modern Jansenism, which, since the 18th century, had its chief seat in the Netherlands, principally Utrecht, joined in 1889 the German party of the Old Catholics founded in 1871 which, supported by Bismarck, had been one of the elements leading him to his Kulturkampf policy against the Catholic Church and institutions. (Occult Theocracy, pp. 325‑326)

1637: Russian explorers reach Pacific coast of Siberia.

1639‑40: Dutch West India Company grants Jews of Guiana full religious liberty.

Ancient Order of Hibernians (A.O.H.)


The Ancient Order of Hibernians, a Roman Catholic, organization, was founded in 1641.

In The Secret Societies of Ireland Captain Pollard writes that, founded in 1641, "The notorious modern society known as The Ancient Order of Hibernians is the direct successor of the original society of Defenders; in common with its ancestor it attempts to enable the clerics to exercise control in politics. (Pollard, op. cit., p. 3) It claims in its own official history, published in 1910, to be the oldest secret society in Ireland. Independent researches show that the claim is sound and that the present [1920s] A.O.H. is the descendant of certain criminal organizations of the past. The open admission of this chain of descent by its own historian is important.

"American sources trace the A.O.H. to 1565 but the date 1641 is the one commonly accepted. The Jesuit influence in the development of the Defenders was reinforced, and their ceremonies and symbolism slowly changed to an elementary ritual closely modeled on that of the ceremony of initiation to the Society of Jesus of the period. This ritual has descended with many accretions and monderisations to the present time; and the American branch of the Ancient Order of Hibernians, misled by it, traces its origin back, not to 1641 and the Guarduna, but to 1563 and the foundation of the Society of Jesus.

"The A.O.H. of America is powerfully organized and has over six thousand lodges, and it is said by Heckethorn to be divided into two degrees; in the first no oath is exacted and no real secret communicated. The second or inner degree is confided to officials, who receive their passwords and signs from the Board of Erin in Ireland, who send an emissary ever three months."

In 1878, the American order split into two groups. Shortly afterwards the Irish followed suit. "In America the breach was later healed, but in Ireland it continued until 1902, when a conference was called and both parties agreed to work under a joint board of control representing both sections. his board was termed the A.O.H. Board of Erin."

Another split, occurring in 1905, lasted two years. "Ten years ago, the real A.O.H. of Ireland represented a powerful Nationalist weapon, hostile to the forces of extremism and devoted the Irish Parliamentary party, but the Board of Erin A.O.H. was revolutionary."

The Irish Massacre has been censored out of the history books. The background is this: St. Patrick annexed Ireland to the Roman Catholic Church. The Church farmed out the land and its peoples to local kings to manage. In 1155, Pope Hadrien IV gave Ireland to the English King to manage. The English invaded to exercise their contract, later Henry VIII made himself the English Pope and claimed the right to keep all collected tithes and offerings rather than sending them on to Rome. Irish Catholics led by their priests and leaders refused to recognize this claim of the Anglican Catholic Church and revolted. The revolt was suppressed and the hotbed of revolt, northern Ireland, was cleared of Catholics.

Scottish Presbyterians, also refusing to recognize the authority of the Anglican Church, had been dispossed of their lands. They were shipped to Northern Ireland to be tenants on the vacant farms; and act as a buffer between the Anglican English land owners and the irate Catholics. The Anglican Church itself was the actual owner of the land in both the Irish Presbyterian north and the Catholic south, with English nobles appointed to manage the land for the English crown. (Most Irish Presbyterians in the north, and Irish Catholics in the south, to this day do not realize that the Anglican Church owns title to the very land they live on in Ireland. The fight the IRA is making against the Protestants, with the secret encouragement of the Catholic Church, is to force the Anglican landlords to share the land rents with the Roman Catholic Church. This is the reason for the Vatican visits by the British royals. Both the Irish Presbyterians and Catholics are expendable)

The massacre broke forth on October 23, 1641, on the date of the Feast of the Roman Catholic St. Ignatius Loyola, the Jewish founder of the Jesuit Order. It was led by Sir Phelim O'Neill. (The politically astute will recognize the name in America still backing ultra‑liberal political policies.

The Protestant inhabitants of the town and castle of Langford were massacred; forty English Protestants at Terawley were forced to choose sword of drowning. At the castle of Lisgool, 150 men, women and children were burned together. At the castle of Moneah, 100 were put to the sword. One thousand men, women and children were thrown from Portadown Bridge. Four thousand were drowned in different places. In Killmore 200 families were killed. At Antrim, 954 Protestants were killed in one day and 1200 more were later in the country, many of whom had their heads taken. At Powerscout Church they burnt Dr. Dibles. At Clones, 17 were buried alive. Dr. Sir William Petty reckoned the Protestant loss at 110,000. One hundred and fifty‑four thousand victims were claimed between 1641‑1642. (Remember 1641, Allen Campbell, P.O. Box 92, Belfast, N. Ireland)

"At Cork, a Roman Catholic priest, named Mahoney, published in 1645 an �exhortation' to his fellow countrymen in which he said: "You have killed 150,000 enemies in these 4 or 5 years, as your very adversaries howling, openly confess in their writings and you do not deny...It remains for you to slay all the other heretics or expel them from the bounds of Ireland." (Fox's Book of Martyrs)

"A Romanish Bishop was the brain of the whole enterprise. The priests commonly anointing the rebels before sending them to their murderous work, assuring them that if they chanced to be killed they would escape Purgatory and go immediately to heaven." (History of The Irish Presbyterian Church, Thomas Hamilton, DD)

Remember 1641, a short booklet by Alan Campbell, states:

"The Roman Catholic rebels of 1651 feigned friendship to our forefathers right up to the day that the war of genocide began. It was the same in Paris, France in 1572. The Romanist pledged peace and brotherhood to the Protestant Huguenots; then rose up on St. Bartholomew's Eve to don white armbands and slay 100,000 of them. In August 1969 they posted �peace slogans' while making bombs for their murderous assault upon the Apprentice Boy's parade. Many innocent Protestants have gone to their deaths by bombs and bullets as a direct result of information supplied to the terrorists by the very Roman Catholics who lived and worked with them.

"Present attempts to stage some sort of round table conference can only result in some sort of power‑sharing with the Roman Catholics. It contains within it the seeds of our own destruction. In 1991 we say that �another 1641 is just a compromise away.'" (Remember 1641, Allen Campbell, P.O. Box 92, Belfast, N. Ireland0

Episcopal‑Feudalism, whether economic, political, or religious, cannot live with separatists of any sort, especially presbyteries. In time the effort will be made to force them to comply with the dictates of the episcopacy's leader. Refusal will result in a 1572, 1641, the Hindu‑Islamic wars of the 1940s, the present establishment‑Islamic war against the Islamic‑presbytery, Waco, Ruby Ridge, Gordon Kahl, Philadelphia, and the assassination of Huey Long and Rabbi Meir Kahani. When dealing with episcopacies, and those who obey them, to survive one must be vigilant.

Naked Force

Once the Protestant princes had secured their lands and suppressed the peasant's dissent, there was little chance that a threat of Roman Catholic excommunication would command obedience. Protestant theology protected the rebels against that, nor could the Inquisition be used; the inquisitors had been banished from Protestant lands. The coup was equally impossible, the rebels had been alerted and were on guard, all that remained was naked force: Crusade.

Crusades are infrequent outside of Christendom. Genghis Khan was a rare one who was able to conquer and combine the myriad Turk nations of the world and lead them against a common foe which he selected. However, this juggernaut dissolved upon the death of its creator. Mohammed's "Islam" united the Turks once again into a crusade until the riches of its conquests distracted the conquerors from further efforts.

Only in the West exists the organization and power to launch one crusade after another; this power has been considered a Catholic monopoly. The Church's influence over its followers has been so great that diverse races and countries among its followers will unite into a common effort and will time and again step over the bodies of their own dead to get at the foe selected for them by the Catholic Church. The great crusade to capture Palestine included most of the nations of Europe. The crusade called to defend Vienna against the Saracen juggernaut was led by the Pope's Holy Roman Emperor and again included most of the nations of Europe. Other successful crusades include the ones against the Albegencions, Waldenceans, and Hussites. Napoleon targeted himself when he took the crown from the hands of the Pope and placed it on his own head. The nations of the world were sent to crush him, and they did. (The nations united against him included Catholic, Anglican Catholic, State‑Lutheranism, and Orthodox, all of whom Napoleon had injured. The unifying thread was the money dispensed by surrogates of the Catholic Church)

The world was sent to crush Germany in World War I; in World War II fifty‑two nations were sent to cut Germany to pieces, and they did. The Thirty Year's War ushered in a frightful method of war; wars of annihilation, but, then as now, naked force alone is non‑productive. It has to be combined with something else to be successful.


The Jesuit Order: The new strategy decided upon was to reactivate the "Dharma" system dispensed by Dharmatras; they were named "Jesuits." Jesuits are ordained priests, they don't wear special clothing and are not subject to local Catholic authority. They are bound by a vow of obedience directly to the Roman Catholic Pope which causes constant friction with the governments of national states. Their training period lasts up to 15 years and they are governed by a general who lives in Rome; the "Black Pope." This is how it has always been since the Order was created, nothing has changed.

Jesuits were insidious, wherever they operated their grasping interference in the sovereignty of independent nations, their accumulation of money, land, and power on behalf of the Roman Catholic Church, in time, caused them to be distrusted and hated. They could be masters of disguise. Many were adept at posing as Protestants, highly intelligent, talented,a nd trusted, a nmber appointed to the highest posts of government were later discovered to be Jesuits. State secrets were passed regularly to the Roman Church.

One country after another expelled them. Powerful forces of both Protestants and Catholics opposed them, even some cardinals in the Vatican joined the general condemnation. Together, they caused the organization to be suppressed in 1773, but in 1814, the Jesuit Order was re‑established.

A religious feudal system is a state within a state; its followers are in fact citizens of a foreign country. In most Catholic lands the Catholic Church cracked the whip; in Protestant lands the Protestant Princes replaced the Catholic Church, took over their organization and renamed it, and they cracked the whip. The feudal system remained the same. The differences between the priests of the Protestant Kings and the priests of the Catholic Church became a matter of "doctrinal differences" in which the Catholics were bested time and again by their better read protestant opponents.

Catholic vs. Protestant Doctrinal Differences

"The doctrinal principle of evangelical Protestanitism, as distinct from Romanism, is twofold; objective and subjective...

� Absolute sovereignty of the Bible vs. the Roman doctrine of the Bible and tradition.

� Justification by the free grace of God vs. faith and good works.

� Universal priesthood of believers vs. exclusive priesthood of the clergy.

� Protestantism is the religion of freedom vs. Romanism the religion of authority.

� The religion of evangelism and simplicity vs. Romanism's legalism, asceticism, and ceremonialism.

� Appeals to the intellect and conscience vs. appeal to the senses and imagination.

� One is internal vs. external and with outward observation.

� Christianity of the Bible vs. Christianity of tradition.

� Directs to divine revelation vs. directs to the teaching priestood.

� Freely circulates the Bible vs. the latter keeps it for the use of the clergy and overrules it by its traditions.

� Protestantism is the religion of immediate communition of the soul with Christ through faith vs. Romanism the religion of reaching the Savior through an army of subordinate mediators and advocates.

� The Protestant prays directly to Christ vs. The Romanist usually approaches Him only through the intercession of the blessed Virgin and the saint.

� Protestantism puts Christ before the church vs. Romanism virtually puts the Church before Christ and makes churchiliness the condition and measure of piety. (The Creeds of Christendom, Vol. I, p. 208; Philip Schaff, DD, LLD, Harper & Bros, NY 1877)

The Jesuits established schools and universities to indoctrine their charges. The manning of these educational facilities ahs caused the Jesuit Order to grow into the largest Roman Catholic order. Jesuit schools such as Georgetown (President Bill Clinton is a product of Georgetown), St. Louis, and Fordham in the U.S. have been opened. The U.S. is now exchanging ambassadors with the Vatican (Catholics are taught that their pope is "infallible," God's representative on earth, and that they are expected to obey him in all things. This power allows the Vatican to make such statements as this: "It is quite unlawful to demand, to defend, or to grant unconditional freedom of thought, of speech, of writing, or of worship." (Pope Leo XIII, Encyclical, on Human Liberrty, 1878‑1903; Time, 12/12/94, "Man of the Year."), and has had a Catholic president.


The Order of the Jesuits was founded in 1541. We give the following quotations from the Encyclopedia Britannica: "The Company of the Jesuits was founded by Don Inigo de Loyola (Ignatius Loyola, a Jew), a Spanish nobleman and soldier, on April 5, 1541, at the church of Saint Paul without the Walls, near Rome, under the sanction of the Pope, Paul III. It has six grades. These are novices, scholastics, temporal, coadjutors, professed of the three vows, and professed of the four vows, the latter two grades being the only ones which confer a share in the government and eligibility for the offices of the society. Its head, virtually a commander‑in‑chief, is known as the General. He wields absolute power over the members who are pledged to blind obedience. The General claims his authority from the Pope."

The "fourth vow" is one of special allegiance to the Pope promising to go in obedience to him for missionary purposes whensoever and whithersoever he may order, a pledge seriously qualified in practice, however, by the power given to the general of alone sending out or recalling any missionary.

"The question has long been hotly debated whether, in addition to these six avowed grades, there be not a seventh, answering in some degree to the Tertiaries of the Franciscan and Dominican orders, secretly affiliated to the society, and acting as its unsuspected emissaries in various lay positions. This class is styled in France 'Jesuits of the short robe,' and some evidence in support of its actual existence was alleged during the lawsuits against the company under Louis XV. The Jesuits themselves deny the existence of any such body, and are able to adduce the negative disproof that no provision for it is to be found in their constitutions. On the other hand, there are clauses therein which make the creation of such a class perfectly feasible if thought expedient.

"One is the power given to the general to receive candidates secretly, and to conceal their admission, for which there is a remarkable precedent in the case of Francis Borgia, Duke of Gandia, afterwards himself general of the society; the other is an even more singular clause, providing for the admission of candidates to the company by persons who are not themselves members of it...

"The general, who should by the statutes of the society reside permanently at Rome, holds in his hands the right of appointment, not only to the office of provincial over each of the great districts into which the houses are mapped, but to the offices of each house in particular, no shadow of electoral right or even suggestion being recognized. The superiors and rectors of all houses and colleges in Europe must report weekly to their provincial on all matters concerning the members of the society and all outsiders with whom they may have had dealings of any sort.

"The provincial, for his part, must report monthly to the general, giving him a summary of all details which have reached himself. But, as a check on him, all superiors of houses in his province are to make separate reports directly to the general once in three months, and further to communicate with him, without delay, every time any matter of importance occurs, irrespective of any information which the provincial may have forwarded.

"Nor is this all; an elaborate system of espionage and deletion forms part of the recognized order of every house, and, in direct contrast to the ancient indictment and confession of faults in open conventual chapter, every inmate of a house is liable to secret accusation to its superior, while the superior himself may be similarly deleted to the provincial or the general.

"Nor is the general himself exempt from control on the part of the society, lest by any possible error he be unfaithful to its interests. A consultative council is impose on him by the general congregation, consisting of six persons, whom he may neither select nor remove, namely, four assistants, each representing a nation, an admonisher or adviser (resembling the adulates of a military commander) to warn him of any faults or mistakes, and his confessor. One of these must be in constant attendance on him; and, while he is not at liberty to abdicate his office, nor to accept any dignity or office outside it without the assent of the society, he may yet be suspended or deposed by its authority.

"There would seem at first to be an effectual external check provided, however, in the fact that, while all the officers of the society, except the council aforesaid, hold of the general, he in turn holds the Pope, and is his liegeman directly, as well as in virtue of the fourth vow, which he has taken in common with the other professed. But such is the extraordinary skill with which the relations of the society to the papacy were originally drafted by Loyola, and subsequently worked by his successors, that it has always remained organically independent, and might very conceivably break with Rome without imperiling its own existence.

"The general has usually stood towards the Pope much as a powerful grand feudatory of the Middle Ages did towards a weak titular lord paramount, or perhaps as the captain of a splendid host of 'Free Companions' did towards a potentate with whom he chose to take temporary and precarious service; and the shrewd Roman populace have long shown their recognition of this fact by styling these two great personages severally the 'White Pope' and the 'Black Pope.'

"In truth the society has never, from the very first, obeyed the Pope, whenever its will and his happened to run counter to each other. The merited odium which has overtaken the Inquisition, usually officered by Dominicans, has induced the Jesuits, whose own controversial methods had been different, to disclaim all connection with that tribunal, and to represent their society as free from complicity in its acts. But, in truth, it was Ignatius Loyola himself who procured its erection in Portugal in 1545‑6, and F. Nithard, one of the very few Cardinals of the society, was inquisitor‑general of that kingdom in 1655.

"The first successes of the Indian mission were entirely amongst the lowest class; but when Robert de'Nobili, to win the Brahmins, adopted their insignia and mode of life in 1605, a step sanctioned by Gregory XV, in 1623, the fathers who followed his example pushed the new caste‑ feeling so far as absolutely to refuse the ministrations and sacraments of religion to the pariahs, lest the Brahmin converts should take offense, an attempt which was reported to Rome by Norbert, a Capuchin, and by the bishop of Rosalia, and was vainly censured in the pontifical briefs of Innocent X in 1645, Clement IX in 1669, Clement XII in 1734 and 1739, and Benedict XIV, in 1745. The 'Chinese rites,' assailed with equal unsuccess by 9 popes, were not finally put down until 1744, by a bull of Benedict XIV...

"By these rites the Jesuit missionaries had virtually assimilated Christianity to heathenism, and their practical reply in opposition to a papal decree in 1700 was to obtain an edict from the emperor of China declaring that there was nothing idolatrous or superstitious in the inculpated usages, while in 1710 they flung Cardinal Tournon, legate of Clement XI, into the prison of the Inquisition at Macao, where he perished.

"Finally, they disobeyed the brief of suppression issued by Clement XIV in 1773, which enjoined them to disperse at once, to send back all novices to their houses, and to receive no more members. It is thus clear that the society has always regarded itself as an independent power, ready indeed to cooperate with the papacy so long as their roads and interests are the same, and to avail itself to the uttermost of the many pontifical decrees in its own favor, but drawing the line far short of practical submission when their interest diverge."

The Jesuit power [which has, since it creation, been under total control of the Jews], appeared much weakened in England by the rise of the Jewish Power with the advent of Cromwell, persisted nevertheless in its efforts to recapture its former status in that land. During the reign of James II, it schemed and intrigued incessantly through its representatives Father St. Germain [Once regent of the Jesuit College of Clermont] and his successor Father Columbiere. (D. Jones, The Secret History of White‑Hall, 1697, p. 41)

After the enactment of the limitation of the English throne to Protestant succession the Jesuit diplomatists were hard put. To quote the Encyclopedia further:

"After many difficulties they had succeeded in getting a footing in France, through the help of Duprat, bishop of Clermont, who founded a college for them in 1545 in the town of Billom, besides making over to them his house at Paris, the Hotel de Clermont, which became the nucleus of the afterwards famous college of Louis‑le‑Grand, while a formal legalization was granted to them by the states‑ general at Poissy in 1561."

From the Jesuit College at Ingolstadt is said to have issued the sect known as "The Illuminati of Bavaria" founded by Adam Weishaupt [a Jew] under the guidance of Nicolai, in 1776. Weishaupt, its nominal founder, however, seems to have played a subordinate though conspicuous role in the organization of this sect. (See The Illuminati Of Bavaria ‑‑ Founded 1776)

On July 21, 1773, the Pope had abolished the order of Jesuits but Frederick II of Prussia encouraged and protected them with a view no doubt of using their political knowledge and skill against the Bourbons, the Hapsburgs and the Pope.

The well‑known authority on theocratic organizations, Heckethorn, writes the following concerning the Jesuits: "There is considerable analogy between Masonic and Jesuitic degrees; and the Jesuits also tread down the shoe and bare the knee, because Ignatius Loyola thus presented himself at Rome and asked for the confirmation of the order.

Not satisfied with confession, preaching, and instruction, whereby they had acquired unexampled influence, they formed in Italy and France, in 1563, several 'Congregations,' i.e. clandestine meetings held in subterranean chapels and other secret places. the Congregationists had a sectarian organization, with appropriate catechisms and manuals, which had to be given up before death, wherefore very few copies remain. (Heckethorn, Secret Societies of all Ages and Countries, Vol. II, p. 296)

To show the further similarity of the Jesuit‑Judaic‑ Masonic‑Gnostic‑Brahmin‑Illuminati theology we now quote from a MS. in the library of the Rue Richelieu at Paris entitled Histoire des congregations et sodalites jesuitiques depuis 1563 jusqu'au temps present (1709). (Schaff‑Herzog, The Encyclopedia of Religious Knowledge, Art. Jesuits)

"Initiation. From this, as well as other works, we gather some of the ceremonies with which aspirants were initiated into the Order. Having in nearly all Roman Catholic countries succeeded in becoming the educators of the young, they were able to mold the youthful mind according to their secret aims. If then, after a number of years, they detected in the pupil a blind and fanatic faith, conjoined with exalted pietism and indomitable courage, they proceeded to initiate him; in the opposite case, they excluded him.

"The proofs lasted twenty‑four hours, for which the candidate was prepared by long and severe fasting, which, by prostrating his bodily strength, inflamed his fancy, and, just before the trial, a powerful drink was administered to him.

"Then the mystic scene began ‑‑ diabolical apparitions, evocation of the dead, representations of the flames of hell, skeletons, moving skulls, artificial thunder and lightning, in fact, the whole paraphernalia and apparatus of the ancient mysteries. If the neophyte, who was closely watched, showed fear of terror, he remained for ever in the inferior degree; but if he bore the proof well, he was advanced to a higher grade.

"At the initiation into the second degree (Scholastici) the same proofs, but on a grander scale, had to be undergone. The candidate, again prepared for them by long fastings, was led with his eyes bandaged into a large cavern, resounding with wild howlings and roarings, which he had to traverse, reciting at the same time prayers specially appointed for that occasion. At the end of the cave he had to crawl through a narrow opening, and while doing this, the bandage was taken from his eyes by an unseen hand, and he found himself in a square dungeon, whose floor was covered with mortuary cloth, on which stood three lamps, shedding a feeble light on the skulls and skeletons ranged around.

"This was the Cave of Evocation, the Black Chamber, so famous in the annals of the Fathers. Here, giving himself up to prayer, the neophyte passed some time, during which the priests could, without his being aware of it, watch his every movement and gesture.

"If his behavior was satisfactory, all at once two brethren, representing archangels, presented themselves before him, without his being able to tell whence they had so suddenly started up, a good deal can be done with properly fitted and oiled trap‑doors, and, observing perfect silence, bound his forehead with a white band soaked with blood, and covered with hieroglyphics; they then hung a small crucifix round his neck, and a small satchel containing relics, or what did duty for them.

"Finally, they took off all his clothing, which they cast on a pyre in one corner of the cave, and marked his body with numerous crosses, drawn with blood. At this point, the hierophant with his assistants entered, and, having bound a red cloth round the middle of the candidate's body, the brethren, clothed in bloodstained garments, placed themselves beside him, and drawing their daggers, formed the steel arch over his head.

"A carpet being then spread on the floor, all knelt down and prayed for about an hour, after which the pyre was secretly set on fire; the further wall of the cave opened, the air resounded with strains, now gay, now lugubrious, and a long procession of specters, phantoms, angels, and demons filed past the neophyte like the 'supers' in a pantomime.

"Whilst this farce was going on, the candidate took the following oath: 'In the name of Christ crucified, I swear to burst the bonds that yet unite me to father, mother, brothers, sisters, relations, friends; to the King, magistrates, and any other authority, to which I may ever have sworn fealty, obedience, gratitude, or service.

"I renounce...the place of my birth, henceforth to exist in another sphere. I swear to reveal to my new superior, whom I desire to know, what I have done, thought, read learnt, or discovered, and to observe and watch all that comes under my notice. I swear to yield myself up to my superior, as if I were a corpse, deprived of life and will. I finally swear to flee temptation, and to reveal all I succeed in discovering, well aware that lightning is not more rapid and ready than the dagger to reach me wherever I may be.'

"The new member having taken this oath was then introduced into a neighboring cell, where he took a bath, and was clothed in garments of new and white linen. He, then, finally repaired with the other brethren to a banquet, where he could with choice food and wine compensate himself for his long abstinence, and the horrors and fatigues he had passed through.

"In 1614, there was published at Cracow what purported to be the Secret Instructions given to members of the Society of Jesus. It is said that Hieronymus Zahorowski, who had recently severed his connection with the society, published the book with the cooperation of Count George Zbraski and other polish enemies of the order but the repudiation or the work by the society is no conclusive evidence of its spuriousness as it has been its policy from the beginning to deny all discreditable reports and to take the chance of being proved unveracious." (Schaff‑Herzog, Art. Jesuits)

It will suffice to give the headings of the chapters forming the Book of Secret Instruction of the Society of Jesus. (Heckethorn, Vol. II, p. 302) The Preface specially warns superiors not to allow it to fall into the hands of strangers, as it might give them a bad opinion of the Order. The Chapters are headed as follows:

"I. How the Society is to proceed in founding a new establishment.

II. How the Brethren of the Society may acquire and preserve the friendship of Princes and other distinguished Personages.

III. How the Society is to conduct itself towards those� who possess great influence in a state; and who, though they are not

rich, may yet be of service to others.

IV. Hints to Preachers and Confessors of Kings and great personages.

V. What conduct to observe toward the clergy and other religious orders.

VI. How to win over rich widows.

VII. How to hold fast widows and dispose of their property.

VIII. How to induce the children of widows to adopt a life of religious seclusion.

IX. Of the increase of College revenues.

X. Of the private rigor of discipline to be observed by the society.

XI. How 'Ours' shall conduct themselves toward those that have been dismissed from the society.

XII. Whom to keep and make much of in the society.

XIII. How to select young people for admission into the society, and how to keep them there.

XIV. Of reserved cases, and reasons for dismissing from the society.

XV. How to behave towards nuns and devout women.

XVI. How to pretend contempt for riches.

XVII. General means for advancing the interests of the society.

The intermeddling of this society in the affairs, political, ecclesiastical and civil, of many countries, is related in numerous works, and repeatedly produced the suppression and expulsion of the order, though it constantly reappeared with new names. In 1716 the French army was infested with Jesuitical and anti‑Jesuitical societies. The Parliament of Paris suppressed them in 1762. They were abolished by papal bull in 1773 at the demand of France, Spain, Portugal, Parma, Naples and Austria. They are, however, still to be found everywhere, and they hold considerable property in England. A modern writer justly calls the 'Black International.'"

Historically, the Jesuits are given credit for the Gunpowder Plot of 1605, fomenting the Thirty years war, the encouragement of the aspiration of Mary Stuart which led to her execution, the Revocation of the Edict of Nantes by Louis XIV, 1685, and numerous other great events of history. Which is no doubt true as the Protocols attest that the Jews have been behind every revolution and war in the world for more than a thousand years. The Sanfedesti was founded at the epoch of the suppression of the Jesuits for the defense of religion, the privileges and jurisdiction of Rome and the temporal power of the popes. Their successors were the Calderari. (Occult Theocracy, pp. 308‑318)


Jesuits were used at first to counter Protestant propaganda. Most graduating from their schools learned Dharma and were dependent on the Roman Catholic Church for assurance that their souls would reach heaven. (Psalm 49:6‑7: "They that trust in their wealth, and boast themselves in the multitude of their riches; None of them can by any means redeem his brother, nor give to God a ransom for him.") The priests became their gurus. Converts accepting Catholic beliefs entered society as "citizens" of the Roman Church; a country without borders. (Dharma‑conquered peoples are organized into taxable feudal entities called "countries," "states," "provinces," "counties," and "cities."

Almost every act in the life of a Catholic became enmeshed in the ritual of the Church, the Catholic is born into the Catholic Church, christened by a priest, sent to be schooled by priests, is married by a priest, does business with other Catholics under direction of the priest, is ruled by Catholics, and when he dies he is buried by a Catholic priest in sacred ground. From the cradle to the grave, there would be little chance for another revolt.

The Purpose of Foreign Missions

Wolves (the Jews) cannot enter the sheepfold (Israelite nations) and eat (kill, destroy) sheep unless they first bribe the watchman to give them a safe conduct pass into the sheepfold. Otherwise the rams would surround the wolf and kill him. Just as Christians are to forbid entry to strangers (God's Law: "They shall not dwell in thy land, lest they make thee sin against me." (Exodus 23:33) they are also forbidden to evangelize them. (God's Law: "Go not unto the way of the Gentiles, and unto any city of the Samaritans enter ye not: But go rather to the lost sheep of the house of Israel." (Matthew 10:5‑6))

The big return from trade has always come from successful foreign missions in targeted trade areas preparing the way for the merchant (Jew). In the far east these areas had to be secured by the Catholics before the "heretic" Protestants beat them to it. Jesuits soon appeared at the court of the Emperor of China and opened that country to foreign trade; they did the same in India, Japan, and elsewhere.

This is what trade religions (Judaism) do. They have no boundaries; no countries with border guards. Converts are their citizens. Tithes and offerings are their taxes and tribute. The first object of mission teaching is to persuade as many people as possible to become tithe‑paying converts so that the missionary effort may become self‑sufficient.

Missions turn potential enemies into friends, supporters and servants. The Buddhist considers the alien and the native to be the same. If the convert can be made to believe that both teacher and pupil worship the same god, and that this same god is the god that truly loves good and hates evil, the missionary has accomplished his mission. All that remains to be done is to teach the new convert what the missionary's god considers good and bad. Since the missionary knows and his pupil doesn't, the missionary speaks for god, this is power indeed.

The convert now believes that the missionary's god is the true "good god," and the convert's old god is a false "evil god." Second, he believes that the missionary is a "guru" the one who knows the way to heaven. Hindus (and Christian‑Hindus) actually believe that their "guru" is a living christ. Since he speaks for god they reverence him as a living christ. (The pope can modify divine law, since his power is not of man but of God...The pope is as it were God on earth, sole sovereign of the faithful of Christ, chief king of kings, having plenitude of power, to whom has been entrusted by the omnipotent God direction not only of the earthly but also of the heavenly kingdom." Prompta Bibliotheca Canonica, Vol. VI, p. 48, speaks of this book as "a veritable encclopedia of religious knowledge," and "a precious mine of information.")

This is what Dharma missions and Dharmamatras do; it is why one party sends religious missions to another party. It is why Catholics send missions to Protestants and Protestants to Catholics. It is why trade as well as political and religious interests finance missions to those whom they have targeted for trade or conquest. It is what they have always done. Hina had dealings with Hindu‑Buddhism for centuries. Chinese nationals converted by Tibetan Buddhists were commanded to support Tibetan interests in trade and banking. Chinese, Indian, and Japanese converts to Roman Catholicism supported their co‑religionists in the West. They took the part of Catholic Spain and Portugal in later trade wars and political differences. The Jesuits are still at it. Recently Chinese authorities arrested Catholic priests and laymen "who are part of China's �underground' Catholic Church that remains loyal to the Vatican," according to the Stamford, Connecticut based King Foundation. (Christian News, p. 18, October 2, 1995) The article continued: "The Chinese government does not allow the Vatican to choose bishops and other leaders for the Catholic Church in China." The Chinese learned from experience.

The French Jesuits went among the American Indians and those who were converted fought for Catholic France in the "French and Indian War." Those Indians converted by Anglican missionaries in early Virginia fought for England against the American settlers in the Revolutionary War and the War of 1812. The Blacks in South Africa, converted by Anglican missionaries, took the part of Anglican Britain against the protestant South African Boers.

The most successful foreign mission in the West in the last several hundred years is the Judeo‑Christian mission. Until its emergence, the International Trade Cartel (Jewish traders) suffered one defeat after another in America as the league of Nations was voted down, tariffs were put in place to restrict foreign trade, and immigration was reduced to only a trickle. Judeo‑Christianity changed all of this.

Judeo‑Christianity may be described as an ecumenical Christian sect created by the International Trade Cartel (the Jews) to dissolve Christian religious objections to the presence of the International Jewish merchant. This has been done by giving media‑access, and its accompanying riches, to Judeo‑Christian ministers who favor the Jewish policy.

Successful Judeo‑Christian preachers can become fantastically rich from the offerings of credulous viewers. Their personal wealth is often measured by the tens of millions of dollars. Here are some of the things they are permitted to do and some things they are not permitted to do. They are permitted to solicit money; they may use Biblical parables, illustrations, and terminology.� They may NOT refer to the Laws, Statutes, and Judgments contained in the Scriptures since the Commandments represent a different God from the one followed by the owners of the media (i.e., they may not say that the penalty for murder, kidnaping and homosexuality is "death.") They are also required to refer to the Khazars merchants living in their midst as being "Israel." This gives the Jews free passes into the Israelite sheepfold. They also teach a fairly recent belief called "rapture." This belief states that God will, before "the tribulation," take His people away from the earth. In earlier years when Christendom has seen an approaching storm they prepared for it. This "rapture" theory causes them to sit and wait, believing that God will save them at the last moment. In the meantime they make no effort to defend themselves, their family, or their country. It is indeed a most ingenious theory.

To continue using the media, Judeo‑Christian ministers are required to take their followers on annual pilgrimages to Palestine, refrain from attacking other religions and peoples, promote ecumenism, and when instructed, advocate whatever project or opinion that the Jews wishes to promote.

Most Judeo‑Christian organizations were organized in the presbyterian manner; however, they are considered episcopal because of their required obedience to Jewish guidelines. This new cult, costing nothing more than allowing certain preachers to profit from the media, has persuaded tens of millions of Christians from opposing the Jewish International Trade Cartel. As a result, the Christian West has crumbled into a nation having many gods, such a thing has not been seen since the time of the Jewish conquered Greek world, the more recent Buddhist conquest of China, and the still more recent Catholic conquest of Japan.

The missionary represents a special interest, he is usually a recruiting agent for an episcopal ruler. Those he is able to recruit become servants of the missionaries' religious Order, who, as history reveals, may act as agents in peace and soldiers in war. The work of the missionary cannot be underestimated or undervalued. First comes the missionary, next comes a king to rule, and at the last comes the Jewish merchant‑trader who had sent the other two to prepare his way. His customers will not accept him and the king and his soldiers stand ready to protect his gleanings.

Christian missionaries to strangers justify their missionary efforts by using one particular quote from the King James Bible and ignoring others. The quote they use most frequently is:

"Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature. He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved; but he that believeth not shall be damned." (Mark 16:15‑16)

This quote, if not interpreted by other quotes of Christ, creates an oxymoron because it makes Him say one thing one time and another thing at another time:

"Jesus...commanded them saying, Go ye not into the way of the gentiles, and into any city of the Samaritans enter ye not; But go rather to the lost sheep of the house of Israel." (Matthew 10:5‑6)

"O children of Israel...You only have I know of all the families of the earth." (Deuteronomy 7:6)

"I pray not for the world, but for them which thou hast given me, for they are thine." (John 17:9)

"Give not that which is holy unto the dogs, neither cast ye your pearls before swine, lest they trample them under their feet, and turn again and rend you." (Matthew 7:6)

To keep harmony in the scripture, Mark 15:24 must be interpreted in the following manner:

"Go ye into all the world (Israel was scattered into all the world), and preach the gospel to every creature ("I am sent but to the lost sheep of the House of Israel." (Matthew 15:24)." (Mark 16:15)

By going into all the world and preaching the gospel "to every creature" of Israel, harmony is maintained. The following also helps:

"And ye my flock, the flock of my pasture, are men (Heb: "Adam" those that blush rosy), and I am your God." (Ezekiel 34:30‑31)

In essence, the Word was God and:

"God said let us make man in our image. So God created man in his own image." (Genesis 1:26‑27)

Then in Genesis Chapter Two God:

"And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul." (Genesis 2:7)

You will notice that Yahweh breathed (His spirit) into Adam's nostrils. This He did not do with any other race or people on earth.

The man that God made in His image was called in the Hebrew "Adam." The word Adam in the Hebrew means MAN: Heb: Adam "to show blood (in the face), i.e.,: to flush or turn rosy: be (dyed, made) red (ruddy). (Strong's Concordance)

In the beginning God formed one in His own image who blushed red. Out of Adam‑man whom He formed, He then selected "Israel." It was into this Israel He implanted His Word:

"He showed his word...his statutes and his judgments unto Israel. He hath not delt so with any nation...they have not known thee." (Psalm 147:19‑20)

And unto these people God said:

"Thou art a holy people unto the Lord thy god: The Lord thy God hath chosen thee to be a special people unto himself, above all people that are upon the face of the earth." (Deuteronomy 7:6)

"I will dwell among the children of Israel, and will be their God." (Exodus 29:45)

Other races and people are not made in God's image; they are not sheep, they are wolves. If they would like to attempt to follow God the Word and receive the blessings that comes from doing so‑fine. BUT, do it somewhere else lest Israel be harmed:

"They...were mingled among the heathen and learned their works." (Psalm 160:35‑36)

Missions to kinsmen are commanded and commended. Missions to strangers are forbidden. Many of the old Christian preachers recognized this and made little effort to persuade others, because according to the scriptures:

"My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me." (John 10:25‑27)

We are to obey God the Word and exclude all strangers, we do what we do because:

"For thou didst separate them from all the people of the world to be thine inheritance." (1 Kings 8:53)

Presbyterian Christendom

The entire Reformation period was brief. The enslaved people of the West tried to regain their land and freedoms from an alien feudal system. They fought against both the Protestant state‑church and the Roman Catholic Jewish International Trade Cartel. Their opposition won; their victory bloody. But, the Word brought by Christ was pried loose from the clutches of the Catholic Church and is now loose in the land.


Six hundred Jews of Amsterdam with Isaac Aboab as hakam settle at Pernambuco. French founded Montreal in Canada; King Charles I battles Parliament in English Civil War.

1646: Jews in Brazil side with the Dutch in their war with the Portuguese.


(June 16) A letter from Oliver Cromwell to Ebenezer Pratt reads: "In return for financial support will advocate admission of Jews to England; This however impossible while Charles living. Charles cannot be executed without trial adequate grounds for which do not at present exist. Therefore advise that Charles be assassinated, but will have nothing to do with arrangements for procuring an assassin, though willing to help in his escape." {King Charles I was in prison at the time}.


(July 12) A letter from Ebenezer Pratt to Oliver Cromwell reads: "Will grant financial aid as soon as Charles removed, and Jews admitted. Assassination too dangerous. Charles should be given an opportunity to escape. His recapture will then make a trial and execution possible. The support will be liberal, but useless to discuss terms until trial commences."

Charles was allowed to escape from prison and was recaptured, of course. Then through Cromwell's influence, Parliament was purged of members who held allegiance to the king. This action is known as "Pryde's Purge." Only fifty members remained and became known as the "Rump Parliament." Again, because of Cromwell's influence, two thirds of the High Court Of Justice consisted of "Levellers" from Cromwell's army. The conspirators couldn't find an English lawyer to draw up the criminal charges against Charles I. Manasseh Ben Israel's agent, Isaac Dorislaus, drew up the indictment. King Charles I was found guilty and was publicly beheaded on January 30, 1649.


The beginning of the Cossack persecutions of the Jews in Poland under Chmielnicki. Treaty of Westphalia.

1648‑49: Chmielnicki massacres (Poland‑Lithuania).

Cromwell, financed by the same Jewish International money lenders, waged war against Ireland. He captured Drogheda and Wexford, which are famous battles in the fight against the Irish and Scotch. British Protestants were blamed for the persecution of Irish Catholics, even though there was only a small portion of Protestants who were involved. The world in general, and Protestants in particular, are still suffering from this contrived action on the part of Oliver Cromwell. We have the Irish Republican Army and the Sinn Fein, which is an Irish patriotic organization advocating boycott and resistance against England.

1649‑60: The Commonwealth in England. Jews expelled from Hamburg.


The Marquess of Montrose, James Montrose, a Scottish Coventanter who was in opposition to Cromwell. He, because of a burning desire to avenge the death of King Charles I gathered a small army and attacked England in rebellion against Cromwell. He was captured and executed.


Charles II, who was in exile in France, invaded England. He was defeated and retreated to France.


England was involved in another contrived war with the Dutch. All of these wars and skirmishes were financed by the Jewish money lenders with funds loaned at usury.


Cromwell proclaimed himself Lord Protector of England. England became involved in more wars. These were contrived wars similar to the "police actions" of the United States' wars in Korea and Vietnam.


(July 8) Twenty‑four Jews land at New Amsterdam from Brazil. Portuguese recapture Brazil.

Jews arrive in New Amsterdam (New York) and found congregation; refugees from Brazil found communities in West Indies. Sephardic Jews and conversos begin to settle in the Dutch colony of New Amsterdam, at the mouth of the Hudson River.

In 1624 numerous Jews had settled in North Brazil, which was under Dutch Dominion. The old German traveler Uienhoff, who was in Brazil between 1640 and 1649, reports: "Among the Jewish settlers the greatest number had emigrated from Holland.' The reputation of the Jews was so bad that the Dutch Governor Stuyvesant (1655) demand that their immigration be prohibited in the newly founded colony of New Amsterdam (New York).

"It would be interesting to investigate whether the Family Delano belonged to these Jews whom the Dutch Governor did not want. It is known that the Sephardic Jewish families which came from Spain and Portugal always intermarried; and the assumption exists that the Family Delano, despite (so‑called) Christian‑confession, remained purely Jewish so far as race is concerned.

"What results? The mother of the late President Roosevelt was a Delano. According to Jewish Law (Schulchan Aruk, Ebenaezer IV) the woman is the bearer of the heredity. That means: children of a full‑blooded Jewess and a Christian are, according to Jewish Law, Jews. It is probable that the Family Delano kept the Jewish blood clean, and that the late President Roosevelt, according to Jewish Law, was a blooded Jew even if one assumes that the father of the late President was Aryan.

"We can now understand why Jewish associations call him the �New Moses;' why he gets Jewish medals; highest order of the Jewish people. For every Jew who is acquainted with the law, he is evidently one of them." (Hakenkreuzbanner, May 14, 1939, Prof. Dr. Johann von Leers of Berlin‑Dahlem, Germany)

"The Jews who have arrived would nearly all like to remain here, but learning that they (with their customary usury and deceitful trading with the Christians) were very repugnant to the inferior magistrates, as also to the people having the most affection for you; the Deaconry also fearing that owing to their present indigence they might become a charge in the coming winter, we have, for the benefit of this weak and newly developed place and land in general, deemed it useful to require them in a friendly way to depart; praying also most seriously in this connection, for ourselves as also for the general community of your worships, that the deceitful race, such hateful enemies and blasphemers of the name of Christ, be not allowed further to infect and trouble this new colony, to the detraction of your worships and dissatisfaction of your worships' most affectionate subjects." (Peter Stuyvesant, in a letter to the Amsterdam Chamber of the Dutch West India Company, from New Amsterdam (New York), September 22, 1654)


(Oct.) Manasseh ben Israel goes to London to obtain from Cromwell the readmission of Jews into England. England takes Jamaica from Spain. Cromwell allows Jews to return to England.


Massacres during wars of Poland against Sweded and Russia (Poland‑Lithuania). Trouble started in the American Colonies. This was also a contrived "police action." England's loss of the American Colonies because of our War of Independence, and what they immediately planned to do about that loss, will be discussed in detail later.


A clever Jewish rabbi, using common Christian‑based religious arguments, convinces a high government official (Cromwell, in fact) in England that Jews should be allowed to return to England (having been kicked out 400 years earlier). All of England will soon regret this event. Oliver Cromwell agrees to readmit Jews to England in return for loans to the English government from continental Jewish bankers.


(Feb. 4) Resettlement day; Oliver grants Carbajal right of residence for Jews in England. Oliver Cromwell dies. His son Richard was named Protector. Two years later, he became disgusted with the intrigue and resigned.

1658: Congregation of Jews founded at Newport (America).

1659: Jews expelled from all the Papal States except Rome and Ancona.

1660: General Monk occupied London. Charles II was proclaimed King. Jews expelled from Kiev by Alexis.


The truth was revealed regarding the intrigue entered into by Cromwell and his two cohorts, Ireton and Bradshaw. The public became incensed and violent. The bodies of Cromwell, Ireton and Bradshaw were exhumed and hung from gallows on Tyburn Hill, London! English take control of Bombay in India.


Religious strife was engendered to divide members of the Protestant denominations. Non‑ Conformists to the established Church of England were persecuted.


England is again involved in war with Holland. Wars and "police actions" are used extensively to fuel the fires of the Hegellian Dialectics to create the economic and political world that is desired for the self‑chosen few. We cannot overemphasize this point and we must take the study of it very seriously. These wars made England a debtor nation {Sound familiar?}. The Bible says that; "...the borrower is servant to the lender." (Proverbs 22:7) Riot in Lemberg (Lvov) (Poland‑Lithuania).


A great depression settled over England. Depressions are oftentimes used for the same purpose as wars. Unemployment and shortages of food undermined the health of the people and the Great Plague broke out. The Great Fire of London, known as "The Great Cleanser," ended the plague. Shabbethai Zebi (1626‑1676) publicly accepted as the Messiah at Smyrna; fervor spreads throughout the Jewish world. (Ottoman Empire)


England involved in war with France and Holland. More money loaned at interest to all three nations. Great fire of London ‑ caused by the Jews because of their being expelled from England in past.


CABAL agents start new religious and political strife {The events of this group that is now known by that name is very important because the families involved came on down through history and were the promoters of the doctrine of "Dispensationalism" and the Balfour Declaration, which provided for the new state of Israeli in the Mideast}. (Feb. 14) Jews run races at the Roman carnival for the last time.


Metz: As this was a very strongly established case, one does not find any mention of it in Strack's book in defense of the Jews. A three‑year‑old Christian boy was lost by his mother on the way to a well. The boy was wearing a red cap, and witnesses had seen him carried away by a Jew mounted on a horse. This Jew was Raphael Levi. At first, the boy's body could not be traced. The Jews, becoming frightened, spread the report that wolves must have killed him in the forest. The forest was searched and eventually the head, neck and ribs of a boy were found, together with clothes which were identified as the missing boy's, red cap and all, by the boy's father.

But as these clothes were neither torn nor bloody, it was concluded that the wolf story was a "blind," and then witnesses came forward who had seen Raphael Levi with the boy in such places and at such times as to remove all doubt of his guilt. Levi was sentenced to death by the order of the parliament of Metz, and was burned alive. (La France Juive, by Drumont)

Jews banished from Vienna and Lower Austria by Emperor Leopold I. Synod of Lithuanian rabbis and deputies settle spheres of jurisdiction in relation to central kahals.


Frederick William, the Great Elector, grants a privilege for twenty years to fifty families driven from Austria. Jews permitted to settle in the Mark of Brandenburg.


England and Holland made peace. The men directing international intrigue change their characters. They become peacemakers instead of the war makers {Just like what is going on between Russia and the West at the present time}. They elevate plain Mr. William Stadholder to the rank of Captain‑General of the Dutch Forces {Remember, Manasseh Ben Israel was a powerful figure in Holland}. Stadholder became William, Prince of Orange. It was arranged that he meet Mary, the eldest daughter of the Duke of York. The Duke was only one place removed from becoming King of England.


Princess Mary of England married William, Prince of Orange. To place William upon the throne of England it was now necessary to get rid of both Charles II and the Duke of York, slated to become James II. Death of Spinoza in The Netherlands.

1678: Appearance of the Pseudo‑Messiah Mordecai Moshiah of Eisenstadt.

1680: (June 30) Auto da fe at Madrid. Riots in Brest‑Litovsk (Poland‑Lithuania).

Jewish community is established in the British colony of Charles Town, South Carolina.


The "Rye House Plot" was hatched. The intention was to assassinate both King Charles II and the Duke of York. It failed. Turkish army over runs Vienna.


King Charles II died. Jews given religious freedom in England. The Duke of York became King James II of England. Immediately a campaign of L'Infamie was started against James II {The name L'Infamie was given during the French Revolution in 1787 to a group in France who planted disinformation and other propaganda to cause the public to react violently against targeted leaders}. One must always keep foremost in their mind that the "great conspirators" always, always take advantage of any weakness of the flesh or the carnal mind to destroy a person. If they can find nothing carnal, they create a lie.

More about the L'Infamie will be discussed when we cover the French Revolution {As all of this history is intertwined}. The Duke of Monmouth was persuaded, or bribed, into leading an insurrection to overthrow King James II. On June 30th, the Battle of Sedgemoor was fought. Monmouth was defeated and captured. He was executed July 15, 1685.

In August Judge Jeffreys opened, what historians have named, "The Bloody Assizes." Over three hundred persons concerned in the Monmouth Rebellion were sentenced to death under circumstances of atrocious cruelty. Nearly one thousand others were condemned to be sold as slaves. This is another example of the Machiavellian concepts used by the Jewish Internationalists. Working behind the scenes, they create conditions for which other people are blamed. Still others are aroused to actively oppose those they blame. They, in turn, are then liquidated {This seems complicated but is not. We see the very same thing happening now regarding the current U.S. position of negotiating with the PLO. All sorts of attempts are being made to make the PLO look bad whether any real evidence exists or not. Take for example the bombing of Lybia, which was presented to the American people as a response to the bombing of a whore house in Germany. Lybia was later proved to be innocent of the bombing}.

King James still had to be disposed of before William of Orange could be placed on the throne to carry out their mandate. Every person in England was bewildered, as they were not allowed to know the truth. Then the conspirators made their next move.


Jews the victims of the imperialist soldierly at the recapture of Buda from Turks. English establish Dominion of New England.

1687: Jews of Poznan attacked (Poland‑Lithuania).

Camisards of the Cevennes


The Camisards of the Cevennes was organized in 1688. The Camisards were actually a survival of the Waldenses and the Pastoureaux. Calmeil, an authority on mental aberrations quoted by Madden Phantasmata, (Madden Phantasmata, Vol. II, p. 530; quoting De la Folie, by L.F. Calmeil (1845), Vol. II, p. 304) thus describes the characteristics of the Camisard movement: "The prophetic madness (of the Camisards) made its appearance in Dauphine and Vivarais in 1688; it very soon spread itself over a vast number of places, and continued without any interruption among the Calvinists for nearly twenty years. It was especially in the course of the year 1689, that the phenomena of theomania excited the greatest astonishment and rose to the height of its violence. The theomaniacs could then be counted by hundreds; men, women, girls, boys, young children, all of the believed they were inspired and imbued with the breath of the Holy Spirit.

"The punishment of fire, the rack, the torture of the pendaison, even the massacres performed by armed troops, whose efforts were directed to the extermination of the pretended prophets, the military executions, all the torments that it was possible to invent, to repress the violence of this religious fanaticism, only augmented the force of the evil which they were employed to abate or suppress.

"When, towards the beginning of the eighteenth century, the Calvinists rose up in good earnest to constitute small bodies of troops, and to dispute inch by inch the soil which had given them birth, with the king's soldierly, by whom they were confronted, this war of extermination was preceded by the apparition of a sort of swarm of pretended prophets and prophetesses. Towards 1701, at one time two hundred of the inspired, who had fallen into the hands of their enemies, were sent to the galleys.

"The madness of the theomaniacs was less talked of during the years 1703 and 1704 than it had been previously; but it is certain that all the armed bands who contended with the royal troops for those two years, never took the field except at the instance of some inspired celebrities.

"And it is certain that the words of those prophets were listened to as if they had emanated from the mouth of the Holy Spirit; that the inspirations of these monomaniacs habitually decided either the life or death of the Catholics who fell into the power of the Protestants; and there was often at that time to be seen the same person fulfilling among the Camisards the functions of a prophet, and the functions of a commander.

"It was not till the year 1704 that the Marechal de Villars had the charge of the command in Languedoc; this Marechal saw, nevertheless, entire cities in Ested with theomania. (Madden, Vol. II, p. 532) It was towards the latter end of 1706 that they (the Camisards) came to England, from the mountains of the Cevennes, where their countrymen had for a considerable time maintained a contest with the troops for the persecuting Louis XIV. As exiles for conscience' sake, they were treated with respect and kindness; but they soon forfeited all claim to respect by the folly or knavery of their conduct. Of this group Elias Marion knavery of their conduct. Of this group Elias Marion was the prominent figure; the others acting only subordinate parts. He loudly proclaimed that he was the messenger of Heaven, and was authorized to denounce judgments, and to look into futurity.

"All kinds of arts were employed by Marion and his associates to excite public attention ‑‑ sudden droppings down as though death‑struck; sighs and groans, and then shrieks and vociferations, on recovering; broken sentences, uttered in unearthly tones; violent contortions; and desperate strugglings with the spirit, followed by submission and repentance; were all brought into play. The number of the believers in their power soon became considerable...After a time the sect which they had formed died away, but its ruin was less to be attributed to the punishment of the prophets, or the recovery of reason by their votaries, than by a report which was spread that they were nothing more than the instruments of designing men, who wished to disseminate Socinianism, and destroy orthodoxy." (Quoting Sketches of Imposture, Deception and Credulity, London, 1836, p. 42; and Occult Theocracy, pp. 327‑329)

They ordered William, Prince of Orange to land in England at Torbay. This he did on November 5th. King James abdicated and fled to France. He had become unpopular by reason of the campaign of L'Infamie, intrigue and his own foolishness and culpability. They found the carnal mind of the king and they exploited it by making it known to the public. Public opinion can be controlled so very easily, particularly when one has control of all the public news media as is the case at the present time. Instead of "The news fit to print," it is "The news printed to fit."


William of Orange and Mary, were proclaimed King and Queen of England. King James did not intend to give up the throne without a fight. He was a Catholic, so the Jewish Internationalists set up William of Orange as the champion of the Protestant faith. On February 15th, 1689, King James landed in Ireland. The Battle of The Boyne was fought by men of definite, and opposing religious convictions.

The Chronology Question: Whenever the subject of the Second Coming of Christ and the events associated with it are discussed, the question of "when" inevitably arises. To what degree are we supposed to be interested in chronology? Are we to avoid the subject as many religious leaders today would counsel, saying it is for the Lord to know such things? Or should we actively seek out such information and, if so, for what purpose? What role should chronology play in one's faith? Let us lo9k at these questions, and others, concerning chronology and examine its relation to our present time period.

Jesus said to His disciples: "Do not sparrows sell two for a cent? And yet not one of them can fall to the ground against your Father's will! But the very hairs on your heads are all counted." (Matthew 10:29‑30; Smith & Goodspeed Translation)

What a remarkable statement. Does it not indicate that, even amongst the seemingly random chance of things on earth, God maintains a numbered and detailed order of His creation? What then of the timing of human history? Ezra was told about God that: "He has weighed the world in the balance, and has measured the times with a measure, and carefully counted the hours, and he will not move or disturb them, until the prescribed measure is reached." (2 Esdras 4:36‑37; Smith & Goodspeed Translation)

That there is a set chronology to human events there should be no question. The question is as to what degree should men delve into this subject and for what purpose. In the years since the 1840s, when William Miller said the Second Advent was soon to occur, have seen a marked increase of interest in the subject of bible chronology, leading to much speculation about when Jesus Christ is to return. That He is to return there should be no doubt, for at the time of the ascension the angel said: "Ye men of Galilee, why stand ye gazing up into heaven? This same Jesus, which is taken up from you into heaven, shall so come in like manner as ye have seen him go into heaven." (Acts 1:11)

Before dealing with the subject of chronology, it is necessary to briefly review the order of events to come. This is the purpose of this study; to show you what the enemy has done to our Israel people over the years and what we can expect from them in the future. Now the chronology is not complete for there are many events that we did not know about to add to it, but it will suffice to show the plans, designs, and future actions we can expect from the Jews.

First, we need to look briefly at the story of William Miller. Much of the following information is taken from an article written by William Miler's grandniece, Grace Mable Bosworth, entitled "While the Bridegroom Tarrieth." William Miller was born on February 15, 1782 in Pittsfield, Massachusetts. Up until 1816 he was an avowed "deist," which is a belief that God created the world and its natural laws but takes no further part in its functioning. However, at this point in his life, he began to recognize Christ and engaged in an exhaustive Bible study to discover the truth. It solidified his faith.

At this time, Miller began to look into Bible chronology and, from varius time periods given in the Bible, began to see 1844 as a year of great significance, possibly the year of the Second Advent. (What Miller didn't realize that there was a destiny being played out in the Roman Catholic Church; and that is the year when the Jews took complete control of the church) After much consideration he presented his views to a few ministers and lay friends with no sign from them of real interest.

He planned to remain silent but what if he was right? Was it his responsibility to say something? William Miller was aware of Ezekiel 3:17‑20 and he felt great personal pressure to speak. Finally, he made an agreement with himself (and God). He would speak on the subject only if ever invited to speak publicly. An invitation from a town sixteen miles away came that same day. So in August 1831, he began to speak on the subject of the Second Advent and the significance of 1844. By March of 1844, the time when the event was expected (though Miller himself set no specific date), Miller had delivered about3,200 lectures! Of course, March 1844 passed, as did September of 1844 (another date of expectation). Nothing happened Miller has since been generally regarded as a fool. An example of the irresponsibility of dealing with Bible chronology. He wrote to a friend, "The disappointment which we have experienced, in my opinion, could never have been foreseen or avoided: and we have been honest men and believed in the truth of the Bible. I have had time the few weeks past to review the entire subject, and with the aid of the whole school of modern writers, I cannot see why we're wrong."

Why would the Lord allow such a man to be misled? Today, we can look back and see that something was gained by what William Miler did. The activities of William Miller did much to set in motion the investigation of Bible chronology by many others, each adding a piece of the puzzle which makes up the Divine Chronology. Solomon said: "It is the glory of God to conceal a thing: but the honour of kings is to search out a matter." (Proverbs 25:2)

The Lord has indeed concealed His chronological blue‑print for human history; but not entirely. The Bible contains Many verses dealing with time factors as they relate to prophetic events, particularly the period of the end. Most of these are found in the Books of Daniel and Revelation. Daniel and John did not include them in their books because they needed to fill up space. They are there to be understood, especially by those of us living at what is the end of the age.

Many complex subjects (astronomy, physics, chemistry) which have been searched out by man have required many men over generations to add some piece of knowledge. Piece by piece, until greater understanding is reached. Was it not the purpose of God to initiate a period of time which would ignite an interest in the subject of Bible prophecy and its chronology, so that His word may be revealed as a witness in preparation for the end of the age. When Jesus does return? Such a period of aroused interest was foretold by Jesus in the aforementioned parable and William Miller initiated it! It has been referred to as the "tarrying time" fro, while His followers went out to meet Him, the Bridegroom (Jesus) tarried. William Miller lived only five more years. His grandniece records that, when near death on December 20, 1849, he slipped into a coma for several hours, but was aroused and said in a clear voice to his nephew, "Tell them we are right, David, tell them we are right. The coming of the Lord drawth nigh, but they must be patient and wait for Him." Then he died.

Since then many others have added pieces to the puzzle. Dr. Gratton Guinness was noted for his research into Bible time periods. In 1878, he published "The Approaching End of the Age" in which he stated that the Seven Times of the Gentiles (2,520 year) would begin to expire in an epoch commencing about 1914 to 1915. He was right, for 1914 saw the start of World War I, which has really set in motion the series of events (conflicts) making up the present transitional epoch leading to the end of the age.

Max Nordau, a Jew, speaking at the Zionist Congress at Basle in August 1903, made this astonishing "prophesy": "Let me tell you the following words as if I were showing you the rungs of a ladder leading upward and upward: Herzl, the Zionist Congress, the English Uganda proposition, THE FUTURE WAR, the peace conference, WHERE WITH THE HELP OF ENGLAND A FREE AND JEWISH PALESTINE WILL BE CREATED." (Waters Flowing Eastward, p. 108) Here we can see that the Jews, knew that World War I was going to happen, and how did they know, because they were behind the scenes causing it.

Guinness also published "Light For the Last Days" in 1886 in which 1917 was marked as a year of great importance for the city of Jerusalem. It was liberated by the British on December 9, 1917 after centuries of Turkish rule. Also during the late 1800s, Professor Charles Totten researched and published information on the Hebrew calendar used in the Bible and related it to many events in Scripture. Independent of this, Dr. J.B. Dimbleby, premier chronologist of the British Chronological and Astronomical Association, also did extensive research into the Biblical calendar as it related to astronomical cycles.

A most interesting subject began to be opened up in the late 1800s. Many researchers began to find in the Great Pyramid of Giza a structure with a design which reflected not only astronomical cycles but Bible history and chronology as well. Isaiah writes: "In that day (the time of the end) shall there be an altar to the Lord in the midst of the land of Egypt, and a pillar at the border thereof to the Lord. And it shall be for a sign and for a witness unto the Lord of hosts in the land of Egypt." (Isaiah 19:19‑20)

The man who added much to this subject was David Davidson, a structural engineer from England. An agnostic, he decided to study the Great Pyramid to prove the claims of its Divine origin to be false. Instead, he became convinced of its Divine message and would spend the rest of his life publishing architectural and scientific information which fully supported that claim.

With the start of the 20th century, others began to search out the chronology connecting the great events which began to unfold. Some of them were writers in Destiny Magazine: Bernard Nicklin, William O. Lay, and the Editor Howard B. Rand. Indeed, many others have delved into this subject each helping to add pieces to the puzzle Piece by piece.

This requires time, years in fact, and it can also involve being wrong in certain respects like William Miller was. Many readers of "Destiny Magazine" saw that at certain times when, due to chronological information, it was felt that the thief‑like appearing of Jesus was imminent. August of 1953 was one such date, September of 1968 another, and to a lesser degree some other dates. What was expected and hoped for did not happen. As a result, there was a great deal of disappointment (particularly in 1953) and rejection, not only of chronology, but also of the truthfulness of prophecy and the belief in the soon appearing of our Lord Jesus Christ. Why should the Lord allow such "false alarms" to occur?

First we need to ask another question, perhaps the key question: What role should chronology play in one's faith?

"In business and labor circles there is that individual of dubious personality who is called a �clock watcher.' He spends so much time glancing at the clock to see how near he is to a certain hour (quitting time, most likely) that he neglects his work.

"We are sometimes reminded of the clock watcher by those who concentrate their entire attention upon a date, so much so that they neglect to observe the over‑all pattern of which that date is but a part. Like the clock watcher, little is accomplished while they mark time, waiting for something to develop that will, they hope, transform wishful thinking into a firm faith. Discussing the question of faith and works, James said: �Shew me thy faith without thy works, and I will shew thee my faith by my works...For as the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without works is dead also..' (James 2:16, 26)

"It should always be borne in mind that God has not given us chronological information to replace faith. Those who undertake to use it as a substitute for an abiding faith in the plans and purposes of God will always be disappointed. Dates will come and go and those who lack faith are very likely to see little in them." (Destiny Magazine, October 1953, Howard Rand, Clock Watchers)

We thus see that it is a belief in God and His promises which are the key elements in faith. And it is by faith that we are saved and made upright in the sight of God. (Ephesians 2:8) Chronological information is only a supplement to one's faith. In fact, it could be harmful for us to know too much of God's chronology. Paul writes: "Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen." (Hebrews 11:1)

If we fully knew the Divine pattern of timing for history and knew exactly when to expect the Lord's thief‑like appearing, then our life would be based more on our knowledge and less on our faith; which is the hoping form, and belief in, things not fully seen. God will not allow us to come into knowledge which would deny us the opportunity to display faith, for as Peter wrote to believers: "Who are kept by the power of God through faith unto salvation ready to be revealed in the last time...That the trial of your faith, being much more precious than of gold that perisheth, though it be tried with fire, might be found unto praise and honour and glory at the appearing of Jesus Christ." (1 Peter 1:5, 7)

This is even true for the great men of faith found in the Bible. Though they received information directly from god, certain things were revealed to them only after living a life of faith: For example, Abraham was called by God and had God's plans and purposes revealed to him; when he was seventy five years old.

When God the Father revealed Himself directly to Ezra, He informed Ezra: "I revealed myself visibly in the bush, and talked with Moses, when my people was in slavery in Egypt, and I sent him, and led my people out of Egypt, and brought them to Mount Sinai, and kept him with me many days, and told him many wonderful things, and showed him the secrets of the times, and the end of the times, and command him, saying, These words you must publish openly, and those you must keep secret." (2 Esdras 14:3‑6, Smith & Goodspeed Translation)

While we learn from this that Moses was given much detailed chronological information, he was told to keep it secret. It should also be noted that Moses was not called by God until he was eighty years old, and God revealed these things to him only after Moses faithfully completed his mission of leading Israel out of Egypt.

Jeremiah was a young man when God called him to warn the people of Judah and Jerusalem that, unless they repented of their ways, they would be taken captive by Babylon. They were taken captive but it did not come until Jeremiah was in his seventies. It was only then that the Lord told Jeremiah that the captivity in Babylon would last seventy years. (Jeremiah 25:12)

The year before Jeremiah was told this, Daniel became one of those taken captive to Babylon and would spend the next seventy years of his life there. It was after those years had passed, when Daniel was in his eighties, that he learned of what Jeremiah had written concerning the length of the captivity. (Daniel 9:1‑3) It is also seen that Daniel's prophetic visions, which contained much chronological information, were given to him when he was in his eighties; after he had led a life of great faith. This is true also of the Apostle John, who was older and exiled to the Isle of Patmos when Jesus appeared to him to make known the information which is found in the Book of Revelation. Again, only after a life of faith.

In all these cases, the chronological information was given as a supplement to a life of faith. Our watching and hoping for the Lord should be based on faith. At the end of the parable of the Ten Bridesmaids, Jesus said: "Watch therefore, for ye know neither the day nor the hour wherein the Son of man cometh." (Matthew 25:13) Still, God does not wish us to be in the dark, for Paul wrote: "But of the times and the seasons, brethren, ye have no need that I write unto you. For yourselves know perfectly6 that the day of the Lord so cometh as a thief in the night...But ye, brethren, are not in darkness, that that day should overtake you as a thief." (1 Thessalonians 5:1‑2, 4)

There is a balance to be struck here. Although we may not know the day and the hour, we can and should know the times and the seasons, for the information was put into Scripture for us to search it out and understand it. Especially for us at the end of the age. Again, this requires many people over years taking the time to delve deeply into the subject of Bible chronology and applying the chronological cycles found in Scripture to history, each adding a piece to the puzzle so as to complete the picture of the Divine Chronology upon which human history operates.

The Lord has allowed us enough pieces of information to keep us alert and watchful with a good understanding of prophecy and chronology, but He has not allowed too much chronological information to come to light so that the importance of the times we live in could become known to someone who, if not for the thrill of "knowing a date," would otherwise care. Like the clock watchers they are fixated only upon a date.

Our understanding of chronology will never become so exact where one could "prove' the validity of the information to someone. Nor should one try to prove anything, for the acceptance or rejection of chronology itself is based on faith. We can now see a possible reason why the Lord has allowed some "false alarms" to occur in past years such as 1844 and 1953. Could it have been part of a process to find out who was expecting His return based on faith, and who was expecting Him based upon a date alone? In other words, a process to sort out the clock watchers from the faithful.

In the Parable of the Ten Virgins (or Ten Bridesmaids) it required the passage of time to determine which of the ten were the five wise and which were the five foolish. As the Bridegroom (Jesus0 tarried, they all fell asleep (failed to keep watch or be watchful). Over time, the five foolish found their supply of oil depleted.

"This brings up the question concerning what is signified by the oil which the foolish lack. That it is something that may be purchased is clear form the instructions the wise gave to the foolish in counseling them to go to those who sell and buy for themselves.

"It has been generally believed that the oil the foolish did not have was �the oil of the Holy Spirit,' but the Holy Spirit cannot be bought. This was clearly demonstrated when Simon saw that, by the laying on to the apostle's hands, the Holy Spirit was given. He offered Peter money for this power: �But Peter said unto him, Thy money perish with thee, because thou hast thought that the gift of God may be purchased with money.' (Acts 8:20 Nevertheless, we are told: �Buy the truth, and sell it not; also wisdom, and instruction, and understanding.' (Proverbs 23:23)

"The greatest body of truth to be found in these climactic days is an understanding of prophecy, coupled with the chronological time cycles correlating prophetic fulfillment. Volumes of information have been compiled to this end and it is this that may be purchased." (The Hour cometh, by Howard B. Rand, Chapter 10, "They That Were Ready)

Those waiting for the Lord's return based on faith would not give up hope once a date had passed but would continue to be watchful. They would know that, even when a date fails to mark the event expected, it still does not mean that date is without significance and that a date's significance may be hid from us for a period of years. They would also continue to search out more pieces to the chronological and prophetic puzzle so as to replenish their supply of oil in preparation for the day when the Bridegroom suddenly does appear and light is needed to understand events.

This is also a process and any process leading to a discovery can have its mistakes along the way which can, as we have seen, lead to false alarms. While there are those who sound false alarms for the publicity and thrills involved in "setting dates," it can be certain that, in the instances mentioned earlier, the alarm was sounded because certain information came to light which indicated the Lord's appearing was very close at hand. Those observing the information sincerely felt, like William Miller, the need to publish and warn.

These people found themselves in the position of the Watchman who is required to warn of approaching trouble. (Ezekiel 33:7) According to Ezekiel 3:117‑21 (the verses which so troubled William Miller), is the duty of the watchman to sound an alarm, even if it may turn out to be a false alarm once in a while.

Actually, should we use the word false? Considering the gigantic time frame upon which God operates, to sound an alarm of His soon coming a few decades prior to the actual event is more premature than it is false. For men will say and are even now saying: "Knowing this first, that there shall come in the last days scoffers, walking after their own lusts, And saying, Where is the promise of his coming? for since the fathers fell asleep, all things continue as they were from the beginning of the creation."

Then Peter goes on to say: "For this they willingly are ignorant of, that by the word of God the heavens were of old, and the earth standing out of the water and in the water:" (2 Peter 3:3‑5)

Men routinely sort great historical periods covering centuries into large clumps of time; the decline of the Roman Empire, the Renaissance, the Reformation, etc., and yet at the same time can consider a wait for twenty years during their lifetime to an eternity.

When one thinks that from Adam mans' history has covered about 6,000 years, and considers the eternity before that during which God brought about creation, and also the eternity before us which God has planned for us to enjoy, William Miller does not seem so much wrong as he does premature, for what will 150, 200 or even 300 years amount to? However, from the clock watchers, fixated on a certain date, will come disappointment when it does not reveal what was expected, and from the world at large will come only ridicule because, to them, things just seem to remain the same year after year.

Peter reveals this attitude in a message especially applicable to we who know the Israel Truth living today. He wrote: "In the effort to arouse your unsullied minds to remember the things foretold by the holy prophets, and the command of the Lord and Savior through your apostles. First of all, you must understand this, that in the last days mockers will come with their mockeries, going where their passions lead and saying, Where is his promised coming? For ever since our forefather fell asleep everything has remained as it was from the beginning of creation. For they wilfully ignore the fact that long ago there existed heavens and an earth which had been formed at God's command out of water and by water, by which also that world was destroyed, through being flooded with water. But by the same command the present heavens and earth are stored up for fire, and are kept for the day when godless men (This is Adam kind, not the other races, for they never possessed God's Laws, Statutes, or Judgments)are to be judged and destroyed." (2 Peter 3:1‑7, Smith & Goodspeed Translation)

This brings us to our final question: Just where do we stand chronologically in relation to our Lord's sudden appearing, keeping in mind that we are not to know the day and hour but rather the time and the season?

"But do not overlook this one fact, dear friends, that with the Lord one day is like a thousand years and a thousand years are like one day. The Lord is not slow about his promise, in the sense that some men think; he is really showing his patience with you, because he does not want any to perish, but wishes all men to be brought to repentance." (2 Peter 3:8‑9, Smith & Goodspeed Translation)

History began with the fall of Adam, the most commonly accepted chronology has been that of James Ussher, Archbishop of Armagh, who published his chronology in 1650. Based on his system of chronology, he placed the birth of Christ in 4 A.D. This in turn affected his date for the fall of Adam which was and is presumed to be 4004 B.C.

In the late 1800s, Professor Charles Totten and Dr. J.B. Dimbleby (independently of one another) researched the ancient Hebrew calendars upon which history was recorded. Both arrived at the same results for the crucifixion of Christ and placed His birth at 4 B.C. This put the date of the fall of Adam, and thus the start of man's history at 4000 B.C.

The arrangement of the Hebrew calendar and its effect on Bishop Ussher's system (which was pretty accurate) are too lengthy for this study. The main point here being that from 4000 B.C., man's history has covered very nearly 6,000 years or, in Divine terms, six days, a working week to bring about the redemption of Man.

God keeps His own laws, one of which is: "Six days shout thou labour, and do all thy work: But the seventh day is the sabbath of the Lord thy God: in it thou shalt not do any work." (Exodus 20:9‑10) It would, therefore appear, we are about ten years short of entering a seventh period of 1,000 years; a period of rest. Is this the period referred to in the 20th chapter of Revelation? Where we read: "And he laid hold on the dragon, that old serpent, which is the Devil, and Satan, and bound him a thousand years." (Revelation 20:2)

"And I saw thrones, and they sat upon them, and judgment was given unto them: and I sw the souls of them that were beheaded for the witness of Jesus, and for the word of God, and which had not worshiped the beast, neither his image, neither had received his mark upon their foreheads, or in their hands: and they lived and reigned with Christ a thousand years." (Revelation 20:4)

The events described in these verses take place AFTER the Marriage Supper and Second Advent of Jesus Christ as described in the 19th chapter of Revelations. This is not to say the reign of Jesus Christ is to last only 1,000 years. It is to be "forever." (Luke 1:3) Revelation 20:715 describes events following this 1,000 years while the 21st chapter reveals activity leading to a "new heaven and a new earth," which at present we cannot fully comprehend. However, in between this present age of the human dispensation and the age described as "a new heaven and earth," there will be a period of rest under Christ.

We find conformation for the belief that we are about to enter the "day" of rest in the account of Ezra, mentioned earlier in this article. After God had informed Ezra about the wonderful information He gave to Moses, God tells Ezra: "And now I tell you, the signs that I have shown you, and the dreams that you have had, and the meaning of them that you have heard, lay up in your heart! For you will be taken up from among men, and henceforth you will live with my Son and those who are like you, until the times are ended. For the world has lost its youth, and the times are beginning to grow old. For the life of the world is divided into twelve parts, and nine parts and half of the tenth part are already past, and there are left two parts and half of the tenth part." (2 Esdras 14:7‑12, Smith & Goodspeed Translation)

The twelve parts of the world refer to the twelve working days of 1,000 years each, during which God has brought about the creation of mankind and its redemption. The first six are described by God: "For in six days the Lord made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that in them is, and rested the seventh day: wherefore the Lord blessed the sabbath day, and hallowed it." (Exodus 20:11)

The first six involved the bringing back of the earth from its condition of being "without form and void" (not the original act of creation described in Genesis 1:1). This required 6,000 years with the final period witnessing the creation of man. Before the next six periods came a period of rest, at the end of which came the fall of Adam from his original higher state of creation. The next six have been devoted to God's redemption of mankind and the restoration of eternal life. This began (as we reckon time) in 4000 B.C.

Three days (the 7th, 8th and 9th parts) of 1,000 years each had fully passed when Ezra had his encounter with God. This occurred about 450 B.C., halfway through the 10th part (1000 B.C. to 1 B.C.). Thus we read only half of the 10th part and two full parts were left. These two remaining parts were the 2,000 years that have made up the Christian dispensation from the year 1 A.D., to the present.

It would seem we are at the last decade, of the last century, of the last millennium prior to a great Age of Rest. It would also seem that, before that period of rest begins, the events concluding this present age of trouble and strife will take place.

Also mentioned earlier was Daniel, who was given a vision revealing the events of the crisis which will end the age. (Daniel, Chapter 10‑12) The vision occurred in the third year of Cyrus. (Daniel 10:1) This would be in 529 B.C., at a time of year corresponding to our March‑April.

At the end of the vision, Daniel saw a man clothed in fine linen above the waters of the river Tigris. This was Jesus, for compare the description of this Man clothed in linen in Daniel 10:5‑6 with the description of Jesus given by John in Revelation 1:13‑15.

After seeing the events which would end the age, Daniel then writes: "Then I, Daniel, looked, and lo! Two others were standing, one on this bank of the river, and one on that bank of the river. And I said to the man clothed in linen, who appeared above the waters of the river, "how long shall it be till the end of these wonders?" (Daniel 12:5‑6; Smith & Goodspeed Translation)

We then read: "And I heard the man clothed in linen, which was upon the waters of the river, when he held up his right hand and his left hand unto heaven, and sware by him that liveth for ever that it shall be for a time, times, and an half; and when he shall have accomplished to scatter the power of the holy people (Israel), all these� things shall be finished." (Daniel 12:7)

In Biblical chronology one "time" is a period of 360 years; therefore time (360 years), times (720 years) and a half (180 years) add up to 1,260 years. 1,260 years (sometimes days) is a well known chronological period mentioned many times in Scripture. But the man clothed in linen stood above the Middle of the river, and He raised BOTH arms as He gave His answer of "time, times and an half." (1260) We also find two other beings, one on each bank. Was not the Man standing in the middle of a long period of time, and when His arms gesturing to the two beings on each bank, that it would be 1,260 years in each direction? This would mean two times 1,26 years, or 2,520 years, which is the great Seven Times of prophecy, for it is 7 x 360. This is another major Biblical chronology factor found often in Scripture.

2,520 years from the time Daniel was given this vision was said to have ended in 1992. In his vision, Daniel foretold of a large northern power attacking His people Israel during a time of trouble closing the present age. Is it a coincidence that we presently find a great conflict forming, with Soviet Russia fully in place to fulfill just such a role in the age‑ending crisis? Unable to fully understand the age‑ending scenes he saw from his vantage point in the 6th century B.C., Daniel states: "And I heard, but I understood not: then said I, O my Lord, what shall be he end of these things?" (Daniel 12:8)

After receiving a vision revealing what would happen at the end of the age, as well as the chronology involved, Daniel wished to understand more but was told: "Go thy way, Daniel: for the words are closed up and sealed till the time of the end." (Daniel 12:9)

This is the time of the End! The time when the information concerning the events ending the age are to be made known. Those events include not only the Second Advent of Christ, but also His prior "thief‑like" appearing as the Bridegroom when He gathers together His faithful followers for the Marriage Supper. In the parable of the Ten Bridesmaids, at midnight, a cry suddenly goes out: "Behold, the bridegroom cometh: go ye out to meet him." (Matthew 25:6)

Who sounded the alarm, for the ten bridesmaids were all asleep? Was it not the watchmen, keeping alert to the times and the means and the events which will signal the Lord's soon appearing? Thought he time of that event, and others, are not fully known, the day is at hand when all our chronology questions will be fully answered.

There is an old hymn sung during the Advent season prior to Christmas entitled "Rejoice All Ye Believers" written by the Swedish composer, Laurentius Laurenti, about 1700 A.D. Though it is sung to herald the coming of Christ at Bethlehem, we can at once see form the meaning of the lyrics that it speaks to us living today watching the events leading to the appearing and subsequent Second Advent of our Lord Jesus Christ.

������� Our forefathers established this nation for "their" posterity; as stated in the Preamble to the Constitution, "We the People of the United States, in Order the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and to our posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution of the United States of America."

Since our forefathers were White Christians, their posterity would be the same. It was not founded for all the various races, the Blacks, Jews, Mexicans and etc. They did not suffer the hardships in the years following the landing at Plymouth Rock by the Puritans or endure the horrors of the War of Independence to establish this nation as a melting pot of alien races, religions and cultures. In spite of what you have been told and taught! We repeated the same mistakes our forefathers made in ancient Israel; for by allowing the "mixed multitude" to enter with their customs and practices, so much so that nearly every segment of our society and churches has been corrupted or adulterated.

God said: "For I will take you from among the heathen, and gather you out of all countries, and will bring you into your own land. Then will I sprinkle clean water upon you, and ye shall be clean from all your filthiness, and from all your idols, will I cleanse you. A new heart also will I give you, and a new spirit will I put within you: and I will take away the stony heart out of your flesh and I will give you an heart of flesh. And I will put my spirit within you, and cause you to walk in my statute, and ye shall keep my judgments, and do them." (Ezekiel 36:24‑27)

This is a perfect description of America and its White People. However, it appears to be several parts to this prophecy, some of which have already been done and some which will be done in the future.

(1) "I will take you from among the heathen, and gather you out of all countries, and will bring you into your own land. This has been done!

(2) "Then will I sprinkle clean water upon you, and ye shall be clean from all your filthiness, and from all your idols, will I cleanse you." This has yet to be done in its entirety.

(3) "A new heart also will I give you, and a new spirit will I put within your: and I will take away the stony heart out of your flesh and I will give you an heart of flesh." This has been done for there are no more charitable and caring people on earth than the American White Man.

(4) "And I will put my spirit within you, and cause you to walk in my statutes, and ye shall keep my judgments, and do them." This has also been done in part; especially during the early years of our country and before the advent of the Jews into our political body politic.

With such a heritage it is almost inconceivable and all but impossible for Americans to believe that another would work within a conspiracy to destroy everything Americans believe in. However, if studied in Chronological order the success of the conspiracy becomes more evident.

Our Senators, Congressmen and Judges are constantly voting on questions concerning the world crisis, yet few have the courage to tell the people what is back of this world crisis and to advocate measures to counteract it. For rather than endure THE SMEAR that would come from the Jews through the news media, many members of Congress are willing to sell their own future generations of their posterity into slavery. Spineless creatures engrossed with the egotism of the importance of their positions and thinking they are the all‑wise mentors of the nation passing on its vital questions, whereas they are guilty of the most sickening hypocrisy of all time in evading the one and all important issues which is the foundation of all other question.

They are presiding over the dissolution of the White Race, or so they think. Most member of Congress lead a life of hypocrisy and escape the real issue, leaving it for others, who, in like manner, leave it for others, and all touch it not. Thus the internal enemy; the Jews among others, has a free and untrammeled field in which to move rapidly toward the climax; the day of Almighty God.

In the following almost all of the items included in this chronology are direct quotations from Zionists or from their books. At the end of some of the articles there will be listed the various books, their authors, the publishing firms and the dates of publication. (I.B. means "International Banker," A.M. means "American Mercury," p. means "page," MMM means "Money Made Mysterious." In the mainline media, those who adhere to the position that there is some kind of "conspiracy" pushing us towards a world government are virulently ridiculed. The standard attack maintains that the so‑called "New World Order" is the product of turn‑of‑the‑century, right‑wing, bigoted, anti‑Semitic racists acting in the tradition of the long‑debunked Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion, now promulgated by some Militias and other right‑wing hate groups.

The historical record does not support that position to any large degree but it has become the mantra of the socialist left and their cronies, the media. The term "New World Order" has been used thousands of times in this century by proponents in high places of federalized world government. Some of those involved in this collaboration to achieve world order have been Jewish. The preponderance are not, so it most definitely is not a Jewish agenda.

For years, leaders in education, industry, the media, banking, etc., have promoted those with the same Weltanschauung (world view) as theirs. Of course, someone might say that just because individuals promote their friends doesn't constitute a conspiracy. That's true in the usual sense. However, it does represent an "open conspiracy," as described by noted Fabian Socialist H.G. Wells in The Open Conspiracy: Blue Prints for a World Revolution (1928). Even talk show host Rush Limbaugh, an outspoken critic of anyone claiming a push for global government, said on his February 7, 1995 program:

"You see, if you amount to anything in Washington these days, it is because you have been plucked or handpicked from an Ivy League school; Harvard, Yale, Kennedy School of Government, you've shown an aptitude to be a good Ivy League type, and so you're plucked so‑to‑speak, and you are assigned success. You are assigned a certain role in government somewhere, and then your success is monitored and tracked, and you go where the pluckers and the hand pickers can put you."

On May 4, 1993, Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) president Leslie Gelb said on The Charlie Rose Show that:� " [Charlie Rose] had me on [before] to talk about the New World Order! I talk about it all the time. It's one world now. The Council [CFR] can find, nurture, and begin to put people in the kinds of jobs this country needs. And that's going to be one of the major enterprises of the Council under me."

Previous CFR chairman, John J. McCloy (1953‑70), actually said they have been doing this since the 1940s (and before).

The thrust towards global government can be well‑documented but at the end of the twentieth century it does not look like a traditional conspiracy in the usual sense of a secret cabal of evil men meeting clandestinely behind closed doors. Rather, it is a "networking" of like‑minded individuals in high places to achieve a common goal, as described in Marilyn Ferguson's 1980 insider classic, The Aquarian Conspiracy.

Let's look at a short chronology of history, to see more clearly how America, Canada, England, Germany and the other Israelite nations have gotten in the shape it is in at the present time.


"When Little Russia was annexed by Czar Alexis Michaelovich� the Russians encountered masses of Jews for the first time. Jews had not been allowed to live or travel in Russia"


"The capture of the principal cities such as Minsk by� the combined armies of the Cossacks and Muscovites was accompanied by the extermination or expulsion of the Jewish population."


"At the approach of the Polish army the surviving Jewish� community in Moghilev was ordered expelled by the commander of the� Russian garrison, Colonel Poklovski. As they were leaving the city,� virtually all were killed."


"Jews were forbidden to live in Little Russia or to enter the city of Moscow."


William III merges Britain and Netherlands under the House of Orange, following the Glorious Revolution in England. Dutch Jews, both Sephardic and Ashkenazim, begin to move into England in significant numbers. London becomes a center of Sephardic banking. Leading figures are Moses da Costa, Solomon de Medina, Isaac Pereira, Manasseh Lopez, Samson Gideon, Francis & Joseph Salvador and the Goldsmid brothers.


Government of the Massachusetts Bay issues the first known "Publick Bills of Credit" in America to pay troops after an unsuccessful expedition to Canada. Not exactly the beginning of fiat money...but certainly on the leading edge. Who organized the investors to stabilize this new currency?


The Bank of England is chartered as the sole purchasing agent for highly‑profitable British government annuities, originally issued to finance the war‑debts resulting from the Glorious Revolution. Not only does the Bank collect 8% interest on the notes, but the annuities themselves are treated as deposits secured by the Crown, so that the money can be loaned out a second time, allowing the Bank to collect interest twice on the same capital investment.


New York issues its first bills of credit.


The Bank of Massachusetts is founded. According to the original documents: "A Model for Erecting a Bank of Credit in Boston Founded on Land Security."


Rhode Island land banks begin issuing bills of credit on loan. According to leading period historian John MacInnes, "The key to understanding Rhode Island's currency policy up to 1750, is that it was in fact a parasitical device."


George I, the Hanoverian King of England, establishes the Grand Lodge of St. John (the Pretender), of which the British Crown is to be the titular head. This completes the conquest of the British Throne by the money powers.


James Ogelthorpe establishes a vast plantation in Georgia. Many poor East European Jews begin to settle there, though the largest American Jewish communities are Sephardic‑descent, Dutch and British, in New York, Charleston, Philadelphia, Newport and Boston.


"Borukh Liebov (JEW) who had been banished by Catherine I� continued to travel into Russia; in 1738 he converted a retired naval captain. The captain was circumicized and his conversion became known� and both were arrested...they were burned alive in July 15th."


"The Russian Senate ordered the expulsion of the Jews who had taken up residence in Little Russia..."


Empress Anna of Russia ordered the expulsion of 292 male and 281 female Jews who resided on 130 manorial estates in Little Russia."

Uniform Naturalization Act grants British citizenship to all "subjects" living in the American colonies and the British West Indies. Jews are the primary beneficiaries, receiving official legal protections not previously enjoyed, including titled land ownership and land banking privileges. As regards the American Colonies, long‑established practices now become legalized.


The Rothschild Dynasty: (Condensed from "Descent Into Slavery" by Des Griffin, Chapter Five)

For many years the words international banker, Rothschild, Money and Gold have held a mystical type of fascination for many people around the world but particularly in the United States.

Over the years in the United States, the international bankers have come in for a great deal of criticism by a wide variety of individuals who have held high offices of public trust ‑‑ men whose opinions are worthy of note and whose responsibilities placed them in positions where they knew what was going on behind the scenes in politics and high finance.

President Andrew Jackson, the only one of our presidents whose administration totally abolished the National Debt, condemned the international bankers as a "den of vipers" which he was determined to "rout out" of the fabric of American life. Jackson claimed that if only the American people understood how these vipers operated on the American scene "there would a revolution before morning."

Congressman Louis T. McFadden who, for more than ten years, served as chairman of the Banking and Currency Committee, stated that the international bankers are a "dark crew of financial pirates who would cut a man's throat to get a dollar out of his pocket...They prey upon the people of these United States."

John F. Hylan, then mayor of New York, said in 1911 that "the real menace of our republic is the invisible government which, like a giant octopus, sprawls its slimy length over our city, state and nation. At the head is a small group of banking houses, generally referred to as 'international bankers.'"

Were these leading public figures correct in their assessment of the situation, or were they the victims of some exotic form of paranoia?

Let's examine history analytically and unemotionally and uncover the facts. The truth, as it unfolds, will prove to be eye‑opening and educational to those who are seeking to more clearly understand the mind‑boggling events that have been (and are) taking place on the national and international scenes.

Humble Beginnings

Europe, towards the end of the eighteenth century or at the time of the American Revolution, was very different from what we know in the same area today. It was composed oil a combination of large and small kingdoms, duchies and states which were constantly engaged in squabbles among themselves. Most people were reduced to the level of serfs; with no political rights. The meager 'privileges' that were granted to them by their 'owners' could be withdrawn at a moment's notice.

It was during this period of time that a young man appeared on the European scene who was to have a tremendous impact on the future course of world history; his name was Mayer Amschel Bauer. In later years his name, which he had changed, became synonymous with wealth, power and influence. He was the first of the Rothschilds; the first truly international banker!

Mayer Amschel Bauer was born in Frankfurt‑On‑The‑Main in Germany in 1743. He was the son of Moses Amschel Bauer an itinerant money lender and goldsmith who, tiring of his wanderings in Eastern Europe, decided to settle down in the city where his first son was born. He opened a shop, or counting house, on Judenstrasse (or Jew Street). Over the door leading into the shop he placed a large Red Shield.

At a very early age Mayer Amschel Bauer showed that he possessed immense intellectual ability, and his father spent much of his time teaching him everything he could about the money lending business, and the lessons he had learned from many sources. The older Bauer originally hoped to have his son trained as a Rabbi but the father's untimely death put an end to such plans.

A few years after his father's death Mayer Amschel Bauer went to work as a clerk in a bank owned by the Oppenheimers in Hannover. His superior ability was quickly recognized and his advancement within the firm was swift. He was awarded a junior partnership.

Shortly thereafter he returned to Frankfurt where he was able to purchase the business his father had established in 1750. The big Red Shield was still displayed over the door. Recognizing the true significance of the Red Shield (his father had adopted it as his emblem from the Red Flag which was the emblem of the revolutionary minded Jews in Eastern Europe), Mayer Amschel Bauer changed his name to Rothschild; in this way the House of Rothschild came into being.

The base for a vast accumulation of wealth was laid during the 1760s when Amschel Rothschild renewed his acquaintance with General von Estorff for whom he ran errands while employed at the Oppenheimer Bank. When Rothschild discovered that the general, who was now attached to the court of Prince William of Hanau, was interested in rare coins he decided to take full advantage of the situation. By offering valuable coins and trinkets at discount prices he soon ingratiated himself with the general and other influential members of the court.

One day he was ushered into the presence of Prince William himself. His Highness bought a handful of his rarest medals and coins. This was the first transaction between a Rothschild and a head of state. Soon Rothschild was doing business with other princes.

Before long Rothschild tried another ploy to secure an 'in' with various local princes; and to further his own aims! He wrote them letters that played on their princely vanity while asking them for their patronage. A typical letter would read: "It has been my particular high and good fortune to serve your lofty princely Serenity at various times and to your most gracious satisfaction. I stand ready to exert all my energies and my entire fortune to serve your lofty princely serenity whenever in future it shall please you to command me. An especially powerful incentive to this end would be given me if your lofty princely serenity were to distinguish me with an appointment as one of your Highness' Court Factors. I am making bold to beg for this with the more confidence in the assurance that by so doing I am not giving any trouble; while for my part such a distinction would lift up my commercial standing and be of help to me in many other ways that I feel certain thereby to make my own way and fortune here in the city of Frankfurt."

His tactics paid off. On September 21, 1769, Rothschild was able to nail a sign bearing the arms of Hess‑Hanau to the front of his shop. In gold characters it read: "M. A. Rothschild, by appointment court factor to his serene highness, Prince William of Hanau."

In 1770 Rothschild married Gutele Schnaper who was aged seventeen. They had a large family consisting of five sons and five daughters. Their sons were Amschel, Salomon, Nathan, Kalmann (Karl) and Jacob (James).

History records that William of Hanau, "whose crest had been famous in Germany since the Middle Ages," was a dealer in human flesh. For a price the Prince, who was closely related to the various royal families of Europe, would rent out troops to any nation. His best customer was the British government which wanted troops for such projects as trying to keep the American colonists in line.

He did exceptionally well with his 'rent‑a‑troop' business. When he died he left the largest fortune ever accumulated in Europe to that time, $200,000,000. Rothschild biographer Frederic Morton describes William as "Europe's most blue‑cold blooded loan shark" (The Rothschilds, Fawcett Crest, 1961, p. 40).

Rothschild became an agent for this 'human cattle' dealer. He must have worked diligently in his new position of responsibility because, when William was forced to flee to Denmark, he left 600,000 pounds (then valued at $3,000,000) with Rothschild for safekeeping.

According to the late Commander William Guy Carr, who was an Intelligence Officer in the Royal Canadian Navy, and who had excellent contacts in intelligence circles around the world, the founder of the House of Rothschild drew up plans for the creation of the Illuminati and then entrusted Adam Weishaupt with its organization and development.

Sir Walter Scott, in the second volume of his Life of Napoleon, states that the French Revolution was planned by the Illuminati and was financed by the money changers of Europe. Interestingly enough, the above book (which this author has both seen and read) is the only book written by Scott that is not listed under his name in any of the 'authoritative' reference works. It is now a 'non book'!

"More Businesslike" Facts

For an account of what happened next we turn to the Jewish Encyclopedia, 1905 edition, Volume 10, p. 494: "According to legend this money was hidden away in wine casks, and, escaping the search of Napoleon's soldiers when they entered Frankfort, was restored intact in the same casks in 1814, when the elector returned to the electorate. The facts are somewhat less romantic, and more businesslike."

Pay particular attention to the last nine words. They are loaded with significance. Here the leading Jewish authority states that what Rothschild actually did with the $3,000,000 was "more businesslike," from a Jewish point of view, than what was stated in the legend. The simple truth of the matter is that Rothschild embezzled the money from Prince William. But even before the money reached Rothschild it was not 'clean' (or Kosherl). The vast sum had been paid to William of Hess by the British government for the services of his soldiers. The money was originally embezzled by William from his troops who were legally entitled to it. With the twice embezzled money as a solid foundation, Mayer Amschel Rothschild decided to vastly expand his operations and become the first international banker.

A couple of years earlier Rothschild had sent his son, Nathan, to England to take care of the family business in that country. After a brief stay in Manchester, where he operated as a merchant, Nathan, on instructions from his father, moved to London and set up shop as a merchant banker. To get the operation under way Rothschild gave his son the three million dollars he had embezzled from William of Hess.

The Jewish Encyclopedia for 1905 tells us that Nathan invested the loot in "gold from the East India company knowing that it would be needed for Wellington's peninsula campaign." On the stolen money Nathan made "no less than four profits; (1) On the sale of Wellington's paper [which he bought at 50 cents on the dollar and collected at par; (2) on the sale of gold to Wellington; (3) on its repurchase; and (4) on forwarding it to Portugal. This was the beginning of the great fortunes of the house" (p. 494).

Yes, the Jewish Encyclopedia claims that the great fortune accumulated by the Rothschilds over the years was based on the "businesslike" method of fraud.

With their huge accumulation of ill‑gotten gain the family established branches of the House of Rothschild in Berlin, Vienna, Paris and Naples. Rothschild placed a son in charge of each branch. Amschel was placed in charge of the Berlin branch; Salomon was over the Vienna branch; Jacob (James) went to Paris and Kalmann (Karl) opened up the Rothschild bank in Naples. The headquarters of the House of Rothschild was, and is, in London.


An anonymous contemporary described Nathan Rothschild as he leaned against the 'Rothschild Pillar' at the London Stock Exchange, hung his heavy hands into his pockets, and began to release silent, motionless, implacable cunning: "Eyes are usually called the windows of the soul. But in Rothschild's case you would conclude that the windows are false ones, or that there was no soul to look out of them. There comes not one pencil of light from the interior, neither is there one gleam of that which comes from without reflected in any direction. The whole puts you in mind of an empty skin, and you wonder why it stands upright without at least something in it. By and by another figure comes up to it. It then steps two paces aside, and the most inquisitive glance that you ever saw, and a glance more inquisitive than you would ever have thought of, is drawn out of the fixed and leaden eye, as if one were drawing a sword from a scabbard. The visiting figure, which has the appearance of coming by accident and not by design, stops just a second or two, in the course of which looks are exchanged which, though you cannot translate, you feel must be of most important meaning. After these the eyes are sheathed up again, and the figure resumes its stony posture.� During the morning numbers of visitors come, all of whom meet with a similar reception and vanish in a similar manner. Last of all the figure itself vanishes, leaving you utterly at a loss." (Frederic Morton, The Rothschilds, p. 65)

Mayer Amschel's Will

When he died on September 19, 1812, the founder of the House of Rothschild left a will that was just days old. In it, he laid down specific laws by which the House that bore his name would operate in future year.

The laws were as follows:

(1) All key positions in the House of Rothschild were to be held by members of the family, and not by hired hands. Only male members of the family were allowed to participate in the business.

The eldest son of the eldest son was to be the head of the family unless the majority of the rest of the family agreed otherwise. It was for this exceptional reason that Nathan, who was particularly brilliant, was appointed head of the House of Rothschild in 1812.

(2) The family was to intermarry with their own first and second cousins, thus preserving the vast fortune. This rule was strictly adhered to early on but later, when other rich Jewish banking houses came on the scene, it was relaxed to allow some of the Rothschilds to marry selected members of the new elite.

(3) Amschel forbade his heirs "most explicitly, in any circumstances whatever, to have any public inventory made by the courts, or otherwise, of my estate...Also I forbid any legal action and any publication of the value of the inheritance...Anyone who disregards these provisions and takes any kind of action which conflicts with them will immediately be regarded as having disputed the will, and shall suffer the consequences of so doing.

(4) Rothschild ordered a perpetual family partnership and provided that the female members of the family, their husbands and children should receive their interest in the estate subject to the management of the male members. They were to have no part in the management of the business. Anyone who disputed this arrangement would lose their interest in the Estate. (The last stipulation was specifically designed to seal the mouths of anyone who might feel like breaking with the family. Rothschild obviously felt that there were a lot of things under the family 'rug' that should never see the light of day).

The mighty strength of the House of Rothschild was based on a variety of important factors:

(A) Complete secrecy resulting from total family control of all business dealings;

(B) An uncanny, one could almost say a supernatural ability to see what lay ahead and to take full advantage of it. The whole family was driven by an insatiable lust for the accumulation of wealth and power, and

�(C) Total ruthlessness in all business dealings.

Biographer Frederic Morton, in The Rothschilds, tells us that Mayer Amschel Rothschild and his five sons were "wizards" of finance, and "fiendish calculators" who were motivated by a "demonic drive" to succeed in their secret undertakings.

Talmudic Influence

From the same authoritative source we learn that "on Saturday evenings, when prayer was done at the synagogue, Mayer would inveigle the rabbi into his house. They would bend towards one another on the green upholstery, sipping slowly at a glass of wine and argue about first and last things deep into the night. Even on work days...Mayer...was apt to take down the big book of the Talmud and recite from it...while the entire family must sit stock still and listen" (p. 31).

It could be said of the Rothschilds that the "family that preys together stays together." And prey they did! Morton states that it is difficult for the average person to "comprehend Rothschild nor even the reason why he having so much, wanted to conquer more." All five brothers were imbued with this same spirit of cunning and conquest.

The Rothschilds formed no true friendships or alliances. Their associates were but mere acquaintances who were used to further the interests of the House of Rothschild, and then thrown on the garbage heap of history when they had served their purpose or outlived their usefulness.

The truth of this statement is demonstrated by another passage from Frederic Morton's book. He relates how, in 1806, Napoleon declared that it was his "object to remove the house of Hess‑Cassel from rulership and to strike it out of the list of powers."

"Thus Europe's mightiest man decreed erasure of the rock on which the new Rothschild firm had been built. Yet, curiously, the bustle didn't diminish at the house of the [Red] Shield.... Rothschilds still sat, avid and impenetrable, portfolios wedged between body and arm.

"They saw neither peace nor war, neither slogans or manifestos, nor orders of the day, neither death nor glory. They saw none of the things that blinded the world. They saw only stepping stones. Prince William had been one. Napoleon would be the next" (pp. 38,39).

'Curious'? Not exactly! The House of Rothschild was helping to finance the French dictator and, as a result, had free access to French markets at all times. Some years later, when both France and England were blockading each other's coast lines, the only merchants who were allowed to freely run the blockades were; yes, you guessed it, the Rothschilds. They were financing both sides!

"The efficiency which powered Mayer's sons brought on enormous economic spring cleaning: a sweeping away of fiscal dead wood; a renovation of old credit structures and an invention of new ones; a formation; implicit in the sheer existence of five different Rothschild banks in five different countries, of fresh money channels via clearing‑houses; a method of replacing the old unwieldy shipping of gold bullion by a worldwide system of debits and credits.

"One of the greatest contributions was Nathan's new technique for floating international loans. He didn't much care to receive dividends in all sorts of strange and cumbersome currencies.

"Now Nathan attracted him; the most powerful investment source of the nineteenth century, by making foreign bonds payable in Pounds Sterling" (p. 96).

The Battle of Waterloo

As the wealth and power of the Rothschilds grew in size and influence so did their intelligence gathering network. They had their 'agents' strategically located in all the capitals and trading centers of Europe, gathering and developing various types of intelligence. Like most family exploits, it was based on a combination of very hard work and sheer cunning.

Their unique spy system started out when 'the boys' began sending messages to each other through a network of couriers. Soon it developed into something much more elaborate, effective and far reaching. It was a spy network par excellence. Its stunning speed and effectiveness gave the Rothschilds a clear edge in all their dealings on an international level.

"Rothschild coaches careened down the highways; Rothschild boats set sail across the Channel; Rothschild agents were swift shadows along the streets. They carried cash, securities, letters and news. Above all, news: the latest exclusive news to be vigorously processed at stock market and commodity bourse. "And there was no news more precious than the outcome at Waterloo..." (The Rothschilds p. 94).

Upon the battle of Waterloo depended the future of the European continent. If the Grande Armee of Napoleon emerged victorious France would be undisputed master of all she surveyed on the European front. If Napoleon was crushed into submission England would hold the balance of power in Europe and would be in a position to greatly expand its sphere of influence.

Historian John Reeves, a Rothschild partisan, reveals in his book The Rothschilds, Financial Rulers of the Nations, 1887, page 167, that "one cause of his [Nathan's] success was the secrecy with which he shrouded, and the tortuous policy with which he misled those who watched him the keenest."

There were vast fortunes to be made; and lost, on the outcome of the Battle of Waterloo. The Stock Exchange in London was at fever pitch as traders awaited news of the outcome of this battle of the giants. If Britain lost, English consuls would plummet to unprecedented depths. If Britain was victorious, the value of the consul would leap to dizzying new heights.

As the two huge armies closed in for their battle to the death, Nathan Rothschild had his agents working feverishly on both sides of the line to gather the most accurate possible information as the battle proceeded. Additional Rothschild agents were on hand to carry the intelligence bulletins to a Rothschild command post strategically located nearby.

Late on the afternoon of June 15, 1815, a Rothschild representative jumped on board a specially chartered boat and headed out into the channel in a hurried dash for the English coast. In his possession was a top secret report from Rothschild's secret service agents on the progress of the crucial battle. This intelligence data would prove indispensable to Nathan in making some vital decisions.

The special agent was met at Folkstone the following morning at dawn by Nathan Rothschild himself. After quickly scanning the highlights of the report Rothschild was on his way again, speeding towards London and the Stock Exchange.

Coup of Coups

Arriving at the Exchange amid frantic speculation on the outcome of the battle, Nathan took up his usual position beside the famous 'Rothschild Pillar.' Without a sign of emotion, without the slightest change of facial expression the stony‑faced, flint eyed chief of the House of Rothschild gave a predetermined signal to his agents who were stationed nearby.

Rothschild agents immediately began to dump consuls on the market. As hundred of thousands of dollars worth of consuls poured onto the market their value started to slide. Then they began to plummet.

Nathan continued to lean against 'his' pillar, emotionless, expressionless. He continued to sell, and sell and sell. Consuls kept on falling. Word began to sweep through the Stock Exchange: "Rothschild knows." "Rothschild knows." "Wellington has lost at Waterloo."

The selling turned into a panic as people rushed to unload their 'worthless' consuls or paper money for gold and silver in the hope of retaining at least part of their wealth. Consuls continued their nosedive towards oblivion. After several hours of feverish trading the consul lay in ruins. It was selling for about five cents on the dollar.

Nathan Rothschild, emotionless as ever, still leaned against his pillar. He continued to give subtle signals. But these signals were different. They were so subtly different that only the highly trained Rothschild agents could detect the change. On the cue from their boss, dozens of Rothschild agents made their way to the order desks around the Exchange and bought every consul in sight for just a 'song'! A short time later the 'official' news arrived in the British capital. England was now the master of the European scene.

Within seconds the consul skyrocketed to above its original value. As the significance of the British victory began to sink into the public consciousness, the value of consuls rose even higher. Napoleon had 'met his Waterloo.' Nathan had bought control of the British economy. Overnight, his already vast fortune was multiplied twenty times over.

The Jewish Encyclopedia Volume X, 1905 (P. 494)

Owing to Napoleon's seizure of Holland in 1803, the leaders of the anti‑Napoleonic league chose Frankfort as a financial center where‑from to obtain the sinews of war. After the battle of Jena in 1806 the Landgrave of Hesse‑Cassel fled to Denmark, where he had already deposited much of his wealth through the agency of Mayer Amschel Rothschild, leaving in the hands of the latter specie and works of art of the value of 600,000 pounds. According to legend, these were hidden away in wine‑casks, and, escaping the search of Napoleon's soldiers when they entered Frankfort, were restored intact in the same casks in 1814, when the elector returned to his electorate (see Marbot, "Memoirs," 1891, i. 310‑311). The facts are somewhat less romantic, and more business‑like. Rothschild, so far from being in danger, was on such good terms with Napoleon's nominee, Prince Dalberg, that he had been made in 1810 a member of the Electoral College of Darmstadt. The elector's money had been sent to Nathan� in London, who in 1808 utilized it to purchase 800,000 pounds worth of gold from the East India Company, knowing that it would be needed for Wellington's Peninsular campaign. He made no less than four profits on this: (1) on the sale of Wellington's paper, (2) on the sale of the gold to Wellington, (3) on its repurchase, and (4) on forwarding it to Portugal. This was the beginning of the great fortunes of the house,

Clean Up In France

Following their crushing defeat at Waterloo, the French struggled to get back on their feet financially. In 1817 they negotiated a substantial loan from the prestigious French banking house of Ouvrard and from the well‑known bankers Baring Brothers of London. The Rothschilds had been left on the outside looking in.

The following year the French government was in need of another loan. As the bonds issued in 1817 with the help of Ouvrard and Baring Brothers were increasing in value on the Paris market, and in other European financial centers, it appeared certain that the French government would retain the services of these two distinguished banking houses.

The Rothschild brothers tried most of the gimmicks in their vast repertoire to influence the French government to give them the business. Their efforts were in vain.

The French aristocrats, who prided themselves on their elegance and superior breeding, viewed the Rothschilds as mere peasants, upstarts who needed to be kept in their place. The fact that the Rothschilds had vast financial resources, lived in the most luxurious homes and were attired in the most elegant and expensive clothes obtainable cut no ice with the highly class conscious French nobility. The Rothschilds were viewed as uncouth; lacking in social graces. If we are to believe most historical accounts, their appraisal of the first generation Rothschilds was probably valid. One major piece of armament in the Rothschild arsenal the French had overlooked or ignored; their unprecedented cunning� in the use and manipulation of money.

On November 5, 1818, something very unexpected occurred. After a year of steady appreciation the value of the French government bonds began to fall. With each passing day the decline in their value became more pronounced. Within a short space of time other government securities began to suffer too.

The atmosphere in the court of Louis XVIII was tense. Grim faced aristocrats pondered the fate of the country. They hoped for the best but feared the worst! The only people around the French court who weren't deeply concerned were James and Karl Rothschild. They smiled ‑‑ but said nothing!

Slowly a sneaking suspicion began to take shape in the minds of some onlookers. Could those Rothschild brothers be the cause of the nation's economic woes? Could they have secretly manipulated the bond market and engineered the panic?

They had! During October 1818, Rothschild agents, using their masters' limitless reserves, had bought huge quantities of the French government bonds issued through their rivals Ouvrard and Baring Brothers. This caused the bonds to increase in value. Then, on November 5th, they began to dump the bonds in huge quantities on the open market in the main commercial centers of Europe, throwing the market into a panic.

Suddenly the scene in the Aix palace changed. The Rothschilds, who were patiently biding their time and waiting quietly in an ante room, were ushered into the presence of the king. They were now he center of attention. Their clothes were now the height of fashion. "Their money [was] the darling of the best borrowers." The Rothschilds had gained control of France...and control is the name of the game!

Benjamin Disraeli, who was the prime minister of Britain, wrote a novel titled Coningsby. The Jewish Encyclopedia, Vol. 10, pp. 501, 5O2 describes the book as "an ideal portrait" of the Rothschild Empire. Disraeli characterized Nathan (in conjunction with his four brothers) as "the lord and master of the money markets of the world, and of course virtually lord and master of everything else. He literally held the revenues of southern Italy in pawn, and monarchs and ministers of all countries courted his advice and were guided by his suggestions."

Groomed "Inaudibility and Invisibility"

The financial coups performed by the Rothschilds in England in 1815, and in France three years later, are just two of the many they have staged worldwide over the years.

There has, however, been a major change in the tactics used to fleece the public of their hard earned money. From being brazenly open in their use and exploitation of people and nations, the Rothschilds have shrunk from the limelight and now operate through and behind a wide variety of fronts.

Their 'modern' approach is explained by biographer Frederic Morton: "Rothschilds love to glisten. But to the sorrow of the socially ambitious, Rothschilds glisten only in camera, for and among their own kind.

"Their penchant for reticence seems to have grown in recent generations. The founder of the house enjoined it a long time ago; but some of his sons, while storming Europe's innermost bastions of power, wrapped their hands around every weapon, including the rawest publicity. Today the family grooms the inaudibility and invisibility of its presence. As a result, some believe that little is left apart from a great legend. And the Rothschilds are quite content to let legend be their public relations.

"Though they control scores of industrial, commercial, mining and tourist corporations, not one bears the name Rothschild. Being private partnerships, the family houses never need to, and never do, publish a single public balance sheet, or any other report of their financial condition" (The Rothschilds. pp. 18, 19).

Throughout their long history the Rothschilds have gone to great lengths to create the impression that they operate within the framework of 'democracy.' This posture is calculated to deceive, to lead people away from the fact that their real aim is the elimination of all competition and the creation of a world‑wide monopoly. Hiding behind a multitude of 'fronts' they have done a masterful job of deception.

Rothschilds and America

It would be extraordinarily naive to even consider the possibility that a family as ambitious, as cunning and as monopolistically minded as the Rothschilds could resist the temptation of becoming heavily involved on the American front.

Following their conquest of Europe early in the 1800s, the Rothschilds cast their covetous eyes on the most precious gem of them all: the United States.

America was unique in modern history. It was only the second nation in history that had ever been formed with the Bible as its law book. Its uniquely magnificent Constitution was specifically designed to limit the power of government and to keep its citizens free and prosperous. Its citizens were basically industrious immigrants who 'yearned to breath free' and who asked nothing more than to be given the opportunity to live and work in such a wonderfully stimulating environment.

The results; the 'fruit,' of such a unique experiment were so indescribably brilliant that America became a legend around the globe. Many millions across the far flung continents of the world viewed America the Beautiful as the promised land.

The Big Bankers in Europe; the Rothschilds and their cohorts, viewed the wonderful results borne by this unique experiment from an entirely different perspective; they looked upon it as a major threat to their future plans. The establishment Times of London stated: "If that mischievous financial policy which had its origin in the North American Republic [i.e. honest Constitutionally authorized no debt money] should become indurated down to a fixture, then that government will furnish its own money without cost. It will pay off its debts and be without a debt [to the international bankers]. It will become prosperous beyond precedent in the history of the civilized governments of the world. The brains and wealth of all countries will go to North America. That government must be destroyed or it will destroy every monarchy on the globe."

The Rothschilds and their friends sent in their financial termites to destroy America because it was becoming "prosperous beyond precedent."

The first documentable evidence of Rothschild involvement in the financial affairs of the United States came in the late 1820s and early 1830s when the family, through their agent Nicholas Biddie, fought to defeat Andrew Jackson's move to curtail the international bankers. The Rothschilds lost the first round when in 1832, President Jackson vetoed the move to renew the charter of the 'Bank of the United States' (a central bank controlled by the international bankers). In 1836 the bank went out of business.

Plan of Destruction

In the years following Independence, a close business relationship had developed between the cotton growing aristocracy in the South and the cotton manufacturers in England. The European bankers decided that this business connection was America's Achilles Heel, the door through which the young American Republic could be successfully attacked and overcome.

The Illustrated University History, 1878, p. 504, tells us that the southern states swarmed with British agents. These conspired with local politicians to work against the best interests of the United States. Their carefully sown and nurtured propaganda developed into open rebellion and resulted in the secession of South Carolina on December 29, 1860. Within weeks another six states joined the conspiracy against the Union, and broke away to form the Confederate States of America, with Jefferson Davis as President.

The plotters raided armies, seized forts, arsenals, mints and other Union property. Even members of President Buchanan's Cabinet conspired to destroy the Union by damaging the public credit and working to bankrupt the nation. Buchanan claimed to deplore secession but took no steps to check it, even when a U.S. ship was fired upon by South Carolina shore batteries.

�Shortly thereafter Abraham Lincoln became President, being inaugurated on March 4, 1861. Lincoln immediately ordered a blockade on Southern ports, to cut off supplies that were pouring in from Europe. The 'official' date for the start of the Civil War is given as April 12, 1861, when Fort Sumter in South Carolina was bombarded by the Confederates, but it obviously began at a much earlier date.

In December, 1861, large numbers of European Troops (British, French and Spanish) poured into Mexico in defiance of the Monroe Doctrine. This, together with widespread European aid to the Confederacy strongly indicated that the Crown was preparing to enter the war. The outlook for the North, and the future of the Union, was bleak indeed.

In this hour of extreme crisis, Lincoln appealed to the Crown's perennial enemy, Russia, for assistance. When the envelope containing Lincoln's urgent appeal was given to Czar Nicholas II, he weighed it unopened in his hand and stated: "Before we open this paper or know its contents, we grant any request it may contain."

Unannounced, a Russian fleet under Admiral Liviski, steamed into New York harbor on September 24, 1863, and anchored there, The Russian Pacific fleet, under Admiral Popov, arrived in San Francisco on October 12. Of this Russian act, Gideon Wells said: "They arrived at the high tide of the Confederacy and the low tide of the North, causing England and France to hesitate long enough to turn the tide for the North" (Empire of "The City," p. 90).

History reveals that the Rothschilds were heavily involved in financing both sides in the Civil War. Lincoln put a damper on their activities when, in 1862 and 1863, he refused to pay the exorbitant rates of interest demanded by the Rothschilds and issued constitutionally‑authorized, interest free United States notes. For this and other acts of patriotism Lincoln was shot down in cold‑blood by John Wilkes Booth on April 14, 1865, just five days after Lee surrendered to Grant at Appomattox Court House, Virginia.

Booth's grand‑daughter, Izola Forrester, states in This One Mad Act that Lincoln's assassin had been in close contact with mysterious Europeans prior to the slaying, and had made at least one trip to Europe. Following the killing, Booth was whisked away to safety by members of the Knights of the Golden Circle. According to the author, Booth lived for many years following his disappearance.

International Bankers Pursue Their Goal

Undaunted by their initial failures to destroy the United States, the international bankers pursued their objective with relentless zeal. Between the end of the Civil War and 1914, their main agents in the United States were Kuhn, Loeb and Co. and the J. P. Morgan Co.

A brief history of Kuhn, Loeb and Co. appeared in Newsweek magazine on February 1, 1936: "Abraham Kuhn and Solomon Loeb were general merchandise merchants in Lafayette, Indiana, in 1850. As usual in newly settled regions, most transactions were on credit. They soon found out that they were bankers... In 1867, they established Kuhn, Loeb and Co., bankers, in New York City, and took in a young German immigrant, Jacob Schiff, as partner. Young Schiff had important financial connections in Europe. After ten years, Jacob Schiff was head of Kuhn, Loeb and Co., Kuhn having returned. Under Schiff's guidance, the house brought European capital into contact with American industry."

Schiff's "important financial connections in Europe" were the Rothschilds and their German representatives, the M. M. Warburg Company of Hamburg and Amsterdam. Within twenty years the Rothschilds, through their Warburg‑Schiff connection, had provided the capital that enabled John D. Rockefeller to greatly expand his Standard Oil empire. They also financed the activities of Edward Harriman (Railroads) and Andrew Carnegie (Steel).

At the turn of the 20th century the Rothschilds, not satisfied with the progress being made by their American operations, sent one of their top experts, Paul Moritz Warburg, over to New York to take direct charge of their assault upon the only true champion of individual liberty and prosperity; the United States.

At a hearing of the House Committee on Banking and Currency in 1913, Warburg revealed that he was "a member of the banking firm of Kuhn, Loeb and Co. I came to this country in 1902, having been born and educated in the banking business in Hamburg, Germany, and studied banking in London and Paris, and have gone all around the world...." In the late 1800s, people didn't study banking in London and "all around the world" unless they had a special mission to perform!

Early in 1907, Jacob Schiff, the Rothschild‑owned boss of Kuhn, Loeb and Co., in a speech to the New York Chamber of Commerce, warned that "unless we have a Central Bank with adequate control of credit resources, this country is going to undergo the most severe and far reaching money panic in its history."

Shortly thereafter, the United States plunged into a monetary crisis that had all the earmarks of a skilly planned Rothschild 'job.' The ensuing panic financially mined tens of thousands of innocent people across the country; and made billions for the banking elite. The purpose for the 'crisis' was two‑fold:

(1) To make a financial 'killing' for the Insiders, and (2) To impress on the American people the 'great need' for a central bank.

Paul Warburg told the Banking and Currency Committee: "In the Panic of 1907, the first suggestion I made was, 'let us have a national clearing house' [Central Bank]. The Aldrich Plan [for a Central Bank] contains many things that are simply fundamental rules of banking. Your aim must be the same...."

Digging deep into their bag of deceitful practices, the international bankers pulled off their greatest coup to date � the creation of the privately owned Federal Reserve System, which placed control of the finances of the United States securely in the hands of the power‑crazed money monopolists. Paul Warburg became the 'Fed's' first chairman!

Congressman Charles Lindbergh put his finger firmly on the truth when he stated, just after the 'Federal' Reserve Act was passed by a depleted Congress on December 23, 1913: "The Act establishes the most gigantic trust on earth. When the President [Wilson] signs this Bill, the invisible government of the monetary power will be legalized....The greatest crime of the ages is perpetrated by this banking and currency bill."

Plan to Conquer The World

Having consolidated their financial grip on most of the European nations by the middle of the last century, the international bankers worked feverishly to extend their sphere of influence to the ends of the earth in preparation for their final assault on the United States; a nation which, through its unique Constitution, remained free.

In the decades that followed it became apparent that, in order to achieve their goal of world domination, they would have to instigate a series of world wars which would result in leveling of the old world in preparation for the construction of the New World Order. This plan was outlined in graphic detail by Albert Pike, the Sovereign Grand Commander of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry and the top Illuminist in America. In a letter to Guisseppe Mazzini dated August 15, 1871. Pike stated that the first world war was to be fomented in order to destroy Czarist Russia ‑‑ and to place that vast land under the direct control of Illuminati agents. Russia was then to be used as a 'bogey man' to further the aims of the Illuminati worldwide.

World War II was to be fomented through manipulation of the differences that existed between the German Nationalists and the Political Zionists. This was to result in an expansion of Russian influence and the establishment of a state of Israel in Palestine.

The Third World War was planned to result form the differences stirred up by Illuminati agents between the Zionists and the Arabs. The conflict was planned to spread worldwide. The Illuminati, said the letter, planned to "unleash the Nihilists and Atheists" and "provoke a formidable social cataclysm which in all its horror will show clearly to the nations the effect of absolute atheism, origin of savagery and of the most bloody turmoil. Then everywhere, the citizens, obliged to defend themselves against the world minority of revolutionaries, will exterminate those destroyers of civilization, and the multitude, disillusioned with Christianity, whose deistic spirits will from that moment be without compass [direction], anxious for an ideal, but without knowing where to render its adoration, will receive the true light through the universal manifestation of the pure doctrine of Lucifer, brought finally out in the public view, a manifestation which will result from the general reactionary movement which will follow the destruction of Christianity and atheism, both conquered and exterminated at the same time."

At the time Pike wrote this remarkable leaflet there were five different ideologies extant on the world scene and involved in a "struggle for space and power." These were:

1). The secret ideology of the international bankers or the Illuminati as laid out in Fourth Reich Of The Rich. Their aim was the creation of a One World Government to be ruled over by the "Illuminated ones" at the top.

2). The Russian "Pan‑Slavic" ideology which was originally conceived by William the Great and expounded in his will. According to A.H. Granger, the author of England World Empire, 1916, p. 173, this ideology called for the elimination of Austria and Germany, then the conquest of India and Persia and ends with the words: "...which will ensure the subjugation of Europe."

3). The ideology of "Asia for the Asiatics" as expounded by the Japanese. This called for a confederation of Asian nations dominated by Japan.

4). The ideology of Pan Germanism which called for German political control over the European continent, freedom from the Crown's restrictions on the high seas and the adoption of an "open door" policy in trade and commerce with the rest of the world.

5). Pan‑American or the ideology of "America for the Americans." This called for "trade and friendship with all, alliances with none." Secretary of State Root stated in 1906 that, under this ideology which was given expression in the Monroe Doctrine of 1823, we are "debarred from sharing in the political aims, interests, or responsibilities of Europe, just as by the equally potential doctrine, now nearly a century old, the European powers are excluded from sharing or interfering in the political concerns of the sovereign states of the Western Hemisphere."

If the plans of the international banker/Illuminati cabal were to be brought to fruition Russia, Germany, Japan and the United surrender, poverty and ignominy.

The Illuminati plan for world conquest, referred to by Albert Pike, was a diabolical masterpiece of Luciferian ingenuity that would take the lives of hundreds of millions of human beings and cost hundred of billions of dollars in its accomplishment.

The plan that the Illuminati devised to accomplish their world conquering goal is as simple as it is effective. Along the way towards the accomplishment of their final objective this plan has been adapted by the international bankers and their comrades in arms around the globe to amass vast fortunes in real estate. As we shall see. the implementation of the plan has been so smoothly executed that it has frequently won applause from the ranks of those it is destroying. Their plan can be called Urban Renewal.

It has been said that there are three types of people:

1). Those who make things happen. 2). Those who watch things happen, and 3). Those who wonder what happened.

The vast majority of mankind find themselves in the last two categories. Most have "eyes to see" but don't "see" what is happening. Most have "ears that hear" but don't "understand" what IS happening: LOCALLY, NATIONALLY OR INTERNATIONALLY.


"The banishment of Jews from Russia under the impetus of Empress Elizabeth Petrevna has resulted in the expulsion of some 35,000."


The French and Indian War while not strictly fought by the U.S., did involve American troops so it is appropriate that it be included here. It was fought from 1754 to 1763 between France, Austria, Spain and Great Britain. The Indian tribes largely sided with the French though the Iroquois Indians being a notable exception as they sided with the British. The French and Indian War was the continuation of a series of wars (King William's war, 1689‑1697), (Queen Anne's War, 1702‑1713) and (King George's War, 1744‑1748) which were fought on the mainland of Europe. The French and Indian War was also fought on the European continent being known as the Seven Year's War.

George Washington surrenders Ft. Necessity to the French; 1755: Braddock fails to take Ft. Dequesne from the French; 1756: The French under Marquis de Montcalm take British outposts in Western New York; 1758: British takes Louisbourg and Forts Frontenac, Dequesne, Ticonderoga and Niagara; 1759: Quebec falls to the British; 1760: Montreal falls to British forces; 1763: Treaty of Paris ends the war.

Samson Simpson & Jacob Franks (brother of Moses Franks, the British financier) are appointed purchasing agents for the British forces during the French & Indian War. In one particularly adventurous transaction, Simpson, Hayman Levy, Franks & Judah Hayes lease out a fleet of eight armed privateers to the Royal Navy.


Benjamin Franklin writes that "New York is growing immensely rich by Money brought into it from all Quarters for the Pay and Subsistence of the Troops." See Simpson, Franks, Levy et al.


(circa) Isaac Sears establishes a land bank in New York. Increasingly, Colonial currency is based on public debt secured by land. In the formerly Dutch Barbados, interestingly, the currency is secured by a head‑tax on Negro slaves. The Board of Deputies of British Jews is established in Britain.


Jewish banker Mayer Rothschild establishes a bank in Frankfurt, Germany.� In subsequent years the five sons of Mayer Rothschild, Nathan, James, Salomon, Carl, and Amschel, established banks in London, Paris, Frankfurt, Vienna, and Naples, forming an international network of banks.� The Rothschild banks provide major loans to the governments of Europe, thereby gaining political power.� The banks also finance European wars, thereby profiting from warfare.� The Rothschild family is strongly pro‑Jewish and have been major players in the ZOG conspiracy.


Jews dominate the Negro‑slave trade in North Eastern America, especially in Newport, Rhode Island, owning many of the ships. Newport, RI is home of America's very first Jewish synagogue. Coincidence? No.


"During the first year of her reign, Empress Catherine II of Russia issued a manifesto that permitted the immigration of all foreigners except Jews!"


Hayman Levy, purchasing agent, land speculator and importer‑exporter dealing in cocoa, wine, rum, slaves and textiles, and who was also the single largest fur‑trader in the colonies, the richest Jew in North America, dies in New York, leaving a vast mercantile empire to his son David, who focuses on real estate investment (land banking).


Francis Salvador, grandson of the first Jewish director of the British East India Company and son‑in‑law of the absentee owner of a 100,000‑acre plantation, arrives in Charleston to manage the estate.


"Empress Catherine II (the Great!) had established a (Russian) protectorate over Poland through armed force....prior to the Russian victory over Poland, Russia proper did not have a large Jewish population...Czarina Catherine the Great established a territory called the Pale of Settlement. The purpose was to restrict the Jewish population to this area and confine the impact of the Jewish population on Russian society." (Above Quotes from "Anti‑Semitism: Causes and Effects")


The Revolutionary War was fought from 1774 to 1783 by the American Colonies with the help of France against Great Britain. The result of this war was the independence of the thirteen colonies, who later formed the Untied States of America.


1765: The Stamp Act. An act for granting and applying certain stamp duties, and other duties, in the British colonies and plantations in America, towards further defraying the expenses of defending, protecting, and securing the same; and for amending such parts of the several acts of parliament relating to the trade and revenues of the said colonies and plantations, as direct the manner of determining and recovering the penalties and forfeitures therein mentioned.

1767: The Townsend Acts. The Townsend Acts called for new import taxes on glass, lead, paints, paper, and tea. Unlike the Stamp Act, the Townsend Acts made this tax a customs duty, payable at American ports. Colonists, however, saw the Townsend Acts as another attempt for England to gain full control over them as the revenues made by the acts would be used to pay for the salaries of the royal governors and judges in America. The colonists rebelled the Townsend Acts and England sent more troops to the colonies. A confrontation occurred, later called the Boston Massacre. In March, 1770, the Townsend Acts were repealed, except for the tax on tea.

1768 In Newport, Rhode Island, Moses Lopez owns a fleet of 30 ocean vessels and over 100 coastal schooners. He and his family were heavily involved in the molasses, rum and slave trade. The other major American hub of the trading ring is Charleston, SC. Samson Simpson & Isaac Moses, Hayman Levy's brother‑in‑law and owner of a large merchant fleet, are the founders of the New York Chamber of Commerce.

1770: The Boston Massacre. The Boston Massacre was the killing of five men by British soldiers on March 5, 1770. The soldiers were in Boston to keep order, but towns people viewed them as spies and trouble. The Boston Massacre began when a young apprentice shouted an insult at a British officer. A soldier on sentry duty in front of the customs house and supposedly hit the boy with his rifle. The boy yelled for help, and a crowd of colonist looking for trouble gathered.

1772: The burning of the H.M.S. Gaspee. HMS Gaspee and her hated commander, Lt. William Dudingston, were sent by King George III to Rhode Island waters in March of 1772 to enforce the Stamp Act and prevent smuggling. They made no friends amongst the colonists in harassing shipping and delaying, often unjustly, ships that had properly passed custom inspection in Newport.

The latter was the case on June 9, 1772, when the packet sloop Hannah left Newport for Providence. When the Gaspee gave chase, Hannah's Captain Lindsey deliberately lured her across the shallows off Namquid Point (now Gaspee Point) and left the British ship hard aground on a sandbar, unable to move until the flood tide of the following day.

Upon arrival in Providence, Captain Lindsey reported the event to John Brown, one of the most prominent and respected merchants in Rhode Island, who sent out a town crier inviting all interested parties to meet at Sabin's Tavern to plan the Gaspee's destruction. Under the leadership of Abraham Whipple, the small band of patriots rowed eight longboats with muffled oars to the stranded ship. Lt. Dudingston and his crew were taken prisoner and removed to Pawtuxet Village.

Near daylight on June 10th, the Rhode Islanders set fire to the Gaspee, burning her to the waterline whereupon her powder magazine exploded. Efforts of the Crown to learn the names of the culprits were unsuccessful, although a sizable reward had been offered. Public sentiment was in accord with the venture; this spirit of unity soon spread to the other colonies with the formation of the Committees of Correspondence to prevent further threats. It was but a short step from here to the First Continental Congress and eventually the Declaration of Independence.

1773: The Boston Tea Party. The tea destroyed was contained in three ships, lying near each other at what was called at that time Griffin's wharf, and were surrounded by armed ships of war, the commanders of which had publicly declared that if the rebels, as they were pleased to style the Bostonians, should not withdraw their opposition to the landing of the tea before a certain day, the 17th day of December, 1773, they should on that day force it on shore, under the cover of their cannon's mouth.

On the day preceding the seventeenth, there was a meeting of the citizens of the county of Suffolk, convened at one of the churches in Boston, for the purpose of consulting on what measures might be considered expedient to prevent the landing of the tea, or secure the people from the collection of the duty. At that meeting a committee was appointed to wait on Governor Hutchinson, and request him to inform them whether he would take any measures to satisfy the people on the object of the meeting.

To the first application of this committee, the Governor told them he would give them a definite answer by five o'clock in the afternoon. At the hour appointed, the committee again repaired to the Governor's house, and on inquiry found he had gone to his country seat at Milton, a distance of about six miles. When the committee returned and informed the meeting of the absence of the Governor, there was a confused murmur among the members, and the meeting was immediately dissolved, many of them crying out, "Let every man do his duty, and be true to his country"; and there was a general huzza for Griffin's wharf.

It was now evening, and I immediately dressed myself in the costume of an Indian, equipped with a small hatchet, which I

and my associates denominated the tomahawk, with which, and a club, after having painted my face and hands with coal dust in the shop of a blacksmith, I repaired to Griffin's wharf, where the ships lay that contained the tea. When I first appeared in the street after being thus disguised, I fell in with many who were dressed, equipped and painted as I was, and who fell in with me and marched in order to the place of our destination.

When we arrived at the wharf, there were three of our number who assumed an authority to direct our operations, to which we readily submitted. They divided us into three parties, for the purpose of boarding the three ships which contained the tea at the same time. The name of him who commanded the division to which I was assigned was Leonard Pitt. The names of the other commanders I never knew.

We were immediately ordered by the respective commanders to board all the ships at the same time, which we promptly obeyed. The commander of the division to which I belonged, as soon as we were on board the ship appointed me boatswain, and ordered me to go to the captain and demand of him the keys to the hatches and a dozen candles. I made the demand accordingly, and the captain promptly replied, and delivered the articles; but requested me at the same time to do no damage to the ship or rigging.

We then were ordered by our commander to open the hatches and take out all the chests of tea and throw them overboard, and we immediately proceeded to execute his orders, first cutting and splitting the chests with our tomahawks, so as thoroughly to expose them to the effects of the water.

In about three hours from the time we went on board, we had thus broken and thrown overboard every tea chest to be found in the ship, while those in the other ships were disposing of the tea in the same way, at the same time. We were surrounded by British armed ships, but no attempt was made to resist us.

We then quietly retired to our several places of residence, without having any conversation with each other, or taking any measures to discover who were our associates; nor do I recollect of our having had the knowledge of the name of a single individual concerned in that affair, except that of Leonard Pitt, the commander of my division, whom I have mentioned. There appeared to be an understanding that each individual should volunteer his services, keep his own secret, and risk the consequence for himself. No disorder took place during that transaction, and it was observed at that time that the stillest night ensued that Boston had enjoyed for many months.

During the time we were throwing the tea overboard, there were several attempts made by some of the citizens of Boston and its vicinity to carry off small quantities of it for their family use. To effect that object, they would watch their opportunity to snatch up a handful from the deck, where it became plentifully scattered, and put it into their pockets.

One Captain O'Connor, whom I well knew, came on board for that purpose, and when he supposed he was not noticed, filled his pockets, and also the lining of his coat. But I had detected him and gave information to the captain of what he was doing. We were ordered to take him into custody, and just as he was stepping from the vessel, I seized him by the skirt of his coat, and in attempting to pull him back, I tore it off; but, springing forward, by a rapid effort he made his escape. He had, however, to run a gauntlet through the crowd upon the wharf nine each one, as he passed, giving him a kick or a stroke.

Another attempt was made to save a little tea from the ruins of the cargo by a tall, aged man who wore a large cocked hat and white wig, which was fashionable at that time. He had stealthily slipped a little into his pocket, but being detected, they seized him and, taking his hat and wig from his head, threw them, together with the tea, of which they had emptied his pockets, into the water. In consideration of his advanced age, he was permitted to escape, with now and then a slight kick.

The next morning, after we had cleared the ships of the tea, it was discovered that very considerable quantities of it were floating upon the surface of the water; and to prevent the possibility of any of its being saved for use, a number of small boats were manned by sailors and citizens, who rowed them into those parts of the harbor wherever the tea was visible, and by beating it with oars and paddles so thoroughly drenched it as to render its entire destruction inevitable. (George Hewes)

1774: The Intolerable Acts. The government spent immense sums of money on troops & equipment in an attempt to subjugate Massachusetts. British merchants had lost huge sums of money on looted, spoiled, and destroyed goods shipped to the colonies. The revenue generated by the Townsend duties, in 1770, amounted to less than �21,000. On March 5, 1770, Parliament repealed the duties, except for the one on tea. That same day, the Boston massacre set a course that would lead the Royal Governor to evacuate the occupying army from Boston, and would soon bring the revolution to armed rebellion throughout the colonies. See also the Tea Act.

After the French Indian War the British Government decided to reap greater benefits from the colonies. The colonies were pressed with greater taxes without any representation in Britain. This eventually lead to the Boston Tea Party. In retaliation the British passed several punitive acts aimed at bringing the colonies back into submission of the King.

1775: Battles of Lexington and Concord.

1775: Battle of Bunker Hill.

1775: Continental Congress appointed.

1775 The three Hart Brothers of Kentucky, in partnership with a Gentile judge from North Carolina, form the Transylvania Company. In a treaty with the Cherokee, they purchased 20 million acres of prime Kentucky soil for 10,000 pounds of merchandise. To create a land bank?

1775: Louis XVI of France grants Jews equal inheritance rights. Too little, too late. The House of Bourbon's days are numbered.

1776: Declaration of Independence; Adam Weishaupt, a.k.a. Spartacus (after the leader of the Roman slave rebellion) and Baron de Kalb organize the Illuminati as a remote arm of the Chabrath Zerek Aour Bokhr. See the Great Seal on the dollar bill: "It smiles upon thy work...a New Order of the Ages."American Revolutionary War begins. Haym Salomon raises large amounts of desperately needed cash for the Revolution by negotiating bills of exchange with France and the Netherlands. The Continental Congress appoints him "Broker to the Office of Finance of the United States". The French consulate appoints him "Treasurer of the French Army in America". Madame Helvetius, widow of the French Freemasonic leader and financier, introduces Benjamin Franklin to various European moneylenders. Yet another figure who helped finance the war was Isaac Moses, later among the founders of the Bank of New York; Patriots Day, April 19, 1775: Massachusetts, when an unordered 'shot heard around the world' began the American Revolution. This is now commemorated as a victory for the forces of liberty, as it did turn out to be the beginning of a revolution; which gave us a republic. It could have gone in many other directions. It is impossible to know the thoughts; which actually brought about this revolutionary action.

1777: In Germany, Elcan Isaac Wolf publishes Von den Krankheiten der Juden, in which he expresses gratitude for the Enlightenment reforms that have improved the lot of the Jews in Germany, but also campaigns for an extension of Jewish civil rights.

1777: The Saragoga Campaign.

1778: Valley Forge; Valley Forge is the story of the six month� encampment of the Continental Army of the newly formed� United States of America under the command of General George Washington, a few miles from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Though no battle was fought here from December 19, 1777 to June 19, 1778, a struggle against the elements and low morale was overcome on this sacred round. Struggle For The South.

1781: Yorktown Campaign. Robert Morris establishes the Bank of North America. Battle of Yorktown: The Battle of Yorktown was a decisive British defeat in the American War of Independence from September to October 1781 at Yorktown, Virginia. The British commander Lord Cornwallis had withdrawn into Yorktown where he was besieged by 7,000 French and 8,850 American troops and could only wait for reinforcements to arrive by sea. However, the Royal Navy lost command of the sea at the Battle of Chesapeake and with no reinforcements or supplies forthcoming, Cornwallis was forced to surrender on the 19th of October, effectively ending the war.

1782: At the European Freemasonic conference at Wilhelmsbad, Dr. Adam Weishaupt and his right‑hand man Baron Adolf Von Knigge (both of whom were Masons at the time), met with the representatives from the 23 Supreme Councils of the Masonic world and convinced them, after 30 sessions, to follow the Illuminati's 7‑Part Plan for the Creation of a New World Order.

1783: The Treaty of Paris. The definitive Treaty of Peace and Friendship between his Britannick Majesty, the Most Christian King, and the King of Spain. Concluded at Paris the 10th day of February, 1763. To which the King of Portugal acceded on the same day. (Printed from the Copy.)

1785: The Columbian Lodge of the Order of the Illuminati is established in New York City. Its members will later include Governor DeWitt Clinton, Clinton Roosevelt, and Horace Greeley. There was a Lodge in Virginia also that was identified with Thomas Jefferson

1787: The "Constitutional Convention" is held illegally in Philadelphia. The Antifederalist Papers emerge.

1789: The Constitution of the Unites States of America is ratified by underhanded means.

1789: The French Revolution begins.

1792: Jacob Franks establishes several lumber mills as a founding member of Green Bay, in the Wisconsin Territory. Under terms of the Northwest Ordinance (1787), absentee landowners cannot be taxed at a higher rate than residents.

1792: In the midst of the French Revolution, Jews in France are granted citizenship and full civil rights.

1793: Isaac Moses, Solomon Simpson, David Levy and Benjamin Seixas� organize the Bank of New York and become major shareholders. King Louis XVI of France is guillotined by the French Revolutionaries.

1793: The Bank of Columbia is chartered in New York.


Berek Joselewicz colonel under Kosciuszko (Poland‑Lithuania).


Third partition of Poland.


Jews of Holland declared by the National Assembly to be full citizens of the Batavian Republic. (The Netherlands).


(Aug. 1) Two Jews, Bromet and De Lemon, elected members of the second National Assembly of Holland. Peace of Campo Formio. Death of Elijah Gaon of Vilna (Poland‑Lithuania). Tanya (likkutei Amarim) of Shneur Zalman of Lyady published.

Napoleon (a Gentile Freemason) emancipates the Jews of Venice. In the course of his campaigns across Europe, Napoleon will replace the feudal kingdoms that he conquers with new republics, and the Jews are set free from the restrictions of the ghetto which had been placed upon them. Napoleon is still honored today as the "Emancipator of the Jews."


Temporary emancipation brought by French revolutionary army in Italy.


Napoleon Bonaparte invades Egypt, capturing Cairo.

Jews become prominent in the Jeffersonian Democratic Party. Solomon Simpson becomes vice‑president of the party.


Napoleon becomes First Consul. David Friedlaender's letter to Teller in Germany. Napoleon's campaign in Palestine.

Illuminist Aaron Burr organizes the Manhattan Company and obtains his famous "trick charter" for the bank in New York. He purposely creates a politically diverse board of directors in the hopes of manipulating the several factions to his own ends.

Marching on Palestine in April, during his Oriental Campaign against Britain, Napoleon issues the "Israel Arise" Proclamation, inviting the Jews to Return to Zion under his flag and establish their Kingdom of New Jerusalem. The next month, the French army is routed by the British outside Acre, and Napoleon hurriedly leads his shattered columns back to Egypt. Napoleon proclaims himself Emperor of the Republic of France.

In Europe, the spectacular rise of the House of Rothschild begins when the fleeing Elector of Hesse‑Cassel entrusts his fortune to Mayer Amschel, who becomes the underground financier to the British, Prussian, Austrian and Russian campaigns against Napoleon. The Napoleonic offer had been rejected, and Meyer Amschel clearly believes there is yet something to be done before "Zion" may be announced.


�Leibzoll' removed in Nassau. Peace of Luneville.1801

Under Jewish (Rothschild) leadership, the Tory faction of U.S. Freemasonry ‑‑ the grouping of Freemasons who had sided with England during the American Revolution; open up shop in Charleston, S.C., as the Grand Council of the Princes of Jerusalem. The 400‑year campaign for the subversion of Freemasonry is nearing completion.


Israel Jacobson and Wolff Breidenbach agitate the ablution of the poll‑tax for Jews in Germany. Louisiana Purchase is completed. (America).


"Enactment concerning the Jews" passed by Alexander I. of Russia. Napoleon crowned emperor. Lewis and Clark begin exploration of American Northwest; Bonaparte crowns himself Napoleon I, emperor of France.


The Napoleonic Wars begin.

Battles of Traflgar and Austerlitz. The Battle of Trafalgar took place on October 21st 1805, and was a victory for the British fleet under Nelson over the French and Spanish fleets under Villeneuve. The battle took place off Cape Trafalgar in south‑west Spain. The British fleet consisted of 27 sail‑of‑the‑line ships and the enemy fleet 33. The battle began around noon and ended about five. During the battle Nelson was shot and mortally wounded, but lived long enough to know the day was won. The victory destroyed the French and Spanish fleets and secured Britain from invasion.

The Battle of Austerlitz was one of the greatest military engagements won by Napoleon. It took place near the village of Austerlitz (now Slavkov, in the Czech Republic) on December the 2nd, 1805, between a French army of about 68,000 and an Austro‑Russian army of nearly 90,000. It is sometimes called the Battle of the Three Emperors because Napoleon, Francis I of Austria, and Alexander I of Russia were all present on the field. Napoleon had defeated the Austrians at Ulm in October and had occupied Vienna in November, but part of the Austrian army remained intact and moved north to join its Russian ally at Olmutz in Moravia.

Napoleon followed, with the aim of winning a quick victory before Prussia could join the anti‑French coalition and tip the scales against him. Napoleon advanced as far as Brunn in late November and then retired a few miles, hoping that the Russian commander, Prince Kutuzov, would try to outflank him and cut off his line of retreat to Vienna. The anti‑ French allies thereupon occupied the Pratzen plateau west of Austerlitz and, on December the 2nd, the Russians advanced to attack Napoleon's right flank, as he had hoped they would. This attack and another by the Austrians on the left flank were both turned back. At that point, Napoleon sent his main force, under Marshal Nicolas Soult, against the allied center, which had been weakened to carry out the flanking movements. After a fierce struggle, the French broke the Austrian and Russian lines, and a complete rout ensued. The French lost 9000 men; the allies, about 25, 000. As a result of this victory, the third coalition against Napoleon dissolved.


End of Holy Roman Empire. Napoleon dissolves Holy Roman Empire. "They are the carrion birds of humanity...[speaking of the Jews] are a state within a state. They are certainly not real citizens...The evils of Jews do not stem from individuals but from the fundamental nature of these people." (Napoleon Bonaparte, Stated in Reflections and Speeches before the Council of State on April 30 and May 7, 1806)


Napoleon, knowing of the bad reputation of Jews, decides to settle the already‑centuries‑long "Jewish question." He orders 71 Jews (46 Rabbis, 25 laymen) to Paris. He presents them with a list of questions, but is not satisfied with the first answers, so he later convenes a second forum. The questions (12 in all) deal with Jewish attitudes about marriage, usury, religion, etc. This is the famous "freeing of the Jews," because it results in Jews being granted legal rights that they previously had not enjoyed. (They cleverly use 2 pages of double‑speak to answer short questions, and basically lie about their attitudes concerning assimilation, usury, etc. They do not assimilate, or amend their various supremacist attitudes.)

Assembly of Jewish Notables in France. Formed the Conference of Notables to deal with the relationship of the Jews and the French State. It� consisted of 112 deputies from all parts of the French empire. At the assembly, led by the financier� Abraham Furtado and Rabbi Joseph David Sinzheim, the delegates were confronted with a questionnaire� on polygamy, usury, loyalty and intermarriage. Pleased with their answers, he decided to re‑enact the� Sanhedrin, with representatives from all congregations under his careful direction. Even though the assembly was to be held on the Sabbath (some claim as a loyalty litmus test), they decided to attend and� not risk the wrath of the Emperor.


The Great Sanhedrin convened by Napoleon; Jeseph David Sinzheim president. Treaty of Tilsit. French Sanhedrin in France. England abolishes slave trade. First meeting of the Napoleonic Sanhedrin under the leadership of The Assembly of Jewish Notables. It� opened amid great pomp and celebration under the direction of Abraham Furtado. The Sanhedrin was� modeled on the ancient Tribunal in Jerusalem and consisted of 71 members, 46 Rabbis and 25 laymen.� Rabbi David Sinzheim of Strasbourg was its president. They were presented with 12 questions on the� positions of Jewry in regard to polygamy, divorce, usury, other faiths and most important, whether they� considered France to be their Fatherland. Needless to say, they received "guidance" from the emperor as� to the general formulation of the answers.


(Jan. 27) Jerome Napoleon issues decree giving full civil rights to Jews of Westphalia. (Dec. 11) Napoleon at Madrid issues decree dividing the French empire into Jewish consistories. Emancipation in Westphalia consistory in Kassel in Germany.

The Slave trade in the United States is abolished by an act of Congress.

In France, Napoleon establishes consistories to organize the religion and practice of the Jews. He still hadn't caught on.


Ten Disciples: Of the Vilna Gaon settled in Eretz Israel almost a decade after the arrival of two of his pupils, R. Hayim of Vilna and R. Israel b. Samuel of Shklov. They formed the basis of the Ashkenazi communities of Jerusalem and Safed and set up what was known as the Kollel Perushim. Their arrival encouraged an Ashkenazi revival in Jerusalem, which until this time was mostly Sephardi (Levantine). Many of the decedents of the disciples are leading figures in modern Israeli society. The Gaon himself had also set forth with his pupils, but for an unknown reason returned to Vilna where he died soon after.


Law of Baden forms Jews into special religious community will all privileges. Cancels all debts owed to Jews by those in military service or by women if it was signed without the� approval of their husbands or parents. It abolished freedom of trade of the Jews by forcing them to acquire� permits (which were almost never given) from the local prefects, and prevented Jews from settling in the� area of the Upper and Lower Rhine.


The Jews of Hamburg and Frankfort Germany emancipated. Jews of Vienna allowed to build a synagogue (Austria‑Hungary). Death of Michael Gratz in America.


The Jews of Prussia emancipated. Death of David Sintzheim in France. Emancipation in Prussia. Death of Meyer Amshel Rothschild in Germany. Death of Shneur Zalman of Lyady in Russia. War is fought between England and United States; Napoleon invades Russia, occupies Moscow for short period and then Napoleon retreats from Moscow.

The War of 1812 was fought from 1812 to 1815 against Great Britain. In the years since the former colonies had become the United States control of the seas was firmly in the hands of Great Britain. The United States increasingly found its ships boarded or otherwise restricted, its trade was being effectively crippled by both the French and English though the English got the brunt of the blame. As the Federalist Party's influence in the government waned the "War Hawks' A some groups pressed for war with Britain which they felt would free the country's trade, increase its land and power.

1812: Battle of Ft. Dearborn; Battle of Queenstown Heights; 1813: Battle of York; battle of Sackets Harbor; Battle of Lake Erie; Battle of The Thames; Battle of Chateauguay; Battle of Chrysler's Farm; 1814: Battle of Chippewa Creek; Battle of Lundy's Lane; Washington Burned; Battle of Plattsburg Bay; Battle of Baltimore; Battle of Pensacola; Treaty of Ghent; 1815: Battle of New Orleans.


(Feb. 18) The Jews of Mecklenburg emancipated. Bavarian Jewry edict (Germany). Battle of Leipzig. Bavarian Jewry edict in Germany.


Napoleon is exiled to Elba. 1799: Napoleon Bonaparte, returning from Egypt, via Fr�jus, seized power in a coup d'�tat on "18 Brumaire" day (by the new French calendar). He created a new army, using able‑bodied Frenchmen rather than the upperclass and nobility. He began his bid for power, eventually controlling most of western Europe (except Britain and Portugal).

1812: Napoleon was bogged down in snows of the Russian winter.

1814, April ‑ Defeated by an overwhelming force of Austrian, English, Prussian and Swedish troops, Napoleon was exiled to Elba, embarking at Fr�jus.

1815: Napoleon escaped from Elba and set out on the Route Napol�on to recover the world he had lost. He fought his final battle at Waterloo, against Arthur Wellesley, the first Duke of Wellington, and was exiled to Saint Helena off the coast of Africa.

1821: Napoleon died in exile, but is remembered for his glories


Congress of Venna. The Congress of Vienna was an international conference that was called in order to remake Europe after the downfall of Napoleon I. Many territorial decisions had to be made in the conference that was held in Vienna, Austria, from September 1814 to June 1815. The main goal of the conference was to create a balance of power that would preserve the peace.


(June 8) �Bundesakte' passed at the Congress of Vienna decrees maintenance of status quo in the political condition of the Jews. Congress of Vienna permits the abolition of emancipation laws in the German states. Napoleon is defeated at Battle of Waterloo and exiled again.

After the Battle of Waterloo (1815), Nathan Rothschild steals millions of dollars by falsely portraying the outcome of that battle in English stock markets. This enormous amount of money is used to establish the Rothschild family as the leaders of international banking/finance. (This also benefits the Jewish community as a whole; many millions of dollars are given to Jewish causes and charities by the Rothschilds.)


"The founding prophet of the leftist faith, Karl Marx, was born in 1818, the son of a Jewish father who changed his name from Herschel to Heinrich and converted to Christianity to advance his career. The young Marx grew into a man consumed by hatred for Christianity.

"Internationalizing the worst antichrist stereotypes, he incorporated them into his early revolutionary vision, identifying Jews as symbols of the system of private property and bourgeois democracy he wanted to further. �The god of the Jews had been secularized and has become the god of this world,' Marx wrote. �Money is the jealous god of the Jews, beside which no other god may stand.'"

"Once the Revolution succeeds in �destroying the empirical essence of Christianity, he promised, �the Jew will become the rulers of the world. This early Marxist formulation is the transparent seed of the mature vision, causing Paul Johnson to characterize Marxism as �the antichristian of the intellectuals.'

The international Communist creed that Marx invented is a creed of hate. The solution that Marx proposed to the Christian �problem' was to eliminate the system that �creates' the Christian. The Jews, he said, �are only symptoms of a more extensive evil that must eradicate capitalism. The Jews are only symbols of a more pervasive enemy that must be destroyed; capitalists.'

"In the politics of the left, racist hatred is directed not only against Christian capitalists but against all capitalists; not only against capitalists, but anyone who is not poor, and who is White; and ultimately against Western Civilization itself. The Marxist revolution is antichrist elevated to a global principle." (David Horowitz, Human Events)


(Aug.) The beginning of the �Hep, hep!' riots and persecutions in Germany. Formation of the Society for the Culture and Science of the Jews, by Zunz, Gans, and Moser. Verein fuer Kultur und Wissenschaft des Judentums founded. Florida is ceded by Spain to United States.


(circa) German Jews begin to arrive in America in the wake of the Napoleonic wars. They are not fleeing persecution, but rather seeking their fortune. Even at this date, there are still more Jews in the British and Dutch West Indies than in North America, perhaps 6,000 as opposed to 4,000 here, virtually all of them Sephardic. Jews admitted again at Lisbon. Isaac Marcus Jost begins to publish his Geschichte der Israeliten. Missouri Compromise on U.S. slave states becomes effective.


Greek War of Independence begins.� "In 1821, the Greeks, after nearly 400 years of slavery under the Ottomans decided to take up the arms and fight for their freedom. The 25th March 1821 marks the beginning of the Greek revolution and the 22 March 1829 the day of the creation of the modern Greek state. Below some of the key figures of that revolt are presented."


The kahal abolished (Poland‑Lithuania).


The Monroe Doctrine is proclaimed and adopted. An interesting example of telescopic diplomacy, it curbed European "colonization" of the Americas, but did nothing to protect us from being colonized by the Jews. Neither did it prevent Mexicans, Cubans, Haitians, Chinese and other such ilk from colonizing us.


Rabbinical seminary established at Metz in France. Expulsion from the villages of Russia. Reformed Society of Israelites in Charleston, S.C.; Isaac Lesser arrives in U.S.


Jews expelled from St. Petersburg through influence of gilds. M.M. Noah Ararat project (America).


Jews obtain full civic rights in the state of Maryland, U.S.A. Decree issued in Russia enrolling Jews for military service. Maryland "Jew Bill" removes political disabilities. Jews settle in New Orleans (America).


Velizh blood libel (Russia).


Battle of Navarino Bay. Cantonist legislation introduced (Russia).


Wuerttembeg Jewry law in Germany. Removal of disabilities of� Maryland Jews (America).


Emancipation of Catholics in England. Instituto Rabbinico opened at Padua, Italy. Death of Mordecai Benet (Austria‑Hungary).

Alleged Illuminati meeting in New York to unite atheists and nihilists into the socialist movement.

The Anti‑Masonic political party is created by Gentiles Henry Dana Ward, Thurlow Weed, and William H. Seward. (Illuminati?) The same who later founded the Republican Party.

An English Gentile woman, Frances Fanny Wright, comes to New York in 1829 to give a series of lectures promoting the Women's Auxiliary of the Illuminati. She advocates the entire Illuminati program including Communism. She also speaks of equal opportunity and equal rights, atheism, free love and emancipation of women. Clinton Roosevelt (an ancestor of FDR), Gentile Charles Dana and Abolitionist leader Horace Greeley are appointed to raise funds for this new undertaking.


July revolution in France; Uprising in Poland.


Louis Philippe orders salaries of rabbis to be paid by the state. Independence of Belgium recognized. Judaism given equal status with other religions. Palestine taken by Muhammad Ali.

British emancipation of the West Indies. In America, Nat Turner brutally murders 57 whites, mostly women and children, with a blunt saber and an axe.


Leopold Zunz publishes his Die gotterdienstlichen Vortraege.


Britain passes the Slavery Abolition Act, banning Negro slavery throughout the British Empire. "White" children in England are exempted, so that they can crawl naked up the chimneys of Parliament to clean out the soot. Likewise, white children are forced to work twelve‑hour days in British, American and European factories, under the most primitive and life‑threatening conditions.

(Oct. 29) Jews of Kur‑Hessen granted full emancipation. Turkey recognizes independence of Egypt. Emancipation in Hesse‑Kassel (Germany). Beginning of parliamentary debates on the emancipation of the Jews of England. England bans slavery and child labor in factories.


Karl Marx organizes the League of the Just, a Communist secret society, in Paris.

(April 13) General Jewish regulations issued in Russia Edict of Nicholas I. founding agricultural colonies in Russia. David Salomons sheriff of London, England. Oppressive constitution for the Jews (Russia‑Poland).


Law refusing Jews the right to bear Christian names renewed in Prussia. Death of Nathan Mayer Rothschild in England. Texas secedes from Mexico; battle of the Alamo is fought.


Death of Akiva Eger (Austria‑Hungary). Disastrous earthquake in Safed and Tiberias (Palestine). Allgemeine Zeitung des Judentums founded in Berlin, Germany. Jews settle in Cleveland (America).

Joseph Seligman arrives in America at the age of 17, and sends for his ten brothers to come and join him. He will become the major underwriter of Union government bonds during the Civil War.


Mayer Amschel Rothschild, head of the House of Rothschild, and a suspected "Secret Chief" of the Illuminati, makes his blunt statement: "Allow me to issue and control the money of a nation and I care not who writes its laws."

Author Charles Dickens creates the negative Jewish character, the criminal leader "Fagin," for his novel Oliver Twist.


Sultan �Abd al‑Majid grants citizenship to Turkish Jews. Turkey invades Syria. Death of Moses Sofer (Austria‑Hungary). Entire community of Meshed (Persia) forced to convert to Islam (Asia).


Lady Louise Rothschild (1821‑1910) founds the first two independent Jewish women's philanthropic associations in England.

The World Anti‑Slavery Society holds a convention in London. Slavery has already been abolished in the British Empire.

(Feb. 5) Damascus blood accusation. (Nov. 6) Firman issued by sultan against blood accusation. Death of Nachmal Krochmal (Austria‑Hungary). Damascus blood libel; restoration of Turkish rule in Palestine.

1840. The Damascus Case.

This case, now almost completely forgotten by Democracy, convulsed Europe for a considerable time owing to the agitation induced by the Jewish Money Power which left no stone unturned to misrepresent and vilify the individuals responsible for bringing the Jews to justice.

Achille Laurent, a Member of the Societe Orientale, brought together the full details of the trial of the culprits as reported in Arab newspapers at the time, and he published the whole facts of the case in Relation historique des Affaires de Syrie, 1840‑1842 (Historic Account of Syrian Affairs, 1840‑1842), which was produced in France as a Yellow Book in two volumes, in 1846.

The Jewish Festival of Purim fell on 15th February, 1840. Father Thomas, a Catholic monk disappeared in Damascus on 5th February. His servant went to look for him and disappeared also. The French Consul, Comte Ratti‑Menton, began to make enquiries, and got the Sherif Pasha to investigate. After a while seven Jews were arrested. They confessed, some after receiving chastisement with the bastinado, to having murdered Father Thomas for the sake of his blood. Four of them were promised pardon if they would speak the truth; these were Mousa Abou‑el‑Afieh, who became a Mahomedan, explaining that that was necessary before he could confess about the crimes of other Jews; Aslan Farkhi; Suliman, a barber; and Mourad el Fathal. They confessed very fully. Sixteen Jews were found to have been involved, and all were arrested.

Several of the Jews, including Mourad el Fathal, Mousa Abou‑el‑Afieh, Isaac Arari and Aaron Arari, described how the blood was required and collected from the cut throat of the victim to send to a Rabbi for use in preparing ceremonial bread (pains azymes).

The Grand Rabbi was brought before the Court of Investigation; his name was Yakub el Entabi. He was required to listen carefully to the examination of Mousa Abou‑el‑Afieh, and to the answers of that Jew, and to confirm or deny each statement made by Mousa. In this way, the Rabbi admitted that blood was required for the ceremonial bread. He also confessed to having received Father Thomas's blood.

According to the Turkish custom, the bastinado was freely applied to make the Jews speak. The Jewish Money Power has endeavoured to make the world believe that it was only the torture which enforced confession from innocent men.

Unfortunately for the Jewish Money Power, one of the questions asked was about the place where the remains of Father Thomas had been disposed of; and the remains were found where the prisoners said they were; that is, in a covered conduit. These remains were identified by European doctors as being those of Father Thomas.

Further, the wretches confessed to serving Father Thomas's servant in the same way, i.e., cutting his throat, collecting his blood, and disposing of the remains, this time in a latrine. No amount of bastinado or torture could wring from an innocent man information as to the whereabouts of the remains of the victim of a murder.

We spare the reader the sickening details of the crime according to the confessions and admissions of the depraved Jewish murderers; long extracts from the trial's proceedings can be obtained in the following French book: Le Crime Ritual chez les Juifs, by A. Monniot, prefaced by the celebrated Edouard Drumont, 1914, from P. Tequi, 82 Rue Bonaparte, Paris, price 10 francs. This book shows that the confessions made by the culprits agreed in every detail, and that the questions they had to answer were not "leading questions." Fourteen Jews were found guilty, and ten were condemned to death, two having died.

Our business is not to horrify; it is to expose the methods of Jewish intrigue and corruption which were used to conceal the guilt of the culprits in fear of the natural reaction of the Gentile to the facts if they became generally known. As soon as the first reports of the case reached the West of Europe the Jewish Money Power rose like one man to try and cover the obvious tracks made by the obvious criminals. Money can, as we know only too well, accomplish wonders on a democracy as also on the Endings and policy of Eastern (and alas! often also Western) potentates.

It will perhaps be best to deal with each of these matters separately:

1. The Press Agitation This was on the usual Jewish lines Ritual Murder was "a Gentile invention"; Comte Ratti‑Menton, the French Consul, who had insisted on the investigation, was attacked from every angle; the Jews were being persecuted, and so on and so forth.

2. Agitation by Public Meetings.� For example, in London, the gullible democracy was induced to flock to a big meeting at the Mansion House in London, there to denounce the Blood Accusation of which they knew nothing at all, and to offer the Jews the sympathy of the British Nation! Paris, New York, Philadelphia and other towns followed suit!

3. Bribery of the Khedive of Egypt by Money.� The rich Jews, Moses Montefiore in England, Cremieux and Munck in France, went off hotfoot to the East. They applied to the Khedive of Egypt, whose regime included Damascus, for a revision of the sentence. He was offered and accepted a huge sum of money and released the condemned Jews.

Note the result. The Jews proclaimed everywhere that the Khedive had reversed the verdict! He had done nothing of the kind. There was no reversal and no re‑trial. The words of the Khedive's firman which he issued to release the Jewish murderers give the whole thing away:

"From the account and demand of Messrs. Moses Montefiore and Cremieux, who came to us as delegates of all Europeans professing the religion of Moses, we have recognised that they desire the liberation and safety for the Jews who have been detained or who have taken flight in the case of the examination of the affair of Father Thomas, monk, missing in Damascus; he and his servant, Ibrahim.

"And as, because of their numerous population, it would not be convenient (convenable) to refuse their demand and request, we order that the Jew prisoners shall be released and that the fugitives be given safety for their return. And you will take all possible measures that none are badly treated and that they are left undisturbed everywhere. Such is our will. Mehemet Ali."

He released the Jews therefore because of the numbers of Jews in the population...and undoubtedly for cash received. He knew their guilt, and never denied it. Yet the Jewish Encyclopaedia (1903, Vol. IV, p. 420) actually ventures to assert that the three rich Jews secured from the 'Khedive a "recognition of the innocence" of the condemned men. The Khedive's price for releasing them is stated to have been half a million piastres. A converted Rabbi, Chevalier P. L. B. Drach, wrote in his The Harmony between the Church and the Synagogue (1844, Paris, p. 79): "Money played a great role in this business."

4. Bribery of the Sultan. Having won the first round with the Khedive, the Jew Montefiore went on to see the Sultan of Turkey, and secured from him a decree that the Blood Accusation was baseless and that the Jews henceforth were to be on the same footing in the Sultan's dominions as other non‑Muslims. The price of this was a huge bribe from the House of Rothschild.

The Sultan Abd‑ul‑Mejid's firman said "that a thorough examination of the religious books of the Hebrews has demonstrated the absolute prohibition of the use of either human or animal blood in any of their religious rites. It follows from this defence that the charges against them and their religion are calumnies." This, as shown in Chapter III, is mere sophistry, but even in 1936 a Miss C. WI. Finn had the effrontery to bring forward the firman as "evidence" that the Blood Accusation is false; this was in a letter to the Jewish Chronicle, 2nd October, 1936. The wording of the firman is quoted in the Jewish Encyclopaedia, Vol. I, p. 47 (1906). On his way home, Montefiore tried to get an audience with the Pope, Gregory XVI, but Bras refused an audience.

5. Attempted Bribery of the French Consul. Comte Ratti‑Menton, the French Consul who had shown such determination in having the ritual murderers dealt with, and who was a most upright man, wrote to the Sherif Pasha on 22nd April to say that the Jews had, through the Austrian Consulate, offered him half a million piastres to have the evidence suppressed. Needless to say, when this honourable man was found incorruptible, the advocates of the Jews got busy as stated above to besmirch his reputation. Thiers, the French Foreign Secretary, replying to Jew‑inspired attacks on the French Consul Ratti‑Menton, stated in the Chamber of Deputies, 3rd June, 1840, "Let it be known to you, gentlemen, I repeat it, that in all the Chancellories the Israelites are in insistence for that affair and our Consul can lean only on the Minister of Foreign Affairs for France. A French agent who is in his right will always be protected against all influences, whatever they may be." M. Thiers also said that the Comte's superior officer, WI. Cochelet, Consul for Egypt, approved of his subordinate's action and that the English Consul was of the same mind.

6. Bribery of Austrian Diplomats. Throughout the proceedings, the Austrian Consul supported the Jews against the charge of ritual murder. Here, from a Jewish source, is the reason, duly confessed: From The History of the Jews in Vienna, by the Jew, Max Grunwald, 1936 (Philadelphia), pp. 228‑9: "Following the policy of the House [of Rothschild] in other countries, where it obtained privileges for the Jews in return for loans ‑‑in Rome, the abolition of the Ghetto, and in England, Jewish emancipation‑‑ Solomon [Rothschild] obtained from Metternichconcessions to the Jews in legislation. It was he who influenced the Chancellor to take a favourable stand in the Damascus blood‑accusation case of 1840." There you have it; Rothschild's money power; the Austrian Chancellor, Metternich; the Austrian Consul at Damascus; the Consul's attitude towards the Ritual Murder charge. A continuous chain of Jewish corruption by Money.

7. Suppression of the Reports of the Trial. We have already mentioned in the second paragraph of this description of the case the record of the trial published in Achille Laurent's book. This book cannot now be obtained anywhere. Gougenot des Mousseaux, however, had printed a very full account of the trial (taken from Laurent) in his work Le Juif, le Judaisme et la Judaisation des Peuples Chretiens, a work which earned for him the praise of Pope Pius IX who made him a Chevalier; and the writer has had a copy of this lent to him. But Gougenot des Mousseaux's book is now very rare, and the Chevalier himself died suddenly in mysterious circumstances nine hours after receiving a warning letter. Monniot, in a work; mentioned in the Bibliography (p. 56), has, however, made it easy for anyone who desires to read the details of the trial to do so.

But, the reader may ask, what about the official dossier of the affair? This naturally reposed in the archives of the French Foreign Office. But Desportes in his Mystere du Sang reported that under the Ministry of Cremieux (one of the Jews who went East to bribe the Khedive to release the ritual murderers of Damascus) it disappeared (in 1870)! As this report aroused comment, the Chancellerie made a declaration (5th May, 1892) that it was incorrect and that the dossier remained complete at the Ministry. However that may be, when Albert Monniot in 1913 desired to consult the documents themselves to assist him in writing his Le Crime Rituel chez les Juifs, he found that he was refused permission to peruse them. Whether they are still extant or not, therefore, we cannot tell; all we know is that the secrets of the Jew are well guarded. But not well enough, as I hope the reader will by now agree.

Sir Richard Burton. the great explorer and orientalist who was English Consul at Damascus 30 years after the Ritual Murder, studied the whole question of the Blood Accusation, and: eventually wrote The Jew, the Gypsy and El Islam, of which I have the edition edited by NS. H. Wilkins and published by Hutchinson in 1898. This work contains a damning indictment of the Talmud, and a list of Jewish Ritual Murders, but Wilkins in his Preface (p. x) writes: "In the exercise of the discretion given to me, I have thought it better to hold over for the present the Appendix on the alleged rite of Human Sacrifice among the Sephardim and the murder of Padre Tomaso (Father Thomas); the only alternative was to publish it in a mutilated form."

Let us follow therefore (1) the Book, (2) the Appendix on Ritual Murder.

(1) The Book. This is easy. It is well nigh unobtainable.

(2) The Appendix on Ritual Murder. What happened to it? This is what happened to it.

See D. L. Alexander versus Manners Sutton, King's Bench Division, 27th March, 1911, reported in The Times the following day. Herein D. L. Alexander, a Jew and President of the Jewish Board of Deputies was able to show that he had obtained an assignment of the manuscript from the surviving executors of Sir Richard Burton. The executors had sold them to a bookseller, who, in turn, sold them to Manners Sutton; and he (Sutton), not knowing of any assignment, made arrangements for the publication of the Appendix. D. L. Alexander brought the action to stop this publication from taking place, claiming copyright and delivery to him of the manuscript. The Jew won his case.

It remains only to say that Father Thomas' s gravestone in the cemetery at Damascus bore (and presumably still bears) the inscription in Arabic and in Italian: "Here lie the remains of Father Thomas of Sardinia, Capuchin Missionary, assassinated by the Jews, 5th February, 1840."

������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ Historical Background

Five months before Burton's planned retirement, when he made it very clear he intended to publish The Jew with details of the cult of ritual murder he uncovered and documented during his consulship in Damascus, he died (1890, age 69).� His wife Isabel also intended to publish the full work (see her Life of..., 1893, Vol. II, pp. 454‑5, wherein it was described as "quite complete"); she died soon thereafter (1896, age 65).� In the process she apparently had a change of heart, as she supposedly left instructions that it be burned (this from a "recently discovered" piece of paper "found" among the MS. materials).� One of her executors, her sister Mrs. Fitzgerald, was looking for a publisher, and died in 1902.� Editor W. H. Wilkins, who had not published the offending passages with The Jew, the Gypsy and El Islam in 1898, (the Jews had threatened libel action), but who hinted that he may have done so in the future, died in 1905 at age 45.� (What was published was just the preface and most of one chapter; what Wilkins called the "Appendix" was in actuality the majority of the work).

Then a bit later, the Jews (in the form of David Lindo Alexander, president of the Board of Deputies of British Jews [ David Irving info ] vs. Manners Sutton, publisher) sued in court over the "assignment" of the manuscript, and won!� Supposedly, the surviving executors had handed over the MS. to the Jews in 1909, under circumstances we can only wonder about, as it seems odd that Sotheran, a publisher, had already sold the MS. to Manners Sutton, thinking that the deceased Wilkins (from whom they had received the MS.) had been a qualified agent.� No doubt money played a hidden role in this. Reading recent reports regarding the sale of the MS., it seems that the claim that Alexander simply "bought" the MS. is making the rounds.� For a contemporary account, see The (London) Times, 28 March 1911, p. 3, col. 3 [ facsimile graphic ] describing the court case of the previous day.� The old adage "possession is nine‑tenths of the law" didn't count that time.� Another judicial murder; of the truth.

Since 1911, the original MS. has been under lock and key in the Board of Deputies of British Jews archives, filed under the heading "B2/9 16A, Burton Book . . . (v) Manuscript of an unpublished book by Sir Richard Burton and surrounding action by the Board to obtain it."

The original, complete Burton manuscript was put up for auction at Christie's Auction House on June 6, 2001, Lot #33, Sale #6456, but at $196,000 did not meet the reserve price of �150,000 and was a no‑sale.� See David Irving info at Archive of Christie's auction info:� BURTON, Sir Richard Francis (1821‑1890).

Geoffrey Alderman, professor of Jewish history at Touro College, New York, and author of the standard work Modern British Jewry, said: "I am delighted the book failed to sell because this will force the board to reconsider. They have divided the community with a decision which ought never to have been taken.� I have seen the manuscript and I think it should be made available only to bona fide scholars.� I was shocked that a man of Burton's intelligence should believe the blood libel, but I think his allegations still have resonance for far right groups today."

Hmmmm...But Prof. Alderman can't explain away how the body of Father Thomas was found exactly where the Jews said it would be found.� No amount of torture could have wrangled that from them if they really didn't know where it was, eh?

"A most barbarous secret for a long time suspected in the Jewish nation. . .at last came to light in the city of Damascus, that of serving themselves of Christian blood in their unleavened bread. . .a secret which these 1840 years must have made many unfortunate victims."� Jasper Chasseaud, U.S. vice‑consul, Beirut, Lebanon, in a letter to John Forsyth (1840‑MAR‑24, no. 12), microfilm 367, State Department archives, U.S. National Archives.


Death of Naphtah Herz Homberg (Austria‑Hungary). Jews settle in Chicago (America). Jewish Chronicle founded in London.


First English Reform synagogue opened in London, England. Bruno Bauer's Judenfrage (Germany). Compulsory military service for the Jews of Russia.


Twelve young German‑Jews, eight of them Freemasons, establish the Jewish Lodge of B'nai B'rith (Sons of the Covenant) in order to complete the subversion of Freemasonry. Jews are also active in the Odd Fellows and the Knights of Pythias.

B'nai B'rith founded (America).

"The international Communist creed that Marx invented is a creed of hate. The solution that Marx proposed to the Christian �problem' was to eliminate the system that �creates' the Christian. The Jews, he said, �are only symptoms of a more extensive evil that must eradicate capitalism. The Jews are only symbols of a more pervasive enemy that must be destroyed; capitalists.' In the politics of the left, racist hatred is directed not only against Christian capitalists but against all capitalists; not only against capitalists, but anyone who is not poor, and who is White; and ultimately against Western Civilization itself. The Marxist revolution is antichrist elevated to a global principle." (A World Without Jews, by Karl Marx; David Horowitz, Human Events).

"The Jew cannot create a new world. What is present in abstract form in the Jewish religion; contempt for theory, for art, for history, and for man as an end in himself, is an actual and conscious standpoint, held to be virtuous by the money‑man. Even the relations between the sexes has become an object of commerce! The woman is auctioned off." (A World Without Jews, by Karl Marx)

Marx saw that the Western World would be hopelessly corrupted by Jews: "and so we find the real nature of today's Jew not only in the Talmud but in contemporary society as well. Indeed, the practical dominance of Judaism over the Christian world has reached its unambiguous normal expression in North America! The Jews has emancipated himself in a Jewish manner. With the Jew and without him, Money has become a world‑power, and the practical spirit of the Jews has become the practical spirit of the Christian peoples. The Jews have emancipated themselves to the extent that Christians have become Jews." (A World Without Jews, by Karl Marx)


(May 25) Louis Philippe issues regulations for the internal organization of French Jews. (June) Rabbinical conference at Brunswick (Germany). Death of Aaron Chorin (Austria‑Hungary). Autonomy of the kahal abolished government supervised schools for the Jews founded (Russia & Poland).

Heinrich Lehman arrives in America, is joined by his brothers Emanuel and Mayer. Later become known as Lehman Brothers, world's largest commodities brokers.


(April) Ukase issued ordering Russian and Polish Jews to adopt ordinary costume. Jews admitted to municipal offices in England. Rabbinical conference at Frankfort; Reform Society formed in Berlin, Germany.


The Mexican War (1846‑1848) was the culmination of the unofficial policy of "Manifest Destiny," and the� official 1822 Monroe Doctrine that loudly proclaimed that European interference in the Western Hemisphere would not be tolerated. Major� business interests in the U. S. wanted control of all of the land from "sea to shining sea" to include all of the natural resources, and were willing to do whatever was necessary to get it. The Texas War for Independence from Mexico (1835‑1836) along with the annexation of Texas in March of 1845, was one of the two major provocations leading to the Mexican War because we knew� that Mexico would never recognize the independence of Texas nor its annexation. The second major provocation took place in January of 1846 when Polk sent Gen. Zachary Taylor's newly raised military force at Corpus Christi to the Rio Grande. In April of 1846, Mexican cavalry crossed the Rio Grande and killed some members of an American scouting expedition, and the U. S. had the major event necessary to create the rationale for going to war with Mexico. With the signing of the July 1848 peace treaty with Mexico, the U. S. had acquired huge tracts of land north of the current border with Mexico. In 1853, the Gadsden� Purchase acquired some additional territory that is now in Arizona.

U.S. War with Mexico. Abolition of "Jewish Oath." (France). Rabbinical conference in Breslau, Germany. Montefiore visits Russia. I.M. Wise arrives in America. Irish potato famine is suffered, with deaths reaching 1 million.

The Mexican War was fought from 1846 to 1848 against Mexico. Tensions between the U.S., and Mexico had gotten worse since California was being settled in large numbers by Americans. The Americans wanted for California to be part of the U.S., but Mexico didn't want this to happen. Eventually this tension turned into open war as tensions between Texas and Mexico erupted.

General Taylor crosses Rio Grande into Mexico; Battle of Monterrey; 1847: Battle of Buena Vista; Colonel Kearny occupies New Mexico and California; Vera Cruz surrenders to General Scott; Mexico City Surrenders; 1848: Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo. The Breslau Conference in Germany, an assembly of rabbis interested in reform, declares Jewish women entitled to the same religious rights and subject to the same religious duties as men.


Lionel de Rothschild elected to parliament but refuses to take the Christian oath (England). Anti‑Jewish riots in Prussia (Germany). Jews settle in Washington, D.C. (America).


Emancipation Year; most of the countries of central Europe grant full civic and political rights to Jews ‑‑ in the majority of cases, repealed the next year. Riots in Presburg. Year of Revolutions. Liberal constitution of Piedmont, Italy. Adophe Cremieux minister of Justice (France). Anti‑Jewish riots (Austria‑Hungary). Influx of Jews from Germany (America). Revolutions erupt throughout Europe; Marx and Engels produce The Communist Manifesto; United States takes California and New Mexico from Mexico.

Karl Marx publishes the Communist Manifesto, allegedly commissioned by the Illuminati through Frederich Engels.� A wave of Illuminist‑inspired socialist and communist revolts sweeps through Europe. Karl Marx, a German Jew (by ethnicity) whose family converted to Christianity for sociopolitical reasons, publishes the Communist Manifesto, a book about what is basically an offshoot of traditional Jewish communal living called "Communism." This book is designed to attack traditional Western values and morals, and is nothing more than a blueprint for long‑term sociopolitical and economic revenge.� For the most part, they are unsuccessful, and many "forty‑eighters" emigrate to the United States. A disproportionate number of them are Jews. August Bundi, a "forty‑eighter" from Vienna, later joins with John Brown in the actions at Black Jack and Osawatomie.


(July 3) Baron Lionel de Rothschild, previously returned as M.P. for city of London, not allowed to take seat. Jews settle in San Francisco and Los Angeles (America).


Ernestine Potovsky Rose (1810‑1892), the first American Jewish feminist, assists in organizing the National Women's Rights Convention in Massachusetts.

Radical feminists hold the American Women's Rights Convention at Seneca Falls, New York, and formalize their campaign for women's property rights, suffrage, and divorce law reform. They also decide to join forces with the Abolitionist and socialist movements. Due to the German Jewish emigration, there are now over 16,000 Jews in New York City, 6,000 in Philadelphia and 4,000 in Baltimore. By now, Jews are so active in New York City politics that Democratic party leaders make it a point to attend Jewish social and charitable events.


Isaac Singer perfects the sewing machine. A close network of Jewish clothiers in New York, Cincinnati, Syracuse, Rochester, Cleveland, Chicago, Baltimore, Philadelphia and Boston win government contracts for uniforms; they are later appointed clothiers for the Union army. Within a decade, the ready‑to‑wear clothing industry will become a Jewish monopoly. This will help secure the retailing industry as their next monopoly.


Jewish, British Prime Minister Benjamin Disraeli warns Europe, in a speech to the House of Commons, that Jewish persons are dangerous to Western, conservative ideas. Few listen.

The first Jewish hospital in America, Jew's Hospital, is established in New York and later renamed Mt. Sinai Hospital.

Karl Marx is hired as European correspondent for Gentile Illuminist Horace Greeley's New York Daily Tribune, the premier Abolitionist publication with circulation of nearly 1,000,000.

(Sept. 3) Violent anti‑Jewish riots at Stockholm. Conformation of "Status Quo" in Holy Places in Palestine.


Publication of Philippson's Bible completed; Ahavat Ziyyon by Abraham Mapu. Saratov blood libel (Russia & Poland).

Levi Strauss arrives in San Francisco by ship, and hires local tailors to make work clothes out of tent cloth. You can still see his name stamped on 95% of American buttocks...I won't wear them.


Breslau Jewish Theological Seminary opened in Germany. First YMHA founded (America). Crimean War is fought; Japan ends isolation, signs U.S. commercial treaty. The Republican Party is formed as an alliance of socialists, abolitionists, feminists, anti‑Masons and expatriate "forty‑eighters." Prominent German Jews were founders of the Republican Party in New York, Chicago, Philadelphia and other major cities.


Crimean War.


Death of Isaac Samuel Reggio in Italy. David Salomons lord mayor London, England. Cleveland Conference (America). "The ruin of the peasants in these provinces are the Zhids ["kikes"]. They are full‑fledged leeches sucking up these unfortunate provinces to the point of exhaustion." (Nikolai I, Tsar of Russia from 1825 to 1855, in his diaries)

"The Jews...are at the root of regicide, they own the periodical press, they have in their hands the financial markets, the people as a whole fall into financial slavery to them..." (The Siege, p. 38)

"The Jews are the most hateful and the most shameful of the small nations." (Voltaire, God and His Men)


(Feb. 18) �Hatti‑Humayun' issued, granting full civic rights to Turkish Jews Treaty of Paris. Jews' College founded in England. Death of Heinrich Heine in Germany. Cantonist legislation abrogated (Russia & Poland). Ha‑Maggid, first Hebrew weekly, founded in Lyck.

Meyer Guggenheim arrives in America from Switzerland. Invents a non‑caustic stove polish and brings over his family to work in the business.


(June 24) Edgar Mortara in Ancona forcibly taken from his family by Bishop of bologna on plea that he had been baptized when an infant by a Roman Catholic servant. The oath �on the true faith of a Christian' abolished in England; Jewish disabilities removed. Lionel de Rothschild takes his seat in parliament after amendment of parliamentary oath (England). Mortara case in Italy.


Independence of Rumania. Rabbinical seminary transferred to Paris, France. Merchants of the first class permitted to live outside the Pale (Russia & Poland).

"Wars are the Jews harvest, for with them we wipe out the Christians and get control of their gold. We have already killed 100‑million of them, and the end is not yet." (Chief Rabbi in France, in 1859, Rabbi Reichorn)

Isaac Leeser and associates establish the Board of Delegates of American Israelites in Philadelphia, modeled after the British organization. Notwithstanding the board's far‑ranging statement of purposes; educational, spiritual, cultural, everyone understood that it was essentially a Jewish defense organization, maintaining a permanent branch lobby in Washington.

Jewish Abolitionist George Luther Stearns and the "Secret Six" finance John Brown's bungled raid on Harper's Ferry Arsenal.


Alliance Isra�lite Universelle founded in France. Sicily and Naples occupied by Garibaldi. Death of Samuel Holdheim; Death of Isaac Marcus Jost in Germany. Jews allowed to own real estate in Austria. South Carolina secedes from United States.

August Belmont, self‑proclaimed agent for the House of Rothschild, becomes Treasurer of the Democratic Party.

Jews Moritz Pinner of Missouri and Louis Dembitz of Kentucky are two of the three delegates who place Abraham Lincoln in nomination at the 1860 Republican Convention. Lincoln is behind Seward in the first two ballots, and wins by a political decision. Lincoln later wins the presidency with only 40% of the popular vote, the beneficiary of a 3‑way split in the Democratic party. Engineered by the Jew Belmont?


Jews with academic diplomas permitted to live outside the Pale (Russia & Poland). Proclamation of the Kingdom of Italy.

B'nai B'rith lodges are active in every major Jewish community in America.

American Civil War begins. Jewish Illuminist General Pierre Beuaregard commands Confederate guns to open fire on Fort Sumter. Jewish Illuminist Judah P. Benjamin is appointed attorney‑general of the Confederacy, later to serve as Secretary of War and then as Secretary of State. After the war, he flees to England and becomes a prominent barrister. On the last business day of 1861, the New York banks suspend payments in coin, claiming they had used up their specie [gone to the Rothschilds, Seligmans, Warburgs & Speyers]. The Union is bankrupt, and the war is costing $2,000,000 per day.

The Civil War: The Civil War, the War between the States, and sometimes called the War of Aggression was fought from 1861 to 1865 between the states of the North (or Union) and the states of the south (confederate States of America). Since the adaption of the Constitution there had been differences of opinion between southern politicians and northern politicians as to just how much power the Federal Government had over the states. A big issue was whether the individual states could decide to "nullify" certain laws of the federal government if they didn't agree with them. One of the big reasons this was important involved the slave trade which the southern economy depended heavily on. (This is the government's spin on things, but the truth of the matter, was that the South was ready to do away with slavery because it was too expensive to keep slaves. The North still had its slave for years after the war)

The northern states for the most part wished to see this abolished while the southern states' economy depended heavily on this. The attack of John Brown on the Federal Arsenal at Harper's Ferry, VA worsened tensions but with the election of Lincoln the strain came to a head. Fearing what the election of Lincoln would mean to the southern states the southern states one by one withdrew form the Union and formed the confederate States of America. The Federal Government in Washington viewed this action by the south as illegal and decided to use fore to the seceded southern states to stop them from seceding.

The Civil War planned, financed and precipitate by the Satanic, Illuminati, Jewish Bankers to divide and weaken and capture the United States. It was money, not slavery, that caused the Civil War. The conspirators have planned, caused and financed every bloody War for hundreds of years.

Civil War

In the guise of the Roman Catholic Church, the Red Dragon, who was, "...wroth with the woman {National Israel; United States} went to make war with the remnant of her seed, which {nationally} keep the {10} commandments of God and have the testimony of Jesus Christ." (Revelation 12:17)

Since the Dragon was not able to destroy the "manchild nation" {America} as soon as it was born, sought to exterminate it with his secret weapon masquerading as the Roman Catholic Church. Samuel Morse, father of electronic telegraphy, found out about the conspiracy of Rome to kill our young American Republic and published in 1834 his remarkable work, Conspiracies Against the Liberties of the U.S.

The book which revealed this bit of information on page 290, also carried this quotation: "It is under those bloody banners {religious massacres in Europe} of 6,000 Roman Catholic priest, Jesuits and Bishops, in the United States, and marching to the conquest of this republic, backed by their seven millions of blind and obedient slaves...A political conspiracy under the cloak of a religious mission was formed against the U.S., yes, without Romanism, the last awful Civil War would have been impossible, Jeff Davis would never have dared to attack the North, had he not had assurance from the Pope, the Jesuits, the Bishops, the Priests and the whole people of the Church of Rome under the name and mask of Democracy, except they would help him." (Fifty Years In The Church of Rome, page 290, by Father Chiniquy)

"The Jesuits are a Military Organization, not a religious order. Their chief is a general of an army, not the mere father abbot of a monastery. And the aim of this organization is: Power. Power in its most despotic exercise. Absolute power, universal power, power to control the world by the volition of a single man. Jesuitism is the most enormous of abuses." (Memorial of the Captivity of Napoleon St. Helena, General Montholon, Vol. ii p. 62, Fifty Years in the Church of Rome, p. 289)

"Pope Gregory VII {a Jew} decided it was not murder to kill excommunicated persons. This rule was incorporated in the canon law. During the revision of the code, which took place in the 16th century, and which produced a whole volume of corrections, the passage was allowed to stand. It appears in every reprint of the Corpus Juris. It has been for 700 years, and continues to be, part of the ecclesiastical law.

"Far from being a dead letter, it obtained a new application in the days of the Inquisition {under a Spanish Basque, a Jew, whose name was Lopez DeRecalde, but who preferred to be called Ignatuis Loyola}; and one of the later Popes has declared that the murder of a Protestant is so good a deed that it atones, and more than atones, for the murder of a Catholic."� (The London Times July 20, 1872)

"Has the Church of Rome expressed any regret for having promulgated and executed such bloody laws? No! On the contrary, she has anathematized all those who think or say that she was wrong when she deluged the world with the blood of the millions she ordered to be slaughtered to quench her thirst for blood {is this not what the Jews have done to Christians since they Crucified the Lord Jesus Christ}; she positively said that she had the right to punish those heretics by tortures and death. Those bloody and anti‑social laws, were written on the banners of the Roman Catholics, when slaughtering 100,000 Waldenses in the mountains of Piedmont, more than 50,000 defenseless men, women and children in the city of Bezieres.

"It is under the inspiration of those diabolical laws of Rome, that 75,000 Protestants were massacred the night and following week of St Bartholomew. It was to obey those bloody laws that Louis XIV revoked the Edict of Nates, caused the death of half a million of men, women, and children, who perished in all the highways of France, and caused twice that number to die in the land of exile, where they had found a refuge. Those anti‑social laws, today, are written on her banners with the blood of ten millions of martyrs. It is under those bloody banners that 6,000 Roman Catholic priests, Jesuits and bishops, in the United States, are marching to the conquest of this republic, backed by their seven millions of blind and obedient slaves. Those laws, are still the ruling laws of Rome, were the main cause of the last rebellion of the Southern States.

"Yes! Without Romanism, the last awful Civil War would have been impossible. Jeff Davis would never have dared to attack the North, had he not had assurance from the Pope, that the Jesuits, the bishops, the priests and the whole people of the Church of Rome, under the name and mask of democracy, would help him. These diabolical and anti‑social laws of Rome caused a Roman Catholic {Beauregard a Jew} to be the man chosen to fire the first gun at Fort Sumter, against the flag of Liberty, on the 12th of April, 1861. Those anti‑ Christian and anti‑social laws caused the Pope of Rome to be the only crowned prince in the whole world, so depraved as to publicly shake hands with Jeff Davis, and proclaim him president of a legitimate government.

"These are the laws which led the assassins of Abraham Lincoln to the house of a rabid Roman Catholic woman, Mary Surratt {a Jewess}, which was not only the rendezvous of the priests of Washington, but the very dwelling‑house of some of them. Those bloody and infernal laws of Rome nerved the arm of the Roman Catholic, Booth {a Jew}, when he slaughtered one of the noblest men God has ever given to the world. Those bloody and anti‑social laws of Rome, after having covered Europe with ruins, tears, and blood for ten centuries, have crossed the oceans to continue their work of slavery and desolation, blood and tears, ignorance and demoralization, on this continent. Under the mask and name of democracy {which is in all reality Judaism} they have raised the standard of rebellion of the South against the North, and caused more than half a million of the most heroic sons of America to fall on the fields of carnage. In the very near future, if God does not miraculously prevent it, those laws of dark deeds and blood will cause the prosperity, the rights, the education, and the liberties of this too confident nation to be buried under the mountain of smoking and bloody ruins. On the top of that mountain, Rome {Judaism through the rule of the Black Pope} will raise her throne and plant her victorious banners." (The London Times p. 289‑291)

Lincoln was quoted to have said: "We owe it to the Popery that we now see our land reddened with the blood of her noble sons. Though there were differences of opinion between the South and the North, on the question of slavery, neither Jeff Davis nor anyone of the leading men of the Confederacy would have dared to attack the North, had they not relied on the Promises of the Jesuits {the Jews}, that...

"The Money and the Arms of the Roman Catholic Church, and even the arms of France were at their disposal, if they would attack us {See how long the Dragon; Satan's Children have been working to enslave the entire world and destroy the memory of Christ and Christianity from off the face of the earth, and if possible at the same time to destroy True Israel the Anglo‑Saxons, Germanic, Celtic and Kindred People}. I pity the Priests, the Bishops and the Monks of Rome in the United States, when the people realize that they are in Great part responsible for the Tears and Blood Shed in this war. I conceal what I know, for if the people knew the whole truth, this war would turn into a religious war, and at once, take a tenfold more savage and bloody character. It would become merciless as all religious wars are. It would become a war of extermination on both sides.

"The Protestants of both the North and South would surely unite to exterminate the Priests and Jesuits, if they could hear what Professor Morse has said to me of the plots made in the very city of Rome to destroy this Republic, and if they could learn how the Priests, the Nuns, and the Monks, which daily land on our shores, under the pretext of preaching their religion, instructing the people in their schools, taking care of the sick in the hospitals, are nothing but the emissaries of the Pope, of Napoleon and the other despots of Europe, to undermine our institutions, alienate the hearts of our people from our Constitution and our laws, destroy our schools, and prepare a reign of anarchy here as they have done in Ireland, in Mexico, in Spain and wherever there are any people who want to be free...New projects of assassination are detected almost every day, accompanied with such savage circumstances that they bring to my memory the massacre of St. Bartholomew and the Gunpowder Plot.

"Our investigation indicates that they come from the same masters in the art of murder, the Jesuits {the Jews}. The New York riots were evidently a Romish plot from beginning to end. We have the proofs in hand that they were the work of Bishop Hughes and his emissaries. No doubt can remain about the bloody attempts of Rome to destroy New York, when we know the easy way it was stopped. I wrote to Bishop Hughes, telling him that the whole country would hold him responsible for it if he would not stop it at once. He then gathered the rioters around his palace, called them his �dear friends,' invited them to go back home peacefully, and all was finished!...From the beginning of our civil war, there has been, not a secret, but a public alliance, between the Pope of Rome and Jeff Davis. The pope and his Jesuits have advised, supported, and directed Jeff Davis {through Judah P. Benjamin, also a Jew} on the land, from the first gun shot at Fort Sumter by the Rabid Roman Catholic Beauregard {Jew}. "They are helping him on the sea by guiding and supporting the rabid Roman Catholic pirate, Semmes, on the ocean ...The pope has thrown away the mask, and shown himself the public partisan and the protector of the rebellion, by taking Jeff Davis by the hand, and impudently recognizing the Southern States as a legitimate government.

"I have the proof in hand that that very Bishop Hughes, whom I had sent to the very man who advised the pope to recognize the legitimacy of the Southern republic, and put the whole weight of his tiara in the balance against us in favor of our enemies! Such is the perfidity of those Jesuits {Jews}." (Fifty Years In the Church of Rome, pages 297‑299)

Judah P. Benjamin, Rothschild Agent

"Napoleon's object was to assure the predomination of the French over the Latin races and to augment the influence of these races in America. Napoleon decided to recognize the independence of the rebellious American States and repeatedly urged the British government to join him in so doing." (Mackenzie in his historical research entitled, The Nineteenth Century)

The most prominent Jew on either side during the Civil War, was Judah P. Benjamin, born in the West Indies, a brilliant lawyer, Attorney General, Secretary of War and Secretary of State of the Confederacy. Writing about Benjamin's days as a student at Yale, Burton J. Hendrick in his Statesmen of the Lost Cause (1939) said: "All that we can say with any definiteness, at this late date, is that Benjamin left Yale, not of his own volition and not because of financial stringency; that his offense was so serious that the authorities declined to consider his request for a rehearing; that he himself misstated the reason for the separation; that the charge was made, in a responsible journal and by a college mate of standing, that he had been caught stealing from his fellow students; that Benjamin made no public denial of this charge; that all his life he showed a constant apprehension of a biography and destroyed all papers and documents that would facilitate inquiries into his past." (Statesmen of the Lost Cause (1939), p. 164)

John Slidell (another traitorous Jew), one‑time fellow Senator of Judah P. Benjamin from Louisiana, became Confederate envoy to France soon after the Civil War began. Of him, Burton J. Hendrick said: "Long before Slidell attained the 1853, the word �Slidellian' had taken on a well‑defined meaning ...In this proceeding, Judah P. Benjamin was his associate, as in politics generally; and, justly or unjustly, the standing of both men suffered severely...

"Benjamin and Slidell's biographers have been unable to discover the truth or falsity of these accusations, any more than they have proved, or disproved, similar scandals involving the Techuantepec Railway, in which both Benjamin and Slidell were concerned...His (Slidell's) ancestry contained perhaps a Jewish strain; at any rate, in Paris he became in intimate of leading Jewish families. One to whom he was especially close was Emile Erlanger, head of the great French (Jewish) banking house of Erlanger et Cie...Erlanger's son...fell in love with Slidell's daughter, the spirituelle Matilda, and, from that moment, Confederate and French relations present a romantic association of Haymen and baste finance. Erlanger was made the French intermediary in all Confederate transactions...

"The Erlanger loan (to the Confederacy) only one party found profitable. That was the banking house of Erlanger et Cie. Matilda Slidell's father‑in‑law emerged from the transaction with gains not far from $2,700,000...It is a fair estimate that the Confederate Treasury obtained about $2,500,000 from a bond issue for which it had pledged payment...of $15,000,000 in capital and seven percent in interest." (Statesmen of the Lost Cause, pp. 220, 231)

Edwin de Leon, another Jew, was appointed Confederate publicity agent in Paris. Of him, Hendrick said: "On leaving Richmond, the Secretary of State had given de Leon extremely confidential letters from Benjamin to Slidell...Benjamin sought to bribe Napoleon III, into recognizing the Confederacy and breaking the blockade. On the voyage to France, de Leon opened and read these communications; which he presented the documents, with broken seals, to Slidell, that diplomat's anger knew no restraint." (Statesmen of the Lost Cause, p. 391)

Judah P. Benjamin was chosen by the Rothschilds to do their work in the United States and he was the first adviser to Jefferson Davis, the President of the Southern Confederacy. Benjamin has been called "the brains of the revolt." He was also the Secretary of State of the Confederacy under Jeff Davis. The Confederacy consisted of eleven Southern States bound by a written Constitution, modeled in part after our own Constitution. It was founded on the fundamental principle that each one of its eleven constituted States had the right to secede from the Union, or to separate from the other 23 out of the 34 states of the Union.

Nevertheless, at the instigation of Benjamin, and under pressure of Napoleon, Texas and Louisiana were placed on the bargain counter in exchange, presumably, for Napoleon's aid. The latter was supported by Disraeli of England, who had assured the Confederacy of the support of Britain behind the nine remaining States, after Texas and Louisiana were to be ceded to France.

Under the guiding hand of Judah P. Benjamin {a Jew}, chosen by the Rothschilds and the Church of Rome to represent the International Bankers to do their work for them in the United States, was also the first advisor to Jefferson Davis, the President of the Southern Confederacy. Benjamin is reputed to be the "brains of the revolt," as he was also the Secretary of State of the Confederacy.

Through the hands of this man, huge sums of money were provided to finance the destruction of this great New Christian American Republic flowed. The Confederacy fell and the men who had fought a valiant fight for what they believed right were thrown into the even greater travail of the Reconstruction; while Judah P. Benjamin, almost alone of the leaders of the South, forsook immediately the suffering people who had honored and enriched him, fled to England and was soon embarked upon a new career of distinction and wealth, Reminiscent of others of his Religion {Jewish} dispossessed of their temporary cause and gains.

While we are talking of the Civil War it behooves us to mention that Abraham Lincoln (Little has been published about the early life of Abraham Lincoln. However, during a search of some old property records and will in a small courthouse in central North Carolina, Alex Christopher the author of "Pandora's Box,"; in one of the old will books dated around 1840, he found the will of one A.A. Springs. Upon reading the will he was shocked and amazed at the secret that it disclosed, but one must remember that it is a known fact that wills, even though they are classified public records the same as property and corporation records, they are rarely combed through as he was doing at the time, and these records hold many dark secrets that can be hidden in public view, but are never uncovered because there are very few who research these old records.

����� This practice of hiding secrets in public view and the conspirators can say, when faced with the facts and accused of concealing the records; they can reply "Well it was there in the public record in plan view for any and all to find."

In the will of A.A. Springs was the list of his property. it went into detail to whom the property was to be dispersed and it included his children. Mr. Christopher and others were looking to find what railroads and banks this man might have owned and had left to his son Leroy Springs. He didn't find anything like that, but he did find the prize of the century. On the bottom of page three of four pages was a paragraph where the father, A.A. Springs, left to his son an enormous amount of land in the state of Alabama which amounted to the land that is today known as Huntsville, Alabama and then he went into detail to name the son and at first Mr. Christopher and the others with him couldn't believe what they were seeing, but there it was the name of the son and it was "ABRAHAM LINCOLN!"

����� This new information that they had about the Springs (real name Springstein) family, this was just another twist to add to the already manipulative family. This new information about Lincoln built a fire under them to see where this new lead would take them, because everything they had found in the railroad and banking saga had been areal mind‑bender.

They figured this one would be the same; so they inquired at the local archives and historical records on families and found a reference to one Abraham Lincoln in the family genealogy of the family of the Carolina by the name of McAdden, in a published genealogy on the family. The family members in the Carolinas were in a limited edition that at one time could be found in the public libraries. The section on Lincoln and the story went something like the following: "In the late spring of the year of 1808 Nancy Hanks, who was of the family lineage of the McAdden family was visiting some of her family in the community of Lincolnton, North Carolina. While on her stay with family in the Carolina', she vistaed with many of the neighboring families that she had known for many years; one such visit was the Springs family. The sordid details had been omitted but obviously the young Nancy Hanks had found herself in a compromised position and was forced to succumb to the lust of A.A. Springs.

"She became pregnant as a result. There were no details of a love affair or an act of violence on a helpless female. Abraham Lincoln was the result of that act, which leads one to wonder if the name Lincoln was real or a fabricated name for the are of conception was Lincolnton. Was there really a Thomas Lincoln? Since the Spring were of the race that called themselves Jewish, that made Lincoln part Jewish and as part of the Springs family, he also became a relative of the Rothschild family by blood."

����� The following information was derived from information that exists in the Smithsonian, National Archives, the Congressional Library, Courtroom Police files, public and private libraries and storage vaults across the United States and Europe: "Abraham Lincoln was slapped three times with a white glove by a member of the Hapsburg royal family of Germany (Payseur family relatives) during a White House reception in 1862. The German royal family member demanded a pistol duel with the, then, President of the United States, Abraham Lincoln. The blows to the face stunned Lincoln but he non‑verbally refused to participate in the duel by bowing his head before walking out of the reception room. What had ol' honest Abe done to so enrage and up‑set the royal European personage?

"It seems that the practice of promiscuity was running rampant in many families in those days and the German King Leopold had, had an illegitimate daughter named Elizabeth who was sent to America, where she lived in a very comfortable manner. Although Leopold could not recognize her position, he was very interested in her life.

"In the early or mid 1850s, Abraham Lincoln and Elizabeth began having sexual liaisons that produced twin daughters named Ella and Emily in 1856. The regal German father who was so royally up‑set with ol' honest Abe probably had full knowledge of what the true blood line of Lincoln really was. Abraham's wife, Mary Todd Lincoln, did not find out about Elizabeth, Ella and Emily until 1865. Previous to being informed about Elizabeth and the twins, Mrs. Lincoln had developed a ravaging dependency on opium. Her main supplier of the drug was a former member of the Confederate Intelligence community, he was a former member because the Southern gentlemen did not approve of his drug pushing and unreliable behavior. It was because of his involvement with the Souther Intelligence Community, Mary's supplier ‑ John Wilks Booth ‑ knew about the lover and the illegal twins.

"After being spurned by the Confederate intelligence community, Mary's �candy man' approached and became involved with the Rothschild Empire of Europe, for he realized the European banking moguls would be very interested in his pipeline to the White House.

"(At this time) Abraham was searching for an issue that would unite the North and South AFTER the Civil War ended. The issue needed to be popular to all levels of American citizenry so they could �rally around the Stars and Stripes' thus rapidly healing the wounds of the bloodiest war in history. Lincoln was seriously considering one major movement or event that would galvanize his fellow Northern and Southern patriot countrymen into cutting loose the United States of America from the dictatorial grip of the Hapsbergs bloodline of banking control in Europe. All the time, the Rothschilds were trying to take control of the entire world monetary system, and at that time the Rothschilds were trying to get a foot‑hold in America and find a way around the British, Virginia Company, and French Bourbon family that were gaining control in this country through government help...

"Lincoln found himself in real hot water, because under the Virginia Company covenant the 48 families that formed it were all of the Holy Grail Bloodline. This country was to be an extension of what all the royal families of Europe controlled. The royalty of Europe is Hapsburg, no matter what their name is. The royal family of England is one such example. Now what Lincoln did is he wanted to become independent of the covenant (in favor of his family) on the Rothschild side...the Rothschilds and their family bloodline have always been undermining the affairs of the Hapsbergs and stealing the monetary control away from them. No matter what the history books say, the Rothschilds didn't get (total) real control on things in America and the Federal Reserve until the Springs usurped the Payseur family companies in the early 1920s...

"(But Lincoln had fallen from Rothschild grace also and so, due, in part to his Executive Order to print United States Greenbacks, thus interfering with the Jewish International Banks profits) It appears that the Rothschild family wanted Lincoln embarrassed to the maximum degree. (So) Mary Todd's drug dealer (John Wilks Booth) was hired to kidnap the President of the United States. Abraham would be put on a boat for a two month cruise of the Atlantic where he would be injected with and addicted to opium and then dumped on the streets of Washington. While the forcefully addicted President was stumbling around our nation's capital, the press would be informed of Elizabeth, Ella and Emily.

"The drug pusher (Booth) and collaborator (agent) of the Rothschilds had his perfect accomplice in the plot to kidnap and discredit the leader of the North American continent in the First Lady Mary Todd Lincoln. After being informed of Abe's lover and the twins and the kidnap plot by her drug supplier, Mary was promised that after her husband resigned or was impeached, she and Abe would be moved to Europe to live happily ever after with plenty of opium.

"Superficially Mary expressed a desire to live in Europe with plenty of opium and no Civil War or politics to distract her husband or family. But her drug suppler had totally underestimated the confusion, desperation and anger of Mary Todd Lincoln.

"The plotters decided the Presidential snatch needed to take place in a public, yet discreet location where minimum witnesses would be present. There were too many potential witnesses at the White House. Two hours before the capture was to take place, Mary Todd had on the floor, a tantrum, because Abe had decided not to go out of the White House that night. Mary's outrageous outburst caused Abe to change his mind and the First family departed.

"Several minutes after arriving at the kidnap location, Mary instructed the family bodyguard to take a position that placed the First Family out of his visual sight. The position also required the bodyguard to traverse several flights of stairs to reach Abe and Mary should he be needed for any reason...

"A wagon with a wooden cover arrived at the back entrance of the kidnap location with several men including Mary's opium supplier. The plan was for the drug pusher to traverse the backstairs entrance, silently move down a hallway, and open an unlocked door to a darkened room where Mary and Abe were sitting.

"After entering the room, Mary's drug man (Booth) would tell the President an urgent message was waiting for him at the War Department. Before descending down the backstairs, Abe would be knocked out with a chloroform loth. The kidnappers would load the limp body into the covered wagon and swiftly stow Lincoln on an opium boat for a novel �cruise' of the Atlantic Ocean.

"When Booth actually opened the door to the darkened room where Abe and Mary were sitting, he went into a panic and shock. Abe was asleep with his head on Mary's left shoulder and the First Lady had her head turned toward the left looking at the door...When she was sure the man who opened the door was Booth, she turned and looked at the President to be sure the pistol she was pointing would explode beneath the lower left earlobe of her husband.

"Before Mary pulled the trigger, John Wilkes Booth, drug supplier to the First Lady, realized he was the patsy in all this mess. But he did not know if he was only Mary's patsy or also a chump for the Rothschild family. Were the men hiding around the back door of Ford's Theater there to help Booth with the kidnaping or there to point the false finger at the �innocent' Booth? Booth was not about to run into the hallway or down the backstairs to find out the answer to that question.

"The only escape route was to jump the balcony and crash onto the stage during the performance. That night, Booth gave a literal interpretation of the theatrical phrase �brake a leg' as he fractured one of his during his leaping act from �lethally looney Mary' and the men lurking around the back entrance of Ford's Theater.

"In a novelty case on a wall in Ford's Theater is �The Gun That Shot Abraham Lincoln.' If anyone (assassin) were to kill a head of state, they would use a revolver, because several bullets might be needed to accomplish the murder and stop any guards during the escape. One would only use a one‑shot pistol if they were absolutely sure they had intimate access to the victim. The gun on the wall of Ford's Theater is a derringer‑the perfect weapon for the left handed female assassin who did not attend her husbands funeral. Mary Todd was not hiding in her room due to overwhelming grief and sorrow; she was imprisoned in her room with two armed guards for two weeks after killing her husband.

"In the 1860s, an act of Congress mandated the compensation of widows of former and active Congressmen, Senators, Vice Presidents and Presidents. The mouth and duration was ratified by both Houses of Congress for each widow. Mary Todd Lincoln applied for her widowers compensation three times and was denied the mandated compensation three times by both Houses of Congress. An unknown benefactor paid for Mary's passage to Europe where she died in small cottage in Germany. In 1867, the Secret Service was founded so that drunken municipal law enforcement could not unwittingly participate with drug‑addicted First Ladies or Gentlemen in vengeful high‑brow killings of philandering Presidents of the United States. (To cover up the murders committed which would reflect a bad light for the presiding Administration, such as the Foster murder is doing at the present time).

"Before Booth jumped out of the balcony of the Presidential Box of the Ford Theater, he shouted at General Riley and his wife who were sitting to the right‑front of the Lincolns. Booth's words expressed his innocence but also sealed the fate of the Rileys. Within a week of the shooting, General Riley and his wife were packed off to an insane asylum where they both died of �unknown causes' within 30 days of being committed." (Pandora's Box, by Alex Christopher, pp. 282‑286)) was assassinated by John Wilkes Booth {A Jew}.

That the plot of Booth, involved not only the assassination of Lincoln, which was accomplished, but also the assassination on the same night of the Vice President, Andrew Johnson, of the Secretary of State, William H. Seward, and of General Ulysses S. Grant. Seward, who was ill at his home, was stabbed, as was also his son, Frederick Seward, by David E. Herold {A Jew}, a co‑conspirator with Booth, who was hanged.

Vice President Johnson escaped injury, but George A. Atzerodt {also a Jew} was hanged for conspiring with Booth to kill him. General Grant, who was to have attended the theater with Lincoln that night, due to an unexpected departure for Burlington, New Jersey, was unharmed.

"John Booth, A Jewish silversmith whose ancestors had been exiled from Portugal because of their radical political views. In London the refugees had continued their trade and free thinking, and John had married Wilkes' cousin. This Wilkes was the �celebrated agitator John Wilkes of Westminster, London...John Wilkes Booth's father was Junius Brutus Booth."� (The Mad Booths of Maryland)

Our American school children have been taught that the Civil War was fought over the slavery problem, but this was only a surface issue to hide the intrigue of the Great Red Dragon to foment one side against the other.

After thousands of our choice White Israel sons, our Great God stopped the slaughter of the Dragon: By the Intervention of the Czar of Russia, who God sent to our National Rescue, but unknown to most Americans.

Division of U.S. Plotted in London

Disraeli, the late Jewish Prime Minister of England, determined to divide the United States and give one part to Lionel {Rothschild}. Thus the North would become a British Colony annexed to Canada. The South would go to Napoleon {Rothschild}. In the year 1857, the money power of old Europe was centered in the House of Rothschild. Disraeli represented them in England; Napoleon III in France; Bismarck in Germany and Mazzini in Italy.

According to Mr. John Reeves, who wrote on page 228, of an authorized biography entitled "The Rothschilds, The Financial Rulers of Nations," based on research in their own archives, there was a famous meeting in the City of London in 1857. The great Rothschild family was assembled from the countries of Europe for the marriage of Lionel Rothschild's daughter, Leonora, to her cousin, Alphonse, son of James Rothschild of Paris.

It was at this time Disraeli is reported to have said: "Under this roof are the heads of the family of Rothschild; a name famous in every capital of Europe and every division of the globe. If you like, we shall divide the United States into two parts, one for you, James, and one for you, Lionel. Napoleon will do exactly and all that I shall advise him."

Thus, in London, we see a plan fostered by the money power of Europe, moving in on America, and pitting the North against the South under the old principle of "divide and conquer." This has always been the Jewish plan to destroy nations which are dangerous to their plans for world conquest, to divide and conquer. Germany is a prime example, as it was divided after World War II.

Remember that the Civil War with all of its suffering, blood shed and death was calmly planned and blueprinted by the Satanic Rothschild bankers in Europe and in conjunction with their agents who control the Catholic Church from behind the scenes, in 1857. The Rothschild, Jewish, Zionist triumvirate in obedience to their Bilderberger comrades did the same with World Wars I and II, Korea and Vietnam.

Intervention of the Czar of Russia Saved the United States

Disraeli and the Catholic Church had already assured the Confederacy of Britain's support. However, this was not to help the South; it was to crush both the North and the South and to conquer and possess both. As a result, English, French and Spanish troops were landed at Vera Cruz in 1862.

The French General, Bazaine, occupied the capitol of Mexico at the time. So Napoleon was ready to strike and help divide and destroy the United States. The danger was great. The situation looked hopeless. Understanding the situation Lincoln spent long nights in humble prayer to Almighty God. He knew the North, alone, could not withstand such a combination. Moreover, Archduke Maximilian had been induced to accept the throne of Mexico.

���� But God stepped in! Fortunately God in His wisdom exposed this Satanic plot to the Christian Czar of Russia through his Ambassadors in Paris and London; who upon learning of the Rothschild ‑ Disraeli ‑ Catholic ‑ Napoleonic plot immediately dispatched a fleet of ships and men to San Francisco under the command of Admiral S. Lesowsky.

He also rushed a squadron to New York to New York under the command of Admiral A.A. Popoff. Both Admirals had orders from the Czar to be ready to fight any power {nation} on earth, and To take their orders directly from President Abraham Lincoln; and Him Alone. Needless to say, this quick, generous and vigorous action saved the United States from the intrigue of the International Jewish Bankers. So James Rothschild was left without Mexico and the Southern States, and Lionel could not capture the North through military measures.

But the European Machevillis were determined on financial conquest, if not actual slavery. At the same time, this great and good Christian Czar, who, as the servant of Almighty God and by His Power, saved the United States, lovingly and voluntarily emancipated 47 million serfs on September 19, 1861, and Translated the Entire Bible into the Russian language.

For his courageous and benevolent acts, he was murdered by the Atheistic, God‑hating, one‑world, Jewish bankers in 1881. He was another casualty in the conflict of the ages. The conflict between right and wrong, light and darkness, good and evil, Christ and anti‑Christ, God and Satan. The same devils murdered Lincoln on April 4, 1865. The history books lie about why Booth killed Lincoln. Coded messages in Booth's trunk and the key to these codes in Judah P. Benjamin's possession proved that Lincoln; Was Murdered by Orders from the Jewish Rothschild Bankers. Their successors are still doing the same today.

Our childrens' history textbooks continue to teach that the American Civil War was fought over the Slavery issue. But if we look behind the scenes we will find that the "slave question" was but the surface issue. Below the surface ran a current of intrigue that ended with the assassination of Abraham Lincoln because he was determined that the United States was to be free from the bondage of the International Jewish Bankers. The part the Catholic Church through the Jesuits has already been presented. Now we will present the "Rest of The Story." In 1857, the Rothschild Illuminati bankers ruled Europe.


Ft. Sumter bombarded; First Battle of Bull Run; 1862: Battles of Ft. Henry and Ft. Donelson; Battle of Shiloh; New Orleans surrenders to the Union; Seven Days' Battles; Battle of Antietam; 1863:Battle of Gettysburg; Vicksburg falls to Grant; 1864: Grant's wilderness Campaign; Sherman's March to the Sea; 1865: Petersburg falls to the North; Richmond falls to the Union; Lee Surrenders to Grant; President Lincoln assassinated.

"At that moment another member of the Jewish race was rising to power in Great Britain. Benjamin Disraeli was rapidly advancing to the primacy of the British Cabinet, the same height to which his Secession compatriot reached in the Confederacy at an earlier day."

The Jews from the North were a serious problem to the Union side during the Civil War. On page 330 of Series One, Vol. XVII, Part II, of the Official Records of the Union and Confederate Armies, we find a communication from Major General U.S. Grant to Major General Hurlburt, then stationed at Jackson, Tennessee. Writing at La Grange, Tennessee, on November 9, 1862, General Grant said: "Refuse all permits to come south of Jackson for the present. The Israelites especially should be kept out..." Again on November 10, 1862, this time to General Webster at Jackson, Grant wrote: "Give orders to all the conductors on the road that no Jews are to be permitted to travel on the railroad from any point. They may go north and be encouraged in it; but they are such an intolerable nuisance that the department must be purged of them."

Then writing on December 7, 1862, from Headquarters of the Thirteenth Army Corps at Oxford, Mississippi, to the Assistant Secretary of War, C.P. Wolcott, General Grant said: "I have long since believed that in spite of all the vigilance that can be infused into post commanders, the specie regulations of the Treasury Department have been violated, and mostly by Jews and other unprincipled traders. So well satisfied have I been of this that I instructed the commanding officer at Columbus to refuse all permits to Jews to come South, and I have frequently had them expelled from the department, but they come in with their carpet‑sacks in spite of all that can be done to prevent it. The Jews seem to be a privileged class that can travel anywhere. They will land at any wood yard on the river and make their way through the country. If not permitted to buy cotton themselves they will act as agents for someone else, who will be at a military post with a Treasury permit to receive cotton and pay for it in Treasury notes, which the Jew will buy up at an agreed rate, paying gold."

General Grant, a patient and tolerant individual, finally lost his patience. He issued General Order No. 11, as Commander of the 13th Army Corps, Department of the Tennessee: "The Jews, as a class violating every regulation of trade established by the Treasury Department and also department orders, are hereby expelled from the Department within twenty‑four hours from the receipt of this order.

"Post commanders will see that all of this class of people be furnished passes and required to leave, and any one returning after such notification will be arrested and held in confinement until an opportunity occurs of sending them out as prisoners, unless furnished with permit from headquarters. No passes will be given these people to visit trade headquarters for the purpose of making personal application for trade permits. By order of Maj. Gen. U.S. Grant: JNO. A. RAWLINS, Assistant Adjutant‑General."

The Jews, of course, protested and were influential enough even at that time and in the face of the orders of a respected Corps Commander, to make their protest effective. On January 4, 1863, the General‑in‑Chief, H.W. Halleck, addressed General Grant as follows: "A paper purporting to be General Order No. 11, issued by you December 17, has been presented here. By its terms it expels all Jews from your department. If such an order has been issued, it will be immediately revoked."

There was nothing for Grant to do but obey, and on January 7, 1863, he revoked his order expelling the Jews from his department. At the same time other Union generals were complaining of the Jews. "To Maj. General John A. McClernand: "The cotton speculators are quite clamorous for aid in getting their cotton away from Middleburg, Hickory Valley, etc., and offer to pay liberally for the service. I think I can bring it away with safety, and make it pay to the Government. As some of the Jew owners have as good as stolen the cotton from the planters, I have no conscientious scruples in making them pay liberally to take it away. L.F. Ross, Brigadier General." In a letter written from Memphis, July 30, 1862, General W.T. Sherman said, in part: "I found os many Jews and speculators here trading in cotton, and secessionists had become so open in refusing anything but gold, that I have felt myself bound to stop it. The gold can have but one use, the purchase of arms and ammunition...Of course, I have respected all permits by yourself or the Secretary but in these new cases (swarms of Jews) I have stopped it."

Booth's Code Found in Benjamin Trunk

The good Czar, after several unsuccessful attempts on his life, was murdered in 1881. Lincoln was murdered in 1865, on April 4th, by an actor, John Wilkes Booth, in whose trunk was found coded messages the key to which was found in Judah P. Benjamin's possession. Benjamin escaped to England where he later died. The Czar, Alexander II, had been responsible on September 19, 1861, by imperial decree, for emancipating the Russian serfs, in number over 47‑million. Serfdom in Russia was ended by the stroke of a pen. But in the United States, it took billions of dollars and oceans of blood to free three million, not serfs, but slaves, because of an infamous plot of English and European Jewish money lords.


"Under this roof are the heads of the family of Rothschild; a name famous in every capital of Europe and every division of the globe. If you like, we shall divide the United States into two parts, one for you, James [Rothschild], and one for you, Lionel [Rothschild]. Napoleon will do exactly and all that I shall advise him." (Reported to have been the comments of Disraeli at the marriage of Lionel Rothschild's daughter, Leonora, to her cousin, Alphonse, son of James Rothschild of Paris) So America had its Civil War.


Lincoln signs the U.S. Treasury Act on February 25, declaring U.S. Treasury notes legal tender, and providing for a bond issue of $500,000,000 at 5.20 percent to finance the war. The interest is to be paid in coin obtained by a duty on imports. The use of greenbacks is mandatory. The Act makes it illegal for citizens to use specie; gold and silver coin, in their transactions. Guess where the gold went.

J.W. Seligman & Co. are the chief underwriters of U.S. Treasury bonds. They are also leading syndicators for the stock and bond issues needed to finance the massive railroad construction and wartime industrial expansion.

In Germany, Moses Hess (1812‑1875) writes Rome and Jerusalem, [i.e. America and Israel] an early argument for the establishment of a Jewish state in Palestine.

In the shifting line of battle through Tennessee and Mississippi, Memphis becomes the hub of the black market trade in cotton, a traffic that was carried on throughout the entire area penetrated by the Union army. Virtually every report on the black market made specific mention of Jewish traders. On Dec. 17 General Grant issues his Order No. 11, denouncing Jewish "cotton speculators" and other war‑profiteers.

Lincoln issues the Emancipation Proclamation. It only applies to Negroes in the rebellious states, but Negroes in Norfolk and Portsmouth, Virginia, and New Orleans in Louisiana; Southern ports recently captured by the Union, are exempted. They are obviously needed as dock labor and stooges to pack the stolen contraband being looted out of the South. Any war‑profiteering interest here?

Moses Hess publishes Rom und Jerusalem (Zionism). Grant's General Order No. 11; first Jewish military chaplain.

"Slavery is likely to be abolished by the war power and chattel slavery destroyed. This, I and my [Jewish] European friends are glad of, for slavery is but the owning of labor and carries with it the care of the laborers, while the European plan, led by England, is that capital shall control labor by controlling wages. This can be done by controlling the money. The great debt that capitalists will see to it is made out of the war, must be used as a means to control the volume of money. To accomplish this, the bonds must be used as a banking basis. We are now awaiting for the Secretary of the Treasury to make his recommendation to Congress. It will not do to allow the greenback, as it is called, to circulate as money any length of time, as we cannot control that." (Hazard Circular, issued by the Rothschild controlled Bank of England, 1862)

US General Ulysses S. Grant issues an order expelling Jews from several states, due to certain negative activity by them. Jews complain (as usual, everywhere and always) to President Lincoln, who reverses the order.


In 1863, Lincoln instituted martial law and ordered that the states (people) either conscribe troops and provide money in support of the North or be recognized as and enemy of the nation; this martial law Act of Congress is still in effect today‑what it means is that the President has dictatorial authority to do anything that can be done by the government in accord with the Constitution of the United States of America.� This is the foundation of Presidential Executive Orders.

(July) Emancipation of Swiss Jews. Society for the Promotion of Culture among the Jews of Russia founded (Russia & Poland). Death of Gabriel Riesser in Germany. President Abraham Lincoln abolishes slavery in United States. "Dear Sirs: A. Mr. John Sherman has written us from a town in Ohio, U.S.A., as to the profits that may be made in the National Banking business under a recent act of your Congress, (National Bank Act of 1863) a copy of which act accompanied his letter. Apparently this act has been drawn upon the plan formulated here last summer by the British Bankers Association and by that Association recommended to our American friends as one that if enacted into law, would prove highly profitable to the banking fraternity throughout the world.

"Mr. Sherman declares that there has never before been such an opportunity for capitalists to accumulate money, as that presented by this act and that the old plan, of State Banks is so unpopular, that the new scheme will, by contrast, be most favorably regarded, notwithstanding the fact that it gives the national Banks an almost absolute control of the National finance.

"The few who can understand the system,' he says �will either be so interested in its profits, or so dependent on its favors, that there will be no opposition from that class, while on the other hand, the great body of people, mentally incapable of comprehending the tremendous advantages that capital derives from the system, will bear its burdens without even suspecting that the system is inimical to their interests.' Please advise us fully as to this matter and also state whether or not you will be of assistance to us, if we conclude to establish a National Bank in the City of New York...Awaiting your reply, we are." (Rothschild Brothers. London, June 25, 1863.� Famous Quotes On Money)

A short history of the United States since the first Jew was elected President, and almost each and everyone of them can be laid at the feet of the Jews and the International Jewish Bankers.

1). With the election of the Jew Abraham Lincoln, we had the Civil War;

2). With the election of the Jew Theodore Roosevelt, we had the Spanish‑American War.

Abolitionist leader George Luther Sterns recruits and equips the 54th Massachusetts Infantry, the first Negro regiment in the Union army. He is appointed Assistant Adjutant‑general for the Recruitment of Colored Troops.

Solomon Gump arrives in San Francisco to work in his brother's mirror shop. He builds Gump & Co. into the leading luxury importers, catering to the nouveau riche of the California Gold Rush. How much of this finery was pillage from the South?


Polish revolution.


Jews admitted to the bar (Russia & Poland). Death of Samuel David Luzzatto (Italy). "...[We] must stop these swarms of Jews who are trading, bartering and robbing." (General William Sherman)

The highest‑ranking of eight Jewish generals in the Union Army, Hungarian‑born Major General Frederick Kneffler rides with Sherman on his rampage through Georgia and the Carolinas. With a remarkably undistinguished battlefield record to account for his high rank, Kneffler's responsibilities were surely in non‑military affairs.


Jewish craftsmen permitted to live outside the Pale (Russia & Poland). Death of Solomon Munk (France). Death of Isaac Noah Mannheimer (Austria‑Hungary). U.S. Civil War ends; President Lincoln is assassinated.

"If this mischievous financial policy [the United States Government issuing interest‑free and debt‑free money] which had its origin in the North American Republic during the war (1861‑65) should become indurated down to a fixture, then that Government will furnish its money without cost. It will pay off its debts and be without a debt. It will have all the money necessary to carry on its commerce. It will become prosperous beyond precedent in the history of civilized governments of the world. The brains and the wealth of all countries will go to North America. That government must be destroyed or it will destroy every Monarch on the globe!" (London Times Editorial, 1865)

�"How then was it that this Government [American], several years after the war was over, found itself owing in London and Wall Street several hundred million dollars to men who never fought a battle, who never made a uniform, never furnished a pound of bread, who never did an honest day's work in all their lives?...The facts is, that billions owned by the sweat, tears and blood of American laborers have been poured into the coffers of these en for absolutely nothing. This �sacred war debt' was only a gigantic scheme of fraud, concocted by European capitalists and enacted into American laws by the aid of American Congressmen, who were their paid hirelings or their ignorant dupes. That this crime has remained uncovered is due to the power of prejudice which seldom permits the victim to see clearly or reason correctly: �The money power prolongs its reign by working on prejudices. �Lincoln said." (Mary E. Hobard, The Secrets of the Rothschilds)

There are now about 4,000 Jews in San Francisco, monopolizing the clothing, fur and dry goods trade, especially jewelry, crockery, shoes and soap. Virtually all of the merchants in the city are Jews.

The 13th Amendment is illegally "ratified." The Confederacy is defeated, martial law continues under Lincoln and Johnson.


Rumanian constitution, clause 7, makes all Rumanian Jews �aliens.' Austro‑Prussian War.

Tsar Alexander II puts restrictions on Jews and forbids them from holding Government positions. The Jews make their first Assassination attempt on Tsar Alexander II.

Negro race riots occur in Memphis, New Orleans and 3 other Southern cities; interestingly, these cities are all hubs in the black market of looted goods.

The Ku Klux Klan is organized on May 6 in Pulaski, Tennessee. Interestingly, Judah P. Benjamin, the former Confederate leader who has meanwhile fled to England (back under the Rothschild skirts, where he becomes a prominent barrister), later borrows money which he donates to the Klan; in a strangely convoluted transaction. Was he trying to buy his way in, or somehow set a hook? If so, he failed.


United States acquires Alaska from Russia; Dominion of Canada is established.

The radical Republican Congress passes three bills over President Andrew Johnson's veto. All whites who had in any way supported the Confederacy were disfranchised, the reconstruction governments created under Lincoln and Johnson's plans were abolished and martial law reinstated. Puppet governments are set up by the Freedmen's Bureau, with the aid of military governors and the Union League; Negro militia roam at will; only Negroes, carpetbaggers and scallywags are allowed to vote or to hold office.

The firm Kuhn, Netter, Loeb and Wolff, "Bankers and Brokers," open shop in New York, discounting and reselling the promissory notes of merchants and small businessmen, financing the trade in pawned and looted goods. Later become Kuhn, Loeb & Company.

Radical Republican Congress secures its control over the Army of Occupation by passing the Tenure in Office Act (requiring 2/3 Senate vote to remove a Cabinet official) to protect Secretary of War Edwin Stanton, who had cooperated with the Union League and the Radical Reconstructionists. The Congress also passes the Command of the Army Act, and threatens the Supreme Court with disbandment should they interfere. The Supreme Court relinquishes jurisdiction over all Reconstruction cases.


Death of Abraham Mapu (Russia & Poland). Death of Solomon Munk in France. Constitution abolishes Jewish disabilities; Death of Solomon Judah Rapoport (Austria‑Hungary). Jews permitted to return to Spain. The law of the North German Federation of July 3 decrees that no state shall retain restrictions on the ground of religious belief.


Japan ends 700‑year shogun rule, begins modernization.

The Fourteenth Amendment is illegally "ratified."


General Congress of Hungarian Jews (Austria‑Hungary).


Philadelphia Conference (America). (March) Thirteen hundred and sixty Jews expelled from districts of Falciu and Vaslui, Rumania. Mikveh Israel founded (Palestine). United Synagogue founded in England. Adolphe Cremieux minister of justice; Jews of Algeria granted French citizenship (France). Ghetto of Rome abolished end of Jewish disabilities in Italy. Unification of Italy.


Alliance Israelite Universelle, started in Paris to defend the civil rights of Jews worldwide, establishes an agricultural school, Mikveh Israel, near Jaffa in Palestine.

The Fifteenth Amendment is illegally "ratified."


The District of Columbia Organic Act of 1871 created a private corporation (hereinafter "Corp. U.S.") owned and operated by the actual government for the purpose of carrying out the business needs of the government under martial law. This was done under the� constitutional authority for Congress to pass any law within the ten mile square of Washington, District of Columbia.

In said Act, Corp. U.S. adopted their own constitution (United States Constitution), which was identical to the national Constitution (Constitution of the United States of America) except that it was missing the national constitution's 13th Amendment and the national constitution's 13th, 14th and 15th amendments are respectively numbered 14th, 15th and 16th amendments in their constitution.

Pogrom in Odessa (Russia & Poland). Unification of Germany. Anglo‑Jewish Association founded (England). Constitution abolishes Jewish disabilities (Germany). A Rohling publishes his anti‑Semitic Der Talmudjude (Austria‑Hungary). Adolph Lewisohn, who had come to America in 1867, meets Thomas Edison and perceives the importance of copper. Lewisohn and his brother buy a copper mine in Butte, Montana, for $75,000; April 19, 1871: Declaration of the Commune of Paris: "...the communal revolution started with the popular initiative of March 18, inaugurates one new era of experimental, positive, scientific policy. It is the end of the old governmental and clerical world, militarism, officialism, the exploitation, agitation, the monopolies, of the privileges, to which the proletariat owes its serfdom, the fatherland its misfortunes and its disasters. We, citizens of Paris, we have the mission of achieving the modern revolution, broadest and most fertile of all those which illuminated the history. We have the duty to fight and overcome! "


Hochschule fuer die Wissenschaft des Judentums opened at Berlin, Germany. Israelitische Ailiance founded in Vienna (Austria‑Hungary).


Attacks on Jews in Rumania.


Union of American Hebrew Congregations established (America). Rabbinical Seminary opened in Berlin, Germany.

Leopold Damrosch, choral director of the Temple Emanu‑El, founds the New York Symphonic Society, predecessor of the New York Philharmonic. He becomes principal conductor of the newly‑formed Metropolitan Opera.


Death of Zevi Hirsch Kalischer (Zionism). Death of Abraham Geiger (Germany).


Publication of George Eliot's Daniel Deronda (England).


Hebrew Union college opened in Cincinnati (America). Death of Zacharias Frankel (Germany).


(July 28) E. Lasker procures the passing of the �Austrittgesetz,' permitting Jews to change their congregation.

Heinrich Graetz completes Geschichte der Juden; Goldfaden established Yiddish Theater in Rumania. Orthodox Jews permitted to found independent congregation in Prussia (Germany).

"The division of the United States into two federations of equal rank was decided long before the Civil War by the High Financial Powers of Europe." (Bismarck, 1876)

"I fear the Jewish banks with their craftiness and tortuous tricks will entirely control the exuberant riches of America. And use it to systematically corrupt modern civilization. The Jews will not hesitate to plunge the whole of Christendom into wars and chaos that the earth should become their inheritance." (Bismarck)

Felix Adler, brother‑in‑law to Louis Brandeis, founds the Society for Ethical Culture, funded by John D. Rockefeller. This is the beginning of the Humanist movement organized as a church (and a university).

It soon jumps back to Britain. Meanwhile, in America, virtually all of the Society's board members are Jews. Spin‑off organizations will include the NAACP, the ACLU, the Congress of Racial Equality (CORE) and the Anti‑Imperialist League.


The last elements of the Ku Klux Klan are disbanded as a result of the Compromise of 1877. Among the conditions of disbandment are passage of Posse Comitatus, barring the military from ever enforcing civil law again. Reconstruction and military occupation are officially ended, and South Carolina, Louisiana and Florida are at last readmitted to the Union.


Rabbinical seminary in Budapest opened (Austria‑Hungary). (July 13) The Berlin Congress inserts clause 44, that distinction of religion shall not be a bar to civil and political rights in Rumania. Petah Tikvah founded; Death of Judah Alkalai (Palestine). Death of Baron Yozel Guenzburg (Russia & Poland). Congress of Berlin. Beginning of the political anti‑Semitic movement in Berlin (A. Stoecker) (Germany).


Methodist minister William E. Blackstone publishes Jesus is Coming, an exposition of the widespread "dispensationalist pre‑millennialist" Christian teaching that the Jews must return to the Holy Land before Jesus' Second Coming can occur. Christian fundamentalists unwittingly embrace the Zionist cause.


Second Attempt to murder Tsar Alexander II


Citizenship granted to a number of Jews as individuals; Death of Meir Leib Malbim (Rumania). Kutais blood libel (Russia & Poland). Death of David Einhorn (America). Anti‑Semitic articles by H. von Treitschke (Germany).


The Jewish population in America is now 210,000

(Nov. 20‑22) Debate in Prussian Diet on Kantorowicz incident.

"We shall drive the Christians into war by exploiting their national vanity and stupidity. They will then massacre each other, thus giving room for our own people." (Rabbi Reichorn, in Le Contemporain, July 1st, 1880)


Atrocities against Jews in South Russia. (April 25) Anti‑Semitic league in Germany presents petition with 255,000 signatures to Prince Bismarck. (April 27) Riot at Argenau. Ben‑Yehuda arrives in Palestine. Beginning of mass immigration from Eastern Europe (America). Czar Alexander II assassinated. Death of Benjamin Disraeli (England). Anti‑Semitic petition (Germany).

Jew Hesia Helfman blows up the Winter Palace, killing Tsar Alexander II Russia was now in Turmoil and needing money the Government approached the Rothschilds... In exchange for lifting all restrictions against Jews and signing a Franco‑Russian Pact they got their money. This allowed the Jews to get back into Governmental positions in Russia.

Czar Alexander II is assassinated by revolutionaries. This sets off a series of anti‑Jewish pogroms throughout the Pale of Settlement in Eastern Europe. A Jewish man named Grinevetsky assassinates Russian Czar Alexander II.

Thousands of Ashkenazim Jews from Eastern Europe begin flooding into the United States. By 1900, they will number 500,000 from just the past decade alone. By WWI, another 1,250,000 will have arrived in America. Unknown to most White Christians, many of these Jews will start or join Communist or leftist movements in the US. Many of these Jews were involved in radical political activity prior to their arrival in the US.

Upon the death of his son from leukemia, Baron Moritz de Hirsch, the richest Jew in the world next to Rothschild, devotes himself untiringly to the "welfare of his people," i.e. Zionism.


Pogroms sweeps southern Russia; beginning of mass emigration (Russia & Poland). (April 7) Disappearance of Esther Solymosi causes a trial on blood accusation at Tisza‑Esziar. (May 3) �May Laws' issued by General Ignatief confining the Jews in the Pale of Settlement to the towns. "May Laws" (Russia & Poland). Beginning of First Aliyah (Bilu); Rishon le‑Zion founded (Palestine).

Leon Pinsker publishes Autoemanzipation; Bilu organized in Russia (Zionism). Gompers a founder and president of A.F. of L.; first Yiddish play performed in N.Y. British occupation of Egypt. Death of Charles Netter (France). Tiszaesziar blood libel; Kadimah society founded at Vienna (Austria‑Hungary).


Joseph Pulitzer buys the New York World from Jay Gould, and transforms the paper into a hard‑hitting "populist" organ.

The massive emigration of East European Jews from the Pale of Settlement to the United States begins, financed by the United Jewish Philanthropies of Germany, Austria, France and Britain.


Beginning of Baron Edmond de Rothschild's help to Jewish settlements (Palestine). Germany introduces health insurance.

"The great ideal of Judaism is that the whole world shall be imbued with Jewish teachings, and that in a Universal Brotherhood of Nations; a greater Judaism, in fact; all the separate races and religions shall disappear." (Jewish World, February 9, 1883)

Emma Lazarus (1849‑1887) publishes The Jewish Problem, in which she calls for the establishment of an independent Jewish nationality in Palestine.


Leo Pinsker, of Odessa, leads the first known large Zionist movement, a movement to 1) give Jews a homeland; and 2) further Jewish imperialism. (This is slightly before Theodor Herzl becomes the more well‑known leader of Zionism as a movement.)

(March 7) Rumanian law prohibiting hawking puts 5,000 Jewish families out of employment. (July 9) Lord Rothschild takes his seat as first Jewish peer in the British House of Lords. Gederah founded (Palestine). Kattowitz conference of Hibbat Zion (Zionism).


The "Statue of Liberty Enlightening the World" is dedicated in New York harbor, a gift of France to the United States. Was this a "thank you" for taking in the Jews (and sparing France)? It holds a tablet bearing the inscription "1776" cradled in its arm, and Zionist Jewess Emma Lazarus' poem The New Colossus is engraved on its pedestal.

The National Education Association (NEA) is founded

"The Jew continues to monopolize money, and he loosens or strangles the throat of the state with the loosening or strengthening of his purse strings...He has empowered himself with the engines of the press, which he uses to batter at the foundations of society. He is at the bottom of...every enterprise that will demolish first of all thrones, afterwards the altar, afterwards civil law." (Hungarian composer Franz Liszt (1811‑1886) in Die Israeliten)

"For the last one hundred and fifty years, the history of the House of Rothschild has been to an amazing degree the backstage history of Western Europe...Because of their success in making loans not to individuals but to nations, they reaped huge profits...Someone once said that the wealth of Rothschild consists of the bankruptcy of nations." (Frederic Morton, The Rothschilds)


Pittsburg Conference of American Rabbis establishes a platform for Reform Judaism. Death of Perez Smolenskin (Russia & Poland). Pittsburgh Platform (America). Death of Moses Montefiore; Nathaniel de Rothschild raised to peerage (England). Expulsion of Russian refugees (Germany). Drumont publishes �La France Juive.' Jewish Theological Seminary opened in New York (America). E‑A. Drumont publishes his anti‑Semitic La France Juive (France). Death of Leopold Zunz (Germany).


(Feb. 28) Rumanian law excluding Jews from public service and from tobacco trade and from employment in retail trade. Small percentage of Jews admitted to high schools and universities (Russia & Poland). Druzgenik Conference of the Hovevei Zion (Zionism).

Lenin's Brother Alexander was executed for trying to kill Tsar Nicholas.


Jewish Publication Society of America established; United Hebrew Trades founded (America). Suez Canal Convention. Death of Samson Raphael Hirsch (Germany).

Isaac Magnin, an early employee of Solomon Gump, opens I. Magnin & Co., San Francisco's quality department store. Louis Sloss is another San Francisco department store tycoon, who becomes a silent partner in innumerable mercantile and real estate ventures.


(May 12) Rumanian law limiting number of Jewish factory hands to one‑third. Vilna Conference; Benei Moshe founded by Ahad Ha‑Am (Zionism). Central Conference of American Rabbis established; Rabbi Jacob Joseph arrives as "Chief Rabbi" of New York City. Death of Ludwig Philippson (Germany).

William Blackstone founds the American Messianic Fellowship (AMF), an organization of Christian Zionists.

The American Ethical Union is composed of all Ethical Culture Societies and Fellowships in the United States. The organization of the Felix Adler's humanist "New Age" church is nearly complete.


(Dec. 10) Guildhall meeting against persecution of Russian Jews by May Laws. Rehovot and Haderah founded (Palestine). Odessa Conference (Zionism). Death of Nathan Marcus Adler (England). Death of Solomon Sulzer (Austria‑Hungary).

Oscar Hammerstein, grandfather of the Broadway songwriter, constructs the Columbus Theater and hires vaudeville stars and popular amusements. He soon builds seven more theaters and the Manhattan Opera House.


The Indian Frontier Wars were fought from the beginning of the colonization of the American continent against the native American Indian tribes. As the population of the continent continued the settlers continued to press for more and more land which they subsequently took by force from the Indians. The Indians continued to be pushed into less and less space, frequently space unusable for crops or grazing. This the Indians resisted by force. While most know of the American West and the Indian wars there this war actually dated back to the time of the French and British colonization of the American Continent.

1492: Columbus meets the Tainto Indians; 1607: Jamestown settled; 1620: Puritans in Plymouth Colony; 1681: William Penn and the Indians; 1754‑1763: The French and Indian War; 1803‑1804: Louis and Clark Expedition; 1864: Sand Creek Massacre; 1861‑1865: The Civil War; 1865: Powder River Invasion; 1866: Congress passes the Civil rights Act ‑ Equal Rights for all (except Indians); 1866‑1867: Red Cloud's War; 1871‑1872: Cochise and the Apache guerrillas active; 1874: The War to Save the Buffalo (White Bear and Lone Wolf of the Kiowa); 1874‑1875: Red River Wars; 1875‑1876: the War for the Black Hills; 1876: Custer massacred at the Battle of the Little Big Horn; 1877: Crazy Horse assassinated; 1878: Exodus of the Cheyenne; 1880‑1886: Geronimo and the Apaches; 1887‑1890: Ghost Dance religion spreads; 1890: Battle of Wounded Knee.


Large number of immigrants from Russia (Palestine). (June 29) Blood accusation at Xanten. Expulsion from Moscow; Death of Leon Pinsker (Russia & Poland). Immigration to Argentina with help of Baron Maurice de Hirsch. Jewish Colonization Association (ICA) incorporated (England). Xanten blood libel; Death of Heinrich Graetz (Germany). Thirteen anti‑Semitic members enter Austrian Reichsrat.


The Society of the Elect and the Association of Helpers ‑ (also known as the "Secret Society,"), was created by Cecil Rhodes, Alfred Milner, William T. Stead, Reginald Baliol Brett, and Lord Esher, in London. Rhodes died in 1902, leaving the society, and his fortune, under the control of Milner, who established the Rhodes Scholar program. Good background here.

The Blackstone Memorial is issued, a document signed by 413 leading Christian politicians, businessmen and citizens, petitioning President Harrison and Secretary Blaine to intercede with Queen Victoria of England, Czar Alexander III of Russia and Sultan Abdul Hamid II of Turkey to hold an international conference aimed at establishing a Jewish homeland in Palestine. The plea is rejected by the Diaspora Jews!

Jurisdiction over U.S. immigration is transferred from state to federal officials.

Cyrus Scofield submits his notes for a Bible Concordance to members of the New York Lotus Club for funding. His offer is accepted by Samuel Untermayer and other prominent Zionist financiers.

Jacob Kaufmann, a Pittsburgh merchant, opens the first "emporium", or department store in the city.


Jewish Colonization Association founded by Baron de Hirsch. Death of Judah Leib Gordon (Russia & Poland).

The New York College for the Training of Teachers receives its permanent charter as Columbia's Teacher's College.


(Jan. 14) Rumanian law prohibiting Jews from being employed in public medical department. Death of Naphtali Zevi Judah Berlin (Russia & Poland). Death of Adolphe Franck (France). Fifteen anti‑Semites elected to the Reichstag; Central‑Verein Deutscher Staatsbuerger Juedischen Glaubens founded (Germany). Death of Adolf Jellinek (Austria‑Hungary).

Florenz Zigfeld embarks on his career at the World's Columbian Exposition by importing acts from Europe for the main production.


Dreyfus Affair. Dreyfus' trial (France). The French, Jewish military captain Alfred Dreyfus, of the infamous "Dreyfus Affair," is arrested and accused of spying/high treason, and is convicted. A retrial is forced by the public outcry of a well‑known leftist writer; Dreyfus is later cleared of the charges, rightly or wrongly.

"Jew storekeepers have already learned the advantage to be gained from this [unlimited credit]: they lead on the farmer into irretrievable indebtedness, and keep him ever after as their bondslave hopelessly grinding in the mill." (Across the Plains, by Scottish writer Robert Louis Stevenson, 1850‑1894)


Capt. Alfred Dreyfus condemned and degraded as a spy and deported to Devil's Isle, Cayenne. Anti‑Semitic League organized (Rumania).

Aaron Nusbaum purchases a 50% stake in Sears, Roebuck & Company for $75,000. He later sells his interest to Julius Rosenwald, his brother‑in‑law, who completes the takeover with help of his boyhood friend, Henry Goldman of Goldman, Sachs & Co.

Rosa Sonneschein (1847‑1932) founds the first English‑language feminist journal in the United States.


In response to the Dreyfus Affair, Theodor Herzl (1860‑1904) writes The Jewish State: An Attempt at a Modern Solution of the Jewish Question, the publication marking the beginning of political Zionism. When Theodor Herzl published "The Jewish State." It became the Zionists' bible. The following exact quotes are from Herzl's book:

A). "When we sink, we become a revolutionary proletariat, the subordinate officers of all revolutionary parties, at the same time, when we rise, there rises also our terrible power of the purse." (p. 10)

B). "...the longer Anti‑Semitism lies in abeyance the more fiercely will it break out." (p. 4)

C). "Universal brotherhood is not even a beautiful dream. Antagonism is essential to man's greatest efforts." (p. 42)

Adolph Ochs, backed by August Belmont and J.P. Morgan, buys the New York Times.


The first Zionist Congress meets in either Munich or Switzerland (these claims vary) to discuss how to reclaim (in this case, steal) Palestine.

Lord Edmond Rothschild of London and Jacob H. Schiff of New York City, two of the Elders of Zion, got Theodor Herzl (of Austria) to arrange for the World Zionist Congress at Basel, Switzerland; 197 delegates met there and laid out a plan of World Conquest with plans for a World Government. Herzl, founder of Zionism, in opening the meeting, raised his right hand and repeated an ancient oath of the Talmudists: "If I forget thee, O Jerusalem, may my right hand forget its cunning."

Herzl also said at this meeting: "We are one nation. We are neither American nor Russian Jews, but only Jews!" He also said: "With few exceptions that do not figure at all, the entire press of the world is in our hands."

Dr. Mandelstam said on August 29 at the opening of the Zionist Congress of 1897: "The Jews will use all their influence and power to prevent the rise and prosperity of other nations and are resolved to adhere to their historic hopes; i.e., to the conquest of world power." (Le Temps, Paris, September 3, 1897)

The Zionist Organization of America was organized in 1897 with Richard Gottheil of Columbia University as its first president, and Rabbi Steven Wise as the first secretary. Branches for women (Hadassah), and children (Young Judea) were soon organized. (Zionist Network, p. 32)

"The Nations will exhort to tranquility. They will be ready to sacrifice everything for peace, but we will not give them peace until they openly acknowledge our International Super‑Government, and with submissiveness." (Zionist Congress at Basle in 1897)

The First Zionist Congress was held in Basel Switzerland under the leadership of THEODOR HERZL. Zionism is the political arm of Judaism, and it was created to fulfill Jewish political ambitions ‑ which included the creation of a Jewish homeland. It is claimed Protocols of these meetings were kept, and these �Protocols' have been a source of trouble ever since. After Theodor Herzl organized the World Zionist Congress in Basel, Switzerland. In November of the same year, the thirteen New York Choveve Zion branches and other American Zionist cells are joined in the Federation of American Zionists.

Daniel DeLeon's Socialist Labor Party begins publishing Forverts. Within a decade, this will become the largest Yiddish newspaper in the world, eventually reaching a circulation of 200,000.

The Gerstles, traders of Alaskan furs, touch off the Klondike Gold Rush when one of their steamers returns to San Francisco with $750,000 in newly‑discovered Alaskan gold.


Herzl publishes Der Judenstaat (Zionism). Jews settle in Miami (America). Cairo Genizah discovered. Death of Baron Maurice de Hirsch (France). (Aug. 29‑31) First Zionist Congress at Basel, Herzl president (Zionist). Bund founded (Russia & Poland). Federation of American Zionists founded; Jewish Daily Forward begins publication.


Dr. Mandelstam, professor of the University of Kiev, Russia, at Basel Zionist Congress in 1898 said: "The Jews energetically reject the idea of fusion with the other nationalities and cling firmly to their historical hope, i.e., of world empire." (The Foundations of the Nineteenth Century, by H.S. Chamberlain, Vol. 1,p. 335. Also Democracy and World Domination, p. 221)

The Maine Bombing, 1898: February 15, 1898, an explosion destroyed the American battleship Maine in Havana Harbor and helped propel the United States into a war with Spain. The USS Maine that sultry Tuesday night contained 350 crew and officers. At 9:40 p.m. the ship's forward end abruptly lifted itself from the water. Along the pier, passers by could hear a rumbling explosion. Within seconds, another eruption; this one deafening and massive, splintered the bow, sending anything that wasn't battened down, and most that was, flying more than 200 feet into the air...In all, 266 of the 350 men aboard the Maine were� killed.

The American press was quick to point to an external explosion; a mine or torpedo, as the cause of the tragedy. An official U.S. investigation agreed. On April 25, 1898, Congress formally declared war on Spain. By summer's end, Spain had ceded Cuba, along with the Philippines, Puerto Rico and Guam, to the United States.

In 1976, Adm. Hyman Rickover of the U.S. Navy mounted yet another investigation into the cause of the Maine disaster. His team of experts found that the ship's demise was self‑inflicted, or the results of an enemy anarchist.

The Lewisohns merge their holdings with Rockefeller interests of Standard Oil to create United Metals Smelting Company, which controls 55% of the copper produced in the United States. They attempt to create a cartel by merging independent copper producers into their newly‑created subsidiary, American Smelting and Refining Company. John D. Rockefeller had overstepped his bounds and was about to be reprimanded.

Having made their first fortune investing in Colorado lead and silver mines after the Civil War, the Guggenheim family now controls nearly half of the world's copper supply. Their huge conglomerate now includes Colorado Smelting and Refining, Kennecott Copper, Nevada Consolidated, Esperanza Gold (Mexico) and Chile Copper (Chile). Led by Daniel Guggenheim, they dump vast stocks of lead on the market, forcing staggering losses on American Smelting and Refining, and buy up the stock at bargain prices. The Guggenheim empire will soon stretch from the Yukon to Mexico, Bolivia and Chile to Angola and the Congo. Henceforth, Mr. Rockefeller learned to stay on his leash.

Theodore Roosevelt, as Assistant Secretary of the Navy, jumps rank and issues the Order for Admiral Dewey to attack the Spanish Fleet in Manilla Bay. His "international banker" patrons are pleased, and a British fleet is standing‑by offshore to guarantee an American victory. Within three years Roosevelt will be made President. In the wake of this "Hispanic" War, the United States extends its "protection" to cover the former Spanish colonies, including Cuba (whose citizens will someday become "refugees" by the simple act of setting foot on our soil), Puerto Rico (to whom Congress will grant U.S. "citizenship" with the 1917 Jones‑Shafroth Act) and the Philippines (where a guerilla War will drag on for the next twenty years).

The Anti‑Imperialist League is founded by Villard and former Abolitionist leader William Lloyd Garrison. Organization is closely linked with the American Ethical Union. These Marxists quickly gain control of the Anti‑War faction, causing war resistance to become confused with radical socialist ideology. It is a brilliant political gambit! The Populists (Nationalists) are repulsed into the opposing Pro‑War Republican Party (which the Marxists had founded!); and this is handed‑over to the international "Capitalists"! This is the beginning of modern "Conservativism," where Nationalist sentiment is drowned out by business interest. Meanwhile, the Marxists who had left the Republican Party begin to infiltrate the (old Nationalist) Democratic Party, spearheaded by New York Jewish immigrants. These will become the "New Democrats." By the time Woodrow Wilson is elected President, both political parties have "flip‑flopped" into the hands of the international bankers.

(Oct.) Eleven thousand two hundred Jewish children refused admission to public schools in Rumania. Death of Samuel Mohilever (Russia & Poland). 2nd Zionist Congress (Zionism). Union of Orthodox Jewish Congregations founded in America. Emile Zola's J'accuse (France). War between Spain and United States is fought over Cuba; United States acquires Hawaiian Islands.

The Spanish‑American War was fought in 1898 against Spain. Cuba was a colony of Spain though unrest there continued for several years resulting in several revolts in the years between 188 to 1878. In 1895 a new revolt broke out. Most Americans at the time favored the rebels but two incidents caused this to break out in open war. One was the re‑printing in American newspapers of a comment made by Spain's minister to the U.S., describing President McKinley as a weak person and a cheap politician. The second incident came when the U.S. battleship Main was sunk in the harbor of Havana. At this point the U.S., tried to intervene in the conflict in Cuba and declared war on Spain.

February 1898: U.S.S. Main explodes in Havana Harbor; April 1898: U.S. Declares War on Spain; May 1898: Dewey defeats Spanish fleet in Manila; May 1898: U.S. blockades Santiago Harbor; July 1898: Battle of El Canay; July 1898: Battle of Kettle and San Juan Hills (Theodore Roosevelt and the Rough Riders); July 1898: U.S. destroys Spanish fleet at Santiago Harbor; July 1898: Puerto Rico seized by U.S. forces; August 1898: Manila surrenders to U.S. forces; August 1898: Spain formally surrenders; December 1899: Treaty of Paris.


(March 31) Rumanian law excluding Jews from agricultural and professional schools. (Sept. 2) Dreyfus condemned a second time, but �pardoned' on Sept. 19. 3rd Zionist Congress; Jewish Colonial Trust founded (Zionism). Dreyfus retried and pardoned in France. Death of Azriel Hildesheimer; H.S. Chamberlain's anti‑Semitic Die Grundiagen des Neunzehnten Jahrhunderts (Germany). Death of David Kaulmann; Hilsner Case (Austria‑Hungary).

Jews in American attempt to ban William Shakespeare's plays, and various Christian symbols, all over the US (Henry Ford documents this in his newspaper The Dearborn Independent). [Note: This persists to present day. Cf. December 2, 2001. Jews effectively ban Santa Claus from Kensington, Maryland. 100 Christian men protest by donning Santa suits; one man;'s Bill White, carries a sign that reads, "If Jews can ban Santa, why can't we ban Jews?"]

(Sept.) Mark Twain makes unflattering comments about Jews in his essay "Concerning the Jews" in Harper's Weekly Magazine.


Boer War.

1899 ‑ 1900

The Jews attempt to have the word "Christian" removed from the Bill of Rights of the State of Virginia.


The United States has a long history of experimentation, on unwitting human subjects, which goes back to the beginning of this century. Both private firms and the military have used unknowing human populations to test various theories. However, the extent to which human experimentation has been a part of the U.S. Biological Weapons programs will probably never be known. The following examples are taken from information declassified in 1977, and from other private source accounts. Several involve incidents which are still of unknown origins and which cannot be fully explained, following is a "Partial" List.

A U.S. doctor doing research in the Philippines infected of number of prisoners with the Plague. He continued his research by inducing Beriberi in another 29 prisoners. The experiments resulted in two known fatalities.

Theodor Herzl, the Zionist leader, went to see Abdul Hamid the Sultan of Turkey, to buy land for the Zionists in Palestine. When the Sultan said "no" he had a revolution on his hands. (Note later item in 1914)

Between 1900 and the outbreak of World War I (1914), the United States was flooded by large waves of immigration from Eastern Europe.

Baron Edmund de Rothschild (1854‑1934), scion of the French branch of the House of Rothschild, donates his Palestine colonies to the Jewish Colonization Association.

(circa) In San Francisco, Anthony and Isadore Zellerbach propel their small paper firm into a merger with Crown Willamette Paper Company, and ultimately into the world's second largest pulp and paper corporation. Aaron Fleishhacker creates the Golden Gate Paper Box Corporation, which will become the largest carton manufacturer in the West. By the turn of the century, immigrant Jews have become the senior figures in San Francisco's burgeoning economy, moving into the highest ranks of social and political life.

(Aug. 13‑16) Fourth Zionist Congress at London. (Sept. 8) Israeisky, accused of ritual murder at Konitz, acquitted. 4th Zionist Congress (Zionism). Death of I.M. Wise; I.L.G.W.U. founded (America). Konitz blood libel (Germany). Death of Elijah Benamozegh (Italy). Boxer Rebellion erupts in China, hundreds of Europeans are killed; England and Germany begin arms race.


Because President William McKinley refused to be a stooge for the International Bankers, he was killed by the Jewish Russian Zionist, Zolkozh. (Presidents Lincoln (on Good Friday) and Garfield had been previously murdered but a Jew named John Wilks Booth)

Doctor Leopold Kahn summed up these sentiments when speaking about Zionism in a Jewish school at Pozsony (Bratislava) in 1901: "Jews will never be assimilated and will never adopt the customs or morals of strangers. The Jew will remain a Jew under all circumstances." (World Conquerors, p. 21)

(Dec.) Rumanian law prohibiting Jews from holding saloons or stores in rural districts. 5th Zionist Congress; Jewish National Fund established (Zionism). S. Schechter goes to New York (America). Hilfsverein der Deutschen Juden founded (Germany).

The Jewish owned Social Democratic Herald, on September 14, 1901, characterized Negroes as "inferior...depraved elements' who went around �raping women and children.'"

In an article by the Jew Victor Berger, one of the national leaders of the Socialist Party, wrote, in the Social Democratic Herald: "There can be no doubt that the Negroes and Mulattos constitute a lower race."

Russian Minister of Education Bogolepov is killed by a Jewish assassin. Jewish Revolutionaries started assassinations against Russian Ministers. 6 had been murdered by 1906


Lenin joins Trotsky in Switzerland on Editorial Board of Zionist publication ISKRA. (The Spark; which was printed in Munich, Germany)

Kuhn Loeb & Co., was one of the founders and chief financiers of the Panama Canal Co.

Russian Minister of Interior Sipyagin killed by Jewish assassin.

John D. Rockefeller (a Jew), working with Baptist minister Frederick Taylor Gates, founds the General Education Board.

(March) Rumanian law prohibiting employment of Jewish working men. Mizrachi founded (Zionism). Jewish Religious Union founded (England). Boer War ends; England acquires South African states.


Dr. Simon Flexner, one of three busy brothers, became director of laboratories of the Rockefeller Institute. (American Mercury, November 1958, p. 105)

Bogdanovich, Governor of Ufa, killed by Jewish assassin.

At the Sixth Zionist Congress in 1903 at Basel, Switzerland, Dr. Max Nordan, an Elder of Zion said: "Theodor Herzl has considered it his duty in maintaining valuable relations with this great and progressive power (England). Herzl knows that we stand (in 1903) before a tremendous upheaval of the whole world. Soon, perhaps some kind of world congress will have to be called (That world congress was called in New York City, just recently. Can you see just how long this thing of world government or the New World Order has been planned?), and England, the great, free and powerful England, will then continue the work it has begun with its generous offer to the Sixth (Zionist) Congress in 1903.

"And if you ask me now what has Israel to do in Uganda, then...let me tell you the following words as if I were showing you the rungs of a ladder leading upward and upward: Herzl, the Zionist (1897) Congress, the English Uganda proration (1903), the future World War (1914‑1918; So here we see that the Jews had already laid the ground work for the First World War), the peace conference (1919‑1920) where with the help of England a free and Jewish Palestine will be created." (American Jewish News, New York, Vol. 4, No. 2, September 19, 1919. This speech was also printed in the Fascist (London) February, 1937. The same speech has been mentioned in a number of books, including Democracy and World Domination, p. 221, by Edwin D. Schoonmaker, Publisher, Richard R. Smith, New York City, 1939)

"Like a mighty thunder these last words came to us, and we all were trembling and awe‑struck as if we had seen a vision of old."

Speyer & Co., the Zionist banking house, gave Mexico a loan of 121/2 million dollars and secured all the oil concessions in Mexico. From then on intrigue dominated Mexico.

Pogrom in Kishinev (Russia & Poland). 6th Zionist Congress Uganda project (Zionism). Death of Moritz Lazarus (Germany). Panama, aided by U.S., secedes from Colombia.

The first attempt by the Jews to take over Russia failed.

Jews meet in Brussels to Unify Bolshevik Ideas


The Twentieth Century New Testament: At the beginning of the twentieth century, a modern English version of the New Testament was published on both sides of the Atlantic with the title "The Twentieth Century New Testament: A Translation into Modern English Made from the Original Greek (Wescott and Hort's Text). The introduction stated that it was the work of a "company of about twenty persons, members of various sections of the Christian Church." The translation, which was published anonymously, began to appear in 1898, coming out in three parts. In 1901 the parts were issued in a single volume by Horace Marshall of London, and in America by the Fleming H. Revell Company. This was identified as a "Tentative Edition," and criticisms and suggestion were welcome.


Weymouth's New Testament in Modern Speech: Richard Francis Weymouth (1822‑1902), a distinguished classical scholar, was a Baptist layman profoundly interested in the New Testament. In 1886 he published an edition of the Greek New Testament, presenting the text on which the majority of nineteenth‑century editors were in agreement. He called this edition "The Resultant Greek Testament" (London: James Clarke & Co.)


Kuhn Loeb & Co., (a Rothschild international banking firm) financed the war of Japan against Czarist Russia. (A planned revolution in Czarist Russia followed one year later; but it failed, because the Jews had not yet turned the people against the Czar) The Japanese destroyed the Russian navy in a surprise attack in undeclared war.

Chaim Weizmann commented as follows on Theodor Herzl's Judenstaat: "Four years ago World Jewry was divided into two camps: one on the east and one on the west. And when Herzl arrived and said to us that we must unite Eastern and Western Jewry, we carried out this order accordingly. Our unity today is Theodor Herzl's legacy to the Jewish people."

Theodor Herzl's Judenstaat states: "Wir sind efn Volk!"�� "We are one people!" And today this is the only unity existing in a world divided into two hemispheres. "We are one people despite the ostensible rifts, cracks and differences between the American and Soviet democracies. We are one people and it is not in our interests that the West should liberate the East, for in doing this and in liberating the enslaved nations, the West would enviably deprive Jewry of the Eastern half of its world power." (Chaim Weizmann statement in World Conquerors, p. 227)

International Workers of the World (IWW) starts promoting violence and trouble in U.S. Austrian‑born Felix Frankfurter who was later counsel for IWW anarchists.

Vaad ha‑Lashon organized; Habimah Theater founded; Jewish Telegraphic agency founded. Beginning of Second Aliyah (Palestine). Verband der deutschen Juden founded (Germany).

Russian Premier Von Plehve killed by Jewish assassin.

New York, Jewish banker Jacob Schiff loans Japan millions of dollars to help Japan defeat Russia in the Russia/Japan war. He also uses his financial connections to prevent Russia from getting loans, dooming the Romanov Empire, which has opposed Jews for many years. Kuhn, Loeb & Co. helps finance the Japanese in the Russo‑Japanese War. Russia is humiliated. Revenge is sweet to him who waits.

G. Stanley Hall (a Gentile) publishes his masterpiece: Adolescence: Its Psychology and Its Relations to Physiology, Anthropology, Sociology, Sex, Crime, Religion, and Education.

Theodore Roosevelt is delegated by the "international bankers" to "arbitrate" a treaty to end the Russo‑Japanese War. At the same time he also negotiates a reciprocal trade agreement with Japan.


Russo‑Japanese War is fought; Japan acquires Korea and Manchuria.


Czar's uncle, Grand Duke Sergei, killed by Jewish assassin.

Sidney Hillman (Schmoul Gilsman) was educated as a rabbi. (Who Was Who in America, Vol. II, p. 254)

Abortive Revolution in Russia failed. It was led by Sidney Hillman who later came to the U.S., to direct "world operations." Another leader in the same revolution was Leon Trotsky (Leiba Davidovitch Bronstein). During the revolution the Rothschilds helped finance, they had their termites in Russia destroy and sabotage the oil wells and refineries. It took many years to offset this tremendous sabotage. It handicapped Czarist Russia some years later when the "Planned World War I" started.

Intercollegiate Socialist Society formed. Felix Frankfurter was one of the founders.

Quoting from "The World at the Cross Roads, p. 76, by Boris Brasol: "According to the information of the London Jewish Chronicle, the contribution of international Jewry to the Russian revolutionary cause in 1905 reached the sum of �874,341. (Nearly $4,500,000 U.S. dollars)

No wonder that Mr. George von Longerke Meyer, United States Ambassador to Russia during the Russo‑Japanese War, stated in an official letter dated December 30, 1905, to Mr. Elihu Root, then U.S. Secretary of State that: "The Jews have undoubtedly to a large extent furnished the brains and energy in the revolution throughout Russia." Nevertheless, in 1905, the revolution financed by the Rothschilds and Jacob Schiff failed.

Pogroms mass emigration (Russia & Poland). Joseph Vitkin's Kol Kore; Ha‑Poel Ha‑Zair founded (Palestine). 7th Zionist Congress rejects Uganda project; Wolffsohn president (Zionism). Abortive revolution in Russia; separation of Church and State in France. Aliens Act; Herbert Samuel first Jewish cabinet minister in England. Death of Zadoc Kahn in France. Death of Isaac Hirsch Weiss (Austria‑Hungary).

The first copy of "The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion" surfaces in Russia; a year later in London. The Protocols are, it is claimed by many, to be the plans for Zionist World Domination. The Jews vehemently deny this and claim the Protocols are forgeries. But humans tend to act on their beliefs, not on facts. Millions of people world wide believe the Protocols were written by the Jews. Adolf Hitler and many of his party members had read the Protocols. You should read them too so you can judge for yourself!

Nicholas II introduced wide‑sweeping Land reforms, giving Land back to the Farmers but the Bolsheviks saw this as a bluff, so they started a Revolt with the Jew, Leon Trotsky (Lev Bronstein) as head of the group. The Revolution is put down by The Tsars troops. A copy of "The Protocols of the Elders of Zion" was recorded in the British Museum, in London. Jewish objectives as outlined in Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion:

1) Banish God from the heavens and Christianity from the earth.

2) Allow no private ownership of property or business.

3) Abolish marriage, family and home. Encourage sexual promiscuity, homosexuality, adultery, and fornication.

4) Completely destroy the sovereignty of all nations and every feeling or expression of patriotism.

5) Establish a one‑world government through which the Luciferian Illuminati elite can rule the world. All other objectives are secondary to this one supreme purpose.

6) Take the education of children completely away from the parents. Cunningly and subtly lead the people thinking that compulsory school attendance laws are absolutely necessary to prevent illiteracy and to prepare children for better positions and life's responsibilities.� Then after the children are forced to attend the schools get control of normal schools and teacher's colleges and also the writing and selection of all text books.

7) Take all prayer and Bible instruction out of the schools and introduce pornography, vulgarity, and courses in sex. If we can make one generation of any nation immoral and sexy, we can take that nation.

8) Completely destroy every thought of patriotism, national sovereignty, individualism, and a private competitive enterprise system.

9) Circulate vulgar, pornographic literature and pictures and encourage the unrestricted sale and general use of alcoholic beverage and drugs to weaken and corrupt the youth.

10) Foment, precipitate and finance large scale wars to emasculate and bankrupt the nations and thereby force them into a one‑world government.

11) Secretly infiltrate and control colleges, universities, labor unions, political parties, churches, patriotic organizations, and governments. These are direct quotes from their own writings. (The Conflict of the Ages, by Clemens Gaebelein pp. 100‑102)

12) The creation of a World Government.

"Only now, after the terrible has become possible to appreciate fully the accuracy of the information presented in the secret report of Count Lamsdorf, former Russian Foreign Minister, to Emperor Nicholas II, dated January 3, 1906, on the international aspect of the first revolutionary outbreak in Russia in 1905. Some of the passages in this report are so striking that we feel it necessary to quote them in extensio: �The events which took place in Russia during 1905, and which assumed especially acute forms at the beginning of October last, when after a series of strikes, they brought about an armed revolt in Moscow, and

many other towns and localities of the Empire, plainly indicate that the Russian revolutionary movement; apart from its deeper, internal, social‑economic and political causes, has also quite a definite international character...

"The most decisive indications which warrant this conclusion are given by the circumstances that the Russian revolutionaries are in possession of great quantities of arms which are imported from abroad, and of very considerable financial means, because there can be no doubt that the leaders of the revolution have already spent on our anti‑government movement, the organization of all sorts of strikes included, large amounts of money. Since, however, it must be acknowledged that such support given to the revolutionary movement by sending arms and money from abroad can hardly be ascribed to foreign governments (with very special exceptions, as, for instance, that of Sweden supporting the revolutionary movement in Finland, and of Austria which helped the Poles) one is bound to come to the conclusion that there are foreign capitalists' organizations which are interested in supporting our revolutionary movement. With this conclusion the fact must be confronted that the Russian revolutionary movement has the outspoken character of a movement of the heterogeneous nationalities of Russia which one after another, Armenians and Georgians, Letts and Esths, Finns, Poles and others, arose against the Imperial Government...

"If we add to the above, that, as has been proved beyond any doubt, a very considerable part among these heterogeneous nationalities is played by Jews, who, individually, as ringleaders in the other organizations, as well as through their own (the Jewish Bund in the Western Provinces), have always come forward as the most bellicose element of the revolution, we may feel entitled to assume that the above‑mentioned foreign support of the Russian revolutionary movement comes from Jewish capitalist circles.

"In this respect one must not ignore the following concurrences of facts which lead to further conclusions, namely, that the revolutionary movement is not only supported but also to a certain degree directed from abroad. On one hand, the strike broke out with special violence and spread all over Russia not before and not after October, that is, just at the time when our government tried to realize a considerable foreign loan without the participation of the Rothschilds and just in time for preventing the carrying out of this financial operation; the panic provoked among the buyers and holders of Russian loans could not fail to give additional advantages to the Jewish banks and capitalists who openly and knowingly speculated upon the fall of the Russian rates...

"Moreover, certain very significant facts, which were also mentioned in the press, quite confirm the obvious connection of the Russian revolutionary movement with the foreign Jewish organizations. Thus, for instance, the above‑mentioned importation of arms, which according to our agents' information was carried on from the European Continent through England can be duly appreciated if we take into consideration that already in June, 1905, a special Anglo‑Jewish committee of capitalists was openly established in England for the purpose of collecting money for arming fighting groups of Russian Jews, and that the well‑known anti‑Russian publicist, Lucien Wolf, was the leading member of this committee.

"On the other hand, in view of the fact that the sad consequences of the revolutionary propaganda affected the Jews themselves, another committee of Jewish capitalists was formed in England, under the leadership of Lord Rothschild, which collected considerable amounts of contributions in England, France and Germany for the officially alleged purpose of helping Russian Jews who suffered from pogroms. And lastly, the Jews in America, without thinking it necessary formally to distinguish between the two purposes, collect money for helping the pogrom sufferers and for arming the Jewish youth.'" (The World At The Cross Roads, Boris Brasol, pp. 73‑76).

Adolph Zukor, Morris Kohn and Marcus Loew begin building a chain of nickelodeons in Philadelphia, Newark and Boston, later to be transformed into the Loews Theaters. Samuel Zemurray purchases a bankrupt steamship company and departs for Honduras to start his first 5,000‑acre banana plantation.


Russian General Dubrassov killed by Jewish assassin.

Still another social movement, the largely fraudulent "psychoanalytic" movement (whose most famous figurehead is the Jewish Dr. Sigmund Freud), is completely Jewish (all 17 members of the movement are Jewish in 1906). Freud's bogus ideas, which included advocating sexual and personal freedom, are championed worldwide, with horrifying results.

In 1906, a dissolution suit was brought by the Attorney General, for the U.S. Government, against Rockefeller's Oil Company. The case was closed in 1908.� The U.S. Supreme Court ruled against the Rockefeller interest in May 1911 and fined them $29,000,000.

The State of Texas issued an injunction against the Rockefellers doing business in that state. William H. Allen's book, "Rockefeller: Giant, Dwarf, symbol" gives some of the details of the Rockefeller's prior questionable operations. When the Rockefellers maneuvered out of the find of $29 million, Federal Judge Landis, who conducted the government trial, bitterly commented:

"You can't convict a million dollars." (American Mercury, November 1958, p. 104)

From the beginning the Rockefellers were financed by the Kuhn Loeb & Co., and other Zionist bankers. The Rothschilds advised and guided the Rockefellers. They had a deal to dive the world petroleum markets. (Rothschilds and Rockefellers: Dedicated Monopolists, American Mercury, November 1958, p. 100)

In the Jewish Encyclopedia (1906), we read: "It (Schiff's firm) subscribed for and floated the large Japanese war loan in 1904‑1905." (The Alien Menace, p. 112)

The Rothschilds financed Alliance Israelite Universelle, published in Russia and elsewhere in 1907: "Capture the press! Through it everything will come to you in the natural course of events." (Adolphe Cromioux, Founder, Alliance Israelite Universelle, quoted from A. Shamakoff, Address in defense of T. Dokshin and others, p. 36. Moscow University Printing Office, 1907)

Pogroms; Po'alei Zion founded (Russia & Poland). Hebrew high school established in Jaffa; Bezalel founded in Palestine. Helsingfors program (Zionism). American Jewish Committee established. Jewish Encyclopedia completed. Dreyfus rehabilitated in France. Earthquake destroys much of San Francisco.

Russian Prime Minister Stolypin shot by the Jew Mordecai Bogrov

The Jewish Kehillah in New York City is formed together with the American Jewish Committee. The delegates at the first open meeting in 1906 represented 222 Jewish societies; religious, political, industrial and communal. Just over a year later the number of Jewish organizations under the jurisdiction of the Kehillah aggregated 688, and in 1921 well over 1,000. When the aggressive program of the Kehillah to make New York a Jewish city, and through New York to make the United States a Jewish country, was announced...

Oscar Straus (1850‑1926) is appointed Secretary of Commerce and Labor, with jurisdiction over the Department of Immigration and Naturalization, the first (known) professing Jew to hold a Cabinet appointment in the United States (excluding Judah P. Benjamin in the Confederacy).

Edward Lee Thorndike, a gentile, publishes The Principles of Teaching Based on Psychology.

Theodore Roosevelt, through the agency of Ambassador White at the Algeciras Conference on Morocco, aids the International Bankers in giving Morocco (which Spain had lost following the "Hispanic" War) to France, in return for her joining an alliance with Britain against Germany.

The Hellman family, owners of Wells Fargo Bank, and the Lilienthals, owners of the Anglo‑California Bank, help finance the reconstruction of San Francisco after the Great Earthquake.


Labor Zionist Organization of America; Poale Zion, was organized in the U.S., to shape labor activities.

"There was another great crisis when the Knickerbocker Trust failed because manipulators of the millionaire class wilfully created a run on the banks, from which they emerged incomparably more powerful, having bought up the stock of the ruined victims which held to resell at par. At the same time, the Steel trust was able to complete its absolute monopoly. Solomon Loeb, of Kuhn Loeb & Co., was a member of the Knickerbocker Trust." (Deadlier Than the H. Bomb, p. 45)

(May) National Geographic Magazine comments on the fact that Russian leftist revolutionaries are almost all Jewish.

8th Zionist Congress (Zionism).

London Bolshevik Congress, 312 Delegates. Most are Jews.

Dr. Harry F. Ward (a Gentile) organizes the Methodist Foundation of Social Services with funding from the Rockefeller Foundation. The Reverend Ward will later serve as head of the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU); from 1920 to 1940, and as co‑founder of the American League Against War and Fascism, which later changes its name to Communist Party of the United States.

Cyrus Scofield completes his Bible Concordance and presents his work to the Lotus Club for approval.

1906 ‑ 1907

The Jews of Oklahoma petition the Constitutional Convention protesting that the acknowledgment of Christ in the new State constitution then being formulated would be repugnant to the Constitution of the United States. The Jews force "The Merchant of Venice" to be dropped from public schools in Texas and Ohio.

1907 ‑ 1908

Widespread demand by the Jews for the complete secularization of the public institutions of this country, as a part of the demand of the Jews for their constitutional rights. Supreme Court Justice Brewer's statement that this is a Christian country widely controverted by Jewish rabbis and publications. Jews agitate in many cities against Bible reading. Christmas celebrations or carols in Philadelphia, Cincinnati, St. Paul and New York met with strong Jewish opposition.


Young Turk revolution.

The Socialists financed by the International Banking group, said they would, in the future, "bury the whole Capitalistic system."

On advice of the Rothschilds the Belgian Government acquires the Belgian Congo. Edward Seugier is sent there; to Elizabethtown. War, minerals and other reasons we mention later.

Abraham Flexner became education "expert" for the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching. (American Mercury, November 1958,p. 166)

The Federal Council of Churches of Christ was organized at the suggestion of the Rothschild, Rockefeller and Carnegie interests in it. Their Foundation later flow funds into it. 75 percent of its finances have come from sources outside of its church membership. Congregations don't vote. "Selected" delegates meet only once each four years.

During a heated Congressional investigation into white slavery The American Jewish Congress was formed. (International Jew, by Henry Ford, Sr., p. 96. During the years that followed, the AJC and FC of C were to work closely together on many projects against Christianity)

The United States (still under President Theodore Roosevelt) enters into reciprocal trade agreements with every nation in Europe except Germany.

The Methodist Foundation of Social Services changes its name to Federal Council of Churches.

1908 ‑ 1909

Protests made to Governor of Arkansas against "Christological expression" employed by him in his Thanksgiving Day proclamation.

Professor Gotthard Deutsch protests against "Christological prayers" at the high school graduating exercises at Cincinnati. Jewish community in Tamaqua, Pennsylvania, defeats resolutions providing daily Bible reading in schools.

Local Council of Jewish Women of Baltimore petitions school board to prohibit Christmas exercise. Boycotts were instituted in New York against merchants who opened on Saturday. Special efforts at this period to introduce the idea of the Jewish Sabbath into public business. Jews refused to sit as jurors in court, thus postponing case.


Walter Rathenau, Zionist, Financial Dictator of Germany, selected by the International Bankers after World War I in The Wierner Free Presse, December 25, 1909:

"Only 300 men, each of whom knows all the others, govern the fate of Europe. They elect their successors from their entourage. These Jews have the means in their hands of putting an end to the form of any State which they find unreasonable."

The Unseen Empire of Finance, a carefully documented research book by E. Alexander Powell, declared in The Saturday Evening Post, June 19, 1909:

"The European peoples are no longer under the Government of respective nations. They have passed under another scepter. They have become the subjects of another Power; a Power unseen, but felt in place as in cottage, in Russia as in Spain, by every parent and child, by every potentate and every laborer. No nation on the European continent has any longer an independence that is more than normal. The political autonomy of every one of them has been surrendered to the will of a despotism before which every kingdom and empire and republic fawns in the most abject subserviency." (Zionist Network, p. 6, by Senator Jack B. Tenney)

Death of Baron Horace Guenzburg (Russia & Poland). Deganyah founded; Ha‑Shomer organized; Tel Aviv founded in Palestine. England introduces old‑age pensions; assembly line production is introduced in Detroit.

The Jew Yevno Azev tried to assassinate Nicholas II, but was caught & executed

William Howard Taft is elected president. Theodore Roosevelt travels to England where he assures the Rothschilds that Taft will continue his trade and foreign policies, then he heads off on an African Safari with his "friends."

A group of New York entrepreneurs, under license of the Edison Company, form the Motion Picture Patents Company.

Laemmle Film Service is now one of the largest distributors of motion pictures.

Adolph Zukor produces Passion Play, a three‑reel film based on the Life of Christ. He soon joins with Daniel Frohman to form the Famous Players Film Company.

Cyrus Scofield's Bible Concordance is presented to the public, describing the Hebrew Prophecies as foretelling the coming of Christ's Kingdom and the Book of Esther as a "deliverance" of the Chosen People. It quickly becomes the standard reference work in Christian divinity schools.

Bernard Gimbel opens his flagship department store in New York. Macy's (Lazarus Straus & family), Bloomingdale's, Altman's and Abraham Straus stores are already well‑established; by this time, retail distribution has become a virtual Jewish monopoly.

NAACP is founded in America, mostly by Jews (and one mulatto named W.E.B. Dubois). Though most think of the NAACP as a black organization, its first three Presidents were Jewish: Noel Springarn, Arthur Springarn, and Kivie Kaplan. The name & face most associated with the NAACP in the 50s and 60s is that of black Roy Wilkins. Wilkins was the NAACP's central public figure, creating the illusion he was its leader, though in fact he was merely its national secretary. All of its Presidents were Jewish until the 1970s, when Benjamin Hooks became its first black President. Once a black finally made it to the Presidency, the public no longer heard much about the "national secretary." Point: Blacks did not foist the NAACP and its incessant whining and cultural extortion on white people, Jews did. Blacks played along, reaped benefits, and today take credit for its inauguration as a source of "black pride" either oblivious to or in denial of its Jewish roots.

Thomas Edison's film company sues the Jewish Warner Bros. for copyright violation, regarding their use of Edison's movie camera. They, and other Jews, eventually flee to Los Angeles and start, among others, Warner Bros. film company, using Edison's patented (and stolen) technology.

1909 ‑ 1910

On demand of the Jews, the school board of Bridgeport, Pennsylvania, votes to discontinue the recitation of the Lord's Prayer in the school. In Newark, New Jersey, the rabbis ask the night schools to discontinue Friday evening sessions, because the Jewish Sabbath begins at sundown on Friday. The work of introducing the idea of Jewish national holidays into public life especially active.


Emma Goldman (1869‑1940), radical anarchist and writer, lectures in thirty‑seven different cities on a six month speaking tour; she is later deported to Russia for her controversial stance on government.

During the two decades spanning the "Mexican Revolution" and its aftermath, nearly 700,000 Mexicans cross the border into the United States; approximately three percent of the entire population of Mexico. They bring the Politics of the Mexican Revolution here with them.

Samuel Zemurray buys a surplus navy frigate, stocks it with weapons and gunmen, and "captures" Honduras capital of Tegucigalpa. President Davilla flees into exile and Bonilla is reinstated. Zemurray's Cuyamel Company flourishes.

Sam Goldfish marries Blanche Lasky. He joins with Cecil B. DeMille and his brother‑in‑law, Jesse Lasky, to form the Jesse L. Lasky Feature Film Company. Shortly thereafter DeMille moves production to California, renting a barn in the quiet village of Hollywood.

The Round Table; a periodical, first published by Milner's "Secret Society" for Britain's intellectual community. The writers, and those associated with the publication became known as the Round Table Group, and later, the Chatham House crowd. Comprehensive background.

1910 ‑1911

An attempt to have Hebrew officially recognized was frustrated by Supreme Court Judge Goff. Chicago Jews have election date changed because the official date fell on the last day of the Passover. Jews oppose Bible reading and singing of hymns in Detroit schools. Rabbis force Hartford, Connecticut, school board to drop "The Merchant of Venice" from reading list. New York Kehillah does two contradictory things; favors bill to permit Jews to do all kinds of business on Sunday, and pledges itself to co‑operate in the strict enforcement of the Sunday laws.


Russian Prime Minister Peter Stolypin is killed by Jewish assassin named Mordecai Bogrov.

Mr. Paul Warburg was brother‑in‑law to Mr. Jacob H. Schiff. Warburg was born in Germany. His brothers conduct the powerful German banking house of M. Warburg and Company, Hamburg, financing the German shipping industry and controlling the Hamburg‑American and North German Lloyd lines.

Hess Max Warburg, head of this banking house played an important part in German politics, particularly at the time the Kaiser fled to Holland. Dr. Carl Melchoir, a partner in it, was one of the five German delegates‑in‑chief at the Peace Conference at Versailles (1919), and in later years (1930) was prominent in the founding of the Bank for International Settlements.

This was the central bank of the central banks established in Switzerland, which has been internationalized in peace and war alike, it pays no taxes, and it is above and beyond all law." (All These Things, by A.N. Field, p. 5)

President Taft refuses to annul the 1832 Commerce and Navigation Treaty with Russia to placate Jews offended by the "Jewish Passport" problem; Russia had refused to honor the American passports of Russian Jews who had emigrated to the U.S., obtained passports, and then returned to Russia and attempted to use these to evade Russian restrictions on Jewish activities. B'nai B'rith is furious and attacks the Treaty anyhow, while Jacob Schiff is heard saying, "This is War."

Jews in New York found the Urban League to help newly‑arrived Negro migrants from the rural South. This is the beginning of the welfare magnet.

Correspondence of the Rothschilds to the German Kaiser reveals Rothschilds wanted World War I delayed. (They needed to establish our Federal Reserve Act to finance later World Wars; International Jew, by Henry Ford, Sr., p. 204)

The International Group running the Carnegie Foundation trustees' meeting "discussed the advantages of changing our government and institutions through war." (Later Alger Hiss was president of this "international" outfit)

"I felt constrained to point out (to Kaiser Wilhelm II on his last visit to England in 1911) that the Jews...had captured and controlled the larger part of the German press. He did not dissent." (Herbert Henry Asquith, Prime Minister of England 1908‑1916; The Genesis of the War, New York, 1923, p. 89)

The Zionist organization sent a German geologist, Professor Blankenhorn, to investigate the potentialities of the Dead Sea region in Palestine. (The Alien Menace, p. 168)

1911 ‑ 1912

Jews in Passaic, New Jersey, petition school board to eliminate Bible reading and all Christian songs from schools. At request of a rabbi, three principals of Roxbury, Mass., public schools agree to banish Christmas tree and omit all references to the season from their schools. A Jewish delegate to the Ohio Constitutional Convention suggests that the Constitution be made to forbid Christian religious references in schools. The Council of the University Settlement, at the request of the New York Kehillah, adopts this resolution: "That in the holiday celebrations held annually by the Kindergarten Association at the University Settlement every feature of any sectarian character, including Christmas trees, Christmas programs and Christmas songs, shall be eliminated."

With the election of the Jew Woodrow Wilson; we had World War II.


Beilis trial (Russia & Poland). 10th Zionist Congress; Warburg president (Zionism). Death of Hermann Adler; Death of Samuel Montagu in England.


The corporation began to generate debts via bonds etc., which came due in 1912, but they could not pay their debts so the 7 families that bought up the bonds demanded payment and Corp. U.S. could not pay. Said families settled the debt for the payments of all of Corp. U.S'. assets and for all of the assets of the Treasury of the United States of America.

Bernard Baruch ushered into the President's office in the White House his very week professor, Woodrow Wilson.

Richard J.H. Gottheil wrote that "The closer Jews are kept within the fold, the greater their interest in Jewish life and thought."

The best pamphleteers, the ablest journalists of Europe, kept on the payroll of the various financial groups, were feverishly preparing public opinion for the future conflict between the European countries. (Boris L. Brasol)

"...Finally it should be borne in mind that the press bureaus and the great Eastern dailies exert a disproportionate influence on the American press as a whole...The foreign news which came through these bureaus was primarily composed for the New York papers, so, in the last analysis, the control of the New York press meant the control of the entire American press." (Horace C. Peterson)

Financed by Jacob Schiff, Theodore Roosevelt forms the Bull Moose Party, splits the Republican vote, and hands the Presidential Election over to Mandell House's prot�g�, Woodrow Wilson, who dutifully proclaims his support for "free trade."

Carl Laemmle's Universal Film Manufacturing Company is providing almost half of the films for all American small towns west of Chicago. Laemmle moves his production to Cuba and then to California, where he builds the Universal City studio complex.

Louis Marshall becomes president of the American Jewish Committee, and leads a successful campaign to abrogate the U.S.‑Russian Trade Treaty.

"...The Northcliffe (Jewish‑owned) press did more before and during the war to embitter and deliberately poison the English mind against Germany than any other agency." (Clinton Hartley Grattan)

Agudat Israel founded (Russia & Poland). Chinese revolution ends Manchu dynasty, republic is formed; passenger ship Titanic sinks, with 1,513 lives lost; Balkan wars begin.

Colonel Edward M. House, a close advisor of President Woodrow Wilson, publishes Phillip Dru: Administrator in which he promotes "socialism as dreamed of by Karl Marx."

Concerning Col. Edward Mandell House, in an article in The New American, Philip Dru, Then and Now by Jane H. Ingraham, the author states regarding Col. Edward Mandell House, President Woodrow Wilson's close advisor: "Colonel" House was the well‑known alter ego of President Woodrow Wilson. In his day ‑ from 1912 into the 1920s ‑ House, although never in the military and only a private citizen, was arguably the most powerful man in America. His ideas, all of them atrociously collectivist, became Wilson's commands. As has been well said, nothing is more dangerous than the person next to the person in power, for that person lacks all accountability. Wilson's dependence on House was gratefully described by Wilson himself: "Mr. House is my second personality. He is my independent self. His thoughts and mine are one."

The article further states:

"Philip Dru (through whom House speaks) is a former West Pointer who is fanatically committed to saving mankind from what he sees as our rotten, oppressive system of American government which protects only the wealthy under the guise of private property rights. Dru's ideal is "Socialism as dreamed of by Karl Marx," albeit with a "spiritual element," which will be the salvation of all those "unhappy many who have lived and died lacking opportunity, because, in the starting, the world‑wide social structure was wrongly begun." Possibly this could be the most arrogant statement ever written."

Edward Mandell House ‑ publishes Philip Dru: Administrator, a novel describing how the world could best be governed by a benevolent administrator. House traveled in Europe in 1909, and met Woodrow Wilson November 25, 1911. Chronology: Met Sir Edward Grey (member of Milner's group) in 1913.

1912 ‑ 1913

Jews at Jackson, Tennessee, seek an injunction to prevent the reading of the Bible in City schools. Annual Convention Independent Order B'nai B'rith at Nashville, Tennessee, adopts resolution against reading of the Bible and singing Christians songs in public schools.

Chicago Board of Education, scene of much Jewish agitation, approves recommendation of sub‑committee to remove Christmas from the list of official public holidays in schools.


American troops were sent into China. The disorders which began with the Komintang rebellion in 1912, was redirected by the invasion of China by Japan and finally ended with the war between Japan and the United States in 1941, led to demonstrations and landing parties for the protection of U.S. interests in China, continuously and at many points from 1912 to 1941.

The guard at Peking and along the route to the sea was maintained until 1941. In 1927, the United States had 5670 troops ashore in China and 44 Naval vessels in its waters. In 1933, the U.S. had 3027 armed men ashore. All this protective action was in general terms based on treaties with China dating from 1858 to 1901.


As 1913 began, Corp. U.S. had no funds to carry out the necessary business needs of the government so they went to said families and asked if they could borrow some money. The families said no (Corp. U.S. had already� demonstrated that they would not repay their debts in full).� The families had foreseen this situation and had the year before finalized the creation of a private corporation of the name "Federal Reserve Bank." Corp. U.S. formed a relationship with the Federal Reserve Bank whereby they could transact their business via note rather than with money. Notice that this relationship was one made between two private corporations and did not involve government; that is where most people error in understanding the Federal Reserve Bank system‑again it has no government relation at all. The private contracts that set the whole system up even recognize that if anything therein proposed is found illegal or impossible to perform it is excluded from the agreements and the remaining elements remain in full force and effect.

Almost simultaneously with the last fact (also in 1913), Corp. U.S. passes and adopts (as if ratified) their own 16th amendment. It must be noted that this amendment has nothing to do with our nation, with our people or with our national Constitution, which already had its own 16th amendment. The Supreme Court ruled that it did nothing that was not already done other than to make plain and clear the right of the United States (Corp. U.S.) to tax corporations.� We agree, considering that they were created under the authority of Corp. U.S.

Next (also 1913) Congress passed and entered the 17th amendment as ratified, even though the states had no opportunity to ratify the same. This amendment is not only not ratified, it is not constitutional; the Constitution forbids Congress from even discussing the matter of where Senators are elected.

The Jew Colonel E. Mandel House wrote a book, Philip Dru, Administrator. (David‑Rex‑Universe, American Mercury, November 1954, p. 131. Researchers say that E. Mandell House was an agent of the Rothschilds)

President Wilson (during brief moments when he was not dominated by Brandeis, Baruch, Frankfurter, etc.) wrote

"we know that something intervenes between the people of the U.S. and the control of their own affairs at Washington." (Far and Wide, p. 327)

In 1913, prior to the passage of the Federal Reserve Act President Wilson's The New Freedom was published, in which he revealed:

Major Jewish Banking conglomerates announced. The time has come for the high finance lobby to publicly announce their laws for the world, just as we have been doing it for so long in secret. Our Institutions are poised to take over the role of the world's Royal families, but with the authority that covers not just one nation, but the whole world. The European War is coming, high finance wants it.

The Hidden Hand put across five related items in 1913:

1). A Graduated Income Tax law was passed. (16th Amendment) A fundamental rule, laid down by The Communist Manifesto, for destroying of society is "a heavy, progressive or graduated income tax."

2). The Federal Reserve Banking Act was passed, December 23; two days before Christmas. It permitted aliens, through our privately owned Federal Reserve Banks to finance the world wars which were "planned." Elihu Root blasted this dangerous act in the Senate December 13, 1913. (Money Made Mysterious, 3rd Book) 4,000 pages of fine print was later slipped into it! It was cooked up at Baruch's Jekyll Island in a secret conference.

3). The Anti‑Defamation League (ADL) was organized by B'nai B'rith. (Its pressure and intimidation record, and the sad events that happened thereafter, speak for themselves)

4). The Rockefeller Foundation was established. Thereafter this outfit and the ADL were to cooperate. (Think about the two blades of a pair of scissors)

5). U.S. Senators would no longer be selected by the Legislatures of each of the States. Thereafter Senators would be elected by the masses. This gave the internationalists and their Controlled Press control of the Senators by their control of all communication media. They already had it on the Congressmen.

From this date forward, we have been lied to, brainwashed and betrayed. Nationalism was thrown out the window for un‑American internationalism. The money properly belonging to the citizen was taken from him by the Marxist graduated income tax and squandered by the internationalists through "their controlled government." Planned and promoted wars followed.

The Sixteenth Amendment was declared to be a part of the Constitution. Thus, the stage was set for the financing that would be needed later, by the International Jews, and that financing arrangement was the Income Tax. It was their belief that those who were to be enslaved should, themselves, pay for their own enslavement.

In 1913, prior to the passage of the Federal Reserve Act President Wilson's The New Freedom was published, in which he revealed:

"Since I entered politics, I have chiefly had men's views confided to me privately. Some of the biggest men in the U. S., in the field of commerce and manufacturing, are afraid of somebody, are afraid of something. They know that there is a power somewhere so organized, so subtle, so watchful, so interlocked, so complete, so pervasive, that they had better not speak above their breath when they speak in condemnation of it."

President Franklin Roosevelt (prior to his being elected president) wrote a letter to Col. Edward Mandell House, President Woodrow Wilson's close advisor: "The real truth of the matter is, as you and I know, that a financial element in the larger centers has owned the Government every since the days of Andrew Jackson..."

That there is such a thing as a cabal of power brokers who control government behind the scenes has been detailed several times in this century by credible sources. Professor Carroll Quigley was Bill Clinton's mentor at Georgetown University. President Clinton has publicly paid homage to the influence Professor Quigley had on his life. In Quigley's magnum opus Tragedy and Hope (1966), he states: "There does exist and has existed for a generation, an which operates, to some extent, in the way the radical right believes the Communists act. In fact, this network, which we may identify as the Round Table Groups, has no aversion to cooperating with the Communists, or any other groups and frequently does so. I know of the operations of this network because I have studied it for twenty years and was permitted for two years, in the early 1960s, to examine its papers and secret records. I have no aversion to it or to most of its aims and have, for much of my life, been close to it and to many of its instruments. I have objected, both in the past and recently, to a few of its policies...but in general my chief difference of opinion is that it wishes to remain unknown, and I believe its role in history is significant enough to be known."

Also in 1913, the Jews were given absolute control of the finances of the United States when the Federal Reserve Act, and with it the Federal Reserve System, was set into motion. Which guarantees that the United States and its citizens would forever be in debt to the International Jewish Bankers, and would guarantee them absolute control over the finances of the United States; just as they have been, with England, since the founding of the Bank of England.

The real owners of the Federal Reserve and the Federal Reserve System are:

a) Rothschild Banks of London and Berlin;

b) Lazard Brothers Bank of Paris;

c) Israel Moses Seif Banks of Italy;

d) Warburg Bank of Hamburg and Amsterdam/

e) Lehman Brothers Bank of New York;

f) Kuhn, Loeb Bank of New York;

g) Chase Manhattan Bank of New York;

h) Goldman Sachs Bank of New York; and

i) Approximately three hundred people, known to each other and/or relations of the "owners," who hold stock in the Federal Reserve System. They comprise an interlocking, International Banking Cartel of wealth beyond comprehension.

The Federal Reserve meet behind closed doors and has more power than the Congress and President of the United States; and to top that off, these men who control America through their financial manipulation are not even responsible to the public nor to Congress and has repeatedly shown that it is under the control of the International Jewish Bankers, by raising the discount rate (a deliberate act to destroy small business) they have been able to bring about the depressions which have devastated the American Farmer and Ranchers since the time this Evil Satanic Act was passed.

Mexico. A few marines were landed at Claria Estero to aid in the evacuation of American citizens and others from the Yaqui Valley, which had been made dangerous for Americans by civil strife.

U.S. ‑ Russian Treaty of 1832 abrogated because Russia does not recognize rights of American Jews under it; United Synagogue founded; Anti‑Defamation League founded. Yevreskaya Entsiklopedia completed. Death of Wilhelm Bacher (Austria‑Hungary). 16th Amendment declared ratified; Federal Reserve System came into existence.

Woodrow Wilson, U.S. President ‑ Edward Mandell House served as Wilson's campaign manager, and then as chief advisor. Franklin D. Roosevelt appointed Assistant Secretary of the Navy. Federal Reserve Act (M) enacted ‑ creating the first "central bank" in America. Paul Warburg, whose family controlled the Reichsbank in Germany, was the architect of the system.

Abraham Flexner leaves his position at the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching to work for John D. Rockefeller at the General Education Board.

Horace Kallen meets with Louis Brandeis to develop his paradigm of reshaping America according to multicultural and Zionist principles.

B'nai B'rith establishes the Anti‑Defamation League. Jewish "Anti‑Defamation League" (ADL) of B'nai‑B'rith is founded for the sole purpose of silencing people who mention negative Jewish activity. Like Judaism itself, the ADL is basically a Jewish crime syndicate.

Jack, Harry, Sam and Albert Warner, who had established the Duquesne Film Exchange in 1907, move their Warner Bros. film studios to Burbank, California.

The 16th Amendment (Income Tax) is "ratified," some say illegally.

The 17th Amendment (Senate Elections) is "ratified," some say illegally. Henceforth, national lobbies can bypass state legislatures.

1913; 1924‑1925

Moffatt's Translation of the Bible: One of the most popular of the new versions has been that of James Moffatt (1870‑1944), who translated the whole Bible into modern speech of free style. He prepared two different translations of the New Testament. The first preserved much of the language of the King James Version and was published at Edinburgh in 1901 in a volume entitled "The Historical New Testament." This was a new translation of the documents of the New Testament arranged in their chronological order according to the critical literary theories of his time.


Smith and Goodspeed's American Translation: Rivaling the Moffatt New Testament in value and popularity is the translation made by Edgar J. Goodspeed (1871‑1962), professor of Biblical and patristic Greek at the University of Chicago. His is a fairly free rendering and represents, as its subtitle indicates, "An American Translation." As one of the most eloquent advocates of modern‑speech versions, Goodspeed declares in the preface to his rendering:

"The aim of the present translation has been to present the meaning of the different books as possible, without bias or prejudice, in English of the same kind as the Greek of the original, so that they may be continuously and understandingly read. There is no book in the New Testament that cannot easily be read at a sitting. For American readers, especially, who have had to depend so long upon versions made in Great Britain, there is room for a New Testament free from expressions which, however familiar in England or Scotland, are strange to American ears."

1913 ‑ 1914

The energies of the Jewish powers were concentrated on the task of preventing the United States from changing the immigration laws in a manner to protect the country from undesirable aliens.


World War One began because the International Jewish Bankers did not wish Germany to build a railroad from the middle east to Germany, through most of the Arab countries. But the Jews made it appear that World War One started when the nations went to war to avenge the assassination of the Archduke Francis Ferdinand, the heir to the Habsburg Throne, so on June 28, A joint proclamation of emergency government a neutrality was issued by the American, Japanese, British, French and Czech Commanders in July and our party remained until late August.

World War I was fought from 1914 to 1918 with the U.S., joining in 1917, through the instigation of the Jews, under the orders of the Learned Elders of Zion. The Jews used the fact that the 19th century had seen the formation of different "alliances" as the powers of Europe struggled to maintain their own supremacy. By 1914 these had developed into the Triple Alliance composed of Germany and Austria‑Hungry and the Tripel Entente composed of France, Great Britain, Russia and Italy. Tensions between the alliances were especially heightened with Jewish agitation which caused the tensions between the alliances were especially heightened as the various countries fought over territories they wanted. The breaking point came when a young Jewish Serbian assassinated the heir to the throne of Austria‑Hungry, Archduke Ferdinand. This lead to all the involved countries declaring war on each other, which was just exactly what the Jews wanted.

The United States at first managed to maintain its neutrality through it was well‑known that the U.S. favored the Tripel entente. As the war continued Germany initiated a blockade of Britain warning American ships they would be sunk if they entered this zone.

By 1917 several American ships had been either sank or attacked so the U.S., declared war on the Triple Alliance and entered the war on the side of Britain, France, Russia and Italy. Through the secret negotiations of the Jews with Britain to bring the United States into the war, if they would give them Palestine. Thus the Balfour Declaration was drawn up and Britain agreed to the pact. Then the Jews used their power of the press to bring the United States into the war, by lying as they usually do and by treason.

Archduke Ferdinand of Austria‑Hungry assassinated; Germany invades Belgium; 1st Battle of the Marne; 1st Battle of the Yves; 1915: Luxury liner Lusitania reported sank by German submarine; this was a Jewish lie, but the truth was not discovered until after the war was over. And even then it was never reported widely to the American people; 2nd Battle of the Yves; 1916: Battle of Jutland; Battle of the Somme; 1917: Battle of Cambrai; 3rd Battle of the Yves; The U.S., enters the war; 1st and 2nd Russian Revolutions; 1918: 2nd Battle of the Marne; Germany surrenders; 1919: Treaty of Versailles.

World War I was said to have started when the nations went to war to avenge the assassination of the Archduke Francis Ferdinand, the heir to the Habsburg throne, on June 28, 1914. Walter Scott, the secretary of the new England Education League, has a bill introduced in Congress (H.R. 12247) "to create an international board of education and a fund for international or world education."

But in 1914, it was not to be. There were those who were secretly planning America's involvement in World War I whether the American people wanted it or not. The pressure to involve the American government started in 1909, long before the actual assassination of the Archduke. Norman Dodd, former director of the Committee to Investigate Tax Exempt Foundations of the U.S. House of Representatives, testified that the Committee was invited to study the minutes of the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace as part of the Committee's investigation. The Committee states: "The trustees of the Foundation brought up a single question. If it is desirable to alter the life of an entire people, is there any means more efficient than war...They discussed this question...for a year and came up with an answer: There are no known means more efficient than war, assuming the objective is altering the life of an entire people. That leads them to a question: How do we involve the United States in a war. This was in 1909."� (Bulletin, The Committee to Restore the Constitution, Ft. Collins, Colo. Nov. 1978 p. 1)

So the decision was made to involve the United States in a war so that the "life of the entire people could be altered." This was the conclusion of a foundation supposedly committed to "peace."

How Certain Fools Set the World on Fire: Some very stupid men set the world on fire; they thought they were doing a fine thing. That shows how stupid they were. The men who ostensibly did this were the Czar Nicholas, the Kaiser Franz Joseph, the Kaiser Wilhelm, the Emperor of Japan, the President of the French Republic, the Kings of Great Britain, Belgium and Serbia, the Czar of Bulgaria and the Sultan of Turkey. These men were all tools in the hand of more cunning men.

After some time the Kings of Italy and Rumania led their people into the war: These kings bargained and dickered with both belligerents and practically sold their people to the highest bidders. And finally President Wilson led the American people into the war.

Each Government did its best to keep the people excited to the fighting pitch; that is to say, to keep them in a stat of mind resembling lunacy, because common observation shows that when a man is fighting mad he is in no condition to reason or to be reasoned with.

And if people stopped to reason calmly, it would be hard to excite them to kill one another and enjoy the bloody and stupid business. The methods used to excite the different people to destroy each other were many, but all had the same purpose, which was to excite fear. loathing and deadly hatred.

Thus the German and Austrian people were constantly told how brave, magnanimous and heroic their soldiers were and how cruel, beastly and vile the enemy soldiers were; and the British, French, Italian and American people heard the same tales of their own soldiers' bravery, magnanimity and heroism and of the savagery, cruelty and beastliness of the enemy soldiers.

Many millions of honest but gullible Germans still firmly believe that the British and French and Italian and American soldiers commonly murdered prisoners, abused and outraged civilian men and women and conducted themselves like savages; and millions of honest but gullible Americans still firmly believe that German soldiers spitted babies on their bayonets, cut the tongues and breasts form outraged women, tortured prisoners and conducted themselves like savages.

It is no wonder that people otherwise shrewd and intelligent should have been so completely bamboozled by the atrocity‑mongers, for surely never before in all the history of the world was lying practiced on such a colossal scale and with such a lavish expenditure of wealth and labor as during the war.

That the Germans were completely outdone in this line by the Jews was due to no lack of effort or intention on their part, but to the superior skill and longer professional experience of the Jewish propaganda machine. In their own line of production the Jewish propaganda manufacturers have long been unapproachable. At different periods Jewish propagandists has succeeded in making the rest of the world abhor the Spaniards, the Hollanders, the French, the Russians, the Belgians and the Turks and at any future time it serves their interest they will perform the same office for America.

Of course there were frightful cruelties perpetrated by all the belligerents. The war began to be terribly cruel at the very beginning. It began with the ruthless invasion of Belgium by the Germans, which was immediately followed by the ruthless blockade of Germany and neutral countries by the British. And the Jews, as demonstrated by the Boer War, always make war upon the enemy's women and children and men who are old and feeble. The weapon they use is starvation, the most cruel torture which can be inflicted upon a human being. By thus torturing and putting the enemy's women and children and babies to a slow, cruel, agonizing death, the Births strive to break the courage and resolution of the enemy people's soldiers in the field.

The English have seldom been very successful in fair, stand‑up fighting on land. So they have seldom gone to war without allies, and they have usually let their allies do most of the fighting with the enemy's soldiers, while they have attended to killing the enemy's women and children by sea‑blockade and starvation. This is not a very heroic way of making war. It is, however, a terribly effective method, cruel and horrible method of waging war.

In this savage war which ended in 1918, the British killed so many German women and children and babies by starvation that the spirit and courage of the German soldiers were finally broken. Men who can stoutly endure their own sufferings cannot endure the agonies of mothers, wives, sisters, and little children and babies. Some Englishmen were ashamed of this way of making war by killing women and babies instead of enemy soldiers, and were manly enough to say so publicly. The great British writer, George Bernard Shaw, speaking of submarine warfare and starvation warfare, wrote: "I have no desire to kill a baby, but if I had to kill one, I would much rather kill it with a bomb or a torpedo than to starve it to death."

War is a mean, brutal, dirty business, and some of its results is that the people at home are soon infested with a species of homicidal ferocity. Men and women who are ordinarily kind and tender‑hearted gloat over tales of suffering and slaughter.

The collective mind, and most individual minds, become incapable of reasoning or reasonableness. Officials and private citizens are alike victims of this lunacy. The press teems with the most absurd stories, and everybody swallows them with childish credulity. While this insanity is at its height people throw away their money by the billions, abandon their normal industries for the sport of killing and destroying, and spend their spare time in working themselves into ecstasies and furies, and imitate exactly the inmates of a madhouse. It is the most amazing and the most painful phenomenon of collective human life.

The Game That Was Played In America: When people go war‑crazy, there are always a few men who keep cool heads. Some of these are crafty, greedy men, who make money in huge amounts amid the general madness. Some are unscrupulous demagogues, who ride to power and opportunity on the tempest of excitement. Others are men who pity the insanity of their brother men and endeavor to assuage that lunacy by reason and sound advice and moderate counsel.

The first kind get rich rapidly; the second kind get office and public applause; the third kind are viciously abused, sometimes by prosecutors, juries, who are all temporarily as crazy and unjust as are the mobs. Now, of course, men of all sorts; kaiser, kings, premiers, presidents, generals, admirals, diplomats, politicians, financiers and their followers; who profit by war are anxious, first, to create this insanity of the public mind and, after that, to keep the public mind in that condition. And this bad work is done by those methods of spreading false reports, inflammatory appeals to the best and to the worst sentiments, suppression of true news and of honest opinion, exaggeration, abuse, misrepresentation, forgery, distortion, concealment and downright malicious lying which we lump under the word "propaganda."

The moment the war broke out in Europe each belligerent Government started its machinery of propaganda working overtime; and while no neutral country escaped the activities of the censors and the propaganda mills, America was the particular field in which they outdid themselves. German, Austrian, British, French, Russian, Belgian, Serbian propagandists; all were busy as bees working up sentiment in America favorable to themselves and hostile to their antagonists. The object of the German propagandists was to enlist American sentiment in favor of strict neutrality.

The object of the Allies' propaganda was to draw the United States into the war against Germany. Both sides were playing for a great stake, because if America practiced strict neutrality Germany had confidence that, though the Allied armies and fleets greatly outnumbered hers and had been just as long and as carefully prepared for the inevitable struggle, she could nevertheless eventually win through the superiority of her generalship and the better fighting qualities and more steadfast resolution of her soldiers and people; while, on the other hand, the Allies knew that if they could draw the immense riches and vast manpower of America into the war on their side, they could eventually recover from the humiliating and costly defeats which the German armies had inflicted upon them in France, Eastern Germany, Galicia, Poland; everywhere, in fact, where German and Allied armies had met in the shock of battle.

As time went on and the Allies successively bribed or coerced Italy and Rumania and minor Powers to join them, and still the German armies continued to win victories everywhere, the anxiety of Germany to keep the United States neutral and the anxiety of the Allies to draw the United States into the struggle became more and more intense, and the propagandist activities of both sides in America were proportionately increased.

In this contest Jewish propaganda was as superior to the German propaganda as were the German generals and armies superior to the British in battle. The German propaganda agencies in the United States made every blunder that could be made, but their fundamental error was in relying upon argumentative statements, upon citations of international law, historical philosophy and the conduct of belligerents in former wars. After their national fashion, the German propagandists appealed to reason, sometimes with true logic, sometimes with false logic; but always with an attempt to influence the public mind by logical reasoning.

The Jews knew better than that. They appealed to emotions. They had been building up a colossal empire for three hundred years by three powerful and wonderfully successful means; sea‑power with the land‑power of one or the other belligerents, the English had come through their wars without the cost of large armies and with the loss of few men, and thus being less injured and proportionately stronger and fresher than either their temporary allies or temporary enemies, they were always able to carry home the richer share of the spoils of victory. This was, and is today, the invariable policy of the British Empire, no matter what Prime Minister is in power, and since it is a selfish, callous, imperialistic policy that cannot be defended upon grounds of fair play, justice or international righteousness, it has always been necessary to disarm fear and criticism by hiding the real motives of this constant instigation of war, and these continued profitable robberies of one people after another, behind a showing of injured innocence and an alleged defense of lofty principles and common rights and liberties against the unscrupulous ambitions and aggressions of the State which was to be beaten and ruined.

The British have many excellent qualities and have done great things in the world; but the hypocrisy revealed by the contrast of their national professions and their national conduct sufficiently accounts for the dislike and detestation in which they are almost universally held by other people not excusing, by any means, the very large majority of the American people.

British, Which Is Jewish Policy is to Divide and Conquer: The part which propaganda always plays in the extension of Jewish power and dominion is to break friendships and to excite deep hatred between the various peoples who have long been friendly. The British Empire, which has been under the total control of the Jews for centuries, grows by steadily pursuing the policy of "Divide and conquer," and the business of Jewish propaganda is to divide friendly people, while using British sea‑power and British alliances conquer and annex.

By the calculating, continuous, remorseless employment of these methods the English dominions have increased, within about three hundred years, from an island kingdom containing 50,000 square miles to an Empire containing about 15,000,000 square miles, which is about one‑third of the total land area of the globe and more than one‑half the total area of inhabitable, fertile land area; and from a population of about 6,000,000 to a combined ruling and subjugated population numbering into the hundreds of millions.

In the steady processes of this huge conquest and absorption of lands and peoples, British sea power, alliances, intrigues and propaganda have successively beaten down and destroyed the naval power and commercial prosperity of Spain, Holland, of Sweden, Denmark, France and how Germany, Austria‑Hungary and Russia.

Thus English policy has successively wrecked every nation in Europe that aspired to any considerable share in the commerce of the seas and of political power among the States of the world. Each, in its turn, has fallen before Jewish subversion and intrigue and each, in its turn, has been the foolish dupe of this Jewish British intrigue and helped to destroy whatever nation England, at the time, most feared and was most determined to bring to ruin. So that there remains now only two great maritime States which are in the way of England's universal dominion; the Empire of Japan and our own Republic. The rest have all been destroyed, and it is only reasonable to suppose that it will be our turn next.

One who judged present British policy only by knowledge of its past, would expect that policy to be at work now toward three prime objects, which are: First, to excite to the highest possible pitch ill‑feeling and eventual war between one or more of the Latin‑American states and the United States. This would effectually alienate the Latin people of South America and Central America from the people of North America, and leave the lands and populations of the vast southern regions to the commercial exploitation of England, the only competition which England might have feared; the German, having been thoughtfully ruined for England's advantage by the United States, France, Italy and Japan. An incidental advantage would be the necessary costly increase and up‑keep of American land forces, which would operate to keep down American appropriations for navy‑building, and thus enable England to maintain her two‑power naval supremacy with much smaller outlay. With the German navy at the bottom of the sea and the American navy on the halt, British naval supremacy would have no challenge in fifty years. Second, the instigation of Japanese aggression upon China.

This would inevitably lead, in the long run, to Chinese armed resistance and the intervention of the United States, in which England would either join Japan or the United States, as her interest then dictated, and help to destroy the navy and commerce of one of the two remaining maritime competitors she fears, leaving the other for the eventual struggle for the empire of the world. It is reasonable to suppose that with such a choice, England would join Japan in destroying our naval and commercial competition, as this would leave the weaker antagonist to face her in the final duel.

Third, the eventual absorption of the United States by the United Nations. This the British policy will try to accomplish, first, by establishing naval dominion over America, then by alluring it into a permanent alliance; just now called a League of Nations, which would be dominated and absolutely controlled by England, and then by a bid for formal reunion, made to the Anglophile sentiment which Jewish propaganda is fervently at work to create and enlarge in our country.

What Propaganda Did to Neutrality: Long before the war in Europe, British propaganda was busy in America, creating pro‑British sentiment. It was, for the most part, sly in its operations, and while those contemptible creatures known as Anglophiles aided its operations, most of us Americans looked upon them with amusement.

But when England went to war with Germany, propaganda ceased to be sly and acted openly, powerfully and insolently, and upon a scale of which very few Americans have to understand the true conception of it all. Never before were millions of intelligent people so hoodwinked and deceived; never was propaganda so gigantic; never was censorship so insolent and so vigilant; never was truth so suppressed and falsehood so widely spread; never was the control of the mind of one people by the Government of another so successfully established and so skillfully maintained.

From the very beginning of the war; then a wholly European affair, mail and cable communication between Europe and this country was put under British control. Our American newspapers could get only such news as the British (Jewish) censors permitted them to get or the British propaganda bureau, with its headquarters in Waverley House, London, manufactured for American consumption. We were not at war. We had no national interest at stake in the war. We were a neutral nation and entitled, by written international law, ratified at the Hague Conferences, to all rights of free voyage, free cargoes and free mails and cables. Yet our Government refused to protect us in these rights and submitted tamely to each new aggression upon the liberties of neutral commerce and neutral communication.

First, our cable messages to other countries had to be sent through British censorship, and were delivered or not, as some cheap clerk decided. Then we were forbidden to send mails to Europe, until our ships had put into a British port and left their mailbags for British inspection. This was a flat violation of the rights of mail communications between neutrals and belligerents, as minutely specified in the Hague treaties. It was also an insolent insult to our flag and an arrogant contempt of our sovereignty. For just exactly the same conduct on England's part in 1812 our fathers declared war. But those were brave days. This time our Government submitted without even a show of courage.

Not content with making us eat out of their hand in this way, British propaganda influences shut off free wireless communication, and it became impossible for American papers to obtain true news and correct information from any part of Europe. So, of course, you people could not get truth to read, though, Americans got plenty of lies.

We were ostensibly neutral, and had every lawful right to free and uncensored mail and cable communication with all parts of Europe; neutral or belligerent, as guaranteed by the Hague treaties. Yet our Government would not and did not protect us in the exercise of our rights.

On the contrary, it directly and indirectly aided the British Government to put these shameful and humiliating shackles upon our press, to put these insults upon our flag, to make our semen blush for shame as they submitted their cargoes to the insolent dictation of a British official.

Growing with what it fed upon, this British insolence finally reached the pitch where the British authorities ordered that American ships should not leave American ports, not even for neutral ports in South America, without inspection and permission of British Consular and trade officials. And our Government submitted to that; here, on the very soil our free fathers wrested from British control!

Jewish agents established and superintended munitions factories here on our neutral soil; British recruiting officers enlisted men for the British army; British Secret Service spies hounded down men inimical to the English Government; British Consuls directed the work of American Secret Service employees and in one case; that of the poor Hindoo arrested in San Francisco and sent to the penitentiary for the crime of trying to free their country, actually paid the wages of the agents of the United States Government prosecutor and superintended the trials exactly as if they were in authority here and the British Government was ruling America.

Here in the port of New York, American men were arrested and jailed for attempting to send rubber to Germany, though we were at peace with German and the London Conference specifically and by name made rubber non‑contraband and an article of free commerce.

Mr. McAdoo was thus lending the Treasury Police Agents to arrest men for exercising our own treaty rights to send non‑contraband goods to Germany, Mr. Schwab was making and shipping submarines to the English Government, by way of Canada, unhindered by Mr. McAdoo's men, though the manufacture and sale of naval vessels to a belligerent is not only a gross violation of good faith and neutrality, but is the very thing for which we threatened England with war during the Rebellion, and for which the Geneva Commission finally compelled England to pay us an indemnity of $15‑million and is expressly forbidden by the Hague Treaties.

There was never a day after the war broke out in Europe when British agents and American financiers and American officials were not actively violating our neutral good faith, actively assisting England to make war, actively refusing Americans their lawful neutral rights of trade and voyage, and deliberately and premeditatedly driving us toward the final entanglement in England's war which has cost us so much and gained us so little. All these things, and thousands of others equally painful and humiliating for a true American to tell, were made possible by censorship and propaganda.

Had our Government enforced our citizens' plain treaty rights of free trade and free communication with all neutral nations; had Mr. Wilson made something more than a deprecatory gesture toward and "illegal and indefensible blockade" of our trade and communication with neutrals and with Germany; had our Government enforced the sanctity of our mails, America would have had no more occasion to get into this crazy European war than had Sweden or Spain or any other country which had statesmen at the helm who used good sense. Because, if every man and woman in America had known the real truth about the European war and its events from day to day, and had been able to estimate for themselves the probable value of the gross and innumerable lies they were told, and our ships had continued to go and come on their lawful errands under the protection of our flag, it would have been impossible for foreign propagandists to work up the fever of hatred and the clamor for war which they did excite.

Central Europe ruined; France and Italy bankrupted; fifty thousand millions of American money wasted; three hundred thousand American youths killed or crippled; intolerable taxation and high cost of living ahead of us for years to come; and England with new dominions, new subject peoples to exploit, with augmented dominion over the seas, with trade competition destroyed and the markets of the world at her mercy; Germany ripe for total plunder by the Jews, this is what British propaganda has done for us.

What British Jewish Propaganda Did After The War: Before the war America had not an enemy in the world. After it, it did not have a friend anywhere. The word of America was as the signed bond of Truth herself among all the nations. After the war, the people shrug their shoulders and point to our sham neutrality, our forgotten fine phrases and our broken fourteen promises.

It is going to take America a long time to restore itself in the confidence and respect and affection of the world after these years of delusion by British propaganda and subservience to British insolence and British interests. it is no use crying over spilt milk. We have played the foolish sheep and been well sheared for our pains. All there is left to do is to make the best of it.

We must build ourselves up again in the world's trust and respect and good will. And we must build up and greatly increase our production and our trade in order to pay off the gigantic debts our foolishness has piled on our backs. Jewish propaganda agents have worked overtime trying to keep hatred of Germans alive in this country and hatred of Americans alive in Germany; because they want England to do all the trading with Germany that is to be done. But the Germans were not fooled by this particular Jewish propaganda and many Americans were not either, and the others would not have been if they had used their common sense and mother wit. But did America do these things? No, in fact, Americans have allows the Jews to almost destroy our country.

There was a time when hating Germans had some excuse. Our Government encouraged hate propaganda and did quite a job of spreading it broadcast itself. The papers were filled with terrible stories of German brutality. The moving pictures displayed horrible atrocities, staged in peaceful studios and about as really truthful as the word pictures; bands of patriotic writers; the sort who provide word‑frames to set off the pretty advertising of the Saturday Evening Post or illuminate the exquisitely fair‑minded Literary Digest; turned out reams and reams of wild and wooly fiction; sensational preachers, such as Hillis and Eaton, foamed at the mouth with horrible tales of German savagery while believing congregations gasped; newspapers outdid each other in featuring the bloody deeds of the "Huns," who usually wound up a night of rape and orgy by eating a baby, freshly spitted on a bayonet and roasted in its own skin.

Ridiculous as it was, some of these romancers actually worked themselves up to believing their own inventions and became as furiously angry as anybody else over them. But of course most of them simply invented horrible tales of German savagery because it was good war business and the Government was pleased to have them do it.

Mr. Arthur Brisbane revealed the mental processes of these people when he wrote in the signed column he contributed daily to the Hearst papers: "We ought to tell all the lies about Germans we can think of and try to believe them ourselves." For the most part, telling lies about enemies is no less distasteful to self‑respecting men than telling lies about friends. But every man to his own taste. The theory of the people who adopted Mr. Brisbane's plan was that anything, no matter how intrinsically base, mean and cowardly, was fair in war; the excuse, as many will remember, with which the Germans condoned the invasion of Belgium.

However, after the war, there was no longer the poor excuse of military necessity for breeding hatred, and if we are sensible enough to consult our own interests, we will pay no further attention to anyone, alien or citizen, who strives to keep alive the fires of hatred between ourselves and the people of Central Europe. Such tactics may have been well enough while the war was on. Many, however, do not believe that such tactics were either necessary, honorable or even beneficial. Rather than to waste time over spilled milk, it must be admitted that telling lies and breeding hatred were patriotic duties during the war.

But now that the objects sought to be obtained by all this play upon the passions of the people have been obtained; now that the German Government is overthrown and the German people starved into subjugation; now that France has glutted its long‑nursed revenge; now that England has destroyed German naval and trade competition; now that Europe is sick with the smell of blood and the stench of human carrion; now that these universal war makers have ended by being universal grave‑makers; now that Death's maw is filled full with corpses of the poor, foolish, common folk herded and driven to frightful slaughter; now that the coffers of the rich and mighty are heaped up and running over with the money coined in this dreadful mint; now, for humanity's sake, yea, even for the poor sake of profit and gain, ought we not all to make an end of this propaganda of lies, this preachment of hate, this mean and ugly excitation of ill‑will among neighbors and fellow‑citizens of this world of ours?

For whether we like it or not, we must live in the same world with men and women of every nation and every race. And steam and electricity and man's power over land and sea and air have made it such a narrow world, such a little world, that no people can live wholly apart from any other people, and all must mingle with all, either as friends or as enemies.

The Germans have been beaten. They are helpless; down and out. And is there anything manly, anything brave, anything really American in abusing and kicking a beaten and helpless and surrendered enemy? The ugliness and unfairness exhibited toward innocent and unoffending resident Germans and well‑behaved and loyal Americans of German ancestry was disgusting enough to decent and fair‑minded Americans even during the war. But it is intolerably offensive to decency and fair play now that the war is over. All may be fair in war. But surely all is not fair in peace. We should get rid of the war state of mind for our own good and the world's good.

All Tarred With The Same Stick: Most Americans would not have lifted a finger to help either side whip the other in Europe, had it not been for the traitorous actions of the Jews of the United States, England, France, Italy, Russia and Germany to name just a few of the countries involved. The German Empire was not an autocracy, but it certainly was not a Republic.

The people of England, France, Italy, Belgium, Serbia, Rumania, Bulgaria, Poland, Greece and Turkey would have good riddance if they were to have chased their rulers and the Jews into obscurity and set up true Republican governments. To speak of the Allied Governments who made war upon the Central Empires as the "free people" is to speak ignorantly or to speak cunningly. The Governments and the ruling classes and the military and naval powers that plunged the people into an awful war were all tarred with the same stick; Russian, German, Austrian, Hungarian, Italian, Greek, all alike had plotted and planned and prepared for war, meditated the same robberies of lands and people, the same destruction of trade competition, the same enrichment by indemnities and annexations and augmentations of taxes and revenues.

One lot was just as bad and greedy and heartless as the other. We Americans were so unacquainted with European practical politics and were so completely gulled by skillful propaganda; from the President and his Cabinet down to sister Susan tearfully knitting socks for suffering Belgians; that very few of us knew then, and many thousands have not yet discovered, that there was little difference in the motives of any of the Governments that went to war in Europe, as the results have so clearly shown.

The whole kit and caboodle of European rulers and financiers and military class and diplomatic scoundrels, kings, kaisers, grand dukes, prime ministers, generals, presidents; all of them, could cut each others throats until the cows come home for all most patriotic Americans are concerned. Most would not give the life of one single American boy to help settle any European squabble one way or the other, except for the treason by its representatives in Congress, the Courts, and in the Administrations.

Thanks to the Jews and their treason: The Germans don't like us; The French don't like us; The British don't like us; The Canadians don't like us; the Russian don't like us; the Japanese don't like us; the Chinese don't like us; in fact, no nation on earth likes us or trusts us any longer.

The Jew's Meat Is America's Poison: At this time in history Jewish propaganda is at work all over the world to hinder the growth of renewed friendship and trade relations between the United States and other countries; they are working frantically to bring the American people to its knees and therefore make them slaves. At the same time Jewish propaganda is doing its best to keep national and racial hatred alive in our country.

If a number of the American people can be persuaded to ostracize and to hate, or even to dislike, other American of Russian, Irish, German, French, British, Austrian, Hungarian, descent, then the American people will be about evenly divided in hostile camps with the sure result of corresponding bad feeling against the United States in the countries form which these American or their parents originally came from.

Walter Scott, the secretary of the new England Education League, has a bill introduced in Congress {H.R. 12247} "to create� an international board of education and a fund for international or world education."

Haiti: Troops were landed to protect American Nationals in a time of dangerous civil unrest. Also during 1914 during a revolutionary movement, in the Dominican Republic; United States Naval forces by the use of gunfire stopped the bombardment of Puerto Plata, and by threat of force maintained Santa Domingo City as a neutral zone.

As Zionists pushed England into war, the U.S. had at the critical Constantinople post (Turkey) Henry Morgenthau, Sr., as Ambassador and Louis Einstein as its special minister. Paul M. Warburg said, at a Congressional hearing: "I only decided to become a citizen after I was convinced the U.S. money system would be reformed. (The Hidden Empire, p.� 63)

Five men who were later to head various governments (Lenin of Russia, Ebert of Germany, Branting of Sweden, MacDonald of England, Stauning of Denmark) met as members of the International Socialist Bureau of the Second International!

Trotsky was introduced and recommended to them (Kuhn, Loeb & Co.) By the publisher of the... revolutionary newspaper, The� Forward of New York ..." (Henry Coston, Les financiers qui menent le monde, Paris, 1955, p.� 114)

"One by one the Jews are capturing the principal newspapers of America..." (From a letter of Sir Cecil Spring‑Rice, British Ambassador to U.S. to Sir Edward Grey; British Foreign Minister, November, 1914)

At the start of World War I, Edmond Rothschild told Dr. Chaim Weizmann that "It would spread to the Middle east, where things of great significance to Political Zionism would occur." (Far and Wide, p. 285)

Colonel C. Repington recounts a conversation he had (April 5, 1921) with Count Mensdorf Australia Ambassador in London in 1914, as follows: "Mensdorf thought that Israel had won the War; they had made it, thrived on it, profited by it. It was their supreme revenge on Christianity." (After the War, p. 155, Constable, 1922)

Lloyd George, who was counsel for the Zionists in England, was made premier of the English Government and chosen to "perform" during World War I. His secretary was Sir Philip Sasson Rothschild. (American Mercury, KNOW, December 1958)

"The part which Jews all over the world play in white slavery is one of the foulest blots on our people." (Jewish World, March 18, 1914)

"Mr. Paul Moritz Warburg practically controls the financial policy of the Administration." (Sir Cecil Spring‑Rice, British Ambassador to the U.S. From All These Things, by A.N. Field, p. 5)

"Assimilation is national suicide." (Louis D. Brandeis before Menorah Society, Columbia University)

Death of David Wolffsohn (Zionism). American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee established; Brandeis assumes Zionist leadership. World War I follows assassination of Austrian archduke; trench warfare begins; airplanes are used as weapons; Panama Canal opens.

World War I Begins ‑ Wilson campaigned against U.S. entry into the war, then entered the war in 1917, one year before it ended. WWI begins. Jews in Germany were living well under the German Kaiser, so the Russian Jews moved en‑masse towards the Western border and began to support the German Kaiser. Nicholas II had them forcibly moved away from this border and back into the cities, where they immediately started agitating against the Tsar. The Agitation resulted in Food shortages in the cities, further fueling the unrest.

Phillip Brothers, an American branch of a Hamburg Jewish metal‑trading house, opens its doors in America, later to become Phibro Corporation, one of the shrewdest global commodities traders. Guess who was controlling German war‑production at the time?

World War I begins in Europe with the assassination of Archduke Ferdinand, heir to the Habsburg throne of the Austro‑Hungarian Empire.

Jacob Schiff (1847‑1920) and Felix Warburg (1871‑1937) set up the Joint Distribution Committee, organized for the relief of Jewish war sufferers.

Louis B. Mayer organizes a group of New England distributors, all Jews, into the Alco Film Corporation which later becomes the Metro Picture Corporation.

Professor Emeritus Joel Spingarn of Columbia University becomes chairman of the NAACP and recruits for its board such Jewish leaders as Jacob Schiff, Jacob Billikopf and Rabbi Stephen Wise.

There are now 3,500,000 Jews in the United States. Major American centers are New York City with 1,600,000, Chicago with 285,000, and Philadelphia with 240,000, all outstripping the major European Jewish centers of Vienna, Budapest, London, Berlin, Paris, Lodz, Kiev and Warsaw.

1914 ‑ 1915

More Kehillah attempts to secure modification of the Sunday laws.


Mexico. The undeclared Mexican‑American hostilities following the Dolphin affair and Villa's raids included capture of Vera Cruz and later Perishing's Expedition into northern Mexico.


Jews start the first true Marxist/Communist party in the US, called "The National Workmen's Committee" in New York City, which is made up of several Jewish radical leaders from various Jewish groups.

Jewish "cultural anthropologist" Franz Boas, and his many followers, control the American Anthropological Association, which pushes the idea that there is no such thing as race or, therefore, psychological differences among the human races, especially regarding intelligence/cognitive ability. Boas' ideas are championed worldwide, with horrifying results.

A doctor in Mississippi produced Pellagra in twelve white Mississippi inmates in an attempt to discover a cure for the disease.

The Lusitania, 1915: The Lusitania was a British cargo and passenger ship that was torpedoed and sank due to German submarine activity in May of 1915, just shy of ten years after she began her trans‑Atlantic journeying. She was used to ferry goods and people between England and the United States. The Lusitania was very popular because of her speed and luxurious accommodations. She was considered "the acme of comfort," and deemed a "floating palace" by her passengers (Simpson 7).

As World War I escalated and German submarines took a prevalent role in the seas; Lusitania set out from New York on May 1, 1915, with the intent of delivering material to England in spite of threats of sinking by German authorities.

Six days later, on May 7, 1915, the Lusitania took a solid hit whose sound was described by passengers as a "peal of thunder," a "dull thud‑like sound," or "like a million‑ton hammer hitting a steel boiler a hundred feet high and a hundred feet long" (Hickey and Smith 184‑185). Though they did not explode, water rushed into the first and second boiler rooms and caused the boat to shake from side to side. She then rose a little before a second massive explosion took her down into the sea.

The exact cause of the second explosion is a point of contention. The Lusitania shows evidence that she may have been torpedoed a second or even a third time; but the second, most destructive, explosion may not have been caused by a German torpedo, but rather may have come from inside the ship. The reason behind this speculation is that the Lusitania's cargo can be called into question.

She had originally said she would take, along with her passengers, platinum, bullion, diamonds and various other precious stones, but these things were never found and port records do not list them either. She is believed to have instead carried, under the guise of bales of fur and cheese boxes, 3‑inch shells and millions of rounds of rifle ammunition. If true, these materials comprised "a contraband and explosive cargo which was forbidden by American law and...should never have been placed on a passenger liner" (Simpson 157‑158).

The torpedoes completed the destruction of the ship by their own power or they were aided by internal ammunition explosions. The ship sank within twenty minutes of when she was hit and took with her 1,201 people ‑‑ and left only 764 to be saved by those who responded to her SOS (Simpson 9). Many American lives were lost as a result of the sinking, and because the Lusitania was never officially in government service, the United States believed the attack on her "was contrary to international law and the conventions of all civilized nations" (Simpson 8‑9). The sinking of the Lusitania caused serious tension between the United States and Germany and led to America's declaration of war against Germany.

In 1915, while the U.S. was at peace, Bernard Baruch took part of his annual income of $2 million to finance the training of soldiers to fight in a war which Baruch said he knew was "certain." (American Mercury, October 1956, p. 83)

Refugees from Palestine form Zion Mule Corps (Egypt). Death of Isaac Leib Peretz; Death of Isaac Jacob Reines (Russia & Poland). Menorah Journal, first Jewish literary organ; Leo Frank lynched (America). Death of Abraham Berliner (Germany). First use of Poison Gas in warfare.

Pressure in the Jewish immigrant community is reaching near‑hysteria on the subject of establishing an American Jewish Congress. Labor Zionist activist Pinchas Rutenberg arrives from Europe to accelerate the process. Together with Chaim Zhitlovsky, the renowned Diaspora nationalist, he becomes star speaker for the Socialist Agitation Bureau.

William Joseph Simmons, a Freemason and Knights Templar, revives the Ku Klux Klan as a fraternal organization for the preservation and advancement of the white race. Within seven years, the Klan grows to 4,000,000 members.

While the Klan has ever since been vilified by the establishment in a relentless campaign of hate and disinformation, hardly anyone seems to have noticed what B'nai B'rith, Columbia University, the "Socialist Agitation Bureau," the ADL and the Jewish Congress were all about. Or the Urban League and the NAACP.

William Fox, another Jewish exhibitor, forms the Fox Film Corporation.

Birth of a Nation, a landmark silent film, based on the novel The Klansman.

Brothers Albert and Charles Boni begin publishing the "Little Leather Library."

Alfred A. Knopf leaves Doubleday to open his own publishing company.

1915 ‑ 1916

Jewish opposition to various movements towards making the schools free to use the Bible.


Haiti. To maintain order during a period of chronic and threatened insurrection.


Jewish, Zionist judge Louis Brandeis is picked for the U.S. Supreme Court. He will later become a close pal of Roosevelt (who, we shall see, was half‑Jewish. Real name Rosenvelt).

China. American forces landed to quell a riot taking place on American property in Nanking.

German Zionists approach British War Cabinet with an offer to assist Great Britain in winning WWI, and are rewarded with the Balfour declaration. US Zionists then blackmail President Wilson into going to war with Britain & France against Germany.

Under pressure of blackmail over his illicit affair with Mrs. Peck (a.k.a. Mrs Hulbert, the wife of a Princeton professor (Actually this is just another of the Jewish propaganda ploys to keep people from knowing that Woodrow Wilson was actually a Jew, but pretended to be otherwise. So they did not have to blackmail him, he was more than willing to do the Jews bidding as history has shown.

Oh we don't doubt that he had an affair with this Jewess but the knowledge was not kept because of blackmail but to protect a Jewish traitor), Woodrow Wilson appoints Louis D. Brandeis; a leader of the Zionist movement, to the United States Supreme Court. Samuel Untermayer pays off the $40,000 that Mrs. Peck's son had embezzled from a bank. Six months later, under guidance of Brandeis, an agreement is struck to bring America into the War.

Zukor, Lasky and Goldfish merge the Famous Players Company with the Lasky group. With this leverage, and the backing of Kuhn, Loeb and Co., Zukor wins a majority of the Paramount board.

Samuel Bronfman opens a retail liquor outlet in Montreal. Soon afterwards, he purchases the old Canadian firm of Seagram's, and begins to experiment with "blended" (i.e. watered) whiskey.

Woodrow Wilson is elected to a second term as President on the slogan, "He kept us out of war" (World War I). Immigrants and Jews flock to the Democratic Party, and Zionist support plays a crucial role in the election. Even so, 78% of the American population wants the United States to remain neutral.


Dominican Republic. To maintain order during a period of chronic and threatened insurrection.


L. Brandeis appointed to Supreme Court (America). Anti‑Jewish laws abrogated; Death of Mendele Mokher Seforim (Russia & Poland). The British capture Jerusalem. American Jewish Congress election. JPS version of the Bible. Balfour Declaration (England). U.S. enters the War; Russian Revolutions. Bolsheviks led by Lenin seize power in Russia; Balfour Declaration urges Jewish State in Palestine, in payment for the Jews help in getting the United States into World War I as England's ally.


Tanks are first used by England in warfare.

After months of terrific battle in Congress, Louis D. Brandeis was confirmed as Supreme Court Justice. He is the uncle of Felix Frankfurter, who years later dominated the Supreme Court.

Christopher Sykes, son of Sir Mark Sykes (who was the Secretary of the British War Cabinet), wrote a book Two Studies in Virtue and referring to the Balfour Declaration and the part played by his father in advancing Zionism, Sykes said, on page 183 of his book:

"He (Mr. James Malcolm; Malkom, a Zionist) then told Sir Mark Skyhes of a very carious and powerful influence which Zionists could exert. One of President Wilson's closest advisers and friends was Justice Louis D. Brandeis, a Jew with the passionate Zionist fath of a recent convert.

"That Wilson was attached to Brandeis by ties of peculiar hardiness, because, so the story ran, in his earlier days the future President had been saved by this man (Brandeis) from appearing in a damaging lawsuit. It was said that Brandeis was regarded by Wilson as the man to whom he owed his career." (Many researchers have said that President Wilson was involved in "moral problems" at Princeton University, that Samuel Untermeyer had some damaging letters returned to Wilson after Brandeis was put on the Supreme court)

Re: Mrs. Pek, we quote from others:

"Woodrow Wilson's friendship with Mrs. Hubert Peck (of Princeton, New Jersey)...lasted for seven years...It was wrecked in the end y gossip. The so‑called Peck scandal furnished the zest for the whispering campaigns of two Presidential elections...Wilson had written hundreds of letters to the charming divorcee." (George S. Viereck, 80.283)

"It seems that the Peck letters were finally acquired by the Wilson estate." (George S. Viereck)

"Mrs. Peck never demanded and Woodrow Wilson never paid hush money or blackmail." (Edward Mandell House) Probably correct; putting Brandeis on the Supreme Court researchers say was the price the American public paid! "A note drawn up by the American official (intelligence) services and transmitted by the High Commissioner of the French Republic in the United States, contained the following passage: �In February, 1916, it was learned for the first time that a revolution was being fomented in Russia. It was discovered that the undermentioned persons and concerns were engaged in this enterprise of destruction:

(1). Jacob Schiff; (2) Kuhn, Loeb & Co.,, Directors: Jacob Schiff, Felix Warburg, Otto Kahn, Mortimer Schiff, Jerome Hanauer; (3) Guggenheim; (4) Max Reitung." (American Consulate, Elbridge D. Rand, American Consul, Geneva, Switzerland, dated January 21, 1929; National Archives Department of State, Decimal File, 1910‑929, No. 861,4016/325)

Of the 63 delegates of the Committee of Russian Revolutionists that met in New York City, 50 were veterans of the 1905 revolution.

Zionists secretly cook up Palestine "deal."

The notorious "Sunrise Conference" in Washington. The record of this sinister panning was suppressed. In 1938 the enemy got our Senate Military Affairs Committee to hold a similar conference. Senator Bridges said in the New York Herald Tribune, March 2, 1939,

"If the American people ever learned what was said there; the nation would be shocked and stunned." (Democracy and World Dominion, p. 312)

President Woodrow Wilson was re‑elected on the slogan "He kept us out of war." Yet, all the while, he and his foreign advisers were secretly taking steps to invoke us in this senseless war.


L. Brandeis appointed to Supreme Court (America). Anti‑Jewish laws abrogated; Death of Mendele Mokher Seforim (Russia & Poland). The British capture Jerusalem. American Jewish Congress election. JPS version of the Bible. Balfour Declaration (England). U.S. enters the War; Russian Revolutions. Bolsheviks led by Lenin seize power in Russia; Balfour Declaration urges Jewish State in Palestine, in payment for the Jews help in getting the United States into World War I as England's ally.

Jews busy carrying out an immense campaign against the "literacy clause" of the Immigration Bill. On demand of the Jews the New Haven, Connecticut, Board of Education prevents the reading of "The Merchant of Venice," and extends the prohibition to "Lamb's Tales from Shakespeare."

1917: William Joyce, alias, Lord Haw-Haw, by Alex Softly

Julius Streicher, who was executed at Nuremburg in 1946, had given himself the title "Jew‑Baiter Number 1." If there was ever a figure in British politics who deserved the title it was William Joyce, alias Lord Haw‑Haw. Dismissed by many historians as a comical, almost pathetic, figure in reality his life was far more complex.

Joyce was born in New York of an Irish father and an English mother on 24 April 1906, but when he was only three the family moved to Ireland, settling in County Mayo. Joyce was educated at a convent school in Galway ‑ the College of St. Ignatius Layola. It was here that during a fist fight with another boy that Joyce had his nose broken. He kept quiet about the injury and his nose never properly set ‑ giving him the nasal broken drawl so familiar in his later broadcasts from Germany.

The Joyce family were in Ireland at the time of the Sinn Fein insurrections and because they were Conservative and pro‑Union they were very unpopular with the rebels. Joyce's early life was marked by violence, including an attack on his father's business and attacks on the family home by Sinn Feiners. When the British Prime Minister Lloyd George announced the Anglo‑Irish Treaty of 1921 and the creation of the Irish State the Joyce family left for England. Joyce was then 15 years old.

Far from being the puny figure described by the press during World War II, William Joyce was of average height and strongly built. During his youth he excelled at boxing, swimming and fencing. This was to hold him in good stead later when he was involved in many street battles.

In 1923 at the age of 17, the same year as Hitler's attempted putsch in Munich and 9 years before Mosley formed the BUF (British Union of Fasists), Joyce joined the 'British Fascisti Ltd' ‑ a movement based on its Italian big brother. At a Conservative meeting at Lambeth's Bath Hall the following year a squad of fascists under the control of William Joyce became involved in a fracas with left‑wing agitators. It was here that Joyce received the famous scar that ran down the right side of his face from the lobe of his ear to the corner of his mouth. The scar was received during fighting in the meeting and Joyce had no doubt that the perpetrators were "Jewish Communists." This incident had a marked bearing on his outlook. He was reminded of his hatred of "the enemy" every time he looked in the mirror until the day he died.

Joyce left British Fascisti Ltd in 1925 seeing no way forward through their policies. He joined the Conservative Party, but left after a short period in 1931. He called the old men of the Conservative Party weak, grasping and dishonest men, who were betraying the nation to the agents of International Finance.

When Sir Oswald Mosley launched the British Union of Fascists on 1 October 1932, Joyce was quick to join. He made a name for himself as a dedicated activist and a good speaker very quickly. A. K. Chesterton described Joyce as a "brilliant writer, speaker who addressed hundreds of meetings... always revealing the iron spirit of Fascism." In 1934 Joyce was promoted to the BUF's Director of Propoganda. With his savage anti‑semitism and shrill voice at meetings Joyce began to alarm some members of the BUF. When asked about Jewish involvement in class war in 1934 Joyce snapped "I don't regard the Jews as a class I regard them as a privileged misfortune." It was during this time that the numbers protesting at major BUF meetings increased from a few dozen to a few thousand. Some of the enemies of the BUF came equipped with knuckle‑dusters, metal bars and potatoes encrusted with razor blades.

William Joyce gained the reputation of a savage fighter and was always the first to dive into a fracas with� knuckle‑duster at the ready. (If this is true then Joyce was acting contrary to Mosley's orders. It was expressly forbidden for any Blackshirt to carry knuckledusters or other weapons on their person) The image of "Jewish Communists" who scarred his face was always in the back of his mind and he wanted revenge. Standing on his soapbox in Blackshirt battledress ‑ a buttoned black suit with a high‑necked pullover ‑ his left hand in his pocket and his right clutching the microphone ‑ he fed on the tension and heckling like a drug. The June 1934 Olympia conference which turned into a bloody fight and the violent rhetoric of Joyce destroyed the image of respectability that Mosley and the BUF were striving for. But this did not prevent Joyce from being appointed Deputy Leader of the BUF.

Mosley and Joyce were completely different in character. Mosley was relaxed, humorous and charming whereas Joyce was impatient, intense and bad‑tempered. Joyce's departure from the BUF in April 1937 came as a result of Joyce being dismissed from the salaried staff of the BUF. Bad election results, falling support and lack of money led to a BUF staff reduction of 143 to approximately 30. This and Joyce's personal differences with Mosley led Joyce to form the British National Socialist League. Despite Joyce having been Deputy Leader of the BUF between 1933 and 1937 and a brave fighter and powerful orator, Mosley snubbed him in his autobiography and denounced him as a traitor because of his wartime activities.

When Joyce left the BUF in April 1937 he took approximately 60 members with him; the numbers dwindled quickly to about 20. Although the membership was very small they were loyal and worked extremely hard, and the League survived. It held many street‑corner meetings, which resulted in many fights ‑ fights which Joyce never shrunk from. Joyce made no effort to hide his admiration for Adolf Hitler and praised him whenever possible. Joyce had made up his mind long before World War II that it was the result of provocation by Jewry and International Finance.

On 26 August 1939, approximately a week before the outbreak of war, Joyce and his family fled to Berlin after a tip‑off that, under the soon to be introduced emergency powers, he would be interned for the duration of the war. It was an act that would lead eventually to his death and denouncement by many, including Mosley, as a traitor. Rightly or wrongly Joyce was adamant that Britain was being led into another pointless war and Neville Chamberlain's, and subsequently Winston Churchill's, governments were betraying their people.

Friends in Germany put Joyce in contact with Dr. Erich Hetzler ‑ Private Secretary to Germany's Foreign Minister von Ribbentrop. Two weeks after the outbreak of war he was appointed Editor and speaker for the German transmitters for Europe at Berlin's Charlottenburg. Joyce was still only 33 years old. His wartime broadcasts to England became infamous ‑ he was nicknamed 'Lord Haw‑Haw' by a Daily Express journalist because of his aristocratic nasal drawl. Unknown to the public at this time, his image was very different from the scar‑faced fascist thug he was usually portrayed as.

Although it was illegal to listen to his broadcasts in Britain they became very popular with British listeners. They always began with the words "Germany calling Germany calling," which because of Joyce's broken nose sounded like: "Jarmany calling, Jarmany calling." During his heyday Joyce had almost as many listeners as the BBC ‑ and he caused alarm with his tales of a Fifth Column in Britain and his talks on how to treat bombing wounds. He caused panic with his apparently accurate descriptions of Town Hall clocks that had stopped and how many steps there were in a particular church steeple.

After the Battle of Britain and the invasion of Russia, Joyce's broadcasts lost more and more listeners in Britain ‑but he still remained the number one broadcaster in Berlin and his anti‑semitism never faded in its virulence ‑ continuing to blame the war on "Jewish International Finance." For his efforts Joyce continued to live a comfortable life in Berlin and in September 1944 was� awarded the Cross of War Merit 1st Class with a certificate signed by Adolf Hitler. As the war worsened he began to drink heavily and his marriage became a joke with both his wife and he having numerous affairs.

During the final stages of the war, with the Red Army approaching Berlin, Joyce moved to Hamburg. He made a final broadcast on 30 April 1945 ‑ warning that the war would leave Britain poor and barren now that she had lost all her wealth and power in 6 years of war, leaving the Russians in control of most of Europe. He signed off with a final defiant "Heil Hitler."

Joyce was captured while going through a wood near Flensburg after the war; he received a bullet wound to the leg in the process. Joyce's fate at the gallows was then merely a formality and the British press whipped up all the hysteria they could ‑ reminding people that he was a snarling traitor. The British Government passed the Treason Act 1945 the day before Joyce was flown back to Britain.

Although Joyce was born in the USA, brought up in Ireland and took German nationality on 26 September 1939, he was charged with treason from 3 September 1939 to 2 July 1940, the date his British passport ran out, and sentenced to death. Joyce was confined in a death cell at London's Wandsworth Prison. In the cell next door was John Amery, the son of a British lord and the man who had tried to form British expatriates and sympathetic British POW's into a Freicorp to fight on the German side. Joyce was executed five days after Amery on 3 January 1946. He was adamant and defiant to the end. He showed no emotion when confronted by news and scenes from the concentration camps, blaming the deaths on starvation and disease caused by Allied bombing of communication lines. He also scratched a swastika on the wall of his cell whilst awaiting sentence. His last public message reported by the BBC was "IN DEATH� AS IN LIFE, I DEFY THE JEWS WHO CAUSED THIS LAST WAR, AND I DEFY THE POWERS OF DARKNESS THEY REPRESENT." He was not yet 40 years old when executed. He was buried in an unmarked grave in the grounds of the prison.

In 1917, Corp. U.S. enters WW I and passes their Emergency War Powers, and Trading with the Enemies Acts.

The Russian Revolution. Virtually all of the Bolshevik leaders are Jews. According to American counter‑intelligence, Lenin and the Bolsheviks were receiving donations from Jacob Schiff, Guggenheim, Max Breitung, and Kuhn Loeb & Co.. One of the Russian revolution's most decisive consequences was the support it ensured for United States entrance into World War I. The two events were separated by less than a month.

On April 6, the United States enters World War I to "make the world safe for democracy." Within a week, British Zionist leader Chaim Weizmann writes to Louis Brandeis, the American Zionist leader, disclosing the status of the proposed Balfour Declaration, committing America and Britain to support of a Jewish homeland in Palestine. The Balfour Declaration, a promise to the Jews regarding Palestine, is created in England by Jewish persons, which will bring the US into WWI. (Note that the effects of the Balfour Declaration happened before the Declaration itself went public). US enters WWI, largely because of the Balfour Declaration, a written plan drawn up by English Jews to bring the US into the war. It is sent to the US; Zionist Supreme Court judge Brandeis edits it.

(Nov., but late Oct. on Russian calendar) Russian Revolution begins. Millions are eventually slaughtered and

oppressed by the Communists, whose leaders are mostly Jewish by ethnicity. American Jews from New York go to

Russia in large numbers to help the Communist revolution.

Communications regarding the Declaration go directly from the British Foreign Office to Louis Brandeis, by‑passing both President Wilson and the U.S. State Department. This a payoff to the Jews for bringing America into the War?

Bernard Baruch is appointed chairman of the War Industries Board, with far‑reaching authority to oversee every aspect of United States industrial production.

In January the Jewish President Woodrow Wilson, re‑elected president in late 1916 on his promise to "keep us out of the war," and maintain strict "Neutrality," told Congress he earnestly wanted to remain at peace with Germany (But a careful study of history proves that, he, like his brother Jew FDR did a few years later worked heaven and earth to get the United States into the war), On April 2, 1917 America went to war "to make the world safe for Democracy."

"But a study of the racial history of Europe indicates that there would have been few wars, probably no major wars, but for the organizing of the Jewish peace‑ propagandists to make the non‑Jews grind themselves to bits. The supposition is permissible that the Jewish strategists want peace, AFTER they subjugate all opposition and potential opposition. The question is, whose peace or whose wars are we to �enjoy?' Is man to be free to follow his conscience and worship his own God, or must he accept the conscience and god of the Zionists?" (The Ultimate World Order, Robert H. Williams, page 49)

In August the project expanded, when 7,000 men were landed in Vladivostok and remained until January 1920, as part of an allied occupation force. In September 1918, 5,000 American troops joined the allied intervention force at Archangel, in support of the Bolshevik Forces, suffered 500 casualties and remained until June 1919.

A handful of Marines took part earlier in a British landing on the Murman Coast {Near Norway} but only incidentally. Max Nordau, a Jew, speaking at the Zionist Congress at Basle in August 1903, made this astonishing "prophesy":

"Let me tell you the following words as if I were showing you the rungs of a ladder leading upward and upward: Herzl, the Zionist Congress, the English Uganda proposition, The Future War, the peace conference, where with the help of England a Free and Jewish Palestine will be created." (Waters Flowing Eastward, p. 108)

All these operations were in support of the Bolshevik Revolution in Russia and were partly supported by Bolshevik elements who participated at times with us, but no war was declared, and ALL� operations were under the personal direction of then President Woodrow Wilson {A Marrano Jew. When the family lived in Germany and were openly Jewish, they spelled the name Wolfson. Then when they moved to England they followed the Jewish custom of altering their name occasionally, to make it sound more Western, and it became Wohlson. And, then, when they moved to the United States, they changed it again, and this time it became Wilson}.

Why? Britain desperately needed help, so the Zionist Jews offered U.S. wealth and manpower in exchange for Britain's promise to give Palestine to the Jews. This promise was engineered by Lord Balfour {a Jew}, and thus called the Balfour Declaration.

Two hundred, seventy‑six trained Jewish revolutionaries; financed by Jacob Scoff, Otto Kahn and Paul Warburg, of Kuhn, Loeb and Co., New York Bakers with forty‑eight million dollars were shipped from New York to Russia to direct and control the overthrow of the Russian Government and establish the first Jewish/Communist State.

And to show their power to the world in a quiet way, they passed through Germany, in a sealed car (during World War I; when no one else could have done such a thing), with whom we were at war, by the permission of Paul Warburg's brother, who was the Kaiser's Chief of Espionage, and permission of the German Chancellor, Von Bethman‑Hollweg (a Jew). Trotsky and Lenin were the leaders. All attempted assassinations and actual assassinations of the Czars and their families were carried out by Masonic Jews.

Also in 1917 American troops were landed at Chungking, China to protect American lives during a political crisis.

The Bolshevist Revolution was not, as it is called, a revolution, but actually an invasion by an anti‑Christ Jewish army of malcontents. (Democracy and World Dominion, p. 210)

Rabbi Wise said in the New York Times 3/24/17: "I believe that of all the achievements of my people, none has been nobler than the part the sons and daughters of Israel have taken in the great movement which has culminated in free Russia (revolution)." (From a speech of rabbi Stephen S. Wise, March 23, 1917 to the mass meeting celebrating the successful revolution in Russia)

(April) Jacob H. Schiff of Kuhn, Loeb & Co., made a public declaration that it was thanks to his financial help that the Russian Revolution had succeeded.

"I have just had a long talk with Simonds of the New York Triune. He is prepared to help us (Zionists) to speak with vigor, editorially, on our behalf, but I think a word of yours to him will be important." (Letter of rabbi Stephen S. Wise to Justice Louis D. Brandeis, May 10)

"The firm of Kuhn, Loeb & Co., floated the largest Japanese war loan of 1904‑1905 thus making possible the Japanese victory over Russia...Jacob Schiff financed the enemies of autocratic Russia and used his financial influence to keep Russia from the money markets of the United States." (Jewish Communal Register of New York City)

"...The uprising of July 4, 1917, was intended to overthrow the Provisional Government according to the plans of Lenin and Trotsky. The revolutionaries were disconcerted by the intervention of a solitary regiment which had been withdrawn from the front and scattered themselves. Lenin escaped but Trotsky was arrested.

"Their cause appeared lost. But the Bolshevists had given proof of their courage, and a telegram arrived to bring them news of the financial support of Jacob Schiff, who was determined to push the Russian Revolution to the end.

"The importance of these funds paced at the disposal of Lenin and Trotsky in order to foment the Bolshevik insurrection of October, 1917, has not been fully realized. This action overthrew the Kerensky government and set up the Soviet regime. How these funds got to them is known. The United States Government punished in October, 1918, a series of official documents entitled The German‑Bolshevik Conspiracy." (Henry Coston, Les Financiers qui menent le monde, Paris, p.114)

Max Warburg of Hamburg (September 21) opened by cable an account at (Rothschilds) Nya Banken in Stockholm, Sweden for Trotsky (Bronstein).

October 17: Zionists dominated England and France, betrayed the Arab‑Moslem people and bargained away their Palestine territories. Lawrence of Arabia, an Englishman who was loved, trusted, and respected by the Arabs, returned to the british Government the decorations they gave him. (Shouldn't the Jewish Eisenhower, when he was the Commander‑in‑Charge of the U.S. Armed Forces, have returned the valuable military decorations he received from Soviet Russia?)

"...Wladimar Olaf Aschberg...acted as the intermediary (in Stockholm, Sweden) between Kuhn, Loeb & Co., in New York City and the firm of Max Warburg (in Hamburg) when they were financing the (Bolshevik) revolution of October, 1917. Aschberg was the head of the Mya Banken in Stockholm and later, in 1921, founded the Russian Commercial Bank. Thanks to this institution he became in a sense the dictator of Soviet finances." (Henry Coston, Les financiers qui menent le monde, Paris, p. 115)

"In the match between these two heavyweights (the United States and the Soviet Union) the International Finance of the United states will have trained the adversary." (Comte de Saint‑Aulaire, Geneva Versus Peace, London, 197, p. 75; Library of congress: JX1975,s.32. He was the French Ambassador to the Court of St. James, London, from 1920 until 1924)

From the book, World Revolution: The Plot Against Civilization, by the English historian, Nesta H. Webster, p. 93, we quote:

"In a word, the peasant inherited from the aristocrat; he was disinherited by the usurer. Here is the true history of the disinherited, not in France alone, but in Russia, in Austria, in Poland; everywhere that the worker lives by tilling his own soil the abolition of feudalism has led tot he domination of the money‑lender, and the money‑lender is in most cases a Jew."

"Sokolow made a simple request, namely that the Zionist Committee should have facilities for communications abroad. He pointed out they were an international body; that they should be granted Government privileges. It was agreed that the War Office and the Foreign Office would send Zionist letters and telegrams by way of Embassies, consulates or Headquarters." (Two Studies in Virtue, by Christopher Sykes, p. 187)

Jacob H. Schiff, the leader of Zionists, finances the complete rewriting of the Bible provided it is done under Jewish auspices. (See his book, p. 63, VII, also American Mercury, July 198, p. 120)

On Good Friday, April 6, 1917, the conspirators got the United States to foolishly declare World War I on Germany and to become an ally of the Resolutionists who had invaded and now dominate Russia. It was also on Good Friday, April 14, 1865, that Abraham Lincoln was murdered by a Jewish assassin.

"Official information emanating from Russia itself informed the world that Communism, while barbarously opposed to every form of Christianity, made it a crime for any comrade to utter a single word of reproach against the Jews.

The1917 list of those who, with Lenin, ruled many of the activities of the Soviet Republic, disclosed that of the 25 quasi‑cabinet members, 24 of them were atheistic.

Between the years 1917 and 1938, more than 20 million Christians were murdered by the Communistic Jewish government in Russia.

"Between these same years,40 billion dollars of Christian property was appropriated by the Lenins and Trotskys, the Zinovieffs and the Kemeneffs, the Litvinoffs and the Lapsinskys; by the atheistic Jews and non‑Jews; both of Russia. Those were the desperate days when Christians were not expelled from their native land but were the targets for the machine gun which beat out its tattoo against human hearts; incredible days when the altars of Christ were desecrated and the servants of Christ were massacred on every multiplying calvaries." (From nationwide broadcast of Rev. Charles E. Coughlin, Sunday, November 29, 1938)

Since 1917, Red Russia has been the land base for the conspirators. Later, evil men in the U.S. financed and industrialized it. (American Mercury, January 1959, Mercury's Opinion, p. 110)

Germany allows 224 Communists to cross into Russia to agitate; 170 were Jews ‑ including Lenin, Martov,� Radek.

The Bolshevik Revolution begins again in Russia, The Bolsheviks are led by Jews who hated the Zsarist Regime. Funded with more than $20 million dollars from the US‑Jewish Bankers Jakob Schiff and KUEHN‑ LOEB. The Russian Zsarist family is arrested by Bolshevik revolutionaries.


Cuba. Troops were landed to protect American interests during an insurrection and subsequent unsettled conditions. Most of the United States armed forces left Cuba by August 1919, but two companies remained at Camaquey until February 1922.


National Socialism and Bolshevism expresses pusillanimous support for examining the Holocaust myth more carefully, is nonetheless considered a radical among the establishment German historians. Nolte's transgressions began in June 1986, when he published a cautiously dissident essay in the West German daily Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung. Battling Nolte are Marxist academics such as Jurgen Habermas, who oppose any neutral discussion of the National Socialist (Nazi) era.


Over 60 million Christians and non‑Jews were murdered by the Jews in Russia and many other Eastern European Nations.

Following is a description of what the Jews do to Christians when they get the chance:

"The Jews were now free to indulge in their most fervent fantasies of mass murder of helpless victims. Christians were dragged from their beds, tortured and killed. Some were actually sliced to pieces, bit by bit, while others were branded with hot irons, their eyes poked out to induce unbearable pain.

"Others were placed in boxes with only their heads, hands and legs sticking out. Then hungry rats were placed in the boxes to gnaw upon their bodies. Some were nailed to the ceiling by their fingers or by their feet, and left hanging until they died of exhaustion.

"Others were chained to the floor and left hanging until they died of exhaustion. Others were chained to the floor and hot lead poured into their mouths. Many were tied to horses and dragged through the streets of the city, while Jewish mobs attacked them with rocks and kicked them to death.

"Christian mothers were taken to the public square and their babies snatched from their arms. A red Jewish terrorist would take the baby, hold it by the feet, head downward and demand that the Christian mother deny Christ. If she would not, he would toss the baby into the air, and another member of the mob would rush forward and catch it on the tip of his bayonet.

"Pregnant Christian women were chained to trees and their babies cut out of their bodies. There were many places of public execution in Russia during the days of the revolution, one of which was described by the American Rohrbach Commission:

"�The whole cement floor of the execution hall of the Jewish Cheka of Kiev was flooded with blood; it formed a level of several inches. It was a horrible mixture of blood, brains and pieces of skull. All the walls were bespattered with blood. Pieces of brains and of scalps were sticking to them. A gutter of 25 centimeters wide by 25 centimeters deep and about 10 meters long was along its length full to the top with blood. Some bodies were disemboweled, others had limbs chopped off, some were literally hacked to pieces. Some had their eyes put out, the head, face and neck and trunk were covered with deep wounds. Further on, we found a corpse with a wedge driven into its chest. Some had no tongues. In a corner we discovered a quantity of dismembered arms and legs belonging to no bodies that we could locate.'" (Defender Magazine, October 1933)

"The Red Terror became so wide‑spread that it is impossible to give here all the details of the principal means employed by the [Jewish] Cheka(s) to master resistance; one of the most important is that of hostages, taken among all social classes. These are held responsible for any anti‑Bolshevist movements (revolts, the White Army, strikes, refusal of a village to give its harvest etc.) and are immediately executed. Thus, for the assassination of the Jew Ouritzky, member of the Extraordinary Commission of Petrograd, several thousands of them were put to death, and many of these unfortunate men and women suffered before death various tortures inflicted by cold‑blooded cruelty in the prisons of the Cheka.

"I have in front of me photographs taken at Kharkoff, in the presence of the Allied Missions, immediately after the Reds had abandoned the town; they consist of a series of ghastly reproductions such as: Bodies of three workmen taken as hostages from a factory which went on strike. One had his eyes burnt, his lips and nose cut off; the other two had their hands cut off.

"The bodies of hostages, S. Afaniasouk and P. Prokpovitch, small landed proprietors, who were scalped by their executioners; S. Afaniasouk shows numerous burns caused by a white hot sword blade. The body of M. Bobroff, a former officer, who had his tongue and one hand cut off and the skin torn off from his left leg.

"Human skin torn from the hands of several victims by means of a metallic comb. This sinister find was the result of a careful inspection of the cellar of the Extraordinary Commission of Kharkoff. The retired general Pontiafa, a hostage who had the skin of his right hand torn off and the genital parts mutilated.

"Mutilated bodies of women hostages: S. Ivanovna, owner of a drapery business, Mme. A.L. Carolshaja, wife of a colonel, Mmo. Khlopova, a property owner. They had their breasts slit and emptied and the genital parts burnt and having trace of coal.

"Bodies of four peasant hostages, Bondarenko, Pookhikle, Sevenetry, and Sidorfehouk, with atrociously mutilated faces, the genital parts having been operated upon by Chinese torturers in a manner unknown to European doctors in whose opinion the agony caused to the victims must have been dreadful.

"It is impossible to enumerate all the forms of savagery which the Red Terror took. A volume would not contain them. The Cheka of Kharkoff, for example, in which Saenko operated, had the specialty of scalping victims and taking off the skin of their hands as one takes off a glove...At Voronege the victims were shut up naked in a barrel studded with nails which was then rolled about. Their foreheads were branded with a red hot iron five pointed star.

"At Tsaritsin and at Kamishin their bones were sawed...At Keif the victim was shut up in a chest containing decomposing corpses; after firing shots above his head his torturers told him that he would be buried alive. The chest was buried and opened again half an hour later when the interrogation of the victim was proceeded with. The scene was repeated several times over. It is not surprising that many victims went mad." (S.P. Melgounov, p. 164‑166; The Secret Powers Behind Revolution, by Vicomte Leon De Poncins, p. 151‑153)


In 1918, President Wilson is re‑elected by the Electoral College but their election is required to be confirmed by the constitutionally set Senate; where the new Corp. U.S. only Senators were allowed to participate in the Electoral College vote confirmation the only authority that could possibly have been used for electoral confirmation was corporate only. Therefore, President Wilson was not confirmed into office for his second term as President of the United States of America and was only seated in the Corp. U.S. Presidential capacity. Therefore the original jurisdiction government's seats were vacated because the people didn't seat any original jurisdiction government officers.

The first Warner movie, an agitprop film titled "My Four Years In Germany," debuts.

The U.S. Foreign Relations Committee holds hearings and releases a report on who is financing the Russian Revolution. In each case, the banks are owned by Jews, the most notable being the Swedish bank Nya Banken, owned by the Jewish man Olof Aschberg. This bank is connected with Jewish banker Jacob Schiff in New York, who also is heavily funding the Communists in Russia.

Millions are murdered by the Communists in Russia. Millions more jailed and oppressed. The world's first "concentration camps" are now created, by the Communist Soviets, whose leaders, again, are Jews.

At the May 1918 conference of deans of New England colleges, the officials admit concern that their institutions might soon be overrun by Jews.

The Federation of American Zionists is reorganized and renamed the Zionist Association of America. it lists over 120,000 active members, and its affiliated organizations report membership in excess of 175,000.

Samuel Goldfish changes his name to Goldwyn and sells out his interest in the Lasky‑Paramount group to form Samuel Goldwyn Productions with New York producers Arcei and Edgar Selwyn. Studio is located in Culver City, California.

In December, as President Wilson prepares to sail for Paris, the American Jewish Congress is called to order at Philadelphia's Lee‑Lu temple. In honor of the occasion, the Zionist flag was raised over Philadelphia's Independence Hall. The pro‑Zionist and Jewish nationalist formulas are hammered out by the new Congress similarly reflect the thrilling impact of the Balfour Declaration.

July 17th� Jew Yakov Yorovsky shoots the captive Tsar Family.

Nov 9th, Under threat of Revolution, the German Kaiser abdicates.

Germany is defeated, not militarily on the front line, but on the home front. Stirred on by their success in Russia, the Bolsheviks caused massive unrest, strikes and upheavals amongst Dock and factory workers, destroying the military supply lines to the troops at the front. The Bolsheviks now wanted Germany, France, Great Britain and Spain. The Jew Erzberger signs an Unconditional Cease Fire and accepts all the imposed Allied conditions

"...I think that a Jewish Palestine must become a war aim for America..." (Letter of Dr. Chaim Weizmann to Justice Louis D. Brandeis, Supreme court, dated January 14)

March 7: Meeting of 26 "independently organized" factory workers to form a "Labor Committee for a Good Peace;" the predecessor of the National Socialist party.

October: First public meeting of the group.

Sixty‑Fifth Congress: House Document 1868, Exhiit 243,

"Paper Relating to Foreign Relations of the United States" contains a whole series of documents showing that the International Bankers financed Lenin and Trotsky (Bronstein). Transfer of funds started in June, 1917. Document 9 shows that the International Baking house of M. Warburg opened an account for Comrade Trotsky to purchase arms, etc. Also Document 12 shows transfer of funds for "agitation against England and France."

Soviet Russia law passed: "From 3/1/18 on, the right to possess women having reached the age of 17 and not more than 32, is abolished. Women proclaimed to be the property of the whole nation. The former owners may retain the right of using their wives w8ithout waiting for their turn." (The Hidden Empire, p. 47)

The United States Secret Service (2nd Army Bureau) named the persons who financed the Bolsheviks in 1916.The Statement Department, under Jewish pressure, destroyed this report. As the report remarks: "All Jews."

"We are living in a highly organized state of socialism. The state is all; the individual is of importance only as he contributed to the welfare of the state. His property is only (his) as the state does not need it. He must hold his life and his possessions at the call of the state." (Bernard M. Baruch in The Knickerbocker Press, Albany, New York, August 8, 1918; this ties in with (Rothschilds) Alliance Israeite Un8iverselle which sent out bulletins "Nationalities must disappear, religion must be suppressed. But Israel (i.e., Zionism) must not disappear.")

The First World War brought to Edward Rothschild, and his associates, more than one hundred billion dollars of profit. (The Secret World Government, by Major General Count Cherep‑Spiridovich, p. 29)

Bolshevist revolutionaries in Russia murdered adults and children of the royal family, and many others, thus launching their regime, in blood.

The U.S. Government paid Col. E. Mandell House $60,000 for expenses in New York City (for 6 months, July 1 to December 31, 1918)

Bernard Flexner joins Roger Baldwin and his counsel of Zionist delegation to 1919 Peace Conference.

How these subsidized alien revolutionaries, having invaded Russia, proceeded to murder and rob on a wholesale scale has been recorded by many persons who had the misfortune to be in Russia during the Bolshevik Revolution. ( The Alien Menace, pp. 113‑114)

Those who wish to go further in the history of this plot against civilization should consult the books quoted; also Russia's Ruin, by Wilcox, Chapman & Hal, 1919. (The Alien Menace, p. 114)

On March 2, 1918, Frankfurter from Paris and Brandeis in the U.S., were raising a million dollars (for Weizmann to use in London). (Mercury article, pp. 115‑116, February, 1958, titled Felix Frankfurter and Louis D. Brandeis)

Very few Christians ever read "The World Significance of a Jewish State" by Braintruster A.A. Berle. Berle and Herzl had much in common.

Zionist Commission appointed (Palestine). Death of Moritz Guedemann (Austria‑Hungary). Russia withdraws from World War I fighting; Kaiser of Germany abdicates; Germany forms republic after revolt; armistice ends World War I.

"Give me control of the money of a country and I care not who makes her laws." (Meyer Rothschild)

"...there is much in the fact of Bolshevism itself. In the fact that so many Jews are Bolsheviks. In the fact that the ideals of Bolshevism are consonant with the finest ideals of Judaism." (The Jewish Chronicle, April 4, 1918)

"Israel won the war [WW I]; we made it; we thrived on it; we profited from it. It was our supreme revenge on Christianity." (The Jewish Ambassador from Austria to London, Count Mensdorf, 1918)

"We were told that hundreds of agitators had followed in the trail of Trotsky (Bronstein) these men having come over from the lower east side of New York.

"Some of them when they learned that I was the American Pastor in Petrograd, stepped up to me and seemed very much pleased that there was somebody who could speak English, and their broken English showed that they had not qualified as being Americas. A number of these men called on me and were impressed with the strange Yiddish element in this thing right from the beginning, and it soon became evident that more than half the agitators in the so‑called Bolshevik movement were Jews...I have a firm conviction that this thing is Yiddish, and that one of its bases is found in the east side of New York...

"The latest startling information, given me by someone with good authority, startling information, is this, that in December, 1918, in the northern community of Petrograd ‑ that is what they call the section of the Soviet regime under the Presidency of the man known as Apfelbaum (Zinovieff) ‑ out of 388 members, only 16 happened to be real Russians, with the exception of one man, a Negro from America who calls himself Professor Gordon.

"I was impressed with this, Senator, that shortly after the great revolution of the winter of 1917, there were scores of Jews standing on the benches and soap boxes, talking until their mouths frothed, and I often remarked to my sister, �Well, what are we coming to anyway. This all looks so Yiddish.' Up to that time we had see very few Jews, because there was, as you know, a restriction against having Jews in Petrograd, but after the revolution they swarmed in there and most of the agitators were Jews.

"I might mention this, that when the Bolshevik came into power all over Petrograd, we at once had a predominance of Yiddish proclamations, big posters and everything in Yiddish. It became very evident that now that was to be one of the great languages of Russia; and the real Russians did not take kindly to it." (Dr. George A. Simons, a former superintendent of the Methodist Missions in Russia, Bolshevik Propaganda Hearing Before the Sub‑Committee of the Committee on the Judiciary, United States Senate, 65th Congress)

"When one lives in contact with the functionaries who are serving the Bolshevik Government, one feature strikes the attention, which, is almost all of them are Jews. I am not at all anti‑Semitic; but I must state what strikes the eye: everywhere in Petrograd, Moscow, in provincial districts, in commissariats, in district offices, in Smolny, in the Soviets, I have met nothing but Jews and again Jews...The more one studies the revolution the more one is convinced that Bolshevism is a Jewish movement which can be explained by the special conditions in which the Jewish people were placed in Russia." (L'Illustration, September 14, 1918)

"The task of the proletariat is to create a still more powerful fatherland with a far greater power of resistance, the Republican United States of Europe, as the foundation of the United States of the World." (Leon Trotzky (Bronstein), Bolshevism and World Peace, 1918) "The responsibility for the last World War [WW I] rests solely upon the shoulders of the international financiers. It is upon them that rests the blood of millions of dead and millions of dying." (Congressional Record, 67th Congress, 4th Session, Senate Document No. 346)

Wilson's 14 Points ‑ presented to a joint session of Congress on January 8. The document was developed by Colonel Mandell House and advisors known as the "Inquiry." The League of Nations ‑ first proposed in The Round Table, in December, in an article entitled The League of Nations: A Practical Suggestion, written by Edward Mandell House and Lionel Curtis, a member of the original Rhodes/Milner "Secret Society."


The Treaty of Brest‑Litovsk, signed March 15, 1918, between Russia and Germany removed Russia from the side of the� Allies, added to the political chaos within Russia, and caused additional political and military problems for the Allies.

On June 2, 1918, the Allied Supreme War Council voted for military intervention at Murmansk and Archangel in North Russia by a force of mixed nationalities under British command. The original objectives of the expedition were limited: to establish a rallying point for those Czech troops inside Russia who were still loyal to the Allies, to guard the supplies sent to the northern ports for the Imperial Russian Army, and to prevent the establishment of German naval bases at the northern ports.

On July 17, 1918, President Woodrow Wilson (A Marrano Jew whose name when the family lived in Germany and were openly Jewish, they spelled the name Wolfson. When they moved to England they followed the Jewish custom of altering their name so it would appear Western in origin, it became Wohlson. Then when they moved to the United States they changed it again, and this time it became Wilson)� agreed with his Jewish advisors to furnish American troops for the intervention of this plan. On August 9, 1918, the 339th Infantry Regiment, 1st Battalion of the 310th Engineers, 337th Field Hospital, and 337th Ambulance Company, all elements of the 85th Infantry Division, were officially designated the "Murmansk Expedition."

On August 27 the expedition, consisting of 143 officers and 4,344 enlisted men under the command of Lt. Col. George E. Stewart, sailed from Newcastle‑on‑Tyne in England and arrived at Archangel on September 4 where, with other Allied forces, it became part of the command of Maj. Gen. F.C. Poole, British Army. American troops soon began to deploy along the front 450 miles long, extending from Onega in the west to Pinega in the east, and at some points 200 miles distant from Archangel the site of Head‑quarters, AEF, North Russia, and also Allied Headquarters. Between September 1918 and May 1919 troops of AEF, North Russia, suffered over 500 casualties {mostly Americans} in combat against the Russian 6th and 7th Armies. In addition to the troops composing AEF, North Russia, there were two other American contingents in the area. The American Military Mission to Russia, headed by Col. James A. Ruggles and including several assistant military attaches, reported on significant political and military events to the War Department and to David Francis, U.S. Ambassador to the Provisional {Bolshevik} Government of the Northern Provinces.

The North Russia Transportation Corps Expeditionary Forces, consisting of the 167th (Operations) and 168th (Maintenance) Companies, Transportation Corps, were sent to Murmansk in march and April 1919 to operate and maintain the Murmansk Railway so that a line of withdrawal for the icebound Allied force at Archangel might be kept open.

Maj. Edward E. MacMorland commanded this contingent, which operated and maintained the Murmansk Railway from its headquarters at Soroka. Early in 1919 President Wilson and his chief advisers decided it was time to withdraw all American forces from North Russia. (Their mission had been completed and to prevent an international scandal they were withdrawn).

During May 1919 Brig. Gen. Wilds Richardson, who had assumed command of all U.S. forces in north Russia on April 9, began to concentrate AEF, North Russia, around Archangel preparatory to return to the United States via Brest, France. By June 27 the last of AEF, North Russia, had left for Brest. On July 28 the North Russia Transportation Corps Expeditionary Forces left Murmansk for Brest, and on August 5, 1919, Headquarters, AEF, North Russia, was discontinued.

Provost Marshal Crowder, in charge of the Selective Draft U. S. Forces, had issued an order to all medical examiners, under direction of the Surgeon General, stating: "The foreign‑born, especially Jews, are more apt to malinger than the native‑born."

Louis Marshall, head of the American Jewish Committee, telegraphed demanding that the "further use of this form shall be at once discontinued." President Wilson ordered the excision of the paragraph. The United States shipping Board sent an advertisement to the �New York Times,' calling for a file clerk and stating that a �Christian' was preferred; by which is meant always a non‑Jew,� the paper rejected it. Louis Marshall again went into action and protested to Bainbridge Colby, Woodrow Wilson's Secretary of State, demanding

"Not because of any desire for inflicting punishment, but for the sake of example and the establishment of a necessary precedent this offense should be followed by a dismissal from the public office of the offender, and the public should be informed the reason."

Attention is called to the tone which the American Jewish Committee adopts when addressing high American officials in the name of Jewry. It is not to be duplicated in the address of any other representative of any other race or faith. The Plattsburg Manual, published for officers in the United States officers' training camps, contained the statement that "the ideal officer is a Christian gentleman."

The A.J.C. at once protested against "Christological manifestations," and the manual was changed to read "the ideal officer is a courteous gentleman." The Anti‑Defamation Committee claimed that 150 American cities had excluded "The Merchant of Venice" from the public schools. Mexico. After withdrawal of the Perishing expedition, our troops entered Mexico in pursuit of bandits at least three times in 1918 and six in 1919. In August 1919 American and Mexican troops fought at Nogales.


Panama. Troops were landed for police duty according to treaty stipulations, at Chiriqual during election disturbances and subsequent unrest.

Also between 1918 and 1920 American troops were sent to Russia. Marines were landed at and near Vladivostok in June and July to protect the American consulate and other points in the fighting between the Bolshevik (Jewish led) troops and the Czech Army which had traversed Siberia from the Western Front. A joint proclamation of emergency government and neutrality was issued by the American, Japanese, British, French and Czech Commanders in July and our party remained until late August. In August the project expanded, when 7,000 American men were landed in Vladivostok and remained until January 1920, as part of an allied occupation force. In September 1918, 5,000 American troops joined the allied intervention force at Archangel, in support of the Bolshevik (Jewish led) forces, and suffered 500 casualties and remained until June 1919. A handful of Marines took part earlier in a British landing on the Murman Coast *near Norway) but only incidentally.

All these operations were in support of the Bolshevik Revolution in Russia and were partly supported by Bolshevik elements who participated at times with us, but no war was declared, and all operations were under the personal direction of then President Woodrow Wilson and the Jew Bernard Baruch, who had contributed $50,000 to Wilson's election campaign, and was subsequently appointed Head of the War Industrial Board.

Baruch spent 10 billion dollars of American money, giving his own companies the choicest contracts, on which he also could fix prices, and made himself a multi‑millionaire by fleecing the People of the Untied States.

He pretended to be a patriot, while he spent thousands to bring the Communist Church burners back from Spain where they had burned Christian Religious Leaders alive after covering them with kerosene. (Time Magazine, January 2, 1939) (Time Magazine, January 2, 1939)

Mexico. After withdrawal of the Pershing expedition, our troops entered Mexico in pursuit of bandits at least three times in 1918; in August 1918 American and Mexican troops fought at Nogales. and six times in 1919.

Panama. For police duty according to treaty stipulations, at Chiriqual during election disturbances and subsequent unrest.

Soviet Russia. Marines were landed at and near Vladivostok in June and July to protect the American Consulate and other points in the fighting between the Bolshevik troops and the Czech Army which had traversed Siberia from the Western Front.


January 5: Formation of German Workers party.

In Germany, the National Socialist (Nazi) party is formed, largely to combat Jewish‑led Communist/financial/social influence on German culture. It combines nationalism and "right‑wing" socialism (as opposed to "left‑wing" socialism, which is also known as "egalitarianism," i.e., the idea that the State should make everyone "equal.") [Note: The "Nazi Party," as a title, did not exist until 1920.]

A British intelligence report, sent to the U.S., states that the Russian Revolution is largely Jewish‑led.

During U.S. Congressional hearings, led by Senator Lee Overman, concerning liquor sales in Europe, testimony is given that the Russian Revolution is being led largely by Jewish persons (titled "Brewing and Liquor Interests and German and Bolshevik Propaganda," report and hearings of, Vol. 3, 66th Congress, 1st session, S. Docs. v.4, n.62, sworn testimony before U.S. Congress; dates: Feb. 11, 1919 to March 10, 1919, S. Res. 439/469)

Spartakist Revolution begins in Berlin. Rosa Luxembourg & Karl Liebknecht try to take over the German Government, but were caught & executed. Karl Radek was then sent from Moscow to Germany to lead the Revolution in Germany. The Jewess Ruth Fischer became head of the German Communist Party until 1924.

The Jews Muehsam, Landauer, Levian Levine; Russian Jews Axelrod and Eisner try to set up a Bolshevik Raeterepublik in Bavaria.

Versailles Treaty where President Wilson forces Germany into submission and loss of sovereignty.� 117 Zionists arrive with the Balfour Declaration and demand Palestine.

April 19, 1919: Mutiny of the Sailors in the Black Sea (19 to 21 April). Several French warships around S�bastopol (brought in to aid in stopping the advances of the Red Army) are subject to mutiny. Begins with the sailors on the battleship "France," & spreads. A delegation, made up partly of anarchist sailors, demands suspension of the war against Russia, the return of the ships to France, & no disciplining for their actions. In S�bastopol, French officers massacre participants in a demonstration to prevent them from fraternizing with the mutineers. Despite the promises of the officers, the mutineers (such as Alphonse Sauveur Cannone; see 15 February) are treacherously arrested & receive from 10 to 20 years of prison.

May 30, 1919: Prominent British and American personalities establish the Royal Institute of International Affairs in England and the Institute of International Affairs in the U.S. at a meeting arranged by Col. House attended by various Fabian socialists, including noted economist John Maynard Keynes. Two years later, Col. House reorganizes the Institute of International Affairs into the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR).

July 10: Treaty of Versailles ratified by the German National Assembly (by British Parliament, July 25).

September 19: Hitler becomes the seventh member of the German Workers party in Munich.

Also in 1919 a landing force was sent ashore in Honduras to maintain order in a neutral zone during an attempted revolution.

Dalmatia. U.S. Forces were landed at Trav at the request of Italian authorities to police order between the Italians and Serbs.

Of the making of the peace of 1919, Dr. E.J. Dillon of the London Daily Telegraph wrote in his book The Inside story of the Peace conference, (Harpers, 1920) that the delegates to the Conference from Eastern Europe set down the formula: "�Henceforth the world will be governed by the Anglo‑Saxon people, who in turn are swayed by their Jewish elements'...and who regard it as fatal to the peace of Eastern Europe." (The Inside Story of the Peace conference, p. 497)

Between 1919 and 1924, three million recorded immigrants came to the U.S., mostly from Eastern Europe, almost all Jewish.

Professor J.R. Commons of the University of Wisconsin testified before the United States House of Representatives Banking and Currency Committee in 1927 that a member of the Federal Reserve Board had told him that the great inflation of 1919 was deliberately created by the Federal Reserve Board. (All These Things, by A.N. Field, p. 6)

The Council of Foreign Relations was launched by Rothschild and Rockefeller at the sinister Versailles Peace meeting. The following two groups were set up to do the job:

1). Royal Institute of International Affairs, London.

2). Council on Foreign Relations, New York City.

Annual grants by Rockefeller Foundation provided a direct continuous method of control of both organizations. Carnegie foundation and later Rockefeller Foundation were to constitute a gigantic lobby and pressure group serving to brainwash, influence and war (or "mold") the various nations' policies. Top officials were influenced to come to the Council of Foreign Relations for "advice" and"guidance." (See facts in reprint Weinberg Replaces Baruch)

If you read "The Inside Story of the Peace Conference," by Dr. E.J. Dillon, (Harpers) you will see the characters who put across the vicious Versailles Peace Treaty. It made a subsequent World War inevitable.

In the new constitution recently adopted in the USSR we have another interesting provision which bears upon this passing of Russia. The Christian religion has for centuries been the religion of the Slav, as it has been the religion of the other races of Europe. We have seen the record of hatred of the Bolsheviki and the Soviet Government in relation to that religion.

In article 124 of the New Soviet constitution we find the following:

"Freedom to perform religious rites and freedom of anti‑religious propaganda is recognized for all citizens."

Significant as this is, it becomes even more significant when taken in connection with a provision in the preceding article,123:

"Any direct or indirect restriction of these well as any propagation of racial or national exceptionalism or hatred and contempt, is punishable by law."

The following extracts are quotes from the testimony of those who appeared before the U.S. Senate Overman Committee. (Also printed in Democracy and World Dominion, per pages listed)

"The leaders of the movement, I should say, are about two‑thirds Russian Jews." (William C. Huntington, Commercial Attache of the United States Embassy at Petrograd from June, 1916,to September, 1916, p. 69)

Most almanacs give World‑wide Jewish population as 14,000,000+‑.October, 31 Martin H. Glynn, "The Hebrew News" Claims 6 Million Jews and 300,000 Jewish children are perishing in Russia. Therefore, World‑wide Jewish population should be 8,000,000+‑.

"In Russia it is well known that three‑fourths of the Bolshevists leaders are Jewish." (Mr. Welsh, for two years a junior officer of the National City Bank in Russia, p. 269)

"When the Bolsheviki came into power, all over Petrograd we at once had a predominance of Yiddish proclamations, big posters, and everything in Yiddish." (Dr. Simons, Pastor of the Methodist Church in Petrograd, p. 142)

In the Yale Review in an article entitled "The World Menace": "No one who ever made a visit to Smolny Institute, when that was the headquarters of the Bolshevist government in Petrograd, could fail to understand how easy it is to get the impression that the Jews have at last seized power." ("The World Menace," Mr. Henry C. Emery LLD., former chairman of the United States Tariff board supported this testimony)

"Potent international financial interests were at work(at the Peace Conference) in favor of the immediate recognition of the Bolshevists. Those influences had been largely responsible for the Anglo‑American proposal in January (1919) to call Bolshevists representatives to Paris at the beginning of the Peace Conference...

"The well‑known American/Jewish banker, Mr. Jacob Schiff, was known to be anxious to secure recognition for the Bolshevists...and Tchitcherin, the Bolshevist Commissary for Foreign Affairs, had revealed the meaning of the January proposal by offering extensive commercial and economic concessions in return for recognition." (Henry Wickham Steed, Through Thirty Years, New York, 1924, Vol. 2, p. 301. Mr. Steed was the Editor of The Times, London Library of Congress; D 397.S75)

Victor Marsden, the (London) Morning Post reporter who spent many months in Russia, stated that �among the 545 leading Bolshevik officials there were 377 Jews t the birth of Bolshevism."

The German people were robbed and weakened by inflation. As� a result of the international bankers conspiracy, it took a billion‑mark stamp (5 billion pre‑war dollars) to send one letter in Germany.

British War Cabinet issues official "White Paper" listing Kuhn,� Loeb & Co., and other Zionist bankers as the ones who financed the� Russian Revolution.

"There is no doubt that the...Jews aided the Persians with all the men they could muster, and that the help they gave was considerable. Once Jerusalem was in Persian hands a terrible massacre of Christians took place, and the Jews are accused of having taken the lead in this massacre." (A History of Palestine from 135 A.D. to Modern Times, James Parkes, p. 81; The Iron Curtain Over America, John Beaty, p. 194).

In March, the Third International was organized by the Zionists. (See H. Fish Report)

March 1, Capt. Sculler reported. Here are exact quotes:

"You will think I am not about this matter (Bolshevism) but it is I feel sure one which is going to bring great trouble on the Untied States when the judgment of history shall be recorded on the part we have played. It is very largely our fault that Bolshevism has spread as it has..." (From confidential report of Capt. Montgomery Sculler, Chief United States Army Intelligence Officer, Omsk, Siberia, to Lt. Col. David Prescott Barows, Intelligence Officer, American Expeditionary Forces, Vladivostok, Siberia, March 1, 1919, p. 2, National Archives Military Intelligence Files)

"...The prime movers (for the recognition of the Bolshevists at the Peace Conference in 1919) were Jacob Schiff, Warburg and other international financiers, who wished above all to bolster up the Jewish Bolshevists." (Henry Wickham Steed, through Thirty Years, New York, 1924, Vol. 2, p. 302. Library of Congress: D 397.S75)

�"...Trotsky was furnished large sums of money in America and...sent to Russia." (Erich Ludendorff, Kriegshetze und Volkermorden in den letzten 150 Jahren, Munchen, 1936, p. 149. General Ludendorff was Commander‑in‑Chief of the German Army in World War I. Library of Congress: D 359. L86, 1939)

May 30, 1919: Prominent British and American personalities establish the Royal Institute of International Affairs in England and the Institute of International Affairs in the U.S. at a meeting arranged by Col. House attended by various Fabian socialists, including noted economist John Maynard Keynes. Two years later, Col. House reorganizes the Institute of International Affairs into the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR).

The collapse of these three Powers (Germany, Austria‑Hungary and Russia) in their old form represents a considerable gain for the carrying on of a Jewish national policy, and the fact that the same war, which brought about the world‑wide recognition of Zionism, also brought about the fall of three anti‑Jewish powers, is a unique coincidence which may well give cause for thought." (Der Jude, Vol. 3, p. 449, Dr. Martin Buber, Publisher, Berlin 1918‑1919)

The Communist Party was set up in the U.S. on September 1, 1919.William Z. Foster (wife, Esther Abramovich) became its first general secretary. The Daily Worker, the Communist New York daily, began its first publication about the same time.

The Versailles Peace Conference imposed on Germany the harsh conditions that sent the nation reeling toward Communism, depression, and finally despotism.

Bernard Baruch was invited to become the Soviet Union's peace‑time adviser on industry and resources.

Dr. Weizmann said

"we do not aspire to found a Zionist State. We cannot hope to rule in a country in which on 1/7th of the population at present are Jews." (Far and Wide, p. 318)

In the hearings before the Committee on Foreign Relations, United States Senate, Sixty‑Sixth congress, Document 106, p. 536, we quote:

"Senator McComber questions President Woodrow Wilson: �Do you think if Germany had committed no act of war or no act of injustice against our citizens that we would have gotten into this war?"

President Wilson:

"I do think so."

Senator McCumber:

"You think we would have gotten in anyway?"

President Wilson:

"I do."

Poisonous propaganda started to flow into the minds of the United States citizen.

"Jewish hopes for the future depend on two lynch‑pins. One is the League of Nations idea, and the other is the British Government, and we need scarcely say that we refer to Jewish hopes in the widest application of the term." (The Jewish World, London, January 15, 1919 (No. 2392), p. 5)

"There must be a proper lookout for the civic and political rights and the status of Jews in various countries unless there be established a Power above all nations..." (The Jewish World, London, January 15, 1919 (No.2392) p. 5)

"Peace" Conference in Paris in 1919 made the resumption of war inevitable, owing to its impossible financial clauses. At this conference the chief financial adviser tot he German delegation was Dr. Carl Melchior, partner of Max Warburg, whose brothers Paul and Felix were partners of Jacob Schiff, in Kuhn, Loeb & Co.� The chief economic adviser to the American delegation was Bernard M. Baruch, the dictator of the all powerful War Industries Board in America during the war and an associate in business of Jacob H. Schiff. The British economic delegation was headed by Lord Cunliffe, former Governor of the Bank of England and a partner in the international Jewish banking house of Coschen (ancestral city; Leipzig, Germany).

In connection with this conference, Lloyd George wrote in his memoirs: "They (the International Bankers) swept statesmen, politicians, jurists and journalists all on one side and issued their orders with an imperiousness of absolute monarchs who knew that there was no appeal from their ruthless decrees." (Deadlier Than the H Bomb, p. 47)

The second reason for large scale Communist exploitation of the United States was our traditional lack of any laws prohibiting or regulating immigration into the United States and our negligence or politics in enforcing immigration laws when they had been passed. (Chapter II, Iron Curtain Over America)

"The illegal entry of aliens into the United States is one of the most serious and difficult problems confronting the Immigration and Naturalization Service...Since the end of world War II, the problem of illegal entry has increased tremendously...There is ample evidence that there is an alarmingly large number of aliens in the United States in an illegal status. Under the alien registration act of 1940 some 5 million aliens were registered." (The Immigration and Naturalization Systems of the United States, pp. 629‑630)

The third principal reason for the Communist exploitation of the United States was the absence of any effective policy regarding resident foreigners even when their activities are directed toward the overthrow of the government. Thus in 1950 several hundreds of thousands of foreigners, among the millions illegally in this country, were arrested and released for want of adequate provisions for deporting them.

As shown in Chapter II, "persons of Khazar background or traditions had entered the United States in large numbers in the waves of immigration between 1880 and the outbreak of World War I in 1914. The Soviet seizure of Russia took place in 1917, however, and the hey‑day for Communist‑inclined immigrants from Eastern Europe was the five‑year period between the end of World War I (1919) and the passage of the 1924 law restricting immigration. Recorded immigrants to this country in that brief span of time amounted to approximately 3 million and large numbers of newcomers were from Eastern Europe." (The Iron Curtain Over America, by John Beaty, p. 45)

Lenin said: "The first World War gave us Russia, while the Second World War will hand Europe to us." (Note the certainty of World War II. It came, "as planned" 20 years later)

The urging of dual loyalty by Dr. Nahum Goldman, who was president of the World Zionist Movement and as president of the World Jewish Congress makes real Americans very concerned. (See American Mercury, June, 1959, This is What They Said, p. 146)

Honduras. A landing force was sent ashore to maintain order during an attempted revolution.

The Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) was established to promote Communism and implementation of the evil objectives of the original Illuminati.

The New World Order by Samuel Zane Batten is published by the American Baptist Publication Society. Founding of Thule Society in Germany; Hitler recruited. League of Nations founded at Paris Peace Conference. Meeting at the Majestic Hotel, Paris, between Wilsonian intellectuals (House, Dulles and Dulles, etc.) and "like‑minded Englishmen" to discuss forming an organization "for the study of international affairs." Royal Institute of International Affairs founded. Freud draws attention to Austrian neurologist Poetzl's experiments with the tachistroscope, an early device for studying subliminal perception. Charles Fort's The Book of the Damned published. Hitler joins the German Workers' Party.

The New World Order by Samuel Zane Batten is published by the American Baptist Publication Society. Founding of Thule Society in Germany; Hitler recruited. League of Nations founded at Paris Peace Conference. Meeting at the Majestic Hotel, Paris, between Wilsonian intellectuals (House, Dulles and Dulles, etc.) and "like‑minded Englishmen" to discuss forming an organization "for the study of international affairs."

Royal Institute of International Affairs founded. Freud draws attention to Austrian neurologist Poetzl's experiments with the tachistroscope, an early device for studying subliminal perception. Charles Fort's The Book of the Damned published. Hitler joins the German Workers' Party.

Pogroms in Ukraine and Poland; abolishment of community organization and Jewish institutions in Russia (Russia & Poland). Canadian Jewish Congress founded; American Jewish delegation at Versailles. Peace of Versailles. Comite des Delegations Juives (France). pogroms in Hungary (Austria‑Hungary). Heavy German economic losses as a result of the Treaty of Versailles; Sinn Fein rebellion erupts in Ireland; Benito Mussolini introduces fascism in Italy; Gandhi begins passive resistance movement in India.

Paris Peace Conference: House is Wilson's chief deputy at the conference where he expanded his association with leaders of the Milner group. Genesis of the CFR and RIIA ‑ At a meeting on May 30, at the Majestic Hotel in Paris, Edward M. House, Lionel Curtis, Lord Eustace Percy, Harold Temperley, Herbert Hoover, Christian Herter, James T. Shotwell (Columbia), Charles Seymore (Yale), Archibald C. Coolidge (Harvard), were among 50 individuals who decided to create the Council on Foreign Relations in the U.S., and the Royal Institute of International Affairs in London.

The Treaty of Versailles ‑ signed June 28, ended the war and incorporated The Covenant of the League of Nations as the first 30 Articles; very much as had been proposed by House and Curtis.

The 18th Amendment (Prohibition) is passed empowering the Volstead Act. Some say it, too, was illegal, but who is keeping count anymore? Samuel Bronfman makes such a fortune bootlegging, that Lake Erie becomes known as the "Jewish Lake." He joins forces with Meyer Lansky and "Waxy" Gordon (Irving Wexler) to become the major liquor distributor in the United States.

Jews make up 13% of the student body at Yale, nearly 25% at the University of Pennsylvania, 20% at Brown, 20% at Harvard, 40% at Columbia, and yet the ADL screams that "anti‑Semitism" is keeping them out. Yeesh!

Abraham Flexner becomes Secretary (Chief Executive Officer) of the Rockefeller‑funded General Education Board. He develops a model core‑curriculum for public schools based upon modern theory, eliminating studies in classical Latin and Greek, undermining the secular and historical foundation of our culture.

The U.S. Communist Party is formed with William Z. Foster as first general secretary. Virtually all of its members are Russian‑Jewish immigrants, and its power is firmly entrenched within Sidney Hillman's International Ladies' Garment Workers Union (ILGWU).

Radio Corporation of America (RCA) is established as a collaboration of American Marconi and General Electric with David Sarnoff as its commercial manager and de facto chairman. Over the next ten years it acquires more than 2,000 patents, covering all the basic elements of an integrated radio‑transmission system.

B.W. Huebsch becomes editor in chief of Viking Press.

1919 ‑ 1920

The Kehillah was so successful in its campaign that it was possible for a Jewish advertiser in New York to say that he wanted only Jewish help, but it was not possible for a non‑Jewish advertiser to state his non‑Jewish preference.

And so it goes on, year after year, right up to the present day. The incidents quoted are typical not occasional. They represent what is transpiring all the time in the United States as the Jews pursue their "rights."

There is no interference with Jewish ways and manners. The Jew may use his own calendar, keep his own days, observe his own form of worship, live in his own ghetto, exist on a dietary principle all his own, slaughter his cattle in a manner which no one who knows about it can approve; he can do all these things without molestation, without the slightest question of his right in them. But, the non‑Jew is the "persecuted one." He must do everything the way the Jew wants it done; if not he is infringing on Jewish "rights."

"After many months of prodding by America's Allies and top advisers in the State Department, President Woodrow Wilson agreed in early July 1918 to permit limited U.S. participation in an Allied expedition to Siberia. Among the reasons Wilson gave for this move by the United States were: to extricate Czechoslovak Armed Forces from Siberia who had been attempting to reach the Western Front; to guard allied military stores at Vladivostok; and to aid the Russian {Bolshevik} people themselves in �self‑government and self‑defense.'

"Soon after Wilson's announcement, the War Department made speedy preparations for the transfer of the 27th and 31st� Infantry Regiments from the Philippine Islands to Vladivostok. In addition, Maj. Gen. William Graves, troops on various occasions gave active support to the Bolsheviki, Social Revolutionists, and other rebellious elements which were fighting Kolchak in his rear.

"Colonel John Ward, of the Middlesex Regiment, who was connected with the Allied troops in Siberia, gave an impartial account of the damaging and anti‑Russian policy adopted by the United States expeditionary force commanded by General Graves.

"This writer revealed the fact that American army officers, who were ostensibly sent to Siberia to resist disorder and support order, instead had established a sort of �entente cordiale' with the Red forces operating in the rear of the Omsk armies.

"He also stated that he �could not believe that America had come to Siberia to make' Admiral Kolchak's �task more difficult.' On the other hand, however, there was but little ground for optimism. �It was common talk,' remarked Colonel Ward, �that a conference between the Red Guard Commander and General Graves...was actually arranged, but was dropped when the Supreme Governor's representative in the Far East declared to General Graves personally that his proposed conference with the enemies of the Russian Government would be considered as a hostile act.'

"Nor was there much encouragement in the fact that �our of sixty liaison officers and translators with American headquarters, over fifty were Russian Jews; some had been exiled from Russia for political and other offenses, and now returned as American citizens, capable of influencing American policy in a direction not that of the American people.' (Colonel John War, With the �Die‑Hards' in Siberia, pp. 276‑277, Geo. H. Doran Co., New York, 1920)

"Will the Russian people ever forget, will they ever forgive, the conduct of the French general, who, after having guaranteed by his word of honor Admiral Kolchak's personal liberty and safety, thereupon delivered him to the Irkutsk Social Revolutionists; the worthy co‑partners of the Bolsheviki? Will the Russians forgive that after Kolchak's safe conduct was guaranteed by the banners of five great nations; America, Great Britain, France, Italy and Japan, he was murdered in cold blood by a revolutionary mob under the very folds of these banners? This was the way in which the Allied Governments sought to consolidate the Eastern Front." (The World At The Cross Roads, Boris Brasol, pp. 101‑103)

Who was designated commander of the expedition, received orders to select an additional 5,000 men and officers from his 8th Division stationed at Camp Fremont, Calif., to supplement these two infantry regiments. On August 3, 1918, orders were sent from the Adjutant General in Washington to the two regiments in the Philippines and to Graves in California to embark for Vladivostok, where they were to establish American Headquarters. The bulk of the expeditionary forces landed in Siberia between August 15 and September 2. Immediately upon arrival, elements of the 27th and 31st Infantry Regiments took up guard duty along the Ussuri Railroad line from Vladivostok to Nikolsk.

During late August and September the remainder of the 27th Infantry under Col. Henry Styer participated in an Allied offensive that pushed back Russian forces in the Spasskoe‑Ussuri region. By November most of this fighting had subsided, and the primary tasks of the AEF in Siberia became railroad garrison duty, care of prisoners of war, and guarding Allied supplies at Vladivostok.

In the Spring of 1919, an inter‑Allied agreement on guarding the Trans‑Siberian Railroad resulted in the assignment of American forces to several widely separated sections of the railroad line: Vladivostok to Nikolsk‑Ussuri, Ugolnaya to the Suchan Mines, Spasskoe to Ussuri, and (1,700 miles further west) Verkhne‑Udinsk to Mysovaya. During the period May through August 1919, the garrisons at Ugolnays, Ussuri, Razodolnoe, the Suchan Mines, and Shkotovo sustained the heaviest casualties of the expedition because of strikes, riots, and Russian guerrilla activity. Conditions were so bad that American forces were removed from Shkotovo and the Suchan Mines in August.

Other American garrisons, however, maintained their stations until January 9, 1920, when the War Department ordered the entire AEF in Siberia to assemble at Vladivostok in order to return to Manila. (The Bolshevik takeover was complete). On April 1, 1920, General Graves closed his headquarters, and the last American units departed from Siberia.


Third Aliyah (Palestine).

On March 15th, 1923, the Jewish World asserted:

"Fundamentally Judaism is Anti‑Christian." (Waters Flowing Eastward, p. 108)

"Bolshevism (Judaism), this symbol of chaos and of the spirit of destruction, is above all an Anti‑Christian and Anti Social Conception. This present destructive tendency is clearly advantageous for only one national and religious entity: Judaism. The fact that Jews are the most active element in present day revolutions as well as in revolutionary socialism, that they draw to themselves the power forced form the peoples of other nations by revolution, is a fact in itself, independent of the question of knowing if that comes from organized world‑wide Judaism, from Jewish Free Masonry or by an elementary evolution brought about by Jewish national solidarity and the accumulation of the capital in the hands of Jewish bankers.

"The contest is becoming more definite. The domination of revolutionary Judaism in Russia and the open support given to this Jewish Bolshevism by Judaism the world over finally clear up the situation, show the cards and put the question of the battle of Christianity against Judaism, of the National State against the International, that is to say, in reality, against Jewish world power." (Weltkampf, July 1924, p. 21; The Secret Powers Behind Revolution, by Vicomte Leon De Poncins, p. 140).

"The final goal of world revolution is not socialism, or even communism, it is not a change in the present economic system, it is not the destruction of civilization in a material sense. The revolution desired by the leaders is moral and spiritual, it is an anarchy of ideas in which all the bases established nineteen centuries ago shall be overthrown, all the honored traditions trodden under foot, and, above all, the Christian ideal finally obliterated." (Nesta Webster, Secret Societies and Subversive Movements, p. 334; The Secret Powers Behind Revolution, by Vicomte Leon De Poncins, p. 143)

"The inward thought of Moscow (the Jews) indeed appears to be that for twenty centuries while humanity has been following Christ, it has been on the wrong word. It is now high time to correct this error of direction by creating a new moral code, a new civilization, founded on quite different principles (Talmudic Principles).

"And it appears that it is this idea which the communist leaders wished to symbolize when a few months ago they proposed to erect in Moscow a Statue to Judas Iscariot, to Judas, this great honest misunderstood man, who hanged himself, not at all, as it is usually and foolishly believed, because of remorse for having sold his master, but because of despair, poor man, at the thought that humanity would pay for by innumerable misfortunes the wrong path which it was about to follow." (J. and J. Tharaud, Causerie sur Israel, p. 38; The Secret Powers Behind Revolution, by Vicomte Leon De Poncins, pp. 143‑144)


"Keogh cites secret Irish government documents in which Jews are described as "a potential irritant in the body politic" who had "disproportionate wealth and influence." In severely limiting Jewish immigration during the Hitler years, Irish policy was in line with that of virtually all other nations, pro‑ or anti‑German, including the United States and Britain.


January 10: The League of Nations automatically comes into being under the terms of the Versailles Treaty.

February 8, 1920: The Illustrated Sunday Herald publishes a full‑page article by Winston Churchill' entitled, "Zionism versus Bolshevism: A struggle for the soul of the Jewish people."

February 25: The program of the National Socialist German Workers party is proclaimed in a mass meeting in Munich.

Meyer Lansky enters into collaboration with "Big Maxie" Greenberg, a veteran Detroit mobster, and Arnold Rothstein, who owns a chain of New York gambling casinos. Rothstein bankrolls the operation, purchasing "safe" sites in Maine to import liquor from England, while Greenberg goes to St. Louis and "Waxy" Gordon takes over New Jersey.

By now, most large newspapers in America and Europe are owned by Jews as are most banks and book publishing companies. People who warn of this are branded "Anti‑Semitic."

Winston Churchill warns the Western world about dangerous political and cultural impact of Jewish collectivism in his article "Zionism vs. Bolshevism: A Struggle for the Soul of the Jewish People." February 8, Illustrated Sunday Herald, London.

U.S. Automaker Henry Ford hires detectives to investigate Jewish power in America, and is so alarmed about their findings that he orders all information found about Jews to be printed in his newspaper, "The Dearborn Independent." His newspaper is later forced to close. Henry Ford: A true American patriot, punished for telling the truth.

Communists (mostly Jewish‑led) bomb and burn buildings throughout Germany, hoping to bring about a Marxist revolution similar to Russia's. Police arrest scores of Communists and seize hundreds of guns and a sizeable amount of explosives.

The Nineteenth Amendment is passed, guaranteeing American women's right to vote; in response, the National American Woman Suffrage Association changes its name to the League of Women Voters, later to achieve Votescam notoriety.

November 2: Bavaria is requested by the Inter allied Control Commission at Munich to disband its militia.

Large Jewish Banks in the USA invest in German Industry and make large loans to Germany to rebuild after WW1; not because they like Germans but they know a healthy industry brings back healthy profits and large loans bring in large Interest payments. Poland annexes more German territory and starts driving tens of thousands of Germans off their lands and out of their homes.

China. A landing force was sent ashore for a few hours to protect lives during a disturbance at Klukiang.

Guatemala. To protect the American Legation and other American interests, such as the cable station, during a period of fighting between Unionists and the Government of Guatemala.

China. A landing force was sent ashore for a few hours to protect lives during a disturbance at Klukiang.

Also in 1920 American troops were sent ashore in Guatemala to protect the American Legation and other American interests, such as the cable station, during a period of fighting between unionists and the government of Guatemala.

British Mandate over Palestine; Tel Hai; Arabs riot in Jerusalem (Palestine). Keren Ha‑Yesod established (Zionism). Death of Jacob H. Schiff; Henry Ford begins anti‑ Semitic Dearborn Independent. Histadrut founded; the Haganah founded (Palestine). Polish Russian War. Britain granted Palestine mandate and establishes a Palestinian Jewish State (England); Civil war is fought in Ireland; United States prohibits use of alcoholic beverages.

"We Jews, we are the destroyers and will remain the destroyers. Nothing you can do will meet our demands and needs. We will forever destroy because we want a world of our own." (You Gentiles, by Jewish Author Maurice Samuels, p. 155)

Georg Creel US Chief of Propaganda� WWI. There is still a lot� of work to be done in Germany to burn out the last vestiges of Germanism amongst their population. League of Nations rejected by U.S. Senate ‑ despite herculean efforts on both sides of the Atlantic. Royal Institute of International Affairs ‑ organized by the Milner group, housed at the Chatham House in London.


Russia (Siberia). An American Marine guard to protect the United States radio station and property on Russian Island, Bay of Vladivostok. Thus evading the use of the Radio Station from being used by anti‑Bolshevik elements.


Sir Herbert Samuel High Commissioner (Palestine).


Rule of the Jewish Kehillah Grips New York: Are the Jews organized? Do they consciously pursue a program which on one side is pro‑Semitic and on the other anti‑Gentile? How can a group so numerically inferior wield so large an influence upon the majority of the world?

These are questions which have been asked and which can be answered. The clan solidarity of the Jew, the ramifications of his organizations, the specific purpose which he has in view, are themes upon which there is any amount of "say so," but very little authoritative statement. It may therefore be useful and informing to study one or two of the more important Jewish organizations in the United States.

There are Jewish lodges, unions and societies whose names are well known to the public, and which seem to be the counterpart of similar groups among the non‑Jewish population, but those are not the groups upon which to focus attention. Within and behind them is the central group, the inner government, whose ruling is law, and whose act is the official expression of Jewish purpose.

Two organizations, both of which are as notable for their concealment as for their power, are the New York Kehillah and the American Jewish Committee. By concealment is meant the fact that they exist in such important numbers and touch vitally so many points of American life, without their presence being suspected.

If a vote of New York could be taken today it is doubtful if one per cent of the non‑Jewish population could say that it had ever heard of the New York Kehillah, yet the Kehillah is the most potent factor in the political life of New York today. It has managed to exist and mold and remold the life of New York, and very few people are the wiser. If the Kehillah is mentioned in the press, it is most vaguely, and the impression is, when there is any impression at all, that it is a Jewish social organization like all the rest.

The Kehillah of New York is of importance to Americans everywhere because of two facts: it not only offers a real and complete instance of a government within a government in the midst of America's largest city, but it also constitutes through its executive committee District XII of the American Jewish Committee through which pro‑Jewish and anti‑Gentile propaganda is operated and Jewish pressure brought to bear against certain American ideas. That is to say, the Jewish government of New York constitutes the essential part of the Jewish government of the United States.

Both of these societies began at about the same time. The records of the Kehillah state that the immediate occasion of its organization was to make a protest against the statement by General Bingham, then police commissioner of the City of New York, that 50 per cent of the crime of the metropolis was committed by Jews. There had been a government investigation into the "White Slave Traffic," the result of which was a direct set of public opinion into channels uncomplimentary to the Jewish name, and a defensive movement was begun. There is no intention to rake up past scandals, unless it shall become necessary; it is enough to say here that, very soon afterward, General Bingham disappeared from public life, and a national magazine of power and influence which had embarked on a series of articles setting forth the government's findings in the White Slave investigation was forced to discontinue after the printing of the first article. This was in the year 1908. The American Jewish

Committee, to whose influence the Kehillah really owes its existence, came into being in 1906.

The word "Kehillah" has the same meaning as "Kahal," which signifies "community," "assembly" or government. It represents the

Jewish form of government in the dispersion. That is to say, since destiny has made the Jews wanderers of the earth, they have

organized their own government so that it might function regardless of the governments which the so‑called "Gentiles" have set

up. In the Babylonian captivity, in Eastern Europe today, the Kahal is the power and protectorate to which the faithful Jew

looks for government and justice. The Peace Conference established the Kahal in Poland and Rumania. The Kahal itself is

establishing its courts in the city of New York. The Kahal issues laws, judges legal cases, issues divorces; the Jews who appeal thereto preferring Jewish justice to the justice of the courts of the land. It is, of course, an agreement among themselves to be so governed; just as citizenship in the United States assumes agreement to be governed by institutions provided for that purpose.

The New York Kehillah is the largest and most powerful union of Jews in the world. The center of Jewish world power has been transferred to that city. That is the meaning of the heavy migration of Jews all over the world toward New York. It is to them what Rome is to the devout Catholic and what Mecca is to the Mohammedan. And by that same token, immigrant Jews are more freely admitted to the United States than they are to Palestine.

The Kehillah is a perfect answer to the statement that the Jews are so divided among themselves as to render a concert of action impossible. That is one of the statements made for Gentile consumption, that the Jews are hopelessly divided among themselves. Hundreds of thousands of Americans have had opportunity during recent weeks to see and hear for themselves that when an anti‑Gentile purpose is in view, Jews of all classes make the same threats and the same boasts. They are either going to "get" somebody, or they have "got" somebody.

A recent Jewish writer attempted to raise a laugh about the very idea of the members of the Jewish needle‑workers' unions of New York having anything in common with the needle‑work bosses. He made his attempt in confidence that the public knew little or nothing about the Kehillah. But the public can find all groups and all interests in that body, for there they meet as Jews. The capitalist and the Bolshevik, the rabbi and the union leader, the strikers and the employers struck against, are all united under the flag of Judah. Touch the conservative capitalist who is a Jew, and the red anarchist who is also a Jew will spring to his defense. It may be that sometimes they love each other less, but altogether they hate the non‑Jew more, and that is their common bond.

The Kehillah is an alliance, more offensive than defensive, against the "Gentiles." The majority of the membership of the New York Kehillah is of an extremely radical character, those seething hundreds of thousands who carefully organized on the East Side the government which was to take over the Russian Empire, even choosing in the Jewish Quarter of New York the Jew who was to succeed the Czar; and yet, in spite of this character of membership, it is officered by Jews whose names stand high in government, judiciary, the law and banking.

It is a strange and really magnificent spectacle which the Kehillah presents, of a people of one racial origin, with a vivid belief in itself and its future, disregarding its open differences, to combine privately in a powerful organization for the racial, material and religious advancement of its own race to the exclusion of all others.

The Kehillah has mapped New York just as the American Jewish Committee has mapped the United States. The city of New York is divided into 18 Kehillah districts which comprise a total of 100 Kehillah neighborhoods, in accordance with the population. The Kehillah District Boards administer Kehillah affairs in their respective districts in accordance with the policy and rules laid down by the central governing body.

Practically every Jew in New York belongs to one or more lodges, secret societies, unions, orders, committees or federations. The list is a prodigious one. The purposes interlace and the methods dovetail in such a manner as to bring every phase of New York life not only under the watchful eye, but under the swift and powerful action of experienced compulsion upon public affairs.

At the meeting which organized the Kehillah a number of sentiments were expressed which are worthy of consideration today. Judah L. Magnes, then rabbi of Temple Emanu‑El, chairman of the meeting, set forth the plan. "A central organization like that of the Jewish Community of New York City is necessary to create a Jewish public opinion," he said.

Rabbi Asher was loudly applauded when he said: "American interests are one, Jewish interests are another thing."

The delegates at this meeting represented 222 Jewish societies, as follows: 74 synagogues, 18 charitable societies, 42 mutual benefit societies, 40 lodges, 12 educational societies, 9 communal federations, 9 literary and musical societies, 9 Zionist societies and 9 religious societies.

At a meeting somewhat more than a year later the number of organizations under the jurisdiction of the Kehillah aggregated 688. These included 238 constituent organizations, 133 congregations, 58 lodges, 44 educational and benevolent societies, and 3 federations. These three federations were made up of 450 societies. The affiliation now numbers more than 1,000 organizations.

The Kehillah has produced a map of New York City on which the varying densities of the Jewish population are represented by varying densities of shade. In order to comprehend the power of the Kehillah, the Jewish population of New York must be considered. Three years ago, according to Jewish figures (there are no others) there were 1,500,000 Jews in the city alone. Since that time the number has considerably increased ‑‑ even the Government of the United States cannot say how much.

In 1917‑18: the Jews resident in the five boroughs of New York City were estimated; again by Jewish officials. as follows:

Manhattan, 696,000; Brooklyn, 568,000; Bronx, 211,000; Queens, 23,000; Richmond, 5,000; making a total of 1,503,000.

The Kehillah districts form distinct and segregated parts of the City's population, and are 18 in number. These 18 in turn comprise 100 neighborhoods, or little ghettos. The districts, with the number of neighborhoods in each, are represented in the following table:


No. 1. North Bronx District 7; No. 2. South Bronx District 7; No. 3. West Side and Harlem District 7; No. 4. East Harlem District 7; No. 5. Yorkville District 5; No. 6. Central Manhattan District 4; No. 7. Tompkins Square District 6; No. 8. Delancey District 8; No. 9. East Broadway District 8; No. 10. Williamsburg District 7; No. 11. Bushwick District 6; No. 12. Central Brooklyn District 6; No. 13. Brownsville District 6; No. 14. East New York District 7; No. 15. Borough Park District 6; No.� 16. West Queens District 1; No. 17. East Queens District 1; No. 18. Richmond District 1.

Districts such as the Delancey Street and East Broadway sections cover the Great Ghetto of the East Side, while the West Side and Harlem Districts represent the neighborhoods which are the residential goals of the prosperous Jews of New York. It has been stated that there are districts in which the density of Jewish population is more than 300,000 per square mile, which is more than 2,150 to the usual square city block. There are 19 neighborhoods in which the density is more than 200,000 to the square mile (1,430 to the square block); and 36 neighborhoods in which the density is more than 100,000 to the square mile (715 to the square block).

The average density of the general population for New York City both Jewish and non‑Jewish, in 1915, was about 16,000 to the square mile, or 107 to the square block. More than one‑third of the Jews, about 38 per cent, that is, 570,000 Jews, live on one per cent of the area of New York. If all New York's population were as dense as is the Jewish population of the congested districts, the City would have almost as many inhabitants as the whole United States, or about 95,000,000.

These figures dimly portray the overcrowding which has resulted from the terrific influx of Russian‑Polish Jews of the ghetto type, who have settled in the Metropolis and steadfastly refused to go any further, resulting in problems which are probably unparalleled in the history of civilization. Yet it is out of such conditions that the far‑reaching power of the Kehillah is derived.

When the aggressive program of the Kehillah to make New York a Jewish city, and through New York the United States a Jewish country, was announced, some of the more conservative Jews of New York were timorous. They did not expect that the American people would stand for it. They thought the American people would immediately understand what was afoot and oppose it. There were others who doubted whether the same Kehillah authority could here be wielded over the Jews as was wielded in the old country ghettos. As an official of the Kehillah wrote: "There were those who doubted the ultimate success of this new venture in Jewish organization. They based their lack of belief on the fact that no governmental authority could possibly be secured; in other words, that the Kehillah of New York could not hope to wield the same power, based on governmental coercion, as the Kehillahs of the Old World."

There is much in that paragraph to indicate the status of the Kehillah in Jewish life. Add to this the fact that the vast majority of adult Jews in New York lived under the Kehillahs of the Old World, whose power was based on coercion, and you have an interesting situation.

What the doubt consisted in, however, is not as stated there. No doubt existed as to what it would be possible to do with the Jews. The entire doubt consisted in how far the Americans would let the thing go on. The program of the Kehillah was ostensibly "to assert Jewish rights." No Jewish rights have ever been interfered with in America. The expression is a euphemism� for a campaign to interfere with non‑Jewish rights. Just how the free exercise of American rights by an American may be construed and is construed by the Jew to be an interference with his rights, will be shown in a separate article.

The doubters felt that when the Jews began to make such demands as that Christmas carols should be suppressed in the schools, as "offensive to the Jews"; and that Christmas trees should be banished from police stations in poor neighborhoods as "offensive to the Jews"; and that the Easter holidays should be abolished as "offensive to the Jews"; and that the phrase "a Christian gentleman" should be protested everywhere, as "offensive to the Jews"; the business class of Jews felt that the American would not stand for it.

The American has never interfered with any man's religious observances; would he stand to have his own prohibited in his own institutions and in his own country? However, the Jews' misgivings were not justified. The Americans made no protest. The Kehillah went ahead with its campaign and the native population submitted. New York is Jewish. From the City Hall to the Bowery, from Fifth Avenue to Hester street, in board of education, newspaper row, and courts of justice, New York is Jewish. It is actually an offense, an offense speedily though unofficially punished, to intimate in any public way that New York may possibly be other than Jewish. New York is the answer to those who ask, "How can a numerically inferior group dictate the terms of life for all the rest?" Go into a New York school, and see. Go into a New York court, and see. Go into a New York newspaper office, and see. Stand anywhere in New York, and see.

But with it all one gets a sense of the insecurity of this usurpation of power. It doesn't belong either by right of numbers, or by right of superior ability, or yet by right of a better use made of the power thus taken. They have taken it by audacity; they have taken it in such a way as to make resentment of it seem like an anti‑racial movement; and that is why they have held it as long as they have.

That is the only way to explain the meekness of the American in this matter, and it also accounts for the sense of insecurity which even the Jews feel in the position they hold. The American is the slowest person in the world to act on any line that savors of racial or religious prejudice. Even when his justifiable act is taken without the slightest prejudice, he is extremely sensitive even to the charge that he is prejudiced. This makes for a seeming aloofness from matters like the Jewish Question. This also leads men to sign protests against "anti‑Semitism" which are really designed to be protests against the publication of Jewish facts.

But it would be a serious mistake to believe that the Americans have accepted within their minds the fact of Jewish supremacy in any field, for they have not. And the Jews know that they have not. Present Jewish importance in American affairs threatens to become as precarious as Bolshevik rule in Russia; it may fall at any time. The Jews have overplayed their hand. They have threatened too wildly and boasted too loudly. The very weight of the importance of the Kehillah and the American Jewish Committee is to be one of the factors in the fall. The Jews may live among us, but they may not live upon us.

These things are better known to the Jew than to the non‑Jew, for the Jew knows the Jewish Question better than anyone else, and he knows better than any Gentile when a statement hits the bull's‑eye of the truth. The American Jews are not now protesting against lies; they would welcome lies against themselves; they are roused to protest by the power of the truth, and they are the best judges of the truth with reference to themselves.

The situation is not one that calls for expulsion, or resistance, but simply exposure to the light ‑‑ for to vanquish darkness, what is better than light? The Jews had a great opportunity in the New York Kehillah. They had an opportunity to say to the world, "This is what the Jew can do for a city when he is given freedom to work." They have the city government, the police department, the health department, the school board, the newspapers, the judiciary, financiers ‑‑ every element of power.

And what have they to show for all this? The answer is, New York. New York is an object lesson set in the sight of the whole world, as to what the Jew can do and will do when he exalts himself to the seat of rule. It is inconceivable that even the Jewish spokesmen will defend Jewish New York. Lest the New York Kehillah; in view of statements yet to be made concerning it ‑‑ should be disregarded, or its importance minimized, by the feeling that, after all, it only represents the more radical elements, "the apostate Jews" which seems to be a recent favorite designation for them, a partial view is here given of its leaders.

Present at the 1918 convention were Jacob H. Schiff, banker; Louis Marshall, lawyer, president of the American Jewish Committee and frequent visitor to Washington; Otto A. Rosalsky, judge of the General Sessions Court, who has taken part in several affairs of interest both to Jews and Gentiles; Adolph S. Ochs, proprietor of the New York Times; Otto H. Kahn, of the banking firm of Kuhn, Loeb & Company ‑‑ AND ‑‑ Benjamin Schlesinger, who is lately returned from Moscow where he had a conference with Lenin; Joseph Schlossberg, general secretary of the Amalgamated Clothing Workers of America, with 177,000 members; Max Pine, also recently a consultant with the Bolshevik rulers of Russia; David Pinski; Joseph Barondess, labor leader.

The high and the low are here; Judge Mack, who headed the War Risk Insurance Bureau of the United States Government, and the little leader of the reddest group in the East End ‑‑ they all meet in the Kehillah, as Jews. As to the Kehillah being officially representative, it may be added that the Kehillah has in it representatives of the Central Conference of American rabbis, Eastern Council of Reform rabbis, Independent Order of B'nai B'rith, Independent Order of B'rith Sholom, Independent Order Free Sons of Israel, Independent Order B'rith Abraham, Federation of American Zionists; orthodox Jews, reform Jews, "apostate Jews," Zionist Jews, Americanized Jews, rich Jews, poor Jews, law‑abiding Jews and red revolutionary Jews. Adolph Ochs of the great New York Times, together with the most feverish scribbler on a Yiddish weekly that calls for blood and violence,� Jacob Schiff who was a devoutly religious Jew of strong faith and obedience, and Otto H. Kahn, of the same banking house, who professes another religion, all of them, of all classes, bound together in that solidarity which has been achieved by no other people so perfectly as by Judah.

And these are banded together for the purpose of "protecting Jewish rights." From what? If Americans were not large in their liberal‑mindedness the very statement of purpose would be an offense. Who in this country is interfering with anyone's rights? The American wants to know, for that is the kind of thing he wants to put down, and always has put down, and will put down again wherever or from whatever quarter it arises. Therefore it will occur to him sooner or later to demand particulars of these rights that need protection, and from what they need to be protected.

What rights have Americans that Jews in America do not possess? Against whom are the Jews organized, and against what? What basis is there for the cry of "persecution"? None whatever, except the Jews' own consciousness that the course they are pursuing is due for a check. The Jews always know that. They are not in the stream of the world, and every little while the world finds out what Judah always knows.

Rabbi Elias L. Solomon has been quoted as saying: "There is no thinking Jew outside of America whose eyes are not turned toward this country. The freedom enjoyed by the Jews in America is not the outcome of emancipation purchased at the cost of national suicide, but the natural product of American civilization."

Of course. Then where is the "protection" needed? What are the "rights" which the Kehillahs of this country are organized to "defend"? What are the meanings of these committees in every city and town of the land, spying upon American activities and bringing protests to bear to keep those activities within well‑defined channels acceptable to the Jews?

These questions have never been answered by the Jewish spokesmen. Let them prepare a Bill of Rights, as they conceive their rights to be. Let them name every right they desire and claim. They have never done so. Why? Because the rights they dare name in public are such as they already possess in abundance, and further, because the rights that in their hearts they most desire� are such that they cannot state to the American public.

A Jewish Bill of Rights, such as could be published, would be met by the American people thus: "Why, you have all these things already. What more do you want?" And that is the question which lies at the core of the entire Jewish Problem; What more do they want? (The Dearborn Independent, issue of 26 February 1921)

January 16: Aristide Briand forms a liberal cabinet in France.

February 20: The first local branches of the National Socialist party are established.

March 20: In Upper Silesia, a plebiscite is held.

April 29: Italian Fascists seize Fiume.

July 23: The Bavarian national guards deliver to the Allies more than half of their 250,000 rifles.

July 26: General strike in Rome. Conflict between Communists and Fascists.

July 29: Hitler is elected to the leadership of the National Socialist German Workers' party.

August 26: Mathias Erzberger, former Vice Chancellor and during the war head of the Kaiser's foreign propaganda, is assassinated by extreme nationalists.

September 30: The Reichstag ratifies the American Peace Treaty.

October 22: Karl of the House of Hapsburg tries to regain the Hungarian throne by flying from Switzerland with his wife Zita, but fails.

December 6: Proclamation of the "Irish Free State."

"The Red Terror became so wide‑spread that it is impossible to give here all the details of the principal means employed by the [Jewish] Cheka(s) to master resistance; one of the most important is that of hostages, taken among all social classes.

"These are held responsible for any anti‑Bolshevist movements (revolts, the White Army, strikes, refusal of a village to give its harvest etc.) and are immediately executed. Thus, for the assassination of the Jew Ouritzky, member of the Extraordinary Commission of Petrograd, several thousands of them were put to death, and many of these unfortunate men and women suffered before death various tortures inflicted by cold‑blooded cruelty in the prisons of the Cheka.

"I have in front of me photographs taken at Kharkoff, in the presence of the Allied Missions, immediately after the Reds had abandoned the town; they consist of a series of ghastly reproductions such as: Bodies of three workmen taken as hostages from a factory which went on strike. One had his eyes burnt, his lips and nose cut off; the other two had their hands cut off.

"The bodies of hostages, S. Afaniasouk and P. Prokpovitch, small landed proprietors, who were scalped by their executioners; S. Afaniasouk shows numerous burns caused by a white hot sword blade. The body of M. Bobroff, a former officer, who had his tongue and one hand cut off and the skin torn off from his left leg.

"Human skin torn from the hands of several victims by means of a metallic comb. This sinister find was the result of a careful inspection of the cellar of the Extraordinary Commission of Kharkoff. The retired general Pontiafa, a hostage who had the skin of his right hand torn off and the genital parts mutilated.

"Mutilated bodies of women hostages: S. Ivanovna, owner of a drapery business, Mme. A.L. Carolshaja, wife of a colonel, Mmo. Khlopova, a property owner. They had their breasts slit and emptied and the genital parts burnt and having trace of coal.

"Bodies of four peasant hostages, Bondarenko, Pookhikle, Sevenetry, and Sidorfehouk, with atrociously mutilated faces, the genital parts having been operated upon by Chinese torturers in a manner unknown to European doctors in whose opinion the agony caused to the victims must have been dreadful.

"It is impossible to enumerate all the forms of savagery which the Red Terror took. A volume would not contain them. The Cheka of Kharkoff, for example, in which Saenko operated, had the specialty of scalping victims and taking off the skin of their hands as one takes off a glove...At Voronege the victims were shut up naked in a barrel studded with nails which was then rolled about. Their foreheads were branded with a red hot iron FIVE POINTED STAR. At Tsaritsin and at Kamishin their bones were sawed...At Keif the victim was shut up in a chest containing decomposing corpses; after firing shots above his head his torturers told him that he would be buried alive. The chest was buried and opened again half an hour later when the interrogation of the victim was proceeded with. The scene was repeated several times over. It is not surprising that many victims went mad." (S.P. Melgounov, p. 164‑166; The Secret Powers Behind Revolution, by Vicomte Leon De Poncins, p. 151‑153).

Panama/Costa Rica: American naval squadrons demonstrated in April on both sides of the Isthmus to prevent war between the two countries over a boundary dispute.

A famine in the Ukraine, where Stalin murdered more than 7‑million kulaks by starvation. This caused famine throughout the Soviet Union and America sent them over $74‑million in food through a so‑called conservative by the name of Herbert Hoover. However, this help was sent under the guise of "Belgian Relief." Which must have been quite a shock to the Belgians� who had just made one of the greatest harvests of food in their history.

Council on Foreign Relations incorporated; founded by Wilsonians House, Dulles and company upon their return from Paris, with the help of the Round Table Group. Marconi states he believes mysterious V code on pre‑WWI radio came from space; Tesla recalls seeing lights, vivid images, when he was a boy. Hitler takes over the NSGWP.

Council on Foreign Relations ‑ organized as U.S. counterpart to Royal Institute of International Affairs. John W. Davis, attorney to J.P. Morgan, was first president. Paul Warburg and J.D. Rockefeller were among initial founders. Began publishing Foreign Affairs in America, in 1922. Described by Senator Barry Goldwater in 1979.

Arabs riot in Jaffa (Palestine). 12th Zionist Congress; Weizmann president. Brandeis‑Weismann split divides American Zionism. U.S. Immigration Act 3% quota by 1910 Census. Death of David Hoffmann in Germany. Irish Free State is established.

Bernard Baruch and Colonel Edwin House organize the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), sister‑ organization to the Royal Institute of International Affairs (RIIA), the Rockefeller and the Rhodes foundations.

Otto Kahn, Mrs. Joseph Meyer and Maurice Wertheim become patrons of the Theater Guild and begin a cultural revolution by importing European "realism" to the American Stage. Treating culture like a globally‑traded commodity, Jewish impresarios have quickly gained control over the American cultural landscape. Native‑born American talent is unable to compete with slick European "imports," which are increasingly Jewish.


January 12: French Premier Briand resigns, and is succeeded by Raymond Poincar�.

January 29: First public meeting of the National Socialist party in Munich.

March 28: Reich Chancellor Wirth denounces the Reparations Commission to the Reichstag, saying it is impossible to meet the demand of a tax levy of 60,000,000 marks before May 31.

March: In the Bavarian Assembly, Minister of State Schweyer says, "...The expulsion of Hitler is being considered."

April 3: General staffs of Germany and Russia sign a military agreement at Berlin.

First official U.S. Communist newspaper appears, in Yiddish (Jewish) only, called the "Freiheit."

Turkey. A landing force was sent ashore with the consent of both Greek and Turkish authorities, to protect American lives� and property when the Turkish Nationalists entered Smyrna.

Turkey. A landing force was sent ashore with the consent of both Greek and Turkish authorities, to protect American lives and property when the Turkish nationalists entered Smyrna.

Do you see the pattern yet? Every time, since 1913 someone threatened the Jewish Conspiracy or the International Banking Interests, American Troops were sent in no matter what the consequences in lost respect or American lives. Do not be misled! Every time it is mentioned Americans or other foreign interest, it is the Jewish Banking Interest we are speaking about.

We merely wish to keep from repeating over and over again the words Jewish Banking Interests. Because the Enemy will only use the continued use of these words to scream anti‑Semitism!

December 15, 1922: The CFR endorses World Government in its magazine Foreign Affairs. Author Philip Kerr, states: "Obviously there is going to be no peace or prosperity for mankind as long as [the earth] remains divided into 50 or 60 independent states until some kind of international system is created...The real problem today is that of the world government."

Hitler's Speech of April 12, 1922 in Munich.

The Speech:

"After the War production had begun again and it was thought that better times were coming, Frederick the Great after the Seven Years War had, as the result of superhuman efforts, left Prussia without a penny of debt: at the end of the World War Germany was burdened with her own debt of some 7 or 8 milliards of marks and beyond that was faced with the debts of �the rest of the world;' the so‑called �reparations.' The product of Germany's work thus belonged not to the nation, but to her foreign creditors: �it was carried endlessly in trains for territories beyond our frontiers.' Every worker had to support another worker, the product of whose labor was commandeered by the foreigner.

"�The German people after twenty‑five or thirty years, in consequence of the fact that it will never be able to pay all that is demanded of it, will have so gigantic a sum still owing that practically it will be forced to produce more than it does today.' What will the end be? and the answer to that question is �Pledging of our land, enslavement of our labor‑strength..'

"Therefore, in the economic sphere, November 1918 was in truth no achievement, but it was the beginning of our collapse.' And in the political sphere we lost first our military prerogatives, and with that loss went the real sovereignty of our State, and then our financial independence, for there remained always the Reparations Commission so that �practically we have no longer a politically independent German Reich, we are already a colony of the outside world.

"We have contributed to this because so far as possible we humiliated ourselves morally, we positively destroyed our own honor and helped to befoul, to besmirch, and to deny everything which we previously held as sacred.'

"If it be objected that the Revolution has won for us gains in social life: they must be extraordinarily secret, these social gains ‑ so secret that one never sees them in practical life ‑ they must just run like a fluid through our German atmosphere. Some one may say �Well, there is the eight‑hour day!' And was a collapse necessary to gain that?

"And will the eight‑hour day be rendered any more secure through our becoming practically the bailiff and the drudge of the other peoples? One of these days France will say: �You cannot meet your obligations, you must work more.' So this achievement of the Revolution is put in question first of all by the Revolution.

"Then some one has said: �Since the Revolution the people has gained "Rights." The people governs!' Strange! The people has now been ruling three years and no one has in practice once asked its opinion. Treaties were signed which will hold us down for centuries: and who has signed the treaties? The people?

"No! Governments which one fine day presented themselves as Governments. And at their election the people had nothing to do save to consider the question: there they are already, whether I elect them or not. If we elect them, then they are there through our election. But since we are a self‑governing people, we must elect the folk in order that they may be elected to govern us. Then it was said, �Freedom has come to us through the Revolution.' Another of those things that one cannot see very easily! It is of course true that one can walk down the street, the individual can go into his workshop and he can go out again: here and there he can go to a meeting.

"In a word, the individual has liberties. But in general, if he is wise, he will keep his mouth shut. For if in former times extraordinary care was taken that no one should let slip anything which could be treated as l�se‑majest�, now a man must take much greater care that he doesn't say anything which might represent an insult to the majesty of a member of Parliament.

"And if we ask who was responsible for our misfortune, then we must inquire who profited by our collapse. And the answer to that question is that �Banks and Stock Exchanges are more flourishing than ever before.'

"We were told that capitalism would be destroyed, and when we ventured to remind one or other of these �famous statesmen' and said �Don't forget that Jews too have capital,' then the answer was: �What are you worrying about? Capitalism as a whole will now be destroyed, the whole people will now be free. We are not fighting Jewish or Christian capitalism, we are fighting every capitalism: we are making the people completely free.'

"�Christian capitalism' is already as good as destroyed, the international Jewish Stock Exchange capital gains in proportion as the other loses ground.

"It is only the international Stock Exchange and loan‑capital, the so‑called �supra‑state capital,' which has profited from the collapse of our economic life, the capital which receives its character from the single supra‑state nation which is itself national to the core, which fancies itself to be above all other nations, which places itself above other nations and which already rules over them.

"The international Stock Exchange capital would be unthinkable, it would never have come, without its founders the supra‑national, because intensely national, Jews....

"The Jew has not grown poorer: he gradually gets bloated, and, if you don't believe me, I would ask you to go to one of our health‑resorts; there you will find two sorts of visitors: the German who goes there, perhaps for the first time for a long while, to breathe a little fresh air and to recover his health, and the Jew who goes there to lose his fat.

"And if you go out to our mountains, whom do you find there in fine brand‑new yellow boots with splendid rucksacks in which there is generally nothing that would really be of any use? And why are they there? They go up to the hotel, usually no further than the train can take them: where the train stops, they stop too. And then they sit about somewhere within a mile from the hotel, like blow‑flies round a corpse.

"These are not, you may be sure, our working classes: neither those working with the mind, nor with the body. With their worn clothes they leave the hotel on one side and go on climbing: they would not feel comfortable coming into this perfumed atmosphere in suits which date from 1913 or 1914.� No, assuredly the Jew has suffered no privations!...

"While now in Soviet Russia the millions are ruined and are dying, Chicherin ‑ and with him a staff of over 200 Soviet Jews; travels by express train� through Europe, visits the cabarets, watches naked dancers perform for his pleasure, lives in the finest hotels, and does himself better than the millions whom once you thought you must fight as �bourgeois.'

"The 400 Soviet Commissars of Jewish nationality; they do not suffer; the thousands upon thousands of sub‑Commissars ‑they do not suffer. No! all the treasures which the �proletarian' in his madness took from the �bourgeoisie' in order to fight so‑called capitalism; they have all gone into their hands.

"Once the worker appropriated the purse of the landed proprietor who gave him work, he took the rings, the diamonds and rejoiced that he had now got the treasures which before only the �bourgeoisie' possessed. But in his hands they are dead things; they are veritable death‑gold. They are no profit to him. He is banished into his wilderness and one cannot feed oneself on diamonds.

"For a morsel of bread he gives millions in objects of value. But the bread is in the hands of the State Central Organization and this is in the hands of the Jews: so everything, everything that the common man thought that he was winning for himself, flows back again to his seducers.

"And now, my dear fellow‑countrymen, do you believe that these men, who with us are going the same way, will end the Revolution? They do not wish the end of the Revolution, for they do not need it. For them the Revolution is milk and honey.

"And further they cannot end the Revolution. For if one or another amongst the leaders were really not seducer but seduced, and today, driven by the inner voice of horror at his crime, were to step before the masses and make his declaration: �We have all deceived ourselves: we believed that we could lead you out of misery, but we have in fact led you into a misery which your children and your children's children must still bear;' he cannot say that, he dare not say that, he would on the public square or in the public meeting be torn in pieces.

"But amongst the masses there begins to flow a new stream; a stream of opposition. It is the recognition of the facts which is already in pursuit of this system, it already is hunting the system down; it will one day scourge the masses into action and carry the masses along with it. And these leaders, they see that behind them the anti‑Semitic wave grows and grows; and when the masses once recognize the facts, that is the end of these leaders.� And thus the Left is forced more and more to turn to Bolshevism. In Bolshevism they see today the sole, the last possibility of preserving the present state of affairs. They realize quite accurately that the people is beaten so long as Brain and Hand can be kept apart.

"For alone neither Brain nor Hand can really oppose them. So long therefore as the Socialist idea is coined only by men who see in it a means for disintegrating a nation, so long can they rest in peace. But it will be a sorry day for them when this Socialist idea is grasped by a Movement which unites it with the highest Nationalist pride, with Nationalist defiance, and thus places the Nation's Brain, its intellectual workers, on this ground. Then this system will break up, and there would remain only one single means of salvation for its supporters: viz. to bring the catastrophe upon us before their own ruin, to destroy the Nation's Brain, to bring it to the scaffold; to introduce Bolshevism.

"So the Left neither can nor will help. On the contrary, their first lie compels them constantly to resort to new lies. There remains then the Right. And this party of the Right meant well, but it cannot do what it would because up to the present time it has failed to recognize a whole series of elementary principles.

"In the first place the Right still fails to recognize the danger. These gentlemen still persist in believing that it is a question of being elected to a Landtag or of posts as ministers or secretaries. They think that the decision of a people's destiny would mean at worst nothing more than some damage to their so‑ called bourgeois‑economic existence.

"They have never grasped the fact that this decision threatens their heads. They have never yet understood that it is not necessary to be an enemy of the Jew for him to drag you one day, on the Russian model, to the scaffold. They do not see that it is quite enough to have a head on your shoulders and not to be a Jew: that will secure the scaffold for you. In consequence their whole action today is so petty, so limited, so hesitating and pusillanimous. They would like to; but they can never decide on any great deed, because they fail to realize the greatness of the whole period.

"And then there is another fundamental error: they have never got it clear in their own minds that there is a difference or how great a difference there is between the conception �National' and the word �dynastic' or �monarchistic.'

"They do not understand that today it is more than ever necessary in our thoughts as Nationalists to avoid anything which might perhaps cause the individual to think that the National Idea was identical with petty everyday political views.

"They ought day by day to din into the ears of the masses: �We want to bury all the petty differences and to bring out into the light the big things, the things we have in common which bind us to one another. That should weld and fuse together those who have still a German heart and a love for their people in the fight against the common hereditary foe of all Aryans.

"How afterward we divide up this State; friends, we have no wish to dispute over that! The form of a State results from the essential character of a people, results from necessities which are so elementary and powerful that in time every individual will realize them without any disputation when once all Germany is united and free.'

"And finally they all fail to understand that we must on principle free ourselves from any class standpoint. It is of course very easy to call out to those on the Left, �You must not be proletarians, leave your class‑madness,' while you yourselves continue to call yourself �bourgeois.'

"They should learn that in a single State there is only one supreme citizen; right, one supreme citizen ‑ honor, and that is the right and the honor of honest work. They should further learn that the social idea must be the essential foundation for any State, otherwise no State can permanently endure.

"Certainly a government needs power, it needs strength. It must, I might almost say, with brutal ruthlessness press through the ideas which it has recognized to be right, trusting to the actual authority of its strength in the State. But even with the most ruthless brutality it can ultimately prevail only if what it seeks to restore does truly correspond to the welfare of a whole people.

"That the so‑called enlightened absolutism of a Frederick the Great was possible depended solely on the fact that, though this man could undoubtedly have decided �arbitrarily' the destiny; for good or ill, of his so‑called �subjects,' he did not do so, but made his decisions influenced and supported by one thought alone, the welfare of his Prussian people. It was this fact only that led the people to tolerate willingly, nay joyfully, the dictatorship of the great king.

"The right has further completely forgotten that Democracy is fundamentally not German: it is Jewish. It has completely forgotten that this Jewish democracy with its majority decisions has always been without exception only a means towards the destruction of any existing Aryan leadership.

"The Right does not understand that directly every small question of profit or loss is regularly put before so‑called �public opinion,' he who knows how most skillfully to make this �public opinion' serve his own interests becomes forthwith master in the State. And that can be achieved by the man who can lie most artfully, most infamously; and in the last resort he is not the German, he is, in Schopenhauer's words, �the great master in the art of lying' ‑ the Jew.

"And finally it has been forgotten that the condition which must precede every act is the will and the courage to speak the truth; and that we do not see today either in the Right or in the Left.

"There are only two possibilities in Germany; do not imagine that the people will forever go with the middle party, the party of compromises; one day it will turn to those who have most consistently foretold the coming ruin and have sought to dissociate themselves from it. And that party is either the Left: and then God help us! for it will lead us to complete destruction ‑ to Bolshevism, or else it is a party of the Right which at the last, when the people is in utter despair, when it has lost all its spirit and has no longer any faith in anything, is determined for its part ruthlessly to seize the reins of power; that is the beginning of resistance of which I spoke a few minutes ago. Here, too, there can be no compromise; there are only two possibilities: either victory of the Aryan, or annihilation of the Aryan and the victory of the Jew.

"It is from the recognition of this fact, from recognizing it, I would say, in utter, dead earnestness, that there resulted the formation of our Movement. There are two principles which, when we founded the Movement, we engraved upon our hearts: first, to base it on the most sober recognition of the facts, and second, to proclaim these facts with the most ruthless sincerity.� And this recognition of the facts discloses at once a whole series of the most important fundamental principles which must guide this young Movement which, we hope, is destined one day for greatness:

1). �National' and �Social' are two identical conceptions. It was only the Jew who succeeded, through falsifying the social idea and turning it into Marxism, not only in divorcing the social idea from the national, but in actually representing them as utterly contradictory. That aim he has in fact achieved. At the founding of this Movement we formed the decision that we would give expression to this idea of ours of the identity of the two conceptions: despite all warnings, on the basis of what we had come to believe, on the basis of the sincerity of our will, we christened it �National Socialist.' We said to ourselves that to be �national' means above everything to act with a boundless and all‑ embracing love for the people and, if necessary, even to die for it. And similarly to be �social' means so to build up the state and the community of the people that every individual acts in the interest of the community of the people and must be to such an extent convinced of the goodness, of the honorable straightforwardness of this community of the people as to be ready to die for it.

2). And then we said to ourselves: There are no such things as classes: they cannot be. Class means caste and caste means race. If there are castes in India, well and good; there it is possible, for there were formerly Aryans and dark aborigines. So it was in Egypt and in Rome. But with us in Germany where everyone who is a German at all has the same blood, has the same eyes, and speaks the same language, here there can be no class, here there can be only a single people and beyond that nothing else.

"Certainly we recognize, just as anyone must recognize, that there are different �occupations' and �professions' [St�nde]‑there is the Stand of the watchmakers, the Stand of the common laborers, the Stand of the painters or technicians, the Stand of the engineers, officials, etc. St�nde there can be. But in the struggles which these St�nde have amongst themselves for the equalization of their economic conditions, the conflict and the division must never be so great as to sunder the ties of race.

"And if you say �But there must after all be a difference between the honest creators and those who do nothing at all': certainly there must! That is the difference which lies in the performance of the conscientious work of the individual. Work must be the great connecting link, but at the same time the great factor which separates one man from another. The drone is the foe of us all. But the creators ‑ it matters not whether they are brain workers or workers with the hand; they are the nobility of our State, they are the German people!

"We understand under the term �work' exclusively that activity which not only profits the individual but in no way harms the community, nay rather which contributes to form the community.

3). And in the third place it was clear to us that this particular view is based on an impulse which springs from our race and from our blood.

"We said to ourselves that race differs from race and, further, that each race in accordance with its fundamental demands shows externally certain specific tendencies, and these tendencies can perhaps be most clearly traced in their relation to the conception of work.

"The Aryan regards work as the foundation for the maintenance of the community of people amongst it members.

"The Jew regards work as the means to the exploitation of other peoples. The Jew never works as a productive creator without the great aim of becoming the master. He works unproductively using and enjoying other people's work.

"And thus we understand the iron sentence which Mommsen once uttered: �The Jew is the ferment of decomposition in peoples,' that means that the Jew destroys and must destroy because he completely lacks the conception of an activity which builds up the life of the community. Therefore it is beside the point whether the individual Jew is �decent' or not. In himself he carries those characteristics which Nature has given him, and he cannot ever rid himself of those characteristics. To us he is harmful. Whether he harms us consciously or unconsciously, that is not our affair. We have consciously to concern ourselves for the welfare of our own people.

4). Fourthly we were further persuaded that economic prosperity is inseparable from political freedom and that therefore that house of lies, Internationalism,' must immediately collapse.

"We recognized that freedom can eternally be only a consequence of power and that the source of power is the will. Consequently the will to power must be strengthened in a people with passionate ardor. And thus we realized fifthly that

5). We as National Socialists and members of the German Workers party; a Party pledged to work, must be on principle the most fanatical nationalists. We realized that the State can be for our people a paradise only if the people can hold sway therein freely as in a paradise: we realized that a slave state will never be a paradise, but only; always and for all time, a hell or a colony.

6). Sixthly we grasped the fact that power in the last resort is possible only where there is strength, and that strength lies not in the dead weight of numbers but solely in energy. Even the smallest minority can achieve a mighty result if it is inspired by the most fiery, the most passionate will to act. World history has always been made by minorities. And lastly

7). If one has realized a truth, that truth is valueless so long as there is lacking the indomitable will to turn this realization into action!

"These were the foundations of our Movement; the truths on which it was based and which demonstrated its necessity.

"For three years we have sought to realize these fundamental ideas. And of course a fight is and remains a fight. Stroking in very truth will not carry one far. Today the German people has been beaten by a quite other world, while in its domestic life it has lost all spirit; no longer has it any faith. But how will you give this people once more firm ground beneath its feet save by the passionate insistence on one definite, great, clear goal?

"Thus we were the first to declare that this peace treaty was a crime. Then folk abused us as �agitators.' We were the first to protest against the failure to present this treaty to the people before it was signed. Again we were called �agitators.'

"We were the first to summon men to resistance against being reduced to a continuing state of defenselessness. Once more we were �agitators.' At that time we called on the masses of the people not to surrender their arms, for the surrender of one's arms would be nothing less than the beginning of enslavement.

"We were called, no, we were cried down as, �agitators.' We were the first to say that this meant the loss of Upper Silesia. So it was, and still they called us �agitators.' We declared at that time that compliance in the question of Upper Silesia MUST have as its consequence the awakening of a passionate greed which would demand the occupation of the Ruhr. We were cried down ceaselessly, again and again. And because we opposed the mad financial policy which today will lead to our collapse, what was it that we were called repeatedly once more? �Agitators,' And today?

"Finally we were also the first to point the people on any large scale to a danger which insinuated itself into our midst; a danger which millions failed to realize and which will nonetheless lead us all into ruin, the Jewish danger. And today people are saying yet again that we were �agitators.' I would like here to appeal to a greater than I, Count Lerchenfeld. He said in the last session of the Landtag that his feeling �as a man and a Christian' prevented him from being an anti‑Semite. I say: My feeling as A Christian points me to my Lord and Saviour as a fighter. It points me to the man who once in loneliness, surrounded only by a few followers, recognized these Jews for what they were (Children of the Devil, in other words Satans' children; just as the Anglo‑Saxon, Germanic, Scandinavian, Celtic and kindred people are the Children of God) and summoned men to the fight against them and who, God's� truth! Was greatest not as sufferer but as fighter.

"In boundless love as a Christian and as a man In lead through the passage which tells us how the Lord at last rose in His might and seized the scourge to drive out of the Temple the brood of vipers and of adders. How terrific was His fight for the world against the Jewish poison.

"Today, after two thousand years, with deepest emotion I recognize more profoundly than ever before ‑ the fact that it was for this that He had to shed His blood upon the Cross. As a Christian I have no duty to allow myself to be cheated, but I have the duty to be a fighter for truth and justice. And as a man I have the duty to see to it that human society does not suffer the same catastrophic collapse as did the civilization of the ancient world some two thousand years ago ‑ a civilization which was driven to its ruin through this same Jewish people.

"Then indeed when Rome collapsed there were endless streams of new German bands flowing into the Empire from the North; but, if Germany collapses today, who is there to come after us? German blood upon this earth is on the way to gradual exhaustion unless we pull ourselves together and make ourselves free!

"And if there is anything which could demonstrate that we are acting rightly, it is the distress which daily grows. For as a Christian I have also a duty to my own people. And when I look on my people I see it work and work and toil and labor, and at the end of the week it has only for its wage wretchedness and misery.

"When I go out in the morning and see these men standing in their queues and look into their pinched faces, then I believe I would be no Christian, but a very devil, if I felt no pity for them, if I did not, as did our Lord two thousand years ago, turn against those by whom today this poor people is plundered and exploited.

"And through the distress there is no doubt that the people has been aroused. Externally perhaps apathetic, but within there is ferment. And many may say, �It is an accursed crime to stir up passions in the people.' And then I say to myself: Passion is already stirred through the rising tide of distress, and one day this passion will break out in one way or another: Now I would ask those who today call us �agitators': �What then have you to give to the people as a faith to which it might cling?'

"Nothing at all, for you yourselves have no faith in your own prescriptions. "That is the mightiest thing which our Movement must create: for these widespread, seeking and straying masses a new Faith which will not fail them in this hour of confusion, to which they can pledge themselves, on which they can build so that they may at least find once again a place which may bring calm to their hearts."

Churchill White Paper; Death of Eliezer Ben‑Yehuda (Palestine). Advent of Fascism in Italy. Assassination of Walter Rathenau (Germany). Union of Soviet Socialist Republics is established; fascists march on Rome; Mussolini is named Prime Minister of Italy.

"A Jew remains a Jew even though he changes his religion; a Christian which would adopt the Jewish religion would not become a Jew, because the quality of a Jew is not in the religion but in the race. A Free thinker and Atheist always remains a Jew.." (Jewish World, London December 14, 1922)

"The League of Nations is a Jewish idea. We created it after a fight of 25 years. Jerusalem will one day become the Capital of World Peace." (Nahum Sokolow, During the Zionist Congress at Carlsbad in 1922)

December 15, 1922: The CFR endorses World Government in its magazine Foreign Affairs. Author Philip Kerr, states:

"Obviously there is going to be no peace or prosperity for mankind as long as [the earth] remains divided into 50 or 60 independent states until some kind of international system is created...The real problem today is that of the world government."


China: Between April 1922 and November 1923, Marines were landed five times to protect Americans during periods of unrest.


Assassination of Pancho Villa in Mexico.

Out of the 161 banks in Berlin, 150 are Jewish‑owned, bolstering the early Nazi Party claims that Jews control Germany's economy.

Jewish Communists Karl Radek and Otto Marquardt lead a Marxist uprising in the Barmbeck section of Hamburg, Germany, leaving 8 police officers dead and scores wounded.

Founding of Hitler's National‑Socialist (Nazi) Party in Germany. International Police (Interpol) founded in Vienna. In the face of the Teapot Dome and other scandals, President Harding visits Alaska and receives a "long ciphered message" which visibly upsets him, causing him to ask what a president could do when friends betrayed him; he died soon after among conflicting rumors about the cause of his death. Fort's New Lands published.

International Jewish Banks in NY cause the German Reichsmark to� crash, bankrupting the country within weeks.

Stalin said in a speech that, in order for Communism to be instilled in ALL of Europe, Germany must first be destroyed.

Adolf Hitler forms National Socialist Party in Germany; Turkey becomes a republic after revolt ends sultanate. Mein Kampf: Published by Adolf Hitler.

Germany can no longer pay the more than 270 Billion Reichsmarks in reparations to the Allies. They can no longer afford to buy their own coal back from the Allies to drive their factories and heat their ovens. Germans go into �passive resistance', and� France & Belgium send in troops.

"In synagogues, in front of sanctuaries, in Masonic Lodges, in esoteric temples, are shown two interlaced triangles, one white the other black. It is the Seal of Solomon. The color black signifies that the object symbolized remains for ever in the darkness within the body; it represents the feminine. In the center of the figure, the symbolism of whose interlacing is apparent enough to make explanations unnecessary, is the great and mysterious lingam...

"In the Sanskrit the word lingam signifies what is meant by the Latinised Greek word Phallus...It situation, in the middle of the interlaced black and white triangles, points out, under another form, the union of the sexes. Usually in the upper and lower angles of Solomon's Seal are the letters ‑ Alpha and Omega. The sides of the triangles are enlarged in order to receive a letter inscribed at each of the four angles. These four letters form the Hebrew word (Eheieh) initial and final, by which Jehovah taught Moses His incommensurable name: �I am that I Am.'

"The syntactical union of this word with the letters Alpha and Omega and the signs of the lingam, in the interlaced triangles of Solomon's Seal, gives therefore the text: �I lingram, I am Alpha and Omega, the First and the Last, the eternal Pan.' For the whole hieroglyphic indeed supposes that the motto �I am Alpha and Omega,' is made actual by means of acts, phenomena of human life or microcosm, and the total phenomentality or macrocosm (universe) by the personified and deified lingam. The same device is found among some sects under the form �Generation, Creation.' To initiators, generation is an operation peculiar to divinity, when accomplished by themselves or their initiates. It is the divine act par excellence. Man who gives himself up to it exercises or usurps divinity." (Revue Internationale des Soci�t�s Secr�tes, M. Henri de Guillebert; Light‑Bearers of Darkness, Inquire Within, pp. 145‑146)

Richard Simon and M. Lincoln Schuster begin publishing their popular pulp‑books for mass merchandising.

Arthur Flegenheimer, AKA "Dutch Schultz," a Polish Jew immigrant, muscles into a chain of Manhattan speakeasies. The Fleisher and Bernstein brothers organize the "Purple Gang" in Detroit. Bootlegging in Cleveland is dominated by the "Woodland Four;" Louis Rothkopf, Morris Kleinman, "Moe" Dalitz and Samuel Tucker.


Jewish author Maurice Samuel tells all about Jewish power and negative Jewish traits in his book "You Gentiles." Few heed his warnings.

Jews in the US Congress play a leading role in pushing for immigration changes that will bring many more non‑Europeans to America; they do this in order to create a multi‑ethnic country, so that "anti‑Semitism" cannot thrive in America, as it has in most countries throughout the world.

The Immigration and Nationalities Act is passed, containing a national origins quota system. This protected the national demography by regulating immigration according to the existing racial‑ethnic makeup of the United States, i.e. northwestern European heritage. This was the greatest achievement of the Ku Klux Klan of the period and its affiliates. Jewish migration to the United States drops from 150,000 per year to barely 10,000. The national origins quota system remained in force until the Act was amended in 1965. That's twice we were saved by the Klan, for a while.

Famous Players‑Lasky is merged into an enlarged Paramount Pictures Corporation; with the latter's network of 6,000 theaters, this becomes the largest film production‑distribution network in the world.

Marcus Loew, who has put together a huge chain of theaters, acquires the Samuel Goldwin Company and Louis B. Mayer's Metro Picture Corporation to create Metro Goldwyn Mayer Corporation. Mayer emerges as executive vice president with a prodigious salary plus 20% of the profits.

Harry Cohn, former executive secretary to Carl Laemmle, establishes Columbia Pictures Corporation.

From Minneapolis, Isadore "Kid Cann" Blumenfeld and his brothers Yiddy and Harry control bootlegging throughout the upper Mississippi region. In Kansas City, Solomon "Cutcher‑Head‑Off" Weissman is the liquor kingpin. In Newark, Joseph Reinfeld and Abner "Longy" Zwillman organize a syndicate. In Philadelphia, Max "Boo Boo" Hoff and Harry "Nig Rosen" Stromberg run the syndicate. Chicago bosses include Benjamin and Samuel Jacobson, Herschel Miller, Max Eisen and Samuel "Nails" Morton.

Honduras: To protect American lives and interests during election hostilities.

China: Marines were landed to protect Americans and other foreigners (Read that Jewish International Banker's interests)� in Shanghai during Chinese factional hostilities.

"We intend to remake the Gentiles; what the Communists are doing in Russia." (Rabbi Lewish Brown in "How Odd of God," New York, 1924)

The power of the Bank of England and of its governor was admitted by most qualified observers.

Honduras: To protect American lives and interests during election hostilities.

Also in 1924 Marines were landed in China to protect Americans and other foreigners in Shanghai during Chinese fractional hostilities.

Joseph Stalin succeeds Lenin as leader of Soviet Union; new Chinese government is formed with communist members.

"The chief difficulty in writing about the Jewish Question is the super‑sensitiveness of Jews and non‑Jews concerning the whole matter. There is a vague feeling that even to openly use the word �Jew,' or expose it nakedly to print is somehow improper. Polite evasions like �Hebrew' and �Semite,' both of which are subject to the criticism of inaccuracy, are timidly essayed, and people pick their way gingerly as if the whole subject were forbidden, until some courageous Jewish thinker comes straight out with the old old word �Jew,' and then the constraint is relieved and the air cleared...

"A Jew is a Jew and as long as he remains within his perfectly unassailable traditions, he will remain a Jew. And he will always have the right to feel that to be a Jew, is to belong to a superior race.

"No one knows better than the Jew how widespread the notion that Jewish methods of business are all unscrupulous. No existing Gentile system of government is ever anything but distasteful to him. The Jew is against the Gentile scheme of things.

"He is, when he gives his tendencies full sway, a Republican as against the monarchy, a Socialist as against the republic, and a Bolshevik as against Socialism. Democracy is all right for the rest of the world, but the Jew wherever he is found forms an aristocracy of one sort or another." (Henry Ford, Dearborn Independent)

"Jews may adopt the customs and language of the countries where they live; but they will never become part of the native population." (The Jewish Courier, January 17, 1924)

"I am afraid the ordinary citizen will not like to be told that the banks can, and do, create money...And they who control the credit of the nation direct the policy of Governments and hold in the hollow of their hands the destiny of the people." (Reginald McKenna, former Chancellor of the Exchequer, January 24, 1924)

Out of revenge for non‑payment the International Jewish Bankers, the German currency (Reichsmark), which is tied into the International Exchange rate, plunges into a dive. Within months, the Reichsmark is worthless.

Unable to feed their families or pay rents, millions of Germans are forced to sell all they own. The altered exchange rates means that $1 US dollar is worth many TRILLIONS of Reichsmarks. For only a few dollars, Jewish ‑American Investors buy up German Businesses, Industries, Homes, Land, Art works and Jewelry. The Jewish "Investors" became incredibly rich.

By the end of the year, the German Govt. manages to create a new currency and the madness is halted. Millions of Germans have lost everything they own, and many tens of thousands have starved to death. The Germans still do nothing against these speculators; just the opposite ‑ many of the Jews gain high political and respectable positions in German Society.


Geneva Convention governing wartime conduct bans biological weapons. Japan refuses to approve treaty.

Pioneer Women, the women's labor Zionist organization, is founded in the United States.

The All‑America Anti‑Imperialist League is organized by the Workers (Communist) Party.

The fledgling Warner Bros. Co. purchases the Vitagraph Company with backing of Goldman‑Sachs, and acquires rights to a sound recording process developed by an engineer at Western Electric.

Bennett Cerf and Donald Klopfer purchase the Modern Library, later to become known as Random House.

China: Fighting of Chinese factions accompanied by riots and demonstrations in Shanghai necessitated landing American forces to protect lives and property in the International Settlement.

Honduras: To protect foreigners at La Celba during a political upheaval.

Panama: Strikes and rent riots led to the landing of 600 American troops to keep order and protect American interests. Also in 1925 Strikes and rent riots led to the landing of about 600 American Troops in Panama to keep order and protect American interests.

China: Fighting of Chinese factions accompanied by riots and demonstrations in Shanghai necessitated landing American forces to protect lives and property in the International Settlement.

Mein Kampf: published by Adolf Hitler.


RCA under Sarnoff evades charges of monopoly by establishing special licensing arrangements with other companies. National Broadcasting Company and the Victor Recording Company are created as subsidiaries of RCA.

China: The nationalist attack on Hankow necessitated the landing of American naval forces to protect American Citizens. A small guard was maintained at the disposal of the consulate general even after Sep. 16, when the rest of the forces were withdrawn. Likewise, when Nationalist {anti‑Communist} forces captured Klukiang, naval forces were landed for the protection of foreigners.


Nicaragua: The coup d'etat of General Chamorro aroused revolutionary activities leading to the landing of American� marines to protect the interests of the United States and the Inter‑national Jewish Banking interests. U.S. Forces came and went, but seem not to have left the country entirely until January 3, 1933. Their work included activity against the outlaw leader Sandino in 1928.


US Automaker Henry Ford, Jr. issues an apology (which is later claimed to have not come from Ford himself) to Jews concerning his previous "Anti‑Semitic" claims, after years of political and financial pressure directed at Ford from both Jewish and non‑Jewish groups. Again: Punished for his truth‑telling.

China: Fighting at Shanghai caused American naval forces and marines to be increased there. In March a naval guard was stationed at the American Consulate at Nanking after Nationalist {anti‑ Communist} forces captured the city. American and British destroyers later used shell fire to protect Americans and other foreigners. Following this incident additional forces of marines and naval vessels were ordered to China and stationed in the vicinity of Shanghai and Tientain.

Purge of communists leads to civil war in China.


Alfred Smith runs for president. His closest advisors are Abram Elkus, Joseph Proskauer, and Belle Moskowitz. Governor Franklin D. Roosevelt and Lieutenant Governor Herbert Lehman significantly enlarge on Smith's liberal welfare policies. Bernard Baruch, Henry Morgenthau, Jesse Straus and Laurence Steinhardt help raise the money and select the delegates who will ensure Roosevelt's victory in 932.

America sent Russia the money whereby they were able to change from a so‑called "agrarian" to an "industrial" society, Standard Oil contributed over $20‑million, with healthy contributions from General Electric. While at the same time Averiell Harriman, Sr. was sent to Moscow by our government to put their mines back into operation again.

The Open Conspiracy: Blue Prints for a World Revolution by H.G. Well is published. A former Fabian Socialist, Wells writes:

"The political world of the into a Open Conspiracy must weaken, efface, incorporate and supersede existing governments...The Open Conspiracy is the natural inheritor of socialist and communist enthusiasms; it may be in control of Moscow before it is in control of New York...The character of the Open Conspiracy will now be plainly displayed...It will be a world religion."


US Senator Smith Brookhart says publicly that Hollywood is, already, controlled by "bunches of Jews."

U.S. stock market crash triggers worldwide depression and Sets the stage for world wide depression, international response, and another war. ; fighting begins between Jews and Arabs in Palestine. Few Jewish stock holders harmed, while every form of media is bought up for pennies on the dollar. Jew William S. Paley buys up the radio stations that become CBS. American communication/media controlled by jews.

The brothers Scubert; Samuel, Jacob and Levi (Lee), finance and control over 75% of Broadway productions. New York theater becomes known as "Shubert Alley." Meyer Lansky, "Longy" Zwillman and Louis "Lepke" Buchalter host a meeting of gangland bosses;� including Al Capone, Frank Costello, Charlie "Lucky" Luciano and Johnny Torrio, at Atlantic City's President Hotel to hammer out a "cartelization" of territories for activities that go far beyond bootlegging.

This is the beginning of "Crime, Inc."

RCA hires Vladimir Zworykin, a Russian‑Jewish scientist, to develop the kinescope, a cathode ray tube used in the television receiver.


"Radio Priest" Father Coughlin begins his radio show. At first, he mentions only Communism, then later, Jewish involvement in Communism. Jews predictably try to silence him.

In New York, Jews make up 65% of the city's lawyers, 64% of its dentists, and 55% of its physicians. In Cleveland, Jews are 23% of the city's lawyers, 21% of its dentists, and 17% of the doctors.

During the 1930's the United States built their automobile industry and the steel industry at Gorki, modeled after our plants at South Bend, Indiana. Only five times as large. While at the same time the American government was using taxpayer dollars built the Russians the world's largest hydro‑electric plant on the Dnepr River.

Bank of International Settlements (M) ‑ created in Basel, Switzerland. J.P. Morgan & Company, and others involved with the creation of the Federal Reserve, were among the founders.


The Puerto Rican Cancer Experiment was undertaken by Dr. Cornelius Rhoads. Under the auspices of the Rockefeller Institute for Medical Investigations, Rhoads purposely infected his subjects with cancer cells. Thirteen of the subjects died. When the experiment was uncovered, and in spite of Rhoads' written opinions that the Puerto Rican population should be eradicated, Rhoads went on to establish U.S. Army Biological Warfare facilities in Maryland, Utah, and Panama. He later was named to the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission and was at the heart of the recently revealed radiation experiments on prisoners, hospital patients, and soldiers.

Japanese organize puppet state in Manchuria; Spain becomes a republic, king Alfonso is deposed; British Empire status is changed to British Commonwealth.

Students at the Lenin School of Political Warfare in Moscow are taught: "One day we shall start to spread the most theatrical peace movement the world has ever seen. The capitalist countries, stupid and decadent ...will fall into the trap offered by the possibility of making new friends. Our day will come in 30 years or so...The bourgeoisie must be lulled into a false sense of security."

In a speech to the Institute for the Study of International Affairs at Copenhagen) historian Arnold Toyee said: "We are at present working discreetly with all our might. to wrest this mysterious force called sovereignty out of the clutches of the local nation states of the world. All the time we are denying with our lips what we are doing with our hands...."

Dr. Cornelius Rhoads, under the auspices of the Rockefeller Institute for Medical Investigations, infects human subjects with cancer cells. He later goes on to establish the U.S. Army Biological Warfare facilities in Maryland, Utah, and Panama, and is named to the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission. While there, he begins a series of radiation exposure experiments on American soldiers and civilian hospital patients.


The Tuskegee Syphilis Study began. Two hundred (200) poor black men with syphilis began a long term experiment in which those men were to be studied. They were never told of their illness, and treatment was denied them. As many as 100 of the original 200 died as a direct or indirect result of the illness. The wives and children of the subjects also suffered as a result of the disease. (The government office supervising the study was the predecessor to today's Centers for Disease Control (CDC)).

Japanese troops invade Manchuria. Shiro Ishii, a physician and army officer who was intrigued by germ warfare, begins preliminary experiments.

In The Grand Joint Army Navy Exercises the attacker, Admiral Yarnell, attacked with 152 planes a half‑hour before dawn 40 miles NE of Kahuku Point and caught the defenders of Pearl Harbor completely by surprise. It was a Sunday.

Franklin Roosevelt is elected president and begins to assemble his cabinet. Judge Samuel Roseman and Charles W. Taussig create the Brains Trust. Other influential members of the inner circle are Felix Frankfurter, Bernard Baruch, Henry Morgenthau Sr & Jr, Sidney Hillman and Samuel Untermayer. In all, 51 of the 72 presidential appointments will be Jews.

Herbert Lehman is elected governor of New York. Lehman is twice reelected until he resigns in 1943 to become the first director of the United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Agency.

A man‑Made Famine raged through the Ukraine, the ethnic‑Ukrainian region of Northern Caucasus, and the lower Volga River region in 1932‑33. This resulted in the death of between 7 to 10 million people, mainly Ukrainians (White People). This was instigated by the Jewish Soviet leader Joseph Stalin and his Jewish henchman Lazar Kaganovich. The main goal of this artificial famine was to break the spirit of the Ukrainian farmer/peasant and to force them into collectivization. The famine was also used as an effective tool to break the renaissance of Ukrainian culture that was occurring under approval of the communist government in the Ukraine. Moscow perceived this as a threat to a Russo‑Centric soviet rule and therefore acted to crush this cultural renaissance in a most brutal manner.

In 1932, the soviets increased the grain procurement quota for the Ukraine by 44%. They were aware that this extraordinarily high quota would result in a grain shortage, therefore resulting in the inability of the Ukrainian peasant to feed themselves. Soviet law was quite clear in that no grain could be given to feed the peasants until the quota was met.

Communist party officials with the aid of military troops and NKVD (KGB) secret police units were used to move against peasants who may be hiding grain from the Soviet government. Even worse, an internal passport system was implemented to restrict movements of Ukrainian peasants so that they could not travel in search of food. Ukrainian grain was collected and stored in grain elevators that were guarded by military units and NKVD (KGB) secret police units while Ukrainians were starving in the immediate area. The actions of this Moscow instigated action was a deliberate act of genocide against the Ukrainian peasant (farmer).

The Russian Famine Collectivization

And the famine, by Bohdan Krawchenko


Special Edition issued by the

Ukrainian Canadian Committee

Edmonton Branch

October 14, 1983

In 1932 and 1933 millions of people in Ukraine died of hunger.� Unlike most famines, the one in Ukraine was not caused by some� natural calamity or crop failure, but was man‑made.

The 1920s ‑ "Golden Era"

The peasantry; about 80 per cent of Ukraine's population, had fought pitched battles against landlords during� the 1917 revolution to realize its age‑old dream of owning land.

When in 1918‑19 the Bolsheviks occupied Ukraine and made their first bid to collectivize peasant land, the Ukrainian peasants resisted so fiercely that Lenin ordered "severe punishment" for any Bolshevik who preached collectivization. During the 1920s, peasants organized voluntary cooperatives and agriculture thrived.

In this period the Ukrainian people forced the Bolsheviks to change their nationality policy. The Ukrainian� language displaced Russian in education, state administration and the mass media. Ukrainians were recruited into the party and government. Within the Communist Party of Ukraine there developed a powerful Ukrainian wing which demanded an end to Russian domination in economic and political life. Stalin's policies in 1929 brought the "golden era" to an end


In 1928 Stalin suddenly announced accelerated industrialization in the form of the first five‑year plan. The plan was hastily put together and, as a result, billions of rubles were wasted.

By 1930 it became clear that Stalin's government was running out of funds.� Rather than rethink economic strategies, Stalin ordered more grain to be squeezed out of the peasantry.

The quickest method of accomplishing this, according to Stalin, was to establish collective farms by expropriating all peasant land, grain reserves and livestock without compensation. Also, collective farms would have to turn over all their produce to the state. Interestingly enough, when the Nazis occupied Ukraine, they did not abolish collective farms: they appreciated this finely tuned instrument for the exploitation of the peasantry.

In Ukraine, collectivization had another aim: to "destroy the social basis of Ukrainian nationalism; individual peasant agriculture," according to the Soviet newspaper Proletarska Pravda, (22.1.1930). It was in 1930 as well that Stalin ordered the first of a series of purges of Ukrainian cultural and political figures ‑ all part and parcel of a program to roll back the achievements of the national revival of the 1920s.

The campaign against kulaks

An essential component of forced collectivization, according to Stalin, was the "elimination of kulaks as a class." The word kulak conjures up an image of a wealthy, grasping peasant. The reality had little in common with the myth.

In the 1920s there were laws banning the sale and purchase of land and of its rent.� Land was distributed on the basis of the size of the peasant family. Some peasant households did, of course, own more land than others. But these households also had larger families to support.

Compare the richest kulak in Ukraine with an industrial worker. In the mid‑1920s the average annual income per working peasant in the richest peasant farm in Ukraine (comprising about 30 acres) was 200 rubles. The average worker, by contrast, made 521 rubles a year and received many social‑security benefits which were not available to� the peasantry.

When the campaign against kulaks began, the Soviet regime was at a loss for a definition of the term and produced an arbitrary set of criteria. For example, a household owning a motor of any kind was classified as belonging to the kulak category. Neither were kulaks those who hired labor.� As the Russian demographer M. Maksudov has shown, the majority of those employing labor in the countryside were invalids of the First World War and the revolution, widows and families with few children.

The campaign against kulaks, therefore, had little to do with economic considerations. "Dekulakization" was intended to rid the countryside of peasants (irrespective of their material standing) who were most likely to organize and lead resistance to forced collectivization.

According to official Soviet surveys, Ukraine had 71,500 kulak households in 1929. But according to official Soviet sources, between 1930 and 1932, 200,000 kulak households or one million people were "eliminated." The plan for the destruction of kulaks was over fulfilled by almost 200 per cent.

The deportations

Those who resisted collectivization were either executed or sent to prison camps and their families were deported to Siberia or the Russian Arctic circle. Peasant activists were deported with their families to the northern regions of Russian.

Here is what some eyewitnesses wrote about their experiences: "Barefooted and poorly clad peasants were jammed into railroad cars and transported to the regions of Murmansk and the like. Peasants were unloaded into snow about two meters deep. The frost stood at 75 degrees below zero. Without even an axe or a saw we began building huts from tree branches.� In two weeks all the children, the sick and the elderly had frozen to death."

The death rate among Ukrainian peasants deported to the Sverdlovsk region in Russia was typical: only 2,300 of the original group of 4,800 survived the winter. The suffering during the deportations was terrible enough, yet it pales in comparison with what happened during the famine of 1932‑33.

�Grain requisition campaigns

By the spring of 1930 peasant resistance to collectivization had reached such proportions that Stalin panicked and ordered a temporary retreat.� In an article entitled "Dizzy with Success," he admitted that excesses had occurred and falsely pinned the entire blame on local officials.� Moreover, he reassured the peasants that membership in collective farms henceforth would be "voluntary."

In the spring of 1930 there occurred a mass exodus of peasants from collective farms. Thinking that Stalin's regime had learned its lesson, peasants worked with a will and brought in an excellent harvest:� 23.1 million (metric) tons of grain. But in the autumn of 1930 Stalin again changed course. He ordered the drive for collectivization to be resumed and the maximum amount of grain to be taken out of Ukraine. A third of the harvest, or 7.7 million tons of grain, was taken by the state.

The renewed collectivization drive produced chaos in agricultural production. The peasantry was given no incentive to produce.� By the end of 1930, for example, 78 per cent of collective farms in Ukraine had failed to pay peasants for the days that they had worked. Ironically, peasants' payment in Ukraine (in kilos of food produce) was half what it was in Russia. Reassured by his success of 1930, Stalin ordered the 1931 quota for grain delivery to the state to be set at the same level: 7.7 million tons.

The 1931 harvest, however; 18.3 million tons of grain, was 20 per cent smaller than in 1930. Almost 30 per cent of the harvest was lost because of the breakdown of the transportation system. Intent on exporting grain to finance industrialization, Stalin ordered that it be requisitioned whatever the cost to the peasantry. By the early spring of 1932, 7 million tons had been taken. The amount was so great that the republic was short of seed grain by 45 per cent.

Ukrainian officials knew that if the rate of grain requisitioning continued, famine would break out. They argued with Moscow for a major downward revision of Ukraine's agricultural obligations for 1932. M. Skrypnyk, Commissar of Education, in July 1932 recounted how, while touring the Ukrainian countryside, he had heard from peasants that "we had everything taken away from us but the broom." V. Chubar, head of the Ukrainian government, insisted that neither the peasants nor his administration were at fault for the agricultural crisis, but that it was due to the unrealistic plans of Moscow.

Stalin did lower the amount of grain to be requisitioned in 1932 to 6.2 million tons, but this was still far above the capacities of the Ukraine in view of that year's poor harvest: 14.6 tons. Neither did Stalin relax the collectivization drive and, as a result, agriculture was plagued by chaos. Millions of tons of grain were lost.

Tightening the noose

Moscow sent a special mission, accompanied by troops, to oversee the 1932 grain requisition. Collective farms stopped distributing food to peasants. For example, according to official statistics, only five per cent of collective farms in Dnipropetrovsk province handed out food produce for days worked in 1932.

To prevent peasants from feeding themselves by taking collective farm produce, a law was passed in August 1932 stipulating the death penalty, and under exceptional circumstances, a ten‑year sentence in labor camps for "theft of socialist property." Thus, it was reported in the Soviet press (Visti, 10.11.1932) that the Dnipropetrovsk court had sentenced a group of hungry peasants to the firing squad for the theft of a sack of wheat.

An obligatory delivery system was established for each collective farm. The harvest was organized in the form of a military operation, with soldiers guarding grain from the peasants. Officials and peasants who did not fulfill their quotas were treated in accordance with the infamous August 1932 decree.

On 17 December 1932 regulations were tightened even further. A complete economic blockade was ordered of villages that did not fulfil their obligations to the state: all trade, all shipments of food and consumer goods, whatever their source, were prohibited.

Officials, wrote Malcolm Muggeridge, "had gone over the country like a swarm of locusts and taken away everything edible; they shot and exiled thousands of peasants, sometimes whole villages; they have reduced some of the most fertile land in the whole world to a melancholy desert."

Could have been avoided

The famine finally subsided in 1934, when the 1933 harvest was brought in. This was because, in the spring of 1933, Moscow "lent" Ukraine seed grain. Moscow also reduced the quantity of grain to be delivered to the state to five million tons, about one‑quarter of the 1933 harvest.

Soviet officials today deny that the famine took place, although they do admit that there were problems due to drought. If that was the case, then Ukraine should have suffered a famine in 1934, not in 1932‑33. The 1934 harvest was the worst in many years: 12.3 million tons.

But there was no famine in 1934 because Stalin reduced the amount of grain from existing stocks to feed the population. He could have done this in 1932‑33, but he did not. Instead, he deliberately exported 1.7 million tons of grain to the West to pay for industrial equipment.

The offers of international relief organizations to assist the starving in Ukraine were rejected by the Soviet government on the grounds that there was no famine, hence no need to aid its victims. The borders of Ukraine were closely patrolled and starving Ukrainian peasants were not allowed to cross into Russia in search of bread.

The toll

How many millions perished? Harry Lang, editor of the left‑wing Jewish daily Forward, published in New York, visited Ukraine in 1933 and was told by a high‑ranking state official that six million people had perished from the famine. Other estimates range from 6.5 to 8.5 million. We will never know the exact number.

We do know that according to the 1926 Soviet population census there were 31.2 million Ukrainians in the U.S.S.R. According to the 1939 Soviet census this number had dropped by 3.1 million to 28.1 million. (There was no emigration from the Soviet Ukraine in this period.) Over a 13‑year period, according to Soviet statistics, the number of Ukrainians had diminished by 11 per cent. The population of the U.S.S.R., on the other hand, increased by 16 per cent and the number of Russians by 28 per cent.

A national tragedy

When the Ukrainian peasantry was under attack in 1932‑33, Ukrainian political and cultural leaders sprang to their defense. Ewald Ammende, a German eyewitness who analyzed this question, wrote in 1936: "The widest circle of the Ukrainian intelligentsia had entered the struggle: teachers, students, Soviet officials, all thought it was their duty to protest against a further sucking dry of their country...The Soviet regime was faced by a united people, a solid front, including everyone from the highest Soviet officials down to the poorest peasants." Ukrainian cultural and political leaders paid a heavy price for refusing to become unwilling agents in the extermination of their own people.

In 1933, at the height of the famine, a massive purge was ordered in Ukraine. As P. Postyshev, Stalin's henchman in Ukraine, pointed out, "almost all people removed were arrested and put before the firing squad." The purge continued virtually uninterrupted until 1938, claiming the lives of 80 per cent of Ukraine's creative intelligentsia.� Thousands of priests of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church were killed, as were that church's 35 bishops.

The desire to stamp out a Ukrainian national consciousness was so extreme that, according to the famous Russian composer, Dmitrii Shostakovich, several hundred blind bandurysty; itinerant folk singers, were executed. Hundreds of thousands of party members were shot. The purge was so thorough that by 1938 not a single secretary of the Council of the People's Commissars in Ukraine (the cabinet), not even a single deputy of Ukraine's parliament, the Supreme Soviet, was left.

The purges were intended to deal a devastating blow to the existence of Ukrainians as a nation. At the 20th Party Congress in 1956 Khrushchev said Stalin had even considered deporting all Ukrainians to Siberia, but "there were too many of them and there was no place to which to deport them."

With the famine and the purges, Stalin had come as close to destroying a nation as his unrestrained power would permit.

This essay was taken from a highly informative Ukrainian website, UKAR, at My readers would be well advised to visit and get a feel for the early thirties in that part of the world; and the horror that came with Bolshevism ‑ financed by Jewish banking oligarches in New York and carried out by mostly Jewish revolutionaries.

This horrific event, whatever we call it ‑ the Ukrainian holocaust, man‑made famine or famine‑terror ‑ has two different though equally important aspects that should be examined in order to understand properly what happened in 1932‑1933 in Ukraine. What is the main message of the famine, to us, born in much luckier times?

First, the political aspect seems to be quite apparent. As Prof. Naydan aptly expressed it, the Communist regime did its best to eliminate Ukrainians as a nation, not only from political maps, but also from history ‑ from people's memory, from human consciousness. It did its best to turn Ukrainians into a "hidden nation," as Adrian Karatnytcky properly named his book a few years ago.

How could it happen that about 10 million people were starved to death in Europe, in the 20th century ‑ almost unnoticed, "unregistered," as Robert Conquest says, in Western public consciousness?

This was a true holocaust, not like the fake one which has been renamed the HoloHoax; by the Bolsheviks against the Ukrainians. One of them is well‑known, broadly covered and recognized, while another one is almost unknown, uncovered and, until recently, unrecognized. Really, who cares about some kind of "Ukrainians;" and who the hell are those people anyway? Even now many "post‑Sovietologists" strive to discuss not the hidden "holocaust" but "class struggle;" not the genocide committed by the Bolshevik‑Russian regime against the Ukrainians but about the "terror" of the Soviets against their own(?!) people ‑ like that of China of the 1960s or Kampuchea (Cambodia) of the 1970s.

Of course, neither Nazis nor Bolsheviks regarded genocide as their main aim; it was only one means, among many others, to realize their utopian social projects. In both cases totalitarian regimes strove to find a "final solution" of national questions in their empires ‑ the "Jewish question" in the Third Reich and [the] "Ukrainian question" in the "Third Rome." The Prussian and Russian approaches, even though different in form, were quite similar in their essence. Khrushchev had witnessed Stalin's complaint: "Ukrainians, unfortunately, are too numerous to be deported to Siberia."� So they were killed in their own villages.

The reasons for Nazi hatred of Jews are rather well‑documented ‑ one of the best explanations can be found in Hannah Arendt's book "The Origins of Totalitarianism." The reasons for Bolshevik hatred of Ukrainians are not as clear: "class struggle" is only a bleak euphemism for a much more profound and essential process in Soviet Russia (or the so called "Soviet Union") ‑ re‑establishment and expansion of the old Russian empire.

Ukrainians have been considered the main obstacle to this process: firstly because they were the most numerous minority in the Russian (and Soviet‑Russian) empire. Secondly, they possessed the most important (in economic and geopolitical terms) territory; and thirdly, they were regarded as a main, if not the only, rival and competitor to Russians for the legacy of Kyyivan Rus'. The last point is the crucial one; I dare say it is a key to an understanding of the entire problem, which otherwise appears too irrational and implausible.

Ukrainians, by their very existence as a separate nation, challenge the most fundamental myth of Russian self‑consciousness, self‑awareness ‑ the myth about a 1,00‑year‑old state, a 1,000‑year‑old culture, the "sacral" millennial Reich.� Russian imperial identity is badly damaged because of the very existence of some "indigenous" Ukrainians on the territory of post‑Kyyivan‑Rus', in its geographical and historical space.� Who on earth are they, and� where are they from?

For centuries Russians had claimed that Ukrainians were only a branch of the Great Russian tree, merely a south‑western ethnic group with its provincial "Little‑Russian" dialect. But as soon as the modern Ukrainian nation emerged (in the 1920s, this process came close to fruition, the various obstacles notwithstanding), the Russian empire in its Bolshevik hypostasis intervened radically.� It was not a matter of Ukrainian nationalism� only, nor even of "separatism."� It was and still is a matter of the very existence of the Russian empire with its mythological cornerstone.� The "Kyyivan Rus' legacy" could not be shared or given up.� If this concept finally is laid to rest, the Russian claim to a temporally expansive empire will lose all validity.

In fact, Russians have only two alternatives: to create a modern nation‑state or to recreate an old‑style empire.� In the first variant: they can change their identity, abandon imperial ambitions and stereotypes, and leave Ukrainians as they are and where they are. This is a painful but promising way, supported by a handful of Russian and Western liberals, one of which recently has been articulated as follows: "An independent Ukraine, by ending the Russian empire, creates the real possibility that Russia, as a nation and as a state, will become both democratic and European" (Zbigniew Brzezinski).

The second way is probably easier or, at least, more traditional historically and, hence, more plausible.� But to follow this path, Russians have to eliminate Ukrainians ‑ both from History and from geography.� It had not been easy before, it would not be easy now. Since Ukrainians have ceased to be a "hidden nation," the only way to eliminate them now would be to kill them.� This is like a gothic tale about an illegitimate son who strives to kill his legitimate brother in order to inherit his father's property and, most importantly, his father's title.

The Ukrainian holocaust of 1932‑1933 is horrific, but, in fact, only partial proof of the fighting that still is being conducted today. As long as Russians tend to build their identity on the basis of historical myths and rebuild the empire on the basis of an "illegitimate legacy," Ukrainians can never be secure. There is no� room for a Russian empire and a Ukrainian nation on the same map.

The second aspect and second lesson of the Ukrainian holocaust of 1932‑1933 could be called "human" or "humanitarian." Paradoxically enough, those events gave us not only the evidence of brutality, hatred and bestial conduct, of inhuman and anti‑human behavior, including cannibalism; those events also gave us exciting examples of human sympathy, solidarity and sacrifice. We have all too little factual material about the famine because of the Soviet cover‑up of the Ukrainian holocaust, but we need to learn more about simple peasants who secretly helped their fellows ‑ the "kulaks" ‑ despite the strongest prohibitions by the authorities; or about soldiers, some Komsomol members and Communists who were not as eager to confiscate grain as their bosses demanded, or about city‑ dwellers who, their own poverty notwithstanding, tried to rescue exhausted Ukrainian peasants, especially children, who were able to reach the cities despite police blockades.

There were different people, of different nationalities ‑ Russians, Jews, Russified Ukrainians ‑ but all of them should be honored since they, risking their own lives, saved Ukrainians from the Bolshevik terror.� All of them should be recognized by Ukrainians as "the Righteous" (just as the Jews recognize "Righteous Gentiles") ‑ it would be the most appropriate Ukrainian government action to commemorate their courage.

One more aspect could be mentioned here, even though it is rather metaphysical and hardly verifiable.� The more I think about the tragedy, the more I feel that it has some "hidden" meaning.� To some extent it might be considered God's trial of the Ukrainians ‑ like that of the Biblical Jonah.� But to us mere mortals, it looks more like God's revenge or, rather, a "payback" by history to Ukrainian peasants who lost their chance in 1917‑1920, who, for the most part, betrayed the Ukrainian revolution and the Ukrainian government ‑ with a naive belief that all those bloody events in the cities were in no way relevant to their rural life.

I do not know any family in eastern Ukraine that was not touched by the famine.� My mother, who lived in the Kharkiv region, lost all her brothers and sisters in 1933; my mother‑in‑law, from the Kyyiv region, also lost her entire family.� But I know also that before our parents died in 1933, our grandparents en masse deserted from the Ukrainian National Army in 1918‑1919, leaving the Ukrainian National Republic defenseless against the Bolshevik invasion. Fifteen years later the Bolsheviks repaid them and their children for everything.� We pay this price and our children will probably pay it as well.� I do not believe in revenge, but I believe in historical lessons.� I certainly do not know what price we would pay if we lost our opportunity today for freedom, but undoubtedly we would pay a high price as all losers are condemned to do.

Plan for Peace by American Birth Control League founder Margaret Sanger (1921) is published. She calls for coercive sterilization, mandatory segregation, and rehabilitative concentration camps for all "dysgenic stocks" including Blacks, Hispanics, American Indians and Catholics.

Bernart Lecache, President of the Jewish World Liga; Germany is the Number one enemy of our Nation, We must declare merciless war against them:

"The story I shall unfold in these pages is the story of Germany's two faces, the one turned towards Western Europe, the other turned towards Soviet Russia...

"It can be said, without any exaggeration, that from 1921 till the present day Russia has been able, thanks to Germany, to equip herself with all kinds of arms, munitions, and the most up‑to‑date war material for an army of several millions; and that, thanks to her factories manufacturing war material in Russia, Germany has been able to assure herself not only of secret supplies of war material and the training of officers and other ranks in the use of this material, but also, in the event of war, the possession of the best stocked arsenals in Russia...

"The firm of Krupp's of Essen, Krupp the German Cannon‑King (Kanonenkoenig), deserves a chapter to itself in this review of German war‑industries in Russia.

"It deserves a separate chapter...because its activity upon Soviet territory has grown to tremendous proportions...The final consolidation of the dominating position Krupp's occupy in Russia, was the formation of a separate company �Manych' to which the Soviet Government granted a liberal concession...

"Negotiations concerning these concessions for the company were conducted in Moscow, for several months...Gradually there was formed in Russia a chain of experimental training camps, and artillery parks (ostensibly eliminated by the Treaty of Versailles).

"These are under the management of German officers, and they are invariably teeming with Germans either arriving to undergo a course of training, or leaving after the completion of the course...At the time of writing (1932) interest is growing in the rising star of Herr Adolf Hitler, the Nazi Leader.

"Herr Hitler is regarded as the protagonist par excellence of the Right against the Left in Germany, and, as a Hitlerist regime is anticipated before long, it may perhaps be argued that the Third Reich of the Nazis, the sworn enemies of Communism, would not tolerate the Reichswehr‑Red Army connection.

"Such a conclusion would be inaccurate to the last degree...Stalin, the realist, would have no qualms in collaboration with the Hitlerist Germany. But more important than this are the following facts: The Reichswehr Chiefs and their political allies amongst the civilian politicians and officials have succeeded in nursing their Eastern orientation, their underground military collaboration with the Soviets, in spite of all the changes of political regime in Germany since the end of the war. It has made little or no difference to them whether the Reich Government has been composed of men of the Right, the Center, or the Left. They have just continued their policy uninfluenced by political change. There is no reason to suppose that they would change their course under a Hitlerist regime, especially when it is remembered that most of the aims, in external policy, of the Nazi leaders, are identical with those of the Nationalists and the military leaders themselves.

"Furthermore, there are the great German industrialists, of Nationals color, who are amongst the principal collaborators, on the war material side, with the Reichswehr Chiefs, and who are, therefore, hand in glove with the directors of the �Abmachungen' (Agreements) plot.

"Many of these great industrialists are contributors on a big scale to the Nazi party funds. A hitlerist Germany would, therefore, have no qualms in continuing the collaboration with Soviet Russia...

"The Reichswehr chiefs who are conducting the Abmachungen delude themselves that they can use Bolshevist Russia to help them in their hoped‑for war of revenge against Europe, and then, in the hour of victory, hold the Bolshevists at bay, and keep them in their place. The more subtle psychologists at the Kremlin, of course, know better, but are wise enough to keep their knowledge to themselves. The fact, however, that this German‑Russian plot will, in the end, bring about the destruction of Germany, will not in any way reconcile Europe to its own destruction at the hands of Germany and Russia together." (The Russian Face of Germany, Cecil F. Melville, pp. 4, 102, 114, 117, 120, 173‑174, 176)

Onassis, a Greek drug pusher and ship owner who made his first million selling "Turkish tobacco" (opium) in Argentina, worked out a profitable deal with Joseph Kennedy, Eugene Meyer and Meyer Lansky: Onassis was to ship booze direct into Boston for Joseph Kennedy. Also involved was a heroin deal with Franklin and Elliott Roosevelt.

China: American forces were landed to protect American interests during the Japanese occupation of Shanghai.

Toward Soviet America by William Z. Foster. Head of the Communist Party USA, Foster indicates that a National Department of Education would be one of the means used to develop a new socialist society in the U.S.

The New World Order by F.S. Marvin, describing the League of Nations as the first attempt at a New World Order. Marvin says, "nationality must rank below the claims of mankind as a whole."

Dare the School Build a New Social Order? is published. Educator author George Counts asserts that: "...the teachers should deliberately reach for power and then make the most of their conquest" in order to "influence the social attitudes, ideals and behavior of the coming generation...The growth of science and technology has carried us into a new age where ignorance must be replaced by knowledge, competition by cooperation, trust in Providence by careful planning and private capitalism by some form of social economy."

The Tuskegee Syphilis Study begins. 200 black men diagnosed with syphilis are never told of their illness, are denied treatment, and instead are used as human guinea pigs in order to follow the progression and symptoms of the disease. They all subsequently die from syphilis, their families never told that they could have been treated.


In 1933, the Trading with the Enemies Act is adjusted to recognize the people of the United States of America as enemies of Corp. U.S.

Adolf Hitler (1889‑1945) comes to power in Germany. He will be the first person in modern Western history to physically try to stop Jewish‑led Communism and Jewish domination of many areas of European culture. [Doesn't seem as rabidly evil as Spielberg suggests, when put in true historical context, does it?]

March 24, 1933: The headline story of the London Daily Express reads, Judea Declares War on Germany. The article goes on to proclaim, "Jews of all the world unit. Boycott of German goods. Mass demonstrations."

Abraham Flexner leaves the General Education Board to found the Princeton Institute for Advanced Studies, future home of the Manhattan Project and the Philadelphia Experiment, as a refuge for Jewish scholars.

The Jewish ADL tries to ban a book titled "Conquest of a Continent," by author Madison Grant, the well‑known president of the New York Zoological Society.

President Roosevelt, who is Jewish (original name Rosenvelt, later changed to Roosevelt) makes a deal with the Soviet Union (treaty, without Congressional approval) allowing them to open an embassy and consulates in the U.S.; this officially recognizes the Soviet Union, even though many U.S. officials warn him not to, as it is an illegal government (i.e., took power by force), and is murdering and oppressing many people. Roosevelt was a card‑carrying leftist who was sympathetic to Marxism. (Recall his famous quote "several of my best friends are Communists"*). (* Read into the Congressional Record, Sept. 22, 1950, pg. A6832).

"War" is basically declared on Germany at The International Jewish Boycott Conference, held in Amsterdam, designed to bring Germany to its knees financially (a European newspaper also reports that "war" is declared). (Note that this is long before any Nazi "Holocaust"). This leads to Jews being considered "enemies of the State" in Germany, and is one of the reasons they were put into concentration camps in the first place.

Jews in Germany are barred from working in civil service positions, due to their well‑known hostility to traditional German culture.

April 19, 1933: President Franklin D. Roosevelt takes the US off the gold standard.

Franklin D. Roosevelt; begins his presidency amid the great depression. "The New Deal" was formulated by leftist, Henry A. Wallace, Secretary of Agriculture, and Secretary of State, Cordell Hull, who, as a Senator, supported Wilson's League of Nations. Hull began drafting a United Nations Charter two weeks after Pearl Harbor.

Franklin Delano Roosevelt: Communist Dictator

by Mike Rose

"If you went to a public place and started asking people, �Who was Franklin Delano Roosevelt?,' what sort of answers do you think you would get? �Hmm, I'm not sure.' �Who?' �Ehh, the dude on the dime.' If you ran into a more informed zombie, most likely someone over the age of forty, he might say, �He was a president or the man with the New Deal.' Even the most informed you could chance to run into are in reality just as ignorant because they probably got their information from The History Channel, which is nothing but a brain‑washing tool that constantly seeks to cover up the facts, distort events, muddle the issues and in fact totally rewrite what actually occurred to maintain the status quo of Jewish thought. So in quest for the answer to the question, �Who was Franklin Delano Roosevelt?,' the President with the New Deal, let's take a look at a dark chapter in American history in order that we may discover the Real Deal. Was FDR a great hero of the twentieth century or the Red Devil? You decide.

"FDR was born January 30, 1882. He became the New York State Senator in 1910. From 1913 through 1920, he was Assistant Secretary of the Navy. In 1920, he became a Vice Presidential candidate. The years 1920 and 1921 were eventful. A Senate subcommittee concluded that FDR had committed perjury before a Naval Court of Inquiry. This was in relation to his investigation of a homosexual ring at the Newport, Rhode Island, Naval Station. As Assistant Secretary of the Navy, FDR had approved the use of men �undercover' [pun intended] to entrap faggots. Young sailors were instructed and ordered by FDR's men to perform sodomy and the lewdest forms of homosexual acts imaginable.

"When it became an issue to the court, he lied about it. He had signed an order for the investigators to go all the way and absolutely take it �to the limit.' Under oath, he denied that he had read what he had signed and swore that he had no idea what was in the order. What FDR stated was obviously untrue as he had personally taken charge of the case on June 11, 1919. As more facts arose, FDR more and more adamantly denied having any knowledge and stated that if he had known anything about it he would have stopped it. FDR remained arrogantly defiant as his testimony before the Naval Board of Inquiry in May, 1920, was blown to pieces. He was asked how he thought that evidence for sodomy could be obtained and his reply was �I had no idea.' He was asked if he realized that the investigation of such matters very often has led to improper actions. He replied, �I never had such an idea. Never entered my head.' He was also asked, �How did you think evidence could be obtained?' To this question, he replied, �I didn't think. If I had thought I would have supposed they had someone under the bed or looking over the transom.' The Senate subcommittee also found �Roosevelt's actions displayed an utter lack of moral perspective' (See First Class Temperament, Geoffrey Ward, 1989, pgs. 488‑90; Eleanor Roosevelt, Viking, 1992, vol. 1, pgs. 267‑71).

"At the time of the publication of the Senate report, FDR contracted polio. He was broken in more ways than one. It seems evident that he was financially struggling. Reportedly as a condition of running for governor in 1928, he got a filthy Jew named Raskob to pay off his quarter million dollar debt. Backed by Jews and Jewish money, he won the election and became governor of Jew York, the stronghold of the Communist Party in the United States, thanks mostly to the influx of Russian Jews and hardcore Bolsheviks. The seeds of the 1929 Depression were sown in 1928 in New York State while FDR was governor. Herbert Hoover had begun implementing Marxist programs as President of the US, and then simply passed the ball to FDR. When FDR got the hand off, he pulled his ears in and ran like hell. The same Communist Jews working with Hoover later went on to work with FDR, but that's not to say that FDR didn't pick up his own Jew friends.

"Roosevelt opened the offices of the government as never before to Jews. Henry Morgenthau Jr., Samuel Rosenman [the one that coined the name New Deal], Felix Frankfurter, Benjamin Cohen, David Niles, Anna Rosenberg, Sidney Hillman, and David Dubinsky were among his closest advisors in politics and government. Rabbi Stephen Wise, the pre‑eminent spokesman for American Zionism, and his daughter Justine Polier, were personal friends of Franklin and Eleanor Roosevelt with as much access to the White House as anyone' (America, Franklin D. Roosevelt and the Holocaust, William J. Vanden Heuvel). (Bracketed words are added.)

"Roosevelt had served the Jews so well that they were only too glad to aid in securing his nomination to run for the presidential election. �[T]he Jewish support for Roosevelt in 1932 was so overwhelming that it seemed almost unanimous. Fuchs, who has carefully analyzed the balloting in heavily Jewish electoral districts, points out that FDR received 84.7% of the vote in the 20 most Jewish precincts of Ward 24 of Chicago (which is over 90% Jewish).

"In the same precincts, 96% of the voters supported Henry Horner, the Democratic candidate for Governor, who was a Jew. In New York City, presidential candidate Roosevelt and gubernatorial candidate Herbert Lehman (Jewish) carried 92% of the two‑party vote (that is to say, excluding the Jewish vote for the Socialist and Communist candidates) in the 17th Assembly District Jews, even those of a secular bent, saw in Roosevelt's programs the embodiment of ideals which were deeply embedded in the ethical teachings of Judaism' (The Jew in American Politics, Nathaniel Weyl, 1968, Arlington House, pg. 100).

"During the campaign, FDR dispatched Jonathan Horwitz's Jewish grandson, William C. Bullitt, to become the first United States Ambassador to the USSR, during the same time that Uncle Sammy's twin brother Uncle Joe Stalin's Communist era was resulting in the deaths of 45 million white Ukrainians and Russians. Bullitt was no stranger to the Communist oppressors in Europe. In fact, he had worked closely as a liaison officer with them years before his involvement with FDR. Bullitt had been President Wilson's emissary to Lenin, and FDR considered him the perfect man for the task of making sure he was buddy‑buddy with Stalin. Undoubtedly, William Bullitt had the qualifications that would foot the bill, but this was only the beginning of Bullitt's instigation that would play a major role in leading up to the Second World War.

"In 1933, FDR became President. He then imposed the �New Deal,' a tyrannical, plutocratic, Communist program for a Jewish collectivist state. Roosevelt broke every promise he had made and did the exact opposite of what he had promised. �I propose to you that the government, big and little, be made solvent and that the example be set by the President.' Roosevelt swore to �reduce the cost of government operations twenty‑five percent.' Was he lying? Oh, yes. From 1933 to 1936, government expenditures sky‑rocketed up 83%. He confiscated the gold and made it practically illegal for Americans to own gold, doubling the price. He took the wealth from Americans and put it into the Jews' hands. Banks were shut down en mass and after only a few months this New Deal (or more precisely this Jew Deal) was such an utter failure that it had to be revamped in an attempt to salvage the program, and all this while the White House was being turned into a whorehouse. Roosevelt was a promiscuous man both before and after he got polio. He was preoccupied with his moral weaknesses, having affair after affair. This is only one side of the coin. On the other side you have Eleanor, the bisexual / lesbian, engaged in all manner of perverted escapades. Sort of reminds you of a recent American President, doesn't it?

"Huey Long, an accomplished orator and statesman, had pointed out many of the fallacies of Roosevelt and the Jew Deal and many people were starting to listen. Roosevelt had become alarmed at the up and coming man who was affectionately known as Kingfish, and was terrified at the prospect of Mr. Long becoming a presidential candidate. He knew that the Jews could not control all the strings in such an election, should it in fact take place, due to Long's immense popularity.

"FDR made several indirect threats, which included threatening to have the Kingfish killed. Long was fully aware of Roosevelt's plans and this was part of the reason he asked for his broadcast of March 7, 1935, to be put in the Congressional Record on March 12 of that same year. In the broadcast, he stated, �It has been publicly announced that the White House orders of the Roosevelt administration have declared war on Huey Long.' Long thought that making this statement a matter of public record would be a deterrent and give him an edge of protection against FDR actually carrying out the threats.

"Unfortunately, this was not the case and Roosevelt's Jewish hit squad went to work getting the �message' to some of Long's closest people, even personal bodyguards. The conspiracy to eliminate the up‑and‑coming Presidential election's opposition came to a head on September 8, 1935, when a Jewish doctor named Carl Weiss almost botched the deal. While he did manage to shoot Long, he had used a small caliber .22, which, of course, didn't finish the job. It seems clear now that all that was really desired was to make sure that Huey P. Long went to the hospital where another doctor was waiting to make sure Long never left the hospital. It is interesting to note that this same tactic was later exercised on the people's Presidential candidate George Wallace of Alabama. When one truly studies history, one cannot help but see that it is the left wing, Marxist, Communist Jews who are truly the perpetrators of violence and terrorism, while the so‑called right wing has committed few violent crimes for political reasons.

"The Jewish physician Authur Vidrine knew that two of Louisiana's top surgeons were on their way from New Orleans. He knew they could easily save Huey's life. Though under qualified in comparison to the surgeons speedily on their way, he declared that he would have to perform emergency surgery before they had a chance to arrive. Long's kidney had been damaged. When preparing for and performing the �operation', Vidrine gambled that by withholding a simple blood urine test that he knew Long desperately needed, that he could claim he had tried to save the man's life, but wasn't aware of everything that was needed to be done when he had his victim opened up.

"When the surgeons got in, they were appalled at Vidrine's obvious and calculatingly incompetent job. Thanks to Vidrine, who was soon to become Long's true assassin, it was determined that the patient, who had become very weak by this time, could not survive another operation and therefore there was nothing at this point that reasonably could be done. As a result of Long being withheld and/or not receiving proper medical attention, on September 10, 1935, at 4:06 a.m. he subsequently died. Thus, this �doctor' had finished the incomplete work of the first. In retrospect and hindsight, it seems fair to speculate that the plan to eliminate Huey Long did not necessarily include the Jewish doctor Weiss to actually kill Huey Long but rather to attempt to kill him. Fortunately, Huey Long's bodyguards reacted with swift vengeance, shooting the Jewish doctor more than 30 times. Such a reaction was, to say the least, excessive. It is now probable that Huey's bodyguards wanted to make sure that Weiss was killed to forever silence his part in the conspiracy. The fanatical Jew Weiss may well have been a patsy, believing that he would simply hospitalize Long, while being tried for attempted murder under a new political regime in Louisiana, or at the least, be pardoned by the Roosevelt administration.

"When thinking of The Great Depression, many people know there was a stock market crash in 1929, but unless they have done some serious research or lived through it themselves they do not realize the true gravity of the situation. They think it just happened one day and it got tough for a while, but things improved in 1930; or, they simply do not know.

"Perhaps they never thought much about it and really don't care. The truth is that things did not improve in 1930 or 1931. 1929 was only the beginning of four consecutive depressions (plural) that lasted throughout the 1930's and that were only abated by the Jewish contrived World War II. In many ways, the late 1930's were worse than 1929. The New Deal, or shall we say Jew Deal, was a total failure. John L. Lewis, President of the United Mine Workers said in 1940,

"�Mr. Roosevelt made depression and unemployment a chronic fact in American life.' Grace Abbott told the DNC: �There is in Chicago and in a very large part of the country, more suffering than there was in 1933 when the President came to office. It is a common sight to see children salvaging food from garbage cans.' Almost unbelievably, the homosexual Winston Churchill said in 1937, �The Washington administration has waged so ruthless a war on private enterprise that the US is actually leading the world back into the trough of depression.'

"These figures were compiled by the AFL and used by John Flynn in 1955 in his report in The Freeman: �In 1932, when Roosevelt was elected, there were on relief 4,155,000 households, containing 16,620,000 persons. In 1940, eight years later, there were 4,227,000 households on relief, containing 16,908,000 persons. In this period farm employment fell off and has never recovered.' Yes, indeed, the New Deal was nothing but the Jew Deal.

"Cohen, Frankfurter, and Brandeis were but the top echelon. Other Jews joined the New Deal apparatus. Abe Fortas was assigned to the new SEC; Mordecai Ezekiel was sent in as the Agriculture Department's economist; Henry Morgenthau Jr. became Secretary of the Treasury; Charles Wyzanski went to the Labor Department; Isador Lubin took over the Bureau of Labor Statistics, in effect becoming F.D.R.'s economist; David Niles became the first of what is by now a line of special White House �point men' for handling minorities' affairs; the young Joe Rauh became part of it, after serving as a law clerk first to Justice Cardozo, then to Frankfurter after his appointment to the court; and there were Bernard Baruch, David Lilienthal, and Sam Rosenman, to name a few others' (Jews and American Politics, Stephen Isaacs, 1977, Doubleday).

"Following are a few of the main points that FDR wanted to force feed the American public with the Jew Deal. Let us take special note that these governing principles advocated by Roosevelt almost exactly parallel the same tyrannical governing principles advocated by the world Communist Party, backed and endorsed by

world Jewry, as Communism is an arm of international Zionism.

1). Impairment of all independent judicial powers. In plain language, the federalization of everything.

2). Eliminate any and all parliamentary principles. This meant complete control of Congress through money, bribes, and blackmail.

3). Strengthen and control, through Jewish Socialism, the entire economics of the nation. This was achieved with the implementation of the Federal Reserve.

4). Extend big Jew governmental executive powers to rule by Jewish regulations (of its own elite Jews' making) in all areas of life.

5). Wield complete power over the individual by giving him no personal rights as a citizen, thereby thwarting self‑determination. This included the elimination of the Bill of Rights, especially stifling freedom of speech, the right to bear arms, freedom of religion, and freedom of the press. In other words, make any opposition, dissenting voice, or dissident a political criminal. Part of Jewish Socialism is playing the word game of phony euphemisms attached to things the Jew desires to cover‑up. A political crime would no longer be called a political crime, but a hate crime, to name but one example of Jew‑speak.

6). Weaken all opposing powers whether religious, state and local governance or private enterprise. This would primarily be achieved with the plutocratic principle of �anyone can be bought.' A relentless war on white man's culture was declared by the Jews on Christian Americans from the very first day the first congregation of Jews became a reality in the United States. Jews are responsible for all anti‑Christian, anti‑ white culture philosophy. A few examples would include Spinoza, who advocated Humanism, and Hegel, who was embraced by the Jewish Communists. �[Engels was] in favor of the more systematic and all embracing philosophy of Hegel as expounded by the �Young Hegelians,' a group of leftist intellectuals, including the theologian and historian Bruno Bauer and the anarchist Max Stirner. They accepted the Hegelian dialectic; basically that rational progress and historical change result from the conflict of opposing views, ending in a new synthesis As their first assault was directed against the foundations of Christianity � (�Engels, Friedrich', The New Encyclopedia Britannica, Vol. 4, 15th ed., pg. 494). In plain language, they espoused and practiced the principle of attacking white culture by any means available to the hand of the Jew (including finance, philosophy, humor, religion, politics, etc.).

"I wonder how many of you know that the New Jew Deal was really the Old Jew Deal? If you happened to take a look up FDR's family tree, you might run into Clinton Roosevelt, who wrote a booklet entitled Science Of Government Founded On Natural Law (Dean & Trevett, NY). What makes this work important is that this little document contains most of the New Deal/Communist Manifesto. And what makes the thing interesting is that it came out in 1841, several years before Karl Marx's work! The truth is that both Clinton Roosevelt's Science and Karl Marx's Manifesto were plagiarizes of yet an earlier eighteenth century collection of writings by another Jew named Adam Weishaupt.

"Weishaupt died in 1830 and Clinton Roosevelt simply picked up the torch and passed it on to Marx. In 1849, Horace Greeley, the Jewphile, Jewite owner of the New York Tribune, the country's first national newspaper, and Clinton Roosevelt gave monetary support to the Communist League in London to assist the publication of Marx's Manifest der Kommunistichen Partei or Communist Manifesto (1848). Greeley put Marx right on the newspapers' payroll. Other financial contributors were, of course, the English Jew Stepney and the Hegel antichrist Engels.

"FDR worked directly with Earl Browder, Head Chairman of the American Communist Party, right inside the White House. �The head of the Communist Party, USA, Earl Browder, worked on political deals with FDR. The arrangements were mutually beneficial. House Rules Chairman John O'Conner told the Senate Judiciary Committee that during 1938 and 1939, when Earl Browder was a frequent guest at the White House, he helped direct a �purge' of conservative Democrats who had opposed FDR's policies. "�In fact,' the congressman acknowledged, �during the President's �purge' of 1938, Browder directed a purge operation from the White House, from which he telephoned instructions' (�The FDR Legacy: Lest We Forget,' William Hoar, The New American, 1997, Vol 13, No.13, June 23).

"Merle Thorpe, a Roosevelt supporter, wrote in 1935, �We have given legislative status, either in whole or in part, to eight of the ten points of the Communist Manifesto of 1848; and, as some point out, done a better job of implementation than Russia.'

"The following is a comparison of the planks of the Communist Manifesto with but a part of the administration of Roosevelt. You can find those� specifically created by Roosevelt listed by the inception dates. Be aware, the beginning dates are only part of the story because there were also some changes that occurred to those that were already in place.

Point 1: Abolition of property in land and application of all rents of land to public purposes. [This was one of the first things Roosevelt called for, as early as his second inaugural address. He initiated several programs to help accomplish his goal, including the Federal Emergency Relief Administration.]

Point 2: A heavy progressive or graduated income tax. [FDR certainly was responsible for making this an unpleasant fact of American life by creating the Wealth Tax Act, with‑holding taxes, and was even pushing for a $25,000 earning limit. This made the Communist principle of the redistribution of wealth possible in the United States of America.]

Point 3: Abolition of all rights of inheritance. [Inheritance taxes, introduced in 1935, were the culmination of the graduated taxes begun earlier in 1913.]

Point 4: Confiscation of the property of all emigrants and rebels. [In 1941, Roosevelt confiscated the property of 117,000 Japanese on American soil and interred them in American concentration camps. Of course, Germans and Italians were affected as well, and none were paid any reparations for the crimes against them.]� Point 5: Centralization of credit in the banks of the state, by means of a national bank with state capital and an exclusive monopoly. [The confiscation of gold in 1933 put the wealth in the hands of the Jews. Other parts to his diabolical plan included the Gold Reserve Act (1934) and the Banking Act (1935), which further removed the wealth from the American people.]

Point 6: Centralization of the means of communication and transport in the hands of the state. [In addition to putting private air mail carriers out of business and using the Army to deliver mail in 1934, Roosevelt opened the gate to the enemy and the Jews bought out newspapers, radio and television stations. FDR also created several government agencies regulating communication and transport, including the Federal Trade Commission and put the already existing Interstate Commerce Commission on steroids.]

Point 7: Extension of factories and instruments of production owned by the state; the bringing into cultivation of wastelands, and the improvement of the soil generally in accordance with a common plan. [In addition to TVA, Roosevelt proposed several other Tennessee Valley Authority like projects and almost actually passed off the Property Seizure Bill that would have allowed confiscation of all private firearms and given him essentially a dictatorship, with complete power over all business and industry. Additionally, he created more big government, Jewish programs: National Recovery Administration, the Rural Electricification Administration, Public Works of Art Project, Farm Credit Administration, etc.]

Point 8: Equal obligation of all to work. Establishment of industrial armies, especially for agriculture. [Civilian Conservation Corps, Civil Works Administration, National Industrial Recovery Act, Work Progress Administration, etc.]

Point 9: Combination of agriculture with manufacturing industries; gradual abolition of all the distinction between town and country by a more equitable distribution of the populace over the country. [Resettlement Administration, etc.]

Point 10: Free education for all children in public schools. Abolition of children's factory labor in its present form. (Yeah, in its present form.) Combination of education with industrial production. [National Recovery Administration, among others.]

"Coincidence? The U.S. Secretary of Defense, James Forrestal wrote: "�Played golf today with Joe Kennedy. I asked him about his conversations with Roosevelt and Neville Chamberlain from 1938 on. He said Chamberlain's position in 1938 was that England had nothing with which to fight and that she could not risk going to war with Hitler. Kennedy's view: That Hitler would have fought Russia without any later conflict with England if it had not been for Bullitt's urging on Roosevelt in the summer of 1939 that the Germans must be faced down about Poland; neither the French nor the British would have made Poland a cause of war if it had not been for the constant needling from Washington. Bullitt, he said, kept telling Roosevelt that the Germans wouldn't fight; Kennedy that they would, and that they would overrun Europe. Chamberlain he says, stated that America and the world Jews had forced England into the war' (The Forrestal Diaries, 1951, Viking).

"The Supreme Court unanimously ruled FDR's National Recovery Administration unconstitutional [Schechter Poultry vs US, 295 US 495 (1935)]. And again the following year the Supreme Court ruled FDR's Agricultural Adjustment Act unconstitutional [Butler vs US, 297 US (1936)], stating that the AAA was �a central government exercising uncontrolled police power in every state of the union.' This was the ludicrous, insane program that had farmers slaughter millions of their animals and needlessly plow under their crops. Production was so drastically cut that the US had to import produce from abroad. Importing America's major foodstuffs is a practice that today has become the norm.

"While FDR's Communist programs were helping those in the upper Jewish circles worldwide, the mass majority of the American public were suffering in abject poverty. Life in the city had become so bad that many people who could, because of ties with friends or relatives, left the cities, some literally starving, and returned to the countryside where there were potential sources of food. In the 1930's, many people still lived and worked family farms. Great numbers of these people had no money at all; their livelihood was from the land itself and their existence did not depend completely on the almighty dollar. If it had not been for the farmers and backwoods country folks, God only knows what would have become of those helpless victims of the FDR era of Communist rule. Today, the effects would no doubt increase a hundred fold.

"The criminal mind of FDR did not stop at this point. In the mid 1930's, Roosevelt wanted an established policy that the Russians could build armaments in the USA and vowed that if he couldn't give direct assistance, then he was going to funnel support to his comrades through England or elsewhere in Europe. Jewish war profiteers loomed on the horizon, foaming at the mouth. In the 1940 election campaign FDR promised over and over to keep the country out of war while he was doing absolutely everything in his power to involve America in a war. The honorable Congressman Hamilton Fish gave a radio address on the NBC network on April 5, 1939, in which he stated:

"�If Hitler and the Nazi government regain Memel or Danzig, taken away from Germany by the Versailles Treaty, and where the population is ninety percent German, why is it necessary to issue threats and denunciations and incite our people to war? We repudiated the Versailles Treaty because it was based on [Jewish] greed and hatred, and as long as its inequalities exist there are bound to be wars of liberation. The sooner certain provisions of the Versailles Treaty are scrapped the better for the peace of the world I believe that if the areas that are distinctly German in population are restored to Germany, except Alsace‑Lorraine and the Tyrol, there will be no war in Western Europe.

"�There may be a war between the Nazis and the Communists, but if there is, that is not our war or that of Great Britain or France or any of the democracies New Deal spokesmen have stirred up war hysteria into a veritable frenzy. The New Deal propaganda machine is working overtime to prepare the minds of our people for war, who are already suffering from a bad case of war jitters President Roosevelt is the number one warmonger in America, and is largely responsible for the fear that pervades the nation I accuse the Administration of instigating war propaganda and hysteria to cover up the failure and collapse of the New Deal policies, with 12 million unemployed and business confidence destroyed.

"�The war profiteers, munitions makers and international bankers [Jews] are all set up for our participation in a new world war I believe we have far more to fear from our enemies from within [Jews] than we have from without. All the Communists [Jews] are united in urging us to go to war against Germany and Japan for the benefit of Soviet Russia' (Congressional Record Appendix, Washington, Vol. 84, Part 12, pgs. 1342‑43). (Bracketed words have been added by the author.)

"The Jewish community had a man they could count on and they were trying to make sort of a cult leader out of FDR. They withheld information from the public at large concerning the real FDR, things they were afraid for the people to know, because they were afraid or knew people might react negatively. A perfect example of this was how they did not want the masses to know FDR was in a wheelchair. Many people even during WW 2 never knew he was a cripple. In 1944, FDR had a heart attack. The physicians told him it would kill him if he got over exerted and that he was not to work or be active over four hours a day. Almost unbelievably, it was still decided for Roosevelt to go on for a fourth term.

"Now, might I take a moment to remind you that by this time the country was right in the middle of a war. In 1944, FDR spent approximately two thirds of the year either in rest, medical treatment, or travel to get medical treatment. With no commander at the helm, the Jews had free reign to do whatever they pleased [not that FDR would have made any difference, being one of them]. Nevertheless, FDR's health was an issue that the American people had a right to know about. For many months before the election, FDR had been utterly unfit physically to fulfill the duties of his office. With millions of lives hanging in the balance, to continue on with this man as President was nothing short of irresponsible.

"So you tell me, How would you think a reasonable person would have felt if he knew the facts? Give them Bob Hope and a few go‑go dancers and the stupid goy will never know the difference Germany was thirty or forty years ahead of the rest of the world technologically speaking, and the Jew coveted Germany's achievements. FDR hated white men and he hated the concept of white civilization for any white people. No doubt Communism had suffered a loss in Germany when Chancellor Hitler was elected. Mr. Hitler stepped up to the plate and put it out of the park.

"Mr. Hitler did more in two years for his people than FDR ever accomplished throughout his whole entire Jew Deal or in his whole life, for that matter. But then, Mr. Hitler was working for the German people to rid his nation of the international parasite, the Jew Communist, and to truly work on behalf of the good interests of the German people. This cannot be said of Roosevelt. According to Roosevelt's own personal papers, this infuriated him to no end. Once, when aviation hero Charles Lindbergh came back from a visit to Germany and spread around a few compliments, Roosevelt became so enraged that he did everything he could to get Colonel Lindbergh, a national hero, stripped of his rank and thrown in jail. Roosevelt hated Lucky Lindy, and no doubt Lindy knew the truth.

"�The pressure for war is high and mounting. The people are opposed to it, but the Administration seems to have �the bit in its teeth' and hell‑bent on its way to war. Most of the Jewish interests in the country are behind war, and they control a huge part of our press and radio and most of our motion pictures the international financial interests, and many others' (The Wartime Journals of Charles A. Lindbergh, Charles Lindbergh, May 1,1941, Harcourt Brace, 1970, pg. 481).

"All this, but when FDR spoke to his top aids concerning Russia, FDR made it clear when he said, �We can let them have almost everything they want.' And, in fact, he did, because it was FDR who set‑up his friends, the red bastards in Russia, with all the supplies and information they needed to build �the bomb'. In this sense, he was responsible for the creation of the whole crazy Jewish Cold War as well. (See �Hearings Regarding Shipment of Atomic Material to the Soviet Union During World War II', Eighty‑first Congress, House of Representatives, Second Session, Committee on Un‑American Activities, United States Government Printing Office, Washington,1950.)

"Hypocritically, the Rosenbergs, a Jewish couple who attempted to give atomic secrets to the Communists in Russia, were convicted in 1951 and executed in Sing Sing shortly thereafter after several appeals. Were these Jews chosen as martyrs to cover‑up FDR's treasonous activities? Perhaps this is a question that remains to be answered.

"The Swedish explorer Sven Hedin expressed an insightful and sound perspective regarding Roosevelt's role in initiating World War II:

""The question of the way it came to a new world war is not only to be explained because of the foundation laid by the peace treaties of 1919, or in the suppression of Germany and her allies after the First World War, or on the continuation of the ancient policies of Great Britain and France. The decisive push came from the other side of the Atlantic.

"Roosevelt speaks of democracy and destroys it incessantly. He slanders as undemocratic and un‑American those who admonish him in the name of peace and the preservation of the American way of life. He talks about freedom of speech and silences those who don't hold his opinion. He talks about freedom of religion and makes an alliance with Bolshevism. He talks about freedom from want, but cannot provide ten million of his own people with work, bread or shelter. He talks about freedom from fear of war while working for war, not only for his own people, but for the world, by inciting his country against the Axis powers when it might have united with them, and he thereby drove millions to their deaths. This war will go down in history as the war of President Roosevelt' (Amerika im Kampf der Kontinente, Brockhaus, Leipzig, 1943).

FDR wanted war, but not in just any way. He wanted to wage his war on Germany. October 8, 1941: Franklin Delano Roosevelt orders US vessels to fire upon German vessels on sight. Roosevelt blatantly lied to Congress and the American public on numerous occasions to try and get them to declare war on Germany.

They didn't buy FDR's nonsense and it only further destroyed his already shaky credibility with the public in general, and Congress as well. Remember, more than 75% of the American people were against getting involved in Roosevelt's Communist aggression against Germany. At this point he was even more angered and purposeful in throwing the USA into war against Mr. Hitler, the man he had without provocation grown to hate so much, and ironically of whom he was incredibly envious.

Within a week of his inauguration as President, Franklin D. Roosevelt invokes emergency war powers that effectively suspend the Constitution. Gold is confiscated from private citizens and the new currency is backed by a lien on all property, public and private, in the United States. (remember the land banks?)

A Carnegie Institution Genealogy; Roosevelt's Jewish� Ancestry: A reprint from the October 18, 1936, Issue of "The Revelator," of Wichita, Kansas, Rev. G.B. Winrod, Editor.

The chart shown below has come as a socking revelation to millions of American citizens. It explains things in connection with Roosevelt's Administration which can not otherwise be understood.

Famous Sons of Famous Fathers:

The Roosevelts

The Roosevelt Lineage

Claes Martenszen van Rosenvelt

Wife Jannetje Samuels or Hamel or Thomas

Nicholas R.

Wife (1682) Heyltje Jans Kunsy

Johannes R.

Wife (1708) Heyltje Syvert or Hilote Syverts

Jacobus R.

Wife (1746) Annetja Bogart

Jacobus R. I

Wife (1793) Maria van Schaack

Carnelius van Schaack R.

Wife Margarey Barnhill

Theodore R.

Wife Martha Bulloch

Elliott R.

Wife Ann Rebecca Hall

Franklin D. Roosevelt


Wife (1719) Catherine Hadenroock

Isaac Roosevelt

Wife (1752) Cornelia Hoffman

James Roosevelt

Wife (1786) Maria Walton

Isaac Roosevelt

Wife Mary E. Aspinwall

James Roosevelt

Wife Sarah Delano

(Genealogical chart prepared in the Carnegie Institution of Washington, D.C., under direction of Dr. H.H. Laughlin, per Asso. Press dispatch March 7, 1934. In the Daily Citizen of Tucson, Arizona a similar chart was published by the Washington, D.C., Star, of February 29, 1934)

Even a hasty perusal of this factual document convinces one as to the President's Jewish ancestry. From the viewpoint of eugenics, it explains his natural bent toward radicalism.

It shows why he has given hundreds of so‑called Liberals, Socialists and Communists powerful positions in the national government. It reveals the origin of the sinister spirit which today animates the White House. It proves unmistakably, that the Roosevelt Administration offers a biological, as well as a political problem.

The New York Times of March 14, 1935, quotes the President as saying: "In the distant past my ancestors may have been Jews. All I know about the origin of the Roosevelt family is that they are apparently descended form Claes Martenszen van Roosevelt, who came from Holland."

Additional information regarding the nationality of the Roosevelt family, was given by Chase S. Osborn, early in 1934, at St. Petersburg, Florida. Mr. Osborn was formerly Governor of Michigan. The leading newspaper of the city (The Times) carried the following report after the interview:

"Although a Republican, the former Governor has a sincere regard for President Roosevelt and his policies. He referred to the �Jewish ancestry' of the President, explaining how he is a descendant of the Rossocampo family expelled from Spain in 1620. Seeking safety in German, Holland and other countries, members of the family, he said, changed their name to Rosenberg, Rosenbaum, Rosenblum, Rosenvelt and Rosenthal.

"The Roosevelts in North Holland finally became Roosevelt, soon becoming apostates with the first generation and others following suit until, the fourth generation, a little storekeeper by the name of Jacobus Roosevelt was the only one who remained true to His Jewish Faith. It is because of this Jewish ancestry, former Governor Osborn said, that President Roosevelt has the trend of economic safety (?) In his veins."

Roosevelt inevitably draws upon his Jewish ancestry. It is, therefore, as natural for him to be a radical, as it is for others to be true Americans. This is why he can boast of flouting conventionalities, and publicly gloat over destroying those traditions which are fundamental to our national character. HE IS NOT ONE OF US! This may also explain why he attaches so little importance to his word of honor, and has no hesitation in breaking his promises.

It is to be doubted if he, himself, understands the inner forces that surge through his being, driving him further and further toward the Left! It's in his blood. Meanwhile, the result of 160 years' constructive effort on the part of Christian patriots threatens to be swept away.

For this reason, one of his first official acts after becoming President, was to invite Finklestein alias Litvinoff, to the White House for the purpose of establishing diplomatic relations with the Jewish dictatorship of Moscow. For this reason, he has appointed Jewish Ambassadors to such strategic diplomatic posts as Paris, Stockholm and Moscow. For this reason, Bernard Baruch has lately been called "the unofficial President of the United States."

For this reason a super‑cabinet, known as the "Brain Trust" an organization of appointees denominated by powerful Jewish intellects, has been set up to usurp constitutional powers of our duly elected lawmakers.

We do not condemn Roosevelt for coming from Jewish stock. We condemn him for being a leader in the international radical movement which is throwing Gentile governments, the world over, into convulsions. In like manner, the Jewish mind is incapable of assimilating the Christian and American viewpoints sufficiently, to risk placing the destiny of 120,000,000 human beings in the hands of a few members of their people. (End of Reprint)

Confirmation From Other Sources: In the 1938 "World Almanac" under the heading "Biographies of U.S. Presidents and their wives," page 237, appears:

"Franklin Delano Roosevelt was the son of James Roosevelt, a direct descendant of Ciaes Martenzen van Rosenvelt, who arrived in New Amsterdam in 1649 and married Jannetje Samuels."

The following is from "The House of Roosevelt" by Paul Haber, 1936 edition:

"Claes Rosenvelt entered the cloth business in New York, and was married in 1682. He accumulated a fortune. He then changed his name to Nicholas Roosevelt. Of his four sons, Isaac died young. Nicholas married Sarah Solomons. Jacobus married Catherina Hardenburg. The Roosevelts were not a fighting but a peace‑loving people, devoted to trade. Isaac became a capitalist. He founded the Bank of New York in 1790."

The American Freedom Magazine of Los Angeles, Calif., April, 1938, issue, reproduced the quotation below:

"In and address to the National Convention of the D.A.R., President F.D. Roosevelt said that he too was of revolutionary ancestry. BUT NOT A ROOSEVELT WAS IN THE AMERICAN ARMY. They were Tories, busy entertaining British officers. The first Roosevelt came to America in 1649. His name was Claes Rosenfelt. He was Jew. Nicholas the son of Claes, was the ancestor of both Franklin and Theodore. He married a Jewish girl named Kunst in 1682. Nicholas had a son named Jacobus Rosenfelt. In the family tree there are 351 persons bearing biblical names of the tribe of Israel." (From the Corvallis Gazette‑Times, of Corvallis, Oregon).

FDR's "Distinguished service to Jewry" New York Jews having designed and struck off a medal with the head of Roosevelt on one side and the six point Solomon Star, synagogue symbol of possession and world power, on the other, with a mystical so‑called "Good Luck" idiom in the center of the star, the undersigned and his associates investigated to ascertain the significance, if any, and report the implications: "Good Luck and Wisdom to Franklin D. Roosevelt, our Modern Moses, Leading Jewry in �The Promised Land' (America) under the �Seal of Solomon.'"

The following New York item was published from Coast to Coast under an Associated Press date line of May 8, 1937:

"President Roosevelt will receive the tenth award of the Gottheil Medal for �Distinguished services to Jewry.'"

Another such Jewish medal was given him December 22, 1938, according to the New York Herald‑Tribune of December 23, 1938.

What "distinguished services" has Roosevelt rendered to Jewry?

Professor H.J. Laski, Jewish Socialist of England, was quoted in the London "Fascist" of January 1935, thus:

"If the experiment for which Roosevelt is responsible, should in any serious degree break down, as a result of the association with it of a number of eminent Jews, there would be an outbreak of Anti‑Semitism in the U.S. more profound than anything Anglo‑Saxon Civilization has so far known."

The National Elections of 1938 show the Roosevelt experiment is breaking down; and New York City is Pogrom‑Conscious!

The Delanos Jewish Also: Writing in the "Hadendreuzbanner" of May 14, 1939, Professor Dr. Johann van Leers of Berlin‑Dahlem, Germany, publishes an exhaustive analysis of Roosevelt's ancestry. While it is apparent that the authorities quoted are not convinced regarding the authenticity of the Holland Rossocampo‑Roosevelt Jewish genealogy, a new discover is quoted to show that President Franklin Delano Roosevelt's mother; Sarah Delano, is from a Jewish‑blood family.

"At once the veil falls" comments Dr. von Leers:

"The President's father married Sarah Delano; and it become clear. Schmalix (genealogist) writes: �In the seventh generation we see the mother of Franklin Delano Roosevelt as being of Jewish descent. The Delanos are descendants of Italian or Spanish Jewish family; Dilano, Dilan, Dillano. The Jew Delano drafted an agreement with the West Indies Co., in 1657 regarding the colonization of the island of Curacao. About this the directors of the West Indies Co., had correspondence with the Governor of New Holland.

"In 1624 numerous Jews had settled in North Brazil, which was under Dutch Dominion. The old German traveler Uienoff, who was in Brazil between 1640 and 1649, reports: �Among the Jewish settlers the greatest number had emigrated from Holland. The reputation of the Jews was so bad that the Dutch Governor Stuyvesant (1655) demanded that their immigration be prohibited in the newly founded colony of New Amsterdam (the New York of today). It would be interesting to investigate whether the Family Delano belonged to these Jews whom the Dutch Governor did not want. It is known that the Sephardic Jewish families which came from Span and Portugal always inter‑married; and the assumption exits that the Family Delano, despite Christian‑confession, remained purely Jewish so far as religion is concerned.'"

Jewish mothers bear heredity: "What results? The mother of President Roosevelt was a Delano. According to Jewish Law (Schulchan Aruk, Ebenaezer IV) the woman is the bearer of the heredity. That means: children of a full‑blooded Jewess and a Christian are, according to Jewish Law, Jews. It is probable that the Family Delano kept the Jewish blood clean, and that President Roosevelt, according to Jewish Law, is a blooded Jew even if one assumes that the father of the President was Aryan.

"We can understand why Jewish associations call him the �New Moses;' why he gets Jewish medals; highest orders of the Jewish people. For every Jew who is acquainted with the law, he is evidently one of them. The secret surrounding President Roosevelt solves itself though the assiduous investigations of Schmalix.' In this connection it is noteworthy that Who's Who in American Jewry lists the New York Brentanos as Jewish; Sephardics from Italy or Spain. Delano and Brentano end with "o." Jews expelled from Brazil settled in the U.S. Genealogist Schmalix is quoted in the article mentioned as saying: "When the Delanos changed to the Christian religion can only be ascertained by further investigations in America."

With this alleged Jewish Delano descent added to the other records herein the fact that New York Jews on the East Side constantly refer to the President proudly as "Rosenvelt," it would seem that Dr. von Leers, in his letter of May 14, 1939, to the undersigned, transmitting his latest discoveries, is justified in exclaiming: "It being true that the Delanos are well‑known Jews from the Netherlands, President Roosevelt is, from the standpoint of Jewish Heredity Law, as good Jew as Bernard M. Baruch."

Baruch is a Sephardic Jew, whose family is reported to have come from Europe via Brazil to North America. Signed Robert Edward Edmonton.

So this explains why Roosevelt, coming from a prominent and wealthy family, moved America into the direct path toward Communism. The Jewish name's in FDR's family stand out; Samuels, Schaak, and Jacobus. Since Jews frequently intermarry with their relatives, Roosevelt's wife was a distant cousin and a niece of former President Theodore Roosevelt.

The Universal Jewish Dictionary of 1943 states: "Sara Delano Roosevelt, born 1855 and died 1941, was often the guest and advisor to Jewish institutions. After her death, the Roosevelt New York City home was bought by the B'nai B'rith Hillel Foundation and converted into the Sara Delano Roosevelt Interfaith House for students of Hunter College."

FDR was extremely pro‑Zionist from the very beginning of his political career and was often honored by Jews. Henry Morgenthau, Jr.; Bernard Baruch and Samuel Rosenman were among the Jews who influenced his twelve years of office. Thus you can see how Jewish Communism penetrated so deeply into the American government, in spite of the warnings from early American leaders, such as Benjamin Franklin, who warned that this would happen.

The American Jewish Congress, led by Rabbi Stephen Wise and Samuel Untermayer, join the war movement, calling on all Jews to unite in a �Holy War' against Nazism. In a speech given on 11 February 1933, Henry Morgenthau states: �The U.S. has entered the phase of a second war.' Other Jewish leaders join in the chorus. This is six years before the �start' of World War II with the German invasion of Poland (formerly East Prussia), and almost nine years before Pearl Harbor.

Total membership of the Communist Party in America is estimated by Earl Browder at 1,200,000. There are over 600 Jewish radical and Communist newspapers and Jewish periodicals being published in the U.S.


When we actually examine the life of Albert Einstein, WE FIND THAT HIS ONLY BRILLIANCE LIES IN HIS ABILITY TO PLAGIARIZE AND STEAL OTHER PEOPLE'S IDEAS, PASSING THEM OFF AS HIS OWN (A typical Jewish expertise). Einstein's education, or lack thereof, is an important part of this story.

The Encyclopedia Britannica says of Einstein's early education that he �showed little scholastic ability.' It also says that at the age of 15, �with poor grades in history, geography, and languages, he left school with no diploma.' Einstein himself wrote in a school paper of his �lack of imagination and practical ability.' In 1895, Einstein failed a simple entrance exam to an engineering school in Zurich.

This exam consisted mainly of mathematical problems, and Einstein showed himself to be mathematically inept in this exam. He then entered a lesser school hoping to use it as a stepping stone to the engineering school he could not get into, but after graduating in 1900, he still could not get a position at the engineering school!

Unable to go to the school as he had wanted, he got a job (with the help of a friend) at the patent office in Bern. He was to be a technical expert third class, which meant that he was too incompetent for a higher qualified position. Even after publishing his so‑called ground‑breaking papers of 1905 and after working in the patent office for six years, he was only elevated to a second class standing. Remember, the work he was doing at the patent office, for which he was only rated third class, was not quantum mechanics or theoretical physics, but was reviewing technical documents for patents of every day things; yet he was barely qualified.

He would work at the patent office until 1909, all the while continuously trying to get a position at a university, but without success. All of these facts are true, but now begins the Jewish myth.

Supposedly, while working a full time job, without the aid of university colleagues, a staff of graduate students, a laboratory, or any of the things normally associated with an academic setting, Einstein in his spare time wrote four ground‑breaking essays in the field of theoretical physics and quantum mechanics that were published in 1905.

Many people have recognized the impossibility of such a feat, including Einstein himself, and therefore Einstein has led people to believe that many of these ideas came to him in his sleep, out of the blue, because indeed that is the only logical explanation of how an admittedly inept moron could have written such documents at the age of 26 without any real education. HOWEVER, A SIMPLER EXPLANATION EXISTS: HE STOLE THE IDEAS AND PLAGIARIZED THE PAPERS.

Therefore, we will look at each of these ideas and discover the source of each. It should be remembered that these ideas are presented by Einstein's worshipers as totally new and completely different, each of which would change the landscape of science. These four papers dealt with the following four ideas, respectively:

1) The foundation of the photon theory of light;

2) The equivalence of energy and mass;

3) The explanation of Brownian motion in liquids;

4) The special theory of relativity.

Let us first look at the last of these theories, the theory of relativity. This is perhaps the most famous idea falsely attributed to Einstein. Specifically, this 1905 paper dealt with what Einstein called the Special Theory of Relativity (the General Theory would come in 1915). This theory contradicted the traditional Newtonian mechanics and was based upon two premises: 1) in the absence of acceleration, the laws of nature are the same for all observers; and 2) since the speed of light is independent of the motion of its source, then the time interval between two events is longer for an observer in whose frame of reference the events occur at different places than for an observer in whose frame of reference the events occur in the same place.

This is basically the idea that time passes more slowly as one's velocity approaches the speed of light, relative to slower velocities where time would pass faster.

This theory has been validated by modern experiments and is the basis for modern physics. But these two premises are far from being originally Einstein's. FIRST OF ALL, THE IDEA THAT THE SPEED OF LIGHT WAS A CONSTANT AND WAS INDEPENDENT OF THE MOTION OF ITS SOURCE WAS NOT EINSTEIN'S AT ALL, BUT WAS PROPOSED BY THE SCOTTISH SCIENTIST JAMES MAXWELL. Maxwell studied the phenomenon of light extensively and first proposed that it was electromagnetic in nature.

He wrote an article to this effect for the 1878 edition of the Encyclopedia Britannica. His ideas prompted much debate, and by 1887, as a result of his work and the ensuing debate, the scientific community, particularly Lorentz, Michelson, and Morley reached the conclusion that the velocity of light was independent of the velocity of the observer. Thus, this piece of the Special Theory of Relativity was known 27 years before Einstein wrote his paper.

This debate over the nature of light also led Michelson and Morley to conduct an important experiment, the results of which could not be explained by Newtonian mechanics. They observed a phenomenon caused by relativity but they did not understand relativity.




FURTHERMORE, IN 1892, HENDRIK LORENTZ, FROM THE NETHERLANDS, PROPOSED THE SAME SOLUTION AND BEGAN TO GREATLY EXPAND THE IDEA. All throughout the 1890's, both Lorentz and FitzGerald worked on these ideas and wrote articles strangely similar to Einstein's Special Theory detailing what is now known as the Lorentz‑Fitz Gerald Contraction.

IN 1898, THE IRISHMAN JOSEPH LARMOR WROTE DOWN EQUATIONS EXPLAINING THE LORENTZ‑FITZ GERALD CONTRACTION AND ITS RELATIVISTIC CONSEQUENCES, 7 YEARS BEFORE EINSTEIN'S PAPER. By 1904, Lorentz transformations, the series of equations explaining relativity, were published by Lorentz. They describe the increase of mass, the shortening of length, and the time dilation of a body moving at speeds close to the velocity of light. In short, by 1904, everything in Einstein's paper regarding the Special Theory of Relativity had already been published.

The Frenchman Poincar� had, in 1898, written a paper unifying many of these ideas. HE STATED SEVEN YEARS BEFORE EINSTEIN'S PAPER THAT,

"...we have no direct intuition about the equality of two time intervals. The simultaneity of two events or the order of their succession, as well as the equality of two time intervals, must be defined in such a way that the statements of the natural laws be as simple as possible."


Thus we see that the only thing original about the paper was the term �Special Theory of Relativity.' EVERYTHING ELSE WAS PLAGIARIZED. Over the next few years, Poincar� became one of the most important lecturers and writers regarding relativity, but he never, in any of his papers or speeches, mentioned Albert Einstein.

Thus, while Poincar� was busy bringing the rest of the academic world up to speed regarding relativity, Einstein was still working in the patent office in Bern and no one in the academic community thought it necessary to give much credence or mention to Einstein's work. Most of these early physicists knew that he was a fraud.

This brings us to the explanation of Brownian motion, the subject of another of Einstein's 1905 papers. Brownian motion describes the irregular motion of a body arising from the thermal energy of the molecules of the material in which the body is immersed. The movement had first been observed by the Scottish botanist Robert Brown in 1827. The explanation of this phenomenon has to do with the Kinetic Theory of Matter, and it was the American Josiah Gibbs and the Austrian Ludwig Boltzmann who first explained this occurrence, not Albert Einstein. In fact, the mathematical equation describing the motion contains the famous Boltzmann constant, k. Between these two men, they had explained by the 1890s everything in Einstein's 1905 paper regarding Brownian motion.

The subject of the equivalence of mass and energy was contained in a third paper published by Einstein in 1905. This concept is expressed by the famous equation E=mc2. Einstein's biographers categorize this as "his most famous and most spectacular conclusion." Even though this idea is an obvious conclusion of Einstein's earlier relativity paper, it was not included in that paper but was published as an afterthought later in the year. Still, the idea of energy‑mass equivalence was not original with Einstein.

That there was an equivalence between mass and energy had been shown in the laboratory in the 1890s by both J.J. Thomsom of Cambridge and by W. Kaufmann in G�ttingen. In 1900, Poincar� had shown that there was a mass relationship for all forms of energy, not just electromagnetic energy. Yet, the most probable source of Einstein's plagiarism was Friedrich Hasen�hrl, one of the most brilliant, yet unappreciated physicists of the era.

Hasen�hrl was the teacher of many of the German scientists who would later become famous for a variety of topics. He had worked on the idea of the equivalence of mass and energy for many years and had published a paper on the topic in 1904 in the very same journal which Einstein would publish his plagiarized version in 1905. For his brilliant work in this area, Hasen�rhl had received in 1904 a prize from the prestigious Vienna Academy of Sciences.

Furthermore, the mathematical relationship of mass and energy was a simple deduction from the already well‑known equations of Scottish physicist James Maxwell. Scientists long understood that the mathematical relationship expressed by the equation E=mc2 was the logical result of Maxwell's work, they just did not believe it.

THUS, THE EXPERIMENTS OF THOMSON, KAUFMANN, AND FINALLY, AND MOST IMPORTANTLY, HASEN�RHL, CONFIRMED MAXWELL'S WORK. IT IS LUDICROUS TO BELIEVE THAT EINSTEIN DEVELOPED THIS POSTULATE, particularly in light of the fact that Einstein did not have the laboratory necessary to conduct the appropriate experiments.

In this same plagiarized article of Einstein's, he suggested to the scientific community, "Perhaps it will prove possible to test this theory using bodies whose energy content is variable to a high degree (e.g., salts of radium)." This remark demonstrates how little Einstein understood about science, for this was truly an outlandish remark. By saying this, Einstein showed that he really did not understand basic scientific principles and that he was writing about a topic that he did not understand. In fact, in response to this article, J. Precht remarked that such an experiment "lies beyond the realm of possible experience."� The last subject dealt with in Einstein's 1905 papers was the foundation of the photon theory of light. Einstein wrote about the photoelectric effect. The photoelectric effect is the release of electrons from certain metals or semiconductors by the action of light. This area of research is particularly important to the Einstein myth because it was for this topic that he UNJUSTLY received his 1922 Nobel Prize.

But AGAIN IT IS NOT EINSTEIN, BUT WILHELM WIEN AND MAX PLANCK WHO DESERVE THE CREDIT. The main point of Einstein's paper, and the point for which he is given credit, is that light is emitted and absorbed in finite packets called quanta. This was the explanation for the photoelectric effect. The photoelectric effect had been explained by Heinrich Hertz in 1888. Hertz and others, including Philipp Lenard, worked on understanding this phenomenon.

Lenard was the first to show that the energy of the electrons released in the photoelectric effect was not governed by the intensity of the light but by the frequency of the light. This was an important breakthrough.

Wien and Planck were colleagues and they were the fathers of modern day quantum theory. By 1900, Max Planck, based upon his and Wien's work, had shown that radiated energy was absorbed and emitted in finite units called quanta. The only difference in his work of 1900 and Einstein's work of 1905 was that Einstein limited himself to talking about one particular type of energy _ light energy. But the principles and equations governing the process in general had been deduced by Planck in 1900. Einstein himself admitted that the obvious conclusion of Planck's work was that light also existed in discrete packets of energy. Thus, nothing in this paper of Einstein's was original.

After the 1905 papers of Einstein were published, the scientific community took little notice and Einstein continued his job at the patent office until 1909 when it was arranged for him to take a position at a school by World Jewry.

Still, it was not until a 1919 (A Jewish) newspaper headline that he gained any notoriety. With Einstein's academic appointment in 1909, he was placed in a position where he could begin to use other people's work as his own more openly. He engaged many of his students to look for ways to prove the theories he had supposedly developed, or ways to apply those theories, and then he could present the research as his own or at least take partial credit.

In this vein, in 1912, he began to try and express his gravitational research in terms of a new, recently developed calculus, which was conducive to understanding relativity. This was the beginning of his General Theory of Relativity, which he would publish in 1915. BUT THE MATHEMATICAL WORK WAS NOT DONE BY EINSTEIN; HE WAS INCAPABLE OF IT. Instead, it was performed by the mathematician Marcel Grossmann, who in turn used the mathematical principles developed by Berhard Riemann, who was the first to develop a sound non‑Euclidean geometry, which is the basis of all mathematics used to describe relativity.

The General Theory of Relativity applied the principles of relativity to the universe; that is, to the gravitational pull of planets and their orbits, and the general principle that light rays bend as they pass by a massive object. Einstein published an initial paper in 1913 based upon the work which Grossmann did, adapting the math of Riemann to Relativity. But this paper was filled with errors and the conclusions were incorrect.

It appears that Grossmann was not smart enough to figure it out for Einstein. So Einstein was forced to look elsewhere to plagiarize his General Theory. Einstein published his correct General Theory of Relativity in 1915, and said prior to its publication that he, "completely succeeded in convincing Hilbert and Klein." He is referring to David Hilbert, perhaps the most brilliant mathematician of the 20th century, and Felix Klein, another mathematician who had been instrumental in the development of the area of calculus that Grossmann had used to develop the General Theory of Relativity for Einstein.

Einstein's statement regarding the two men would lead the reader to believe that Einstein had changed Hilbert's and Klein's opinions regarding General Relativity, and that he had influenced them in their thinking.


What this means is that Hilbert wrote basically the exact same paper, with the same conclusions, before Einstein did. Einstein would have had an opportunity to know of Hilbert's work all along, because there were Jewish friends of his working for Hilbert. Yet, even this was not necessary, for Einstein had seen Hilbert's paper in advance of publishing his own. Both of these papers were, before being printed, delivered in the form of a lecture.

Einstein presented his paper on November 25, 1915 in Berlin and Hilbert had presented his paper on November 20 in G�ttingen. On November 18, Hilbert received a letter from Einstein thanking him for sending him a draft of the treatise Hilbert was to deliver on the 20th. So, in fact, Hilbert had sent a copy of his work at least two weeks in advance to Einstein before either of the two men delivered their lectures, but Einstein did not send Hilbert an advance copy of his.

Therefore, THIS SERVES AS INCONTROVERTIBLE PROOF THAT EINSTEIN QUICKLY PLAGIARIZED THE WORK AND THEN PRESENTED IT, HOPING TO BEAT HILBERT TO THE PUNCH. Also, at the same time, Einstein publicly began to belittle Hilbert, even though in the previous summer he had praised him in an effort to get Hilbert to share his work with him. Hilbert made the mistake of sending Einstein this draft copy, but still he delivered his work first. Not only did Hilbert publish his work first, but it was of much higher quality than Einstein's. It is known today that there are many problems with assumptions made in Einstein's General Theory paper. We know today that Hilbert was much closer to the truth. Hilbert's paper is the forerunner of the unified field theory of gravitation and electromagnetism and of the work of Erwin Schr�dinger, whose work is the basis of all modern day quantum mechanics.

That the group of men discussed so far were the actual originators of the ideas claimed by Einstein was known by the scientific community all along. In 1940, a group of German physicists meeting in Austria declared that "before Einstein, Aryan scientists like Lorentz, Hasen�hrl, Poincar�, etc., had created the foundations of the theory of relativity." However, the Jewish media did not promote the work of these men. The Jewish media did not promote the work of David Hilbert, but instead they promoted the work of the Jew Albert Einstein.

As we mentioned earlier, this General Theory, as postulated by Hilbert first and in plagiarized form by Einstein second, stated that light rays should bend when they pass by a massive object. In 1919, during the eclipse of the Sun, light from distant stars passing close to the Sun was observed to bend according to the theory. This evidence supported the General Theory of Relativity, and the Jewish‑controlled media immediately seized upon the opportunity to prop up Einstein as a hero, at the expense of the true genius, David Hilbert.

On November 7th, 1919, the London Times ran an article, the headline of which proclaimed, "Revolution in science; New theory of the Universe, Newtonian ideas overthrown." This was the beginning of the force‑feeding of the Einstein myth to the masses. In the following years, Einstein's earlier 1905 papers were propagandized and Einstein was heralded as the originator of all the ideas he had stolen. Because of this push by the Jewish media, in 1922, EINSTEIN RECEIVED THE NOBEL PRIZE FOR THE WORK HE HAD STOLEN IN 1905 REGARDING THE PHOTOELECTRIC EFFECT.

The establishment of the Einstein farce between 1919 and 1922 was an important coup for world Zionism and Jewry. As soon as Einstein had been established as an idol to the popular masses of England and America, his image was promoted as the rare genius that he is erroneously believed to be today.

As such, he immediately began his work as a tool for World Zionism. The masses bought into the idea that if someone was so brilliant as to change our fundamental understanding of the universe, then certainly we ought to listen to his opinions regarding political and social issues.� This is exactly what World Jewry wanted to establish in its ongoing effort of social engineering. They certainly did not want someone like David Hilbert to be recognized as rare genius. After all, this physicist had come from a strong German, Christian background. His grandfather's two middle names were �F�rchtegott Leberecht' or �Fear God, Live Right.' In August of 1934, the day before a vote was to be taken regarding installing Adolf Hitler as President of the Reich, Hilbert signed a proclamation in support of Adolf Hitler, along with other leading German scientists, that was published in the German newspapers. So the Jews certainly did not want David Hilbert receiving the credit he deserved.

The Jews did not want Max Planck receiving the credit he deserved either. This German's grandfather and great‑grandfather had been important German theologians, and during World War II he would stay in Germany throughout the war, supporting his fatherland the best he could.

The Jews certainly did not want the up‑and‑coming Erwin Schr�dinger to be heralded as a genius to the masses. This Austrian physicist would go on to teach at Adolf Hitler University in Austria, and he wrote a public letter expressing his support for the Third Reich. This Austrian's work on the unified field theory was a forerunner of modern physics, even though it had been criticized by Einstein, who apparently could not understand it.

The Jews did not want to have Werner Heisenberg promoted as a rare genius, even though he would go on to solidify quantum theory and contribute to it greatly, as well as develop his famous uncertainty principle, in addition to describing the modern atom and nucleus and the binding energies that are essential to modern chemistry.


No, the Jews did not want to give credit to any of a number of white Germans, Austrians, Irishmen, Frenchmen, Scotsmen, Englishmen, and even Americans who had contributed to the body of knowledge and evidence from which Einstein plagiarized and stole his work.

Instead, they needed to erect Einstein as their golden calf, even though he repeatedly and often embarrassed himself with his nonfactual or nearsighted comments regarding the work he had supposedly done. For example, in 1934, the Pittsburgh Post‑Gazette ran a front page article in which Einstein gave an "emphatic denial" regarding the idea of practical applications for the "energy of the atom." The article says, "But the �energy of the atom' is something else again. If you believe that man will someday be able to harness this boundless energy_to drive a great steamship across the ocean on a pint of water, for instance_then, according to Einstein, you are wrong"

Again, Einstein clearly did not understand the branch of physics he had supposedly founded, though elsewhere in the world at the time theoretical research was underway that would lead to the atomic bomb and nuclear energy. But after Einstein was promoted as a god in 1919, he made no real attempts to plagiarize any other work. Rather, he began his real purpose; evangelizing for the cause of Zionism and World Jewry. Though he did publish other articles after this time, all of them were co‑authored by at least one other person, and in each instance, Einstein had little if anything to do with the research that led to the articles; he was merely recruited by the co‑authors in order to lend credence to their work. Thus freed of the pretense of academia, Einstein began his assault for World Zionism.

In 1921, Einstein made his first visit to the United States on a fund‑raising tour for the Hebrew University in Jerusalem and to promote Zionism. In April of 1922, Einstein used his status to gain membership in a Commission of the League of Nations. In February of 1923, Einstein visits Tel Aviv and Jerusalem. In June of 1923, he becomes a founding member of the Association of Friends of the New Russia. In 1926, Einstein took a break from his Communist and Zionistic activities to again embarrass himself scientifically by criticizing the work of Schr�dinger and Heisenberg. Following a brief illness, he resumes his Zionistic agenda, wanting an independent Israel and at the same time a World Government.

In the 1930s he actively campaigns against all forms of war, although he would reverse this position during World War II when he advocated war against Germany and the creation of the atomic bomb, which he thought was impossible to build. In 1939 and 1940, Einstein, at the request of other Jews, wrote two letters to Roosevelt urging an American program to develop an atomic bomb to be used on Germany _ not Japan. Einstein would have no part in the actual construction of the bomb, theoretical or practical, because he lacked the skills for either.

In December of 1946, Einstein rekindles his efforts for a World Government, with Israel apparently being the only autonomous nation. This push continues through the rest of the 1940s. In 1952, Einstein, who had been instrumental in the creation of the State of Israel, both politically and economically, is offered the presidency of Israel. He declines. In 1953, he spends his time attacking the McCarthy Committee, and he supports Communists such as J. Robert Oppenheimer. He encourages civil disobedience in response to the McCarthy trials. Finally, on April 18, 1955, this filthy Jewish demagogue dies.

Dead, the Jews no longer had to worry about Einstein making stupid statements. His death was just the beginning of his usage and exploitation by World Jewry. The Jewish‑controlled media continued to promote the myth of this Super‑Jew long after his death, and as more and more of the men who knew better died off, the Jews were more and more able to aggrandize his myth and lie more boldly. This brazen lying has culminated in the Jew‑controlled Time magazine naming Einstein "The Person of the Century" at the close of 1999.

It may be demonstrated that the Jewish lies have become more bold with the passage of time because Einstein was never named "Man of the Year" while he was alive, but now, over forty years after his death, he is named "Person of the Century."

Einstein was given this title in spite of the clear‑cut choice for the "Person of the Century," Adolf Hitler. Hitler was indeed named "Man of the Year" while he was still living by Time magazine, and according to a December 27, 1999, article in the USA Today, Einstein was chosen over Adolf Hitler because of the perceived "nasty public relations fallout" that would accompany that choice; yet in Internet polling by Time, Hitler finished third and was the top serious candidate. Still the issue of Time magazine dedicated to Einstein, which has articles by men with names like Isaacson, Golden, Stein, Rudenstine, and Rosenblatt, is interesting to read.

For� one, they found it necessary to include an article rationalizing why they did not pick the obvious choice, Adolf Hitler. But more interesting is the article by Stephen Hawking which purports to be a history of the theory of relativity. In it, Hawking admits many of the things in this article, such as the fact that Hilbert published the General Theory of Relativity before Einstein and that Fitz Gerald and Lorentz deduced the concept of relativity long before Einstein. Hawking also writes,

"Einstein was deeply disturbed by the work of Werner Heisenberg in Copenhagen, Paul Dirac in Cambridge and Erwin Schr�dinger in Zurich, who developed a new picture of reality called quantum mechanics. Einstein was horrified by this Most scientists, however, accepted the validity of the new quantum laws because they showed excellent agreement with observations They are the basis of modern developments in chemistry, molecular biology and electronics and the foundation of the technology that has transformed the world in the past half‑century."

This is all very true, yet the same magazine credits Einstein with all of the modern developments that Hawking names, even through Einstein was so stupid as to be vehemently against the most important idea of modern science, just as he opposed Schr�dinger's work in unified field theory which was far ahead of its time.

The same magazine admits that "success eluded" Einstein in the field of explaining the contradictions between relativity and quantum mechanics. Today, these contradictions are explained by the unified field theory, but Einstein, who proves himself to be one of the least intelligent of 20th century scientists, refused to believe in either quantum theory or the unified field theory.

To name Einstein as "The Person of the Century" is one of the most ludicrous and absurd lies of all time, yet it has been successfully pulled off by Isaacson, Golden, Stein, Rudenstine, and Rosenblatt and the Jewish owners of Time magazine. If the Jews at Time wanted to give the title to an inventor or scientist, then the most obvious choice would have been men like Hilbert, Planck, or Heisenberg.

If they wanted to give it to the scientist who most fundamentally changed the landscape of 20th century science, then the obvious choice would be William Shockley. This Nobel prize winning scientist invented the transistor, which is the basis of all modern electronic devices and computers, everything from modern cars and telephones, VCRs and watches, to the amazing computers which have allowed incomprehensible advances in all fields of science. Without the transistor, all forms of science today would be basically in the same place that they were in the late 1940s.

However, the Jews cannot allow the due credit to go to William Shockley because he spent the majority of his scientific career demonstrating the genetic and mental inferiority of non‑whites and arguing for their sterilization. His scientific, genetic views led the Jews to financially destroy Shockley who founded the first company in the Silicon Valley, his hometown, to develop computer chips. The Jews hired away his entire staff and used them to start Fairchild semiconductor, the company that today is known as Intel.

No the Jews could not let any of the truly great geniuses of our time be recognized, not the anti‑Semite Henry Ford, not the great German scientists who helped the National Socialists in Germany, not Charles Lindbergh, who was sympathetic to National Socialist causes, and certainly not William Shockley, one of the most brilliant physicists and geneticists of our time. Instead, the Jews propped up the Zionist, Communist Albert Einstein who hated everything white.

After World War II, Einstein demonstrated his hatred of the White Race and of the Germans in particular in the following statements. He was asked what he thought about Germany and about re‑educating the Germans after the war and said,

"The nation has been on the decline mentally and morally since 1870Behind the Nazi party stands the German people, who elected Hitler after he had in his book and in his speeches made his shameful intentions clear beyond the possibility of misunderstanding. The Germans can be killed or constrained after the war, but they cannot be re‑educated to a democratic way of thinking and acting"

Einstein here is advocating the murder of Germans, because he feels that this is the only way that they can be kept in check. He is right about one thing, the Germans did knowingly support the cause of National Socialism, but what Einstein is attacking is Christianity, because it was Christianity that led the German people to overwhelmingly support National Socialism.

It was the German Christian Faith Movement and the Christian Social Party of men like Karl Lueger that led the German people to their understanding of Jews. The Jew Daniel Goldhagen has recently shown the Christian basis of National Socialism in his book, Hitler's Willing Executioners: Ordinary Germans and the Holocaust, and the book Why The Jews? by Prager and Telushkin similarly proves the Christian origins of what the Jews call �anti‑Semitism.' Einstein understood this and Einstein, like all Jews, hated Christianity.

So what Einstein was really advocating was the killing and constraining of all true Christians, not just German Christians. This is the true purpose and intent of Zionism and the demagogue Einstein was merely a tool of World Zionism and Jewry towards this end.

Zionistic Jews understand that true, primitive Christianity is the mortal enemy of mongrel Judaism. This is why the Jews, like Einstein, hated Nazi Germany so much, for National Socialist Germany advocated primitive, positive Christianity in the 24th point of its Party Platform.

Without consulting Congress, FDR recognizes the Stalin regime. The rest of the world soon follows suit.

Leo Szilard, mastermind of the Jewish atomic project, leaves Germany and goes to Britain. His associate Lise Meitner heads for Sweden. Other Jewish atomic scientists are continuing secret experiments in Germany.

Joseph Schenk and Darryl Zanuck found the Twentieth Century Film Corporation.

At the initiative of Howard Lawson (Levy), prominent screenwriters organize the Screenwriters Guild. The Guild's first president was Lawson himself, its secretary was Joseph Mankiewicz, its treasurer was Ralph Block. Men like Lawson, Maltz, and Samuel Ornitz of the Directors Guild, are actually Communist Party members.

Louise Waterman Wise (d. 1947) organizes and becomes the first president of the Women's Division of the American Jewish Congress.

United Fruit Company, which bought out Zemurray's Cuyamel Company in a stock transaction that made Zemurray its largest shareholder, is now taken over by Zemurray. United Fruit becomes the single largest employer in Guatemala, Honduras, and Costa Rica. It is the single largest privately owned agricultural domain on earth.

Prohibition is repealed. Meyer Lansky, "Bugsy" Siegel, Samuel Tucker, Moe Dalitz, Morris Kleinman and Samuel Rothkopf, all of whom escaped prosecution, build a chain of distilleries across the northern United States, selling millions of gallons of alcohol to liquor manufacturers without troubling to pay excise taxes.

Cuba: During a revolution against President Genardo Machado naval forces demonstrated; no landing was made.

Also, in 1933, the Jews declared war on Germany. While at the same time Russia was on the verge of economic collapse, it was officially recognized by the great Jewish Traitor President Franklin Roosevelt, averting the failure of World Communism and pronounced a death sentence upon millions of East European, Chinese Christians and non‑Jewish people around the world!

24th March, The London Times reports in a front‑page headline, "JUDAEA DECLARES WAR ON GERMANY." Bolsheviks and National Socialists are now fighting for control of Germany. The Germans see what is happening to the Russian people under Bolshevism, and vote overwhelmingly for Adolf Hitler. Adolf Hitler is very clear about the role played by the Jews in Germany's defeat in WWI ‑ and the currency devaluation of 1923‑24 ‑ and decides to deport ALL of them to Palestine (as also promised by the British). However, the British now need Arab oil, so they blockade Hitler's efforts to send the Jews to Palestine. Now the Germans have had enough!! The Germans stage a ONE DAY Boycott of Jewish shops and businesses... a FULL ONE DAY!

Adolf Hitler is named chancellor of Germany, and National Socialists (Nazis) purge opposition; Stalin purges opposition in Russia; United States ends prohibition. Jews declare war on Germany and its people!

"...Each of you, Jew and gentile alike, who has not already enlisted in the sacred war should do so now..." (Samuel Untermeyer, Radio Broadcast, New York City, August 6, 1933) "All Jews world wide ‑‑ declared war on the Third Reich." (The London Daily Express, Front Page Story, 3/24/1933)

"In fact, about 600 news‑papers were officially banned during 1933. Others were unofficially silenced by street methods. The exceptions included Juedischen Rundschau, the ZVfD's Weekly and several other Jewish publications. German Zionism's weekly was hawked on street corners and displayed at news stands. When Chaim Arlosoroff visited Zionist headquarters in London on June 1, he emphasized, �The Rundschau is of crucial Rundschau circulation had in fact jumped to more than 38,000 ‑ four to five times its 1932 circulation. Although many influential Aryan publications were forced to restrict their page size to conserve newsprint, Juedischen Rundschau was not affected until mandatory newsprint rationing in 1937.

"And while stringent censorship of all German publications was enforced from the outset, Juedischen Rundschau was allowed relative press freedoms. Although two issues of it were suppressed when they published Chaim Arlosoroff's outline for a capital transfer, such seizures were rare. Other than the ban on anti‑Nazi boycott references, printing atrocity stories, and criticizing the Reich, Juedischen Rundschau was essentially exempt from the so‑called Gleichschaltung or �uniformity' demanded by the Nazi Party of all facets of German society. Juedische Rundschau was free to preach Zionism as a wholly separate political philosophy ‑ indeed, the only separate political philosophy sanction by the Third Reich." (This shows the Jewish Zionists enjoyed a visibly protected political status in Germany, prior to World War II)

On November 21, 1933, President Franklin Roosevelt wrote a letter to Col. Edward Mandell House, President Woodrow Wilson's close advisor:

"The real truth of the matter is, as you and I know, that a financial element in the larger centers has owned the Government every since the days of Andrew Jackson..."

That there is such a thing as a cabal of power brokers who control government behind the scenes has been detailed several times in this century by credible sources. Professor Carroll Quigley was Bill Clinton's mentor at Georgetown University. President Clinton has publicly paid homage to the influence Professor Quigley had on his life.

In Quigley's magnum opus Tragedy and Hope (1966), he states:

"There does exist and has existed for a generation, an which operates, to some extent, in the way the radical right believes the Communists act. In fact, this network, which we may identify as the Round Table Groups, has no aversion to cooperating with the Communists, or any other groups and frequently does so. I know of the operations of this network because I have studied it for twenty years and was permitted for two years, in the early 1960s, to examine its papers and secret records. I have no aversion to it or to most of its aims and have, for much of my life, been close to it and to many of its instruments. I have objected, both in the past and recently, to a few of its policies...but in general my chief difference of opinion is that it wishes to remain unknown, and I believe its role in history is significant enough to be known."

"...Jabotinsky insisted that all energies be expended to force the Congress to join the boycott movement. Nothing less than a �merciless fight' would be acceptable, cried Jabotinsky. �The present Congress is duty bound to put the Jewish problem in Germany before the entire world..."We [Jews] must) destroy, destroy, destroy them ‑ not only with the boycott, but politically, supporting all existing forces against them to isolate Germany from the civilized world...our enemy [Germany] must be destroyed." (Speech by Vladimir Jabotinsky, a Polish Jews, on June 16, 1933)

The Wilderness Society: founded by Bob Marshall, a socialist.

"The great ideal of Judaism is that the whole world shall be imbued with Jewish teachings, and that in a Universal Brotherhood of Nations ‑ a greater Judaism in fact ‑ all the separate races and religions shall disappear." (Jewish World, February 9, 1933)

March 24, DAILY EXPRESS, London. Judea Declares War Against Germany!...The Swastika over the new Germany has given the old fighting symbol of Judea new life....14 million Jews stand as one band together in a holy war against Hitler's people.

Henry Morgenthau, Jr. Germany� must once again, just like after the thirty year war be turned into a desert.

August 6, World Jewish Economic, Newspaper; We rally our whole Nation to a holy war against Germany

December 20, The American/Jewish Politician Henry Morgenthau and the Russian in Moscow and arrange in a secret pact, (this pact was later made official in Jalta) the official dissolution of Germany and the division of Europe into two parts, the American and Soviet parts.

"Jews, The Power Behind The Throne!" In 1933, the well known and reputable Dutch publishing company of Van Holkema and Warendorf, published a book which contained three conversations between Hitler and the International Jewish financier, Sidney Warburg.

This book was written in the form of a diary and covered interviews given by Hitler in 1929, 1931 and 1933. It clearly revealed Hitler's plan for Jewish finances in rising to power in Germany. On page 15, we read of a decision made by the United States Government, under the direction of the Jewish Presidential advisor to the Jewish President Woodrow Wilson, Edward Mandel House, in which pressure was brought to bear on England and France, to leave Germany alone, so she could become solvent and protect the investments of the International Bankers.

On page 18, we learn that in a secret meeting of important International Jewish Bankers, a plan was made to pressure France by inspiring in her the fear of a Communist revolution in Germany. It was agreed that a Nationalist Revolution would be the best for the bankers interests, rather than a Communist takeover.� Sidney Warburg, of the New York firm of Kuhn, Loeb and Co., was chosen to go to Germany as a representative of the Internationalists and take charge of the negotiations. He held several series of meetings with Nazi representatives in Munich, where it was agreed that an initial sum of $10‑million would be paid to Hitler's intermediary, a man named Von Frey.

The bank of Mendelssohn and Co., was to issue ten single checks of $1‑million each, endorsed in favor of members of Hitler's trusted staff. Hitler notified Warburg that the bankers would need to create distrust among the German people by increasing unemployment. Which they immediately did. On page 43, of this book, in the copy of a letter penned by Hitler himself to his Wall Street promoters on October 29, 1929, in which he said:

"Our movement is growing rapidly...I have spent the sum given to me for the unbuilding of my party and I must find new revenue within a reasonable period." (This letter was datelined in Germany, but mailed in the United States, so it probably was carried by a courier)

At a hasty conference of the International Bankers in New York, attended by Montagne, Norman, Rockefeller, Carter and McDean, it was agreed to send Hitler $15‑million more. Warburg was once again sent to Munich to handle the details. He told the German people that they were not yet mature enough for a democracy and that a nationalist movement was what they needed. He was not at all uneasy about Hitler's Jew baiting, since Hitler had told him that the Nazis aimed only at Galacian Jews.

While it may seem strange to many to see a Jewish banker lining up with an anti‑Semite like Hitler, it is not strange if you read Protocol No. IX, of the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion. (Whether they are a forgery or not makes no difference, since they are obviously being followed by World Jewry. And if the Protocols are a forgery we sure would like to see the original. They must be something!). It said: "Nowadays if any state should raise a protest against us it is only pro forma (Provided in advance) at our discretion and by our direction, for their anti‑Semitism is indispensable to us for the Management of our Lesser Brethren."

In other words, the International Jewish leaders promote anti‑Semitism to keep the "lesser Jews in fear and thus in line." At this time, the International Zionists were anxious for a European War, through which they could enforce the Balfour Treaty and gain control of Palestine. The final financial arrangements for aid to Hitler came through the Jewish bank of Mendelsohn and Co., in Amsterdam. In 1933, they advanced Hitler another $7‑million. When this Warburg Manuscript was published, there was an immediate drive underway to put into effect a ban of the book. This was carried out by world Jewry and the German Secret Police. Many publishers, out of fear, recalled as many copies as they could.

The only mention of this book in America appeared in a short item in the New York Times, November 24, 1933, page 14, column 2, in which Felix Warburg, of the New York Warburgs, charged the editor of the Times with perpetrating a hoax. He stated that the Sidney Warburg mentioned in the manuscript was not his son Sidney and that he was not a member of International Jewry. Strange that they would pick one not of themselves for this sensitive mission.

It is also strange indeed, when you consider that both International Jewish and Nazis sources sought to suppress the report. The Swiss magazine Der Sperber, published an account of this manuscript in 1936, in Zurich, which carried a detailed report of the facts contained in this outlawed book. It also circulated a book titled Spanischer Sommer, which showed how the International Jews and Bankers had paved Hitler's way into power.

Hitler's Rise To Power

Hitler began his rise to power in 1919, but he had a long and stormy road ahead, until he became Chancellor of Germany in 1933. During this time, he expended a tremendous amount of money, most of it coming from non‑German sources, although many wealthy German ladies, intrigued by the little mustached man, sent him their family jewels. It is also rather interesting to note that Hitler sold his idea of anti‑Semitism through the help of very powerful and wealthy Jews.

Some of these Jews used the excuse that they financed Hitler so that they could control him, but it is a known fact, that they made billions of dollars profit by financing both sides in World War II, just as they did in World War I. The Jews who financed Hitler are as much to blame for any Jewish deaths in Germany, as the German people, yet we never hear anything about this in the constant wailing over the so‑called Holocaust. Most of the men who knew about these transactions between Hitler and the Zionists, met with untimely deaths. Many pages could be written on evidence surrounding their murder and how it was tied to the Internationalists. One of the most prominent of these was Dollfuss, Chancellor of Austria. He was assaulted in his office by a band of Nazi thugs, who wounded him mortally and then left him to bleed to death.

Fritz Thyseen, writing in a book titled I Paid Hitler! described the Dolfuss murder and said the reason the Chancellor was killed was that he had received a copy of the Warburg document and one exposing Hitler's Jewish ancestry. (This story had been in public circulation for a long before this).

If Hitler was such an anti‑Semite, be honest enough to ask yourself this simple question:

* "Why did Hitler keep the war going when he knew Germany was defeated and it would only result in hundred of thousands of German casualties?"

* "Why was it that during the conduct of the war, on many occasions, he refused to accept the advice of his top admirals and generals on how to conduct the war?"

* "Why was it in North Africa, when General Rommell had the Americans and British forces in retreat, that Hitler refused to send Rommell the supplies he needed to complete a victorious campaign?"

If Hitler was an anti‑Communist as some claim, why did he allow the top Communist propagandist to attend the Reichstag Fire Trial in 1933, where he was allowed to harangue the German people in favor of Communism. Why was this man allowed a safe return to Russia?

During this period, German Nationals were being shot down in cold blood in Germany's streets for the smallest misdemeanor against the Nazis. But here we have a powerful Communist allowed to publicize Communism and get away with it. It doesn't make very much sense to me. This man, Dimitroff, later became the President of the Communist World International, so he was no "small fry." And why didn't he arm the millions of Russian troops which had surrendered without firing a shot at the German Army, but requested that they be rearmed and supplied and they would "Kill the Communist S.O.B.'s?"

Treason Against Germany

From 1933 to 1938 Hitler turned from being a creature of the generals and International Jews, into a radical totalitarian dictator. Many of those who were close to him were dismayed by what they saw. These were "dyed in the wool" German patriots who loved their country with a passionate love. They were true Germans who felt it necessary to stop the madman which was destroying the country they loved. Nearly every one of them that broke with Hitler met a terrible death. Admiral Canaris was slowly strangled to death; General Rommell, the Desert Fox of North Africa was forced to commit suicide; Field Marshall Von Sitzleden was killed and his body was exhibited hanging from a meat hook.

It was no coincidence that Hitler used these sadistic means, since they were the same means used by Communism and came straight from a Judaist‑Talmudic background. There were at least seven assassination plots against Hitler by top ranking officers in the Germany army in 1943 alone.

On March 21, 1939 Representative Jacob Thorkelson made the following speech on the floor of the House of Representatives: "Mr. Speaker, last night while I was driving, a news flash came over the radio that recalled to my mind events of 22 years ago. It said: �The President has placed a high tariff on German imports and joins with England and France to stop Hitler and save the world for democracy.' I said: �What rot to save the world for democracy.'

"I recall 22 years ago I heard the same slogan. We stepped to the front and saved the world‑for what? For socialism and communism. We are today on the verge of internal war as a result of our departure from constitutional government. Our own Government is undermined with socialism and communism until it is about to be destroyed by these two evils.

"The Communist, to camouflage his own activities, shouts �Naziism and fascism.' He waves the swastika to cover the hammer and the sickle. These red‑dancing dervishes ought to be exported to go as part of the war materials shipped out of the United States.

"A foreign war would bury many blunders committed by the New Deal during the past 8 years. It might even delay disintegration, but it cannot stop it. I do not think for one moment that anything can stop it except the return to constitutional government, and it is apparent that the majority does not favor such procedure. Personally, I do not believe that our people are receptive to this last deal. Our people do not favor meddling with European affairs, and we have no earthly reason to be mixed up in it. We did have cause when Japan sank the Panay, and when Mexico confiscated American property, but Germany has not sunk any of our ships, and she has not confiscated American property. So our bellicose attitude is for some other insidious purpose, and I ask what it is.

"I am, of course, opposed to foreign war, and I am firmly convinced that the present attempt to involve us in another European conflict is too much even for those who have faithfully followed the President since he took office.

"In the midst of the turmoil of today, let us stop for a moment and review the causes which led to war in I9I4 The World War did not begin in Germany, as a certain minority would have us believe. Poincare carried revenge in his heart because of the War of I 870, and he, with Ivolsky and Count Sergius, of Russia, helped to bring about the war. The Minister of Austria, Count von Bechtoldt, lit the fire when he presented the ultimatum to Serbia after Archduke Ferdinand was killed at Sarajevo.

"The whole thing, if the truth were known, might have been instigated. The money interests of England were not averse to war because commercial competition with Germany was rather acute. It is well to bear in mind that when the international money men are squeezed a little too hard, war is sometimes convenient.

"We were not threatened by Germany from 1912 to 1916. What happened in 1917? The threat of German invasion was not greater then than it was the year before, but in spite of that, war was declared. Who controlled and disseminated the propaganda that was instrumental in changing the viewpoint of the American public?

"We had always been friendly toward Germany, and there was no particular animosity toward that nation in 1916, as I recall it. We must now be careful that the same agency does not prevail again and so lead us into another war, costly in lives and property. The wars raging today are to a great extent the aftermath of the Versailles Peace Treaty.

"This treaty was not only unjust but it was not based upon sound understanding of central Europe. It left some of the victorious nations dissatisfied, because in the division of the spoils England and France received the lion's share; as a matter of fact, the Lion received the most of it. It is extremely dangerous to deprive a well‑organized and patriotic people of their means of livelihood. A highly intelligent people cannot be confined on a small piece of land, for they will overflow; peacefully or by force.

"That is happening in Germany today. She was deprived of all colonies and even forced to submit to occupation and division of her little empire in the center of Europe. This short‑sighted policy on the part of the conquerors brought about a closer union of the German people, and the result may be seen today. It was a case either of submissive disintegration at home or of acquiring sufficient room for healthy expansion. The German nation has chosen the latter. Let us now look facts squarely in the face. Germany is the key to the peace in Europe and in the Orient. Why? Because Germany allied with England will control Europe exactly as she is doing now, and both of these powers would make it unhealthy for any nation to invade China, with the United States in a neutral position.

"This, of course, is not new, as I believe it is recognized by every European statesman; but restoration of colonies might have sealed such alliance and established international peace. I grant that it is none of our business; but, in the knowledge of it, it is our business to keep out of a war which might have been settled by transfer of colonies instead of loss of life.

"Congress alone will be responsible to our people, and it must employ sound judgment and common sense before the final decision is made. In the event of European conflict, which I believe is unavoidable, certain powers will expect our help, and pressure will be brought to bear upon us in the same old way. �Blood is thicker than water,' and �We speak the same language.' When that happens, it is well for Congress to bear in mind that it does not matter what language we speak, destruction and death are realities in spite of sentiment.

"The question Congress must consider is our material interest in such conflict, for destruction and death are certain. It is unfortunately held by our people that we do not want colonies, and as we do not own property in Europe, it is unlikely that we will suffer unless we cross the firing line and invite attack. Neither have we sentimental principles at stake, and this is particularly true if we bear in mind the inheritance from the last war which is now insidiously destroying our own Government.

"The little consideration which has been given to us by he powers we helped in 1917 may have a sobering effect when we recall unpaid or defaulted obligations. Now, my colleagues, with this picture before you, can any one of you find a reasonable excuse for participating in another destructive war if such occasion should arise? I realize, of course, that general war is not declared, but no one can disregard such possibility, and it is our business as Members of Congress to visualize this before it actually happens.

"Transportation of troops will not be as easy now as it was in the World War. We have a highly efficient submarine and air force to deal with today. Both of these machines are much more destructive now than in 1917. We may find it very difficult to transport troops across the Atlantic because of these two new weapons. Airplanes, as you know, carry destructive loads of explosives; enough to sink ships carrying troops. Submarines are equally dangerous to such units of the fleet. The loss of one ship will resolve itself into the loss of thousands of lives, and that is a possibility we must not overlook.

"There is another serious side to hasty action. The west coast of the United States is not protected by outlying fortifications, something that I believe the Members appreciate now more than when we discussed the harbor of Guam. If the Philippines and other islands were fortified, it would in a measure be an effective protection to the west coast of the United States and the Panama Canal, but Congress has been opposed to taking such action. That was my reason for supporting harbor improvement in our outlying possessions. Submarine and air bases in our Pacific islands are of inestimable value to the protection of the west coast of the United States, and for that reason should be encouraged instead of discouraged by Congress. It does not require an expert to visualize what may happen in a simultaneous attack on the Atlantic and Pacific coasts, for one side must be left unprotected.

"The greatest danger, of course, would come from consolidation of bases in a convenient proximity to allow concentration of troops for attack. I believe our fleet is now on the Atlantic coast, and it will no doubt remain there if general war breaks out in Europe. It might even be extremely dangerous to move the fleet from the coast, and this would be particularly true in the event of an unexpected collapse of major powers. In such event it will be necessary for us to prevent occupation of islands and places threatening our vital centers.

"In the event of another world war it is quite possible that we may be forced to occupy and prepare strategic points with fortifications in order to allow greater mobility of our fleet. This will be the duty of Congress, and my colleagues, as eminent and far seeing statesmen, must aid and encourage such preparation before it is too late. We are now frantically in the midst of introducing legislation to keep us out of war. A most useless procedure, I assure you. Belligerent nations care nothing about our legislation or expostulations. If they are concerned about our attitude and fearful of it, they would not, of course, declare war. But the fact that war is declared proves that we are not considered.

"That is no more than right, because we would brook no interference with our plans at home. I have always found that it is best never to pull your gun until you are going to shoot. I say it is therefore useless and a wasted effort to threaten and complain, and it does in reality show a weakness within our own Nation. Nothing assures peace to a nation so much as a first‑class army and navy. Nothing instills confidence, courage, and spirit in our armed forces more than first‑class fighting units. The Constitution provides that Congress furnish and maintain such units for the common defense and the general welfare of the United States." (A speech titled: Versailles Treaty Prepared Europe for Another War, Representative Jacob Thorkelson of Montana, U.S. Congressional Record)

Then on June 19, 1939 Representative Jacob Thorktlson, of Montana, made another speech: "Mr. Speaker, communism or super‑socialism is an insidious disease nourished by hatreds in the minds of those who subscribe to it. It is an Asiatic philosophy diametrically opposed to Christian principles and all that Christianity has accomplished in the past 2,000 years. Communism thrives on immorality and corruption, and is destructive to the family, social, and political life of all people, and to the Nation.

"It is international in scope, and directed by an invisible government whose insane desire is the control of gold and the power it wields. The first objective is now a reality, for they have the gold, and the Gold Reserve Act of 1934 gave the power of control and ownership to the invisible government. This objective is partly accomplished but much is yet to be done to make the American people swallow this bitter pill. It is quite possible that there are too many good, sound and sensible Americans left, who will in no uncertain manner voice their objections to regimentation by Asiatic Communists. The first step in this conversion, namely, the transfer in ownership of gold, was brought about by servile Members of Congress. It was accomplished by hypnotized Congressmen who enacted communistic legislation.

"The second stage, that of control and placing of more Communists in strategic positions, will be attempted by legislation now in force, by appointments, or by contemplated legislation. In this category, I refer to the Wagner Health Act and the Binderup‑Voorhis Monetary Control Act, both of which are communistic in principle and in fact.

"I have spoken very plainly, with one purpose in mind, which is to inform the American people about actual conditions that should be discussed in our newspapers. I do not believe that any red‑blooded patriotic citizen would sit idly by and wait to be enchained by a few communistic super‑criminals, whose agents may be found in many of our cities today. It would also be interesting for Congress to know the identity and affiliations of those who are constantly being placed in key positions in our own Government. What is the purpose of these changes, and why is it necessary to reorganize the Government without decreasing personnel or the cost of the pay roll? We are so far on the road of collectivism that little or no regard is given to the fundamental principles of our Government and the rights of the States.

"This attempted conversion of our Republic is aided and abetted by radicals in society and in educational

institutions. These radicals, �parlor pinks,' and �reds' are dangerous because they are long on conversation and short on common sense. As a matter of fact, they are irresponsible. Other groups of radicals are comprised of those who become dupes of the money power and willing servants enslaved by gratuities, such as memberships in pretended humanitarian or charitable organizations, which are in reality fronts to shield the Communists and their activities in the invisible government. Many pawns of communism unfortunately do not understand and are incapable of analyzing the mind of an Asiatic. An understanding of it is necessary in order to deal intelligently with its peculiar oriental psychology.

"These subservient pawns to the invisible government do not realize that they are used as stooges and, when no longer useful, will be left along the road of oriental intrigues, victims of their own follies. The truth of these statements is evident in the treatment accorded to those who fought for the �red' government in Spain. Many of them are now stranded in France, rejected and ignored by the Soviet Russian Government they fought for. While in the "red" army they killed and destroyed with Asiatic abandon, and now they are left, as I said before, unsung and unclaimed.

"Returning again to discuss the dupes of the Communists, I cannot refrain from calling attention to those Members of Congress who are obsessed with the idea of making democracy work. For 1O years they have been willing tools of the invisible government; they have enacted Communist‑prepared legislation, which has delegated more and more power to centralized control of the Government.

"I believe many were involved innocently, yet such ignorance is not an excuse for their actions, because they have sworn to preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States, an obligation which they have ignored. There is nothing wrong with our Government except that we have not adhered to its cardinal principles, and in such deviation we have brought about rapid deterioration.

"No doubt many Members of the House will vote for further extension of the now chronic emergency and monetary power to the President and to the Secretary of the Treasury, a power absolutely unnecessary except as it may be used by the invisible government to destroy American liberties and rights. This, of course should be voted down by all those who have the slightest spark of patriotism and interest of the people at heart.

"Other dupes of the invisible government are those in the ranks of labor who are dominated by recognized and self‑acclaimed Communists. This was clearly stated on the floor of the House on June 14 by the gentleman from Virginia (Mr. Woodrum). He showed clearly that all Federal unionized activities such as the Workers Alliance, Federal Art Projects, and so forth, are practically exclusively communistic. This, of course, is generally known, yet no effort has been made by the Federal Government either to investigate or to check this deplorable state of affairs.

"These are the same organizations that call the President Comrade Roosevelt, and here one may find a most unusual situation, in which attempts are made to destroy the Constitution instead of adhering to it. This is particularly true when we analyze those who are directing all subversive activities in the ranks of labor. Are they good Americans or are they better Communists? I am inclined to believe the latter, and I am firmly convinced that everyone will agree with me after close investigation of those who are now directing communistic activities in the United States.

"When I was a union man, we worked in the interests of our employer because we considered ourselves a part of the industrial machine in which we were employed. Today, labor is in reality working under direction of the invisible government for destruction of industry and business, and for Federal ownership and control of the Nation's industries. This, of course, is diametrically opposed to the principles of our Government in which all people reserve the right to themselves to be free, not only in operation of business but in their private lives as well. It occurs to me that the general run of workingmen are not aware of the fact that they are used as tools of the very people they belabor in their union halls, that is, the capitalists. It is most extraordinary that the laboring man is allowing himself to be used by the very group he criticizes, to bring about his own destruction. It is not my desire to discuss this further, but I shall instead proceed in the discussion of communism itself, its object, and what is expected of those now engaged in and plotting further communistic activities.

"Let us now admit that nearly all the European governments are socialistic, and that they are autocratic or totalitarian in form. I am not concerned with those, but shall proceed to discuss communism as propounded by Heinrich Mordecai, alias Karl Marx. His slogan was, �Whatever is, is worth destroying.' And he must be credited with being open and fearless in destruction. This technique has been refined today. The Communist now promises something which seems perfectly obvious and right, but he does exactly the opposite, as was done with the promises made in the 1932 platform of Roosevelt. For example, I see in the papers, the group now meeting in Washington expresses itself firmly against communism, and yet they know, as well as we do, that there are Communists among them who hide their activities under such expression.

"I shall name a few of those who have been leaders in communism so that the American people may visualize who their rulers will be when the zero hour arrives. Heinrich Mordecai advocated class hatreds, riots, and strikes, and stated in his Communist Manifesto: �The Communists refrain from keeping their views and intentions secret. They openly declare that their goal can only be achieved by a forcible destruction of all existing orders of society. The ruling classes shall tremble before the Communist revolution.' This should be plain to all of us and compared with what has taken place for the past 10 years. For you see �it can happen here.'

"We have been treated with an appeal to the masses. For what purpose? To gain control, and after having acquired such control, to rule and destroy. We have been treated to propaganda of class hatreds between he have's and the have not's, hatreds in business, and hatreds and dissension in the ranks of labor. Business is gradually being destroyed by Federal invasion and industries are now dormant or idle. Greater power has been delegated by Congress to the President in accord with the communistic plan. What is required now? To shift and place in key positions those in sympathy with communism, who can be trusted to carry out the communistic plan when the time comes.

"Heinrich Mordecai was not only a Communist; he was also an anarchist. He lived and thrived upon all things contrary to Christian doctrines. Destruction of life meant nothing to him, as long as his own kind was not destroyed. He was the promoter of the First International, in 1864. He laughed when his dupes became entangled with the law, and he jeered at suffering and poverty. Death and destruction meant nothing to him, for he lived on the suffering of others. Such is the record of the progenitor of communism.

"Chaim Goldman, or �Vladimir Ulyanov,' alias Lenin, was the next prominent disciple of Heinrich Mordecai‑Marx, and it was he who embraced the communistic doctrines to be used for destruction of the Czarist government. He did this as thoroughly as his predecessor in communism, and drenched Russia with innocent and defenseless people's blood. He also used willing dupes to attain power, and after having reached the objective, he, like others, destroyed those who had befriended and helped him. He was a human being without humanity.

"I cannot forego mentioning the name of Benjamin Cohen (Bela Kun) who was sent to Hungary by Chaim Goldman (Lenin). In 1919, he is credited with the killing of 120,000 innocent Christian people, 30,000 of whom were murdered within 3 months. Later, after returning to Soviet Russia, 40,000 white Russians were killed in the vicinity of the Crimean Peninsula. Records of this are authenticated by various investigating committees; but if anyone should be interested in refreshing his memory with additional information, he might procure the book The World Hoax, by Ernest F. Elmhurst, published in 1938. There is, of course, voluminous evidence to be had dealing with mass murders in Russia and adjoining countries by the disciples of these same communistic philosophies under the control of the same leaders. I have been informed that there are rumors that this same Bela Kun is in Chicago at the present time, no doubt preparing for an American communistic revolution.

"One of the most famous disciples of communism, our neighbor now living in Mexico, is Laiber Davidovitch Bronstein, alias Leon Trotsky. I shall not discuss his history, because it is still in the making and no doubt will include leaves from communistic happenings in the United States. This gentleman visits New York at times, which is the headquarters of proletarian communism, and those who are by choice disciples of this most un‑Christian philosophy. It is people of this type who are now attempting to rule the United States, first, by money, and, secondly, by destruction of all those things we hold dear to us and which have built our country into a prosperous nation for the past 151 years.

"They are exactly the same kind and type who are now ruling in Russia; and if there is any difference, it is in refinement in the method of procedure. This refinement is evidenced in the manner in which avenues of communication are controlled by the invisible government. As to learning the actual truth, we are no better off than we were before we had the telephone, telegraph, radio, and high‑speed presses, for today we are allowed to read and hear only those things which are prepared for us by the subsidized power now in control. I want the people to know that the acquisition of all this property and power has been accomplished by the use of the people's money and not in any sense exclusively by the use of private capital.

"It is this power which is destroying us today, and it is dangerous in the hands in which it now rests. In Soviet Russia the Communists comprise I‑7/10 percent of 170,000,000 people, which they are able to rule by sheer force and ruthlessness. That can also happen in the United States if we go to sleep. In this communistic rise to power millions and millions of lives have been sacrificed, and despots have been seated on the ruins of human liberties and rights.

"Washington warned us of this danger, but here we are confronted with deliberate attempts to destroy the Government. It will begin by strikes, local strife, gradually increasing under well‑placed and well‑directed leadership of known Communists now in command of proletarian communistic parties. The expense will be paid by those who financed revolutions in Europe and are now seeking power here. The money which is used is the people's credit, now lying idle in various banks, as it has been used in the past 7 years in destroying industry and business.

"Do you want that? Or do you want to return to the republican form of government that you have always had and which guarantees freedom to all people, no matter what race, creed, or color? Is there any necessity for the prevailing conditions within the United States? The answer is, emphatically, �No.' The present condition has been brought about by those now in control of national and international gold and credit. This is a far‑reaching attempt by them, a little hurried at the present time, but definitely an attempt to take charge of the United States. And history itself will complete the chapter."� (Tolerance for Communism invites Destruction, Congressional Record, June 19th, 1939; Representative Jacob Thorkelson of Montana)

"Ill fares the land, to hastening ills a prey, Where wealth accumulates, and men decay." (Oliver Goldsmith)

These men realized that Hitler was a "Judas goat" who was leading them to destruction. The facts surrounding these plots have been revealed by British historians after a careful study of captured documents. While some say that Hitler's escapades were acts of God, we personally believe as Goff did, that he was a Satanist and under the protection of that evil one. The Bible tells us,

"Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them." (Matthew 7:20)

From the moment of his rise to power, Hitler used every means at his disposal to drive Germany into war. As his forces conquered country after country, it was Hitler's direct orders which caused such a hatred of Germany among the conquered people. But Germany must die! this was the word from the "puppet masters" who even then pulled the strings which governed this strange man. It was with Hitler's knowledge and consent which gave the Soviets 70,000 square miles of Polish territory without a fight. By 1940, with German help, the little countries of Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia were safely in the Soviet fold. Then Rumania, Northern Bukovania, and portions of Bessarabia fell to the Communists.

When the German armies moved into Poland it gave the Communists the opportunity to do the same from the east and allowed the Soviets to wipe out the cream of the Polish Army Officers Corps at Katyn Forest. This atrocity was used by the Communists to further hatred against Germany, who in this case was not guilty. It might be interesting to note her, that while both Germany and Russia invaded Poland, England and France only found Germany guilty. Stalin admitted they were using the Germans, saying:

"We shall assist the Germans in an European War so that they can offer prolonged resistance to the British and French, and in this way exhaust the Capitalist nations...In this way we will control the decision."

Then on May 24, 1940, the Germany Army was in a position to defeat the British at Dunkirk and very possibly end the war. It was then that Hitler gave his famous order that the left wing of the German assault be halted. Gen. Heinz Guderin in his book "The Panzer Leader," said that when this command came, the German military leaders were utterly speechless.

It went against everything the military stood for. Yet they obeyed and the British were able to make it back to their fortress. Here we see Hitler, with one command, destroy everything the Germany Army had accomplished by their blood, sweat and tears. Dr. Walter Dornberg, German expert on the development of the flying bombs and the brains behind the V‑1 and V‑2, stated that Hitler could have won the war in early 1944, but he held back on development of this new and terrifying means of waging war.

Then to make things even worse, with Britain in his grasp, he turned away and attacked his ally, Russia. Many military experts have tried to figure out the thinking of this devious man. Had he become so drunk with power that he decided he could conquer the world? Or was their a deeper purpose behind it? He was never on the battle front, so did not have to face the hardships of his people. While they were suffering and dying, he was living in Sybarite splendor in Berlin.

It was at this time that the British Government, followed by the United States, came to the aid of the Communist forces. They were able to draw the elite of the German forces into a conflict in which their supply lines was hundreds of miles long. But the real purpose for Hitler's attack soon became obvious to thinking Americans: It allowed Stalin to know who was the hidden enemy in his country and hundreds of thousands of those who fought with the Germans, against the Communist Butchers, were later liquidated. With the defeat of the Germans in Russia, the Communists were able to tighten their control over all of Eastern and Central Europe. Thanks to Hitler they had uncovered almost all the Anti‑Communist cells in the countries under its control.

"Real Patriots, who may resist the intrigues of the favorite, are liable to become suspected and odious; while its tools and dupes usurp the applause and confidence of the people, to surrender their interests." (President George Washington's Farewell Address)

The columnist Raymond Clapper, writing for the Scripps‑Howard papers, on May 16, 1940, stated in reference to the report of the Senate Naval Affairs Committee, of whom the majority were Democratic Senators:

"There is a current rising hysteria in this country, sprouting from the idea that we ought to enter the war as a preventive measure to kill off the danger of later invasion of the Western Hemisphere. Rarely is the proposition stated so badly, but that is the thought behind a good many words that are being uttered today.

That viewpoint, which is steadily gaining ground because of the importance of some who hold it, now finds its thesis sharply opposed by the Senate Naval Affairs Committee in a most significant report which advocated additions to the Navy.

"Because it is the voice of the Senate Naval Affairs Committee, this report is bound to become a textbook for those who believe the Administration is moving toward deeper involvement in Europe...In effect the committee stands on hemisphere defense. It states that some of our best informed naval experts are of the opinion that the United States should not participate in the European war under any circumstances now conceivable, and that United States soldiers should never again be landed on a foreign continent.

"The Senate Naval Affairs Committee says we are not prepared to� participate in the European war, that we do not possess the necessary weapons, and that we should not consider our naval needs with any such object in view. We should, the committee says, profit by the experience of the last World War and avoid becoming too greatly involved in European affairs.

"The committee said that if we are to remain at peace, we must avoid becoming interested financially in the outcome of the European War, and our industries must not become too greatly compromised by foreign war orders. This is a statement which seems to have come a little late, since American industry, particularly aviation, already is deeply involved...

"The naval committee report is based upon the argument that adequate naval power, supplemented by air strength and a relatively small Army, gives us complete protection. The report goes into some detail to make the point that if Germany can, by air and submarine, subdue Britain's vast naval force around the British Isles, the same fate would be in store for any naval force we would send over. On the other hand, our Navy, operating at home, and protected by air strength, is immune to anything except a superior battle fleet.

"As to Japan, the committee states baldly that at the present time the U.S. Navy could not undertake a war in far eastern waters. We should have to increase our fleet perhaps 100 percent, and build an impregnable naval base in the Philippines. Says the committee: �The cost to us of such a war would be so great that we must, by every means in our power, avoid the necessity of having to undertake it.'"

This remarkable report, coming unanimously in May, 1940 from the Senate Naval Affairs Committee, should have been read by every American who had the interest of his own country first at heart. So little publicity was given to it by the Jewish controlled newspapers and radio that it could be said to have been suppressed, as so much vital information has been withheld from the American people. It stated:

"Why should we go to war to defend freedom, if we must begin by destroying it with our own hands? We need not do this. The cold, hard military facts is this: Our Navy, if adequate, supplemented by a highly efficient Army and air force, will be so effective that few nations, not excluding victorious totalitarian nations, will challenge its power; and if any does we shall be the deliverer and not the recipient of the terrible hammer strokes of war. The naval military, and air forces necessary to prevent any foreign nation or group of nations from challenging us in our part of the world are well within the power of this Nation to create and maintain without regimenting all our vast resources under a single control, without wiping out our democracy, and without abandoning our American way of life and free government.

"If we realize that the important causes of war in human minds and emotions; that force cannot change materially human nature; give up the illusion that American armed force can bring permanent peace to a warring world and confine our military objectives to the defense of this country, we shall find that our problem of national defense becomes relatively simple.

"An impregnable defense for America will be costly, but infinitely less costly in the long run than engaging in another futile attempt to �save the world for democracy' and certainly less costly than conquest and consequent confiscation of resources and enslavement of all our people. It is believed that the American people are ready and willing to make any sacrifices necessary to protect their birthright and their liberties, but that they are not willing to endure the horrors of war to take part in the age‑old quarrels of Europe and the game of power politics...

"No attack of a serious nature can be made upon our country, unless an enemy secures command of the waters which wash our shores to such an extent that he can bring troops or aircraft within striking distance for assault, or unless his blockading forces can operate effectively against our vital trade routes to the countries bordering upon the Caribbean Sea to South American countries and to Hawaii and Alaska. So long as our Nation possesses an adequate fleet, an adequate air force, and the necessary number of secure bases from which these forces may operate effectively, there is little chance of a successful attack upon us.

"Our fleet, including the fleet air force, however, must be kept concentrated, and must be superior in fighting power to any fleet or combination of fleets which can be brought against us...We alone, of all great peoples, are so fortunately situated that we can remain at peace and be secure in our homes and our means of livelihood. �In the words of George Washington: Why forego the advantages of so peculiar a situation? Why quit our own to stand upon foreign ground? Why, by interweaving our destiny with that of any part of Europe, entangle our peace and prosperity in the toils of European ambition, rivalship, interest, humor, or caprice?'

"Why not take advantage of our peculiar situation, develop the sources of raw materials available in this hemisphere and construct the instrumentalities or war which will enable us to pursue our way in peace, free from the horrors of invasion, the perils of bombs from the sky above us, the burdens of supporting vast armies, and the perils to our liberties which any involvement in war would bring? The committee's attention has been directed to articles and items which have appeared in the public press alleging that military and naval experts are of the opinion that it is inevitable that the United States will become involved in the European war and that the United States should take an active military part in the war.

"The committee can state that some of our best informed naval experts are of the opinion that the United States should not participate in the present European war under any circumstances now conceivable and that United States soldiers should never again be landed on a foreign continent. None of the naval experts or civilian witnesses who appeared before the committee recommended that this country participate actively in the present European war. Privately some military and naval officers may believe that we should enter the war, but they have not so recommended publicly to the committee.

"The United States at the present time is not vulnerable to direct attack by any means whatsoever save those with which a thoroughly modern navy and air force can deal adequately.

"Air power, due to its limited radius of action, has not yet changed the fact that in a military sense we are an insular nation and that we are not vulnerable to direct attack if we prevent the establishment of air bases in this hemisphere.

"Military power can always be exercised more efficiently and to much greater effect within a reasonable radius of action than it can by fighting thousands of miles away. We are more fortunately situated than any other peoples. We should take advantage of our fortunate situation and avoid entangling our peace and prosperity in the quarrels of Europe or Asia. We should make every effort to preserve peace in the Far East. We can, if we have to, defeat Japan, but the effort required would be enormous. At the present time, due to lack of United States naval bases in this area, a war in the Far East could be undertaken only in conjunction with Great Britain, France, and Holland.

"No circumstances were presented to the committee which would indicate the necessity for United States naval forces being sent to operate in European waters or United States air forces being sent to operate from bases in Europe. Our naval forces should not be subjected to the hazards of European shore‑based aircraft and small submarines. Our naval and air forces should be preserved for our own defense if and when needed. We should face the basic military and economic facts that we do have the power or the means to police the world; that we cannot bring peace to a warring world, but that we do have the power and the means to prevent others from transporting their wars to this hemisphere.

"Thoughtful consideration should be given its conclusions that the best interests of our country will be served if we remain at peace; that we very probably can remain at peace, be free from the horrors of war, the fear of invasion, the crushing burdens of vast armies, the fear of bombs from the sky above us, and be able to work out our own domestic problems in a sensible American way; and that should any unscrupulous aggressor attack us, we will be able to meet and defeat him quickly and decisively far from our homes and our firesides, if we provide ourselves with ample sea and air power to command the seas which wash our own shores and the sea approaches to the Panama Canal and the Caribbean Sea." (Report of the Senate Committee on Naval Affairs, No. 1615, 76th Congress, 3d Session)

One of the best and most patriotic editorials ever written was stated in the St. Louis Post‑Dispatch, on September 3, 1940:

"Dictator Roosevelt Commits an Act of War: Mr. Roosevelt today committed an act of war. He also became America's first dictator. Secretly, his Secretary of State, Mr. Hull, entered into an agreement with the British Ambassador that amounts to a military and naval alliance with Great Britain. This secretly negotiated agreement was consummated yesterday September 2.

"Today Congress is informed of the agreement. Note well the word �informed.' Although the President referred to his under‑cover deal as ranking in importance with the Louisiana Purchase, he is not asking Congress ‑ the elected representatives of the people ‑ to ratify this deal. He is telling them it already has been ratified by him; America's dictator. (In order to put public opinion into our hands we must bring it into a state of bewilderment by giving expression from all sides to so many contradictory opinions and for such length of time as will suffice to make the Goyim lose their heads in the labyrinth and come to see that the best thing is to have no opinion of any kind in matters political, which it is not given to the public to understand, because they are understood only by him who guides the public.

"This is the first secret. No one will dare to demand the abrogation of a matter once settled, all the more so as it will be represented as an improvement...And immediately the press will distract the current of thought towards new questions {have we not trained people always to be seeking something new?}. Into the discussion of these new questions will throw themselves those of the brainless dispensers of fortunes who are not able even now to understand that they have not the remotest conception about the matters which they undertake to discuss. Questions of the political are unattainable for any save those who have guided it already for many ages, the creators. (Protocol 5:10; 13:1)

Hitler's Jewish Army

"Not every victim was a Jew but every Jew was a victim." (Elie Wiesel (weasel) speaking of World War Two. "If there were Jews in (Hitler's) armed forces...who served knowing what was going on and made no attempt to save (lives), well then that is unacceptable and dishonorable." (Rabbi Marvin Hier, director of Simon Wiesenthal Institute)

Thousands of men of Jewish descent and hundreds of what the Nazis called "full Jews" served in the German Military with Adolf Hitler's knowledge and approval. Cambridge University researcher Bryan Rigg has traced the Jewish ancestry of more than 1200 of Hitler's soldiers, including two field marshals and fifteen general (two full general, eight lieutenant generals, five major generals), "men commanding up to 100,000 troops."

In approximately 20 cases, Jewish soldiers in the Nazi army were awarded German's highest military honor, the Knight's Cross. One of these Jewish veterans is today an 82 year old resident of Norther Germany, an observant Jew who served as a captain and practiced his religion within the Wehrmacht throughout the war. One of the Jewish field marshals was Erhard Milch, deputy to Luftwaffe Chief Hermann Goring. Rumors of Mitch's Jewish identity circulated widely in Germany in the 1930s.

In one of the famous anecdotes of the time, Goring falsified Milch's birth record and when met with protests about having a Jew in the Nazi high command, Goring replied, "In decide who is a Jew and who is an Aryan."

Rigg's research also shed light on stories surrounding the rescue by German soldiers of the Lubavitcher grand rabbi of that time, who was in Warsaw when the war broke out in 1939. Joseph Isaac Schneerson was spirited to safety after an appeal to Germany from the United States. Schneerson was assisted by a German officer Rigg has identified as the highly decorated Maj. Ernst Bloch, whose father was a Jew. Jews also served in the Nazi police and security forces as ghetto police (Ordmmngdienst) and concentration camp guards (kapos).

So what happens to the claim that Hitler sought to exterminate all Jews, when he allowed some of them to join in his struggle against Bolshevism and International finance capitalism?

Sources: William D. Montalbano, "The Jews in Hitler's Military," Los Angeles Times, December 24, 1996; Tom Tugend, "Grad student uncovers Jews who fought for Adolf Hitler," Jewish Telegraph Agency; Lenni Brenner, "Zionism in the Age of the Dictators."

"The President has passed down an edict that compares with the edicts forced down the throats of Germans, Italians and Russians by Hitler, Mussolini and Stalin. He hands down an edict that may eventually result in the shedding of the blood of millions of Americans; that may result in transforming the United States into a goose‑stepping, regimented slave state.

"Under our Constitution, treaties with foreign powers are not legal without the advice and consent of the Senate. This treaty, which history may define as the most momentous one ever made in our history, was put over without asking the Senate either for its advice or its consent. The authority which the President quotes for his fatal and secret deal is an opinion from the Attorney‑General. Whatever legal trickery this yes‑man may conjure up, the fact is that the transfer of the destroyers is not only in violation of American law, but is also in violation of the Hague Convention of 1907, solemnly ratified by the United States Senate in 1908. It is an outright act of war.

"Undeterred by law or the most primitive form of common sense, the President is turning over to a warring power a goodly portion of the United States Navy, against the repeated statements of Senators, Navy Department officials and officers of the Navy that the ships are needed for our own defense...

"But, in doing so, he commits an act of war. He strips our navy of fifty valuable ships and he enters into leases which might not be worth the paper they are written upon in a month's time. And all this is done in utmost contempt of democratic processes and of the Constitution of the United States (which is not surprising for the Jews have always been the most traitorous people who have ever existed on earth since the dawn of time!).

"If this secretly negotiated deal goes through, the fat is in the fire and we all may as well get ready for a full‑dress participation in the European war. If Roosevelt gets away with this, we may as well say good‑by to our liberties and make up our mind that henceforth we live under a dictatorship. If Congress and the people do not rise in solemn wrath to stop Roosevelt now, at this moment, then the country deserves the stupendous tragedy that looms right around the corner."

Colonel Charles A. Lindbergh, a fine, honest, able and patriotic young American, a recognized authority throughout the world on aviation and defense by air, in an address stated:

"In times of war and confusion, it is essential for our people to have a clear understanding of the elements upon which our national safety depends...Judged by aeronautical standards, we in the United States are in singularly fortunate position...

"From the standpoint of defense, we will still have two great oceans between us and the warring armies of Europe and Asia. In fact, there is hardly a natural element contributing to air strength and impregnability that we do not now possess. Aviation is for us an asset. It adds to our national safety. With a firm and clear cut policy we can build an air defense for America that will stand above these sifting sands of war...Let us not be confused by this talk of invasion by European aircraft. The air defense of America is as simple as the attack is difficult when the true facts are faced. We are in danger of war not because European people (read that Jews) have attempted to interfere with the internal affairs of America, but because the American people (read that Jews) have attempted to interfere with the internal affairs of Europe. (The Jewish Bolshevik Revolution in Russia)

"A foreign power could not conquer us by dropping bombs in this country unless the bombing were accompanied by an invading army. And an invading army requires thousands of small bombers and pursuit planes. It would have little use for huge transatlantic aircraft. No, the advantage lies with us, for great armies must still cross oceans by ship. Only relatively small forces can be transported by air today, and over distances of a few hundred miles at most. This has great significance in Europe, but it is not an element that we have to contend with in America.

"Such a danger can come, in any predictable future, only through division and war among our own peoples. As long as American nations work together, as long as we maintain reasonable defense forces, there will be no invasion by foreign aircraft. And no foreign navy will dare to approach within bombing range of our coasts. Our danger in America is an internal danger.

"We need not fear a foreign invasion unless American peoples bring it on through their own quarreling and meddling with affairs abroad. Our eyes should not search beyond the horizon for problems which lie at our feet ...

"The greatest inheritance we can pass on to our children is a reasonable solution of the problems that confront us in our time, a strong nation, a lack of debt, a solid American character free from the entanglements of the Old World. Let us guard America today as our forefathers guarded it in the past. They won this country from Europe with a handful of Revolutionary soldiers. We certainly can hold it now with a population of 130,000,000 people. If we cannot, we are unworthy to have it.

"But the course we have been following in recent months leads to neither strength nor friendship nor peace. It will leave us hated by victor and vanquished alike, regardless of which way the tide of battle turns. One side will claim that we aided its enemies; the other, that we did not help enough.

"Let us turn again to America's traditional role, that of building and guarding our own destiny. We need a greater air force, a greater Army, and a great Navy; they have been inadequate for many years. Let us form with our neighboring nations a clear‑cut and definite policy of American defense. But above all, let us stop this hysterical chatter of calamity and invasion that has been running rife these last few days. It is not befitting to the people who built this nation.

"That the world is facing a new era is beyond question. Our mission is to make it a better era. But regardless of which side wins this war, there is no reason, aside from our own actions, to prevent a continuation of peaceful relationships between America and the countries of Europe. If we desire peace, we need only stop asking for war. No one wishes to attack us, and no one is in a position to do so.

"The only reason that we are in danger of becoming involved in this war is because there are powerful elements in America who desire us to take part (read that Jewish elements). They represent a small minority of the American people by they control much of the machinery of influence and propaganda.

"They seize every opportunity to push us closer to the edge. It is time for the underlying character of this county to rise and assert itself, to strike down these elements of personal profit and foreign interests. This underlying character of America is our true defense. Until it awakes and takes the reins in hand once more, the production of airplanes, cannon and battleships is of secondary importance.

"Let us turn our eyes to our own nation. We cannot aid others until we have first placed our own country in a position of spiritual and material leadership and strength."

"All Jews world wide; declared war on the Third Reich." (The London Daily Express, Front Page Story, 3/24/1933)

"Judaism, which was destroyed politically (as a result of the destruction of the Temple in 70 A.D.), went forth into the great world. It adapted its possessions to its wanderings. I once compared it to an army going to war, a �movable State.'

"Jews were compelled to smuggle their goods across from frontier to frontier; so they chose abstract wares, easy to stubble; and this gave them ability, despite ghettos and restrictions, to enter everywhere; and so it is that the Hebrew people have penetrated everywhere.

"The argument is that Judaism, by penetrating among the Gentiles (In Christians' guise or otherwise), has gradually undermined the remnants of paganism. Such penetration has not been without deliberate Jewish conniving in the shape of assistance bestowed in a thousand ways, devices and disguises. It has been affected in great measure by crypto‑Jews, who have permeated Christianity and spoken through the mouth of Christianity.

"By these devices of their Jewish blood; and owing to an instance for �requital,' they have gradually induced Christianity to accept what was left in it of pagan elements as their own; and it is they who, in principle (even though they are called by great Gentile names), of Democracy, of Socialism, and of Communism. All this achievement...has come about chiefly through unknown anonymous Jews, Jews in secret, either crypto‑Jews who mingled among the Gentiles and nurtured great thinkers from among them; or, through the influence of Jews, who, in the great crises of liberty and freedom, have stood behind the scenes; or through Jewish teachers and scholars from the time of the Middle Ages.

"It was disciples of Jewish teachers who headed the Protestant movements. These dogs, these haters of the Jews have a keen nose. In truth, Jewish influence in Germany is powerful. It is impossible to ignore it. Marx was a Jew.

"His manner of thought was Jewish. His keenness of intellect was Jewish; and one of his forebears was a most distinguished rabbi endowed with a powerful mind. The newspapers, under Jewish control, obviously served as an auxiliary in all movements in favor of freedom. Not in vain have Jews been drawn toward journalism. In their hands it became a weapon highly fitted to meet their needs...

"The Gentiles have at last realized this secret, that Judaism has gradually penetrated them like a drug. The Gentile nature is in revolt, and is trying to organize the final battle. Christianity is trying to organize its last war against Judaism. And there is no doubt that this being waged specifically against Democracy, against Socialism.

"This is another world wide warfare again against the forces of Judaism. I venture to think that Socialism in its highest form is the fruit of the Jewish spirit, and the fruit of the world outlook of the prophets. It is they who were the first Socialists.

"War is now being waged against us {but unknown to most of Christianity. Because God's People refuse to accept knowledge and recognize the enemy}, against Judaism, not in our own land, but in the great outer world where we are scattered. They would �smoke us out' of all the cracks and crannies where we have hidden. They would exterminate us like bacilli, and be rid of us." (N.H. Bialik, in an address delivered at the Hebrew University, Jerusalem, May 11, 1933, which appeared in Lines of Communication, Palestine, July, 1933)

"The Soviet movement was a Jewish, and not a Russian conception. It was forced on Russia from without, when, in 1917, German and German‑American‑Jew interests sent Lenin and his associates into Russia, furnished with the wherewithal to bring about the defection of the Russian armies...The Movement has never been controlled by Russians.

(a) Of the 224 revolutionaries who, in 1917, were despatched to Russia with Lenin to foment the Bolshevik Revolution, 170 were Jews.

(b) According to the Times of 29th March, 1919, �of the 20 or 30 commissaries or leaders who provide the central machinery of the Bolshevist movement, not less than 75 percent, are Jews...among minor officials the number is legion.'

According to official information from Russia, in 1920, out of 545 members of the Bolshevist Administration, 447 were Jews. The number of official appointments bestowed upon Jews is entirely out of proportion to their percentage in the State: �The population of Soviet Russia is officially given as 158,400,000 the Jewish section, according to the Jewish Encyclopedia, being about 7,800,000. Yet, according to the Jewish Chronicle of January 6, 1933: Over one‑third of the Jews in Russia have become officials." (The Catholic Herald, October 21st and 28th and November 4, 1933; The Rulers of Russia, Denis Fehay, p. 31‑32)

The first Humanist Manifesto is published. Co‑author John Dewey, the noted philosopher and educator, calls for a synthesizing of all religions and "a socialized and cooperative economic order." Co‑signer C.F. Potter said in 1930:

"Education is thus a most powerful ally of humanism, and every American public school is a school of humanism. What can the theistic Sunday schools, meeting for an hour once a week, teaching only a fraction of the children, do to stem the tide of a five‑day program of humanistic teaching?"

The Shape of Things to Come by H.G. Wells is published. Wells predicts a second world war around 1940, originating from a German‑Polish dispute. After 1945 there would be an increasing lack of public safety in "criminally infected" areas. The plan for the "Modern World‑State" would succeed on its third attempt (about 1980), and come out of something that occurred in Basra, Iraq. The book also states, "Although world government had been plainly coming for some years, although it had been endlessly feared and murmured against, it found no opposition prepared anywhere."


Adolf Eichmann is sent to meet the Zionist leaders in Palestine. Returns to Germany with the 3‑point Zionist Plan for the Disposition of European Jewry.

1). Wealthiest German Zionist jews to be sent to Palestine ‑ immediately.

2). Upper‑middle‑class Zionist jews to be sent to Romania until after the war.

3). Poor and Non‑Zionist jews to be sent to Auschwitz ‑ for further disposition.(Remember... this is not long after Zionist organizations declare war on Germany; 24 March1933, and 5 years before Britain declares war on Germany, starting WWII.)

Vladimir Jabotinsky Leader of "Irgun Zwai Leumi" Our own Jewish interests demand the total destruction of Germany. The German people are our greatest danger. Therefore it is impossible to allow Germany to become more powerful.

December 1, Russian/Jewish Newspaper "Nascha Retsch" The war against Germany will be carried on by every single Jewish group and every Jew.� Our Jewish interests demand the total destruction of Germany. We must totally destroy the German people.

China: Marines landed at Foochow to protect the American Consulate.

Onassis, Rockefeller and the Seven Sisters (major oil companies) signed an agreement, outlined in an oil cartel memo: Screw the Arabs out of their oil, ship it on Onassis' ships; Rockefeller and the Seven Sisters to get rich. All this was done. Roberts, studying journalism and physics at the University of Wisconsin, learned those things via personal contacts. His special interest was in crystallography; and the creation of synthetic rubies, the original Gemstone experiment.

Hitler assumes title of "Fuhrer;" Mao Tse‑tung starts "Long March" of Chinese communists.

"Hitler will have no war, but he will be forced into it, not this year but later..." (The Jewish Emil Ludwig, Les Annales, June, 1934)

"Judea declares War on Germany." (Daily Express, March 24, 1934)

"The fight against Germany has now been waged for months by every Jewish community, on every conference, in all labor unions and by every single Jew in the world. There are reasons for the assumption that our share in this fight is of general importance. We shall start a spiritual and material war of the whole world against Germany. Germany is striving to become once again a great nation, and to recover her lost territories as well as her colonies. But our Jewish interests call for the complete destruction of Germany..." (Valadimir Jabotinsky, in Mascha Rjetsch, January, 1934)

"Although a Republican, the former Governor has a sincere regard for President Roosevelt and his politics. He referred to the �Jewish ancestry' of the President, explaining how he is a descendent of the Rossocampo family expelled from Spain in 1620. Seeking safety in Germany, Holland and other countries, members of the family, he said, changed their name to Rosenberg, Rosenbaum, Rosenblum, Rosenvelt and Rosenthal. The Rosenvelts in North Holland finally became Roosevelt, soon becoming apostates with the first generation and other following suit until, in the fourth generation, a little storekeeper by the name of Jacobus Roosevelt was the only one who remained true to his Jewish Faith. It is because of this Jewish ancestry, Former Governor Osborn said, that President Roosevelt has the trend of economic safety (?) in his veins." (Chase S. Osborn, 1934 at St. Petersburg, Florida, The Times Newspaper)

"In an address to the National Convention of the Daughters of the American Revolution, President Franklin Delano Roosevelt, said that he was of revolutionary ancestry. ‑ But not a Roosevelt was in the Colonial Army. They were Tories, busy entertaining British Officers. The first Roosevelt came to America in 1649. His name was Claes Rosenvelt. He was a Jew. Nicholas, the son of Claes was the ancestor of both Franklin and Theodore. He married a Jewish girl, named Kunst, in 1682. Nicholas had a son named Jacobus Rosenfeld..." (The Corvallis Gazette Times of Corballis, Oregon)

The Externalization of the Hierarchy by Alice A. Bailey is published. Bailey is an occultist, whose works are channeled from a spirit guide, the Tibetan Master [demon spirit] Djwahl Kuhl. Bailey uses the phrase "points of light" in connection with a "New Group of World Servers" and claims that 1934 marks the beginning of

"the organizing of the men and work of a new order...[with] progress defined by service...the world of the Brotherhood...the Forces of Light...[and] out of the spoliation of all existing culture and civilization, the new world order must be built."

The book is published by the Lucis Trust, incorporated originally in New York as the Lucifer Publishing Company. Lucis Trust is a United Nations NGO and has been a major player at the recent U.N. summits. Later Assistant Secretary General of the U.N. Robert Mueller would credit the creation of his World Core Curriculum for education to the underlying teachings of Djwahl Kuhl via Alice Bailey's writings on the subject.


Some time after 1935, you ask Social Security Administration for a relationship with their program. They create an entity with a name (that sounds like your name but is spelled with all capital letters) and a depository account number in the Social Security General Trust Fund (GTF). They give you the Social Security card which identifies you as the single person with authority to control the entity they created (on review: you may notice that the Social Security Administration was the creator of the entity, the GTF is its beneficiary and you were made its Trustee.)� More importantly: this capacity does not limit you or your capacity to act in your sovereign capacity in any way.

The German government revokes the citizenship of Jews, as they are considered "enemies of the state" (a logical conclusion, given their declaration of "war" on Germany).

Nazi Minister of Propaganda Joseph Goebbels gives an anti‑Communist speech, titled "Communism With The Mask Off," that is eerily accurate, and that repeats what Winston Churchill said earlier about Jews being heavily involved in Communism in Europe. Sadly, only Nazis listen. (This accurate Goebbels speech is considered by Jews to be the epitome of "hate" today). Point: if the Jews are screaming about something being "hate," chances are it's true.

Louisiana politician Huey Long is shot by a Jewish man (Weiss), guaranteeing that Roosevelt will be re‑elected, which he is. And Groucho Marx sets the tone for most comedians to follow, by being Jewish (most well‑known comedians have been Jewish).

Mary McLeod Bethune (1876‑1955) founds the National Council of Negro Women.

Twentieth Century Pictures merge with Fox Film Corporation to form Twentieth Century‑Fox.

The American government sent grain and medical help to Russia during a time of intense famine. It is almost certain that the Communist government would have collapsed at this time without this help, as there were food riots over the entire Soviet Union.

July 27 The Jewish Daily Bulletin: There is only one power that counts, political pressure, We Jews are the most powerful nation on earth, because we are in the worlds most powerful positions and we know how to use our power.

"Germany is the enemy of Judaism and must be pursued with deadly hatred. The goal of Judaism of today is: a merciless campaign against all German peoples and the complete destruction of the nation. We demand a complete blockade of trade, the importation of raw materials stopped, and retaliation towards every German, woman and child." (Jewish professor A. Kulischer, October, 1937)

The Russian Communist Government, under Stalin's rule, was so shaky that the Russian Army was on the verge of being defeated by tiny Finland; one of America's most staunch friends. And with the diversion of just a tiny fraction of the millions of tons of war equipment being shipped to Europe daily, America could have saved Finland and dealt a death blow to Stalin and to Communism.

Then just two years later, when Hitler and the Germany Army had cleared Eastern Europe of the Bolshevik plague; and had accepted the eager surrender of millions of Russian soldiers; was knocking at the door of Moscow Russia's Communist rule was once again on the verge of collapse.

Thus, America, at the cost of thousands of dead and wounded American Troops, through orders of the Great Traitor Roosevelt, in an unheard of frenzy, rushed billions in military aid to Russia. Saving Stalin and with one monstrous Satanic Act, saved the entire Jewish‑ Communist‑Zionist World offensive from extinction.

Prior to WW II the Jewish Zionists enjoyed a visibly protected political status in Germany:

"In fact, about 600 newspapers were officially banned during 1933. Others were unofficially silenced by street methods. The exceptions included (The Jewish) Juedischen Rundschau, the ZVfD's Weekly and several other Jewish publications. German Zionism's weekly was hawked on street corners and displayed at newsstands. When Chaim Arlosoroff visited Zionist headquarters in London on June 1, he emphasized, �The Rundschau is of crucial importance today for the Zionists. Every day it gets fifty to sixty new subscribers.' By the end of 1933 Juedischen Rundschau circulation had in fact jumped to more than 38,000; four to five times its 1932 circulation.

"Although many influential Aryan publications were forced to restrict their page size to conserve newsprint, Juedischen Rundschau was not affected until mandatory newsprint rationing in 1937. And while stringent censorship of all German publications was enforced from the outset, Juedischen Rundschau was allowed relative press freedoms. Although two issues of it were suppressed when they published Chaim Arlosoroff's outline for a capital transfer, such seizures were rare.

"Other than the ban on anti‑Nazi boycott references, printing atrocity stories, and criticizing the Reich, Juedischen Rundschau was essentially exempt from the so‑called Gleichschaltung or �uniformity' demanded by the Nazi party of all facets of German society. Juedische Rundschau was free to preach Zionism as a wholly separate political philosophy ‑‑ indeed, the only separate political philosophy sanction by the Third Reich.

"In 1933, Hebrew became an encouraged course in all Jewish schools. By 1935, uniforms for Zionist youth corps were permitted ‑‑ the only non‑Nazi uniform allowed in Germany. When the Nuremberg Laws in late 1935 stripped German Jewry of their citizenship, it became illegal for Jews to raise the German flag; The same Law, however, stipulated: German Jewry could raise the Star of David‑Emblazoned Zionist Flag..."

Italy invades Ethiopia; Hitler renounces Versailles Treaty and begins open rearmament. The claims of the Jews notwithstanding it was a fact,

"That German Jewry could raise the Star of David‑ Emblazoned Zionist Flag..." (Nuremberg Laws of 1935)

"There is only one Power which really counts: The Power of Political Pressure. We Jews are the most powerful people on Earth, because we have this power, and we know how to apply it." (Jewish Daily Bulletin, July 27, 1935)

"How do you account for the fact that so many young Jews may be found in the radical movements of all the lands?" (Michael Gold, New Masses, p. 15, May 7, 1935)

"You cannot be English Jews. We are a race, and only as a race can we perpetuate. Our mentality is of Edomitish character, and differs from that of an Englishman. Enough subterfuges! Let us assert openly that we are International Jews." (From the manifesto of the "World Jewish Federation," January 1, 1935, through its spokesperson, Gerald Soman)

The Pellagra Incident. After millions of individuals die from Pellagra over a span of two decades, the U.S. Public Health Service finally acts to stem the disease. The director of the agency admits it had known for at least 20 years that Pellagra is caused by a niacin deficiency but failed to act since most of the deaths occurred within poverty‑stricken black populations.


Germany, Italy* and Japan justifiably sign the Anti‑Comintern Pact (an anti‑Communist treaty). Strangely, Roosevelt does not, instead siding with the Communist mass‑murderer Stalin, who has already killed 10 million people.

The US imposes greater duties (taxes) on German goods, and only German goods. Strangely, Soviet goods are not given the same treatment, even though Stalin's crimes are, by this time, FAR worse than Hitler's.

Unit 731, a biological‑warfare unit disguised as a water‑purification unit, is formed. Ishii builds huge compound; more than 150 buildings over six square kilometers, outside the city of Harbin. Some 9,000 test subjects, which Ishii and his peers called �'logs,'� eventually die at the compound.

In order to prevent "Dutch" Schultz from assassinating Thomas E. Dewey, at that time U.S. Attorney for New York, Buchalter and Lansky have Schultz gunned down and his territory divided among the cartel. Dewey then turns his agents loose on Buchalter and Shapiro. The two go into hiding, and set about "eliminating" potential talebearers. Over the next three years more than a hundred gangland figures are purged by "Murder, Inc."

Germany preoccupies Rhineland and forms "Axis" with Italy; General Franco begins Spanish Civil War [which was actually a war against Communist Jews who were trying to take control of Spain]; King Edward of England abdicates to marry an American.

National Wildlife Federation ‑ founded.

April 16,� The Youngstown Jewish Times, Ohio. The USA knows that after the next war that there will be no more Germany.

"Marxism, you say, is the bitterest opponent of capitalism, which is sacred to us. For the simple reason that they are opposite poles, they deliver over to us the two poles of the earth and permit us to be its axis. These two opposites, Bolshevism and ourselves, find ourselves identified in the Internationale. And these two opposites, the doctrine of the two poles of society, meet in their unity of purpose, the renewal of the world from above by the control of wealth, and from below by revolution." (Quotation from a Jewish banker by the Comte de Saint‑ Aulaire in Geneve contre la Paix Libraire Plan, Paris, 1936)

"A Jewish question exists, and there will be one as long as the Jews remain Jews. It is an actual fact that the Jews fight against the Catholic Church. They are free thinkers, and constitute a vanguard of Atheism, Bolshevism and Revolution...

One should protect one's self against the evil influence of Jewish morals, and particularly boycott the Jewish Press and their demoralizing publications." (Pastoral letter issued in 1936. "An Answer to Father Coughlin's Critics," page 98)

The Bolsheviks try and take over Spain. Hitler sends troops to help General Franco. Thousands of German Jews travel to Spain to support the Bolsheviks and fight against the �Fascists'.


Eugene Meyer buys the "Washington Post" to get control of news media; other Mafia buy other papers, broadcasting, TV, etc. News censorship of all major news media goes into effect.


Roosevelt hints at a war with Germany in a speech, a huge about‑face from previous, "we should be neutral" comments.

Germany makes numerous attempts to improve relations with the U.S., but is given the cold shoulder on the advice of the largely‑Jewish circle of friends advising the Jewish Roosevelt.

The Haganah forms the Committee for Illegal Immigration to rescue European Jews.

Japanese invade China, capturing Peking and Shanghai; German aircraft bomb Spain in support of Franco.

"Germany is the enemy of Judaism and must be pursued with deadly hatred. The parol of Judaism of today is: a merciless campaign against all German peoples and the complete destruction of the nation. We demand a complete blockade of trade, the importation of raw materials stopped, and retaliation towards every German, woman and child." (Jewish professor A. Kulischer, October, 1937)

"World War II was a Zionist plot to make way for the foundation of the Jewish State in Palestine." (Joseph Burg, an anti‑Zionist Jew)

"In [pre‑WW II] Berlin, for example, when the Nazis came to power, 50.2% of the lawyers were Jews...48% of the doctors were Jews. The Jews owned the largest and most important Berlin newspapers, and made great inroads on the educational system." (The House That Hitler Built, by Stephen Roberts, 1937)

"The Rothschilds introduced the rule of money into European politics. The Rothschilds were the servants of money who undertook the reconstruction of the world as an image of money and its functions. Money and the employment of wealth have become the law of European life; we no longer have nations, but economic provinces." (New York Times, Professor Wilhelm, a German historian, July 8, 1937)

""Wars are the Jews harvest, for with them we wipe out the Christians and get control of their gold. We have already killed 100‑million of them, and the end is not yet." (Chief Rabbi in France, in 1859, Rabbi Reichorn).

"If you will look back at every war in Europe during the nineteenth century, you will see that they always ended with the establishment of a �balance of power.' With every re‑shuffling there was a balance of power in a new grouping around the House of Rothschild in England, France, or Austria. They grouped nations so that if any king got out of line, a war would break out and the war would be decided by which way the financing went. Researching the debt positions of the warring nations will usually indicate who was to be punished." (Economist Sturat Crane)

"He received me not only cordially, but he was also full of confidence with respect to the war. His first words, after he had welcomed me, were as follows: �Well, Dr. Weismann, we have as good as beaten them already.' I...thanked him for his constant support for the Zionist course. �You were standing at the cradle of this enterprise.' I said to him, �and hopefully you will live to see that we have succeeded.' Adding that after the war we would build up a state of three to four million Jews in Palestine, whereupon he replied: �Yes, go ahead, I am full in agreement with this idea.'" (Conversation between Chaim Weismann and Winston Churchill)

"Which are you first, a Jew or an American? A Jew." (David Ben Gurion)

"In death as in life, I defy the Jews who caused this last war [WW II], and I defy the powers of darkness which they represent. I am proud to die for my ideals, and I am sorry for the sons of Britain who have died without knowing why." (William Joyce's [Lord Ha Ha] last words just before Britain executed him for anti‑war activism in WW II)

"If the tide of history does not turn toward Communist Internationalism then the Jewish race is doomed." (George Marlen, Stalin, Trotsky, or Lenin, p. 414, New York, 1937)

"The present program of palliative relief must give way to a program of fundamental reconstruction. American democracy must be socialized by subjecting industrial production and distribution to the will of the People's Congress. The first step is to abolish the federal veto and to enlarge the express powers of the national government through immediate constitutional amendment. A gradual march in the direction of socialization will follow." (Rabbi Victor Eppstein, Opinion April, 1937)


Rabbi Stephen Wise, FDR's good buddy, admits that Hitler is right when he says that Jews are a race, not just a religion. (Quote from New York Herald‑Tribune newspaper, June 13, 1938).

The Catholic magazine "The Sign" states (accurately) that Jewish revolutionaries, in Spain and also worldwide, led the fight against conservative Spanish leader Franco, in order to communize Spain.

November 9, 1938: Kristallnacht (Crystal Night). The sole incident of anti‑Jewish rioting during the Third Reich. An isolated event that has somehow gained much more attention than the widespread desecration and destruction of Christian churches throughout Soviet Russia and its various satellites during and after the Communist revolution, or the frequent attacks on Catholic churches in Spain (not merely during the 1936‑1939 civil war but during the days of the leftist Spanish Republic in the years before its overthrow).

Because Kristallnach rioting was triggered by the murder of a German diplomat (Ernst vom Rath), one might also recall that it was the wounding of Israeli ambassador (to Great Britain) Shlomo Argov that served as the pretext for Israel's massive 1982 invasion and occupation of Lebanon, during which thousands of Arab civilians were slaughtered in savage Israeli artillery and aerial attacks. Israel's murderous invasion was crowned by the massacres at Sabra and Shatila, Palestinian refugee camps into which Israeli troops admitted henchmen drawn from the allegedly Christian Lebanese, and then sat back as more than a thousand Palestinian men, women, and children were slaughtered. Vom Rath's assassin, 17‑year‑old Pole Hershl Grynszpan, eventually fell into German hands and survived the war.

Admiral Ernst King led a carrier‑born air strike from the USS Saratoga successfully against Pearl Harbor in another exercise.

At the Evian Conference in France, the nations of the world refuse to accept large numbers of European Jewish refugees, thus assuring the "Holocaust" (HoloHoax lie).

In Berlin, Otto Kahn and Fritz Strassman, working at the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute, split heavy uranium with a neutron bombardment. Each sends his results to their colleague Lise Meitner, who is staying in Stockholm. Working with Otto Frisch and Niels Bohr, she correctly surmises that they have achieved atomic fission. The Atomic Bomb is predicted to be operational in six years time! All of the atomic scientists involved are Jews, working under the Nazi's noses. And you think they wouldn't do it to us.

Having learned of the successful atomic fission experiment, Leo Szilard proceeds to the United States, where he informs Lewis Strauss, a partner in Kuhn, Loeb & Co., (which had secretly financed the Bolsheviks) of the potential for creating a nuclear explosion.

President Roosevelt divulges to Louis Brandeis his personal plan for settling 100,000 Jewish families in Palestine, at a cost of $3,000 per family, with the British, French and United States governments underwriting the cost in partnership with Jewish philanthropy.

Germany annexes Austria and gains Czechoslovakia's Sudetenland in Munich Pact.

Bernard Baruch writes to Adolf Hitler that there must be war; in order to install Josef Stalin in a position of power over all of Europe, Germany must be crushed.

July 3, "The American Hebrew" The Jews will sing Haleluja because the almighty has condemned the Nazis to never‑ending torture, and the destruction of Europe.

Bernart Lecache. We must get around to finally draw and quarter Germany and bring about a war without mercy.

World marches toward war ‑ A chronology of events leading to World War II, the event which gave rise to the United Nations.

"Our fight against Germany must be carried to the limit of what is possible. Israel has been attacked. Let us, therefore, defend Israel! Against the awakened Germany, we put an awakened Israel. And the world will defend us." (Jewish author Pierre Creange in his book Epitres aux Juifs, 1938)

"The forces of reaction are being mobilized. A combination of England, France and Russia will sooner or later bar the triumphal march of the crazed Fuhrer. Either by accident or design, a Jews has come into the position of the foremost importance in each of these nations. In the hands of non‑Aryans, lie the very lives of millions...and when the smoke of battle clears, and the trumpets blare no more, and the bullets cease to blast!

"Then will be presented a tableau showing the man who played. God, the swastika Christus, being lowered none too gently into a hole in the ground, as a trio of non‑Aryans, in tone a remified requiem, that sounds suspiciously like a medley of Marseillaise, God Save the King, and the international; blending in the grand finale, into a militant, proud arrangement of Eile! Elie! [This is the traditional Jewish cry of triumph]. (The American Hebrew, New York City, June 3, 1938)


When Franklin Delano Roosevelt was collaborating with Churchill, he said to the Mothers of America:

"I promise you, again and again and again, that your boys will not be sent into a foreign war."

At this very time when he was seeking your votes under this promise, Mr. Roosevelt was telling Ambassadors Bullitt, Biddle and Kennedy to tell Britain and France that if they were attacked they could anticipate our help


Famous head‑shrinker Dr. Sigmund Freud (Jewish) savagely attacks Christianity, while at the same time exalting Judaism and Zionism, in his book "Moses and Monotheism." He also suggests that "anti‑Semites" are mentally ill. (Ahhh, that explains it).

The book "Gone With The Wind" is cleverly altered when made into a movie by Jewish producers Louis Mayer and David O. Selznick, who now have a White man trying to rape Scarlett, instead of the original Black male rapist in the book. Another aspect of the book not found in the movie is its noble portrayal of the Klu Klux Klan as patriotic saviors in the anti‑white reconstruction‑era south. [Feeling a little lied to?]

US General George Van Horn Mosely tells the New York Tribune that the coming war (WWII) will be for "establishing Jewish influence throughout the world." In this case foresight was 20/20, as hindsight has confirmed.

Jewish, pro‑Communist judge Felix Frankfurter named to U.S. Supreme Court by Roosevelt.

The Jewish People's Committee announces, in an advertisement in the Jewish Examiner newspaper, a concerted, country‑wide effort to mobilize public opinion in America against "Radio Priest" Father Coughlin, including the push for "local ordinances" (laws) to curb Coughlin's free speech.

A group of largely‑Jewish scientists, alarmed by Nazi Germany's nuclear‑bomb research, convinces genius Albert Einstein (Jewish) to write a letter to President Roosevelt about the possibility of the U.S. building an atomic bomb.

"Propaganda mostly in hands of Jews, who control almost 100 percent radio, film, daily and periodical press. Although this propaganda extremely coarse and presenting Germany as black as possible, nevertheless extremely effective since public here completely ignorant and knows nothing of situation in Europe...Situation here excellent platform for public speakers of all kinds, for emigrants from Germany and Czechoslovakia, who with great many words inciting public, with most various calumnies.

"They are praising American liberty which contrasts with totalitarian states. it is interesting to note that in this extremely well‑planned campaign which conducted above all against National Socialism. Soviet Russia almost completely eliminated. Soviet Russia if mentioned at all mentioned in friendly manner and things presented in such way as if Soviet Union co‑operating with block democratic states. Thanks to clever propaganda sympathies of American public completely on side of Red Spain. This propaganda war psychosis being artificially created.

"American people are told that peace in Europe only hanging on thread...that in case of world War America must take active part in order defend slogans of liberty and democracy in World. President Roosevelt was first one to express hatred against Fascism. In doing so he was serving double purpose; first, he wanted to divert attention of American people from difficult and intricate domestic problems, especially from...struggle between capital and labor. Second, by creating war psychosis...he wanted induce American people to accept enormous armament program...Unemployed today already number twelve million...Only huge sums running into billion which treasury expends for emergency labor projects are keeping certain amount of peace in country...

"As to point two I can only say that...Roosevelt, as clever player of politics...speedily deviated public attention form domestic situation in order to fasten it on foreign policy...Munich Pact came to...Roosevelt as God‑sent...Reigning hatred against everything which in any way connected with German National Socialism is further kindled by brutal attitude against Jews in Germany and by emigree problem.

"In this action participated Jewish intellectuals, for instance Bernard Baruch, Governor of New York, Lehman...judge of Supreme Court Felix Frankfurter, Secretary of Treasury Morgenthau and others who are close personal friends of President Roosevelt. They want President to become champion of human rights, freedom of religion and speech, who in future shall punish trouble mongers. This group, people who want to pose as representatives of �Americanism' and �defenders of democracy' in last analysis are connected by unbreakable ties with international Jewry.

"For this Jewish international, which above all is concerned with interest in its race, was putting of President of United States at this �ideal' post of champion of human rights was clever move. In this manner they created dangerous hotbed for hatred and hostility in this hemisphere and divided world into two hostile camps.

"Entire issue is worked out in mysterious manner. Roosevelt has been forcing fountain for vitalizing American foreign policy and procure enormous stocks for coming war for which Jews are striving fully consciously..." (Document dated January 12, 1939, from Polish Ambassador in Washington, War! War! War!, Cincinnatus, pp. 173‑174).

Why and how the Third Reich Wehrmacht went to war against the Soviet Union: "The critical moment of World War Two ‑ if not the entire Twentieth Century ‑ is generally accepted to have been Adolf Hitler's decision to launch an "unprovoked" attack on a hitherto neutral and peaceful Soviet Union. Up until recently, this (Fuehrer decision) has been regarded as a mistake, which doomed Nazi Germany.

"Icebreaker" by Russian military historian Viktor Suvarov exposes this picture as nonsense. This extensively researched piece of historical revisionism provides compelling evidence that Operation Barbarossa was a reluctant pre‑emptive strike against a massive Soviet military machine poised to invade not just Germany but the whole of Western Europe.

"Suvarov quotes top secret Soviet documents which make it crystal clear that Soviet military theory was based on offense and the conquest of territory "for the World Revolution." And this theoretical plan for offensive war was matched by practical preparations in every branch of the armed forces.

"In 1939 Adolf Hitler came into the war with a total of 3,195 tanks, fewer than the Kharkov Works in the "peace loving" Soviet Union was producing every six months on a "peace time" footing. The works produced the BT high speed tank, which was capable of 100 kmph and had a range of 700 km. Based on a design by the American tank genius J. W. Christie, these had their engines and transmission systems at the rear and were 25 years ahead of their time. By 1936, BT tanks were fording deep rivers under water and driving along river beds.

"On unmade roads the Mark BT operated (although not very effectively) on heavy tracks, but once on good roads, their tracks were discarded and the tanks raced ahead on wheels. The only real roads were to be found in western Europe, in particular the German autobahn network, for which the tanks were intended. The claim that Stalin's tanks were not ready for war is not true; they were not ready for a defensive war.

"The same applied to Soviet aircraft in both numbers and quality. Communist falsifiers in the post war period claimed that although the Soviet Union had many aircraft, they were inferior. In fact, the most heavily armed fighter in the world in 1939 was the Russian Polikarov I‑16. The type 17 had two synchronized 7.62 mm machine guns and two 20 mm cannons mounted on the wings, conferring a weight of fire twice that of the Messerschmitt 109E‑1, and nearly three times that of the Spitfire 1.

"Soviet aircraft builders created a plane, unique in the world, which had an armored fuselage. The IL‑2 was virtually a flying tank with extremely high powered weaponry, including eight rocket launchers. Soviet planes were the first in the world to use rockets in combat.

"The fatal weakness in this formidable air force was that none of its pilots had been trained for dogfights with enemy planes. The Soviet battle plan relied on a massive surprise attack to knock out the enemy air force on the ground in the first hour of the war. "By mid‑June 1941, in final preparation for such a blow, Stalin's planes themselves presented an ideal target, packed wingtip to wingtip on temporary airstrips immediately behind the front line, rather than dispersed several hundred miles to the rear ‑ as they would have been in preparation for a defensive war.

"Likewise, airborne assault troops are only useful to an aggressor. Countries concerned with defense need very few. Hitler had created only 4,000 paratroopers by 1939, but Stalin already had more than a million ‑ 200 times more than the rest of the world, including Germany, put together. There were 10 Corps, each supported by airborne artillery and even battalions of light amphibious tanks.

"Soviet engineers were also hoping to land hundreds, or even thousands of tanks in the west. Antonov, the aircraft designer, suggested that the ordinary tank be fitted with wings and a tail with its hull used as a framework. The tank crew controlled the flight by turning the turret and raising the barrel of the cannon! The entire construction was astonishingly simple. The risk of flying it were unusually great, but human life was cheap to Stalin. Just before landing the tank engine started up and the tracks revolved at maximum speed. The KT then landed on its tracks and gradually braked. Prototypes were actually flown but, like the millions of paratroopers, they were no use in the unexpected defensive war started by the German invasion.

"Once the paratroopers had seized key points and airfields, the Soviet plan then called for huge numbers of reinforcements to be flown in. As well as building massive numbers of C‑47 (Dakota) heavy transport planes under license from the U.S. government, Stalin ordered a huge glider building program. The ten different designs included Antonov's multi‑seater assault glider ‑ the A‑7 and the KZ‑20, which could carry 20 soldiers.

"The human cost of this extravagant expansion was horrific. Having sold Russia's artistic treasures and vast reserves of gold, platinum and diamonds, the Bolsheviks began their notorious collectivization program. The peasants were driven by force into collective farms so that crops could be taken from them without payment. Ten to sixteen million died from collectivization and the resulting famine, compared with 2.5 million Russians in World War I. Yet Stalin sold five million tons of grain abroad every year..."

"I am in need of a slogan. I am a great believer in the subconscious coming up with the perfect solution at the right time by finding precise words, and the slogan I need should say something like this, sharply put: "We have been lied to about everything else ‑ why should we not have been lied to about the nature of the Hitler mission when he took on the Soviet horror in 1941?"

"I think that a slogan would go a long way as a shortcut to shedding more light and less heat overall. These days, the mood in America is so corrosive and suspicious of the Hidden Hand that people are perfectly capable of recognizing and, hence, loathing media and government dripping duplicity about most anything ‑ but try to tell them that maybe, just maybe, Adolf Hitler was not the monstrous dictator who walked knee‑deep in blood ‑ but was, in fact, a moral military leader of almost mythical dimensions ‑ and watch an otherwise perfectly normal and reasonable person's mind snap shut and stay shut like an oyster.

"But small beginnings, nonetheless, are there. This morning I found in my mailbox the following, written by one enthusiastic newsgroup warrior maddened by the unctuous Nizkorites, their bloated falsity and shallow explanations of what was really happening in World War II: "This holocaust thing is the smallest part of the issue ‑ it is the generally false condemnation of Germany for everything. We have plenty of accepted facts showing that is nonsense. (W)e can...start posts with lines like "People used to believe the war propaganda that Germany started the war ..." while drawing the noose around this holocaust thing. With patience, there will be no room left for this holocaust thing to run when all the rest around it is has been accepted as false." He is so right! So absolutely on the money!

"With that as a backdrop, here is Part II of �14 Days That Saved the World,' an essay by Paul Ballard that summarizes what Adolf Hitler saw, and what he did, in the long summer days of 1941 while Stalin was amassing and positioning a huge offensive assault force along the western borders to treat Europe to a New World Order: "Some of the (Ukrainian grain) money was spent on the thirteen fortified regions which were built along the Soviet Union's western frontier, in a strip of territory unofficially called the Stalin Line. A complex system of combat and supply installations, armored and built of concrete, was constructed along the 30 ‑ 50 km deep zone; there were also reinforced underground premises to serve as storage depots and command posts.

"The fortified regions were built with enormous effort and vast expense during the first two Five Year plans. In 1938 it was decided to reinforce each region by building heavy artillery carponiers. More than a thousand combat installations a year were concreted into the region.

"In 1939 the Molotov‑Ribbentrop pact was signed. Once Poland had been partitioned, there was no longer a neutral buffer zone. Stalin could have ordered the garrisons on the line to be strengthened and additional belts of fortified zones could have been constructed behind and in front of the existing line. But in fact the existing fortified regions were dismantled. Some military buildings were handed over to collective farms for vegetable storage, but most were buried or dismantled. In the spring of 1941 powerful explosions thundered along the 1200 km line as armored firing positions were blown up.

"The reason was simple: Stalin had decided to spread Bolshevism westwards, and the belt of fortifications would have blocked supply routes, creating dangerous bottlenecks for the millions of tons of ammunition, food supplies and fuel needed for the offensive.

"Only a week after the Molotov‑Ribbentrop Pact was signed, Stalin played his first dirty trick. Hitler began the war with Poland as they had agreed, but Stalin stated that he was not yet ready.

"Hitler found himself on his own, and immediately at war with France and Britain as well. Meanwhile, Stalin marked the conclusion of this "non‑aggression" treaty by introducing military service.

"A new �defensive' line was started in partitioned Poland, but although constructed very slowly and visibly, it remained a comparatively light and uncompleted series of fortifications. Mines were removed from the vicinity of bridges, and mile after mile of barbed wire was cut. Unnecessary bridges across rivers on the new frontier remained intact, and later greatly aided the German advance. In the spring of 1941, the Germans began similar preparations. Both sides erected offensive fortifications. Before launching an attack, great masses of troops would have to be concentrated in very narrow sectors, German troops in the Suwalki and Lyublin salients, and Soviet troops in the area of Lvov and Bialystok. In order to assemble these shock groupings, the secondary sectors were denuded of troops ‑ the lightweight fortifications prevented them from being completely exposed.

"By 1941, as the last obstacles to the Red advance were removed, the Soviet Union possessed thirty separate armies, the largest military force the world had seen, and one which could not be maintained for long without mass starvation. The plundering of neighboring countries would have been the only means of paying for and justifying the existence of such a force.

"Many of the best armies were not deployed to fight the Germans, but to invade virtually defenseless neutral states, as Stalin had already done throughout eastern Europe. The 9th army was concentrated on the frontier with Rumania; an assault crossing of the Danube was planned by its 14th Rifle Corps. The 12th and 18th "mountain armies" were positioned to move southwest along the Carpathian mountains to cut Germany off from the Ploesti oilfield in Rumania, and west into Czechoslovakia, which would enable Stalin to cut the Rumania‑Germany oil pipeline. Without this irreplaceable Rumanian oil, the tanks, lorries, submarines, battleships and planes which were massed far away in the west would simply grind to a halt.

"The seven armies in the Second Strategic Echelon included many thousands of men who had been released from concentration camps that spring to expiate their �guilt' by fighting for the Soviets. The generals and officers were also usually former political prisoners and were desperate to prove their worth. Their lives and those of their families were at stake. They were known as the "Black Divisions" because many still wore their black Gulag uniforms. The most powerful of the Second Echelon armies was the 19th, which was transferred from the North Caucasus to approximately 150 km north of the Black Sea. It contained mountain rifle divisions which could only be used in Rumania. They were making their way to the frontier when Germany invaded.

"They were not alone. In the final preparations for the attack on the West, millions of soldiers were still heading for the front in trains. Very often their ammunition and heavy weapons were being transported separately. Huge supply dumps were stockpiled just a few miles from the German lines. Most of the air force was similarly exposed.

"For a few critical days, Stalin's mighty invasion machine was incapable of defending itself. Stalin believed he had convinced Hitler that the Soviet Union was truly neutral and assumed the Germans were busy finalizing an invasion of Britain. Hitler's conquests had created an unprecedented situation in Poland, Czechoslovakia, Denmark, Norway, Belgium, Holland, Luxembourg, Yugoslavia, France, Greece and Albania. Their armies, governments, parliaments and political parties had been destroyed. Stalin's huge armies were in an ideal position to take over Europe, but Hitler guessed Stalin's design so that even in 1945 the Soviets got only half of Europe, and some territory in Asia.

"At a Politburo meeting on 21st June 1941 G.R.U. (Military Intelligence) chief general Golikov reported that there was a massive concentration of the German air force on the Soviet border, enormous reserves of ammunition and a regrouping of German forces. He even knew the name of the operation ‑ Barbarossa."

"Just think about it and give credit where credit is due: Had it not been for �Barbarossa,' you might not be alive today. The Bolshevik torture chambers and death pits which would claim millions of victims in the enslaved nations of the East would have spread throughout the West as well. This ghoul called �New World Order,' now looming to swallow and spit out your children, was in the wings already in 1941, poised to unleash itself on Christianity.

"Much of the content below is based on the 1984 Victor Suvorow book with the English title "The Icebreaker: Who Really Started World War II" as summarized in an insightful essay by Paul Ballard: "Stalin at first refused to believe what was happening. He had established a sophisticated intelligence network to give him long advance warning of a decision by Hitler to wage war in the frozen wastes of Russia.

"His key indicators were breathtakingly simple. For an army to survive the winter, every man would have to possess a thick sheepskin greatcoat. Soviet agents therefore kept a close watch for a sudden rise in the demand for sheepskins and a fall in the price of mutton as slaughtering was stepped up.

"Meanwhile, other agents scoured rifle ranges for scraps of cloth used by German soldiers to clean their weapons. Soviet chemists then analyzed them in order to find out whether the Germans had developed a gun oil which would not freeze in the harsh weather.

"There was still no sign of such an oil ‑ or a non‑freezing diesel engine oil ‑ in June 1941, so Stalin was convinced that Hitler had no intention of attacking him. Hitler would have his forces concentrated in France, or even fighting in England, as the Red Army cut off their only source of fuel, crashed into the virtually undefended Reich and then "liberated" the whole of western Europe.

"Hitler, of course, had not ordered such preparations because he had not planned on a war against Russia. Only in the spring of 1941 did intelligence reports of troop concentrations and Soviet moves to cut Germany's oil lifeline with Rumania force Hitler to take the desperate chance of opening a second front with a hasty pre‑emptive strike.

"Initially, at least, the gamble paid off. Caught in transit or crammed together in their own start‑off positions, whole Soviet Armies were annihilated. Most of the air force was destroyed on the ground. The thousands of lightly armored assault tanks were virtually helpless; forced to operate in the roadless wastes of Russia, they were easily outmaneuvered by the Germans' conventional cross‑country tanks.

"All this makes �Icebreaker' the definitive account of the build‑up to Operation Groza (�Thunderstorm'), the Soviet conquest of Europe scheduled to begin early in the morning of Sunday 6th July 1941. Suvorov's revelations about the massive expansion of the NKVD ‑ blood‑soaked forerunner of the KGB ‑ are particularly chilling, as these killers would have moved in behind the assault troops to liquidate "class enemies." The Bolshevik (Jewish) torture chambers and death pits which claimed millions of victims in the enslaved nations of the East would have spread throughout the West as well. With Germany and France under the Soviet jackboot, Italy and Spain would quickly have fallen, too. And Stalin's one million paratroopers would have made short work of seizing the airfields of southern England to clear the way for a full‑scale invasion.

"Lenin and his pupil Stalin never made any secret of their desire for a second World War to establish a Communist Europe. For the fact that this monstrous plan failed, the democrats, simpering priests and court historians have no one to thank but Adolf Hitler. Without the man they love to hate, they would have been first against the wall. The Nazi command succeeded in forestalling our troops literally two weeks before the war began." (General S. P. Ivanov, Chief of the General Staff Academy of the Armed Forces of the USSR, 1974)

Attorney Leon Cooke, friend of Jack Ruby and financial secretary of the union which employed Ruby, killed by union president Jack Martin; union subsequently taken over by Mafia. League of Nations suspended. Germany invades Poland; World War II begins. CFR offers it services to U.S. State Dept. Interpol grouped with Gestapo. Amateur radio astronomer Grote Reber receives dot‑dash signal from space. Attempted assassination of Hitler.

The Jewish Communist Government, under Stalin's rule, was so shaky that the Russian Army was on the verge of being defeated by tiny Finland; one of America's most staunch friends. With the diversion of just a tiny fraction of the millions of tons of war equipment being shipped to Europe daily, could have saved Finland and dealt a severe blow to Stalin and a death blow to Communism.

But due to the efforts of Roosevelt no supplies reached them. Then just two years later, when Hitler and the German Army had cleared Eastern Europe of the Bolshevik plague; accepted the eager surrender of millions of Russian soldiers; was knocking at the door of Moscow Russia's Communist rule was once again on the verge of collapse.

Then America, at the cost of thousands of dead and wounded American troops, through orders of the Jewish President Roosevelt, in an unheard of frenzy, fused billions in military aid to Russia: which saved Stalin and with one monstrous Satanic Act, saved the entire Communist World offensive from extinction.

Germany annexes Czechoslovakia; Franco captures Madrid, and Spanish Civil War ends; Italy invades Albania; Germany invades Poland, triggering World War II; Russo‑Finnish War ends in defeat of Finland.

"The millions of Jews who live in America, England and France, North and South Africa, and, not to forget those in Palestine, are determined to bring the war of annihilation against Germany to its final end." (The Jewish newspaper, Central Blad Voor Israeliten in Nederland, September 13, 1939)

"Daily Herald" Nr 7450/39 All the world's Jews see the coming war as a Holy war!

The United States refuses to admit German Jewish refugees aboard the St. Louis. Had the Jews refused his offer for peace?

The British government issues a White Paper limiting Jewish immigration to Palestine to 75. Had they learned that the Jews were planning to build an Atomic Bomb in Russia, too? Russia also has been gearing‑up for world war.

At the twenty‑first Zionist Congress in Vienna, the Jewish Agency sanctions illegal immigration to Palestine. ("We'll do it anyhow!")

France joins Britain in issuing their "guarantee" of the Polish Government after receiving promises of American Support. A representative of the Grand Orient meets with the United States Ambassador to France, William C. Bullitt, and they agree that there is to be no international effort to resolve the humanitarian crisis in the Danzig Corridor. A Polish campaign of violent "ethnic cleansing" is underway to drive more than 2 million German people out from their homelands in East Prussia and Pommerania. 200,000 ethnic Germans are slaughtered.

William Bullitt is sent as Ambassador to Poland, supported by Secretary of State Cordell Hull, where he informs the Poles that the United States will support them only if they maintain their hard‑line policy against Germany. The promise of Anglo‑American support is reiterated by Joseph Kennedy, the U.S. Ambassador to Britain, in a private letter to the Polish Ambassador.

Of this period, Winston Churchill is later to write,

"It was the Americans (through the agency of Ambassador Joseph Kennedy) who were pushing Great Britain to war."

World War II begins in Europe, lasting until 1945.

The Belgian Congo is the world's largest source of uranium. Einstein drafts a letter to the Belgian government, which Szilard and Wigner intend to forward via the U.S. State Department. At the instigation of Lewis Strauss, Alexander Sachs, a member of the Lehman Brothers banking house and also of the White House "Brains Trust," is chosen to go directly to Franklin Roosevelt. The President is informed of the atomic bomb project on October 11.

Centralblad Voor Israeliten in Nederland Millions of Jews in America, England, France, Africa Palestine are determined to carry out war until Germany is totally destroyed (vernichtet)

September 3, Neville Chamberlain."The Americans and world Jewry have forced me into this war."

September 6, Chaim Weizmann on behalf of International Jewry, makes a second Declaration of war against Germany and promises the Allies Jewish support.

September Britain declares war on Germany, followed within hours by France.

"At once the veil falls," comments Dr. von Leers. "F.D.R'S father married Sarah Delano; and it becomes clear Schmalix [genealogist] writes: �In the seventh generation we see the mother of Franklin Delano Roosevelt as being of Jewish descent. The Delanos are descendants of an Italian or Spanish Jewish family ‑‑ Dilano, Dilan, Dillano.

"The Jew Delano drafted an agreement with the West Indian Co., in 1657 regarding the colonization of the island of Curacao. About this the directors of the West Indies Co., had correspondence with the Governor of New Holland.

"In 1624 numerous Jews had settled in North Brazil, which was under Dutch Dominion. The old German traveler Uienhoff, who was in Brazil between 1640 and 1649, reports: �Among the Jewish settlers the greatest number had emigrated from Holland.'

"The reputation of the Jews was so bad that the Dutch Governor Stuyvesant (1655) demand that their immigration be prohibited in the newly founded colony of New Amsterdam (New York). It would be interesting to investigate whether the Family Delano belonged to these Jews whom the Dutch Governor did not want.

"It is known that the Sephardic Jewish families which came from Spain and Portugal always intermarried; and the assumption exists that the Family Delano, despite (so‑called) Christian‑ confession, remained purely Jewish so far as race is concerned.

"What results? The mother of the late President Roosevelt was a Delano. According to Jewish Law (Schulchan Aruk, Ebenaezer IV) the woman is the bearer of the heredity. That means: children of a full‑blooded Jewess and a Christian are, according to Jewish Law, Jews. It is probable that the Family Delano kept the Jewish blood clean, and that the late President Roosevelt, according to Jewish Law, was a blooded Jew even if one assumes that the father of the late President was Aryan. "We can now understand why Jewish associations call him the �New Moses;' why he gets Jewish medals; highest order of the Jewish people. For every Jew who is acquainted with the law, he is evidently one of them." (Hakenkreuzbanner, May 14, 1939, Prof. Dr. Johann von Leers of Berlin‑Dahlem, Germany)

"It being true that the Delanos are well‑known Jews from the Netherlands, President Roosevelt is, from the standpoint of Jewish Heredity Law, as good a Jew as Bernard M. Baruch." (Letter of May 14, 1939, by Dr. von Leers)

"We are neither German, English or French. We are Jews and your Christian mentality is not our." (Max Nordrow, a German Zionist Leader, in The Jewish World)

In an address by John Foster Dulles, later U.S. Secretary of State, he proposes that America lead the transition to a new order of less independent, semi‑sovereign states bound together by a league or federal union.

New World Order by H. G. Wells proposes a collectivist one‑world state"' or "new world order" comprised of "socialist democracies." He advocates "universal conscription for service" and declares that "nationalist the world's disease."

He continues: "The manifest necessity for some collective world control to eliminate warfare and the less generally admitted necessity for a collective control of the economic and biological life of mankind, are aspects of one and the same process." He proposes that this be accomplished through "universal law" and propaganda (or education)."

World War II was fought from 1939 to 1945 with the U.S. joining in 1941. The 1920s and 1930s had seen Japan becoming more and more of an industrial, military power while in Germany the rise to power of Adolph Hitler had seen the increasing power and land grabs by Germany. Britain's Prime Minister, Chamberlain, had tried to prevent by way a policy of appeasement feeling that Hitler would be satisfied once he was given what he wanted. It soon became apparent that nothing sort of the total control of Europe and Russia would satisfy Hitler, and this the Jews could not have.

In the Pacific Japan had invaded Manchuria and had been fighting against China to increase its' power in the region. Japan wanted to establish the "Asian Prosperity Sphere" where it would effectively control the Asian continent and Pacific. When Germany (and Russia) attacked Poland in 1939 Britain declared war on Germany. The resulting declarations of war resulted in Britain, France, Poland, Russia as the Allies with Japan, Germany and Italy on the other side as the Axis. When Japan attacked Pearl Harbor in 1941 (at the instigation of the Jewish President Franklin D. Roosevelt) the U.S. entered the war on the side of the allies.

Germany (and Russia) invades Poland; War is declared; Battle of the Atlantic begins; 1940: Germany invades Denmark, Norway, France, Luxemburg, Belgium and the Netherlands; Paris falls to Germany; Battle of Britain begins; Italy invades Egypt; British begin desert offensive in North Africa; 1941: Greece falls to Germany; Germany attacks the Soviet Union; Siege of Leningrad: German attack on Moscow fails; Japan bombs Pearl Harbor, U.S. enters the war on the side of the Allies; Fall of Singapore to Japan; 1942: 1st Battle of El Alamein; Battle of Stalingrad; Battle of the Barents Sea; Battle of Midway; 1943: Germans surrender at Stalingrad; German forces surrender in North Africa; Battle of Kiev; 1944: Leningrad relieved of its siege; Germany surrenders in the Crimes; Pacific "island‑hopping' A campaign; Rome falls to U.S. troops; Paris liberated by Allied troops; D‑Day: Allied Invasion of France; allied advances in Europe; Battle of the Bulge; Battle of Levte Gulf; Battle of Iwo Jima; 1945: Soviet troops capture Warsaw; Auschwitz liberated by Soviets; Dresden destroy by Allies; Allies cross the Rhine; Hitler commits suicide, Berlin falls; Germany Surrenders; Atomic bombs dropped on Japan; Japan Surrenders.

This is the official version whereas the real and true version is quite different, and follows.

1st Sept 1939 Midnight, Poland Declares war on Germany. Radio Warsaw claims that Polish troops would be in Berlin by the end of the week. (Poland had 40 Infantry Divisions up against 35 German divisions and were on home ground). 5 hours later Hitler moved his troops into Poland.

3rd Sept. Gt Britain and France Declare war on Germany. Polish Militia slaughter 5,700 German civilians in Bromberg. 6th Sept 1939 Chaim Weizmann, Head of the Jewish Agency for Palestine officially joins the Allies in the war.

So if we add up we have Two Jewish Declarations of war; Gt Britain & The British Commonwealth, France and Poland declare war on Germany and then they have the nerve to say Hitler started the war, Hitler wasn't even in power when they decided to control Germany!


Father Coughlin is forced off the radio, but still publishes his newsletter.

The Jewish underground army, the Haganah, sink the ship SS Patria, killing 250 Jewish immigrants and 17 others, to gain sympathy for Jews being denied entry into British‑run Palestine.

Japan, an anti‑Communist country, pushes into Indo‑China. The part‑Jewish Roosevelt complains, but, strangely, does not condemn his buddy Stalin's oppression of millions of people in Russia.

Over the next 10 years, Meyer Lansky and Benjamin "Bugsy" Siegel successfully launder their bootlegging money through building a chain of hotels and casinos: early projects are Hot Springs, Arkansas, and Florida's Gold Coast. They also payoff the Batista regime and set up shop in Havana.

FDR ordered the fleet transferred from the West Coast to its exposed position in Hawaii and ordered the fleet remain stationed at Pearl Harbor over complaints by its commander Admiral Richardson that there was inadequate protection from air attack and no protection from torpedo attack. Richardson felt so strongly that he twice disobeyed orders to berth his fleet there and he raised the issue personally with FDR in October and he was soon after replaced. His successor, Admiral Kimmel, also brought up the same issues with FDR in June 1941.

Pearl Harbor, the event that galvanized the previously isolationist American public to enter World War II. WWII Pacific Theater veteran Robert B. Stinnett has recently written Day of Deceit, published by Touchstone Books, 2000, in which he details from previously unreleased military and government documents that we had broken the Japanese codes in early 1940. FDR had tried desperately to get the U.S., into the war in Europe without success ...the American people were once again taking an isolationist view, and nothing short of a major event would cause them to consider fighting in another World War. FDR used an eight‑point plan developed by Lt. Cdr. Arthur McCollum to provoke the Japanese into attacking our assets in the Pacific, assets that were moved into place from 1940 to just before the attack on Pearl Harbor. Using the information supplied from the broken codes, FDR was able to anticipate the Japanese moves in the Pacific, and was fully aware of the plans to attack the U.S. fleet at Pearl Harbor. This fleet had originally been based on the U. S. West Coast and was moved to Pearl Harbor over the objections of Admiral Richardson, the commander of that fleet. Because Japan was allied with Germany and Italy, any attack by Japan on U. S. assets in the Pacific would warrant a declaration of war against Japan, one that would also involve us in the war in Europe, which had been FDR's primary objective all along. It was also well‑known among the leaders of major U. S. business interests that getting into another war would be good for those U. S. business interests, during and after the completion of the war ... FDR knew that he could count on their support. The Bush, Walker, and Harriman families were among those that profited, along with Ford, General Motors, and IBM to name but a very few major U. S. corporations that did quite well financially.

At the beginning of World War II, Franklin D. Roosevelt, along with his Jewish advisors came to the aid of the Soviet Union once again, which was a much greater threat to our safety than the Nazis could ever have become. During the war we sent them over $11‑billion in Lend Lease at a time American men and boys were dying in the Pacific for lack of supplies, because our available ships were transporting some of these war materials to the Soviet Union. The Soviets never returned the "Liberty" ships we loaned them to ship much of this material in.

Newfoundland, Bermuda, St. Lucia, Bahamas, Jamaica, Antigua, Trinidad and British Guiana. Troops were sent to guard air and naval bases obtained by negotiation with Great Britain. These were sometimes called the lend‑lease bases.

Germany invades France, Belgium, Denmark, and Norway; Battle of Britain prevents German invasion of England; Japan joins Berlin‑Rome Axis; Italy invades Greece and joins war against England and France.

"Even if we Jews are not bodily with you in the trenches, we are nevertheless morally with you. This is OUR WAR, and you are fighting it for us." (Les Nouvelles Litteraires, February 10, 1940)

"Use the courts, use the judges, use the constitution of the country, use its medical societies and its laws to further our ends. Do not stint in your labor in this direction. And when you have succeeded you will discover that you can now effect your own legislation at will and you can, by careful organization, by constant campaigns about the terrors of society, by pretense as to your effectiveness, make the capitalist himself, by his own appropriation, finance a large portion of the quiet Communist conquest of that nation." (Address of the Jew Laventria Beria, The Communist Textbook on Psychopolitics, page 8)

The New World Order is published by the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace and contains a select list of references on regional and world federation, together with some special plans for world order after the war.

October 7, 1940 ‑ Navy IQ analyst McCollum wrote an 8 point memo on how to force Japan into war with US. Beginning� the next day FDR began to put them into effect and all 8 were eventually accomplished.

November 11, 1940 ‑ 21 aged British planes destroyed the Italian fleet, including 3 battleships, at their home port in the harbor of Taranto in Southern Italy by using technically innovative shallow‑draft torpedoes.

December 12, 1940: In The Congressional Record an article entitled A New World Order John G. Alexander calls for a world federation.

1940's: In a crash program to develop new drugs to fight Malaria during World War II, doctors in the Chicago area infected nearly 400 prisoners with the disease. Although the Chicago inmates were given general information that they were helping with the war effort, they were not provided adequate information in accordance with the later standards set by the Nuremberg War Crimes Tribunal. Nazi doctors on trial at Nuremberg cited the Chicago studies as precedents to defend their own behavior in aiding the German war effort.

Four hundred prisoners in Chicago are infected with Malaria in order to study the effects of new and experimental drugs to combat the disease. Nazi doctors later on trial at Nuremberg cite this American study to defend their own actions during the Holocaust.


January 27, 1941: Dr. Ricardo Shreiber, the Peruvian envoy in Tokyo told Max Bishop, third secretary of the US embassy that he had just learned from his intelligence sources that there was a war plan involving a surprise attack on Pearl Harbor. This information was sent to the State Department and Naval Intelligence and to Admiral Kimmel at Hawaii.

February 11, 1941: FDR proposed sacrificing 6 cruisers and 2 carriers at Manila to get into war. Navy Chief Stark objected: "I have previously opposed this and you have concurred as to its unwisdom. Particularly do I recall your remark in a previous conference when Mr. Hull suggested (more forces to Manila) and the question arose as to getting them out and your 100% reply, from my standpoint, was that you might not mind losing one or two cruisers, but that you did not want to take a chance on losing 5 or 6." (Charles Beard PRESIDENT ROOSEVELT AND THE COMING OF WAR 1941, p 424)

March 1941: FDR sold munitions and convoyed them to belligerents in Europe ‑‑ both acts of war and both violations of international law; the Lend‑Lease Act.

March 31, 1941: A Navy report by Bellinger and Martin predicted that if Japan made war on the US, they would strike Pearl Harbor without warning at dawn with aircraft from a maximum of 6 carriers. For years Navy planners had assumed that Japan, on the outbreak of war, would strike the American fleet wherever it was. The fleet was the only threat to Japan's plans. Logically, Japan couldn't engage in any major operation with the American fleet on its flank. The strategic options for the Japanese were not unlimited.

May 10, 1941: Rudolf Hess flies to Great Britain as an ambassador of peace, is captured, and is locked away in prison until the day he dies.

Roosevelt orders Japanese assets in the U.S. to be frozen, largely because Japan is friendly with Germany, the ultimate sin to the part‑Jewish, almost‑Marxist Roosevelt. He is warned that Japan will consider this an act of war. They do, and later bomb Pearl Harbor Naval Base in Hawaii.

Roosevelt and Churchill sign the Atlantic Charter, pledging to spread democratic values(!). Check out these WWII Allied recruiting signs. Uncle Sam, a Red Army Soldier and John Bull POINTING out to YOU to serve THEIR country. Here we see a visual alliance between USA/Soviet/Britain against you‑know‑who. As the pictures are small, notice the following about the signs: the prominence of RED in all three posters; Sam and the Soldier both share the five‑pointed star; Sam and John are both wearing Top Hats (a symbol of monetary wealth?); all of them highlight the word "YOU," as if the same artist designed all three signs.

U.S. "officially" enters WWII, siding with the already‑mass‑murdering Communist Soviet Union.

Meyer Lansky and "Bugsy" Siegel organize the Nevada Projects Corporation and sell shares to other veteran Jewish mobsters to build the City of Las Vegas. The Lansky group becomes the premier organized crime syndicate in the world. It was not until 1972 that the IRS indicts the Lansky group for tax evasion, and they all skipped bail and went to Israel. Lansky later returned to the United States and beat the charges, living out his days peacefully in Florida.

On June 3rd, 83% of the American population is against entering World War II. Six months later, Roosevelt asks Congress to declare war.

June 23, 1941: Advisor Harold Ickes wrote FDR a memo the day after Germany invaded the Soviet Union, "There might develop from the embargoing of oil to Japan such a situation as would make it not only possible but easy to get into this war in an effective way. And if we should thus indirectly be brought in, we would avoid the criticism that we had gone in as an ally of communistic Russia."

July: The US Military Attache in Mexico forwarded a report that the Japanese were constructing special small submarines for attacking the American fleet in Pearl Harbor, and that a training program then under way included towing them from Japan to positions off the Hawaiian Islands, where they practiced surfacing and submerging.

July 10: US Military Attache Smith‑Hutton at Tokyo reported Japanese Navy secretly practicing aircraft torpedo attacks against capital ships in Ariake Bay. The bay closely resembles Pearl Harbor.

FDR was pleased with Admiral Richmond Turner's report read July 22: "It is generally believed that shutting off the American supply of petroleum will lead promptly to the invasion of Netherland East seems certain she would also include military action against the Philippine Islands, which would immediately involve us in a Pacific war."

Netherlands {Dutch Guiana}. In November the President ordered American troops to occupy Dutch Guiana, by agreement with the Netherlands Government in exile, while Brazil co‑operated to protect aluminum ore supplies from the bauxite mines in Surinam.

FDR delivers "Four Freedoms" speech ‑ (January 6), and the Atlantic Conference (August 14), embody the idea of disarming sovereign nations under international authority. Declaration of War on Japan (December 8); Declaration of War on Germany (December 11).

Germany. Sometime in early spring of 1941, the President ordered the Navy to patrol the shipping lanes to Europe. By July U.S. warships were convoying Allied ships and by September were "Attacking" German Submarines. This was done with no authorization of Congress or Declaration of War. In November, the Neutrality Act was partly repealed to protect and allow military aid to Russia and Britain.

On July 24: FDR told the Volunteer Participation Committee, "If we had cut off the oil off, they probably would have gone down to the Dutch East Indies a year ago, and you would have had war." The next day FDR froze all Japanese assets in US cutting off their main supply of oil and forcing them into war with the US. Intelligence information was withheld from Hawaii from this point forward.

August 10, 1941: The top British agent, code named "Tricycle," Dusko Popov, told the FBI of the planned attack on Pearl Harbor and that it would be soon. The FBI told him that his information was "too precise, too complete to be believed. The questionnaire plus the other information you brought spell out in detail exactly where, when, how, and by whom we are to be attacked. If anything, it sounds like a trap." He also reported that a senior Japanese naval person had gone to Taranto to collect all secret data on the attack there and that it was of utmost importance to them. The info was given to Naval IQ.� Early in the Fall, Kilsoo Haan, an agent for the Sino‑Korean People's League, told Eric Severeid of CBS that the Korean underground in Korea and Japan had positive proof that the Japanese were going to attack Pearl Harbor before Christmas. Among other things, one Korean had actually seen the plans. In late October, Haan finally convinced US Senator Guy Gillette that the Japanese were planning to attack in December or January. Gillette alerted the State Department, Army and Navy Intelligence and FDR personally.

August 14: At the Atlantic Conference, Churchill noted the "astonishing depth of Roosevelt's intense desire for war." Churchill cabled his cabinet "(FDR) obviously was very determined that they should come in."

September 24, 1941, the " bomb plot" message in J‑19 code from Japan Naval Intelligence to Japan' s consul general in Honolulu requesting grid of exact locations of ships pinpointed for the benefit of bombardiers and torpedo pilots was deciphered. There was no reason to know the EXACT location of ships in harbor, unless to attack them ‑ it was a dead giveaway. Chief of War Plans Turner and Chief of Naval Operations Stark repeatedly kept it and warnings based on it prepared by Safford and others from being passed to Hawaii. The chief of Naval Intelligence Captain Kirk was replaced because he insisted on warning HI. It was lack of information like this that lead to the exoneration of the Hawaii commanders and the blaming of Washington for unpreparedness for the attack by the Army Board and Navy Court. At no time did the Japanese ever ask for a similar bomb plot for any other American military installation. Why the Roosevelt administration allowed flagrant Japanese spying on PH has never been explained, but they blocked 2 Congressional investigations in the fall of 1941 to allow it to continue. The bomb plots were addressed to "Chief of 3rd Bureau, Naval General Staff", marked Secret Intelligence message, and given special serial numbers, so their significance couldn't be missed. There were about 95 ships in port. The text was:

Strictly secret. "Henceforth, we would like to have you make reports concerning vessels along the following lines insofar as possible:

"1). The waters (of Pearl Harbor) are to be divided roughly into five subareas (We have no objections to your abbreviating as much as you like.)

"Area A. Waters between Ford Island and the Arsenal.

"Area B. Waters adjacent to the Island south and west of Ford Island. (This area is on the opposite side of the Island from Area A.)

"Area C. East Loch.

"Area D. Middle Loch.

"Area E. West Loch and the communication water routes.

"2). With regard to warships and aircraft carriers, we would like to have you report on those at anchor (these are not so important) tied up at wharves, buoys and in docks. (Designate types and classes briefly. If possible we would like to have you make mention of the fact when there are two or more vessels along side the same wharf.)"

�Simple traffic analysis of the accelerated frequency of messages from various Japanese consuls gave a another identification of war preparations, from Aug‑Dec there were 6 messages from Seattle, 18 from Panama, 55 from Manila and 68 from Hawaii.�� Soviet top spy Richard Sorge, the greatest spy in history, informed Kremlin that Pearl Harbor would be attacked within 60 days. Moscow informed him that this was passed to the US. Interestingly, all references to Pearl Harbor in the War Department's copy of Sorge's 32,000 word confession to the Japanese were deleted. (NY Daily News, 17 May 1951)

October 16: FDR grossly humiliated Japan's Ambassador and refused to meet with Premier Konoye to engineer the war party, lead by General Tojo, into power in Japan.

October 18: Diary entry by Secretary of Interior Harold Ickes: "For a long time I have believed that our best entrance into the war would be by way of Japan."

November 1: JN‑25 Order to continue drills against anchored capital ships to prepare to "ambush and completely destroy the US enemy." The message included references to armor‑piercing bombs and 'near surface torpedoes.'

November 13: The German Ambassador to US, Dr. Thomsen an anti‑Nazi, told US IQ that Pearl Harbor would be attacked.

November 14: Japanese Merchant Marine was alerted that wartime recognition signals would be in effect December 1.

November 22: Tokyo said to Ambassador Nomura in Washington about extending the deadline for negotiations.

On November 18, the Pearl Harbor tragedy was invited when Hull rejected the Prime Minister of Japan's sincere and humble request to meet personally with President Roosevelt and discuss and adjust the problems confronting the two nations in a mutually satisfactory manner. December 4, 5, 6, Army intelligence and the United States Navy cipher experts intercepted Japanese code messages that plainly revealed the very time Japan would strike Pearl Harbor! (Saga of Hog Island)

November 29: "...this time we mean it, that the deadline absolutely cannot be changed. After that things are automatically going to happen."� CIA Director Allen Dulles told people that US was warned in mid‑November that the Japanese Fleet had sailed east past Tokyo Bay and was going to attack Pearl Harbor. CIA FOIA

November 23: JN25 order ‑ "The first air attack has been set for 0330 hours on X‑day." (Tokyo time or 8 A.M. Honolulu time)

November 25: British decrypted the Winds setup message sent Nov. 19. The US decoded it Nov. 28. It was a J‑19 Code message that there would be an attack and that the signal would come over Radio Tokyo as a weather report ‑ rain meaning war, east (Higashi) meaning US.� Secretary of War Stimson noted in his diary "FDR stated that we were likely to be attacked perhaps as soon as next Monday." FDR asked: "the question was how we should maneuver them into the position of firing the first shot without too much danger to ourselves. In spite of the risk involved, however, in letting the Japanese fire the first shot, we realized that in order to have the full support of the American people it was desirable to make sure that the Japanese be the ones to do this so that there should remain no doubt in anyone's mind as to who were the aggressors." Navy Department ordered all US trans‑Pacific shipping to take the southern route. PHH 12:317 ADM Turner testified "We sent the traffic down to the Torres Straight, so that the track of the Japanese task force would be clear of any traffic." PHH 4:1942

Yamamoto radioed this order in JN‑25: " (a) The task force, keeping its movements strictly secret and maintaining close guard against submarines and aircraft, shall advance into Hawaiian waters and upon the very opening of hostilities, shall attack the main force of the United States Fleet in Hawaii and deal it a mortal blow. The raid is planned for dawn on X‑day; exact date to be given by later order. (b) Should the negotiations with the US prove successful, the task force shall hold itself in readiness forthwith to return and reassemble. (c) The task force will move out of Hitokappu Wan on the morning of 26 November and advance to the standing‑by position on the afternoon of 4 December and speedily complete refueling." (Order to sail ‑ scan from the PHA Congressional Hearings Report, vol 1 p 180, transcript p 437‑8) This was decoded by the British on November 25 and the Dutch on November 27. When it was decoded by the US is a national secret, however, on November 26 Naval Intelligence reported the concentration of units of the Japanese fleet at an unknown port ready for offensive action.

November 26, 3 A.M.: Churchill sent an urgent secret message to FDR, probably containing above message. This message� caused the greatest agitation in DC. Of Churchill's voluminous correspondence with FDR, this is the only message that has not been released (on the grounds that it would damage national security). Stark testified that "On November 26 there was received specific evidence of the Japanese intention to wage offensive war against Great Britain and the United States." C.I.A. Director William Casey, who was in the OSS in 1941, in his book THE SECRET WAR AGAINST HITLER, p 7, wrote "The British had sent word that a Japanese fleet was steaming east toward Hawaii."

Washington, in an order of November 26 as a result of the "first shot" meeting the day before, ordered both US aircraft carriers, the Enterprise and the Lexington out of Pearl Harbor "as soon as practicable." This order included stripping Pearl of 50 planes or 40 percent of its already inadequate fighter protection. In response to Churchill's message, FDR secretly cabled him that afternoon ‑ "Negotiations off. Services expect action within two weeks." Note that the only way FDR could have linked negotiations with service action, let alone have known the timing of the action, was if he had the message to sail. In other words, the only service action contingent on negotiations was Pearl Harbor.

The "most fateful document " was Hull's ultimatum that Japan must withdraw from Indochina and all China. FDR's Ambassador to Japan called this "The document that touched the button that started the war."

November 27: Secretary of War Stimson sent a confused and confusing hostile action possible or DO‑DON'T warning. The Navy Court found this message directed attention away from Pearl Harbor, rather than toward it. One purpose of the message was to mislead HI into believing negotiations were continuing. The Army which could not do reconnaissance was ordered to and the Navy which could was ordered not to. The Army was ordered on sabotage alert, which specifically precluded attention to outside threat. Navy attention was misdirected 5000 miles from HI. DC repeated, no less than three times as a direct instruction of the President, "The US desires that Japan commit the first overt act Period."

It was unusual that FDR directed this warning, a routine matter, to Hawaii which is proof that he knew other warnings were not sent. A simple question‑‑what Japanese "overt act" was FDR expecting at Pearl Harbor? He ordered sabotage prevented and subs couldn't enter, that leaves air attack. The words "overt act" disclose FDR's intent ‑ not just that Japan be allowed to attack but that they inflict damage on the fleet. This FDR order to allow a Japanese attack was aid to the enemy ‑ explicit treason.

November 29: Hull sat in Layfayette Park across from the White House with ace United Press reporter Joe Leib and� showed him a message stating that Pearl Harbor would be attacked on December 7. This could well have been the Message from Churchill. The New York Times in its 12/8/41 PH report on page 13 under the headline "Attack Was Expected" stated the US had known that Pearl Harbor was going to be attacked the week before. Perhaps Leib wasn't the only reporter Hull told.� The FBI embassy tap made an intercept of an uncoded plain‑text Japanese telephone conversation in which an Embassy functionary (Kurusu) asked 'Tell me, what zero hour is. Otherwise, I won't be able to carry on diplomacy.' The voice from Tokyo (K. Yamamoto) said softly, 'Well then, I will tell you. Zero hour is December 8 (Tokyo time, i.e., December 7 US time) at Pearl Harbor.' (US Navy translation 29 Nov)

November 30: US Time (or 1 Dec. Tokyo time) ‑ The Japanese fleet was radioed this Imperial Naval Order (JN‑25): "JAPAN, UNDER THE NECESSITY OF HER SELF‑PRESERVATION AND SELF‑DEFENSE, HAS REACHED A POSITION TO DECLARE WAR ON THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA." (Congress Appendix D, p 415). US ally China also recovered it in plain text from a shot‑down Japanese Army plane near Canton that evening. This caused an emergency Imperial Conference because they knew the Chinese would give the information to GB and US. In a related J‑19 message the next day, the US translated elaborate instructions from Japan dealing in precise detail with the method of internment of American and British nationals in Asia "on the outbreak of war with England and the United States"

December 1: Office of Naval Intelligence, ONI, Twelfth Naval District in San Francisco found the missing Japanese fleet by correlating reports from the four wireless news services and several shipping companies that they were getting strange signals west of Hawaii. The Soviet Union also knew the exact location of the Japanese fleet because they asked the Japanese in advance to let one of their ships pass (Layton p 261). This info was most likely given to them by US because Sorge's spy ring was rolled up November 14. All long‑range PBY patrols from the Aleutians were ordered stopped on Dec 6 to prevent contact.� Foreign Minister Togo cabled Washington Ambassador Nomura to continue negotiations "to prevent the U.S. from becoming unduly suspicious."� The tanker Shiriya, which had been added to the Striking Force in an order intercepted Nov 14, radioed "proceeding to a position 30.00 N, 154.20 E. Expect to arrive at that point on 3 December." (near HI) The fact that this message is in the National Archives destroys the myth that the attack fleet maintained radio silence. They were not ordered to (Order 820). Serial numbers prove that the Striking Force sent over 663 radio messages between Nov 16 and December 7 or about 1 per hour. The NSA has not released any raw intercepts because the headers would prove that the Striking Force did not maintain radio silence. On Nov 29 the Hiyei sent one message to the Commander of the 3rd fleet; on November 30 the Akagi sent several messages to its tankers ‑ see page 474 of the Hewitt Report. Stinnett in DAY OF DECEIT (p 209) found over 100 messages from the Striking Force in the National Archives. All Direction Finding reports from HI have been crudely cut out. Reports from Dec 5 show messages sent from the Striking Force picked up by Station Cast, P.I.

From traffic analysis, HI reported that the carrier force was at sea and in the North. THE MOST AMAZING FACT is that in reply to that report, MacArthur's command sent a series of three messages, November 26, 29, December 2, to HI lying about the location of the carrier fleet ‑ saying it was in the South China Sea. This false information, which the NSA calls inexplicable, was the true reason that HI was caught unawares. Duane Whitlock, who is still alive in Iowa, sent those messages.

There were a large number of other messages that gave the location of the Striking Force by alluding to the Aleutians, the North Pacific and various weather systems near HI.� FDR cut short his scheduled ten day vacation after 1 day to meet with Hull and Stark. The result of this meeting was reported on 2 Dec. by the Washington Post: "President Roosevelt yesterday assumed direct command of diplomatic and military moves relating to Japan." This politically damaging move was necessary to prevent the mutiny of conspirators.

FDR read Foreign Minister Togo's message to his ambassador to Germany: "Said very secretly to them that there is extreme danger between Japan & Anglo‑Saxon nations through some clash of arms, add that the time of this war may come quicker than anyone dreams." This was in response to extreme German pressure on November 29 for Japan to strike the US and promises to join with Japan in war against the US. The second of its three parts has never been released. The message says it contains the plan of campaign. This is 1 of only 3 known DIPLOMATIC intercepts that specified PH as target. It was so interesting, FDR kept a copy.

December 2, 2200 Tokyo time; Here is a typical JN‑25 ships‑in‑harbor report sent to attack fleet, words in parenthesis were in the original: "Striking Force telegram No. 994. Two battleships (Oklahoma, Nevada), 1 aircraft carrier (Enterprise) 2 heavy cruisers, 12 destroyers sailed. The force that sailed on 22 November returned to port. Ships at anchor Pearl Harbor p.m. 28 November were 6 battleships (2 Maryland class, 2 California class, 2 Pennsylvania class), 1 aircraft carrier (Lexington), 9 heavy cruisers (5 San Francisco class, 3 Chicago class, 1 Salt Lake class), 5 light cruisers (4 Honolulu class, 1 Omaha class)"

Commander of the Combined Imperial Fleet Yamamoto radioed the attack fleet in plain (uncoded) Japanese Climb Niitakayama 1208 (December 8 Japanese time, December 7 our time). Thus the US knew EXACTLY when the war would start. Mount Niitaka was the highest mountain in the Japanese Empire ‑ 13,113 feet.� General Hein Ter Poorten, the commander of the Netherlands East Indies Army gave the Winds setup message to the US War Department. The Australians had a center in Melbourne and the Chinese also broke JN‑25. A Dutch sub had visually tracked the attack fleet to the Kurile Islands in early November and this info was passed to DC, but DC did not give it to HI. The intercepts the Dutch gave the US are still classified in RG 38, Box 792. Japanese order No. 902 specified that old JN‑25 additive tables version 7 would continue to be used alongside version 8 when the latter was introduced on December 4. This means the US read all messages to the Striking Force through the attack.

December 4: In the early hours, Ralph Briggs at the Navy's East Coast Intercept station, received the "East Winds, Rain" message, the Winds Execute, which meant war. He put it on the TWX circuit immediately and called his commander. This message was deleted from the files. One of the main coverups of Pearl Harbor was to make this message disappear. Japanese Dispatch # 7001. In response to the Winds Execute, the Office of US Naval IQ had all Far Eastern stations (Hawaii not informed) destroy their codes and classified documents including the Tokyo Embassy.

The Dutch invoked the ADB joint defense agreement when the Japanese crossed the magic line of 100 East and 10 North. The U.S. was at war with Japan 3 days before they were at war with us.

General Ter Poorten sent all the details of the Winds Execute command to Colonel Weijerman, the Dutch military attache' in Washington to pass on to the highest military circles. Weijerman personally gave it to Marshall, Chief of Staff of the War Department.

US General Thorpe at Java sent four messages warning of the PH attack. DC ordered him to stop sending warnings.

December 5: All Japanese international shipping had returned to home port.� In the morning FDR dictated a letter to Wendell Wilkie for the Australian Prime Minister, "There is always the Japanese to consider. The situation is definitely serious and there might be an armed clash at any moment...Perhaps the next four or five days will decide the matters." At a Cabinet meeting, Secretary of the Navy Knox said, "Well, you know Mr. President, we know where the Japanese fleet is?" "Yes, I know" said FDR. " I think we ought to tell everybody just how ticklish the situation is. We have information as Knox just mentioned...Well, you tell them what it is, Frank." Knox became very excited and said, "Well, we have very secret information that the Japanese fleet is out at sea. Our information is..." and then a scowling FDR cut him off. (Infamy, Toland, 1982, ch 14 sec 5)� Washington Star reporter Constantine Brown quotes a friend in his book The Coming of the Whirlwind p 291, "This is it! The Japs are ready to attack. We've broken their code, and we've read their ORDERS." Lt. Howard Brown of Station Cast in the Philippines received urgent request from Washington to listen for a short message from Tokyo which ended with the English word "stop". He heard the message at 11:30 PM Hawaiian time.

December 6: This is the Hidden Word Code set up in a message of November 27 (e.g. in code, Roosevelt=Miss Kimiko). The message was: "Relations between Japan and the following countries are on the brink of catastrophe: Britain and the United States."

This 18 November J19 message was translated by the Army:

"1). The warships at anchor in the Harbor on the 15th were as I told you in my No.219 on that day. Area A ‑‑ A battleship of the Oklahoma class entered and one tanker left port. Area C ‑‑ 3 warships of the heavy cruiser class were at anchor.

2). On the 17th the Saratoga was not in harbor. The carrier Enterprise, or some other vessel was in Area C. Two heavy cruisers of the Chicago class, one of the Pensacola class were tied up at docks 'KS'. 4 merchant vessels were at anchor in area D.

3). At 10:00 A.M. on the morning of the 17th, 8 destroyers were observed entering the Harbor..." Of course this information was not passed to HI. A December 2 request from Tokyo to HI for information about the absence of barrage balloons, anti‑torpedo nets and air reckon was translated by the Army.

9:30 P.M. FDR read the first 13 parts of the decoded Japanese diplomatic declaration of war and said "This means war." What kind of President would do nothing? When he returned to his 34 dinner guests he said, "The war starts tomorrow."

The war cabinet: FDR, top advisor Hopkins, Stimson, Marshall, Secretary of the Navy Knox, with aides John McCrea and Frank Beatty "deliberately sat through the night of 6 December 1941 waiting for the Japs to strike." (Infamy ch 16 sec 2)

December 7: A message from the Japanese Consul in Budapest to Tokyo: "On the 6th, the American Minister presented to the Government of this country a British Government communique to the effect that a state of war would break out on the 7th." The communique was the Dec 5th War Alert from the British Admiralty. It has disappeared. This triple priority alert was delivered to FDR personally. The Mid‑East British Air Marshall told Col. Bonner Fellers on Saturday that he had received a secret signal that America was coming into the war in 24 hours. Churchill summarized the message in GRAND ALLIANCE page 601 as listing the two fleets attacking British targets and "Other Japanese fleets...also at sea on other tasks." There only were three other fleets‑ for Guam, the Philippines and HI. 2 paragraphs of the alert, British targets only, are printed in AT DAWN WE SLEPT, Prange, p 464. There is no innocent purpose for our government to hide this document.

Very early Washington time, there were two Marines, an emergency special detail, stationed outside the Japanese Naval Attache's door. 9:30 AM Aides begged Stark to send a warning to Hawaii. He did not. 10 AM FDR read the 14th part, 11 A.M. FDR read the 15th part setting the time for the declaration of war to be delivered to the State Department at 1 PM, about dawn Pearl Harbor time, and did nothing. Navy Secretary Knox was given the 15th part at 11:15 A.M. with this note from the Office of Naval IQ: "This means a sunrise attack on Pearl Harbor today." Naval IQ also transmitted this prediction to Hull and about 8 others, including the White House (PHH 36:532).

At 10:30 AM Bratton informed Marshall that he had a most important message (the 15th part) and would bring it to Marshall's quarters but Marshall said he would take it at his office. At 11:25� Marshall reached his office according to Bratton. Marshall testified that he had been riding horses that morning but he was contradicted by Harrison, McCollum, and Deane. Marshall who had read the first 13 parts by 10 PM the prior night, perjured himself by denying that he had even received them. Marshall, in the face of his aides' urgent supplications that he warn Hawaii, made strange delays including reading and re‑reading all of the 10 minute long 14 Part Message (and some parts several times) which took an hour and refused to use the scrambler phone on his desk, refused to send a warning by the fast, more secure Navy system but sent Bratton three times to inquire how long it would take to send his watered down warning ‑ when informed it would take 30 or 40 minutes by Army radio, he was satisfied (that meant he had delayed enough so the warning wouldn't reach Pearl Harbor until after the 1 PM Washington time deadline). The warning was in fact sent commercial without priority identification and arrived 6 hours late. This message reached all other addressees, like the Philippines and Canal Zone, in a timely manner.


1:50 P.M.: Washington time. Harry Hopkins, who was the only person with FDR when he received the news of the attack by telephone from Knox, wrote that FDR was unsurprised and expressed "great relief." Eleanor Roosevelt wrote about December 7th in This I Remember p 233, that FDR became "in a way more serene." In the NY Times Magazine of October 8, 1944 she wrote: "December 7 was...far from the shock it proved to the country in general. We had expected something of the sort for a long time."

3:00 P.M.: "The (war cabinet) conference met in not too tense an atmosphere because I think that all of us believed that in the last analysis the enemy was Hitler...and that Japan had given us an opportunity." Harry Hopkins (top KGB agent and FDR's alter ego), Dec. 7 Memo (Roosevelt and Hopkins R Sherwood, p. 431)

9 hours later, MacArthur's entire air force was caught by surprise and wiped out in the Philippines. His reaction to the news of Pearl Harbor was quite unusual ‑ he locked himself in his room all morning and refused to meet with his air commander General Brereton, and refused to attack Japanese forces on Formosa even under orders from the War Department. MacArthur gave three conflicting orders that ensured the planes were on the ground most of the morning. MacArthur used radar tracking of the Japanese planes at 140, 100, 80, 60, down to 20 miles to time his final order and ensure his planes were on the ground. Strategically, the destruction of half of all US heavy bombers in the world was more important than naval damage in Pearl Harbor. Either MacArthur had committed the greatest blunder in military history or he was under orders to allow his forces to be destroyed. If it were the greatest blunder in history, it is remarkable how he escaped any reprimand, kept his command and got his fourth star and Congressional Medal of Honor shortly later. Prange argued, "How could the President ensure a successful Japanese attack unless he confided in the commanders and persuaded them to allow the enemy to proceed unhindered?"

8:30 P.M.: FDR said to his cabinet, "We have reason to believe that the Germans have told the Japanese that if Japan declares war, they will too. In other words, a declaration of war by Japan automatically brings..." at which point he was interrupted, but his expectation and focus is clear. Mrs. Frances Perkins, Secretary of Labor, observed later about FDR: "I had a deep emotional feeling that something was wrong, that this situation was not all it appeared to be." Mrs. Perkins was obsessed by Roosevelt's strange reactions that night and remarked particularly on the expression he had:" In other words, there have been times when I associated that expression with a kind of evasiveness."

FDR met with CBS newsman Edward R. Murrow at midnight. Murrow, who had seen many statesmen in crises, was surprised at FDR's calm reaction. After chatting about London, they reviewed the latest news from PH and then FDR tested Murrow's news instincts with these 2 bizarre giveaway questions: "Did this surprise you?" Murrow said yes. FDR: "Maybe you think it didn't surprise us?" FDR gave the impression that the attack itself was not unwelcome. This is the same high‑strung FDR that got polio when convicted of perjury; the same FDR that was bedridden for a month when he learned Russia was to be attacked; the same FDR who couldn't eat or drink when he got the Japanese order to sail.

December 8: In a conversation with his speech writer Rosenman, FDR "emphasized that Hitler was still the first target, but he feared that a great many Americans would insist that we make the war in the Pacific at least equally important with the war against Hitler."

Later, Jonathan Daniels, administrative assistant and press secretary to FDR said, "The blow was heavier than he had hoped it would necessarily be...But the risks paid off; even the loss was worth the price..."� FDR reminisced with Stalin at Tehran on November 30, 1943, saying "if the Japanese had not attacked the US he doubted very much if it would have been possible to send any American forces to Europe." Compare this statement with what FDR said at the Atlantic Conference 4 months before Pearl: "Everything was to be done to force an� 'incident' to justify hostilities." Given that a Japanese attack was the only possible incident, then FDR had said he would do it.

Information Known in Washington and Hawaii:

��������������������� October 9‑December 7, 1941

Date������������������������������������������������������� Item����������������������� Washington��������� Kimmel������������������ Short

October 9������������������������������ "Bombplot" message������������������������� X

November 26‑28�� "Winds" setup message�������������������� X������������ X [1]

November 26�������� Location of carriers����������������������������� X

December 1�������������������������� Japanese declaration of war�������������� X

December 2‑6������� Code destruction�������������������������������� X [2]������ X���������������������������� X

December 4�������������������������� "Winds execute" message���������������� X�������������������������������������������� X[3]

December 4�������������������������� US at war with Japan via ADB���������� X

December 5�������������������������� British Admiralty Alert����������������������� X

December 6‑7������� "14 Part" message������������������������������� X

December 7�������������������������� "One o'clock" message���������������������� X

[1] Admiral Kimmel learned of the "winds" code in a Nov. 28th dispatch to him from the US Asiatic Fleet. JCC, p. 470.

[2] DC informed HI that codes were being burned world‑wide so when they learned the local consulate burned codes they would not go on alert.

[3] General Short was given the Winds Execute by British IQ.

Note that none of the 3 diplomatic messages or the many naval messages identifying Pearl as the target were forwarded (not to mention HUMINT). Only 5 of the 74 Navy IQ packets delivered to FDR in the 2 weeks before Dec 7 can be found.


Two and only two courts of law have decided the issue of whether FDR and Washington or the commanders in Hawaii were responsible for the Pearl Harbor disaster. Both the Navy Court and the Army Board found Washington guilty (in 1944).

NAVY Court of Inquiry !!!Top Secret ARMY Board Report!!! (30K), Oct, 1944, "Now let us turn to the fateful period between November 27 and December 6, 1941. In this period numerous pieces of information came to our State, War, and Navy Departments in all of their Top ranks indicating precisely the intentions of the Japanese including the probable exact hour and date of the attack."

In response to this report, Marshall offered his resignation ‑ the sign of a guilty conscience. Marshall testified at the MacArthur hearings that he considered loyalty to his chief superior to loyalty to his country.

JOINT CONGRESSIONAL COMMITTEE on the Investigation of the Pearl Harbor Attack, Nov 15, 1945 to May 31, 1946, proved that there had been so much reversion of testimony, coverup and outright lies that the truth would have to wait until all Pearl Harbor records were declassified.

Most of the conspirators were military men, all men of FDR's own choice, men who only followed orders and FDR never delegated authority. Stark, in answer to charges that he denied IQ to Hawaii, publicly offered a Nuremberg defense in August 1945 that everything he did pre‑Dec 7, 1941 was on FDR's orders. The handful of military men in DC responsible for the disaster at Pearl Harbor were directly under the control of FDR and were later promoted and protected from investigation; promoted with FDR's full knowledge that they were responsible for not warning Hawaii. On the record, Intelligence tried to warn HI scores of times but were prevented by FDR's men.


������� American

Deaths: 2403; Wounded 1,178.

Eighteen ships were sunk or seriously damaged including 5 battleships (USS Arizona photo).

188 planes were destroyed and 162 were damaged.

�������� Japanese

Out of an attack force of 31 ships and 353 raiding planes the Japanese lost:

64 deaths,

29 planes,

5 midget submarines.


The US was warned by, at least, the governments of Britain, Netherlands, Australia, Peru, Korea and the Soviet Union that a surprise attack on Pearl Harbor was coming. All important Japanese codes were broken. FDR and Marshall and others knew the attack was coming, allowed it and covered up their knowledge. It's significant that both the chief of OP‑20‑G Safford and Friedman of Army SIS, the two people in the world that knew what we decoded, said that FDR knew Pearl Harbor was going to be attacked.

Pearl Harbor was not about war with Japan ‑It was about war with GERMANY

Most important was the promise FDR had made to the American people ‑ solemnly given and repeated‑‑not to send their sons into foreign war unless attacked (audio). He did not mind violating that pledge. He merely feared the political effect of the violation. Alsop and Kintner, White House columnist pets, had written a short time before that "He (Roosevelt) does not feel he can openly violate them (his pledges). But he can get around them the smart way." They explained this meant getting the Germans to shoot first. Then he could shoot back. But it was clear to him by November that the Germans were not going to shoot first. But FDR knew that he could force the Japanese to do so.


1).OBJECTIVE: War with Germany. How do you bait Hitler to declare war on you? You don't get it by looking unbeatable!

2).Direct provocation in Atlantic had failed ‑ Hitler didn't bite.

3).FDR knew from magic that if Japan attacked, Germany would declare war.

4).Therefore: the problem was how to maneuver Japan into firing the first shot or make the first overt act.

5).Japan must succeed or Hitler would renege.

War with Japan was a given because they had to attack the Philippines. If Japan's fleet were destroyed, it would defeat the purpose. It would have been obvious suicide for Hitler to declare war if Japan were crippled ‑ it would allow the US to attack him without even the possibility of a two‑front war. That was what he had just been avoiding for months. The plan could only work if Japan's attack succeeded. The lure of a weakened US in a two‑front war focused on Japan seemed to make a German war declaration cost‑free. But it was all a trap ‑ FDR was always going to ignore Japan and go after Hitler, for his ultimate goal was to save his beloved Soviet Communism.

In November FDR ordered the Red Cross Disaster Relief director to secretly prepare for massive casualties at Pearl Harbor because he was going to let it be attacked. When he protested to the President, President Roosevelt told him that "the American people would never agree to enter the war in Europe unless they were attack [sic] within their own borders." See U.S. Naval Institute ‑ Naval History ‑ Advance Warning? The Red Cross Connection by Daryl S. Borgquist

CHURCHILL�FDR KNEW. Wherever you find jews, you find treachery, sabotage and treason.

Did FDR know that Pearl Harbor was a Japanese target? Answer: FDR planned Pearl Harbor to be their target. He ordered the ships in and the carriers out. Co‑conspirator Churchill wrote about Pearl Harbor that FDR and his top advisers "knew the full and immediate purpose of their enemy." (GRAND ALLIANCE p 603) Churchill's entire discussion of Pearl Harbor was a justification of treason, e.g.: "A Japanese attack upon the U.S. was a vast simplification of (FDR's and advisors') problems and their duty. How can we wonder that they regarded the actual form of the attack, or even its scale, as incomparably less important than the fact that the whole American nation would be united...?"

J. Edgar Hoover told his friends in early 1942 that FDR had known about the Pearl Harbor plan since the early fall. It was totally in character for FDR to concoct such a plan. Not only had the US Senate already censured FDR for utterly lacking moral perspective, but as Walter Lippmann wrote: "his purposes are not simple and his methods are not direct."


1).FDR had to do it to get into the war, as he himself later told Stalin. He needed massive public outrage and that required big sacrifice.

2).Would he do it? Did he "love the Navy too much?" He was sacrificing ships in the Atlantic for the same purpose. Of course he would do it ‑ he was doing it.

3).He saved all the important elements of the fleet. In the spring he had sent many ships to the Atlantic. He kept the aircraft carrier Saratoga on the West Coast. And his sending of the two carrier groups out of harbor meant that not only they but also their fast escort ships would be saved ‑ all the new ships stationed at Pearl Harbor were saved. Only WWI junk was left in harbor. Here is a list of all the ships saved ‑ Ships saved at Pearl December 7

4).FDR's attitude is best summed up by co‑conspirator Admiral Bloch's testimony to Congress, "The Japanese only destroyed a lot of old hardware. In a sense they did us a favor."

5).This was obviously FDR's view as well, because on 7 December at 2:15 PM, minutes after hearing of the attack and before any damage reports were in, FDR called Lord Halifax at the British Embassy and told him "Most of the fleet was at sea...none of their newer ships were in harbor." He had protected the new ships, the important elements of the fleet, and that fact was at the forefront of his mind in relation to the attack. First, it means FDR didn't care about the old ships. Secondly, it means he knew before the attack that only old ships were in harbor for the attack. Therefore, Pearl Harbor was "the first shot without too much danger to ourselves" he sought. FDR was the architect of the attack plot from the oil embargo to the ultimatum to the final touches of deciding who would live and who would die.


Why does the government refuse to release all the messages to the attack fleet, or any JN‑25 messages decoded before December 7? There is absolutely nothing about national security to hide in JN‑25. It is a trivial and worthless 19th century code. The techniques for cracking it had been published world‑wide in 1931. The US government has proudly showed how they used JN‑25 decrypts after December 8 to win the Battle of Midway which occurred 7 months after Pearl Harbor. Therefore, there is nothing intrinsic about the code itself, the means of cracking it, or the fact that we cracked it, that has any national security implications of any nature. What is the difference between decrypts from the Purple machine and decrypts from JN‑25? The answer is simply that the JN‑25 messages contained the final operational details of the Pearl Harbor attack, whereas the Purple did not.


Why won't they let the truth out? Such secrecy breeds mistrust in government. The only thing that is left to hide are JN‑25 decrypts and worksheets showing that the US and Britain monitored the Japanese attack fleet all the way to Pearl Harbor. That is the scandal. That is the big secret. It raises the issue of whether the NSA is accessory after the fact to treason. However, the secrecy and misdirection by the NSA about our capabilities with JN‑25B and pre‑war messages proves there is something very wrong. The NSA has systematically lied about the size of the JN25 books by a factor of 4 and about how many code breakers worked on the code in 1941 by a factor of 22. The NSA is an evil Gestapo that is committed neither to truth nor open government nor the rule of law. We live an Orwellian history in which treason is honored, in which FDR's murder of thousands of young innocent men is good. In a word, we are no different from the tyranny we decry. A self‑governing people must have truth to make proper decisions. By subverting the truth, the National Security Agency is subverting our Democracy.

He who controls the past, controls the future. He who controls the present, controls the past. ‑ Orwell

Tokyo had to send the daily bomb‑plots, cabled from its Honolulu consulate, to the attack fleet by JN‑25 radio messages. The pilots had to get their target information. "The news of the position of enemy ships in Pearl Harbor comes again and again." ‑ Lt. Cmdr. Chigusa, executive officer of the attack fleet's Akigumo in his diary, December 4, 1941 (At Dawn We Slept, G. Prange, page 453). FDR got it, too. FDR knew the Japanese pilots' targets as well as they did, because he got their bomb‑plots when they did. He had their specific targets, ship by ship, in his hands at the White House. These messages would prove absolutely that FDR knew that the attack fleet's target was Pearl Harbor and therefore are not released. The unnecessary and illogical secrecy about pre‑December 7, 1941, JN‑25 decoding is conclusive evidence that there was wrongdoing at the highest levels.

FDR was a traitor for maneuvering Japan into war with US ‑ and that is known and admitted ‑ FDR was a traitor for sacrificing American lives, for putting America in danger, for usurping the Constitutional power of Congress to make war. Day of infamy, indeed; he chose his words precisely with a hidden double‑meaning. Four days before the attack, FDR could have sent telegrams of condolence to the families of the sailors he was going to allow to be killed. Even today there is a coverup, based on a transparently bogus excuse of national security, that shows that our government cannot face the truth about what happened a half‑century ago. Truth we owe the men of Pearl Harbor. Until we tell the full truth, we dishonor them and every soldier and sailor who gave their life for their country. Should their lives have been sacrificed for treason and no one know, they had died in vain. If their honor cover treason ‑ we are not a nation of law. The Air Corps in the Philippines and the Navy at Pearl were FDR's bait, the oil embargo was his stick, the end of negotiations was the trip wire in FDR's game of shame ‑ a game of death for so many. Roosevelt aided and abetted the murder of thousands of Americans. (Pearl Harbor, Mother of All Conspiracies, by Professor Robert Kelso)

"Very late on a cold, dark night in December, a British emissary was driven through the dreary streets of Washington. Inside his diplomatic pouch he carried a secret message marked Most Urgent Personal and Secret to the President. It was a triple priority message from the British Admiralty in London that the United States of America was going to be attacked at Pearl Harbor on December 7th. Lord Halifax was swiftly shown in to the White House and conferred with Franklin Roosevelt. Roosevelt's hopes soared; his long‑laid plans were about to be fulfilled. It was December 5th, 1941." (From the Introduction)


Purple Code: The top Japanese diplomatic machine cipher which used automatic telephone switches to separately and differently encipher each character sent. It was cracked by the Army Signal Intelligence Service (331 men).� J‑19 was the main Japanese diplomatic code book. This columnar code was cracked.� Coral Machine Cipher or JNA‑20 was a simplified version of Purple used by Naval attaches. Only one message deciphered prior to Pearl Harbor has been declassified. JN‑25 ‑ The Japanese Fleet's Cryptographic System, a.k.a. 5 number code (Sample). JN stands for Japanese Navy, introduced 1 June 1939. This was a very simple old‑type code book system used by the American Army and Navy in 1898 and abandoned in 1917 because it was insecure.

Version A has a dictionary of 5,600 numbers, words and phrases, each given as a five figure number. These were super‑enciphered by addition to random numbers contained in a second code book. The dictionary was only changed once before PH on Dec 1, 1940, to a slightly larger version B but the random book was changed every 3 to 6 months‑ last on Aug 1. The Japanese blundered away the code when they introduced JN25‑B by continuing to use, for 2 months, random books that had been previously solved by the Allies. That was the equivalent of handing over the JN‑25B code book. It was child's play for the Navy group OP‑20‑G (738 men whose primary responsibility was Japanese naval codes) to reconstruct the exposed dictionary. We recovered the whole thing immediately ‑ in 1994 the NSA published that JN‑25B was completely cracked in December 1940. In January 1941 the US gave Britain two JN‑25B code books with keys and techniques for deciphering. The entire Pearl Harbor scheme was laid out in this code. The official US Navy statement on JN‑25B is the NAVAL SECURITY GROUP HISTORY TO WORLD WAR II prepared by Captain J. Holtwick in June 1971, page 398: "By 1 December 1941 we had the code solved to a readable extent." Churchill wrote "From the end of 1940 the Americans had pierced the vital Japanese ciphers, and were decoding large numbers of their military and diplomatic telegrams."(GRAND ALLIANCE p 598) Chief of Navy code breaking Safford reported that during 1941 "The Navy COMINT team did a thorough job on the Japanese Navy with no help from the Army."(SRH‑149) " ... many pattern messages could be read practically entire with as few as 1500 meanings." (NSA)

�In 1979 the NSA released 2,413 JN‑25 orders of the 26,581 intercepted by US between Sept 1 and Dec 4, 1941. The NSA says "We know now that they contained important details concerning the existence, organization, objective, and even the whereabouts of the Pearl Harbor Strike Force." (Parker p 21) Of the over thousand radio messages sent by Tokyo to the attack fleet, only 20 are in the National Archives. All messages to the attack fleet were sent several times, at least one message was sent every odd hour of the day and each had a special serial number. Starting in early November 1941 when the attack fleet assembled and started receiving radio messages, OP‑20‑G stayed open 24 hours a day and the "First Team" of code breakers worked on JN‑25. In November and early December 1941, OP‑20‑G spent 85 percent of its effort reading Japanese Navy traffic, 12 percent on Japanese diplomatic traffic and 3 percent on German naval codes. FDR was personally briefed twice a day on JN‑25 traffic by his aide, Captain John Beardell, and demanded to see the original raw messages in English. The US Government refuses to identify or declassify any pre‑Dec 7, 1941 decrypts of JN‑25 on the basis of national security, a half‑century after the war.

AD or Administrative Code wrongly called Admiralty Code was an old four character transposition code used for personnel matters. No important messages were sent in this weak code. Introduced Nov 1938, it was seldom used after Dec 1940.� Magic ‑ the security designation given to all decoded Japanese diplomatic messages. It's hard not to conclude with historians like Charles Bateson that "Magic standing alone points so irresistibly to the Pearl Harbor attack that it is� inconceivable anybody could have failed to forecast the Japanese move." The NSA reached the same conclusion in 1955.� Ultra ‑ the security designation for military codes.

"The officials at Washington knew exactly what was going to happen. But no word, no alert, no warning was allowed to be sent to the Commanders at Pearl Harbor until the senders knew the message would be received After the attack was made. While professing to be �profoundly disturbed' by the aggression of anti‑Semitic Germany, Roosevelt continued his special friendship for Soviet Russia after its attacks upon Outer Mongolia, Poland, Latvia, Esthonia, Lithuania and Finland. Professing an adoration for �democracy' he refused, as the Jews control 90 percent of the scrap iron business, to invoke the Neutrality Act against Japan in its war on China, or against Russia when, with Germany, she invaded Poland and attacked Finland.

"He extended a warm welcome to the Communist Ambassador Oumansky when he presented his credentials and, on the same day, displayed marked coldness toward the newly appointed Ambassador from Christian Spain." (War! War! War!, Cincinnatus, p. 152)

December 7, at 7:50 A.M., the United States Pacific fleet was anchored, unprotected, unprepared, never warned, never alerted. Result: 200 planes and 5 big battleships were totally destroyed, 3 others wrecked.

Pearl Harbor, 1941:

In the summer of 1940 Roosevelt ordered the Pacific Fleet to relocate from the West Coast to Hawaii. When its commander, Admiral Richardson, protested that Pearl Harbor offered inadequate protection from air and torpedo attack he was replaced.

On October 7 1940 Navy IQ analyst McCollum wrote an eight‑point memo for Roosevelt on how to force Japan into war with U.S., including an American oil embargo against Japan. All of them were eventually accomplished.

On 23 June 1941; one day after Hitler's attack on Russia, Secretary of the Interior and FDR's Advisor Harold Ickes� wrote a memo for the President in which he pointed out that

"there might develop from the embargoing of oil to Japan such a situation as would make it not only possible but easy to get into this war in an effective way. And if we should thus indirectly be brought in, we would avoid the criticism that we had gone in as an ally of communistic Russia."

On 18 October Ickes noted in his diary:

"For a long time I have believed that our best entrance into the war would be by way of Japan."

The U.S. had cracked key Japanese codes before the attack. FDR received "raw" translations of all key messages. On 24 September 1941 Washington deciphered a message from the Naval Intelligence HQ in Tokyo to Japan's consul‑general in Honolulu, requesting grid of exact locations of U.S. Navy ships in the harbor. Commanders in Hawaii were not warned.

Sixty years later the U.S. Government still refuses to identify or declassify many pre‑attack decrypts on the grounds of "national security."

On November 25 Secretary of War Stimson wrote in his diary that FDR said an attack was likely within days, and asked

"how we should maneuver them into the position of firing the first shot without too much danger to ourselves. In spite of the risk involved, however, in letting the Japanese fire the first shot, we realized that in order to have the full support of the American people it was desirable to make sure that the Japanese be the ones to do this so that there should remain no doubt in anyone's mind as to who were the aggressors."

On November 25 FDR received a "positive war warning" from Churchill that the Japanese would strike against America at the end of the first week in December. This warning caused the President to do an abrupt about‑face on plans for a time‑buying modus vivendi with Japan and it resulted in Secretary of State Hull's deliberately provocative ultimatum of 26 November 1941 that guaranteed war.

On November 26 Washington ordered both US aircraft carriers, the Enterprise and the Lexington, out of Pearl Harbor "as soon as possible". This order included stripping Pearl of 50 planes or 40 percent of its already inadequate fighter protection. On the same day Cordell Hull issued his ultimatum demanding full Japanese withdrawal from Indochina and all China. U.S. Ambassador to Japan called this "The document that touched the button that started the war."

On November 29 Hull told United Press reporter Joe Leib that Pearl Harbor would be attacked on December 7. The New York Times reported on December 8 ("Attack Was Expected," p. 13) that the U.S. knew of the attack a week earlier.

On December 1 Office of Naval Intelligence, ONI, 12th Naval District in San Francisco found the missing Japanese fleet by correlating reports from the four wireless news services and several shipping companies that they were getting signals west of Hawaii.

On 5 December, 1941 FDR wrote to the Australian Prime Minister, "There is always the Japanese to consider. Perhaps the next four or five days will decide the matters."

Germany invades Russia; Italy and Germany invade Egypt; Japanese attack U.S. bases in Hawaii; U.S. Joins Allies in war� against Axis powers.

"We are disturbed about the effect of the Jewish influence on our press, radio, and motion pictures. It may become very serious. (Fulton) Lewis told us of one instance where the Jewish advertising firms threatened to remove all their advertising from the Mutual System if a certain feature was permitted to go on the air. The threat was powerful enough to have the feature removed." (Charles A. Lindbergh, Wartime Journals, May 1, 1941)

"The pressure for war is mounting. The people are opposed to it, but the Administration seems hell‑bent on its way to war. Most of the Jewish interests in the country are behind war." (Wartime Journals, May 1, 1941)

"The greatest danger to this country lies in their large ownership and influence in our motion pictures, our press, our radio and our government." (Charles A. Lindbergh, Speech at Des Moines, Iowa, September 11, 1941)


World War II: Very profitable for Onassis, Rockefellers, Kennedys, Roosevelts, I.G. Farben, etc. Onassis, selling without losing a single ship or man.


President Roosevelt, re‑elected on promises to keep America out of the European war, tried repeatedly to entice German submarine commanders into sinking our unarmed merchant ships which were hauling millions of tons of war supplies to Germany's enemies.

Although it is still a closely guarded secret, a British Submarine, disguised as a German U‑2 Boat, was captured firing upon an American Ship and was taken to Norfolk and then quietly released.

"We are not denying and we are not afraid to confess, this war is our war and that it is waged for the liberation of Jewry...Stronger than all fronts together is our front, that of Jewry. We are not only giving this war our financial support on which the entire war production is based. We are not only providing our full propaganda power which is the moral energy that keeps this war going. The guarantee of victory is predominantly based on weakening the enemy forces, on destroying them in their own country, within the resistance. And we are the Trojan Horses in the enemy's fortress. Thousands of Jews living in Europe constitute the principal factor in the destruction of our enemy. There, our front is a fact and the most valuable aid for victory." (Chaim Weizmann, President of the World Jewish Congress, in a Speech on December 3, 1942, in New York City)

Also in 1941 Iceland was taken under the protection of the United States, with the consent of its government, for strategic reasons. Some time in early spring of 1941, the President ordered the Navy to patrol ship lanes to Europe. By July U.S. warships were convoying and by September were attacking German submarines. This was done with no authorization of Congress or Declaration of War. In November, the Neutrality Act was partly repealed to protect and allow military aid to Russia and Britain.


Father Coughlin loses his bulk‑mailing permit, by order of part‑Jewish Roosevelt.

A team of largely‑Jewish scientists starts the Manhattan Project, to build a nuclear bomb. Some of the Jewish scientists are later charged with providing the Soviet Union with nuclear information. (Most nuclear spies have been Jewish.)

March 19, 1942: FDR signs Executive Order No. 9012 establishing the War Relocation Authority, which soon starts to operate the internment camps for American citizens of Japanese descent, some of whom were born in America, even though none of whom is charged with any crime. Note that in America, citizens were being herded into camps based on race before the Nazis herded Jews (who were not citizens of Germany and were in fact enemy aliens) into concentration camps based on race alone. The U.S. Congress and Supreme Court uphold these actions.

August 12, 1942: Rudolf Hoess issues a special order concerning the use of the disinfectant Zyklon B, which reads: "A case of indisposition with slight symptoms of poisoning by hydrocyanic gas which occurred today makes it necessary to warn all those participating in the gassings and all other SS members that in particular on opening rooms used for gassing SS not wearing masks must wait at least five hours and keep at a distance of at least 15 meters from the chamber. In addition, particular attention should be paid to the wind direction. The gas being used at present contains less odorous warning agent and is therefore especially dangerous. The SS garrison doctor declines all responsibility for any accident should occur in the case where these directive have not been complied with by the SS members." Apparently, Hoess felt moved to issue this warning after seeing the sonderkommando entering the "gas chambers" within moments of an "execution," eating and smoking, as has been testified to by so‑called "eyewitnesses."

August 12, 1942: Rudolf Hoess issues a special order concerning the use of the disinfectant Zyklon B, which reads: "A case of indisposition with slight symptoms of poisoning by hydrocyanic gas which occurred today makes it necessary to warn all those participating in the gassings and all other SS members that in particular on opening rooms used for gassing SS not wearing masks must wait at least five hours and keep at a distance of at least 15 meters from the chamber. In addition, particular attention should be paid to the wind direction. The gas being used at present contains less odorous warning agent and is therefore especially dangerous. The SS garrison doctor declines all responsibility for any accident should occur in the case where these directive have not been complied with by the SS members." Apparently, Hoess felt moved to issue this warning after seeing the sonderkommando entering the "gas chambers" within moments of an "execution," eating and smoking, as has been testified to by so‑called "eyewitnesses."

Ishii begins field tests of germ warfare on Chinese soldiers and civilians. Tens of thousands die of bubonic plague, cholera, anthrax and other diseases. U.S. soldiers captured in Philippines are sent to Manchuria.

Japanese capture Philippines and much of Southeast Asia; Battle of Midway alters naval balance in Pacific; Germans begin retreat in North Africa.

Declaration by "United Nations" ‑ first official use of the name "United Nations," suggested by Roosevelt. Chronology of related events. Within a month of the United States entering the War, the Manhattan Project receives orders to proceed full‑speed‑ahead.

Six hundred delegates attend the Zionist Emergency Council at the Biltmore Hotel in New York. The eight‑point resolution calls for a Jewish military force under its own flag in Palestine, and control of immigration and access to uncultivated lands to be vested exclusively in the Jewish Agency.� 600,000 Jews who have fled the Nazi invasion of Russia are secretly resettled in Todja and Uzbekistan, where they begin working on the Russian atomic program. They are officially listed as "dead."

"The Second World War is being fought for the defense of the fundamentals of Judaism." (Statement by Rabbi Felix Mendlesohn, Chicago Sentinel, October 8, 1942)

"Whenever an American or a Filipino fell at Bataan or Corregidor or at any other of the now historic spots where MacArthur's men put up their remarkable fight, their survivors could have said with truth: �The real reason that boy went to his death, was because Hitler's anti‑Semitic movement succeeded in Germany.'" (The American Hebrew, July 24, 1942)

"Kill the Germans, wherever you find them! Every German is our moral enemy. Have no mercy on women, children, or the aged! Kill every German ‑‑ wipe them out!" (Llya Ehrenburg, Glaser, p. 111)

"We are not denying and we are not afraid to confess, this war is our war and that it is waged for the liberation of Jewry...Stronger than all fronts together is our front, that of Jewry. We are not only giving this war our financial support on which the entire war production is based. We are not only providing our full propaganda power which is the moral energy that keeps this war going. The guarantee of victory is predominantly based on weakening the enemy forces, on destroying them in their own country, within the resistance. And we are the Trojan Horses in the enemy's fortress. Thousands of Jews living in Europe constitute the principal factor in the destruction of our enemy. There, our front is a fact and the most valuable aid for victory." (Chaim Weizmann, President of the World Jewish Congress, in a Speech on December 3, 1942, in New York City)

"It is highly probable that the bulk of the Jew's ancestors �never' lived in Palestine �at all,' which witnesses the power of historical assertion over fact." (H. G. Wells, The Outline of History)

"...This weakness of the President [Roosevelt] frequently results in failure on the part of the White House to report all the facts to the Senate and the Congress; its [The Administration] description of the prevailing situation is not always absolutely correct and in conformity with the truth...When I lived in America, I learned that Jewish personalities; most of them rich donors for the parties; had easy access to the President. They used to contact him over the head of the Foreign Secretary and the representative at the United Nations and other officials. They were often in a position to alter the entire political line by a single telephone conversation... Stephen Wise...occupied a unique position, not only within American Jewry, but also generally in America...He was a close friend of Wilson...he was also an intimate friend of Roosevelt and had permanent access to him, a factor which naturally affected his relations to other members of the American Administration...

"Directly after this, the President's car stopped in front of the verandah, and before we could exchange greetings, Roosevelt remarked: �How interesting! Sam Roseman, Stephen Wise and Nahum Goldman are sitting there discussing what order they should give the President of the United States. Just imagine what amount of money the Nazis would pay to obtain a photo of this scene.' We began to stammer to the effect that there was an urgent message from Europe to be discussed by us, which Rosenman would submit to him on Monday. Roosevelt dismissed him with the words: �This is quite all right, on Monday I shall hear from Sam what I have to do,' and he drove on." (USA, Europe, Israel, Nahum Goldmann, pp. 53, 66‑67, 116)

The leftist Institute of Pacific Relations publishes Post War Worlds by P.E. Corbett:

"World government is the ultimate aim...It must be recognized that the law of nations takes precedence over national law...The process will have to be assisted by the deletion of the nationalistic material employed in educational textbooks and its replacement by material explaining the benefits of wiser association."

Chemical Warfare Services begins mustard gas experiments on approximately 4,000 servicemen. The experiments continued until 1945 and made use of Seventh Day Adventists who chose to become human guinea pigs rather than serve on active duty.


In response to Japan's full‑scale germ warfare program, the U.S. begins research on biological weapons at Fort Detrick, MD.

The American Jewish Conference is held at the Waldorf‑Astoria hotel in New York. Of the 375 local representatives, 240 are members of the Zionist Organization of America, and of the rest, more than 100 are affiliated with other Zionist groups. United States begins recapture of Japanese Pacific bases; Allies invade Sicily; Italians surrender; Germans surrender to Russians, at Stalingrad. 1945. Yalta Conference is attended by United States, Great Britain, and Soviet Union; Germany surrenders; Mussolini is assassinated; Hitler commits suicide; atom bombs are dropped at Hiroshima and Nagasaki; Japan surrenders, ending World War II; Potsdam Conference discusses postwar settlements.

Moscow Conference; Articles 5 ‑ 7 refer to "United Nations" and post‑war permanent organization. United Nations Association, created by Eleanor Roosevelt.

Polish‑born jew Raphael Lemkin �coins' the term, "genocide;" soon attributing the popularization of the term to Jewish‑owned New York Times.

April 19, 1943: A contingent of 2,000 heavily armed Schutzstaffel troops with tanks enter the Warsaw Poland: Ghetto. While the civilian population hides in underground bunkers, the ghetto fighters attack the Germans with incendiary bottles & a few guns. Shocked by the Jewish resistance, the SS is forced to withdraw. Unable to put down the revolt with conventional weapons, the Germans resort to setting the ghetto on fire.


In 1944, under the Bretton Woods Agreement, Corp. U.S. is quit claimed to the International Monetary Fund, and becomes a foreign controlled private corporation.

February 28, 1944: H. Hewett, assistant secretary for the British Ministry of Information states in a letter that "(w)e cannot reform the Bolsheviks but we can do our best to save them; and ourselves, from the consequences of their acts. The disclosures (of Soviet genocide) of the past quarter century will render more denials unconvincing.

The only alternative to denial is to distract public attention from the whole subject. Experience has shown that the best distraction is atrocity propaganda directed against the enemy...your cooperation is therefore earnestly sought to distract public attention from the doings of the Red Army by your whole‑hearted support of various charges against the Germans and Japanese which have been and will be put into circulation by the Ministry."

August 24, 1944: Soviet secret police (NKVD) are alleged to have murdered 600 Polish soldiers and officers in the forests of Trzebuska, not far from Rzeszow. Suppressed documentation reveals that the mass graves of Trzebuska were discovered in 1980, but were again suppressed by the Polish government to protect its ally.

Bretton Woods Agreements; created the World Bank (M),� and the International Monetary Fund (M). Henry Morgenthau delivered the closing address. (Background and conference details) Dumbarton Oaks Conversations, produce the draft recommendations for a United Nations organization. The U.S. Team, led by Edward Stettinius, included Alger Hiss, Ralph Bunche, Leo Pasvolsky, and Grayson Kirk. Overview of the meeting.

U.S. Navy uses human subjects to test gas masks and clothing. Individuals were locked in a gas chamber and exposed to mustard gas and lewisite. With the aid of atomic secrets being smuggled out of the United States by Jewish scientists, the Russian atomic program in Uzbekistan and Todja is now operational, under the direction of Beria Kurchatov (a Jew), Chief of the Soviet Secret Police ("Men in Black") under Stalin.


This bloodbath is not the subject of war crimes investigation. We are reminded at this juncture of Dr. Robert Faurisson's remark that "war itself is a crime," implying the prosecution of individual acts is an exercise in futility. Granted, but if we are to be forever the victims and to be subjected to trials because we are rightist, anti‑Communist and Christians, perhaps as a form of self‑defense we may be forgiven for desiring the trials of Communist and Zionist killers.


The ADL distributes 330,000 books in America, designed to convince the public that "anti‑Semitism" is a form of mental illness. Meanwhile, Zionist anti‑gentilism, as expressed in the Talmudic doctrine "only Jews are human," is considered perfectly natural and healthy in Jewish culture. [Note: As mental illness increasingly became a legal defense in the latter half of the 20th century, the ADL and other Jewish activist groups have lobbied aggressively to exclude Anti‑Semitic so‑called "hate crimes" from this defense. When is Anti‑Semitism a mental illness? When it's good for the Jews. When is it clear‑minded but inexcusable violence warranting an extended prison sentence? When it's good for the Jews. This is not an anomaly.]

Arab King Ibn Saoud complains to Roosevelt that "an army of Jews, armed to the teeth" is slowly preparing to attack Palestinian settlements. This is true, but Roosevelt ignores his protests.� [Note: Approximately 5 decades later, Arab terrorists level two World Trade Centers in NY and part of the Pentagon in retaliation for America's complicity in the theft of Palestine.]

U.S./Britain/Russia crush Germany and Japan, which, by default, kills the first concerted, modern effort to defeat Jewish/Communist power.

Jewish Communist Harry Dexter White (real name Weiss) writes much of the Morgenthau Plan, which will surrender a large portion of Europe to Communist/Jewish/leftist rule. (It's always a good idea to let Jewish Communists write important government mandates.)

An American Jewish man, Henry Morgenthau (of The Morgenthau Plan), is assigned to oversee the restructuring of Europe, a conflict of interest of staggering proportions.

General Patton, before his death, comments that the upcoming, planned trial of Nazi "war criminals" is illegal (ex post facto) and "Semitic" (Jewish‑created, a conflict of interest).

Jewish "cultural anthropologist" Ashley Montagu publishes the bible of the "equality movement," a book titled "Man's Most Dangerous Myth: The Fallacy of Race." Liberals everywhere use it to "stop racism," with great success. Trouble is, race/eugenics/heredity is real. Racial loyalty and purity is the goal of Judaism in general, Zionism in particular. As always (at least since the beginning of recorded history to present day!), Jews keep the truth for themselves and spread opportunistic lies to their neighbors and host cultures.

Japanese troops blow up the headquarters of Unit 731 in final days of Pacific war. Ishii orders 150 remaining �'logs'� killed to cover up their experimentation. Gen. Douglas MacArthur is named commander of the Allied powers in Japan.

April 26, 1945: The date SS officer Kurt Gerstein's first two (of at least six) "confessions." Confession 1 is handwritten in French. Confession 2 is typewritten in French, dated April 26, 1945 (also presented as Nuernberg document PS‑1553; rejected by the IMT but accepted by the AMT!). Confession 3 is typewritten in German and is dated May 4, 1945. Confession 4 is handwritten in French, dated May 6, 1945. Confession 5 is typewritten in French, dated May 6, 1945. And Confession 6 is typewritten in German, dated May 6, 1945. Also, there are three distinct versions of Confession 5.

On April 26, 1945: Representatives of most of the civilized nations of the world met in San Francisco to create an organization of nations which would become a pattern for world government and, it was hoped by its sincere supporters, insure lasting peace to a world long weary of war. The conference was completed on June 26, 1945, with the adoption of the U.N. Charter.

The United States successfully detonates its first Atomic device on July 16th.

With the signing of the Yalta Agreement, President Roosevelt, with the blessings of the United States Congress allowed nine East European countries to be surrendered to Communist enslavement and death to many of their Christian and non‑Jewish citizens.

June 28, 1945: President Truman endorses world government in a speech: "It will be just as easy for nations to get along in a republic of the world as it is for us to get along in a republic of the United States."

October 24, 1945: The United Nations Charter becomes effective. Also on October 24, Senator Glen Taylor (D‑Idaho) introduces Senate Resolution 183 calling upon the U.S. Senate to go on record as favoring creation of a world republic including an international police force.

Yalta Conference ‑ (February) reached agreement on U.N. draft recommendations and set the date for U.N. conference. Germany surrenders (May 7). U.N. Charter; signed June 26, in San Francisco. Ratified by Senate (89‑2) July 28. International Court of Justice ‑ established in The Hague. August 6, & 9, atomic bombs dropped on Japan. Japan surrenders (August 14). UNESCO ‑ created in London, November 16.

Project Paperclip is initiated. The U.S. State Department, Army intelligence, and the CIA recruit Nazi scientists and offer them immunity and secret identities in exchange for work on top secret government projects in the United States.

"Program F" is implemented by the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission (AEC). This is the most extensive U.S. study of the health effects of fluoride, which was the key chemical component in atomic bomb production. One of the most toxic chemicals known to man, fluoride, it is found, causes marked adverse effects to the central nervous system but much of the information is squelched in the name of national security because of fear that lawsuits would undermine full‑scale production of atomic bombs.


January 30, 1946: When the "confession" of Kurt Gerstein is offered as evidence at the war crimes trials at Nuernberg, it is judged to be so obviously phony that it is rejected, and not permitted to be read before the court. Even kangaroo courts have standards to maintain! In later trials, this same document is admitted as evidence by judges and prosecutors desperate for anything that will help them hang their virtually defenseless victims.

Various Germans are brought to trial at Nuremberg for what is called "crimes against humanity" (law which did not exist before the war, and is ex post facto [after the fact] law, which is illegal in America). Many of the judges are Jewish, and many of the persons present also are Soviet/Communist officials. Strangely, no "crimes against humanity" have YET been brought against ANY Communist country, even though their body count is FAR greater (by millions and millions).

At Nuremberg, Germany, German publisher Julius Streicher testifies that Nazism actually borrowed its racist ideas from Judaism itself, saying that they liked the idea of a closed, "supremacist," race‑based society that would exist for 1,000 years (as Judaism has; actually, longer than that). Of course, what's "tradition" for Jews is "tyranny" for anyone else.

Thousands of Jews from Europe are secretly convoyed (sent) to Palestine, even though they do not yet own it, giving credence to King Saoud's claims. British General Frederick Morgan complains about it. [Note: On September 11, 2001, they REALLY complain about it.]

"Conservative" persons all over Europe are murdered and oppressed by Jews and Communists who returned from Russia, now that Eastern Europe had been freely given to the Communists.

U.S. coverup of secret deal with Ishii and Unit 731 leaders; germ warfare data based on human experimentation in exchange for immunity from war‑crimes prosecution, begins in earnest. Deal is concluded two years later.

June 21, 1946: While questioning defendant Albert Speer at the Nuernberg trials, US prosecutor Robert Jackson tells Speer that he has certain information that the Nazis erected a small village just outside of Auschwitz, put approximately 20,000 Jews in it, and by means of a newly invented weapon eradicated these people almost instantaneously in such a way that there was no trace left of them, and that the explosive used had developed temperatures of from 400 to 500 degrees Centigrade. Jackson: "Do you know about that experiment?" Speer: "No, and I consider it utterly improbable." Jackson then dropped the matter, which is too bad because this story is much more easily defended than the current "gas chamber" myth.

October 6, 1946: Senator Bob Taft (R‑Ohio) speaks out against the Nuernberg War Crimes Trials, and throws away his and the Republican party's chances for the presidency in the upcoming elections.

General Lucius Clay, Commander of all Allied Occupational Forces in Europe, sends samples of alleged "human skin" to military forensics laboratories. Analysis: Tanned, tattooed Goatskin.

Jews claim 6 Million Jews perished as a result of WWII. Therefore, World‑wide Jewish population should be 2‑3,000,000+, given the previous "loss" of 6MM in 1919. The jews supposedly had 16.5 in 1945, so ‑ ignoring their 1919 claim of 6MM losses, but considering their claim of a loss of 6MM; the remainder being 10MM, they would have had to experience a live‑birth growth rate of 23% yearly to get to 16.5MM in 1945.

You can figure out the differential, given their 1948 top‑end figure of 18MM jews worldwide, which would put their live‑birth growth rate near 25%; an extraordinary feat, if even possible. The effective rate was under 1% in those years; normal being 1.+% with ordinary attrition. Had they really had the 23% figure; and kept it through 55 years of peace, there would be 3 TRILLION Jews in the world today. (CS)

U.S. joins UNESCO: Julian Huxley, president of the Eugenics Society, and author of "The New Divinity", first Director. Socialist Joseph Needham, appointed Director of Natural Science. World Health Organization created.

Treaty: The Jewish President Harry S. (Solomon, Schiff) Truman ordered augmentation of U.S. troops along the zonal occupation line and the reinforcement of air forces in northern Italy after Yugoslav forces shot down an unarmed U.S. Army transport plane flying over Nenezia Giulia. Earlier U.S. naval units had been dispatched to the scene.

Treaty: President Truman ordered the augmentation of U.S. Troops along the zonal occupation line and the reinforcement of air forces in Northern Italy after Yugoslav forces shot down an unarmed U.S. Army transport plane flying over Venezia Giulia. Earlier U.S. Naval units had been dispatched to the scene.

League of Nations is replaced by United Nations; Ho Chi Minh begins war against French in Indochina; German war crimes trials are held in Nuremberg.

Alger Hiss is elected President of the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace. Hiss holds this office until 1949. Early in 1950, he is convicted of perjury and sentenced to prison after a sensational trial and Congressional hearing in which Whittaker Chambers, a former senior editor of Time, testifies that Hiss was a member of his�� Communist Party cell.

The Teacher and World Government by former editor of the NEA Journal (National Education Association) Joy Elmer Morgan is published. He says:

"In the struggle to establish an adequate world government, the teacher...can do much to prepare the hearts and minds of children for global understanding and cooperation...At the very heart of all the agencies which will assure the coming of world government must stand the school, the teacher, and the organized profession."

Patients in VA hospitals are used as guinea pigs for medical experiments. In order to allay suspicions, the order is given to change the word "experiments" to "investigations" or "observations" whenever reporting a medical study performed in one of the nation's veteran's hospitals.


The U.N. General Assembly recommends, after much political pressure, giving Palestine to the Jews as soon as British rule officially ends on Aug. 1, 1948. The Jews do not wait that long.

American Communists (known as the Hollywood Ten) are brought before the U.S. House Un‑American Activities Committee. Nine of the "10" are Jewish, including Ring Lardner, Jr., who would later write the film version of "M*A*S*H."

Nearly 100 right‑wing U.S. Congressmen and Senators learn that U.S. Jewish organizations have secretly inserted language into the Congressmen's civil service files, falsely describing the Congressmen (and their wives) as "Nazis." This activity is illegal, since at that time certain political affiliation questions in personnel files are officially banned by the U.S. government.

Marshall Plan aids European War recovery; Arabs reject plan for separate Jewish and Arab states; independent states of India and Pakistan are formed.

Germany begins restitution and reparations payments. First claims paid to 4,322,000+ jews.

The American Education Fellowship, formerly the Progressive Education Association, organized by John Dewey, calls for the:

"...establishment of a genuine world order, an order in which national sovereignty is subordinate to world authority..."

World Federalist Association; founded in Asheville, North Carolina World Federalist Movement ‑ founded in Switzerland.

October, 1947: NEA Associate Secretary William Carr writes in the NEA Journal that teachers should:

"...teach about the various proposals that have been made for the strengthening of the United Nations and the establishment of a world citizenship and world government."

Colonel E.E. Kirkpatrick of the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission issues a secret document (Document 07075001, January 8, 1947) stating that the agency will begin administering intravenous doses of radioactive substances to human subjects.

The CIA begins its study of LSD as a potential weapon for use by American intelligence. Human subjects (both civilian and military) are used with and without their knowledge.

1947 to 1951, FRANCE: According to Alfred W. McCoy in The Politics of Heroin in Southeast Asia, CIA arms, money, and disinformation enabled Corsican criminal syndicates in Marseille to wrestle control of labor unions from the Communist Party. The Corsicans gained political influence and control over the docks; ideal conditions for cementing a long‑term partnership with mafia drug distributors, which turned Marseille into the postwar heroin capital of the Western world. Marseille's first heroin laboratories were opened in 1951, only months after the Corsicans took over the waterfront.


Auschwitz plaque reads: "Four million people suffered and died here at the hands of the Nazi murderers between the years 1940 and 1945." (cf. 1990 plaque)

Jews, led by Menachem Begin (later Israel's leader), slaughter 250 unarmed women and children at Deir Yassin in Palestine (also spelled Yasin). Women are raped first. Even Albert Einstein (Jewish) condemns the massacre.

After vicious, Jewish‑instigated fighting with Arabs, Jews declare that they now own Palestine, calling it "ISRAEL," even though they do not yet legally own it.

Count Folke Bernadotte of Sweden is assassinated by Jews in Palestine.

Palestine. A Marine consular guard was sent to Jerusalem to protect the U.S. Consular General.

April 19, 1948: Costa Rica abolishes its army.

IUCN Created: by Julian Huxley, in Geneva. Headquarters in Gland, Switzerland The U.S. Government, and several agencies are members. Universal Declaration of Human Rights;� adopted by U.N. General Assembly Environmental Education, concept introduced to the U.N. by the IUCN.

Nation of Israel is established; war begins between Israel and Arab League; Gandhi is assassinated by a Hindu extremist; communists gain control of Czechoslovakia; Korea is divided into North Korea and South Korea; Berlin is blockaded by Soviet Union.

Walden II by behavioral psychologist B.F. Skinner proposes "a perfect society or new and more perfect order" in which children are reared by the State, rather than by their parents and are trained from birth to demonstrate only desirable behavior and characteristics. Skinner's ideas would be widely implemented by educators in the 1960s, 70s, and 80s as Values Clarification and Outcome Based Education.

July, 1948: Britain's Sir Harold Butler, in the CFR's Foreign Affairs, sees "a New World Order" taking shape:

"How far can the life of nations, which for centuries have thought of themselves as distinct and unique, be merged with the life of other nations? How far are they prepared to sacrifice a part of their sovereignty without which there can be no effective economic or political union?...Out of the prevailing confusion a new world is taking shape...which may point the way toward the new order...That will be the beginning of a real United Nations, no longer crippled by a split personality, but held together by a common faith."

UNESCO president and Fabian Socialist, Sir Julian Huxley, calls for a radical eugenic policy in UNESCO: Its Purpose and Its Philosophy. He states: "Thus, even though it is quite true that any radical eugenic policy of controlled human breeding will be for many years politically and psychologically impossible, it will be important for UNESCO to see that the eugenic problem is examined with the greatest care and that the public mind is informed of the issues at stake that much that is now unthinkable may at least become thinkable."

The preliminary draft of a World Constitution is published by U.S. educators advocating regional federation on the way toward world federation or government with England incorporated into a European federation.

The Constitution provides for a "World Council" along with a "Chamber of Guardians" to enforce world law. Also included is a "Preamble" calling upon nations to surrender their arms to the world government, and includes the right of this "Federal Republic of the World" to seize private property for federal use.

Three years after the war, Israel officially declares Germany to be �An Enemy of the State of Israel'


China. Marines were dispatched to Nanking to protect the American Embassy when the city fell to Communist troops, and to Shanghai to aid in the protection and evacuation of Americans.


California Jewish Voice newspaper editor Sammy Gach praises (in print) the fact that the Soviet Union now has the A‑bomb (Sept. 30).

The Soviet Union successfully detonates its first Atomic device on July 24th.

President Truman and his administration cut off all supplies to Chiang Kai‑Shek, enabling Mao Tse‑Tung to slaughter resistance and insure a Communist Cina. President Truman, who stated that he "kinda liked old Joe (Stalin)" continued Roosevelt's collaboration with the depraved murder and refused Japan's pleas for surrender, until Stalin's forces were in a position to claim their booty in the Pacific. Thus setting the stage for the first no win war in America's history.

Onassis buys U.S. War surplus "Liberty ships" in questionable (illegal) purchase. Burke Marshall helps him.

Mao Tse‑tung's communists gain control of China; Nationalist Chinese move government to Taiwan; South Africa establishes apartheid policy; Germany is divided into East Germany and West Germany; North American Treaty Organization (NATO) is formed.

UNESCO Publication 356 (M) ‑ "Toward World Understanding."

"It seems to me, when I consider the power of that entombed gold and the pattern of events... that there are great, organized forces in the world, which are spread over many countries but work in unison to achieve power over mankind through chaos. They seem to me to see, first and foremost, the destruction of Christianity, Nationhood and Liberty...that was �the design' which Lord Acton perceived behind the first of the tumults, the French Revolution, and it has become clearer with later tumults and growing success. This process does not appear to me a natural or inevitable one, but a man‑made one which follows definite rules of conspiratorial action. I believe there is an organization behind it of long standing, and that the great successes which have been achieved are mainly due to the efficiency with which this has been kept concealed." (Smoke to Smother, page 315)

"Very odd things are happening in Israel. Our observers were struck with the peculiar attitude of those traveling to Zion after the war. They seemed to see some strange sign which they could not help following at whatever cost. We heard this over and over again. These strange people saw something." (Review of World Affairs)

"The Zionist Organization is a body unique in character, with practically all the functions and duties of a government, but deriving its strength and resources not from one territory but from some seventy‑two different countries...The supreme government is in the hands of the Zionist Congress, composed of over 200 delegates, representing shekel‑ payers of all countries. Congress meets once every two years. Its [supreme government] powers between sessions are then delegated to the Committee [Sanhedrin]." (Report submitted to the Zionist Conference at Sydney, Australia, by Mr. Ettinger, a Zionist Lawyer)

"Ma'aser is the tenth part of tithe of his capital and income which every Jew has naturally been obligated over the generations of their history to give for the benefit of Jewish movements...The tithe principle has been accepted in its most stringent form. The Zionist Congress declared it as the absolute duty of every Zionist to pay tithes to the Ma'aser. It added that those Zionists who failed to do so, should be deprived of their offices and honorary positions." (Encyclopedia Judaica)

Then United States Representative Richard Nixon exposes America's participation in "Operation Keelhaul."

Operation Keelhaul

In 1945, in direct violation of their claims to be the defenders of freedom, the U.S. and Britain co‑operated in the forcible and brutal repatriation of four million Russians after they had fled to the West. This agreement with Joseph Stalin [Operation Keelhaul) was a violation not only of the traditional allied spirit of freedom, but also of the Geneva Convention. The Operation Keelhaul file (1945) was classified secret in 1972, and is off limits to investigators. Julius Epstein in his book Operation Keelhaul gives us many of the nauseating details of what has been called;

"...probably the greatest single blot of all time on British and American diplomacy."

Operation Keelhaul was the code designation the American Army gave to its own, originally Top Secret, documentary record of the forced repatriation of more than one million prisoners of war and displaced persons to Stalin's hangmen and slave labor camps. The chief perpetrators of this crime against humanity were not the Nazis, nor the Communists, but the military authorities of the Western Allies.

The crime was committed not against the enemies of the West, but against the enemies of Communism. It was committed not in compliance with existing law, but in violation of all existing domestic legislation and international law. It did not serve the interests of the Western democracies and freedom, but only and exclusively the interests of Joseph Stalin, the Soviet Union and World Communism. What makes the case truly perplexing is the fact that our highest officials have spoken strongly against forced repatriation. In a statement to the press on May 20, 1947 Secretary of State George C. Marshall said:

"It is the fixed policy of the United States Government to oppose any forced repatriation of displaced persons." (Department of State Bulletin, Dated June 1, 1947)

In 1952, during the war in Korea, President Truman, answering a letter from U.S. Army Captain Charles G. Ewing, wrote:

"Your conversations with those men who prefer death to life under a Communist regime point up vividly the compelling humanitarian and moral reasons for the stand which the United Nations negotiators have taken on the repatriation question. We must not use bayonets to force these prisoners to return to slavery and almost certain death at the hands of the Communists.

"You soldiers in Korea can also well appreciate the fact that behind the Iron Curtain there are millions of people who yearn desperately to regain their lost freedom and sense of dignity. These people look to the free world as their only hope to achieve this goal." (President Truman's letter was released by the White House on August 20, 1952 and published in The Department of State Bulletin, Vol. XXVII, No. 688, September 1, 1952, p. 328.) This letter shows the hypocrisy of the Truman Administration!

Speaking before Committee One of the United National General Assembly on October 24, 1953, Secretary of State Dean G. Acheson declared,

"So far as I know, there has been no member of the United Nations outside the Communist group that has ever suggested that it was right, proper, legal, or necessary to return these prisoners by force."

Finally, President Eisenhower, in a speech of May 7, 1953, expressed these categorical views:

"People that have become our prisoners cannot by any manner of means be denied the right on which this country was founded...the right of political asylum against the kind of political persecution they fear... Consequently, to force those people to go back to a life of terror and persecution is something that would violate every moral standard by which America lives [But not by the moral standards of President Dwight D. Eisenhower). Therefore, it would be unacceptable in the American code, and it cannot be done."

And yet the fact is that in May, 1945, the Guide to the Care of Displaced Persons in Germany [G5 Division, Displaced Persons Branch, Revised May 1945) of the Supreme Headquarters, Allied Expeditionary Force, contain the following unmistakable, mandatory instructions [Instructions issued by Dwight Eisenhower, then Commander‑in‑Chief of the Allied Expeditionary Force with unreflecting firmness):

"After identification by Soviet Repatriation Representatives, Soviet displaced persons will be repatriated regardless of their individual wishes. Supreme Headquarters will issue instructions based on such cases to serve as a guide to Assembly Center Directors in dealing with subsequent cases. Note: Enemy and ex‑enemy displaced persons, except those assimilated to United Nations status, will be returned to their countries of nationality or former residence without regard to their personal wishes."

And these instructions, despite all U.S. laws, traditions, official statements, and considerations of humanity to the contrary, were implemented between 1944 and 1947, resulting in the forced repatriation of at least two million people to the Soviet Union, To Jail, Slave Labor Camps, Ruthless Persecution and Death! (Preface, Operation Keelhaul, by Julius Epstein.)

The dictionary defines Keelhaul as:

" drag (a person) under water beneath the bottom of a ship from one side to the other, formerly a naval punishment."

Keelhauling is the cruelest punishment ever devised for use by navies. It involved tying up a man with ropes, throwing him overboard and dragging him from side to side under the boat's keel, or from stem to stern. Those subjected to keelhauling were dead long before their punishment was completed. "Operation Keelhaul" is the official name for one of the most tragic events of the Second World War period; the forcible repatriation of Russian anti‑communists to their enemy the Soviet Union.

Were the authorities responsible for selecting the name "Operational Keelhaul" aware of its definition? For many of those unfortunate to be repatriated, their fates were the same as the keelhauled sailor of long ago. Of the six to seven million repatriated, the figure for those forcibly repatriated is conservatively estimated at from two to three million. The repatriates belonged to several distinct groups: Cossacks and emigres, POWs captured by the Germans, members of Valasov's army. For those unwilling to return, varying degrees of forces were employed by the Allies, notably the British and American military authorities.

This tragic event, so little known in the West, was sanctioned by the highest authorities and carried out by a few hundred individuals, in total violation of international law and all western concepts of asylum for political refugees. We need to be reminded that the Second World War commenced when Germany invaded Poland on September 1, 1939, following a treaty between the Nazis and the Communists known as the Hitler‑Stalin Pact or the Molotov‑Ribbentrop Pact which was signed secretly in August, 1939.


The Rosenbergs (U.S., Jewish citizens) are caught spying against the U.S. (and are later executed). (Most nuclear spies in America have been Jewish, probably because a very many nuclear scientists have been Jewish).

Jews still control the political Left in American, including most Communist and left‑wing, socialist groups, and lead the intellectual movement on most college campuses. Jews during this period are considered "enemies" of "traditional" American culture.

Early 1950s, SOUTHEAST ASIA: The Nationalist Chinese army, organized by the CIA to wage war against Communist China, became the opium barons of The Golden Triangle (parts of Burma, Thailand and Laos), the world's largest source of opium and heroin. Air America, the ClA's principal airline proprietary, flew the drugs all over Southeast Asia. (See Christopher Robbins, Air America, Avon Books, 1985, chapter 9.)

January: State Department White Paper issued declaring that the United States would not defend South Korea or Formosa if they were invaded (This is exactly the same thing the government did before the so‑called Desert Storm War with Iraq. They set the foreign governments up with lies so as to make it appear they are going to war because of some noble cause; when in actuality they are going to war to make the Jews more and more profits, while more and more White Christians die).

The Korean War (1950‑1953) () was fought primarily to stem the flow of Communism in the Far East, at least that's what we've been told. It was really all about protecting U. S. business interests in the Far East, and creating a permanent base in South Korea that would require constant funding.

The U.S. Navy sprayed a cloud of bacteria over San Francisco. The Navy claimed that the bacteria was harmless, and used only to track a simulated attack, but many San Francisco residents became ill with pneumonia‑like symptoms, and one is known to have died.

The Korean War was fought from 1950 to 1953 against North Korea and China. As World War II had ended the Koreans had been divided roughly in half by the U.S. and Soviet Union at the point where they had met as they defeated Japan in Korea. One government was to be set up to rule over all of Korea but the U.S., and Soviet Union couldn't agree on what type of government. Then in 1950 Soviet‑armed North Korean troops invaded the south. At this a United Nations coalition of forces which the U.S. formed a large part entered South Korea to drive back both North Korean and Chinese regular army troops who had entered the conflict on the side of North Korea.

North Korea invades south Korea; Seoul falls to North Korea, limit of farthest North Korean advance; U.N. forces enter conflict; U.S. troops under MacArthur land at Inchon causing North Korean retreat; Farthest extent of U.N. advance into North Korea; cina enters the conflict; 1951: General MacArthur fired; Ridgeway's counterattack drives North Korea into retreat (but it was MacArthur who turned the tide of battle in the first place when he broke the back of the Chinese at Inchon) Negotiations begin for truce; Battle of Bloody Ridge; Battle of Heartbreak Hill; 1952: Attempts at POW exchanges fail; General period of stalemate on front lines; 1953: Armistice signed at Panmunjom


Korea. U.S. responded to North Korean invasion of South Korea by being ordered to go to its assistance by the United Nations; Congressional Authorization was not sought. The Korean fiasco aroused American voters who� were offered, the Jew, Dwight D. Eisenhower for President, a soldier who they thought would surely win that ridiculous war. Eisenhower did end the war, but not by winning which could easily have been done, but by yielding to Communist terms and insults he provided the festering sore of a divided Korea;

The bait was accepted: On June 9, 1950, South Korea was invaded. America entered a war that was to cost it 117,000 American lives.

February 9, 1950: The Senate Foreign Relations Subcommittee introduces Senate Concurrent Resolution 66 which begins:

"Whereas, in order to achieve universal peace and justice, the present Charter of the United Nations should be changed to provide a true world government constitution."

The resolution was first introduced in the Senate on September 13, 1949 by Senator Glen Taylor (D‑Idaho). Senator Alexander Wiley (R‑Wisconsin) called it "a consummation devoutly to be wished for" and said,

"I understand your proposition is either change the United Nations, or change or create, by a separate convention, a world order."

Senator Taylor later stated:

"We would have to sacrifice considerable sovereignty to the world organization to enable them to levy taxes in their own right to support themselves."

Department of Defense begins plans to detonate nuclear weapons in desert areas and monitor downwind residents for medical problems and mortality rates.

In an experiment to determine how susceptible an American city would be to biological attack, the U.S. Navy sprays a cloud of bacteria from ships over San Francisco. Monitoring devices are situated throughout the city in order to test the extent of infection. Many residents become ill with pneumonia‑like symptoms.

�Israel enacts Law of Return, granting all Jews anywhere in the world, and only Jews, the right to immigrate to Israel, on the grounds that they are returning to their own state. Subsequent Israeli governments must swear to uphold this Basic Law.

Israel enacts the Development Authority Law, granting the Jewish National Fund authority over 92% of the land. By means of a "Land Covenant", all this property, most of it expropriated from Palestinians, now becomes the "inalienable property" of the Jewish people worldwide, meaning non‑Jews can never buy any of it, never rent any of it, nor even be employed on any of it.

"We will have a world government whether you like it or not. The only question is whether that government will be achieved by conquest or consent." (Jewish Banker Paul Warburg, February 17, 1950, as he testified before the U.S. Senate)

An array of germ warfare weapons were allegedly used against North Korea. Accounts claim that there were releases of feathers infected with anthrax, fleas and mosquitoes dosed with Plague and Yellow Fever, and rodents infected with a variety of diseases. These were precisely the same techniques used in immunity from prosecution in exchange for the results of that research. The Eisenhower administration later pressed Sedition Charges against three� Americans who dared to published the information of these activities. However, none of those charged were convicted.

In another series of experiments, the U.S. military released clouds of "harmless" gases over six (6) U.S. and Canadian cities to observe the potential for similar releases under chemical and germ warfare scenarios. A follow‑up report by the military noted the occurrence of respiratory problems in the unwitting civilian populations.

1950s to early 1970s, INDOCHINA: During U.S. military involvement in Laos and other parts of Indochina, Air America flew opium and heroin throughout the area. Many GI's in Vietnam became addicts. A laboratory built at CIA headquarters in northern Laos was used to refine heroin. After a decade of American military intervention, Southeast Asia had become the source of 70 percent of the world's illicit opium and the major supplier of raw materials for America's booming heroin market.


An arm of the U.N., UNESCO, declares, in print, that "Jewish" is only a religion, not a race. This is a blatant lie; further, FDR's good buddy Rabbi Wise already said, in print, that Jews are a race, years earlier. One of the key people involved in the writing/research of this declaration is Jewish, although his contribution is published somewhat later (i.e., Harry Shapiro, 1953, according to A. Koestler's book).

Chinese communists occupy Tibet.

Department of Defense begins open air tests using disease‑producing bacteria and viruses. Tests last through 1969 and there is concern that people in the surrounding areas have been exposed.


China: Naval units evacuated U.S. Civilians and military personnel from the Tachen Islands.


The Revised Standard Version: The rapid multiplication of English translations of the Scriptures throughout the second half of the twentieth century might well prompt more than one bewildered reader to rephrase the Preacher's melancholy observation so as to read, "Of the making of many translations of the Bible there is no end!" Ecclesiastes 12:12) During the nearly forty years between the publication in 1953 of the Revised Standard Version and the publication in 1990 of the New Revised Standard Version, twenty‑seven English renderings of the entire Bible were issued, as well as twenty‑eight renderings of the New Testament alone.

The Jewish ADL demands that the conservative American Legion magazine print a retraction regarding an "Anti‑Semitic" (but factual) book excerpt (by legit author Douglas Reed) that they printed. The Legion magazine editor refuses, but is overruled by higher‑ups, and the usual "apology" is printed. The editor quits in disgust.

The Jews had become so powerful at influencing Christian thinking into accepting Jewish teachings that they actually bragged about their power within the pages of the American Jewish Yearbook. Where they stated; "Arrangements have been completed with the National Council of Churches whereby the American Jewish Congress and the Anti‑Defamation League will jointly...aid in the preparation of lesson materials, study guides and visual aids...sponsored by Protestant organizations. You can call these tactics anything you want to. You can even say smear. We prefer to say �education.'"

April 19, 1952: England: 35 Operation Gandhi supporters picket Aldermaston AWRE, a spy base.

Jawaharlal Nehru is elected first Prime Minster of India.

April 12, 1952: John Foster Dulles, later to become Secretary of State, says in a speech to the American Bar Association in Louisville, Kentucky, that "treaty laws can override the Constitution."

He says treaties can take power away from Congress and give them to the President. They can take powers from the States and give them to the Federal Government or to some international body and they can cut across the rights given to the people by their constitutional Bill of Rights. A Senate amendment, proposed by GOP Senator John Bricker, would have provided that no treaty could supersede the Constitution, but it fails to pass by one vote.

Israel enacts the Citizenship/Jewish Nationality Law, granting every Jew in the world, and only Jews, the status both of Israeli citizenship and Jewish nationality as soon as they step foot on Israeli soil. This distinction between citizenship and nationality, unique to the Zionist state, becomes the legal basis for state sanctioned discrimination, whereby only Jewish nationals are eligible for many of the privileges and services provided by the state or by its semi‑governmental Zionist organizations.

Israel enacts the World Zionist Organization/ Jewish Agency (Status) Law, empowering the Organization/Agency with

"the development and settlement of the country, the absorption of (Jewish) immigrants from the Diaspora and the coordination of the activities in Israel of Jewish institutions and organizations active in those fields."

This makes hundreds of thousands of� Israeli citizens of non‑Jewish nationality, most of whom are native Palestinians, ineligible by law for "nationality" benefits, meaning they cannot work on "national" land, and cannot participate in "national" housing, educational, or agricultural benefits.


The McCarthy Senate anti‑Communist hearings begin, and continue for a total of 199 days. Jews attack Senator McCarthy mercilessly, since Communism in America is heavily Jewish. They even accuse McCarthy of "anti‑Semitism," even though McCarthy has a Jewish sidekick (Roy Cohn).

East Berliners rise against Communist rule; and is subsequently quelled by Russian tanks, thanks to our American leaders inaction, compliancy and co‑operation.

Stalin dies and is replaced by Malenkov; USSR announces development of hydrogen bomb; Vietnamese Viet Minh forces invade Laos.

"Mrs. Van Hyning, In am surprised at your surprise. You are a student of history ‑‑ and you know that both the Borgias and the Mediciis are Jewish families of Italy. Surely you know that there have been Popes from both of these house. Perhaps it will surprise you to know that we have had 20 Jewish Popes, and when you have sufficient time, which may coincide with my free time, I can show you these names and dates. You will learn from these that: The crimes committed in the name of the Catholic Church were under Jewish Popes. The leaders of the inquisition was one, de TorQuemada, a Jew." (Woman's Voice, November 25, 1953)

U.S. military releases clouds of zinc cadmium sulfide gas over Winnipeg, St. Louis, Minneapolis, Fort Wayne, the Monocacy River Valley in Maryland, and Leesburg, Virginia. Their intent is to determine how efficiently they could disperse chemical agents.

Joint Army‑Navy‑CIA experiments are conducted in which tens of thousands of people in New York and San Francisco are exposed to the airborne germs Serratia marcescens and Bacillus glogigii.

CIA initiates Project MKULTRA. This is an eleven year research program designed to produce and test drugs and biological agents that would be used for mind control and behavior modification. Six of the subprojects involved testing the agents on unwitting human beings.


Egyptian Jews blow up American facilities in Egypt, in an attempt to damage relations between the U.S./Egypt, by making the sabotage look like non‑Jewish Egyptians did it. Called "The Lavon Affair," after Israeli Defense Minister Pinhas Lavon.

Brown vs. Board of Education, which desegregates all American schools, is drafted, argued and pushed for by the NAACP's Jewish lawyers, who are successful.

Agents of Israel's Mossad firebombed the U.S. Consulate and other facilities in Egypt. They planned to blame it on the Egyptians and thus drive a wedge between that country and America. One of the terrorists was Phillip Nathanson, who let an incendiary device go off in his pocket. That drew the attention of Egyptian authorities, and the resulting scandal was called the "Lavon Affair."

Its political aftermath caused Israel's first Prime Minister, David Ben‑Gurion to resign. In Brown v. Board of Education the Supreme Court decided segregated schools were unconstitutional. The federal legal brigade aiding Brown and NAACP was heavily Jewish.

The result has been unending racial tension, mind boggling costs for bussing students and remedial programs for Blacks, and trillions of hours lost in the education of White children.

"We must realize that our party's most powerful weapon is racial tension. By pounding into the consciousness of the dark races, that for centuries they have been oppressed by whites, we can mold them into the program of the Communist Party. In America, we aim for several victories. While inflaming the Negro minorities against the whites, we will instill in the whites a guilt complex for their supposed exploitation of the Negroes. We will aid the Blacks to rise to prominence in every walk of life and in the world of sports and entertainment. With this prestige,, the Negro will be able to intermarry with the whites and will begin the process which will deliver America to our cause." (Jewish Playwright Israel Cohen, A Radical Program For The Twentieth Century. Also entered into the Congressional Record on June 7, 1957, by Rep. Thomas Abernathy)

February 23: U.S. Senator William Jenner of Indiana refers to the Supreme Court's Missouri v. Holland (1920) ruling regarding treaties, and to the High Court's Pink decision, as he speaks in support of the Bricker amendment which would have prevented any treaty from overriding the U.S. Constitution {But the amendment failed to pass by one vote. All the Jewish members of Congress left no stone unturned in their efforts to defeat it}.

ADL attorney Leonard Schroeder, is instrumental in preparing desegregation briefs for the NAACP for hearings before the U.S. Supreme court. He said

"The ADL was working throughout the South to make integration possible as quickly as possible." (Oregon Journal, December 9, 1954)

Viet Minh troops defeat French at Dien Bien Phu; Vietnam is divided into North Vietnam and South Vietnam; South‑East Asia Treaty Organization (SEATO) is formed.

Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands establishes the Bilderbergers, international politicians and bankers who meet secretly on an annual basis.

H. Rowan Gaither, Jr., President; Ford Foundation said to Norman Dodd of the Congressional Reese Commission:

"...all of us here at the policy‑making level have had experience with directives...from the White House...The substance of them is that we� shall use our grant‑making power so as to alter our life in the United States that we can be comfortably merged with the Soviet Union."

Senator William Jenner said:

"Today the path to total dictatorship in the United States can be laid by strictly legal means, unseen and unheard by the Congress, the President, or the people....outwardly we have a Constitutional government. We have operating within our government and political system, another body representing another form of government, a bureaucratic elite which believes our Constitution is outmoded and is sure that it is the winning side...All the strange developments in the foreign policy agreements may be traced to this group who are going to make us over to suit their pleasure...This political action group has its own local political support organizations, its own pressure groups, its own vested interests, its foothold within our government, and its own propaganda apparatus."


The Tampa Bay area of Florida experienced a sharp rise in Whooping Cough cases, including 12 deaths, after a CIA test where a bacteria withdrawn from the Army's Chemical and Biological Warfare arsenal was released into the environment. Details of the test are still classified.

European communist states sign Warsaw Pact; Argentine President Juan Peron is exiled.

The CIA, in an experiment to test its ability to infect human populations with biological agents, releases a bacteria withdrawn from the Army's biological warfare arsenal over Tampa Bay, Fl.

Army Chemical Corps continues LSD research, studying its potential use as a chemical incapacitating agent. More than 1,000 Americans participate in the tests, which continue until 1958.


Encyclopedia Britannica mentions no "gassing" or "Holocaust," simply "concentration camps," i.e., areas where Jews were "concentrated" or kept together as a group. A universal practice of war; not a uniquely horrendous "crime against humanity."

Israel invades and occupies Egypt's Sinai Peninsula. They do not give it back until 1982.

Rightists in Hungary revolt against the largely Jewish Hungarian Communist government. Western newspapers, already largely Jewish‑owned, describe the event as an "Anti‑Semitic" revolt.

Then‑conservative activist/ex‑Navy pilot George Lincoln Rockwell tries to organize American conservatives into action, and even works for William F. Buckley briefly, until he discovers that Buckley, and others, will say NOTHING about Jews leading the left‑wing political movement in America. He later starts a Nazi party in America.

Encouraged and promised support by the United States Government, Heroic Hungarians and Poles stuck for freedom from their Jewish Communist rulers. Then with U.S. State Department assurance that America would not intercede, Russian tanks were dispatched to crush the rebellion.

Then in 1978, the United States Government; under the orders of then President Jimmy Carter (who was attacked by a killer rabbit and subsequently shot more than 18 times by Secret Service Agents) added insult to injury, and returned the Crown of St. Stephen; given to the American Government for safe keeping when the Communist came to power in Hungary; the Crown was and is Hungary's symbol of sovereignty, to that hated Communist Government. This was directly against the wishes of the Hungarian People.

Assassination of Anastasio Somoza of Nicaragua. Bilderberger meeting in Frednsborg, Denmark. Clay Shaw's CIA contact allegedly stopped. Oswald joins Marines. Durham receives special CIA training. UFOlogist Gray Barker publishes They Knew Too Much About Flying Saucers which reported numerous MIB incidents.

Egypt: A Marine battalion evacuated U.S. nationals and other persons from Alexandria during the Suez crisis.

Howard Hughes, Texas millionaire, is meanwhile buying his way toward control of the U.S. electoral process; with a view toward his own personal gain. He buys senators, governors, etc. He finally buys his last politician: Newly elected V.P. Nixon, via a quarter‑million dollar non‑repayable loan to Nixon's brother, Donald.

Assassination of Anastasio Somoza of Nicaragua. Bilderberger meeting in Frednsborg, Denmark. Clay Shaw's CIA contact allegedly stopped. Oswald joins Marines. Durham receives special CIA training. UFOlogist Gray Barker publishes They Knew Too Much About Flying Saucers which reported numerous MIB incidents.

U.S. military releases mosquitoes infected with Yellow Fever over Savannah, Ga and Avon Park, Fl. Following each test, Army agents posing as public health officials test victims for effects.


In Savannah, Georgia and Avon Park, Florida, the Army carried out field tests in which mosquitoes were released into residential neighborhoods from both ground level and from aircraft. Many people were swarmed by Mosquitoes, and fell ill, some even died. After each test, U.S. Army personnel posing as public health officials photographed and tested the victims. It is theorized that the mosquitoes were infected with a strain of Yellow Fever. However, details of the testing remain classified.


Joseph Kennedy takes John F. and Jackie to see Onassis on his yacht, introduce John, and remind Onassis of an old Mafia promise: the presidency for a Kennedy. Onassis agrees.

Jewish rabbi attacks the Lord's Prayer in the schools. (NJO, February 8, 1957)

American Jewish Congress brought suit to have a nativity scene of Christ removed from public school property in Ossining, N.Y. The Jews obtained an injunction and planned to take the case before the U.S. Supreme Court. (Jewish Voice, December 20, 1957)

New Jersey Region of the American Jewish Congress urges legislature to defeat a bill that would allow prayer in the schools. (American Examiner, September 26, 1957) Have you ever thought about it: If the Jews God is the same one as the Christian's God, then why do they object to Prayer to God in the Schools? The answer is given in a 1960 Court case by a Jewess Lois N. Milman, If Christians would only listen and observe!

"He that is of God heareth God's words: ye therefore hear them not, because ye are not of God." (John 8:47; 9:33; 1 John 3:10; 4:6)

Early 1957: V.P. Nixon repays the favor by having IRS/Treasury grant tax free status (refused twice before) to "Hughes Medical Foundation," sole owner of Hughes Aircraft, creating a tax‑free, non‑accountable money funnel or laundry for whatever Hughes wanted to do. U.S. Government also shelved anti‑trust suits against Hughes's TWA, etc.

March 1957: Onassis carries out a carefully planned event: He has Hughes kidnaped from his bungalow at the Beverly Hills Hotel, using Hughes' own men (Chester Davin, born Cosaro in Sicily, et al). Hughes' men either quit, get fired or stay on in the new Onassis organization. A few days later, Mayor Cannon of Nevada (now Senator Cannon) arranges a fake "marriage" to Joan Peters, to explain Hughes' sudden loss of interest in chasing movie stars. Hughes, battered and brain‑damaged in the scuffle, he is taken to the Emerald Isle Hotel in the Bahamas, where the entire top floor has been rented for the "Hughes party."� There he is shot full of heroin for 30 days and later dragged off to a cell on Onassis' island, Skerpiog. Onassis now has a much larger power base in the U.S. (the Hughes Empire), as well as control over V.P. Nixon and other Hughes‑purchased politicians. L. Wayne Rector, "Hughes" double since 1955, becomes "Hughes."

September 1957: Onassis calls the Appalachian meeting to announce to U.S. Mafia heads his grab of Hughes, and his adoption of Hughes' game plan for acquiring power: buying U.S. senators, congressmen, governors, judges, en masse to take control "legally" of the U.S. Government. Onassis' radio message to Appalachian from a remote Pennsylvania farmhouse intercepted (reluctantly) by FBI's J. Edgar Hoover on the basis of a tip‑off from some Army Intelligence guys who weren't in on the plan.

Russia launches first artificial satellite, Sputnik I; Fidel Castro begins revolution in Cuba; European Common Market is formed.

"The Gulag Archipelago, �he informed an incredulous world that the blood‑maddened Jewish terrorists had murdered sixty‑six million victims in Russia from 1918 to 1957! Solzhenitsyn cited Cheka Order No. 10, issued on January 8, 1921: �To intensify the repression of the bourgeoisie.'" (Alexander Solzhenitsyn, The Gulag Archipelago)

Assassination of Carlos Castillo‑Armas of Guatemala. Exiled Ukranian politician Lev Rebet assassinated by KGB agent in Munich. Alleged assassination of Joseph McCarthy at Bethesda Hospital Neurological Ward, after warning of Illuminati plot. Bilderberger meetings in St. Simon Island, Georgia, and Fiuggui, Italy.

Oswald assigned to base at Atsugi, Japan, where CIA U‑2 planes were launched; shoots self in elbow. General Edwin Walker commands federal troops sent to enforce racial integration at Little Rock, Arkansas. CIA helps Iran form SAVAK, secret police later accused of assassination Iranian dissidents.

Experiments in behavior modification sleep‑teaching take place at California penal institution Woodland Road Camp. Fourth UFO flap year. Anti‑atomic bomb propaganda disseminated by saucer clubs ‑‑ another CIA plot? Unexplained short wave radio signals received worldwide.

Assassination of Carlos Castillo‑Armas of Guatemala. Exiled Ukranian politician Lev Rebet assassinated by KGB agent in Munich. Alleged assassination of Joseph McCarthy at Bethesda Hospital Neurological Ward, after warning of Illuminati plot. Bilderberger meetings in St. Simon Island, Georgia, and Fiuggui, Italy.

Oswald assigned to base at Atsugi, Japan, where CIA U‑2 planes were launched; shoots self in elbow. General Edwin Walker commands federal troops sent to enforce racial integration at Little Rock, Arkansas. CIA helps Iran form SAVAK, secret police later accused of assassination Iranian dissidents.


Hordes of Mafia‑selected, purchased and supported "grass roots" candidates sweep into office.

Assassination of Abdul Llah, Faisal II and Nuri Al‑Said of Iraq. Bilderberger meeting in Buxton, England. Russia launches first space satellites. Unidentified ex‑Marine lives in Minsk, USSR, apparently gathering information for the CIA.

Oswald on maneuvers in the Philippines involving U‑2 flights. Francis Gary Powers released from Air Force and assigned to covert CIA spying. Kerry Thornley and Gregory Hill found Discordianism and publish Principia Discordia, or How I Found Goddess and What I Did To Her When I Found Her; Thornley joins Marine Corps. John Birch Society organized by Robert Welch. Nelson Rockefeller elected governor of New York. Ham radio operators pick up a male voice claiming to be Nacoma of Jupiter and warning of atomic bomb disaster in English, German, Norweigian and his own unknown language.

Lebanon: Marines were landed in Lebanon at the invitation of its government to help protect against threatened insurrection supported from the outside.

Egypt, Syria, and Yemen form United Arab States; Charles de Gaulle is elected president of France; United States launches an artificial satellite, Explorer I.

Assassination of Abdul Llah, Faisal II and Nuri Al‑Said of Iraq. Bilderberger meeting in Buxton, England. Russia launches first space satellites. Unidentified ex‑Marine lives in Minsk, USSR, apparently gathering information for the CIA.

Oswald on maneuvers in the Philippines involving U‑2 flights. Francis Gary Powers released from Air Force and assigned to covert CIA spying. Kerry Thornley and Gregory Hill found Discordianism and publish Principia Discordia, or How I Found Goddess and What I Did To Her When I Found Her; Thornley joins Marine Corps. John Birch Society organized by Robert Welch. Nelson Rockefeller elected governor of New York. Ham radio operators pick up a male voice claiming to be Nacoma of Jupiter and warning of atomic bomb disaster in English, German, Norweigian and his own unknown language.

Assassination of Solomon W.R. Bandaranaike of Ceylon. Exiled Ukranian politician Stephan Bandera assassinated by KGB agent in Munich. Attempted assassination of Senator Bircher of Ohio and Governor Almond of Virginia. Apparent suicide of UFO researcher Morris Jessup who had received communications from "Carlos Allende," one of the MIB and whose book was mysteriously unnoted by UFOlogical Gypsies. Bilderberger meeting in Yesilkov, Turkey. Fidel Castro assumes power in Cuba; Cuban Intelligence (DGI) begun.

Ruby visits casino owner in Havana. Kerry Thornley first meets fellow Marine Oswald in California; Oswald released from Marines, defects to Russia.

Thornley assigned to U‑2 base in Atsugi, Japan. Durham discharged from Marines, stationed at CIA base in Guatemala. UFO sighting at CIA headquarters after Naval officer contacts "space people" while in CIA‑observed trance. Condon's The Manchurian Candidate published.

World Peace through World Law is published, where authors Grenville Clark and Louis Sohn advocate using the U.N. as a governing body for the world, world disarmament, a world police force and legislature. LSD is tested on 95 volunteers at the Army's Chemical Warfare Laboratories for its effect on intelligence.


Castro takes over Cuba from dictator Battista, thereby destroying cozy and lucrative Mafia gambling empire run for Onassis by Meyer Lansky. Castro scoops up $8‑million in Mafia casino receipts. Onassis is furious. V.P. Nixon becomes operations chief for CIA‑planned Bay of Pigs� invasion, using CIA Hunt, McCord, etc., and Cuban ex‑Battista strong‑arm cops ("Cuban freedom fighters") Martinez, Gonzales, etc., as well as winners like Frank Sturgis (Fiorini).

The events surrounding the creation of what we know to be modern‑day Cuba are still shrouded in partial secrecy. From Fidel Castro's seizure of power in 1959, with CIA assistance, until 1963, we have seen the Bay of Pigs fiasco (April 1961), the attempt to activate Operation Northwoods (March 1962), the Cuban Missile Crises (October 1962), and the JFK Assassination (November 1963). What, besides Cuba itself, was the common thread in all of these events? The common thread was the attempt by U. S. business, intelligence, military and criminal interests to regain what they had lost when Castro's men took control of the government of Cuba. 6.A. The Bay of Pigs was meant to be the spark that would cause the anti‑Castro Cubans to revolt. Like L. Fletcher Prouty, I find it very interesting that two of the transport ships associated with this operation were named the "Barbara J." and the "Houston" after they were acquired by L. Fletcher Prouty (then military liaison in the Pentagon to the CIA) from the Navy and repainted ‑ Barbara is George H. W. Bush's wife, and Houston is where they lived in 1963. Another interesting fact about the Bay of Pigs is that it was code‑named "Operation Zapata," which just happens to be the name of the elder Bush's first business, the Zapata Offshore Oil Drilling Company. Is it possible that that� George H. W. Bush played some part in the Bay of Pigs operation, or could all of this be chalked up to a mere coincidence?

Assassination of Solomon W.R. Bandaranaike of Ceylon. Exiled Ukranian politician Stephan Bandera assassinated by KGB agent in Munich. Attempted assassination of Senator Bircher of Ohio and Governor Almond of Virginia.

Many also find it interesting that among the contemporaries of George H. W. Bush during the boom of the Cuban Task Force based in Miami, Florida, were Vice President Richard Nixon, CIA agents E. Howard Hunt, Frank Sturgis (Fiorini), and Bernard Barker, and CIA contract agent George DeMohrenschildt. Richard Nixon was intimately involved in the planning of the covert and overt operations against Cuba, as he was with all active and planned intelligence operations at that time. Hunt was known in Miami as "The Bagman" because he controlled large sums of money used to pay for some of the Miami‑based anti‑Castro Cuban operations, Sturgis is believed to have assisted Castro's forces during Castro's rise to power, and Barker was involved in the Bay of Pigs Operation. Hunt, Sturgis and Barker became famous, or infamous, for their work as White House Plumbers during the Watergate Scandal. DeMohrenschildt is an interesting historical figure that I will discuss a greater length below.

Operation Northwoods was a plan drafted by the JCS and forwarded for approval to McNamara ...a plan that called for the U.S., military to carry out domestic acts of terrorism against U. S., cities to build public opinion for an invasion of Cuba. Does this plan sound similar to anything that has happened recently?

The Cuban Missile Crisis during the month of October 1962 was an attempt by U. S. hardliners to up the ante, so to speak enable the U. S. military to have the excuse necessary to attack the old Soviet Union and to re‑take Cuba.

Apparent suicide of UFO researcher Morris Jessup who had received communications from "Carlos Allende," one of the MIB and whose book was mysteriously anointed by UFOlogical Gypsies. Bilderberger meeting in Yesilkov, Turkey. Fidel Castro assumes power in Cuba; Cuban Intelligence (DGI) begun.

Ruby visits casino owner in Havana. Kerry Thornley first meets fellow Marine Oswald in California; Oswald released from Marines, defects to Russia. Thornley assigned to U‑2 base in Atsugi, Japan. Durham discharged from Marines, stationed at CIA base in Guatemala. UFO sighting at CIA headquarters after Naval officer contacts "space people" while in CIA‑observed trance. Condon's The Manchurian Candidate published.

United Nations Development Program ‑ evolved to maturity.

Stirring election battles between Kennedy and Nixon. Either way, Onassis wins, since he has control over both candidates.

Cuba. With the connivance of the Jewish controlled U.S. State Department and the American News Media. Fidel Castro overthrew the government of Cuba and installed a Communist dictatorship ninety miles from our Southern Coast.

January: The New York Bar Association publishes a paper, "Peace Through Law," by Secretary of State {World Brotherhood member} John Foster Dulles, in which he declares:

"To accomplish peace through law will take patience and perseverance. It will require us at times to provide an example by accepting for ourselves standards of conduct more advanced than those generally accepted...There is no nobler mission {peace through law and world government} that our nation could perform."

Fidel Castro overthrows Fulgencio Batista and becomes Cuban premier.

The Council on Foreign Relations calls for a New International Order. Study Number 7, issued on November 25, advocated:

" international order [which] must be responsive to world aspirations for peace, for social and economic international order...including states labeling themselves as �socialist' [communist]."

The World Constitution and Parliament Association is founded which later develops a Diagram of World Government under the Constitution for the Federation of Earth.

The Mid‑Century Challenge to U.S. Foreign Policy is published, sponsored by the Rockefeller Brothers' Fund. It explains that the U.S.:

"...cannot escape, and indeed should welcome...the task which history has imposed on us. This is the task of helping to shape a new world order in all its dimensions ‑‑ spiritual, economic, political, social."


The Caribbean. The 2nd Marine ground task force was deployed to protect U.S. nationals during the Cuban crisis.


Jewish philanthropist Louis Schweitzer helps bring more Communism to New York by giving radio station WBAI to the Marxist radio network Pacifica. Jewish New York Attorney General Louis Lefkowitz is a speaker at an event honoring the first day of programming.

Jewish author William Shirer's book The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich is published, and quickly becomes the bible of Nazi/WWII history. Strangely, few people notice the blatant conflict of interest (a Jew writing about Nazis). In fact, most books that have been written about the Nazis/the Holocaust were written by Jewish authors, a fact seemingly unnoticed by the general public.

Temple of Understanding; organized in New York. Dr. Robert Muller on Advisory Board.

April 19, 1960: Namibia Founding of Swapo; After the Korean peninsula was divided at the 38th parallel. In the north, "Kim Il‑sung" who was backed up by the USSR and in the south "Syngman Rhee" who was supported by the USA established each government respectively. In South Korea, President Syngman Rhee ruled the nation with anti‑communism as a state policy. President Lee was ousted by an uprising called "the April 19 Revolution."

September 9, 1960: President Eisenhower signs Senate Joint Resolution 170, promoting the concept of a federal Atlantic Union. Pollster and Atlantic Union Committee treasurer, Elmo Roper, later delivers an address titled, The Goal Is Government of All the World, in which he states: "For it becomes clear that the first step toward World Government cannot be completed until we have advanced on the four fronts: the economic, the military, the political and the social."

JFK elected. American people happy. Rose Kennedy happy. Onassis happy. Mafia ecstatic.

Roberts brings his synthetic rubies; the original "Gemstones," to Hughes Aircraft in Los Angeles. They steal his rubies, the basis for Laser Beam research, laser bombs, etc., because of the optical quality of the rubies. One of the eleven possible sources for one of the ingredients involved in the Gemstone experiment was the Golden Triangle area. Roberts was married to the daughter of the former French consul in Indo‑china. In that area, Onassis' involvement in the Golden Triangle dope trade was no secret.

Roberts' investigation revealed the Onassis‑Hughes connection, kidnap and switch. "Gemstones" (synthetic rubies and sapphires) with accompanying "histories" (Gemstone papers) more gold or given away to foreign consular officials in return for information. A world‑wide intelligence activities of many countries. This intelligence network is the source for much of the information in the Gemstone File.

Jewish pupil objects to prayer in schools. Jewess Lois N. Milman, objected to discussing God in the Miami schools because the talk was about "A God that is not my god." (How true this is) In a court suit she also objected to "having to listen to Christmas carols in the schools." (L.A. Times, July 20, 1960)

February 18: Secretary of State CFR member Christian Herter delivers a speech in which he calls for disarmament,

"to the point where no single nation or group of nations could effectively oppose this enforcement of international law by international machinery."

�Assassination of Hazza Majali of Jordan. Bilderberger meeting in Burgenstock, Switzerland. Eisenhower authorizes training and arming Cuban exiles, allegedly issues orders for the assassination of Congolese leader Patrice Lumumba. Nixon, CIA agent Bissell and others plan Bay of Pigs invasion, obtain permission to use Guatemala as launching point.

Bernard Baker serves as conduit for Bay of Pigs funding. CIA buys Southern Air Transport; contemplates development of "recruitment pills" and other drugs; studies mysterious amnesia of Korean war prisoners moved through Manchuria; contemplates giving truth serum to brainwashed American POWs. CIA spy Powers shot down in U‑2 over Russia; summit conference canceled. Kennedy‑Nixon debates; Kennedy elected president. Oswald assigned job in Belorussian Radio Factory in Minsk, USSR. Thornley discharged from Marines. Project Ozma, searching for intelligent signals from another part of the universe, receives unexplained signals from space.

Many European colonies in Africa gain independence.

The Army Assistant Chief‑of‑Staff for Intelligence (ACSI) authorizes field testing of LSD in Europe and the Far East. Testing of the European population is code named Project THIRD CHANCE; testing of the Asian population is code named Project DERBY HAT.


Ex‑Nazi Adolph Eichmann is captured by Jewish agents and sent to Israel, where he is hanged. No ex‑Communists, anywhere, suffer a similar fate, for some strange reason.

Freedom From War (M): State Department Publication 7277, setting forth U.S. disarmament policy in favor of U.N. peacekeeping. World Wildlife Fund ‑ organized by Julian Huxley and IUCN.

The U.S. State Department issues a plan to disarm all nations and arm the United Nations. State Department Document Number 7277 is entitled Freedom From War: The U.S. Program for General and Complete Disarmament in a Peaceful World. It details a three‑stage plan to disarm all nations and arm the U.N. with the final stage in which "no state would have the military power to challenge the progressively strengthened U.N. Peace Force."

Joseph Kennedy had a stroke, ending his control over John and Bobby. The boys decided to rebel against Onassis' control. Why? Inter‑mafia struggle? Perhaps a dim hope of restoring this country to its mythical integrity?

They began committing Mafia no‑no's: Arrested Wally Bird, owner of Air Thailand, who had been shipping Onassis' heroin out of the Golden Triangle (Laos, Cambodia, Vietnam), under contract with the CIA (Air Opium); arrested Teamster Mafia Jimmy Hoffa, and put him in jail. Declared the $73‑million in forged "Hughes" land liens, deposited with S.F.'s Bank of America, as "security" for the TWA judgment against Hughes, to be what they are: forgeries.

April 1961: CIA Bay of Pigs fiasco. Hunt, McCord, CIA, Battists's Cubans and Mafia angry about JFK's lack of enthusiasm. Mafia Onassis has his U.S. right‑hand man, "Hughes' top aide" ‑ former FBI and CIA Robert Maheu (nicknamed "IBM" for Iron Bob Maheu) ‑ hire and train a Mafia� assassination team to get Castro. Failed Bay of Pigs disastrous invasion of Cuba‑ freedom fighters betrayed by being promised air support, which was not provided. The declassified CIA documents show that the final invasion plan did bar the U.S. pilots from joining in the bombing runs. But the exile pilots, who had been attacking Cuban airports and other targets for three days before the invasion collapsed on April 19, "were exhausted and dispirited," according to the documents. Initially, the CIA blamed the lack of air cover for the invasion's failure, but the CIA inspector general's report blamed the CIA itself; its arrogance, poor planning and "almost willful bungling."

The team of a dozen or so includes John Roselli and Jimmy (the Weasel) Frattiano, expert Mafia hitmen, assisted by CIA Hunt and McCord and others. This was reported recently by Jack Anderson, who gets a lot of his "tips" from his friend Frank (Fiorini) Sturgis ‑ also on the Castro assassination team. The team tries five times to kill Castro with everything from long‑range rifles to apple pie with sodium morphate in it. Castro survives.

The United States Government trained and transported Cuban exiles for the recapture of their homeland. Then were deliberately abandoned to Castro at the Bay of Pigs. This was just another of the psychological acts performed by our Jewish‑owned traitorous leaders to install, in the American's mind a feeling of helplessness against Communism.

April, Our government understood that Castro would allow Russia to destroy us from Cuban bases. To avert this inevitable destruction, an invasion was planned, financed, and controlled by the United States State Department and Central Intelligence Agency.

The President of the United States approved the plan and promised air support to the invaders. Two United States carriers, loaded with fighter planes stood by in easy striking distance. Secure in the assurance of absolutely necessary air support, 1400 brave, armed men, landed on the shores of Cuba. In the ensuing battle Castro's forces suffered heavy losses. Castro's tanks coming into the battle could have all been completely destroyed by air support.

Confidently, the little, patriotic, invading force waited for the promised air support to arrive. Our President had faithfully assured them of that support. It was part of the pre‑invasion planning. A small but potent force of B‑26's was sitting in readiness on an airstrip 500 miles away waiting to take off to help the brave invaders at the Bay of Pigs.

But those planes did not take off. The brave young, freedom‑ loving, patriot martyrs were lied to and betrayed and forsaken and allowed to die awful deaths by the most powerful and most highly respected nation on earth.

At their darkest hour, our government broke its word, and its sacred honor and allowed those brave men to suffer, bleed and perish. This is one of the dirtiest blotches in American history. Just before the planes took off; we were again informed by our CFR United Nations Communist bosses that: we were not a sovereign nation; that we were no longer living under The United States Constitution, but under The United Nations Charter; that we had no right to take any military move not even to defend ourselves from invasion or aggression, or even to put down internal rebellion and revolution except upon the orders or with the permission of the "Under‑Secretary of Political Security and Military Affairs" of the United Nations; and that he demanded the United States to stop the invasion and to be sure not to allow the planes to leave the ground.

Assassination of Lumumba of the Congo, Rafael Trujillo Molina of the Dominican Republic and Louis Rivagasore of Nurundi. Attempted assassination of Castro by Hans Tanner. Michael Rockefeller disappears in New Guinea.

Bilderberger meeting in Quebec, Canada. Thornley arrives to New Orleans; Slim Brooks gives Thornley "the haircut" on his 23rd birthday; the same day, the CIA invasion of Cuba at the Bay of Pigs, launched from Guatemala, fails due to poor planning and cancellation of support by Kennedy; the CIA, the Mob, Cuban‑exiles, right‑wingers and Nixonites supposedly vow revenge against Kennedy. Kennedy develops extracurricular relationship with Judith Campbell, Sam Giancana's girlfriend; Giancana and John Roselli enlisted by CIA to attempt Castro assassination.

George De Mohrenschildt on hiking trip through Guatemala. Brooks introduces Thornley to his "brother‑ in‑law," Gary Kirstein, allegedly an undercover E. Howard Hunt; Thornley and "Kirstein" begin nearly three‑year relationship of discussing Nazis, mind‑control, the status of philosopher‑kings, and plans to assassinate Kennedy.

Robert Morrow, working with Ruby, Shaw and Ferrie, allegedly smuggle weapons from Greece to Central America for the CIA; also picks up information for CIA from "Harvey" in the Soviet Union. Ferrie, Gordon Novel and two others arrested in burglary of Louisiana arms bunker. Unidentified Marine from Minsk divulges information to CIA agent in Copenhagen. General Walker resigns after criticism of his anti‑communist indoctrination of troops. U.S. Military Advisor Group begins defoliation project in Vietnam which eventually covers over 12% of land area. Milgram's Yale experiments demonstrating dangers of obedience to authority. Unexplained transmissions from space monitored by ham radio operators worldwide; Bob Renaud, ham operator, allegedly makes contact with aliens.


March 1,1962: Sen. Clark speaking on the floor of the Senate about PL 87‑297 which calls for the disbanding of all armed forces and the prohibition of their re‑establishment in any form whatsoever. "..This program is the fixed, determined and approved policy of the government of the United States." (It also provided for the enforcement of State Department Document 7277)

New Calls for World Federalism. In a study titled, A World Effectively Controlled by the United Nations, CFR member Lincoln Bloomfield (Another Jew) states:

"...if the communist dynamic was greatly abated, the West might lose whatever incentive it has for world government."

The "Future of Federalism" by author Nelson Rockefeller (Yet Another Jew)� is published. The one‑time Governor of New York, claims that current events compellingly demand a "new world order," as the old order is crumbling, and there is "a new and free order struggling to be born." Rockefeller says there is:

"a fever of nationalism...[but] the nation‑state is becoming less and less competent to perform its international political tasks....

"These are some of the reasons pressing us to lead vigorously toward the true building of a new world order...[with] voluntary service...and our dedicated faith in the brotherhood of all mankind...Sooner perhaps than we may realize...there will evolve the bases for a federal structure of the free world."

Thailand: The 3rd marine Expeditionary Unit landed on May 17, to support that country during the threat of Communist pressure from outside. The Jewish Communist Bosch, with U.S. support, was elected president of the Dominican Republic.

The American Jewish Congress has called the Philadelphia decision against Bible reading in the public schools a "major victory for freedom." A special three judge federal court in Philadelphia voided as unconstitutional Pennsylvania's law requiring the reading of ten verses of the Bible in public schools each day. (Remember the Jews claim that the first five books of the Bible is also their Bible; but they do lie, their bible is the Talmud).

Do you begin to see what liars they are?;

"The Bible was read Without Comment and objectors were Excused upon Request from parents...The Jewish Congress is a Major Force in Supporting Challenges to Traditional (Christian) Practices in the Public Schools." (Los Angeles Times, February 2, 1962)

Cuba: President Kennedy instituted a so‑called "quarantine" on the shipment of offensive missiles to Cuba from the Soviet Union. He also warned the Soviet Union that the launching of any missile from Cuba against any nation in the Western Hemisphere would bring about U.S. nuclear retaliation on the Soviet Union. Thus, a negotiated settlement was achieved a few days later. Knowledge of the Russian missiles in Cuba against pro‑Communist Congressional and Governmental desires, became public knowledge, so President Kennedy was ordered to make a show of military force against Russia.

Then reassure the American public with photo displays of objects represented as missile crates allegedly being shipped back to Russia. And only recently have we learned the truth, "Not only were the missiles left in Cuba, but so were Russian Troops, and that Cuba was building Submarines for the Russians." (This just confirms Ezekiel 38 and 39; showing to those "who have ears" and "eyes" to hear and see the truth of the scriptures)!

Thailand. The 3rd Marine Expeditionary Unite landed on May 17, to support that country during the threat of Communist pressure form outside.

The Communist Bosch, with U.S. support, was elected president of the Dominican Republic.

Soviet missile crisis threatens in Cuba; Algeria gains independence from France.

Suicide of Marilyn Monroe under questionable circumstances. Bilderberger meeting in Saltsjobaden, Sweden. Oswald returns to America with his Russian wife, an alleged KGB agent. Retired General Walker arrested on Attorney Robert Kennedy's orders when Walker became involved in the racial disorders in Oxford, Mississippi; Walker stripped naked and flown to Springfield, Missouri, prison for examination; Walker reported to be incompetent but was later released and ran against John Connally for Governor of Texas.

Hunt becomes head of CIA's new Domestic Operations Division. CIA interference in Ecuadorian politics. CIA allegedly pays a Canadian agriculture technician to infect Cuban turkeys with Newcastle disease (though the technician supposedly double‑crossed them). Ruby allegedly flies from Mexico City to visit Havana. CIA begins using secret terror teams in Vietnam, roots of Operation Phoenix. Dr. Edgar Schein outlines behavior modification programs for U.S. prisons, based on Korean brainwashing techniques. Cuban missile crisis. De Mohrenschildt, friend of the Kennedys, befriends the Oswalds in Dallas. Durham employed by Des Moines Police Dept. UFOlogist Williamson disappears in South America. Film version of The Manchurian Candidate released.


Laos. After years of subsidizing an anti‑ Communist Laos, Kennedy abruptly ceased all aid. Landed troops which supposedly were to support the government, but were removed and aid restored "only after" the Troika Government was installed including one "Communist" and one so‑called "Neutral" who was favorable to the Communists.


South African police raid a home in Rivonia, near Johannesburg, and arrest 17 people on charges of Communism. Of the 5 Whites arrested, ALL are Jewish (Goldreich, Berstein, Festenstein, Goldberg and Hepple).

Jewish feminist Betty Friedan publishes the book The Feminine Mystique, ushering in modern feminism, which was, and still is, heavily Jewish (Gloria Steinem, Susan Sontag, etc).

Members of the Castro assassination team arrested at Lake Pontchartrain, La., by Bobby Kennedy's justice boys. Angered, Onassis stops trying to kill Castro. He changes targets and goes for the head: JFK, who, according to Onassis, "welches" on a Mafia deal.

JFK sets up "Group of 40" to fight Onassis.

August 1963: Two murders had to occur, before the murder of JFK, of people who would understand the situation and might squawk.

Senator Estes Kefauver, whose Crime Commission investigations had uncovered the 1932 deal between Onassis, Kennedy, Eugene Meyer, Lansky, Roosevelt, et al. Kefauver planned a speech on the Senate floor denouncing Mafia operations. Instead, he ate a piece of Apple Pie laced with� sodium morphate (used in rat poison), and had a sodium‑morphate‑ induced "heart attack" on the Senate floor.

Phillip Graham, editor of the "Washington Post." Phillip had married Katherine Meyer, Eugene Meyer's daughter, who had inherited the "Washington Post" and allied media empire. Graham put together the Kennedy‑Johnson ticket, and was Kennedy's friend in the struggle with Onassis. According to Gemstone, Katherine Meyer Graham bribed some psychiatrists to certify that Phil was insane. He was allowed out of the nuthouse for the weekend, and died of a shotgun wound in the head, in the Graham home in Washington. Death ruled "suicide."

November 1, 1963: The hit on JFK was supposed to take place in true Mafia style: a triple execution, together with Diem and Nhu in Vietnam. Diem and Nhu got theirs, as scheduled. Onassis invited Jackie (Jackie Kennedy was Jewish. From the New York Post, Wednesday, November 9, 1995): "Jackie Jewish? Don't ask Gore: The Kennedy clan may want to shout �Mazel tov!' when John Jr. finally gets hitched, given the ethnic surprise buried deep inside Gore Vidal's much‑hyped autobiography. For any reader sturdy enough to make it to the end of �Palimpsest: A Memoir,' Vidal stuns students of Jackie Kennedy Onassis by claiming her mother, Janet was Jewish. Janet, who had Jackie with her husband John �Black Jack' Bouvier, eventually divorced him and married Hugh Auchincloss, who was also Vidal's stepfather.

In the book, after offering a couple of tasteless Jackie details early on, such as how she taught post‑sex feminine hygiene to Vidal's half‑sister Nina, Vidal offhandedly writes on page 372, �One should note that the first Hughdie's (Hugh Dudley Auchincloss) three high‑powered wives was Russian, the second my mother, the third Jackie's mother, Janet, born Lee or, as my mother used to observe thoughtfully, Levy.' Vidal continues, �Apparently, Janet's father had changed his name in order to become the first Jew to be a vice president of the Morgan bank.

Dominican Republic. The military seized power from Juan Bosch, the United States immediately severed diplomatic relations.

Jews Bernard Roseman and Bernard Copley arrested smuggling in a large quantity of LSD‑25 From Israel. The drug was manufactured at the Wiseman Institute in Israel. (Do you see now why the government cannot stop the drug traffic?) Jews repay Christian Americans for their Hospitality and Aid by Making Drug Addicts out of their Children. (Los Angeles Times, April 4, 1963)

Congo: The U.S. sent four transport planes to provide an airlift for Congolese troops during a rebellion and to transport Belgian paratroopers to rescue foreigners.

Communist China tested its first A bomb on October 16, 1964, and its first H‑bomb on June 17, 1967, because of the treachery and treason of Jewish spies.

Russian Valentina Kareshkova is first woman in space; President Kennedy is assassinated; United States, Great Britain, and Soviet Union sign nuclear test ban treaty; North Vietnamese boats attack U.S. Navy in Gulf of Tonkin; President Lyndon Johnson orders attack on North Vietnam.

Assassination of Sylvanus Olympio of Togo, Abdul Karim Kassem of Iraq, Medgar Evers of US, Ngo Dinh Diem of South Vietnam and John Kennedy of US; Texas Gov. John Connally wounded, police officer Tippit and Oswald killed. Attempted assassination of General Walker in Dallas earlier, allegedly by Oswald; Oswald also supposedly threatened to kill ex‑Veep Nixon, or was it Veep Johnson? the Warren Commission wasn't sure.

The assassination of President John F. Kennedy was the last attempt to create the "war fever" necessary to support a war� against the Soviet Union. As soon as the last gunshot echo died in Dealey Plaza, the media was inundated with information about Lee Harvey Oswald. What better person to blame for the killing of JFK than a "deserter" who had lived in the Soviet Union and had been documented handing out leaflets in New Orleans supportive of Fidel Castro? But how does that square with the fact that while in the Marines he was a radar operator involved with tracking U‑2 flights in and out of the Atsugi Air Force Base in� Japan? And how exactly did Oswald end up with a 201 personnel file in CIA records? It's interesting to me that the Warren Commission and the House Select Committee on Assassinations (HSCA) documented the fact that George DeMohrenschildt, a Russian who, oil geologist, and the man who had befriended Oswald and Marina in Fort Worth, Texas, had the name of George H. W. Bush listed in his address book. Maybe it had something to do with the fact that he was a contract agent for the CIA. It's� also interesting that the HSCA makes note of the fact that "George Bush of the CIA" was briefed by an FBI man in Houston following the JFK assassination. And finally, why did Nixon say to the CIA that they didn't want the subject of the "Bay of Pigs" brought up? Why did he say, in recently revealed audiotapes, that the Warren Commission was the "biggest hoax"? Why was he in Dallas on November 22, 1963, and only fly out of Dallas 30 minutes before the assassination took place...and why did he later deny three different times that he had even been there?

Alleged assassination attempt of JFK in Miami but right‑winger Milteer spills the beans; another attempt in Chicago also supposedly foiled. Attempted assassination of Castro in which CIA agent Rorke is killed. Bilderberger meeting in Cannes, France. Johnson becomes president; almost immediately reverses JFK's decision to withdraw from Vietnam. CIA begins weather modification project over Hue, Vietnam. Equadorian government overthrown. Profumo scandal in England, involving sex and spying, brings down Conservative government. Russia sends first woman into space. Unexplained radio transmission interrupts astronaut Gordon Cooper in unidentified language. Numerous MIB spotted in Dealy Plaza.

Oswald in New Orleans

Oswald's Fair Play for Cuba Committee established at same address as ex‑FBI man Guy Bannister's private detective office, also used for E. Howard Hunt's (allegedly the "brother‑in‑law" Thornley met with several times over period 1961‑1963) Cuban Revolutionary Council and other anti‑Castro fronts; confrontation with Carlos Bringuier, another agent for CIA's Domestic Contact Service, in front of Shaw's International Trade Mart; Oswald asks Bringuier to hit him, pleads guilty when they are arrested, asks to see an FBI agent, is released and appears on radio and TV the next day to publicize his activities; Oswald allegedly meets Shaw, Ferrie and other operatives of the FBI and CIA; Oswald, Shaw and Ferrie allegedly attempt to register to vote in rural Clinton, Louisiana, attracting attention by arriving in a black Cadillac; Oswald and Thornley allegedly meet at nightclub; Thornley thinks it was a "look‑alike"; Jack Ruby visits New Orleans to obtain "the services of a stripper known as �Jada,' who became his featured performer."

Oswald in Mexico

Although Oswald was allegedly on a bus to Mexico at the time, someone calling himself "Harvey Oswald" appeared at the Selective Service office in Austin, Texas, to discuss his undesirable discharge; the next day Cuban refugee leader Sylvio Odio is visited in Dallas by two Latins and "Leon Osward" (whom they called "Leopoldo") to discuss violent anti‑Castro activities and revenge against Kennedy; though Oswald was supposedly on his way to Mexico City; Albert Osborne, who allegedly paid for 1000 Hands Off Cuba leaflets which Oswald distributed in New Orleans, allegedly rides the same bus with him to Mexico City; Oswald, or someone impersonating him, attempts to go to Cuba from Mexico City; while Oswald was in Mexico a second Oswald appeared at a Dallas rifle range to shoot bull's‑eyes, have his scope adjusted and talk to people there; Oswald returns to Dallas on bus No. 332, or was it No. 340? which had the name "Oswald" added to the manifest after the trip.

Oswald in Dallas

Soon after returning from Mexico Oswald and his family allegedly drove to Alice, Texas, to talk with the manager of KPOY;� though Oswald didn't drive and the Warren Commission concluded he couldn't have been in Alice then; Oswald attends General Walker's John Birch meeting lecture and two nights later attends an ACLU meeting where he criticizes Walker's alleged racism; someone looking like Oswald visits a furniture store in Irving, Texas, with his family, looking for a part for a gun; the second Oswald visits the Irving Sports Shop to have three holes drilled in a rifle, though Oswald's only had two holes and they were drilled before he got it; the second Oswald cashes a $189 check at an Irving grocery store, buys groceries Oswald was unlikely to buy and gets a HAIRCUT accompanied by a teenager who allegedly exchanged leftist remarks with him; Oswald II visits the Lord‑Lincoln auto agency to look at cars, test drives one at 70 mph and brags about coming into money soon and returning to Russia; Oswald II begins visiting Dallas/Irving rifle ranges to demonstrate his marksmanship, shooting bull's‑eyes and hitting other people's targets; Oswald I writes a letter to the Dallas FBI which is destroyed soon after the assassination; Oswald I writes to "Mr. Hunt" asking to "discuss the matter fully before any steps are taken by me or anyone else"; two days before the assassination Oswald II creates a scene in a Dallas restaurant where Officer J.D. Tippit "glowered" at him; Oswald I allegedly seen at the Carousel Club, plotting with Ruby, Tippit and/or Bernard Weissman; Oswald I or II allegedly ordered distribution of the anti‑Kennedy "Wanted for Treason" leaflets in Dallas; Oswald, or was it Billy Lovelady? photographed standing in the doorway of the Book Depository building at the moment Kennedy was shot; Oswald II allegedly seen fleeing from the back of the Book Depository immediately after the assassination; Oswald II confronts Tippit, Oswald I arrested in the Texas Theatre; Oswald's voice prints show he told the truth when he said "I didn't shoot anybody, no sir."

Faces in the Crowd

Among the several hundred witnesses to the assassination were the following: the "umbrella man" who supposedly signaled assassination teams to fire by closing his black umbrella; the "Babushka Lady," who allegedly was introduced to "Lee Oswald of the CIA" by Jack Ruby and who also filmed the assassination, only to have the FBI confiscate the film and never return it; Joseph Milteer, the National States Rights Party leader who had disclosed the Miami plot against JFK and who had links through the NSRP to James Earl Ray's brother Jerry; three tramps who were arrested soon after the assassination, two of them allegedly resembling E. Howard Hunt and Frank Sturgis, the third possibly being Oswald II; Lee Harvey Oswald and George DeMohrenschildt who, so DeMohrenschildt told a hospital roommate just before his death, were together watching the parade when the shots were fired; Oswald ran and that was the last time DeMohrenschildt supposedly saw him.

Some Nagging Doubts

Nixon, having attended a convention of Pepsi‑Cola executives in Dallas, leaves for New York an hour before the assassination and was one of the few people who later forgot where he was at the time; J. Edgar Hoover also alleged to have been secretly in Dallas on the same day. Texas oilman H.L. Hunt taken into protective custody by federal agents after the assassination and kept in another city for several days to avoid threats by those who might think he was involved.

DeMohrenschildt, in Haiti, expresses belief Oswald was a patsy and that the FBI killed Kennedy (though later DeMohrenschildt claimed to have been the link between H.L Hunt and Oswald in a right‑wing plot to kill JFK). Ferrie allegedly flies to Dallas on evening after assassination but his actual whereabouts remain unclear.

Ruby, allegedly in hypnotic trance, shoots Oswald after an unexplained horn honk signal in the Dallas Police building basement. Cuban Bay of Pigs veteran named Ruedelo arrives in Madrid, Spain, five days after Kennedy assassination, jailed for invalid visa. Murder of Jack Zangetti, Oklahoma motel owner who told friends the day after the JFK killing that Ruby would kill Oswald and a member of the Sinatra family would be kidnaped soon afterward to distract attention from the assassination. Frank Sinatra, Jr., kidnaped, released unharmed.

J. William Fulbright, Chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee speaks at a symposium sponsored by the Fund for the Republic, a left‑wing project of the Ford Foundation: "The case for government by elites is irrefutable...government by the people is possible but highly improbable."

Cuba 1963 ‑ today ‑ US blockades island for 39 years. Numerous assassination attempts against leader. Continued actions condemned by Human Rights Groups and the United Nations General Assembly.


Andrew Goodman, the Jewish/Marxist son of the Jewish/Marxist radio network Pacifica's president, is slain (along with another Jewish Marxist and a Black) in Mississippi. No one wonders why, except the media.

Jews lead the left‑wing "counter‑culture" and student movements in America. Abbie Hoffman and Jerry Rubin (both Jewish) become the most well‑known.

The Tonkin Gulf Incident in August 1964 off the coast of Vietnam was used as an excuse by LBJ to escalate the war in Vietnam, a war that was to drag on for ten long years from 1963 to 1973. JFK had signed NSAM (National Security Action Memorandum) 263 on October 11, 1963 that called for the beginning of the removal of U. S. troops from Vietnam. Less than a month and a half later, JFK was lying dead in a Dallas hospital. On November 26, 1963, four days after the death of JFK, President Johnson signed NSAM 273 calling for the renewed support of South Vietnam and doing whatever it took to help the South Vietnamese.

But, the American public had to be convinced that fighting in Vietnam was "justified," and the Tonkin Gulf Incident supplied that motive. What exactly was the Tonkin Gulf Incident? The official story was that North Vietnamese torpedo boats launched an "unprovoked attack" against a U.S. destroyer on "routine patrol" in the Tonkin Gulf on August 2, 1964 ‑ and that North Vietnamese PT boats followed up with a "deliberate attack" on a pair of U.S. ships� two days later. Rather than being on a routine patrol August 2, the U.S. destroyer USS Maddox was actually engaged in aggressive intelligence‑gathering maneuvers ‑ in sync with coordinated attacks on North Vietnam by the South Vietnamese navy and the Laotian air force. On the night of August 4,1964, the Pentagon proclaimed that a second attack by North Vietnamese PT boats had taken place earlier that day in the Tonkin Gulf ‑ a report cited by LBJ as he went on national TV that evening to announce a momentous escalation in the war: air strikes against North Vietnam.

Prior to the U.S. air strikes, top officials in Washington had reason to doubt that any August 4 attack by North Vietnam had occurred. Cables from the U.S. task force commander in the Tonkin Gulf, Captain John J. Herrick, referred to "freak weather effects," "almost total darkness," and an "overeager sonarman" who "was hearing ship's own propeller beat." One of the Navy pilots flying overhead that night was squadron commander James Stockdale, who gained fame later as a POW and then Ross Perot's vice presidential candidate. "I had the best seat in the house to watch that event," recalled Stockdale a few years ago, "and our destroyers were just shooting at phantom targets ‑ there were no PT boats there...There was nothing there but black water and American fire power." In 1965, Lyndon Johnson commented: "For all I know, our Navy was shooting at whales out there." But Johnson's deceitful speech of August 4, 1964, won accolades from editorial writers. The president, proclaimed the New York Times, "went to the American people last night with the somber facts." The Los Angeles Times urged Americans to "face the fact that the Communists, by their attack on American vessels in international waters, have themselves escalated the hostilities."

The Viet. Nam War was fought against North Vietnam from the 1964 to 1975 with the U.S. withdrawing from the war in 1973. The French had been driven out of Indochina in 1954 with the countries of Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia being formed. Fighting continued in the region after the withdraw of the French, especially in Vietnam where North Vietnam fought to control South Vietnam. To keep the Communist North Vietnam from over‑running South Vietnam (and to keep open the drug supply lines to the U.S.) First Eisenhower and then Kennedy sent American first American advisors then troops to "train" the South Vietnamese military. As the fighting escalated the U.S. became embroiled in the conflict, at it's peak during the Johnson Administration over 540,000 American troops were in Vietnam.

In the early 1970s the U.S., started to cut back it's involvement in the Vietnam War starting the policy of "Vietnamizing the War." In 1973 a peace treaty between the U.S. and North Vietnam was signed ending the U.S. involvement in the war. The war did not end as fighting between North and South Vietnam continued with the surrender of South Vietnam in 1975 as North Vietnamese troops occupied Saigon, the South Vietnamese capital.

1964: Attack on U.S. destroyers in the Gulf of Tonkin by North Vietnam (which has since been proven to be false, and was only Washington propaganda); 1965: Bombing of North Vietnam starts; 1st American combat troops in South Vietnam; 1966; Operation White Wing; Operation Hastings; 1967: Thieu elected President of South Vietnam; War demonstrations in U.S.; 1968: Battle of Khe Sanh; Tet Offensive; Battle of Hue; My Lai Massacre; Battle for Hamburger Hill; Peace talks start in Paris; 1969: bombing of North Vietnam stopped; Ho Chi Minh dies; 1970 Four Jewish students killed at Kent State; U.S. and South Vietnamese troops invade Cambodia; 1971: Laos invaded; Pentagon Papers published; 1972: New offensive by North Vietnam launched; bombing of North Vietnam resumes; 1973: Peace treaty signed in Paris; 1975: south Vietnam surrenders to North Vietnam.

Assassination of Jigme P. Dorji of Bhutan. Deaths associated with Kennedy assassination: Betty Mooney MacDonald, former Carousel Club stripper who had met Oswald at a party and provided an alibi for Darrell Wayne Garner (who was accused of wounding Tippit‑killing witness Warren Reynolds), found hanged in her cell after being arrested for fighting with her roommate; Garner disappears, later found dead; Hank Killam, whose wife Wanda was also a stripper at Ruby's club and who was a friend of John Carter who once lived in Oswald's rooming house, evades police for several months, then found with a slashed throat in Pensacola, Florida; Gary Underhill, former Life editor and CIA agent who begged friends to protect him because he knew who killed Kennedy, found shot in left side of head;� ruled suicide even though he was right‑handed; Bill Hunter, Long Beach Press‑Telegram reporter, who had met with Ruby's roommate George Senator and Ruby's attorney Tom Howard at Ruby's apartment a few hours after Oswald's murder, shot to death by a policeman in Long Beach, California, police station, accidentally; Jim Koethe,

Dallas Times‑Herald reporter also present at the meeting in Ruby's apartment, killed by karate chop to the throat as he emerged from the shower; Mary Meyer, painter, niece of forester Gifford Pinchot and one of JFK's lovers (who allegedly funneled LSD from an unsuspecting Timothy Leary to JFK), shot while taking a walk in Washington, D.C.; her secret diary confiscated by her CIA friend James Angleton, later allegedly destroyed.

Robert Kennedy allegedly stalked in assassination plot during his New York senatorial race by Frank Chavez, associate of Ruby; Puerto Rican Teamster Ramon Ducos and Miguel Cruz who was allegedly arrested with Oswald in New Orleans and who claimed to have killed Kennedy; Chavez later killed by his bodyguard, Miguel Cruz. Durham kills wife, terminated from Des Moines police. Bilderberger meeting in Williamsburg, Virginia. Congress passes the Tonkin Gulf resolution giving LBJ power to make war on Vietnam. Virginia Miller, later known as "Blue Dove," allegedly begins career as "disrupter" in the Amerindian community; later serves as FBI informer on Indian activities. Report of the Warren Commission on the Assassination of President Kennedy released; Commission finds that Oswald, acting alone, killed JFK.

Taxonomy of Educational Objectives, Handbook II is published. Author Benjamin Bloom (A Jew) states:

"...a large part of what we call �good teaching' is the teacher's ability to attain affective objectives through challenging the students' fixed beliefs."

�His Outcome‑Based Education (OBE) method of teaching would first be tried as Mastery Learning in Chicago schools. After five years, Chicago students' test scores had plummeted causing outrage among parents. OBE would leave a trail of wreckage wherever it would be tried and under whatever name it would be used. At the same time, it would become crucial to globalists for overhauling the education system to promote attitude changes among school students.

Visions of Order by Richard Weaver is published. He describes:� "progressive educators as a �revolutionary cabal' engaged in �a systematic attempt to undermine society's traditions and beliefs.'"

Wilderness Act of 1964; and how it came to be. UNCTAD ‑ United Nations Conference on Trade and Development established.


Vietnam: Although The Jewish President Dwight D. Eisenhower sent the first (sic) advisers during his administration the war in Vietnam really began when U.S. military advisers had been in South Vietnam for a decade: They were first sent to Vietnam, and their numbers were increased as military positions of the Saigon Government became weaker. After the attacks on U.S. destroyers in the Tonkin gulf, President Johnson asked for a resolution expressing U.S. determination to support freedom and protect peace in Southeast Asia.

Congress responded with the Tonkin Gulf Revolution, expressing support for "all necessary measures" the president might take to repeal armed attacks against U.S. forces and prevent further aggression. Following this resolution, and following a Communist attack on a U.S. installation in Central Vietnam, the U.S. escalated its participation in the war.

This stupid war was for the control of the offshore oil that the big Jewish owned oil companies wanted control of. The oil fields, off the coasts of these countries.

War in Vietnam. U.S. military advisers had been in South Vietnam for a decade {10 years}; They were first sent to Vietnam by then Jewish President Eisenhower, and their numbers were increased as military positions of the Saigon Government became weaker. This war was because of the rich off shore oil fields which the Jewish oil companies wanted to develop.


In a three year study, 70 volunteer prisoners at the Holmesburg State Prison in Philadelphia were subjected to tests of dioxin, the highly toxic chemical contaminant in Agent Orange. Lesions which the men developed were not treated and remained for up to seven months. None of the subjects was informed that they would later be studied for the development of cancer. This was the second such experiment which Dow Chemical undertook on "volunteers" who did not receive the information which the world proclaimed was necessary for "informed consent" at Nuremberg.

Diary of Anne Frank forced on many U.S. high school students. Even though it is a fake.

From his sanctuary in the United States, Juan Bosch directed a Communist rebellion. Then when it was clear that the rebellion would fall president Johnson dispatched American Marines (This was done, almost unknown to the people of America, because of the Vietnam War). After a transparent show of fighting the Communists, Johnson threatened to use those same Marines against the ruling anti‑Communist Junta, unless it would negotiate with the Communists. Finely the Junta, unable to resist the power of the Zionist Controlled American Government, surrendered power to a coalition government. Which, of course included Communist representation: then and only did Johnson restore diplomatic relations.

U.S. Marines are sent to Vietnam; U.S. aircraft begin air strikes against North Vietnam.

Assassination of Pierre Ngendandumwe of Burundi, Hassan Ali Mansour of Iran, Malcolm X of US and Mario Mendez Montenegro of Guatemala. On the day Malcolm was killed Pio Ghana de Pinto, who had been working with him to coordinate poor Americans and Third World Africans, was machine‑gunned at his home in Africa. Deaths associated with Kennedy assassination: Tom Howard, Ruby's attorney who met with Senator and others after Oswald's death, died of a heart attack after "acting strangely" for two days, no autopsy performed; Rose Cherami, another Carousel stripper who told a psychiatrist Kennedy had to be killed two days before it happened and who said she'd seen Oswald at Ruby's club many times, killed in a hit‑and‑run car accident near Big Sandy, Texas.

Dorothy Kilgallen, columnist and TV panel‑show figure who had a private half‑hour interview with Ruby and said she was going to break the Kennedy case wide open, found dead in her apartment of an apparent overdose of alcohol and barbiturates; William Whaley,

Dallas cab driver who took Oswald from the Book Depository to his rooming house after the assassination, killed in an auto accident; the first on‑duty cabbie death in Dallas since 1937; Karen Bennett Carlin, another Carousel entertainer who reported seeing hate‑ad signer Bernard Weissman at Ruby's club and was the last known person to speak to Ruby before he shot Oswald, died of gunshot wounds in the head in Houston. Bilderberger meeting in Lake Como, Italy.

Fighting in Vietnam escalates into major war. US Army explores sites in the Middle East for potential locations for nuclear devices intended to set off earthquakes. Early prison behavior mod program, CASE, begins in Washington, D.C., boys school. Durham involved in various Mafia activities and acts as informer for police, possibly CIA. Fifth UFO flap year. Three Russian scientists report receiving unexplained signals from space. California highway inspector Rex Heflin, who took pictures of UFOs, visited by MIB who took the original photographs and left; NORAD denies they were their men, as claimed. Another ham radio operator, Sidney Padrick, makes contact with UFO aliens.

Project CIA and Department of Defense begin Project MKSEARCH, a program to develop a capability to manipulate human behavior through the use of mind‑altering drugs.

Prisoners at the Holmesburg State Prison in Philadelphia are subjected to dioxin, the highly toxic chemical component of Agent Orange used in Viet Nam. The men are later studied for development of cancer, which indicates that Agent Orange had been a suspected carcinogen all along.

U.S. Immigration Act, which increases non‑White immigration dramatically, is authored and pushed for by Jews in Congress, and also pushed for by Jewish groups with great vigor. They succeed. Make no mistake without Jews America would not be overrun with non‑whites as it is today and Whites would not be; as they are today, on the road to minority status in their own country in a few decades. For all the nooks and crannies of this ugly, Jewish assault on the U.S. via immigration policy see: MacDonald, K. B. (1998). "Jewish involvement in influencing United States immigration policy, 1881‑1965: A historical review." Population and Environment, 19, 295‑355, available online here: Also, cf. MacDonald, K.B. (1998). The Culture of Critique: An Evolutionary Analysis of Jewish Involvement in Twentieth‑Century Intellectual and Political Movements.

A Louisiana youth named David Duke learns that Judaism is a bigoted religion/race, and also that Communism is heavily Jewish, and vows to do something about it.

Jewish groups are successful in their attempts to get "Jewish" listed as a religion only, and not a race, on official questionnaires, census forms, etc. This makes it much harder for non‑Jews to claim that Jews "think alike and act alike as an ethnic group." Clever.


The U.S. Army dispensed a bacillus throughout the New York City subway system. Materials available on the incident noted the Army's justification for the experiment was the fact that there are many subways in the (former) Soviet Union, Europe, and South America. The effects are not known for this release, details of the experiment are still classified.

The American government sent Russians the IBM equipment which was necessary for their rocketry program. Our American government also sent them the world's largest magnet, which many believe is being used against us in their "weather modification program." It is well known they are engaged in intensive research along this line.

Assassination of Sir Abubakar Balewa of Nigeria, J.T.V. Ironsi Aquiyi of Nigeria and Hendrick F. Verwoerd of South Africa. Attempted assassination of James Meredith in US. E. Howard Hunt serves as CIA contact in assassination plot against Castro. Retired naval Lt. William Pitzer, who had photographed the secret JFK autopsy and was beginning a job with a TV station, found dead with a bullet in his head. Bilderberger meeting in Wiesbaden, Germany. CIA begins weather modification experiments over Cuba, later used in an attempt to ruin Castro's sugar cane crop. Army simulated germ warfare project in New York City.

China undergoes "Cultural Revolution."

CIA initiates Project MKOFTEN, a program to test the toxicological effects of certain drugs on humans and animals.

U.S. Army dispenses Bacillus subtilis variant niger throughout the New York City subway system. More than a million civilians are exposed when army scientists drop light bulbs filled with the bacteria onto ventilation grates.


Congo: The U.S. sent three military aircraft with crews to provide the Congo Central Government, which has proven over the� years to be Communistic ‑ with logistical support during a revolt.

CIA and Department of Defense implement Project MKNAOMI, successor to MKULTRA and designed to maintain, stockpile and test biological and chemical weapons.

Jewish writer Susan Sontag writes in Partisan Review that "the White race is the cancer of human history."

Encyclopedia Britannica now mentions "poison gas," but still no "Holocaust." (Guess they did not know about

poison gas in 1956.)

Our "allies," the Israeli (Jewish) Army, try to sink the United States ship the USS Liberty, but fail. They later deny it. Our commanding officer, Captain William Loren McGonagle, received the Congressional Medal of Honor for conspicuous gallantry and intrepidity at the risk of his life above and beyond the call of duty during the attack. The Congressional Medal of Honor is the highest award our country can bestow. To avoid embarrassing our attackers, Captain McGonagle's Medal of Honor was presented in a quiet ceremony in the Washington Navy Yard instead of in the White House by the President as is customary.

Six‑Day War between Israel and Arabs is fought; Israel occupies Jerusalem and West Bank of Jordan River.

The U.S.S. Liberty

Deliberately Attacked

In International Waters

As it monitored communications during the Six‑Day War. Israel used U.S. ‑ donated equipment to jam the ship's S.O.S., hoping to sink it and murder all aboard before word could get out. 34 sailors were butchered and 170 wounded in this blatant Act of War.

The Liberty was part of the Sixth Fleet, a powerful group of men and ships paid for by U.S. Taxpayers to protect the Israeli's. What do the Jews think of our American Service Men, the descendants of the men who pulled their chestnuts out of the fire in World War II? Read the following for just a sample of the many slaps in the face they give our military!

Israeli's Attempt to Sink The U.S.S. Liberty

An eyewitness report from the U.S.S. Liberty, by John Hrankowski:

"June 8, 1967, was a bright, sunny day in international waters off Egypt. A breeze tracked our electronic‑laden vessel, the U.S.S. Liberty, cruising under orders of the U.S. Navy. As an engineer I was not on deck, but when several jets began buzzing us I bounded to the main deck. My shipmates waved, laughed, and joked. Among the planes was a Piper Cub, clearly marked with the Star of David. The plane flew so low and so slowly that we could see its camera turret as it snapped our picture. Over our communications equipment we could hear the aircraft identify our ship as the U.S.S. Liberty. These were our allies, our friends, the Israeli's. Several hours later, about 2 P.M., the jets returned and made five to seven passes over us, machine‑gunning and rocketing our lightly‑armed ship. More planes arrived, this time Mirage Jets, and loosed bursts of bullets and cannon fire as well as napalm into the ship.

"In the initial attack, nine of my surprised comrades died, scores more were lying everywhere, wounded, horribly burned, moaning, dead or dying. I was seriously wounded by rocket shrapnel. This, however, was not the end of the two‑and‑one‑half hour ordeal. Israeli torpedo boats streaked toward our stricken ship and fired five torpedoes. One hit home, bringing violent death to 25 more American crew members. Preparing to abandon ship, some of my shipmates dropped rubber rafts into the sea. It seemed like a horrible, slow motion movie as we watched the {Israeli} torpedo boats circle back and fire machine guns at the helpless survivors on deck and in the rubber rafts already in the sea. One curious torpedo boat skipper even picked up an empty raft ‑ perhaps to keep as a souvenir.

"To prevent the Liberty from communicating with other vessels and navy communication centers, our radio was jammed. This, we later learned, could only have been accomplished by a �Friendly' nation who knew our radio frequencies...For 19 my shipmates and I have been trying to get out the truth about the attack that killed 34 Americans and wounded 171 others. All of us agree that the attack could not possibly have been a mistake. The Israeli aircraft that came within 200 feet, the messages giving the ship's name, the two large U.S. Navy Flags billowing in the breeze, the big GTR‑5 stenciled on the bow ‑ characters well ‑ known to friend and foe as a U.S. Navy designation ‑ all clearly identified us.

"For years our crew was puzzled, and incredulous, when Israeli authorities claimed our ship had been mistaken for an Egyptian freighter. Of it all I believe it was no coincidence that the Israeli attack took place on June 8, and that the next day Israel invaded Syrian territory, capturing the Golan Heights, an area it still holds years later and which it now says it has annexed for permanent retention. The Liberty was a navy electronic �ferret' research vessel, listening to communications from both sides in the Six Day War...Very little of this information has ever reached the American public.

"Even Congress, importuned for decades by survivors to at least investigate the reasons behind the attack on a U.S. Military Vessel, up to now has refused to do so. After the attack, when the surviving crew members were still together aboard the ship, we were officially warned not to talk to reporters. The Navy has never been willing to release, even to us, a list of crew members so that we can mobilize them to tell our story...It was, in fact, an attempt to sink an American ship that might have alerted the world to a {Senseless and murderous} Israeli act of aggression.

"Americans should know the facts so they can judge the readability and reliability of a nation that wants us to believe it is �our closest ally.' The American tax payers should know because they bought the planes, the boats, the bombs, rockets, torpedoes, and napalm that struck us. At one time we surviving crew members hoped official naval inquiries would elicit all the facts. But we have given up on that.

"Those inquires, we're convinced, were part and parcel of the American Government cover‑up; evidence was concealed, key crew witnesses were never interviewed; the Israeli Government's conclusions were never really queried or published...' I just cannot accept the explanation that the attack was a case of mistaken identity,' Admiral Thomas H. Moore, said. �In think, without a doubt, that those 34 men who were killed in the sneak attack on the Liberty were killed {Murdered} deliberately.'..."

"Is it not strange that on June 8, 1967, Israeli Jews viciously attacked the American ship U.S.S. Liberty, leaving 34 American sailors dead and 171 injured, yet to this day the Jewish media has ignored it and the American Congressmen have wittingly forgotten about it. The attack was deliberate, lasting almost 2 hours, and due to political orders the U.S. Military would not come to the aid of the U.S.S. Liberty. Even as you read this, the Israeli military is murdering Palestinian women and children with military equipment supplied by American taxpayers and churches.

President Johnson and

The U.S.S. Liberty Incident

The weekly newspaper "Christian News" is published by the Lutheran Church movement. In their issue of June 15, 1987, a very interesting article regarding the U.S.S. Liberty incident was published. The title of the article was "LBJ gave the order to let the USS Liberty sink and let all hands on board drown." Some very important information was revealed in that article that is very relative to our survival today as a Christian Nation. The article revealed:

"In a private interview of U.S.S. Liberty survivor Commander {Ret.} David Lewis, who was in command of the scientific mission of the ship which was the gathering and dissemination of intelligence data. He told me that the order to abandon the USS Liberty and her crew to the attacking Israeli planes and Torpedo Boats came from President Lyndon B. Johnson.

"Two days after the rescue of the survivors, and after Commander Lewis had regained his eyesight, he was hit by an exploding torpedo; Admiral and Commanding Officer of the Mediterranean Fleet Larry Geis called him into his quarters and said to him, �Commander, we received your calls for help, and we attempted to send our planes to the rescue. But in the event that something happens to me, or if I am blamed for not answering your call for help, I want you to know exactly what happened. As soon as we received your radio call for help I deployed our fighter‑bomber planes and radioed the Pentagon of our action.

"A few minutes later I received a call from Secretary of Defense Robert S. McNamara ordering me to recall the planes because they were carrying nuclear arms. So I called them back. I immediately rearmed another squadron with conventional weapons, deployed it, and reported to the pentagon. A few minutes later I got another call from McNamara ordering me to recall these planes too. I was angry and mystified, and exercised my prerogative to go to the next highest level of authority so as to have McNamara's order reversed.

"Seconds later President Lyndon Johnson was on the radiophone, and I made my case to him. I told him that the USS Liberty had been under attack for an hour, and had radioed for help, and that I had sent out a squadron of fighter‑bombers armed with conventional weapons to the rescue. Then the President said to me, �I don't care if the ship sinks and every man on board drowns, we are not going to fight against our allies {Israel}.'"

���� The article then discusses the holding of the 20th Anniversary reunion of the members of the USS Liberty Veterans Association in a Washington, D.C. hotel on 5, 6 and 7 June, 1987. The article then continues:

��� "Besides us ordinary citizens and many other sympathizers and supporters at the banquet there were many retired naval officers, including three admirals, and a retired United States Ambassador. Admiral Thomas Moore, former Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and former United States Ambassador to Egypt, Lucius Battle were the main speakers. Both told of their absolute belief that the one and one‑half hour air and sea attack by Israel was deliberate...While we were reminiscing another citizen identified himself as a member of AIPAC {American‑Israel Political Affairs Committee}, and reminded us that AIPAC ‑ controls the election or defeat of every member of Congress!"

The Record is Clear as to

Who Started the Six‑Day War on June 5, 1967.

"Finally, on the night of June 4, we had a Democratic rally in New York, and Johnson was the main speaker. I had gotten word that afternoon and I went up to where he was sitting. I remember Mary Lasker was on one side and Mathilde Krim, who was then a professor at the Weizmann Institute, was on the other. And I whispered to him, on the side where Mrs. Krim was sitting. I said, �Mr. President, it cannot be held any longer. It's going to be within the next 24 hours.' Well, he made a speech that night that absolutely brought the house down, completely extemporaneous. About Israel and about its survival." (Democratic party leader Abe Feinberg, quoted in Lyndon: An Oral Biography, by Merle Miller, 1980)

"At precisely 8 a.m. on June 5, 1967, virtually the entire Israeli air force streaked into Egyptian airspace simultaneously. Some aircraft entered from Israel's Negev desert to the east, some directly from major Israeli bases to the northeast, and hundreds from the Mediterranean to the north and northwest. Within minutes every military airfield in Egypt was under attack. By the end of the first morning of the Six‑Day War, the Egyptian air force had been destroyed on the ground. The Syrian air force was destroyed that afternoon. The war opened with shocking suddenness, and ended only six days later with much of the Arab world's military might, and all of its political illusions, in smoking ruins. But the buildup to war had been slow and ambiguous. Today what is clear is that the Israelis wanted war, Egypt did not, the Soviets could have prevented it, and the Americans should have. But origins of the attack that changed forever the course of the Israeli‑Palestinian dispute are as confusing now as they were 25 years ago.

"During the eight years General Dwight D. Eisenhower was president of the United States, he alternately courted and rejected Egyptian President Gamal Abdel Nasser, who sever times expressed to U.S. emissaries his willingness to enter secret negotiations for a peace treaty with Israel. It was Israel's Prime Minister David Ben‑Gurion who was not ready. Egypt had even higher hopes with the 1960 election of John F. Kennedy. He had campaigned on a pro‑Israel platform, but his record in the Senate, particularly in regard to Algeria's independence struggle, promised a whole new look at Third World aspirations, even Arab aspirations.

"After Kennedy's assassination in 1963, and the actions of his vice president, Lyndon Johnson, after he assumed the presidency and then won election in his own right in 1964, Nasser was convinced that he no longer had a suitor in the White House. Egypt's relationship with the Soviet Union began to flourish. The Soviets sent Nasser arms in exchange for Egyptian cotton. They used his ports and airfields, and gave the Egyptians all the advice they could handle, whether they wanted it or not."

The Israelis Had an Excuse To Do What They Wished

"What the Egyptian president probably did not realize at the time was that Soviet adventurism in the Middle East had become a key issue in a power struggle within the Kremlin. Hard‑liners, led by Leonid Brezhnev, were determined to counter, or exploit, growing American involvement in Vietnam. The U.S. was becoming progressively more reckless around the globe, playing for higher and higher stakes at increasing distances from home. The Brezhnev faction believed it could call the U.S. hand in the Middle East, an area where the Americans generally did everything wrong.

"For some time the Syrians had been supporting Palestinian guerrilla raids across Israel's borders. True to their policy of retaliating against moderate Arab regimes, however, Israeli reprisal raids were carried out against Palestinian West Bank villages under Jordanian rule.

"In November 1966, a PLO mine planted by Al Fatah guerrillas on an Israeli road near the Jordanian frontier killed three and wounded six Israeli soldiers. An Israeli armored column, supported by Mirage aircraft, crossed the frontier and destroyed the West Bank village of As‑Sammu. Eighteen Palestinians and Jordanian soldiers were killed and 134 wounded.

"At this time, King Hussein was the most effective spokesman for the Arabs with U.S. audiences. His English was excellent and he had become a familiar television personality on his frequent visits

to the United States, explaining the Palestinian and Arab cause moderately and effectively, time and again.

"The U.S. joined in U.N. condemnation of the Israeli raid. President Johnson, however, did not ask the Israelis why, if they were retaliating against Syria, they kept pounding Hussein's subjects on the West Bank.

"With little U.S. intelligence capability in Israel, there was no one with easy access tot he president to tell him that Israeli planners had calculated that, if Hussein appeared too weak to defend his subjects, those subjects would find a way to replace him. Nor did anyone warn Johnson that the new ruler probably would be more like Nasser or the hard‑line rulers of Syria. Then the Israelis would have an excuse to do what they had wanted to do in 1948 and again in 1956; expel Jordan's Arab Legion military from East Jerusalem and the West Bank, and ensure that as many Palestinians as possible went with it.

"However, what the Israelis were going to do to realize this plan suddenly became immaterial. The power play in the Kremlin pre‑empted all other plans in the Middle East, and in the end accomplished the Israeli purpose far more effectively than they could have by themselves.

A Kremlin Power Play

"The Soviets told the Syrians that Israeli troops were massing on their border for a major strike. It made sense, since the Israelis, in April 1967, had lured the Syrians into an aerial dogfight that began when Israel sent an armored tractor into a demilitarized zone to start plowing Syrian soil for planting by an Israeli kibbutz.

"The Syrians responded with gunfire, which the Israelis returned. Only when the Syrians sent in aircraft did they discover it was a trap, with Israeli aircraft aloft and waiting for them. By the end of the day, six Syrian planes had been shot out of the skies, some within sight of Damascus and others over Jordan, but none over Israel.

"While the Syrians were denying losses which their own people had witnessed, Jordan television showed downed Syrian pilots being treated in an Amman hospital. It had embarrassed Syria's Ba'th leaders, who found it easy to believe Soviet reports in May 1967 that the Israelis were massing on their borders.

"The reports, however, were false. Either the Israelis deceived the Soviets with fake military transmissions they knew the Russians would intercept and pass on, or the soviets simply made up the whole war scare.

"The Syrians, who had ostensibly mended their fences with Nasser after their break from the united Arab Republic, now demanded his assistance. By this time, taunts against the Egyptian president from many parts of the Arab world, and particularly from Jordan, had become unbearable.

"Egyptian troops, separated from the Israelis by a screen of U.N. forces on Egyptian territory in the Sinai, had done nothing in November 1966, while a short distance away in As‑Sammu Israeli tanks were leveling Palestinian homes with the occupants still inside. Again in April 1967, Egyptian forces did nothing as Israeli planes pursued Syrian planes over the Syrian capital.

"The Syrians now demanded to know whether Egyptian forces would continue to hide behind the U.N. screen while Israeli tanks ran over Syrian villages as well. Nasser had always vowed that the moment for Egypt to strike at Israel would come, but at a time and place of his own choosing. Could he stand by, however, doing nothing during a major Israeli attack on Syria, and still claim to be a leader of all the Arabs?

"He asked the Soviets if the Syrian reports of Israeli troop concentrations on their borders were true. The Russians confirmed the reports, which of course Nasser did not know the soviets themselves had originated.

"Nasser then made one of the theatrical gestures which had helped him capture Arab hearts and minds, but which also had made him increasingly dependent upon the U.S.S.R. He asked the U.N. secretary‑general to remove U.N. forces �from the international frontier between Egypt and Israel.'

"The Israelis are depicted in the U.S. as eternally on the defensive. In fact, however, they had never permitted U.N. forces to be stationed on Israeli territory. That meant that the only U.N. forces separating Egypt and Israel were on Egyptian territory. When they were removed, Egyptian forces would be free to strike against Israel's southern borders if Israeli tanks and planes crossed Israel's northern borders to attack Syria.

"U.N. Secretary‑General U Thant, however, inexplicably decided to remove U.N. forces from all Egyptian territory, not just from the border with Israel. Unfortunately for Nasser, the U.N. withdrawal meant that his troops were perfectly free to move back into their former position on the Sinai side of the Straits of Tiran.

"The position had been occupied in 1956 by the Israelis, who violated the cease‑fire they had accepted just long enough to seize it. Facing Eisenhower's displeasure and the threat of U.N. sanctions which the U.S. obviously would not veto, Israel reluctantly turned the position over to the U.N. when Israeli forces withdrew in 1957. Ten years later, U.N. forces withdrew and Nasser moved Egyptian forces back to the Straits. It was not clear whether the Egyptian president was trapped by circumstances and his own rhetoric, or whether he really believed he could use political means to win a strategic victory over the Israelis. Whatever the reason, he announced that he would not permit Israeli shipping to enter the Gulf of Aqaba, Israel's only outlet to Asia and the Far East.

"It was obvious to President Johnson that he had to watch Israel attack Egypt, or else head off a war by organizing an international fleet to open the Straits with a show of force. President Johnson

set about organizing what became known as �the Red Sea regatta' by White House aides.

"Did the Israelis plan military action all along, setting up a screen of false military communications to deceive and alarm the Soviets? Or was it Russian disinformation to the Arabs that made war inevitable? No clear answer emerges from reading memoirs of the Americans involved. In fact, there were forces working at cross purposes within the Arab camp, and also within the Soviet and American governments. Only within Israel did there seem to be careful planning to maximize opportunities presented by every possible contingency."

A May Meeting

Lyndon Johnson, in his book "The Vantage Point: Perspectives of the Presidency," 1963‑1969, published in 1971, describes a May 26 meeting in the White House with Israeli Foreign Minister Abba Eban:

"Our conversation was direct and frank. Eban said that according to Israeli intelligence, the United Arab Republic (Egypt) was preparing an all‑out attack. I asked Secretary [of Defense Robert] McNamara, who was present, to give Mr. Eban a summary of our findings. Three separate intelligence groups had looked into the matter, McNamara said, and it was our best judgment that a UAR attack was non imminent. �All of our intelligence people are unanimous,' I added, �that if the UAR attacks, you will whip hell out of them.'

"�Eban asked what the United States was willing to do to keep the Gulf of Aqaba open. I reminded him that I had defined our position on May 23. We were hard at work on what to do to assure free access, and when to do it. �You can assure the Israeli Cabinet,' I said, �we will pursue vigorously any and all possible measures to keep the Strait open...'

"Abba Eban is an intelligent and sensitive man. I wanted him to understand the U.S. position fully and clearly, and to communicate what I said to his government. �the central point, Mr. Minister, �I told him, �is that your nation will not be the one to bear the responsibility for any outbreak of war.' Then I said, very slowly and very positively: �Israel will not be alone unless it decides to go alone.'"

"After Eban's return to Israel, he cabled Johnson on May 30 that the Israeli Cabinet had decided two days earlier to postpone military action and to "await developments for a further limited period." Eban added, however, �it is crucial that the international naval escort should move through the Strait within a week or two.' On June 2, an Israeli diplomat told the president's aide, Walter Rostow, that nothing would happen before �the week beginning Sunday, June 11.'

"Johnson believed he had lined up ships from the UK, the Netherlands and Australia to join U.S. ships in lifting Egypt's threatened blockade of the Straits of Tiran. He therefore decided to go to Congress with the plan during the week of June 5. Meanwhile, both Ambassador Charles Yost and Robert Anderson, President Eisenhower's longtime confidant and occasional secret emissary to the Middle East, were in Cairo.

"Initially They suggested a visit to Cairo by Vice President Hubert Humphrey to defuse the building tension. Then it was decided that UAR Vice President Zakaria Muhieddin would first visit Washington on June 7. Neither of those plans to avert war was tested, however. Instead, U.S. Middle East specialists of the time concluded, the scheduled Washington visit by the Egyptian vice president caused Israel to move the date of its attack forward by one week.

"The Israeli aerial attack on June 5, 1967 was a masterpiece of planning. The date was known only to a few senior officers. As a deception, Defense Minister Moshe Dayan sent thousands of Israeli soldiers on leave. They were photographed for the press as they relaxed on the beaches of Tel Aviv over the weekend.

"The time chosen was 8 a.m. Israeli intelligence had established that Egyptian military personnel who had been on alert all night started going to breakfast each morning at 7:30. At 6 a.m., therefore, Israeli planes had engaged in routine maneuvers, landing back at their bases at 7:30 a.m.

"As Egyptian radar operators who had been watching them land relaxed and headed off to breakfast, wave after wave of Israeli aircraft took off. Some flew west out to sea, some headed south toward Eilat. The last waves to take off streaked straight toward Egypt. All of the planes then thundered into Egyptian airspace at the same moment.

"Within minutes, Israeli planes were diving on every major military airfield in Egypt to unleash bombs or rockets on grounded Egyptian aircraft, and then rising to circle and dive again. Only minutes after each flight of Israeli attackers vanished into the clear skies, a new wave would roar in over the same battered Egyptian bases.

"With turn around time on Israeli airfields for rearming and refueling down to as little as four minutes, most Egyptian airfields stayed under almost continuous attack, unable to activate their anti‑aircraft, defenses or get their planes airborne before all were destroyed.

Syria's Turn

"Egypt's air force was permanently out of action by 1 p.m. then it was Syria's turn. Six separate waves of Israeli fighter bombers swooped in to destroy the Damascus international airport in the course of a long afternoon, while Damascenes stood on their flat rooftops watching in glum astonishment.

"Each wave came in high from the east and then, one by one, the planes dove through clouds of black anti‑aircraft bursts from batteries ringing the airport. As each wave departed, flying low through the mountain passes back to Israel, it left behind columns of black smoke from burning gasoline storage tanks and airport buildings, as well as from planes caught on the ground.

"The same tactics that had worked so well in the morning in Egypt were followed throughout the afternoon in Syria. Observers on the high mountains above Damascus could see columns of smoke rising far out across the desert, each one marking the site of a destroyed Syrian military airfield. The fastest Israeli planes struck distant bases near Aleppo in the north, and in the eastern desert and along the Euphrates River near the Iraqi border. The slower planes, meanwhile continued their shorter bombing shuttles between the Syrian capital and Israeli bases.

"Having achieved total mastery of the air on Monday, the first day of the war, Israeli Chief of Staff Yitzhak Rabin knew that the Egyptian forces in the Sinai stood no chance. It became a twice‑ fought war as Israeli tanks repeated the 1956 race across Sinai to Suez, and Israeli aircraft carried out disabling attacks against Egyptian vehicles to block the narrow, winding roads of the Mitla and Gidi passes. This stopped reinforcements or supplies from reaching the Egyptian forces in Sinai, and cut off their retreat.

"One occurrence on the first day of the war only magnified the Israeli advantage. When the first Israeli planes struck, Egyptian air base commanders were not at their commands. Most had assembled at

one airfield to welcome back the Egyptian air force commander from an inspection trip.

"In retrospect it seems incredible that with Israel poised for an attack for days, and with foreign residents being evacuated from virtually every Middle Eastern capital, the officers in charge of Egypt's air defenses would congregate in any one place. It underscores the total lack of preparation in Egypt for war.

"There had been considerable Arab activity on the political level, however. On May 30, King Hussein of Jordan had flown secretly to Cairo for a six‑hour visit in which he patched up things with President Nasser. Jordan's army was placed under a unified Arab command and token Egyptian units were flown to Jordan to signify formally that an Israeli attack on Syria, Jordan or Egypt would be treated as an attack on all.

"It must have been a day of celebration in the Israeli Defense Ministry, where planners had been seeking for years to entice Jordan into a war which would enable Israel to seize all of Jerusalem and the West Bank.

"The Israelis have made much of their efforts to dissuade King Hussein from coming into the war at Egypt's side. They warned him against committing his forces, they point out, and they did not attack him first.

"The moment Hussein's guns opened up in response to telephone calls from Nasser to fulfill his commitments, however, Israeli troops went into action. They began their ground attack on East Jerusalem after dark on June 5. It was superbly planned. Previously placed explosives blew a huge hole in the wall of the Old City, and machine guns opened up on its defenders from pre‑prepared positions on the roofs of West Jerusalem.

"The Arab Legion resisted, but this time both Jerusalem and the West Bank, which the Israelis had fought so hard to occupy in 1948, and which they had come tantalizingly close to seizing, with French complicity, during the Suez war of 1956, fell to the Israeli army.

"The world saw dramatic photos of sweat stained, powder‑blackened Israeli paratroopers, whose elite units had been assigned to this most important attack of the 1967 war, weeping with exaltation

as they pressed themselves against the ancient stones of the Western Wall. Even secular Jews around the world were electrified by this sudden, literal fulfillment of their time‑honored symbolic toast:

�next year in Jerusalem.'

"As Israeli troops on Wednesday mopped up the last defenses on the eastern banks of the Suez Canal, the Israeli air force turned its attention back to Syria. Israeli aircraft began softening up with bombs, rockets and napalm what appeared to be impregnable Syrian defenses on the Golan Heights.

"An attack scheduled for Thursday was postponed for 24 hours, and Israeli aircraft and torpedo boats attacked and incapacitated the USS Liberty, an American intelligence vessel monitoring military communications of both sides from international waters a few miles off the Sinai coast. Thirty‑four Americans were killed and 171 wounded in the Israeli attack.

Israeli Attack on The USS Liberty A Cover‑Up

"Although June 8 marks the date Israeli forces attacked the USS Liberty, the cover‑up continues unabated. For newcomers to the subject, the USS Liberty was a U.S. Navy intelligence collection vessel assigned to patrol in international waters near the Israeli‑Egyptian border during what has become known as the Six‑Day War. A period of Israeli aggression against Arabs to demonstrate the military power the U.S. had given them.

"The Liberty arrived on the fourth day of the war. She was immediately identified as American by the Israelis, who circled the ship at low level throughout the day, making a total of eight reconnaissance sorties and 13 orbits in daylight.

"Liberty's radio intercept operators heard the Israeli pilots reporting to their headquarters that she was American. So did operators in Germany. Observers in the Israeli war room acknowledge that her identity was known there and her position marked on a chart.

"Israel, however, had been planning to invade Syria that morning, an event discouraged by the White House. American observers so close to the invasion site could not be tolerated. So the battle was postponed for 24 hours while Israeli aircraft and torpedo boats sought to destroy a ship belonging to the country they called their best friend and ally.

"Then in a deliberate demonstration of the traitorous nature of the Zionists the Liberty took over 800 rocket and machine‑gun hits, and a torpedo blasted a 40‑foot hole in her side. Thirty‑four men died and 171 more were wounded from the 295‑man crew. Yet the ship stayed afloat and made her way over 1,000 miles to the island of Malta for repairs.

"Israel called the attack an error, claiming that the Liberty "strayed into a war zone where she had no business" and was mistaken for a rusted out Egyptian horse carrier half her size called the El Quseir. Only the most ardent of Israeli supporters accepted that story.

"Most of then‑President Lyndon Johnson's closest advisers saw the attack as what it was: A deliberate attempt to sink a friendly ship. Even the president, in private conversations with colleagues, called the attack deliberate. So did Secretary of State Dean Rusk. So did the directors of all the intelligence agencies.

"Yet members of the U.S. Congress remain willfully blind to the event, insisting that they accept the Israeli excuse at face value. Congress refused then and refuses now to investigate. Too many congressmen personally depend on pro‑Israel campaign contributions to risk taking a hard look. The Liberty attack now stands alone as the only major maritime incident in all U.S. history that has not been investigated by the Congress.

"Evidence has continued to develop, however, indicating ever more certainly that this attack was no accident. For instance, an Israeli pilot has come forward to report that he was among the attackers. He refused to fire on the ship, he tells us, when he recognized it as American. He was told to do so anyway. Instead, he returned to his base where he was arrested, tried, and dismissed from the Israel Defense Force. Although he was willing to tell his story to Congress, survivors could not find a single member willing to listen.

"Former Ambassador to Lebanon Dwight Porter came forward to report that U.S. Embassy monitors heard the radio conversations between the pilot and his headquarters. Next, Israeli Major Seth Mintz reported that he was in the Israeli war room where he heard the order given to attack a ship the Israelis knew to be American.

"Both the Porter and Mintz reports were picked up by nationally syndicated columnists Rowland Evans and Robert Novak. Their story brought angry denials from spokespersons for Israel and sparked a debate with pro‑Israel New York Times columnist A.M. Rosenthal, who reported that the Israeli major had been misquoted by Evans and Novak. Despite Rosenthal's efforts, no one could discredit the story after Liberty survivors revealed that they had Mintz's original remarks on videotape. The tape was offered to CNN, which declined to use it. And still no member of Congress is willing to probe the serious issues being aired.

"In June of 1991, survivors of the attack held a reunion in Washington, D.C. This well‑attended affair revealed support in high places.

"First, while survivors and guests of honor Admiral Thomas Moore, former chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, looked on proudly. Rear Admiral Robert Brooks presented Liberty's commanding officer. Captain William McGonagle, with a Presidential Unit Citation that had been authorized in 1967 by Lyndon Johnson, but never formally presented.

"According to reports, that oversight was corrected at the personal direction of President George Bush. The next morning, Liberty survivors were invited to the White House, where they were greeted at a Rose Garden reception by then‑Chief of Staff John Sununu and presidential adviser General Brent Scowcroft.

"This event, belatedly reported on page one of The Washington Post, set off a near panic in the pro‑Israel press. The New York Jewish weekly newspaper Forward, for instance, unaware that 60 percent of the directors of the Liberty Veterans Association are Jewish, reported that the USS Liberty Veterans Association "has been transmogrifled into an anti‑ Semitic organization." Survivors have amused themselves every since with creative use of the term, as in, �Help, I've been transmogrified!'

"This year (1992) yet another television documentary promised to present to Americans what it called the �truth' about the attack. NBC's prime‑time �Story Behind the Story' won the cooperation of survivors by promising to let them tell their story on camera. Then, after the interviews were filmed, the company assigned a pro‑Israel writer to assure that nothing was included in the broadcast that might offend Israel.

"As a result, Americans saw a report which glossed over the story, ignored the evidence, failed to describe the extensive aerial reconnaissance prior to the attack or the machine‑gunning of life rafts afterward, skipped statements by Admiral Moore, and severely cut vital remarks by Dean Rusk and others. Yet the producers did find room for extensive argumentation by Israel.

Understanding The Truth

"Yet, Americans do remember the Liberty, and survivors believe the truth is widely understood despite congressional inaction and media obfuscation.

"This year (1992) three more memorials to our dead shipmates were created. In Richmond, CA, city fathers agreed to name USS Liberty Street in memory of the ship. In Troy, New York, a flagpole and memorial marker honor the memory of Francis Brown, who died at the helm from an Israeli bullet. And in Greeley, PA, a museum display created by the Veterans of Foreign Wars honors Alexander Neil Thompson, who died from an air‑to‑surface missile while trying to ward off jet aircraft with the Liberty's 50‑caliber machine gun.

"This is the third public honor for Gunner Thompson. A barracks at Great Lakes Naval Station and a multimillion dollar Aegis Weapons Training Building in San Diego remind American sailors daily of his sacrifice, and bring to 28 the number of known memorials to our 34 shipmates killed in the attack.

"Although Congress remains blind to the Liberty, changes may be in sight. In this election year, with Israel and congressional incumbents both losing their Teflon gloss, survivors report increasing calls from congressional challengers who tell us the time may be ripe for a real investigation of the attack on the USS Liberty. (By James M. Ennes, Jr.)

"On Friday, at a heavy price in blood, Israeli infantrymen climbed up the hills, fighting from one fortified bunker to the next, while Israeli armored bulldozers scraped a road out of one of the steepest hillsides. When the infantrymen and bulldozers secured the crest, hundreds of Israeli tanks fanned out across the rocky but level terrain of the Golan Heights.

"All day Friday cease‑fires with the Egyptians were being violated and reinstated. In Syria, however, the Israelis ignored all of the U.N. secretary‑general's cease‑fire proposals and kept moving forward. It appeared that their armored columns might even attack Damascus, where the Syrians were digging anti‑tank ditches across southern approaches to the sprawling oasis capital.

"On the morning of Saturday, June 10, Soviet Chairman Alexei Kosygin asked that President Johnson come personally tot he hot line that linked the Kremlin with the White House. Kosygin told Johnson flatly that if the Israelis did not halt their trust into Syria, the Soviets would take "necessary actions, including military."

"Incredibly, Johnson's first reaction was not to call off the Israelis. Instead, he ordered the U.S. Sixth Fleet, which had been steaming in circles 300 miles west of the Syrian coast, to change course and proceed directly toward Syria. Later in the day, the Israelis agreed through U.N. negotiators to a cease‑fire, thus sparing President Johnson and Chairman Kosygin, who continued to exchange hot line messages throughout the day, from deciding whether or not to begin World War III over the actions of America's head strong Israeli protege. (Taken from the June 1992, Vol. XI, No. 1, pp. 11‑13, 52‑53)

Congo: The U.S. sent three military transport aircraft with crews to provide the congo Central Government (which has proven over the years to be Communist) with logistical support during a revolt.

Assassination of American Nazi George Lincoln Rockwell in Virginia. Che Guevara killed in Bolivia after CIA questioning. Deaths associated with Kennedy assassination: Jack Ruby, whose lawyers charged Dallas authorities with neglecting his health, died of cancer while awaiting retrial; David Ferrie, who was to be a key witness in the trial of Clay Shaw, found dead in his locked apartment in New Orleans, ruled suicide though how the ruptured blood vessel which induced his brain hemorrhage could be self‑inflicted was unexplained; Eladio del Valle, a friend of Ferrie's who had hired him to fly bombing missions over Cuba, found shot through the heart in a parking lot in Miami, Florida, the same day Ferrie was killed. Dr. Mary Sherman, another friend of Ferrie, shot in New Orleans, her body partially burned by her killer.

Bilderberger meeting in Cambridge, England. Beginning of Clay Shaw trial; DA Jim Garrison subpoenas Allen Dulles and ex‑CIA employee Gordon Novel to testify; both escape testimony. CIA's Operation Phoenix, which was to assassinate and torture over 40,000 in Vietnam, officially launched. Beginning of CIA's $21 million rain‑making program over Indochina which would make 2,600 sorties by 1972.

Approximate date La Costa Resort hotel built near San Clemente, California: meeting place of Mob figures, Teamsters, politicians and other big‑wigs. Winthrop Rockefeller elected governor of Arkansas. Black Panther party formed. Military takeover of Greece allegedly executed by secret Operation Prometheus. Australian Prime Minister disappears while swimming. Jim Thompson, ex‑OSS commando and "Silk King of Thailand," disappears on Easter Sunday; five months later his sister is murdered. Rex Heflin again visited by MIB in connection with his photos of California UFOs; similar MIB incidents in New York and elsewhere; another MIB, Mr. Dixsun, allegedly visits Colorado University UFO researcher Edward Condon and offers to help him contact the space people.

Richard Nixon calls for New World Order. In Asia after Vietnam, in the October issue of Foreign Affairs, Nixon writes of nations' dispositions to evolve regional approaches to development needs and to the evolution of a "new world order."

August 1967: Israel enacts the Agricultural Settlement Law banning Israeli citizens of non‑Jewish nationality from working on Jewish National Fund lands, thus denying employment to thousands of Palestinians who in the 50's and early 60's had returned to work on their expropriated lands as agricultural hands, lessees or sharecroppers.


The Uncensored Gordon Kahl Story

In 1968, Tax Protestor Gordon Kahl stopped filing IRS 1040 Income Tax Returns. For 9 years thereafter, the IRS ignored him, but in 1977 after Gordon Kahl spoke on an evening radio talk show regarding the illicitness of the income tax, some 250 phone calls would come into the radio station over the next two days; either supporting Kahl in some aspect, or pledging never to file another tax return.

And with that, the IRS came down on Kahl like a ton of bricks. They quickly assembled a case against him and two weeks later threw a criminal prosecution against him for violating Title 26, Section 7203 ["Willful Failure to File"]. Gordon Kahl was a low‑income farmer not even meeting minimal statutory standards for threshold income levels achieved before being required to file 1040s, but that was not about to stop the IRS, who is good at changing the facts by creating facts.

Convicted and incarcerated, when out of Leavenworth Federal Penitentiary on parole, Kahl left the Texas judicial district he was confined to by claiming that some aspect of the Restriction Orders was defective. He soon moved to North Dakota ‑‑ and there, he met his fate. A criminal Summons issued from a Federal Court in Midland, Texas was served on Gordon Kahl on August 8, 1980, charging him with a misdemeansor. Gordon Kahl responded by informing the Court that he would not be appearing, and the matter was allowed to be deferred until March 31, 1982, when the Justice Department obtained a Federal Arrest Warrant citing his parole violation.

Then, that Warrant was held up again until July 26, 1982, some 16 months later, when it was sent to the U.S. Marshals Office in Fargo, North Dakota on February 13, 1983. The United States Marshals and the Federal Court in Texas knew of his whereabouts in North Dakota at all times. After a two and one half year delay in the case, the fact that there was a "problem" controlling the prosecution of the case is self‑evident.

If that chronology had been published in the New York Times in the context of discussing some other unfortunate incidents that had happened, it would be referred to, very defensively of the Government of course, as mere "bureaucratic bungling," in an attempt to discredit the obvious interposition of the "Lateness of the Hour" operating against the Government to bar the legitimacy of their management of the case.

Once again Gordon Kahl had attracted the attention of the United States Government. With the personality known as Ronald Reagan acquiescing indifferently as President, and with William French Smith sitting as Attorney General, the word came down the pipeline to GET RID OF GORDON KAHL, and the stage was set for the kind of confrontation the Feds wanted.

A violent attack was planned against Gordon Kahl at his farmhouse, and it was going to be well publicized. The attack would be in the form of a roadblock, it would be in the evening hours, and it would occur in a remote rural area. The timing of the attack in February of 1983 was selected to coincide with the trials of other related criminal prosecutions then going on that would be favorably tipped towards the Government, as the Juries were exposed to what would be surfacing visibly on the news as the Gordon Kahl "incident."

From his farm in Heaton, North Dakota, both Gordon Kahl, along with his neighbors, and the Chief of Police of Medina, North Dakota, Darrell Graff, all had received several advanced notices that the United States Marshals were planning a very unpleasant reception for Gordon Kahl, and in the case of Darrell Graff, he was told bluntly to stay out of it.

Rather than meet his adversaries face‑to‑face to settle the grievance at that lower level, Gordon Kahl improvidently ignored the gathering storm and tossed aside the Warrant, thus giving his adversaries the benefit of intensifying the impending confrontation into an elevated status ‑‑ a level that originates out of the barrel of a gun, where the Feds were quite likely to prevail. Although that did not give the United States Marshals the right to come out first and shoot Kahl, it does however require that other people in difficult positions with juristic authorities facing contemplated extermination itself, should not replicate Gordon Kahl's modus operandi.

On the 14th of February, 1983, Gordon Kahl, accompanied by his wife and son Yori, left a meeting in a Medina, North Dakota commercial district and headed home. Gordon Kahl was under surveillance and he knew it. He could have been picked up at the meeting, but the Feds had a surprise for him and wanted the remoteness of a rural environment. His son Yori detected something adverse and dangerous in the air, and so he took his father's jacket and cap and wore those on himself on the ride home that afternoon.

Not far from his farmhouse a roadblock had been set up by U.S. Marshal Kenneth Muir. It was a very unusual roadblock in that it had an ambulance and firetruck waiting there. Yes, there was going to be some trouble. The Marshal had not come to arrest, but to murder. Bringing neither the Arrest Warrant, nor any identification, Deputy Muir brought his gun and orders to terminate Gordon Kahl.

Arriving at the roadblock, Gordon's son, Yori Kahl, fled the pickup truck and ran to a nearby telephone pole for cover. Thinking that Yori was his dad Gordon, Marshal Muir opened the shooting by firing several shots at Yori.

Yori did not fall to the ground quick enough to satisfy the killer Marshal, so Marshal Muir kept on shooting until Yori fell. After spending a while at the hospital, Yori Kahl would actually survive to be charged with murder, and later convicted by a jury in a Star Chamber that was highly pressured by the U.S. Marshals and had numerous other fatal irregularities that would never survive reversal on appeal.

Back at the evening roadblock, after seeing his own son cut down by Marshal Muir, Gordon Kahl grabbed a gun and let Marshal Muir have it, killing him and Deputy Marshal Robert Chesire. Injured was Deputy Marshal James Hopson.

Staying in the background, looking at all of this shooting and profanity being thrown about, was Chief Darrell Graff of the Medina Police Department, who was told in advance that Kahl was going to buy the farm, and that he was to stay out of it. Gordon went over to the telephone pole, dragged his son Yori, white with blood loss and bleeding profusely, over to an unmarked police car, drove him to a hospital back in Medina, and then as a thick fog quickly settled in on the Fargo countryside, Gordon Kahl sped away into the night.

Soon, a swarm of military stormtroopers descended on Fargo, in military clothing and using military trucks [see Time Magazine ["Dakota Dragnet"], page 25 (February 28, 1983)]. They were on search and destroy orders. Gordon Kahl was immediately placed on the FBI's ten most wanted list, and was the subject of the most intensive fugitive search in the history of the FBI. It was a massive operation.

A tight clampdown was put out in North Dakota, accompanied with extensive random stops of motor vehicles, but nothing ever turned up. For Gordon Kahl, thousands of armed forces were called into search the surrounding North Dakota countryside. Every available private bounty hunter known to the FBI was hired and put on the case, but fugitive Gordon Kahl slipped through it all.

In comparison to what they can do when they feel like it, it is worthwhile noting how J. Edgar Hoover and the FBI never showed any such interest in capturing unknown fleeing killers when President Kennedy was shot in Dallas.

No roadblocks, no dragnets, no manhunts, no searching ‑‑ nothing but CIA agents carrying Secret Service credentials restraining people from approaching the grassy knoll for about 10 minutes.

For the next three months, Gordon Kahl had found a home with some friends, Mr. and Mrs. Ginter, and a Mr. Russell, who kept moving him quietly from house to house. It was rather obvious to anyone that if he was ever found, he would be killed immediately.

In time, Mr. Russell's daughter, Karen Russell Robertson, noticed that her father was hiding Gordon Kahl. Possessed with First Person evidence ["I saw...," "I heard..."], she in turn went to the FBI and spilled the beans. She was given $25,000 and the promise of immunity from prosecution [see the New York Times ["Arkansans Guilty in Tax Rebel Case"], page A19 (October 19, 1983)].

The rural house where Gordon Kahl was staying was placed under FBI surveillance; but the results were inconclusive. On the morning of June 4th, a special FBI team of animals and savage killers [which is no exaggeration], known as the FBI SWAT TEAM, left their home base in Washington, D.C. and flew into Lawrence County, Arkansas on a private FBI jet. There, they were met by local FBI agents, other FBI agents, the Arkansas State Police, the Sheriff of Lawrence County, Arkansas, his deputies, and a confluence of United States Marshals assembled from across the country. Several Marshals invited to the Kahl execution operation arrived too late and missed it.

Later in the afternoon, it all began. The quiet, isolated and remote house was cordoned off, roadblocks were set up, and all without Gordon Kahl detecting anything amiss. Soon that afternoon, Mr. Ginter left the house alone and he was stopped down the road. He claimed his wife, Norma Ginter, was in the house alone. Now, the house where Gordon Kahl was living was more closely surrounded, and Sheriff Gene Matthews went to the front door to remove Mrs. Ginter from the scene.

With her out of the way, the FBI started open shooting, and saturated the house with bullets; but the earth shelter house was made with concrete walls and Gordon Kahl survived through it all without a scratch. The 36 year old local Sheriff, Gene Matthews, was killed incidental to the FBI siege on the Gordon Kahl hideout.

After a while, as the firing stopped, the FBI cordoned off the house for themselves while the Delta Force animals converged on the house like starved panthers going for a piece of meat. They found Gordon Kahl alive and well inside the home, hiding behind the refrigerator. He was taken to the living room, thrown on the floor, and was worked over with the butt end of their rifles. While numerous bones were being fractured and his teeth were being smashed in, other members of Delta Force went on a rampage in the house, smashing pictures and the television set, over‑turning furniture, a copier, and taking a fireman's axe and chopping up a bookshelf.

While Gordon Kahl was pinned to the floor by the 6 to 8 Delta Force panthers, still under attack from the gun butts, the FBI agent with the fireman's axe turned to Gordon Kahl himself and chopped off his hand. Then he went around and chopped off Gordon Kahl's other hand, and then both of his feet were severed. While screaming with pain and with blood gushing out profusely over the floor where his hands and feet used to be, Gordon Kahl was shot in the head at close range, killing him.

A local Deputy Sheriff was given the honor of removing the bullet from Gordon Kahl's head [later that week, the deputy would tell a neighbor that he had not eaten in three days]. When local people viewed Gordon Kahl's dismembered body, they became nauseous and sick, stating that the man they just hacked apart was not Gordon Kahl, but Mr. William Wade, who was the owner of the land and resembled Gordon Kahl closely in age and appearance, and was well known to the Sheriff and others personally.

There was confusion; immediately there was trouble. A massive series of roadblocks were erected again, and the thorough searching of all automobiles over a wide radius was started; it was believed that Gordon Kahl had slipped out once again.

Local residents monitoring the operation on the police radio band heard a call made for some gasoline to be delivered to the house. Now that the murder of Gordon Kahl had been botched, the Feds were going to cover their own tracks and torch the place. The Delta Force animals left the place with extensive blood stains covering their clothes and took the private FBI jet back to Washington.

The roadblocks were called off when Mr. Wade, the owner of the land, showed up in town alive and well. The body of Sheriff Matthews was taken to a local hospital, while later in the evening after the fire the Feds had set had died down, the charred body of Gordon Kahl was taken to the local coroner.

The dismembered body was later identified as being that of Gordon Kahl. But the bodies and the house were only lightly charred, since the house was fabricated from cast concrete walls and the fire never got that intense. The corpse identified as being Gordon Kahl's was missing teeth, hands, and feet, had a bullet hole in the head (without a bullet), and was extensively covered with tissue bruises and fractured bones. It was very shocking and disgusting, as people who saw photographs of Gordon Kahl's charred remains, taken by the coroner, reported a stark and terrified look on his charred face; he had died in extreme terror, screaming violently from the pain. They had gotten their man.

The man who was Director of the FBI at the time that this murder operation was being performed, was William Webster. He personally supervised it. And when you get to know William Webster very well, you will become acquainted with a great murderer.

Gordon Kahl was later buried with military honors ‑‑ whatever that meant.

His wife back in North Dakota received several mean and ugly death threats from the Feds to keep quite or be murdered herself. Meanwhile, the rest of the country went on like Alice strolling through Wonderland; believing that all was well and that the Federal Government is your trusted friend, and that some little Tax Protestor over there got what he deserved.

Back in Arkansas, while shifting through the smoldering ruins in the kitchen, a reporter for the New York Times accompanied by Ray Wade, the land owner's son, found Gordon Kahl's left foot that had been severed off by the axe.

It was taken to the local coroner Dr. Fahmy Malak in Little Rock, confirmed as being Gordon Kahl's sliced off foot. However, this was news not fit to emphasize, and the reporter's story was blurred over when printed [see New York Times ["Gunfight Shatters Tranquility of Arkansas Hills"], page 14 (July 3, 1983)].

Mr. and Mrs. Ginter, who had been harboring Gordon Kahl, were charged not only with aiding and abetting a fugitive, but also were fraudulently charged with the murder of Sheriff Matthews. At Trial, the only evidence introduced against them, outside of the background story, was first person evidence from Art Russell's daughter, Karen Russell Robertson, who reported to the Jury what she had seen her father do. And with that eyewitness evidence, the Ginters and Art Russell were convicted and sentenced to protracted incarceration in a Federal Penitentiary [see New York Times ["Arkansans Guilty in Tax Rebel Case"], page A19 (October 19, 1983)].

In conclusion, note that a large volume of the continuous reporting that the New York Times and Time Magazine did on the story from February through October, was based, as usual, on the mere replication of whatever the FBI and wire services had told them, as the Government Billboards that they are ‑‑ and so their reporting is highly edited, inaccurate, and distorted news. Be advised that there are numerous inconsistencies in those articles between what they have reported [as the Feds are quite good at changing the facts], and what is reported herein. Until their own reporter J.C. Barden actually went to the torched house to dig at facts for himself on the case, some of the real facts never surfaced, and his reported factual details considerably change the character and color of the savage FBI animal attack on Gordon Kahl.

Incidentally, Mr. Ray Wade, who found Gordon Kahl's foot, was also threatened with being killed himself if he did not remain silent, as were other local residents who also saw different aspects of the bloody reign of FBI terror that went on during that fateful day ‑‑ as the FBI once again allowed itself to be defiled by acting ministerially, without and wanting jurisdiction, on behalf of those presiding in Washington who had handed down the extermination orders.

It's All About Power. ‑ A true and accurate eye witness account of the shoot‑out between Gordon Kahl and US Marshals at Medina, North Dakota By Former Medina Police Officers Darrell Graf and Steve Schnabel.

In 1968, at the national governor's conference in Lexington, Kentucky, the IMF leaders of the event proposed the dilemma the State governors were in for carrying out their business dealings in Federal Reserve Notes (foreign notes), which is forbidden in the national and State constitutions, alleging that if they did not do something to protect themselves the people would discover what had been done with their money and would likely to kill them all and start over. They suggested the States form corporations like Corp. U.S. and showed the advantages of the resultant uniform codes that could be created, which would allow better and more powerful control over the people.

Leftist, homosexual writer Truman Capote assails the "Zionist mafia" (i.e., Jewish) controlling the publishing world, in Playboy magazine.

Marxist troublemakers, known as The Chicago Seven, plan and start the famous riot at the Democratic Convention. 5 of the 7 leftists are discovered to be Jewish.

Joy Elmer Morgan, former editor of the NEA Journal publishes The American Citizens Handbook in which he says: "the coming of the United Nations and the urgent necessity that it evolve into a more comprehensive form of world government places upon the citizens of the United States an increased obligation to make the most of their citizenship which now widens into active world citizenship."

Nelson Rockefeller pledges support of the New World Order. In an Associated Press report, Rockefeller pledges that, "as President, he would work toward international creation of a new world order."

October 1968: Jackie Kennedy was now "free" to marry Onassis. An old Mafia rule: If someone welshes on a deal, kill him, and take his gun and his girl (in this case, Jackie and the Pentagon).

In the late 1960's the American government sent the Soviet Union 164 ball bearing machines, which make the ball bearings they use in the guidance systems of their IBM's. This is the only way they could make their intercontinental missiles so accurate. So accurate that they can be fired from Soviet soil, travel 7500 miles, and then split into ten warheads, which can virtually destroy ten cities. They are so accurate, using the technology the American government gave them and that which they have stolen from us through Jewish spies, that they can hit within 100 yards of ground zero after a flight of 7500 miles.

Korea: North Korea seized the U.S.S. Pueblo, because Washington ordered our fleet commander not to interfere (after all the Jewish/Master in America had to see to it that their brother Jews in Russia had access to the latest in electronic equipment. Another slap in the face of our military.

Martin Luther King, Jr., is assassinated; U.S. Senator Robert Kennedy is assassinated; Soviets invade Czechoslovakia to crush uprising; Vietcong stage Tet offensive in South Vietnam; U.S. troop deployment in Vietnam passes 500,000; North Korea seizes U.S. Navy ship Pueblo.

Assassination of Martin Luther King, Jr., in Memphis, Tennessee, and Robert Kennedy in Los Angeles, California. Dr. Nicholas Chetta, who performed autopsies on Ferrie and Dr. Sherman, died of an apparent heart attack; Richard Carr, JFK assassination witness about to testify in the Clay Shaw trial, learns police have arrested a man planning to shoot him.

Bilderberger meeting in Mont Tremblant, Canada. King assassination: James Earl Ray begins international travels thanks to "Raoul" who sounds very much like his younger brother Jerry Ray; FBI begins search for Ray as lone assassin, ignoring considerable evidence of a conspiracy with Ray as patsy ‑‑ including reports of the mysterious "sausage and eggs man" who was seen in the neighborhood of King's motel with a rifle before and after the murder.

Following King assassination black leader Ron Karenga meets secretly with California Governor Reagan and later with Los Angeles police chief Thomas Reddin. Spiro Agnew's law‑n‑order handling of riots following King's assassination brings him to national attention; Agnew allegedly chosen for Nixon's vice‑president to obtain CIA and Greek oil and shipping firms' contributions.

Robert Kennedy assassination: Sirhan Sirhan, who wounded Kennedy in the shoulder pad, still doesn't remember what happened but perhaps security guard Eugene Cesar, who carried the same caliber gun as Sirhan, does; Kennedy was shot in the back of the head at close range ‑‑ Cesar was close behind him, Sirhan several feet in front; a "girl in the polka dot dress," who earlier had been seen with Sirhan, reportedly leaves the scene saying "We've shot him!"

Nixon and Agnew elected. Approximate date group called The Kaisers founded ‑‑ 60 German‑Americans allegedly planning to make Nixon a dictator. FBI begins secret Cointelpro campaign against New Left and black radicals. New York police BOSS unit founds local Black Panther party using undercover agents. FBI informer William O'NEAL infiltrates Chicago Black Panthers, becomes chief of security, Los Angeles police establish Criminal Conspiracy Section which employs Donald DeFreeze, Louis Tackwood, Ron Karenga, the Steiner brothers and other agents to infiltrate prison reform and black power groups.

CIA penetrates the Students for a Democratic Society at Columbia College; National Caucus of Labor Committees (NCLC) formed within the SDS. Congress creates LEAA to fund state and local police programs. Behavior mod token economy program set up in West Virginia youth center. Mystery ship Scheersberg disappears between Antwerp and Genoa with 200 tons of uranium believed to have been taken to Israel. Astronauts circling the moon interrupted by unexplained voices. Unexplained distress signals from the mid‑Pacific received by radio stations, no ships found during search. UFOlogists Steiger, Whitenour and Keel smeared during MIB visits in UFO flap area. Continental drift theory confirmed. ECOSOC Resolution 1296 ‑ directed by Dr. Robert Muller, establishes "Consultative Status" for NGOs (non‑government organizations). Lucis Trust among first NGOs accredited. Club of Rome ‑ organized, and published Limits to Growth.

CIA experiments with the possibility of poisoning drinking water by injecting chemicals into the water supply of the FDA in Washington, D.C.


The CIA experimented with the possibility of poisoning drinking water by injecting a chemical substance into the water supply of the Food And Drug Administration in Washington, D.C.. There were no harmful effects noted from this experiment. However, none of the human subjects in the building were ever asked for their �permission, nor was anyone provided with information on the nature or effects of the chemical used.


On June 9, 1969, Dr. D.M. McArtor, then Deputy Director of Research and Technology for the Department of Defense, appeared before the House Subcommittee on Appropriations to request funding for a project to produce a synthetic biological agent for which humans have not yet acquired a natural immunity. Dr. McArtor asked for $10 million dollars to produce this agent over the next 5‑10 years. The Congressional Record reveals that according to the plan for the development of this germ agent, the most important characteristic of the new disease would be "that it might be refractory [resistant] to the immunological and therapeutic processes upon which we depend to maintain our relative freedom from infectious disease."

AIDS first appeared as a public health risk ten years later.

July 1969: Mary Jo Kopechne, devoted JFK girl, and later one of Bobby's trusted aides, was in charge of packing up his files after his assassination in L.A. She read too much ‑ learned about the Kennedy Mafia involvement, and other things. She said to friends: This isn't Camelot, this is murder. She was idealistic American Catholic. She didn't like murdering hypocrites. She died trying to get off Cappaquiddick Island, where she had overheard (along with everyone else in the cottage) Teddy Kennedy's end of the D.H. Lawrence cottage telephone calls from John Tunney, and to Joe Alioto, and Democratic bigwigs Swig, Shorenstein, Schumann and Bechtel.

U.S. military begins withdrawal from Vietnam; U.S. astronauts land on the moon.

September 1969: The President of the United Nations Security Council revealed that six UN Missions of the Arab states received telegrams from the Jewish Defense League threatening each as a "legitimate target" in revenge for acts of terrorism committed by Arabs.

September 1969: "Gemstones," with histories, had been released around the globe for several years. In 1969, Roberts gave a Gemstone, with history, to Mack, head of California CREEP, for Nixon, with the proposition: the Presidency, in return for wiping out the Mafia. The "history"� included Teddy's phone calls to, and from, the Lawrence cottage on Chappaquiddick ‑ billed to Teddy's home phone in Hyannisport. Nixon, being Mafia himself, wasn't interested; but kept the information to use on Teddy whenever it seemed advantageous.

Assassination of Tom Mboya of Kenya and A.A. Shermarke of Somalia. Clyde Johnson, who had allegedly attended parties with Ferrie, Ruby and Oswald and who was beaten up to keep him from testifying at the Clay Shaw trial, shot to death near Greensburg, Louisiana. Richard Carr, while visiting in Atlanta, is attacked by two men with knives.

Fifteen Russian generals die in "unrelated" incidents within a month's time. CIA‑linked Professor Thomas Rika disappears from Boulder, Colorado. Bilderberger meeting in Copenhagen, Denmark. First manned lunar landing. Chappaquidick accident involving Edward Kennedy; Mary Jo Kopechne dies. Trial of Shaw for conspiracy to assassinate JFK; with Jim Garrison's witnesses dead or discredited by CIA or FBI and other government agencies, Shaw was soon found not guilty.

Nixon issues Executive Order No. 11490 establishing plans for dictatorial control in the event of a "national emergency." New York Times reveals secret US bombing of Cambodia; Nixon authorizes phone taps of Kissinger's staff to discover leak. Chicago police and FBI raid Black Panthers, kill Fred Hampton and Mark Clark (who were possibly drugged by O'NEAL); a series of earlier clashes had left other Chicago Panthers dead.

Black Panther leaders killed in Los Angeles by the Steiner brothers, members of Karenga's United Slaves; Panther headquarters raided by SWAT team. New York Panthers indicted for conspiracy. CIA's Colton Westbrook returns from Phoenix program in Vietnam to become involved in Black Culture Association (BCA) program in California prisons. DeFreeze sent to Vacaville, California prison, begins to undergo personality changes.

Pentagon and Department of Interior researchers study methods of inducing earthquakes by injecting fluids into deep wells. Alleged CIA spy Humberto Carrillo Colon arrested by Cuban government which seized his Very Low Frequency transceiver and coded messages describing strange lights, a mini‑submarine and other unexplained items. MIB "Carlos Allende" visits UFOlogists Jim and Coral Lorenzen in Tucson, gives them a copy of the ONR reprint of Jessup's Case for the UFOs. Woodstock rock festival in New York state draws well over half a million.

Dr. Robert MacMahan of the Department of Defense requests from congress $10 million to develop, within 5 to 10 years, a synthetic biological agent to which no natural immunity exists.

The President of the United Nations Security Council revealed that six UN Missions of the Arab states received telegrams from the Jewish Defense League threatening each as a "legitimate target" in revenge for acts of terrorism committed by Arabs.


A term used to describe the deaths of Jews in the WWII era, "The Holocaust," comes into common usage, as urged by Jews themselves. Strangely, it seems to not apply to non‑Jewish concentration‑camp victims, who are the majority. Also strangely, the Jewish‑led holocaust in Russia is not, and still is not, called a "holocaust," nor is it ever mentioned as "Jewish‑led."

"Holocaust" mania sweeps America, and is mentioned in newspapers, magazines, television, and even schoolbooks. This leads to Jews no longer being seen as "enemies" of American "traditional" culture, but rather as "sympathetic victims" whom Americans must coddle and serve.

Israel amends its Law of Return by defining �Jew' to mean a person born of a Jewish mother or one who converts to Judaism and is not a member of another religion. Law effectively equates �religion' and �Jewish nationality', clearly bringing it within the definition of Racism set forth in UN Resolution� 2016 which defines racial discrimination as any distinction, exclusion, restriction, or preference based on race, color, descent, or national ethnic origin This resolution was supported by the United States and Israel amongst other UN members.

Israel amends the Discharged Soldiers Act of 1949 so that the relatively small number of Jewish nationals who are exempt from military service can receive all the benefits tied to military service, such as school, housing, welfare and job entitlements, benefits denied the 98% of Israeli citizens of non‑Jewish nationality, most of whom are native Palestinians.

May� 4, 1970: Charlotte Ford Niarchos called her ex‑husband, Stavros, worried about them Ford Foundation's involvement in the Chappaquiddick cover‑up. Eugenie Livanos Niarchos, in bed with her husband, overheard the conversation. Stavros was forced to beat her to death; he ruptured her spleen and broke the cartilage in her throat. Cause of death was listed as "overdose of barbiturates," though autopsy showed these injuries.

Education and the mass media promote world order. In Thinking About A New World Order for the Decade 1990, author Ian Baldwin, Jr. asserts that: "...the World Law Fund has begun a worldwide research and educational program that will introduce a new, emerging discipline; world order, into educational curricula throughout the world...and to concentrate some of its energies on bringing basic world order concepts into the mass media again on a worldwide level."

May 18, 1970: Fifty JDL members took over the Park East Synagogue opposite the Soviet UN Mission. Positioning themselves in the sanctuary, on the roof and on scaffolding surrounding the building, they unfurled huge banners decrying the plight of Soviet Jews. Those on the roof shouted demands and played martial music through a loudspeaker directed at the Mission across the street. Responding to the pleas of the synagogue's rabbi to leave, Kahane told him that as far as he was concerned, there was "nothing to talk about." The takeover continued for nine hours, due to the hesitancy of the synagogue's officials to aggravate the situation by asking the police to intervene."

[Ed: It probably contravened Talmudic law!]

May 22, 1970: Six unidentified members of the JDL stormed into the offices of two Arab propaganda agencies in New York. Three Arab men were severely beaten with wooden clubs, and the offices were left in disarray. The three victims were hospitalized. Responding to reports that JDL literature was found at the scene of the attacks, Kahane did not take credit for the assaults but stated that "If we did [take credit], we'd be open to all sorts of problems. We obviously can't." He then proceeded to express his approval of the attacks.

September 27, 1970: Two members of the JDL, Avraham and Nancy Hershkovitz, were arrested in an alleged plot to hijack an Arab airliner. The two were arrested at Kennedy Airport carrying firearms and explosives. They were later indicted on six counts by a grand jury but pleaded guilty only to a charge of passport falsification.

October 1970: A group of JDL members led by Kahane took over the executive offices of the Federation of Jewish Philanthropies in New York. They occupied the offices for two hours, demanding $6 million for "Jewish education."

November 16, 1970: Continuing their efforts against the Federation, the group subsequently launched a telephone harassment campaign against then Federation President George C. Heyman. A newspaper advertisement called for sit‑in demonstrations at Heyman's office and advised, "[I]f you cannot stop by, phone him several times that day."

November 24, 1970: In the second takeover of the Park East Synagogue that year, the JDL again commandeered the premises of the synagogue for an anti‑Soviet demonstration. After the police erected barricades to prevent demonstrators from approaching the Soviet Mission, a car suddenly veered onto the sidewalk into a line of uniformed policemen. Six patrolmen and one officer were injured.

November 25, 1970: At 3:20 a.m., a bomb exploded at the Manhattan offices of the Soviet airline Aeroflot and its travel agency In tourist causing extensive damage. Thirty‑five minutes after the explosion of the bomb, an anonymous caller telephoned the Associated Press and declared that the bomb was in response to Soviet anti‑Semitism and pronounced the JDL slogan, "Never again!" At a subsequent press conference, Kahane voiced approval of the bombing but denied responsibility for it, stating, "Any protest to help enslaved people is a legitimate form of protest ‑ including bombing and other forms of violent action."

End of 1970: Howard Hughes' presence on earth was no longer required. His hand‑writing could be duplicated by a computer. His biography ‑ all the known facts about his life ‑ had been compiled and a computerized biography issued to top Hughes executives. His double, Rector, had been doing "Hughes" for years. And Hughes was ill.

Clifford Irving, author of Hoax, about an art forger, became interested in "Hughes." Living on Iblzza, he heard the Mediterranean gossip that "Hughes" was a hoax, too. He went to "Hughes'" so‑called "Mormon Mafia," the six "nursemaids," for information. One of them, Merryman, perhaps tired of the game, gave Irving the computerized Hughes biography, and from it Irving wrote his "autobiography." Hughes' death was expected shortly. Preparations were being made so that it would not interfere with the orderly continuation of his empire. Irving wrote his book, and the publishers announced it. Onassis knew someone had given Irving the information. He thought it was Maheu, and fired him in November 1970. On Thanksgiving Eve, 1970, in the middle of the night, "Hughes" (Rector) made a well‑publicized "secret departure" from Las Vegas to the Bahamas.

U.S. troops invade Cambodia.

"The Christians are always singing about the blood. Let us give them enough of it! Let us cut their throats and drag them over the altar! And let them drown in their own blood! I dream of the day when the last priest is strangled on the guts of the last preacher." (Jewish Chairman of the American Communist Party, Gus Hall)

Assassination of union leader Joseph Yablonski and his family in Pennsylvania. Attempted assassination of Pope Paul VI. Reuther dies in plane crash under suspicious circumstances.

Bilderberger meeting in Bad Ragaz, Switzerland. US Army experts complete a "mock assassination" project against the president and Congress, demonstrating that determined terrorists could wipe out US leaders through use of chemical of germ warfare.

US invasion of Cambodia; Kent State killings; massive protests. Nixon staffers develop the Huston Plan and "Plumbers Unit" in plot to use police and intelligence agencies at all levels for political purposes. Attorneys Lefcourt in New York and Gary in San Francisco are subject to the first of over 100 unsolved break‑ins which take place over the next five years; valuables untouched but sensitive political information taken. FBI/police attacks on Black Panthers in Seattle, Baltimore, New Bedford, Philadelphia, New Orleans, Toledo, Detroit and Carbondale.

Westbrook meets DeFreeze; BCA at Vacaville encourages revolutionary ideas and racial hatred in inmates. Personality‑ altering Prolexin administered to 1,093 inmates at Vacaville; Special Programs Unit behavior mod program begins at Joliet, Illinois, under Dr. Martin Groder; Bureau of Prisons requests funds for Federal Center for Correctional Research in Butner, North Carolina. Approximate date of the "Korea‑gate" scandal: Korean CIA undertakes massive influence‑peddling campaign, 50 congressmen accept bribes, links made with Nixon Administration and the Unification Church.

First Earth Day ‑ founder, Gaylord Nelson. Another view of Earth Day. World Conference on Religion and Peace‑ opened headquarters at the U.N. Center. Held conference in Kyoto, Japan, was accredited by ECOSOC in 1973. Environmental Protection Agency ‑ created.

Funding for the synthetic biological agent is obtained under H.R. 15090. The project, under the supervision of the CIA, is carried out by the Special Operations Division at Fort Detrick, the army's top secret biological weapons facility. Speculation is raised that molecular biology techniques are used to produce AIDS‑like retro viruses.

United States intensifies its development of "ethnic weapons" (Military Review, Nov., 1970), designed to selectively target and eliminate specific ethnic groups who are susceptible due to genetic differences and variations in DNA.

1970s and 1980s, PANAMA: For more than a decade, Panamanian strongman Manuel Noriega was a highly paid CIA asset and collaborator, despite knowledge by U.S. drug authorities as early as 1971 that the general was heavily involved in drug trafficking and money laundering. Noriega facilitated "guns‑for‑drugs" flights for the contras, providing protection and pilots, as well as safe havens for drug cartel officials, and discreet banking facilities. U.S. officials, including then‑ClA Director William Webster and several DEA officers, sent Noriega letters of praise for efforts to thwart drug trafficking (albeit only against competitors of his Medellin Cartel patrons). The U.S. government only turned against Noriega, invading Panama in December 1989 and kidnaping the general, once they discovered he was providing intelligence and services to the Cubans and Sandinistas. Ironically drug trafficking through Panama increased after the US invasion. (John Dinges, Our Man in Panama, Random House, 1991; National Security Archive Documentation Packet The Contras, Cocaine, and Covert Operations.)


By 1971, every State government in the union of States� had formed such private corporations (Corp. State), in accord with the IMF admonition, and the people ceased to seat original jurisdiction government officials in their State government seats.

Guinea brought under Communist control.

Communist China replaces Taiwan in United Nations.

January 8, 1971: A bomb exploded in the pre‑dawn hours of the morning outside a Soviet cultural building in Washington DC causing moderate damage. Shortly after the explosion, a woman telephoned news agencies and warned: "This is a sample of things to come. Let our people go. Never again! " Bertram Zweibon, the vice‑chairman of the JDL denied the group's involvement, but declared, "We do not condemn the act.

November: Michael Fribourg completed a deal with the Soviet Union, through Nickolai Belousou, the Chief of Exportkhelb, the Russian grain‑ purchasing agency; for 900,000 tons of American surplus barley and oats, 2‑million tons of corn, and 282‑million bushels of wheat.

The total figure was something in excess of 18‑million metric tons of grain sold to the Soviet Union. This tremendous sale was financed by a combination of U.S. guaranteed credits and U.S. subsidized prices.

So the farmers and the taxpayers had been ripped off again. President Carter and his Administration later announced it would permit the Soviet Union to purchase up to 25‑million metric tons of wheat and corn in 1979. Nixon, Carter and other Presidents before and after them, permitted such action because the Communist system is unable to grow enough grain to feed its own people and depends on the United States to bail it out again as we have time and time again.

In the grain announcement, no mention was made about how the Soviet Union will pay for this 25‑million metric tons of grain. But now we know that once again our government leaders failed to live up to the trust our American People had in them by electing them in office, and let the Soviet Union have the Grain free through credits, issued by the United States Government, for the Soviet to purchase the grain at American Taxpayer Expense.

Through the support of the United States, the President, with the complacency of Congress; Communist China was admitted to the United Nations and Free China (America's friend) one of our most staunch allies, was expelled.

April 19, 1971: US: Several hundred Vietnam Veterans Against the War begin an encampment on Capitol Hill, Washington, D.C. Launch� "Operation Dewey Canyon III (April 19‑23). Sierra Leone Proclamation of the Republic

In November of 1971, Michael Fribourg completed a deal with the Soviet Union, through Nickolai Belousou, the Chief of Exportkhelb, the Russian grain‑purchasing agency; for 900,000 tons of American surplus barley and oats, 2‑million tons of corn, and 282‑million bushels of wheat. The total figure was something in excess of 18‑million metric tons of grain sold to the Soviet Union. This tremendous sale was financed by a combination of U.S. guaranteed credits and U.S. subsidized prices. So once again the Soviet Union was saved and the American farmers and taxpayers had been ripped off again.

Assassination of Wasfi Tal of Jordan. Daughter of conspiracy investigator Mae Brussell killed in suspicious car accident. Bilderberger meeting in Woodstock, Vermont. Pentagon Papers published. Hunt hired by White House to gather damaging evidence against Daniel Ellsberg, Edward Kennedy and other "enemies"; Hunt hires Barker and other Bay of Pigs veterans to make break‑in at Ellsberg's psychiatrist's office.

Barker attempts to get plans to building which will house the Democratic Convention. Plumber chief David Young, former Kissinger aid, contacts CIA for psychiatric profile of Ellsberg, referred to Howard Osborn, a possible Oswald link. White House agent Sergretti meets with FBI, Minutemen and others to plan kidnaping of radicals during the 1972 convention ‑‑ a plan later scrapped.

FBI begins (or continues) illegal break‑ins, mail‑openings and wiretaps, conducted by Squad 47 of the internal security division in search of Weather Underground fugitives. Future SLA members Camilla Hall and William Wolfe move to Berkley, become involved in radical and prison reform activities. Electroshock treatments given to hundreds of inmates at Vacaville. Black Panther party in shambles; Cointelpro supposedly disbanded. Zimbardo's Stanford experiments demonstrating dangers of prisoner/guard role‑playing. "Deprogrammer" Ted Patrick begins kidnaping Jesus Freaks and reconverting them to conventional behavior. John Keel's Our Haunted Planet discusses more MIB cases.

RAMSAR Treaty on Wetlands ‑ signed in Ramsar, Iran. IUCN driving force behind RAMSAR.


Conversations are taped between President Nixon and Billy Graham from 1972. The two discuss "Jewish control of the media." Graham asserts, "If it isn't stopped, this country is going down the tubes." Nixon agrees. The tapes would not be released for 3 decades. See March 2002 entry for outcome.

President Nixon announced a ban on the production and use of biological (but not chemical) warfare agents. However, as the Army's own experts reveal, this ban is meaningless because the studies required to protect against biological warfare weapons are generally indistinguishable from those for chemical weapons. Tests were held across the nation but the effects are still classified.

While Americans were dying in Vietnam, President Nixon paid a "Friendly" visit to Communist China. Which constituted "Treason" as defined in the U.S. Constitution. Treason: "Shall adhering to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort." (U.S. Constitution, Section 3) This, it is clear for all to see, Richard Nixon, the then President of the United States committed treason as defined by the Constitution, and should have been executed for it. As the penalty for Treason is and should be death!

America built for the Soviets the worlds largest truck factory on the banks of the Kama River, which produces more trucks than all the American truck factories combined. This plant, built by the American government, with American taxpayer funds, which supplied the trucks to the North Vietnamese and Vietcong during the Vietnam War.

The American Jewish Congress filed a formal protest with the U.S. Post Office Department about a stamp to be issued representing Christianity. (But the Jews clandestinely put a so‑called star of David on a stamp issued by the Post Office.) The P.O. Department withdrew the stamp design to please the Jews. (Jewish Post & Opinion. August 17, 1972)

The Jewish Committee Against Religious Encroachment in Schools filed in Federal Court to have the Yule Pageant in Westfield, N.J. banned. The suit charged, "the pageant favor belief in religion over non‑religion and favors the Christian Religion over others (Jews)." (New York Daily News, November 15, 1972)

In May 1972, Summit Kissinger guaranteed the Soviet Union and China missiles a free ride against United States cities and our entire population. He abandoned and forfeited all rights to defend ourselves against incoming nuclear missiles. Following is the foreign policy of the State Department since 1961:

1). The United States must converge her institutions and resources gradually with the Communists in order to attain an intricate state of interdependence with the Soviet Union.

2). The United States must contribute and loan money to develop Russian agriculture and industry.

3). The United States must set up Communist parties in all countries that do not at present have a Communist threat.

4). The United States must always retreat or surrender when threatened or confronted by Russia.

5). An elite of super‑intellectuals must secretly conspire with the Soviet to completely and unilaterally disarm the United States regardless of the wishes of the people.

"It is our policy to put an end to National Sovereignty...We must seek to discourage anti‑Communist revolts, even if by so doing we help to stabilize tottering Communist regimes and expose citadels of freedom to slow death by strangulation...If any Communist Government in any country would be overthrown, the United States would supply the resources to re‑establish another communist regime."

Somalia brought under Communist control.

"I know I don't have to say this, but in bringing everybody under the Zionist banner we never forget that our goals are the safety and security of the state of Israel foremost. Our goal will be realized in Yiddishkeit, in a Jewish life being lived every place in the world and our goals will have to be realized, not merely by what we impel others to do. And here in this country it means frequently working through the umbrella of the President's Conference (of Jewish organizations), or it might be working in unison with other groups that feel as we do. But that, too, is part of what we think Zionism means and what our challenge is." (Rabbi Israel Miller, The American Jewish Examiner, p. 14. On March 5, 1970)

March: As a result of a grant from HEW, Michael Springer writes "Social Indicators, Social Reports and Social Accounts: Toward the Management of Society," in which he describes how to manage society and, "the overall guidance of our social order," implying that "we can, in the foreseeable future, develop macroscopic assessments of our social order, predict our future, and put social processes under control." He then describes the "emergence of a new ruling class," managers of planned social change, who will advise the "rulers" of society.

Saturday Review editor and CFR member Norman Cousins says on "Earth Day" that, "humanity needs a world order. The fully sovereign nation is incapable of dealing with the poisoning of the environment...The management of the planet, therefore...requires a world‑government."

In speaking of the coming of world government, Roy M. Ash, director of the Office of Management and Budget, declares that: "within two decades the institutional framework for a world economic community will be in place...[and] aspects of individual sovereignty will be given over to a super‑national authority."

Between Two Ages by Zbigniew Brzezinski (CFR member who became the first director of the Trilateral Commission and President Carter's National Security Advisor) is published in which he states that, "In the technetronic society the trend seems to be toward...effectively exploiting the latest communication techniques to manipulate emotions and control reason...Human beings become increasingly manipulable and malleable...the increasing availability of biochemical means of human control...the possibility of extensive chemical mind control...A national information grid that will integrate existing electronic data banks is already being developed...The projected world information grid, for which Japan, Western Europe, and the United States are most suited, could create the basis for a common educational program, for the adoption of common academic standards...Today we are again witnessing the emergence of transnational elites...[whose] ties cut across national is likely that before long the social elites of most of the more advanced countries will be highly internationalist or globalist in spirit and outlook...

"The nation‑state is gradually yielding its sovereignty...Further progress will require greater American sacrifices. More intensive efforts to shape a new world monetary structure will have to be undertaken, with some consequent risk to the present relatively favorable American position."

Individual papers can then be road with greater comprehension. The following dates are out of order because they came into our possession only recently and too late to put into proper order, and because of the possibility of government agents coming in and destroying the work. So the time is not going to be devoted to place them in their proper place now. If you care to rearrange things then do so whenever you wish.

President Nixon travels to China to renew relations; Great Britain takes over direct rule of Northern Ireland.

Assassination of Abeid Karume of Zanzibar. Attempted assassination of George Wallace in Maryland by "loner" Art Bremer who had more money than he should and had alleged connections with CIA‑types. Warren Commission dissident Hale Boggs disappears on flight to Alaska. Death of E. Howard Hunt's wife Dorothy in plane crash while carrying large amount of cash; alleged murder described separately under Flight 553.

Other alleged murders involving secret funds include Rep. William O. Mills (suicide) and his assistants Col. J. Webster and James Glover; a Mr. Taub, Kalmback employee; Dennis Cossini, alleged CIA contact with Bremer; Lou Russell, security cop employed by McCord Associates; and Mrs. Andrew Topping, wife of man alleged to be plotting assassination of Nixon during 1972 convention. J. Edgar Hoover dies.

Bilderberger meeting in Knokke, Belgium. A series of dirty tricks eliminates Muskie as presidential contender; Humphrey and Jackson also smeared; Nixon aides and west coast Nazis cooperate in attempt to keep Wallace of California ballot; Hunt ordered to break into Bremer's apartment but refuses. Watergate break‑in; FBI official Charles Bates placed in charge of investigation.

Agnew allegedly meets Brienguier (Oswald's buddy) in New Orleans. Tackwood alleges that plans are made to disrupt Republican convention in San Diego, declare martial law, assassinate Nixon (or make false attempt). ITT scandal forces Republicans to move to Miami. CIA attempt to crack columnist Jack Anderson's information source fails. William and Emily Harris, Angela and Gary Atwood and others move to Bay area, become involved in radical and prison reform activities.

Thero Wheeler, another alleged police agent, meets DeFreeze at Vacaville; DeFreeze moved to Soledad prison. Black Abductor, anticipating the Hearst kidnaping, published by unknown California publisher. Exposure and defeat of planned psychosurgery program at Vacaville; CARE behavior mod program begins at Marion, Illinois; START program begins at Springfield, Missouri; Joliet unit closed. West German authorities produce a skull they say was Martin Bormann's a few days after articles appear with evidence he is alive in Argentina.

JDL members wielding sticks fought with left‑wing protesters who disrupted a lecture given by Kahane at the City College of New York.

A member of the Jewish Defense League who purchased a rifle allegedly fired into the Soviet UN Mission in October of 1971 was indicted by a federal grand jury on charges of possessing a false draft card and falsely identifying himself when buying a firearm. On March 18, 1975, he pleaded guilty.

A JDL member poured blood over the head of a Soviet diplomat after crashing a Washington, DC reception.

A band of 12 JDL members disrupted a luncheon meeting of the Long Island Association World Trade Club during a speech being given by an official of the Russian Embassy. Detectives forcibly removed them from the room.

A warrant for the arrest of a JDL follower was issued in Manhattan Criminal Court when he failed to pay a $200 fine imposed after he pleaded guilty to criminal mischief for invading and vandalizing the offices of the Soviet news agency Tass in 1969.

At a sit‑in at the Austrian Embassy in Washington, JDL members scuffled with Austrian officials.

In an apparent effort to disrupt U.S. ‑ Soviet relations, four people, two of which were reported to be members of the JDL, were arrested and charged with bomb possession and burglary in a conspiracy to blow up the Long Island residence of the Soviet Mission to the UN. President Nixon was on an official visit to Moscow at the time. The arrests were announced by Acting Attorney General Richard Kliendienst. On August 4 1972, the two JDL members pleaded guilty and were sentenced to serve 3 years in prison for one and a year and a day for the other.

Members of the JDL were arrested in Los Angeles twelve hours after the bombing of an apartment building which included among its tenants a Palestinian Arab. No one was injured. In June of 1973, two members of the organization were convicted on charges of assault.

Three members of the JDL pleaded guilty in Brooklyn Federal Court to charges related to bombing incidents in 1971 at the Amtorg Trading Corporation offices and at the Long Island estate of the Russian Mission.

Flight 553

Chicagoan Lawrence O'Connor, who had used United Airlines Flight 553 or its equivalent to fly from Washington to Chicago on Friday nights for years was warned by a White House source not to take this flight; among those killed in the crash at Midway Airport, Chicago, were: Dorothy Hunt who was carrying $50,000 in Watergate payoff money and close to $2 million she was attempting to place in foreign banks; Michele Clark, CBS newswoman who was to interview Mrs. Hunt on a story that could allegedly destroy Nixon.

At least four people alleged to have knowledge of a large labor union "donation" to the Committee to Re‑elect the President (CREEP), paid to stop the indictment of a Chicago labor hoodlum; and a group of gas pipeline lobbyists, attorneys and gas company officials (Robert Moreau, Nancy Parker, Ralph Blodgett, James Drueger, Lon Bayer, Wilbur Erickson) who had allegedly gathered evidence against former Attorney General John Mitchell in an anti‑trust case involving El Paso Natural Gas Co.; also aboard was a "hit‑man" using the cover of Harold Metcalf, of Drug Abuse Law Enforcement, who told the pilot, Captain Whitehouse, he was carrying a gun and was assigned a jump seat near the food galley and rear door.

Captain Whitehouse and six of the Watergate‑related passengers were found to have unexplainably high cyanide content after the crash, though the other 35 passengers killed did not; following the crash hit‑man Metcalf, in a jump suit, walked out the cracked open fuselage; up to 200 FBI and CIA agents allegedly took over the crash site immediately, beating the fire department to the scene, refusing to allow in a medical team, confiscating Control Tower tapes, interviewing survivors and witnesses before National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) investigators had a chance to.

CBS News requested immediate cremation of Michele Clark's body; evidence of sabotage includes possible tampering with altimeter and air data computer, malfunctioning of the runway visual range recorder and the Kedzie localizer which acted as the runway's outer marker, a series of misdirections from air traffic controllers and the failure of Flight 553's standby power system; an in‑flight robbery gang known as the Joseph Sarelli mob allegedly came into possession of some of the Hunt money and Mitchell documents soon after the crash and reportedly fenced it for $5 million.

The day after the crash Nixon aide Egil Krogh, Jr., of Ellsberg burglary fame, appointed Undersecretary of Transportation and placed in charge of the two agencies investigating the crash (NTSB and FAA); ten days later Nixon assistant Alexander Butterfield, a CIA‑aviation liaison, appointed head of Federal Aviation Administration; a few weeks later Nixon aide Dwight Chapin becomes top executive with United Airlines.

President Nixon visits China. In his toast to Chinese Premier Chou En‑lai, former CFR member and now President, Richard Nixon, expresses "the hope that each of us has to build a new world order." Clean Water Act‑passed by Congress. Wetland definition expanded by lawsuit brought by National Wildlife Federation, resulting in "Tulloch" decision in 1993. Tulloch overturned in 1997. World Heritage Convention ‑ adopted by UNESCO. Technical Review. Earth Summit I ‑ First U.N. Conference on Environment. Maurice Strong Conference leader. James Parks Morton became dean of the Cathedral of St. John the Divine in New York City.


Jewish soldier Ehud Barak, who later became Prime Minister of Israel, enters a house in Lebanon as part of a military hit team, and kills an entire Arab family. Strangely, this event is never mentioned when Barak later becomes Prime Minister.

U.S. Senator William Fulbright says, on the TV show "Face The Nation," that "Israel controls the U.S. Senate," which was, and still is, largely true (via the powerful Jewish lobby group AIPAC). Read Senator Paul Findley's They Dare To Speak Out.

"Throughout their history, the Jews ... entertained feelings of superiority over Gentiles ... It therefore became a prevalent notion among Jews that they are supposed to use their heads, while the Gentiles do the dirty work." Jay Gonen, A Psychohistory of Zionism. Mason/Charter pub., NY, 1973, p. 137.

Afghanistan, Zambia and Equatorial Guinea were brought under virtual Communist Control.

The term, "Holocaust" becomes popularized by the television production by the same name.

In The Saturday Review of Education, National Education Association (NEA) president Catherine Barrett writes that, "...dramatic changes in the way we will raise our children in the year 2000 are indicated, particularly in terms of schooling...We will need to recognize that the so‑called �basic skills,' which currently represent nearly the total effort in elementary schools, will be taught in one‑quarter of the present school day...When this happens, and it's near, the teacher can raise to his true calling. More than a dispenser of information, the teacher will be a conveyor of values, a philosopher...We will be agents of change."

Military coup in Chile overthrows Marxist government; Arabs attack Israel in October War; participants in Vietnam War sign peace agreements.

The Harvard Educational Review publishes Hillary Rodham's (wife of Bill Clinton) radical views of children's rights in "Children Under the Law." In her article, Mrs. Clinton states that some children "may have interests independent of their parents or the state." She bemoans"the belief that families are private, non‑political units whose interests subsume those of children," and feels that the right of parents to control the upbringing of their children could even go "to the point of depriving them of an advanced worldly education."

She deplores the "consensus romanticism about the family." And she says "the state should no longer be allowed to assume the rationality of regulations based upon age, and should at least be required to justify its action on the basis of modern legislative or administrative findings."

The Trilateral Commission is established. Banker David Rockefeller organizes this new private body and chooses Zbigniew Brzezinski, later National Security Advisor to President Carter, as the Commission's first director and invites Jimmy Carter to become a founding member.

Humanist Manifesto II is published:

"The next century can be and should be the humanistic century...we stand at the dawn of a new age...a secular society on a planetary scale...As non‑theists we begin with humans not God, nature not deity...we deplore the division of humankind on nationalistic grounds...Thus we look to the development of a system of world law and a world order based upon transnational federal government...The true revolution is occurring."

National Security Council Memorandum 200, titled "Implications of Worldwide Population Growth for U.S. Security and Overseas Interests," is marked "classified" and "confidential." Only declassified fifteen years later, the document reveals the role the U.S. government has been playing in the population control movement, as it states:

"If future numbers are to be kept within reasonable bounds, it is urgent that measures to reduce fertility be started and made effective in the 1970s and 1980s...Food and agricultural assistance is vital for any population sensitive development strategy...Allocation of scarce resources should take account of what steps a country is taking in population control...There is an alternative view that mandatory programs may be needed...With assistance from the U.S. Agency for International Development, a number of private family planning organizations [e.g., International Planned Parenthood] have significantly expanded their worldwide population programs...No country has reduced its population growth without resorting to abortion..."

Jewish State Senator Anthony Beilenson (representing Beverly Hills) brought pressure on state officials and had the nativity scene removed from the Capitol grounds because it offended the Jews from his district. (Sacramento Union, December 22, 1973)

The United States abandoned Vietnam, Cambodia and Laos to the Communist for slaughter. Millions were massacred, with not one single peep from those responsible for this, the Jane Fondas', Tom Haydens and other Traitors who were/are directly responsible for this mass murder of millions, by the Communists after they took control. Elected in 1968, Richard Nixon continued the Johnson strategy of restrictions and frustrations to our military (President Bush stated that the military's "hands would not be tied behind them as they were in Vietnam" during the Desert Storm War.

After all, its alright to kill a Communist only after he has killed some White American Soldiers, in some other part of the world; but here inside the United States, due to rulings from anti‑Christ, anti‑ American Jewish Federal Judges, we must not only coddle these traitors but we must hire them in the Federal Government and in our schools, thanks to the Communist Prostitutes in our Federal Courts!!!), and by confining the bulk of the fighting to South Vietnam, this insured that maximum damage would be inflicted to our ally; while at the same time our military leaders were restricted from attacking certain strategic targets in North Vietnam which would have forced the enemy to surrender. Further our soldiers were not allowed to fire upon the enemy unless they were being fired upon first, thus insuring the maximum in casualties on our White American Military Men!

Then the Jewish Henry Kissinger started the long "negotiating" process with the North Vietnamese and Red China, while our sons, brothers and dads died in Vietnam jungles (Killed with weapons bought and paid for by our income tax money!) Kissinger leisurely wined and dined with his Communist friends, while President Nixon "wound down" the war by surrendering billions in our most sophisticated war equipment to the enemy.

Assassinations of US diplomats Cleo A. Nobel, Jr., and George C. Moore and Belgian diplomat Guy Eid by Palestinian guerrillas in Khartoum; Richard Sharples of Bermuda, Mohammad Ali Osman of Yemen, Salvador Allende Gossens of Chile, Luis Carrero Blanco of Spain and Dr. Marcus Foster in Oakland, California; assassination of an American Army officer by insurgent group in Iran. Senator Stennis shot in Washington, D.C.

Bilderberger meeting in Saltsjobaden, Sweden. Trilateral Commission founded under the direction of David Rockefeller, with Jimmy Carter and Walter Mondale among the founding members. Agnew resigns. Sidney Gottlieb, head of CIA's LSD and other drug programs, destroys records to hide details of program. Kissinger and his deputy General Scowcroft order a series of CIA spying operations in Micronesia. Hunt beaten in his cell before testifying about the Bremer connection. Durham becomes FBI agent, infiltrates American Indian Movement (AIM), becomes chief of security. Liberation of Wounded Knee, South Dakota, by AIM. Blue Dove becomes an FBI agent. DeFreeze escapes from Soledad; Wheeler escapes from Vacaville. "Race war" in Bay area culminates in the killing of Dr. Foster which the SLA claims credit for in its first communique. Experiments with implanting electrodes in the brain carried out at Vacaville and elsewhere. Behavior mod unit started at El Reno, Oklahoma, prison; START‑ type program introduced to Maryland public schools by Behavior Research Institute. Sixth UFO flap year.

A group of anti‑Soviet demonstrators, identified by police as JDL members, invaded the Park East Synagogue opposite the Soviet UN Mission on East 67th Street, and shouted slogans at the Mission. The synagogue's rabbi called the group "irresponsible."

An FBI agent revealed that members of the JDL had planned to use a "drone airplane" in 1971 to bomb the Soviet Mission to the UN in New York.

Ten members of the JDL took over and vandalized the offices of the World Council of Churches in New York.

Eight members of the JDL took over the offices of the American Friends Service Committee in Philadelphia.

The executive secretary of the New York office of the World Council of Churches stated that the Council would seek payment from the JDL for damages caused on February 22 by ten JDL members who invaded the Council's offices and vandalized the premises.

A Queens, New York high school teacher was sentenced to 90 days in prison for using false documents to hide the identities of individuals who purchased rifles for use in a JDL camp in 1970. A co‑defendant, also a JDL member, was convicted on similar charges, and was sentenced to 5 months in prison on July 15.

Rabbi Kahane revealed that he had instructed followers to kidnap a Soviet diplomat in the U.S. to forestall a U.S.‑Soviet summit meeting.

Rabbi Kahane stated in Israel that he had written to JDL members in the U.S. suggesting they blow up the vacant Iraqi Embassy in Washington.

Flight 553 Revisited

Alex Botto, Jr., who had infiltrated the Joseph Sarelli air piracy gang for the Citizen's Committee to Clean Up the Courts (CCCUC), seized by federal marshals, taken to the federal prison hospital at Springfield, Missouri, and held for 40 days without hearing or trial; Botto and another CCCUC agent, Joseph Zale, testified to seeing evidence from the sabotaged United Airlines Flight 553 in the Sarelli mob's possessions and turned over evidence on this and an earlier crash robbery to Nixon's Strike Force in Chicago; just before the reopening of the case Zale was indicted in an alleged frameup by federal agencies; CCCUC chairman Sherman Skolnich revealed at the 553 hearings that his group had stolen the entire government file, 1300 pages of documentation, and was presenting it as evidence of foul play in the Midway Airport crash.

CITES Signed ‑ (March 3 ‑ Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species). IUCN and WWF driving force behind CITES. Endangered Species Act ‑ became U.S. law. U.N. Environment Program ‑ launched with Maurice Strong first Executive Director. Trilateral Commission ‑ formed, most participants also members of Council on Foreign Relations. UNEP's Regional Seas Program ‑ expands environmental outreach. Survey of U.S. participation.

1973‑80, AUSTRALIA: The Nugan Hand Bank of Sydney was a CIA bank in all but name. Among its officers were a network of US generals, admirals and CIA men, including former CIA Director William Colby, who was also one of its lawyers. With branches in Saudi Arabia, Europe, Southeast Asia, South America and the U.S., Nugan Hand Bank financed drug trafficking, money laundering and international arms dealings. In 1980, amidst several mysterious deaths, the bank collapsed, $50 million in debt. (See Jonathan Kwitny, The Crimes of Patriots: A True Tale of Dope, Dirty Money and the CIA, W.W. Norton & Co., 1987.)


After various incarnations, William Pierce forms what will become the premiere White Nationalist organization of the latter half of the twentieth century into the 21st ‑ The National Alliance.

Klan leader David Duke is "disinvited" from a follow‑up appearance on the Tom Snyder television show, at the request of Jewish groups, after Duke successfully and calmly appears on the show once and persuasively articulates his goal to preserve pro‑white European American culture. (The other guests who appeared with Duke, who are Jewish, are allowed to come back). Snyder calls Duke "intelligent" and "charming," which is exactly why the Jews refuse to allow him back. "Trailer trash" one‑tooth versions of white racialists are always welcome on talk shows. If it makes racially proud whites look backward and ridiculous, it's approved; if it makes them look intelligent and charming, it's forbidden. This is an inevitable consequence of Jews owning most media and Jewish activists swarming on and pulling advertising dollars from non‑Jewish owned media the moment they tolerate the slightest hint of respectable White racialism.

General George Brown was Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff in 1974. President Ford publicly reprimanded him for statements regarding excessive Jewish influence in the media, banks and Congress. Manachem Shalev, member of the Israeli Consulate: "Journalists, editors, and politicians for that matter, are going to think twice about criticizing Israel if they know they are going to get thousands of angry calls in a matter of hours. The Jewish lobby is good at orchestrating pressure...Israel's presence in America is all‑pervasive...You don't want to seem like you are blatantly trying to influence whom they (the media) invite. You have to persuade them that you have the show's best interests at heart...After the hullabaloo over Lebanon (cluster bombing civilians, etc.), the press doesn't do anything without calling us for comment."

�Former U. S. Deputy Assistant Secretary of State, Trilateralist and CFR member Richard Gardner's article The Hard Road to World Order is published in the CFR's Foreign Affairs where he states that: "the �house of world order' will have to be built from the bottom up rather than from the top down...but an end run around national sovereignty, eroding it piece by piece, will accomplish much more than the old‑fashioned frontal assault."

The World Conference of Religion for Peace, held in Louvain, Belgium is held. Douglas Roche presents a report entitled We Can� Achieve a New World Order.

The U.N. calls for wealth redistribution: In a report entitled New International Economic Order, the U.N. General Assembly outlines a plan to redistribute the wealth from the rich to the poor nations.

"I believe that the active Jews of today have a tendency to think that the Christians have organized and set up and run the world of injustice, unfairness, cruelty, misery. I am not taking any part in this, but I have heard it expressed, and I believe they feel it that way. Jews have lived for the past 2000 years and developed in a Christian World. They are a part of that Christian World even when they suffer from it or be in opposition with it, and they cannot dissociate themselves from this Christian World and from what it has done. And I think that the Jews are bumptious enough to think that perhaps some form of Jewish solution to the problems of the World could be found which would be better, which would be an improvement. It is up to them to find a Jewish answer to the problems of the world, the problems of today." (Baron Guy de Rothschild, NBC‑TV, The Remnant, August 18, 1974)

Evacuation from Cyprus. United States naval forces evacuated U.S. civilians during hostilities between Turkish and Greek Cypriot forces.

Watergate scandal ends Nixon term in White House.

Four JDL leaders were arrested and charged with disorderly conduct while attempting to disrupt a performance of the Bolshoi Ballet at the Temple University Music Festival. Earlier, officials of the festival had received a letter from a JDL official stating that unless the proceeds from the program were donated to organizations helping Soviet Jewry, the JDL would try to prevent the program from taking place by "whatever means are necessary." The Pennsylvania leader of the JDL was later convicted of disorderly conduct, while charges against the other three JDL members were dismissed.

A JDL leader was arrested by agents of the FBI after he publicly threatened to assassinate the head of the Palestine Liberation Organization, Yasir Arafat. Other JDL officials repeated the threat. He was convicted on June 13, 1975.


The U.N. General Assembly, incredibly enough, declares that Zionism is a form of racism, and that it violates a 1965 U.N. anti‑racism declaration.

The year was 1975, southeast Asia was recoiling from the fall of South Vietnam, and the 56th Special Operations Wing (now 56th Fighter Wing) stationed at Nakhon Phanom (NKP) Royal Thai Air Force Base found itself destined for a historical encounter with Cambodian Khmer Rouge communist forces. The 56th Special Operations Wing was activated on March 16, 1967 and deployed to NKP on April 8, 1967. The wing's participation in the Mayaguez rescue operation culminated eight years distinguished southeast Asia combat service. In fact, the Mayaguez operation was the most highly decorated single mission in Air Force history earning 4 Air Force Crosses, 22 Silver Stars, and numerous Air Medals, Bronze Stars and Purple Hearts.

Very few members of Team Luke were on active duty when the Mayaguez incident occurred; in fact, our youngest airmen were not yet born.

The last US military forces leave South Vietnam in what President Gerald Ford termed "a humiliating withdrawal." North Vietnamese Army and Viet. Cong forces begin taking control of the country. The US military involvement in southeast Asia had ended. Or had it?

The American registered container ship, SS Mayaguez develops problems and begins drifting in the Gulf of Thailand off the coast of Cambodia. While still in international waters, Khmer Communist forces of Cambodia seize the ship and her crew. The Mayaguez is moved to Koh Tang Island and the crew is take ashore and imprisoned.

When diplomatic efforts fail to secure the release of the Mayaguez, President Ford directs Lt. General John J. Burns, 7th Air Force Commander, to assemble a contingency rescue force. General Burns alerts the 56th Special Operations Wing to assemble a rescue force using 21st Special Operations squadron helicopters and 50 combat ready 56 SPS security policemen who were specially trained for evacuating US Embassies in southeast Asia.

Shortly after midnight a long string of CH‑53C "Knife" and HH‑53C "Jolly Green" helicopters lift off from NKP carrying security police to the operation staging area at U‑Tapao Royal Thai Air Base where they were to link‑up with another 75 man security police force. About 37 miles west of NKP, a CH‑53C "Knife" staggered out of formation with mechanical problems. The "Knife," carrying a crew of four, a linguist, and eighteen security policemen, plummeted into a thickly wooded area and exploded. A trailing CH‑53C "Jolly Green" landed and dismounted its security police force to assist. The intense heat of burning fuel, exploding ammunition and grenades kept the rescuers at bay; there were no survivors. Learning of the tragedy, General Burns holds the security police force at U‑Tapao until the Marine forces can deploy from Okinawa.

Early in the morning of May 15th an assault force of 175 Marines carried by 21st Special Operations Squadron helicopters assault Khmer Rouge forces on Koh Tang Island. Expecting only light resistance, the Marines encounter a heavily armed force of 200 laying in ambush after a story in the Bangkok Post, an English print newspaper, alerted Khmer Rouge of the impending assault. Intense ground fire and grenade attacks ensured throughout the rescue effort; in the end, Marine forces secured the release of all 39 Mayaguez crewmen and the ship.

The Mayaguez incident is no more than a footnote in most histories of the period; however, it stands apart as a hallowed and significant event in 56th Fighter Wing history. Those involved in the rescue deserve lasting recognition. Their decisive actions at a time when US resolve was in doubt showed the world that we would pay whatever price was necessary to ensure the freedom of our citizens. The men and women of the 56th Security Forces Squadron vow to never forget the sacrifices of those who perished in the Mayaguez operation by honoring their actions each year with a formal retreat.

Rabbi Kahane and 47 other demonstrators were arrested in a clash with police outside the Soviet UN Mission in which six persons, including two policemen, were injured. Two of the demonstrators were held on felonious assault charges but the rest, including Kahane, were released after being given summonses for disorderly conduct.

A JDL official admitted that the group had taken and hidden the printing presses of a Philadelphia Arabic newspaper.

Two JDL members were arrested on suspicion of arson following the firebombing of an automobile belonging to the brother of an accused Nazi war criminal. The two were identified as members of the JDL by the group's West Coast director, who expressed sympathy with the firebombing. On November 27 1975, a JDL member pleaded guilty to the firebombing.

Rabbi Kahane was accused of having conspired to kidnap a Soviet diplomat, to bomb the Iraqi Embassy in Washington, and to ship arms abroad from Israel, when he was there in 1972. As a result, a federal judge scheduled a hearing on revocation of Kahane's 5‑year probation, dating from a July, 1971 conviction for making a firebomb. The judge subsequently found Kahane guilty of violating his probation, and imposed a one‑year prison term, which Kahane began serving on March 18 of that year.

Kahane announced that the JDL planned to recruit a 150,000 member volunteer army to fight for Israel, emphasizing that such volunteers "should be prepared to kill Arabs if necessary..." Kahane conceded that such an "army" had no approval from the Israeli government, which he criticized as "appeasement oriented."

Twelve young people affiliated with the JDL off‑shoot called the Committee Against Israeli Retreat (CAIR) invaded the B'nai B'rith offices in Washington, taking control of the switchboard and seizing the office of another B'nai B'rith staff member. The group demanded that B'nai B'rith and other Jewish organizations mobilize against U.S. policy in the Middle East and against the potential return of any occupied territory by the Israeli government. The group used a bullhorn to convey its message through open windows in the building. They also sent telegrams to Jewish organizations in several cities falsely claiming that B'nai B'rith was organizing protests against "the Ford‑Kissinger policy of step‑by‑ step strangulation of Israel." Police were called but no arrests were made.

A JDL member pleaded guilty in Brooklyn federal court to possession of a false draft card, which was used to purchase a rifle that was fired into the Soviet UN Mission in October, 1971.

Kahane began a one‑year federal prison term for violation of a previously imposed 5‑year probation sentence relating to an arms smuggling conviction.

Responsibility for the smashing of two windows of a Chemical Bank branch in Coram, Long Island was claimed by an unidentified man who called Newsday using the JDL slogan, "Never Again." Contacted by Newsday, a JDL official denied responsibility for the vandalism, but stated, "We applaud the act of militant Jews and support all such activities."

The FBI and local police, armed with search warrants, searched JDL headquarters in Los Angeles and the homes of several JDL members in connection with an investigation of a series of explosions in the Los Angeles area. A JDL spokesman denied JDL involvement in the bombings although he said the group applauded them.

Six JDL members, expressing dissatisfaction with the responsiveness to community needs of the San Francisco Jewish Welfare Federation, forced their way into the office of the executive vice president of the Federation, ransacked files and assaulted four staff members, including one who, according to a Federation spokesman, had been crippled as a result of having spent time in a concentration camp during World War II.

Kahane announced that a Jewish "counter‑terrorist group" had been formed to combat "the sworn enemies of the Jewish people with hard‑core violence." While disclaiming knowledge of the size of the group, its membership or where it would strike, Kahane said the JDL would serve the new group "as a conduit in relaying their views and plans to whoever they would ask us to; to serve as an ideological and philosophical guide for them, and to aid them in whatever way we can.

Eleven JDL members locked themselves in the lobby of 515 Park Avenue, which houses many Jewish organizations, and blocked all means of entrance to or exit from the building, demanding to see an official of the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations. They also demanded that the Presidents Conference support the JDL view that Israel should not give up "a single inch of territory" in negotiations with Arab states

A JDL spokesman announced a campaign of following and harassing UN diplomats who represented the 72 nations which voted in the UN to equate Zionism with racism. Incidents involving diplomats or their family members from the Soviet Union, Poland and India were reported. The JDL spokesman said of the campaign, "We are prepared to stay within certain civil laws and not physically attacked anyone. But if we are provoked we will slug it out. Quite frankly, we are hoping for that. We want to create a major incident."

While Tuinea‑Bissau; Cambodia; Laos; and South Vietnam were being enslaved, President Ford, flanked by Henry Kissinger, signed the Helsinki Accord agreeing to permanent Communist enslavement of all Eastern Europe.

Belgrade Charter: Global Framework for Environmental Education. Promoted by NAAEE

While Guinea‑Bissau, Cambodia, Laos and South Vietnam were being enslaved, President Ford, flanked by Henry Kissinger, signed the Helsinki Accord agreeing to permanent Communist enslavement of all Eastern Europe.

Vietnam War ends with communist seizure of Saigon; communists take control of government of Cambodia; U.S. and Soviet spacecraft link up in space.

A study titled, "A New World Order," is published by the Center of International Studies, Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Studies, Princeton University.

In Congress, 32 Senators and 92 Representatives sign A Declaration of Interdependence, written by historian Henry Steele Commager. The Declaration states that: "we must join with others to bring forth a new world order...Narrow notions of national sovereignty must not be permitted to curtail that obligation."

Congresswoman Marjorie Holt refuses to sign the Declaration saying: "It calls for the surrender of our national sovereignty to international organizations. It declares that our economy should be regulated by international authorities. It proposes that we enter a �new world order' that would redistribute the wealth created by the American people."

Retired Navy Admiral Chester Ward, former Judge Advocate General of the U.S. Navy and former CFR member, writes in a critique that the goal of the CFR is the "submergence of U. S. sovereignty and national independence into an all powerful one‑world government..."

Kissinger on the Couch is published. Authors Phyllis Schlafly and former CFR member Chester Ward state: "Once the ruling members of the CFR have decided that the U.S. government should espouse a particular policy, the very substantial research facilities of the CFR are put to work to develop arguments, intellectual and emotional, to support the new policy and to confound, discredit, intellectually and politically, any opposition..."

The virus section of Fort Detrick's Center for Biological Warfare Research is renamed the Fredrick Cancer Research Facilities and placed under the supervision of the National Cancer Institute (NCI) . It is here that a special virus cancer program is initiated by the U.S. Navy, purportedly to develop cancer‑causing viruses. It is also here that retro virologists isolate a virus to which no immunity exists. It is later named HTLV (Human T‑cell Leukemia Virus).


The Boston Globe exposed the still "Top Secret Forward Plan" drafted by the HEW Department which would demand the nation‑wide compulsory fluoridation of water and vaccination of everybody. News releases were prepared to brainwash and convince the people into believing that fluoridation and vaccination would improve the health and save billions of dollars in doctor and hospital expenses. This plan received so much exposure that it was replaced by the Swine Flu Hoax.

January‑February: The Humanist publishes an article by Prof. Sheila Schwartz in which she expresses her thankfulness that "the crazies (e.g., fundamentalists) don't do all that much reading. If they did, they'd find that they have already been defeated."

February: John Martin Rich of the University of Texas writes in the journal Theory Into Practice:

"Formal education has been a contributory role to play in providing needed information and promoting changed attitudes toward a new world order...Democracy in education, then, would mean the teaching of those values, attitudes, and abilities most likely to contribute to the development of such a world order...

"The type of democratic education essential is one that would contribute, even if only indirectly, to the development of an international world order under law. A healthy international world order is not only one that has learned to cope successfully with world crises in order to survive; it is also one that has developed a basis for mankind pursuing common ideals and goals."

The Humanist publishes an article by humanist Paul Blanshard in which he pronounces: "I think the most important factor leading us to a secular society has been the educational factor. Our schools may not teach Johnny to read properly, but the fact that Johnny is in school until he is sixteen tends to lead toward the elimination of religious superstition. The average child now acquires a high school education, and this militates against Adam and Eve and all other myths of alleged history."

The Atlantic Council approves a formal policy statement which states that a changing world "can no longer be accommodated by political forms and sovereignties developed in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries" and needs institutions "to deal adequately with problems with which no existing nation‑state can cope successfully alone." George Bush is CIA director at this time and becomes an Atlantic Council director from 1978‑79.

RIO: Reshaping the International Order is published by the globalist Club of Rome, calling for a new international order, including an economic redistribution of wealth.

Soviet scientists have developed Micro‑Wave techniques which can be sent great distances and directed to groups or even individuals. They cause dizziness, irritability, emotional instability, and destroy a person's judgment and power to think and to make proper responses to given situations. For some time, they have been tested on vessels in or near American waters.

A tanker containing 7 and � million gallons of oil was wrecked and all oil lost near Cape Cod. Trouble was attributed to the unusual and unexplained behavior of the crew. Soon after this, the Taiwan tanker, "Grand Zenith" and its crew of 38 and cargo of 8 million gallons of fuel oil were lost in American coastal waters. This has been followed by a large number of similar incidents. The Pentagon has reported that the Soviet can employ Micro‑Waves to cause heart attacks and change the behavior patterns of military and diplomatic personnel.

"Federation play a major part in Jewish life throughout the world. There is a federation in every community of the world where there is a substantial number of Jews. Today there is a central movement that is capable of mustering all of its planning, financial and political resources within twenty‑four hours, geared to handling any particular issue. Proportionately, we have more power than any other comparable group, far beyond our numbers. The reason is that we are probably the most well organized minority in the world." (Nat Rosenberg, Denver Allied Jewish Federation, International Jewish News, January 30, 1976)

"A Jew is anyone who says he is." (David Ben Gurion)

Three JDL members were charged by police with invading and vandalizing the Mexican Consulate in Philadelphia, allegedly to protest Mexico's vote for the UN resolution equating Zionism with racism. However, a local judge dismissed the charges. The judge was quoted as saying that he dropped the charges not because of the merits of the case, but because of improper Mexican treatment of American prisoners. Federal charges against the three remain in effect. On January 13, a federal grand jury in Philadelphia indicted the three JDL members on charges involving obstructing foreign officials and their duties, damaging property of a foreign government, and conspiracy. The three JDL members later pleaded guilty to the federal charges and were sentenced to two years probation."

Three pipe bombs were discovered and disarmed by New York City police near the United Nations, and a fourth bomb found at the Iraqi UN Mission was later similarly disarmed. Anonymous telephone callers told the Associated Press that the bombs had been set by the Jewish Armed Resistance Strike Unit, which has been associated with the JDL. The UN bombs were found by a Transit Authority employee in a subway emergency exit shaft under an exit ramp from the FDR drive next to the UN. A UN spokesman said that fragments from the bomb could have killed or wounded anyone within 50 feet. A JDL spokesman said his organization applauded the attempted bombing.

A pipe bomb exploded in front of the Polish Consulate on Madison Avenue near East 37th Street in Manhattan. After the explosion, a man called two wire services and the New York Post and claimed he represented "the voice of Jewish Armed Resistance."

The JDL issued a statement applauding the firing of several bullets into an apartment building in the Soviet UN Mission residence in the Riverdale section of New York, but denied any connection with the Jewish Armed Resistance, the group that claimed responsibility for the shootings.

The Jewish Armed Resistance Strike Movement claimed responsibility for an explosion that destroyed part of the Fifth Avenue building housing the Soviet and Czechoslovak airlines. Condemning this bombing, Stanley Lowell, chairman of the National Conference on Soviet Jewry, observed that "had the bomb injured or killed an innocent individual, the cause of Soviet Jewry would have been irreparably harmed." Lowell added, "those who continue these tactics and their supporters accomplish nothing. Terrorist acts can only hurt the cause of Soviet Jews..."

The Jewish Armed Resistance claimed responsibility for a time bomb that was discovered at the Amtorg Trading Corporation, the Soviet trade agency, on Lexington Avenue in New York. On March 28 1976, in an article titled "Anti‑Soviet Violence Here Upsets Jews in Moscow" The New York Times reported that Soviet Jewish refuseniks had publicly criticized the JDL's actions: "A number of Jewish activists refused permission to emigrate... feel that lanti‑Soviet] harassment in New York hurts their cause and may give Soviet authorities an excuse to become even more intransigent." The article also quoted several Jews awaiting exit visas in Moscow as expressing opposition to violent attacks upon Soviet personnel in New York, and concluded: "Another Jewish activist feared that such actions could make authorities more unwilling to relax emigration policies for fear of losing face."

Several days later, on April 6 1976, nine Moscow Jewish activists condemned as a "terrorist act" the shots fired at the Soviet Mission to the UN. In a statement released by the National Conference on Soviet Jewry, the nine activists stated: "Such actions constitute a danger for Soviet Jews... as they might be used by the authorities as a pretext for new repressions and for instigating anti‑Semitic hostilities." The signers included Vladimir Slepak, Alexander Lerner, Anatoly Shcharansky, and losif Begun. A similar statement was also made by the Soviet Jewish scientist and "refusenik" Benjamin Levich.

Seven JDL members mounted the roof of the Park East Synagogue across the street from the Soviet UN Mission and shouted insults at occupants of the Mission The rabbi of the synagogue described this activity as "harmful and irresponsible," and indicated that he would press charges of trespassing.' 95 A day after the demonstration. Kahane praised those who had been attacking Soviet diplomats and offices as "Jewish patriots."

Five pipe bombs shattered windows and caused minor damage to two banks, a Russian book store, a subway exit near the UN and the national headquarters of the Communist Party. A caller to the Daily News stated that the bombs had been planted by the Jewish Armed Resistance Strike Unit, and supplied the location of a letter relating to the bombings, which was later found there by police. Responding to the spate of violence against Soviet diplomatic personnel and property, six Orthodox rabbis and deans of Yeshivot (Jewish religious seminaries) issued a statement denouncing violence and terror by Jews against Russian officials and property in the United States as a transgression of Jewish law. The statement was released on May 14, 1976 by the Agudat Israel of America in the name of the Council of Torah Sages.

Two vehicles were firebombed near the Pan Am cargo terminal at Kennedy Airport. An anonymous call told the New York Post that the Jewish Armed Resistance was responsible.

Four members of the JDL were charged with conspiring to direct violent attacks against foreign governments in the United States, including the Soviet and Iraqi Missions at the United Nations. In addition to conspiracy, the defendants were charged with interstate transportation of explosives and firearms, and with violating statutes that provide protection to foreign officials and their property. The indictment referred to the following incidents: An attempted pipe bombing of the Iraqi Mission to the. United Nations on January 12, 1976; a shooting into the Soviet Mission to the UN on April 2, 1976; a pipe bombing of a New Jersey service station on August 17, 1975; and the shooting into the Soviet residential complex in Riverdale, NY on April 2, 1976. The four JDL members entered guilty pleas to the federal charges. (A fifth defendant who was a juvenile at the time of his arrest and whose arrest was not reported at the time also pleaded guilty.)

Five JDL members staged a 5‑hour sit‑in at the office of U.S. Senator Abraham Ribicoff of Connecticut. The JDL objected to statements and positions on Israel by Ribicoff, who was described by Kahane earlier as a "far greater danger to Israel than any Arab army."

Kahane led a group of JDL members in a sit‑in at the HIAS office to protest what they claimed was a decision by HIAS to stop providing aid to Soviet Jewish "dropouts." They carried signs and distributed leaflets urging HIAS not to "cave in to Israeli pressure" on the issue.

The head of the Washington, DC area JDL was convicted of conspiring to shoot out the windows in the apartments of two Soviet Embassy officials.

A JDL member was sentenced to three years in federal prison in New York following his guilty plea to charges of transporting a rifle across state lines. He had previously received a one‑year suspended sentence following his 1975 conviction for threatening the life of PLO leader Yasir Arafat in 1974. Following that suspended sentence he had been placed on probation for four years.

Two JDL members were sentenced to up to six years in federal prison following their guilty pleas to the federal indictment announced by the Justice Department on August 12. A third individual involved in that indictment had been sentenced earlier to a similar term. The fourth of those indicted was the individual sentenced to three years, as noted above. A fifth individual associated with that indictment was released on probation.

The JDL announced that it had "declared war" against the Unification Church leader, Rev. Sun Myung Moon, and "vowed that no Moon missionaries would walk the streets safely."

Countless American politicians who refused to become puppets have been targeted by the Zionists for defeat including Congressmen Findley and McClosky, Senators Joe McCarthy and Charles Percy, presidential aspirants John Connally and Jesse Jackson, and even presidents themselves. "President Ford [made] known his displeasure with Israel;� something he was to regret the following year (1976)." (C.C. O'Brien, The Siege);

"I spent weeks on the Hill testifying about the Pueblo in the most detail [1 U.S. sailor killed], but nothing like that's ever been done for the Liberty. The difference in the way these two events were handled is mind‑boggling...In think that those 34 men who were killed on the Liberty were killed a preconceived operation." (Congressional Testimony of Admiral Thomas Moore, former Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. The F‑14 Tomcat is named after him)

"Yet I have a clever touch And pander to your vices, While looking on in exultation. And so I play my game, with the exuberance of experience, the strange and terribly subtle final aims of my Asiatic Blood that remain a mystery to you." (Paul Meyer, Aktion)

Jewish owned movie studios in Hollywood produce two anti‑Christian movies. "The Passover Plot" which portrays Christ as a revolutionary who uses drugs to trick people into thinking he was crucified. "The Sex Life of Jesus," Christ is portrayed in a series of sexual encounters including homosexual (Think about it: Time after time the Jews make movies portraying our Lord Jesus Christ as a Queer.

How can any thinking Christian possibly believe these are God's People how stupid can Christians be?) "Acts The Many Faces of Jesus" is built around the same theme. (Other movies made since 1976 with that same theme, that Jesus Christ was a drug addict and Queer are "Jesus Christ Superstar," "Last Temptation of Christ," "Heaven on Earth"; this one was not about Christ but about a fallen woman angel, "Oh God‑1" and "Oh God‑2" while these did not portray Jesus as a Queer they did portray Almighty God as a stupid mortal man; and these are only a few of the many). (Tribune Review, November 16, 1976)

Where the hell are our so‑called Christian Ministers? That's right in their pulpits, on television and radio crying out for more money and letting these antichrist perverts go on blaspheming Almighty God the Lord Jesus Christ; While they suck up after these Satanic Creeps!

HABITAT I: Adopts U.N. policy on land. William K. Reilly and Carla Hills signed for U.S. Federal Land Policy Management Act ‑ adopted. International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights ‑ becomes international law. UNIFEM ‑ created to promote women' rights.


January 3, According to "Midnight" ("Midnight" Vol. 23, No. 28, pp. 4‑5, 1440 Catherine St. West Suite 625, Montreal, Canada):� The Soviet have built a "Powerful Laser Beam Base" in Cuba; the highest development of electrical technology in the world and that it can bring death and destruction to the Eastern Coast of the United States.

Three top U.S. colleges drop now‑common Middle Eastern studies programs, after the Jewish AJC complains that the much‑needed funding will come from an Arab‑owned endowment. "No Arabs controlling ideas in America, just Jews!" say the Jews.

The Humanist publishes an article by Sidney Hook (signer of the 1973 Humanist Manifesto), in which he states that "human beings can be influenced to examine critically their religious beliefs only by indirection, (by which) I mean the development of a critical attitude in all our educational institutions that will aim to make students less credulous to claims that transcend their reflective experience."

Ray Ravenhott, director of the population program of the U.S. Agency for International Development (AID), publicly announced the agency's goal to sterilize one quarter of the world's women. In reports by the St Louis Post‑ Dispatch, Ravenhott in essence cited the reasoning for this being U.S. corporate interests in avoiding the threat of revolutions which might be spawned by chronic unemployment.

In 1977 the United States reached a significant turning point in its history. For the first time, the U.S. Army admitted carrying out hundreds of chemical and biological warfare tests, including at least 25 that targeted civilian populations. Previously classified records show that between 1951 and 1967, on at least 48 occasions, the Army used disease causing microbes in open air tests and, that on at least 31 other occasions, anti‑crop substances were knowingly discharged into the environment.

Of course, all of this was done in the name of National Security. However, a more disturbing element was thrown into the mix with a 1985 U.S. Supreme Court decision. That decision essentially absolved the U.S. military from any liability in cases where the military might be caught experimenting on unknowing and unwilling human subjects. In fact, the Court's decision did not differentiate between the case of a single experiment, which was at the heart of the case under review, and broader actions which military commanders might determine to undertake under the terms of liberally interpreted orders.

In its decision, written by Justice Antonin Scalia, the Court determined that actions against the military would tend to disrupt the military chain of command. This element was the key point of concern rather than any legal foundations which might have been espoused. Thus, anything which military commanders ordered, which might even remotely be covered by the broader umbrella of the scope and authority of the military mission, was not redressable in the courts. In fact, the military was essentially absolved from all past wrongdoing while at the same time being given a green light to undertake new activities so long as such actions did not violate their orders.

It was a decision which shocked fellow conservative, Justice Sandra Day O'Connor who, in an impassioned dissent, cited the principles of fundamental human rights, and the concepts formulated after the Nuremberg War Crime Tribunals, as ample reason to hold military commanders culpable for their misdeeds.

We should already know, however, that human experimentation in the United States is not news. The infamous Tuskegee Study, where 400 black men with syphilis were left untreated, some for as long as 40 years, was only discontinued after it became public. More recently, we have seen that many more people were victims of radiation experiments which were conducted without required disclosure by our own Atomic Energy Commission. However, one of the most disturbing experiments was undertaken during the 1930's where a single pathologist undertook studies in which he knowingly infected his human subjects with cancer. This physician, Dr. Cornelious Rhoads of the Rockefeller Institute for Medical Investigations, undertook his experiments with little concern for his patients. In fact, Dr. Rhoads' attitude about his subjects was chronicled in a letter which later served as the basis for a criminal investigation. With regard to the subjects and location of his experiments in Puerto Rico, Dr. Rhoads wrote:

"What the island needs is not public health work, but a tidal wave or something to totally exterminate the population."

A criminal investigation, however, exonerated Dr. Rhoads in the deaths of his patients. The prosecutor appointed by the North American governor of the island dismissed the case, calling Rhoads merely "a mentally ill person or a man of few scruples."

Interestingly enough, Dr. Rhoads went on to direct the establishment of U.S. Army chemical warfare laboratories in Maryland, Utah, and the Panama Canal Zone. This "mentally ill" doctor was subsequently awarded �The Legion of Merit', and was appointed to the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission.

It was the work and influence of Dr. Cornelius Rhoads which serves as the foundation for the film ENEMIES WITHIN. This suspense/mystery simply takes a look at a similar situation, and updates the time and place. Where some might see great conspiracies rising from governmental abuses, ENEMIES WITHIN examines a system which makes it possible for a few people to have a drastic impact on society. ENEMIES WITHIN looks at a man such as Dr. Rhoads, who with a little power and influence, might be able to spread diseases which target narrow groups. It examines the way in which our own loyalties can be used against us.

In the case of Dr. Rhoads, the man revealing the charges against him later claimed that he was being subjected to radiation experiments after his arrest during the Puerto Rican Nationalists insurrection in 1950. Subsequent to his release from prison, the man's health deteriorated, and he died a short time later. It has only been within the last few years that we've learned that the Atomic Energy Commission did indeed experiment on unwitting prisoners, hospital patients, and soldiers. Dr. Rhoads achieved his revenge for the charges made against him. But the question remains, how many other �like thinking' individuals do we have defending our National Security? How many others may have been placed in positions of trust and power without oversight to prevent their abuse of power? The Supreme Court may have given some a way to fulfill their own visions, just as it appears Dr. Rhoads was able to do.

The new Bank for International Settlements (BIS) is completed in the shape of a "boot" in Basel, Switzerland, and becomes known as the "Tower of Basel." Remember that in George Orwell's 1984, a description of the future under "Big Brother" is given as "a boot stamping on a human face; forever." Pertaining to the BIS, which began under the Hauge Agreement of 1930, Carroll Quigley in Tragedy and Hope (1966) wrote: "The powers of financial capitalism had [a] far‑reaching nothing less than to create a world system of financial control in private hands able to dominate the political system of each country and the economy of the world as a whole. This system was to be controlled in a feudalist fashion by the central banks of the world acting in concert, by secret agreements arrived at in frequent meetings and conferences. The apex of the systems was to be the Bank for International Settlements in Base, Switzerland, a private bank owned and controlled by the world's central banks which were themselves private corporations. Each central bank ...sought to dominate its government by its ability to control Treasury loans, to manipulate foreign exchanges, to influence the level of economic activity in the country, and to influence cooperative politicians by subsequent economic rewards in the business world."

1977: Was a big year for the Jews.

The Third Try at World Order is published. Author Harlan Cleveland of the Aspen Institute for Humanistic Studies calls for: "changing Americans' attitudes and institutions" for "complete disarmament (except for international soldiers)" and "for individual entitlement to food, health and education."

Imperial Brain Trust by Laurence Shoup and William Minter is published. The book takes a critical look at the Council on Foreign Relations with chapters such as: Shaping a New World Order: The Council's Blueprint for Global Hegemony, 1939‑1944 and Toward the 1980's: The Council's Plans for a New World Order.

The Trilateral Connection appears in the July edition of Atlantic Monthly. Written by Jeremiah Novak, it says: "For the third time in this century, a group of American schools, businessmen, and government officials is planning to fashion a New World Order..."

Leading educator Mortimer Adler publishes Philosopher at Large in which he says: "...if local civil government is necessary for local civil peace, then world civil government is necessary for world peace."

President Jimmy Carter forced to apologize to the Jews living in America for telling his Bible class the truth, that The Jews Killed Christ. (Jewish Press, May 13, 1977)

Russian Jews arriving in the U.S. given Medicaid by New York States as they claim being uncircumcised ruins their love life. They complain Jewish girls will not date them on Religious grounds if they are not circumcised (I Wonder if a Jewish boy has to show the Jewish girls his Privy Member before he asks her for a date?) Despite Constitutional separation of Church & State, New York and Federal authorities give these foreign Jews taxpayer money to be circumcised so the Jew girls will date them. (Jewish Press, November 25, 1977)

Jews urge Removal of Bible Toting Judge. The Anti‑Defamation League sent a letter to the state Committee on Judicial Performance (California) to have Judge Hugh W. Godwin removed from the bench because "his Christian religious beliefs color the manner in which he dispenses justice." (L.A. Herald Examiner, June 24, 1977)

Lutheran Church leaders are calling for the deletion of the hymn "Reproaches" from Lutheran hymnals because the "hymn has a danger of fermenting anti‑Semitism." The ADL sent a letter commending the president of the American Lutheran Church for the action.

The American Jewish Committee was responsible for the Episcopal Church removing two hymns "Reproaches" and "Improperia" from the Book of Common Prayer because they (truthfully) accused the Jews of the Crucifixion of Christ. Rabbi Marc Tannenbaum congratulated Episcopal Bishop Allin for "his historic act of respect for Judaism and friendship for the Jewish people." (Jewish Press)

The National Jewish Commission of Law and Public Affairs is now forcing cemeteries to bury Jews on legal holidays. Cemeteries were normally closed to burials on legal holidays. However, since the Jews bury their dead quickly after death they are now forcing cemeteries to make special rules for them. Jews have been instrumental in having Christian Crosses removed from graves in Veterans Cemeteries because the crosses "offend them." (Jewish Press, November 25, 1977)

U.S. Foreign Policy is now based on How Foreign Countries treat their native Jews. Senators Moynihan and Javits of New York, two ardent Zionists, notified the Soviet Government that grain shipments from the U.S. would be canceled if the Soviets tried Jewish trouble maker Anatoly Sheharansky. (So they sent him to the Israeli State). (Jewish Press, November 25, 1977)

Jewish leaders chastised Jews for celebrating Christmas and for trying to make their Hanukkah holiday like Christmas. Dr. Alice Ginott said, "(Jews) borrow the style if not the substance of Christmas and, believing they can Take The Christian Religion out of Christmas, create an artificial holiday for their children...Hanukkah symbolizes the Jewish people's struggle to maintain their spiritual (racial) identity against superior forces."

The Anti‑Defamation League has succeeded in getting 11 major U.S. firms to cancel their ads in the "Christian Yellow Pages." To advertise in the CYP, people have to declare they believe in Jesus Christ. The Jews claim they are offended by the idea of having to say they believe in Jesus Christ and yet want to force their way into the Christian Directories. In the future, the powers behind the New World Order planning a world economic system will promote the use of the debit card as a means of monitoring everyone's financial transactions. Governor Bill Clinton in his July 16, 1992 acceptance speech for the Democratic presidential nomination will pay tribute to his "hero,"

Carroll Quigley, who also said in Tragedy and Hope regarding the intellectual elite who strive to direct the future: "There does exist, and has existed for a generation, an International Anglophile Network which operates, to some extent, in the way the Radical Right believes the Communists Act. In fact, this network, which we may identify as the Round Table Groups, has no aversion to cooperating with the Communists, or any other groups, and frequently does so. I know of operations of this network because I have studied it for twenty years and was permitted for two years, in the early 1960s, to examine its papers and secret records. I have no aversion to it or to most of its aims and have, for much of my life, been close to it and to many of its instruments. I have objected, both in the past and recently, to a few of its policies...but in general my chief difference of opinion is that it wishes to remain unknown, and I believe its role in history is significant enough to be known."

Intelligence sources report that the Soviet Laser Beams have already destroyed two of our vital early warning satellites. This report was confirmed by "Arizona Republic" of November 23, 1976 and the "Los Angeles Times" of December 26, 1976.

April 9, President Carter's deferral of Plutonium reprocessing in the United States will dangerously if not fatally, increase the nation's radioactive garbage heap. It will create a volume of unutilized radioactive waste that will remain deadly for centuries. This action not only creates a hazardous accumulation of deadly poison, but it also totally rejects a powerful source of energy currently desperately needed. This action represents a continuation and acceleration of the unilateral disarmament and downgrading and destruction of the United States which has been the consistent policy of the traitors in our government since 1961.

The latest to frustrate all hope of finding a document authorizing the massacre of Jews is Professor David Irving's Hitler's War. (Viking Press, N.Y. 1977, 926 pages)

President Carter signed the Panama Canal give‑away treaty, even though a great majority of Americas were against it.

Senate hearings on Health and Scientific Research confirm that 239 populated areas had been contaminated with biological agents between 1949 and 1969. Some of the areas included San Francisco, Washington, D.C., Key West, Panama City, Minneapolis, and St. Louis.

Twelve JDL members disrupted a meeting sponsored by Breir, a Jewish group advocating Israeli recognition of the PLO, held at a Manhattan synagogue. As a result of this action, the meeting was canceled. A JDL spokesman warned: "Breira must be crushed once and for all, and those who aid and abet it will get lost in the crush as well."

The former director of the Washington, D.C.‑area JDL was sentenced to two years in federal prison, fined $12,000 and put on supervised probation for three years. He had been convicted of conspiracy relating to a plan to fire a rifle into a Maryland apartment rented by Soviet diplomats.

�Following a two‑day siege against B'nai B'rith headquarters in Washington by a group of Hanafi Moslem terrorists, Kahane denounced the Hanafis as "Nazis" and sent a telegram to Hanafi headquarters demanding an apology for the terrorist action. In response, a statement by the Hanafis threatened "all Zionist Jews and their allies" with "bloodbaths."

A telephone caller identifying himself as a member of the Jewish Armed Resistance claimed responsibility for the arson at a Boro Park bank as a political protest. Damage to the building was light. A JDL spokesman denied that the Jewish Armed Resistance was linked to the JDL, but applauded the action.

The JDL claimed responsibility for the firebombing in Brooklyn of a vehicle used by the proselytizing organization Jews For Jesus.


William Pierce publishes The Turner Diaries under the pen‑name Andrew MacDonald. It becomes the best‑selling militia revolution novel ever. The press links it to virtually every act of domestic terrorism (that is, domestic terrorism NOT committed by the Jews).

Jews make a television mini‑series about their "Holocaust," titled "The Holocaust." Millions watch and weep. (No mention is made of the Bolshevik holocaust, in which far many more millions of Christians were murdered, or why Jews might have been oppressed for centuries and targeted by Hitler in the 20th century, as they were repeatedly through centuries past). The "Holocaust�" (capital H trademarked) functions in two politically advantageous ways for Jewish collectivism. Most obviously, it functions to establish their "victim status," which protects them and Israel from criticism of almost any kind, while demanding billions of dollars in financial and military support from Western nations, in addition to the money they've sued for and been granted as "reparations." Less obviously, and for this reason more dangerously true, horrendous stories of the "unprecedented evil" of the Holocaust� obscure the fact that Hitler's condemnation of the Jews was merely the latest in a historical series of such condemnations. Jewish activists alternately emphasize their "long history of suffering" and the "historical singularity" of the Nazi Holocaust� depending on which position is politically advantageous at the moment. The "long history of suffering" story generates purse‑opening pity; the "historical singularity" of the Holocaust� story‑it has become the very paradigm of evil in the today's world‑dissuades objective scholars from questioning whether Jewish "persecution" may have actually been political "prosecution" for their crimes against their host cultures. It reinforces the idea that Jews are targeted for no good reason, that they are once again victims of blind white hatred. Jewish "suffering," regardless of its historical truth, is today a political trump card, a shameless cultural commodity. One they use again and again, so long as it's "good for the Jews."

In total disregard of the overwhelming citizen objections, more than two‑thirds of our Senators, whose oaths of office promise loyalty to the United States of America and obedience to the provisions of our Constitution, sanctioned the unconstitutional disposition of sovereign American Territory, well knowing that their deed provided a tremendous boast to the Communist aim of encircling and isolating our nation, setting the stage for conquest of our Latin Neighbors.

Global Taxation ‑ first proposed by James Tobin. Current status.

Nicaragua. With the help of the U.S. State Department fell to the Communist.

United States votes to return Canal Zone to Panama in the year 2000.

Experimental Hepatitis B vaccine trials, conducted by the CDC, begin in New York, Los Angeles and San Francisco. Ads for research subjects specifically ask for promiscuous homosexual men.

In a pre‑recorded telephone message, the JDL offered $500 for every Nazi "lawfully killed during an attack on a Jew." Calls to the New York headquarters of the JDL activated the telephone message which also stated "We are calling for Jews to unite in an all‑out war against Nazis and other Jew‑haters." The message added "We are also advocating mass executions of Nazis in order to make their stay in this country an unhealthy one."

A taped telephone message played to callers to the JDL office in Miami Beach urged Jews to own guns, with the words, "Every Jew, a .22."

The JDL announced a campaign intended to force a Jewish attorney to end his legal representation of an accused Nazi war criminal living in New Jersey. Speaking of the attorney, a JDL official stated, "From here on there will always be the presence of the JDL in his area and wherever he goes, to make him resign..." The lawyer charged that his life had been threatened.

A Canadian member of the JDL pleaded guilty to setting a bomb that exploded at the home of a Canadian neo‑Nazi activist.

Kahane and several associates broke into a Russian Orthodox Church in Jerusalem and sprayed black paint on the walls to protest the Soviet trial of Anatoly Shcharansly.

An anonymous caller to the Associated Press claimed JDL responsibility for a fire at the Democratic Party's Southern California headquarters in Los Angeles. A JDL spokesman later refuse d to comment on any JDL role in the fire, but expressed sympathy with the perpetrators. The arson was assertedly to protest Carter Administration pressure on Israel.'�

A JDL member convicted of bombing a Los Angeles theater during a showing of Vanessa Redgrave's pro‑PLO film, "The Palestinians," was sentenced to a three month "thorough psychological examination" with the California Youth Authority.

A federal appeals court upheld the firearms conviction of a Washington, D.C.‑area JDL official, but overturned his conviction on a conspiracy charge, due to an erroneous jury instruction from the trial judge.

A group calling itself the "New Jewish Defense League" took responsibility for the attempted bombing of the home of an Egyptian UN diplomat in Queens. The device did not go off.

A JDL member convicted earlier of a June bombing at a Los Angeles area theater showing a pro‑PLO Vanessa Redgrave film, was sentenced to up to four years in the California Youth Authority. His sentence was credited with the nearly six months he had already spent in custody.

Three JDL members were evicted from the West German Consulate offices in Miami after they occupied the office form more than an hour, in protest against Germany's announcement that it would cease prosecuting alleged Nazi war criminals after the next year. Those convicted were arrested and charged with trespassing, battery and false imprisonment.

A JDL official pleaded no contest to causing a disturbance outside a local courtroom where an alleged Nazi war criminal was being tried. The JDL official was sentenced to sixty days probation.

April 19, 1978: California Governor Jerry Brown refuses a request to extradite American Indian Movement (AIM) leader Dennis Banks to South Dakota to stand trial.


After vigorous political pressuring by Jews in America, an official government office dedicated solely to "hunting ex‑Nazis" is created at the U.S. Justice Department (called the Office of Special Investigations, or OSI), complete with a separate, taxpayer‑funded budget. Strangely, there is still no governmental department to hunt ex‑Communists, whose murdered victims number roughly 25 million in Eastern Europe alone. It's not death that matters; it's Jews that matter. Starting to see the pattern?

Elie Wiesel, writing in Jewish Week, states, "The Holocaust is our strength. We have been shielded by it for a generation."

A bomb demolishes the car of Tscherim Soobzokov. Soobzokov had been falsely accused of "war crimes" during WWII, but had been completely exonerated by two Federal courts of all accusations. The bombing came days after Mordechai Levy of the Jewish Defense Organization denounced Soobzokov and threatened his life in a fiery speech at a New Jersey synagogue. On opening the front door of his house to investigate, Soobzokov set off another bomb that had been rigged to his door. Soobzokov, his wife, daughter, and four‑year‑old grandchild were injured in the blast. Soobzokov underwent nine hours of emergency surgery and his leg had to be amputated. Morchechai Levy told reporters, "The only thing I regret is that instead of losing his legs, he should have lost his life." On September 6, Soobzokov succumbed to his injuries.

First International Revisionist Conference, Northrup University, Los Angeles, California. An award of $50,000 is announced for anyone who can prove the Nazis used homicidal gas chambers.

Tscherim Soobzokov dies of injuries received from a bomb rigged to the front door of his house. Soobzokov had previously been falsely accused of "war crimes" during WWII, but had been completely exonerated in two Federal courts. Morechai Levy, of the Jewish Defense Organization, applauded the terrorists who attacked this innocent man and his family.

Gitta Sereny in the New Statesman admits that "Auschwitz was not primarily an extermination camp" and that "there have been books or films which were only partly true, or even were partly faked." Sereny further admits being approached to ghost‑write Martin Gray's For Those I Loved.

�The British Jewish Chronicle calls for the restriction of certain library books (read: revisionist literature) to "reference" only.

Barry Goldwater, retiring Republican Senator from Arizona, publishes his autobiography With No Apologies. He writes: "In my view The Trilateral Commission represents a skillful, coordinated effort to seize control and consolidate the four centers of power; political, monetary, intellectual, and ecclesiastical. All this is to be done in the interest of creating a more peaceful, more productive world community. What the Trilateralists truly intend is the creation of a worldwide economic power superior to the political governments of the nation‑states involved. They believe the abundant materialism they propose to create will overwhelm existing differences. As managers and creators of the system they will rule the future."

The House of Representatives bowed to the dictates of the Consortium of world Jewish Bankers and Communists by approving the funding of the Panama Canal give‑away, actually agreeing to pay Panama's Marxist rulers to accept our gift. That gift, by the was, was used to pay off the International Jewish Bankers whose loans to Panama financed the installation and maintenance of their Communist Regime.

U.S. MAB (M) ‑ (Man and the Biosphere Program) launched by agency agreement with UNESCO. First World Climate Conference ‑ held in Geneva, Switzerland. World Core Curriculum ‑ introduced by Dr. Robert Muller, through the Robert Mullers Schools. CEDAW ‑ (Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women) adopted by the U.N. General Assembly.

Think about it, what does it take to convince the American People, as it is clearly shown by the above: Almost everything our leaders have done since President Taft, has promoted Communism. Look at the consolidation of the facts for Washington:

A) Through Lend Lease saved Russia during World War II at the expense of thousands of American service men's lives.

B) Deserted and disarmed Chian Kai‑Shek, thus enabling Communist forces to take over China.

C) Prevented General Douglas MacArthur from winning the war against a Communist enemy in Korea.

D) Denied United States forces a victory against a Communist enemy in Vietnam.

E) Broke its word to the Taiwanese and has virtually deserted 17 million anti‑Communist Chinese to the Communist gangsters on the mainland of china.

F) Ignoring the Monroe doctrine, surrendered Cuba to the Communist and under the control a foreign government; Russia.

G) Gave up the Panama Canal to the Communist terrorists and paid a Marxist (Jewish) dictator to take it.

H) boycotted Rhodesia and South Africa and would settle for nothing less than to have a known Communist as the President.

I) Permitted the Communists to gain control of the Horn of Africa and other strategic places that control the shipping lanes, from the Mideast oil fields, to Europe, Japan and the United States.

J) Aided and abetted the fall of the Shah of Iran, which has placed major oil supplies in the hands of enemies of the United States, and raised the threat of another "no win war" in the Middle East; and was furthered with the war against Iraq.

K) Aided and abetted the fall of Nicaragua to Communist terrorists.

L) Through the CIA have all but given El Salvador to the Communists.

M) Set the stage for the overthrow of South Africa into Communist hands, with the help of the Jewish owned news media.

N) Attacked Lybia under the excuse of stomping terrorism around the world. But in reality is just another scheme drummed up by the Jewish Zionists to get America into the Middle East conflict militarily.

Ayatollah Khomeini giains control of Iran; Shah of Iran leaves; Iranians seize U.S. Embassy in Teheran, holding hostages; Soviet Union invades Afghanistan; Israel and Egypt sign peace treaty.

Updated JDL Document: "Needed: An American Jewish Underground" ‑‑ this JDL document, circulated in 1979, advocated the formation of an armed Jewish American "underground" to "quietly and professionally eliminate those modern day Hitlers who are becoming an ever increasing threat to our existence. "...I state emphatically, the JDL is not an �underground.' It is an �above‑ground' organization, an activist, ideological movement which operates in full view of the public and police. Militant and sometimes violent? Yes, in the defense of Jews. "But a void, a gap needs to be filled within the complex make‑up of the American Jewish community today. As 1 stated above, what is needed is a secret, underground strike‑force which will eliminate those individuals that threaten our very existence. The time is long overdue for the birth of such a group."

JDL members swinging baseball bats disrupted meetings of neo‑Nazi groups in two suburbs of Cleveland, Ohio. There were no arrests.

Two JDL members disrupted the first night performance of the Bolshoi Ballet in a Los Angeles auditorium. The disrupters were ejected by security guards.

A California Appeals Court ruled that a JDL official could be prosecuted on charges of soliciting the murder of American neo‑Nazis. The Court overturned a lower court ruling that the JDL official's public comments had been protected by the First Amendment. The official had waived five $100 bills in the air at a Los Angeles news conference and offered them to anyone who "kills, maims or seriously injures a member of the American Nazi Party."

"The Jewish Defense League is urging American Jews to purchase firearms and know how to use them as part of the forty first observance of Kristallnacht, or �Night of Broken Glass,' in which pogrom‑like rioting was directed against the Jewish communities of Germany on November 9th and 10th, 1938. "Saying that �America closely resembles the Germany of the 1920s,' and that �overt and physical Jew‑hatred covers nearly the entire spectrum of American society today,' JDL national director Brett Becker announced the JDL would begin the �Every Jew, A .22' campaign on the anniversary of Kristallnacht. "

A "smoke bomb" went off inside Carnegie Hall during a performance by a Soviet orchestra. A caller identifying herself as a JDL member claimed JDL responsibility for setting the device.


The Jewish ADL creates "model legislation" banning "paramilitary training," i.e., militias, in the U.S. They urge (pressure) various states to adopt it. Many do.

The American Jewish Committee attempts to halt "Anti‑Semitic" publications in Japan, by pressuring the Japanese government. You can call the White race "the cancer of human history" (Sontag), but you can't say anything bad about the Jews.

After almost a year, no one steps forward to claim the $50,000 prize offered by the IHR to anyone who can prove the Nazis used homicidal gas chambers.

Second International Revisionist Conference, Ontario, California. Announced at this conference are two contests, each for $25,000 to anyone who can either prove the diary of Anne Frank is genuine or that the Nazis ever made soap from the bodies of Jews.

April 19, 1980: Colombia Founding of M‑19 The "April 19 Movement (M‑19)," a leftist guerrilla group.

David Alexander, president of Pomona College in California (the site of the 1980 Revisionist Conference) writes in a letter to the Institute for Historical Review that "because of the College's commitment to open and free inquiry Pomona College will not be able to offer the use of its facilities in the future."

In an Exterminationist symposium in Jerusalem, Professor Franklin H. Littell states, "You can't discuss the truth of the Holocaust. That's a distortion of freedom of speech. The U.S. should emulate West Germany, which outlaws such public exercises. We now have to deal with a minimum of violence; later we'll have to fight them in the streets." Ignoring Professor Littell's stand on the First Amendment, can you imagine the furor if a Revisionist had called for fighting Exterminationists in the streets? (see the Jerusalem Post, International Edition, October 19‑25, 1980).

An article in the New York Post entitled, Anne Frank May Not Have Inked That Famous Diary, reports on disclosures made in the German news weekly Der Spiegel to the effect that "A report by the German Federal Criminal Investigation Bureau (BKA) indicates that portions of the diary had been altered or added after 1951, casting doubt over the authenticity of the entire work." The 1951 date is significant because that is the year of the introduction of the ball‑point pen, ink from which was used in portions of the diary.

The Los Angeles Times prints an article in which it attempts to establish that Revisionism leads to "anti‑Semitism," which in turn has lead to the recent bombings in Europe.

An anonymous caller claimed responsibility in the name of the JDL after a bomb exploded outside the San Francisco office of Bank Melli of Iran.

Eight JDL members allegedly assaulted American Nazi leader Harold Covington outside NBC studios in New York. The neo‑Nazis were protesting the broadcast of NBC's docu‑drama "Holocaust."

A JDL official in California, predicting a new Holocaust, urged Jews to arm themselves. The JDL was offering monthly weapons‑ training sessions in the area."

Five JDL members took over the New York offices of Hebrew University and American Friends of Hebrew University July 1980: The "JDL Update" contained the following items: JDL members disrupted speeches at Temple Sinai in Washington, D. C. given by Arab mayors recently expelled from Israel. (June 4). Seven JDL members were arrested after invading the New York office of the Soviet line, Aeroflot (June 19). JDL members in Los Angeles staged a weapons training class following KKK leader Tom Metzger's Congressional primary win (June 22). Thirty JDL members in Miami demonstrated in protest against Kahane's detention in Israel (June 24).

Four JDL members took over the offices of United Zionist Revisionists of America (Herut).

Four JDL members took over the Israel Aliyah office in Queens, New York.

Twenty JDL members staged a 3‑day sit‑in at the Israeli Consulate and Mission to the UN in New York.

The home of Dr. Reinhard Buchner (a member of the Institute of Historical Review's Editorial Advisory Committee) is besieged by a mob of zealots affiliated with the Jewish Defense League calling for his death. Members of the mob admit to the Los Angeles Herald‑Examiner that it was they who harangued and spit on Buchner some months earlier.

The Jewish Press attempts to explain away Professor Noam Chomsky's support for Holocaust revisionists by deciding Chomsky suffers from self hate.

War begins between Iran and Iraq; Solidarity trade union confronts communists in Poland. World Conservation Strategy; published jointly by UNEP, IUCN, and WWF. MacBride Commission ‑ (International Commission for the Study of Communications Problems. Report: Many Voices, One World. Chaired by Sean MacBride. Early efforts to control communications. Brandt Commission ‑ (Independent Commission on International Development) chaired by Willy Brandt. Report: North‑South: A Program for Survival linked economic equity to development and was beginning of "sustainable development" concept.


Within months of their incarceration in detention centers in Miami and Puerto Rico, many male Haitian refugees developed an unusual condition called "gynecomasia". This is a condition in which males develop full female breasts. A number of the internees at Ft. Allen in Puerto Rico claimed that they were forced to undergo a series of injections which they believed to be hormones.


��������������������������������������������������������������������� US based forces prepare to nuke NEW YORK

"...And the revelation was NEVER MENTIONED ON ANY TELEVISION SHOW EVER AGAIN . Having no chance to make it into the History Books, the story resurfaced with the advent of the Internet, but something is happening there as well. It's being expunged from the Internet as you read this. In 1999 one could find nearly a thousand independent articles pertaining to this most revealing story, then all of the sudden, one by one the pages and sites relating to the story started to disappear. Today there just a few sites who are keeping the story alive. There used to be thousands of references to it , now there are but paltry few."

From: Dude A thorough scientific analysis of the swirl of events, people, nations, motivations, propaganda, personalities and histories involved in this current moment in history, leads to only one conclusion ‑ That clandestine forces aligned with George Bush Sr. are planning to attack the US population, blame it on Islamic terrorists and use the attacks as a pretext for a total clamp‑down on dissent, basic civil liberties, normal democratic processes and In the confusion that will follow they will wage unchecked war and aggression against Iraq, and other nations, Islamic and otherwise, who have natural resources and particularly oil reserves that this shadowy group of petrochemical and arms industrialists are thirsting for. Their ultimate goal? The conquest of Eurasia. Three quarters of the worlds population and resources are to be found on the Eurasian landmass. It has been the principal focus of State Department and military strategists since presidential National Security Advisor, Zbigniew Brzezinski outlined it twenty years ago as the principle American "Imperative." Meaning ‑ To survive, we MUST conquer. But what of all those nations that we will be conquering? According to Brzezinski and his cabal of adherents in the Military and State Department and industry for whom his writings are like a biblical tome ‑ it's for their own good.

The problem Brzezinski says is that most average American's don't have a taste for crusades of global conquest...Unless... there's a sudden terrifying threat. In his latest book, The Grand Chessboard, Brzezinski drills his followers no less than four times that only sudden and terrifying threats would rouse Americans to the task of global conquest.

With the opening salvo of September 11th behind them, American's are being, "softened up" right now for their first "Dirty Bomb," attack. If there was ever so sinister an imaginary catastrophic device that had been so entirely concocted out of thin air, so heavily promoted in the media and ultimately steered to what will almost certainly be the dramatic conclusion of a self fulfilling media stoked prophecy ‑ to be fabricated first in our imaginations then ignited in the real world ‑ It is the dirty bomb. Find out the "Generators" of the dirty bomb "meme" that took off like wildfire eight months ago and you will find the very source of American terrorism.

But it's not going to be easy. Covert operators like this don't leave memos of their machinations laying around ‑ They don't write this in e‑mails. But they do leave traces of their presence. The analysis of the "Chatter," voxnyc is receiving and interpreting points to only one conclusion ‑ Teams of private ex‑intelligence and ex‑military operatives under the command structure of the axis of industrialists aligned with the Bush group of current and ex, intelligence and military operatives, are racing to consolidate total power in the hands of George Bush Jr. in the most ambitious power grab since Adolf Hitler.

To make it very clear our analysis is the following: The much vaunted radiological dirty bomb will NOT be dropped on the American population from any Islamic terrorists but from the shadowy group of American intelligence operatives aligned with George Bush Sr. (the father)

Americans have been made, "aware," of the dirty bomb for over six months now and have had the dirty bomb "meme" firmly linked to, "Islamic Terrorists." This is how it's done. It's called the, "Back Story." And it is part of the preparatory propaganda intelligence agencies call a Psy‑op (psychological operation). These Psy‑ops in actuality comprise nearly 70% of the overall human and capital resources our government devotes to a given geo‑strategic objective ‑ only 30% is bullets and bombs. But even with the many millions spent on painting these elaborate Psy‑op pictures, it doesn't take a forensic analysis to uncover some troubling clues within them ‑ Something terribly wrong in the picture. Like a Hollywood special effects extravaganza ‑ all glitz but light on story, these psy‑ops which always accompany the dirty business of America's, industry, military, intelligence triad, are the shoddy screenplays that, to the trained eye, are unconvincing, unbelievable, and scream out ‑ "Inside Job."

(The 70/30 split is a general rule. But my guess is that with the Bushes ‑ Because of their unique position of owning the Arms companies involved, their percentage of outlay to the bloody component would prove to be abnormally high. Each time a Texas based Raytheon cruise missile rocks some empty valley in Afghanistan, or worse, an agrarian village, that's three million dollars in some fat cat crony's wallet ‑ that fat cat crony is going to "owe one" to the Bushes ‑ It's called reality ‑ look into it.)

In this case the clues point to only one conclusion. In their race towards global domination these intelligence groups are preparing to initiate attacks on American population centers. And are laying the preparatory groundwork to make those attacks have maximum political and psychological effect. The analysis is clear ‑ The sheer volume of the psychological info‑warfare now being released into the media and principally targeted at the American people contains within it key indicators that point to an eminent inside attack. A careful examination of the history, personalities, and psychological profiles of those involved tell the whole story, it's the dark hand at work here.

What follows is a VERY different explanation of the attacks of 9/11. The ruling faction of our government can be characterized as being on a "Kill Crazy Rampage." There are so many people against the New World Order and so many people who have now discovered that the source of terrorism is actually American and at the highest levels of international banks, trade organizations and secret councils ‑ That by our sheer numbers there is safety ‑ How could they possibly kill us all. (for more on that see: And even though their primary goal is industrial dominance, not mass slaughter (Except in Africa and parts of Asia), their reality is very much more sobering. The Globalists have known for a long time that the free market approach simply isn't working for them ‑ only rigged markets, commerce isn't working ‑ only force works, economics and resources really are a zero sum game...and so in their last salutation to vitality they have resorted to terrorist attacks as the most expedient and efficient and in fact only mechanism they have left to jump start their futile push for global domination.

So now we are standing by waiting for the dirty bomb to make it's debut as the next threat of the month to capture the limited imagination of the somnambulistic American sheepdom. In the age of simulations this poor mans nuclear bomb, the dirty bomb, is an accurate reflection of the bankrupt and desperate warring American industrialists who assuredly will be the ones wielding it's terrifying force against us. (The trail of acquisition of a genuine nuclear bomb is too much to cover for this group so the easiest solution is the dirty bomb) Packing nowhere nears the strength of a full‑on fissionable atomic bomb, the dirty bomb is really more an election strategy than a mass murder.

After a large section of New York has been destroyed and contaminated, Americans in the Midwest and south will rally in outpourings of emotion and support for the mass exodus of New Yorkers to different parts of the country. Americans will be glued to CNN as it delivers the gripping images of a valiant George Bush fearlessly entering the radiation perimeter in full radiation gear, (the best available) live. Then after a commercial break (And terror warnings for Homeland "Security" and the TIPS "snitch on your neighbor program") we will focus on the compassionate George Bush visiting a hospital where a young girl, suffering from radiation sickness, is being treated. We can see the American people in a rage of anger. Fraudulent polls will show 97% of Americans want to use nuclear weapons on some country ‑ any country. And we can see the rousing images of Bush and his running mate, probably Rudolf Guilianni, during the next election as they sweep across the South and Midwest locking up state after state sailing to an easy victory. This is almost certainly how it's going to play out.

������������������������������������������������������������������������ 9‑11, An inside job? ‑ You better believe it.

The lesson of self induced terrorism as a means to seize the American population, or any population for that matter, and stoke them into a war frenzy, is a deep part of the game plan of the masters of George Bush Jr's administration ‑ His father, George Bush Sr and the group of industrialists that he serves. Brzezinski's book on global conquest through terror campaigns is the defacto Bible of the Bush Administration and now is standard coffee table decor in every office in the state department and pentagon.

At the same time as being an effective means to rally the mass population for the coming wars necessary to impose the industrialist's unwanted arrogant Pax Americana on the worlds populations, it is also a fabulously profitable form of population control as well. With a fear frenzied population under tight control there's no need to bow to public opinion or compromise with a reluctant Senate ‑ The sky's the limit on arms sale's and profits. Wherever these shadow groups of private clandestine intelligence operators surface, extraordinary patterns of unexplained "suicides", cancers, car accidents, assassinations, plane crashes, wrecked economies, other accidents, civil wars, oil wars, civil unrest, genocides, suicides and document shreddings, all just...happen.

��������������������������������������������������������������� Here's something that happened. ‑ a little back story.

This is the extraordinary story of a dinner date. A dinner date that was scheduled to happen on march 31st 1981 ‑ the day of the strange assassination attempt on the life of Ronald� Reagan. Reagan was the president. And George Bush Sr, the very ambitious former CIA director from Texas was the Vice President.� What makes this dinner date so special that night was it's two guests. Hold on to your seats because the following news item should send a chill up your spine. The dinner party was to be held at the home of Neil Bush, the vice president's son. The guest at the dinner party (which was quickly canceled after news of the failed attempt on the life of the President), was Scott Hinckley the brother of John Hinckley who just that afternoon fired several shots into Reagans chest, coming one half inch from putting his bullet into the heart of the President ‑ a half inch from putting his friend's father, George Bush, into the White House.

Now lets pause a moment and reflect on that. So far what we have is the son of the Vice President linked to the brother of the guy who just tried to kill the president. Take a moment to absorb that. Go look it up on Google. Type in (Neil bush Scott Hinckley dinner) See for yourself. What was the Bush team's response to this chilling revelation on the planned dinner date? They barricaded themselves behind a wall of the biggest PR Firms in the nation and issued the following statement "This horrible coincidence has been devastating to the Bush Family. Our condolences go out to all involved. And we hope to get the matter behind us as soon as possible." (sic) I should hope so. If I was the Vice President and I had just masterminded a failed, assassination attempt on the President of the United States, I too would hope to "put the matter behind me."

The Bush Team decided to go with the story that it was just a bad "coincidence." In the days that followed, Washington saw the most intensive whitewash of any news item ever whitewashed. What should have been the biggest most investigated story of the 80's was wiped clean from history. They spun it clear off the front, back or middle pages of all the giant newspapers. The only mention of it EVER to appear on national television was a brief comment by NBC's John Chancellor who was absolutely floored by the revelation and mentioned it during his newscast against the wishes of NBC management. NBC quickly jumped in and censored it. And the revelation was NEVER MENTIONED ON ANY TELEVISION SHOW EVER AGAIN . Having no chance to make it into the History Books, the story resurfaced with the advent of the Internet, but something is happening there as well. It's being expunged from the Internet as you read this. In 1999 one could find nearly a thousand independent articles pertaining to this most revealing story, then all of the sudden, one by one the pages and sites relating to the story started to disappear. Today there just a few sites who are keeping the story alive. There used to be thousands of references to it , now there are but paltry few.

But wait, It get's better. It was revealed in the days following the shooting that since 1970 both George Bush Sr. and John Hinckley Sr (the father of the assassin) were friends and fellow oil industrialists in Texas and Colorado. How's that for another coincidence! Pretty coincidental isn't it?

Here's another coincidence, in 1978 Neil Bush lived in Lubbock, Texas while managing his brother George Jr's (our President's) campaign for congress. Guess who else lived in Lubbock that year? John Hinckley Jr.

Is there a chill running down your spine yet? If there isn't, there should be. Normally this many coincidences would sound alarm bells in a normally functioning democracy and there would be about a thousand articles in the major media outlets, or there would be at least one fearless soul in congress who would stand up and demand a congressional investigation. Well there actually was. There was only one congressman who defied this force ‑ Congressman Larry MacDonald ‑ But guess what? His plane crashed. Actually it was shot down by the Soviets. Many suspect that the infamous Korean Air 007 flight that was shot down by the Soviets as it unexplainably veered into Soviet airspace was an insider deal by heavyweights in the clandestine underworld in exchange for certain unfettered Soviet meddling in places like Central Asia and elsewhere in the following years. But that's another coincidence. We're not finished with the tale of two sets of brothers.

One press encounter probed the brothers about whether they and Hinckley associated during that time in Lubbock. Both Neil and George (our current President) responded that it was "conceivable that we had associated, however we can't recollect." Do you know what that means? It means that at that time the Bush brothers were very aware that there were certain individuals alive in and around Lubbock and possible other places who would be able to refute any flat out denial by the Bushes that they had never met Hinckley. That is why their story had to be that it was, "Conceivable." Otherwise as we all know in typical politician, "LieSpeak," the Bush boys would simply flat out reject any claims and vehemently deny such a meeting.

����������������������������������������������������������������������� Take a moment and work it out for yourself.

You don't have to be a rocket scientist to figure this one out. You don't have to have a photograph of all three to know they were together in Lubbock. OTHERWISE THEY WOULD HAVE ISSUED FLAT OUT DENIALS. The bushes stupid move of the "Conceivable" comment tells the whole story. It also reveals that the Bush boys were as sloppy with their covert operations then as they are now. That being said, I'll leave you with another ‑ Pity the poor persons living in Lubbock who might have been party to or aware of such meetings between the three, because, considering the personalities involved, psychological makeup and history of the Bushes it is in all likelihood that any such person would have long since "committed suicide" or had a "car accident" or "fell out a window." or some such other "accidental" and untimely death.

�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� Know Your History.

My bet is that even if one were to mount a massive search of all persons who met an untimely death in and around Lubbock from the period from 1981 to 1990 that you may not even find a trace of them in existence any longer. And do you know why? Because that is the Bush speciality. Through executive dominion over public records they carefully and systematically expunge any trace of a person or events in state and federal records systems. If you are the Governor of Texas you simply have your private firm do a routine audit of the records systems, locate the records in question, and remove them. There is no one on a state level who would even have the power to challenge you. That's what Bush Sr. spent a great deal of time and effort doing while he was Vice President and President. First expunging his father Prescott's nasty little Nazi dealings from the records, then his own criminal cocaine, contras, and arms deals. Looks like the son learned his lessons well. That's what they are doing right now ‑ Deleting, rewriting and expunging history. And they are doing it openly. Just try to exercise your Freedom of Information rights. Fat chance.

���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� Time to wake up.

The Bush group never believably accounted for that chillingly unexplained dinner date. The mainstream press has NEVER visited that story since. It remains one of the most chilling examples of the power of the new dark hand to crush real events that really happened, essentially to shape history at will. Welcome to the New World Order of deception, assassinations and power grabs.

How many more coincidences is it going to take to wake people up? Answer: The only thing that will wake people up is the coming economic depression ‑ short of that, the American population will swallow any lie, believe any implausible alibi, no matter how bald faced and ridiculous it is, that their leaders can shove down their throats.

But by the time the sheep awaken, if ever, by then it may be too late. For once they finally see their true condition, by then the mechanisms of human tracking and control might have reached nearly 100% implementation, (sciences like this stuff currently on the horizon: biometrics, geometries, "non lethal" crowd suppression weaponry, etc, often blaze across the horizon like wildfire.) the science of control, both psychological and physical will have advanced to such near perfection, that there may be little for those few who have managed to become aware awake persons, to do but camouflage their true nature behind a mask that everyone else is wearing. The mask of slaves begging for their own enslavement ‑ Of brutal base thuggish nationalism. That's how fabulously successful the science of deception and control will become, has become ‑ they think is now possible to condition people to beg for, and accept nothing less than, total brainwashing. They think they can condition us to think that anyone NOT wishing for such rigid indoctrination, is a threat ‑ A terrorist. But now since there are so many people who know the truth it is hard to put the genie back in the bottle.

Anyone who is onto their game is considered a threat to the government/corporation, to be hunted down and eliminated. There will be no constitutional rights to protect humans from the wrath of corporations. How many more plane crashes, civil wars, oil wars, civil unrest, genocides, suicides, document shreddings, car accidents and other accidents are going to keep on coincidentally, "just happening," before people have the courage to stand up and fight for what's right?

Our so called journalists won't do it. Most of them don't have the requisite grey matter if they wanted to. And there is simply no major news corporation who will take on the hard work that voxnyc is doing. The silence from our fifth estate is cowardly ‑ It is a lie of omission. And cowardly liars can only shrink the American mind ‑ never liberate it. So turn off your televisions, cancel your subscriptions to USA Today, Times, Newsweek and all he rest of the paid advertisements posing as news and tune into the new forms of Internet based media such as and ‑ They're the only shows in town. With Billions of dollars at stake these industrialists behind Bush leave little for chance ‑ all major media are complicit ‑ the raw power grabs going on now make anything Nixon ever did look like charity events. The New World Order power grab currently under way, has a tenacity not seen since Adolph Hitler. And by now they know they can get away with ANYTHING.

Those who float to the top of this shadowy world like George Bush Sr can, at will, launch terror strikes at the American people and watch the twisted irony as his popularity soars. It's the oldest trick in the book ‑ the more American citizens they secretly kill and maim the more popular they become. The more soldiers they put in harms way for their own personal vendettas and profit motives the more fabulously wealthy they become. It's a classic formula by now. It works EVERY time. One needs only to examine the history of the fabulously wealthy Bushes since the turn of the last century and you will see that it is their formula for arms and oil profits.

�������������������������������������������������� The Dirty Bomb as Election Strategy ‑ It's Called "Public Relations"

Shadowy, "Public Relations," heavyweights like the Bechtel Group, Wackenhut and a certain now infamous Carlyle group invest heavily only in eventualities that lead to the use of force to control populations, Wackenhut is a government contractor with deep ties to both intelligence agencies and the military. This private contractor is responsible for among other things running America's prison system. They also have their own very lethal private army ‑ ditto for Bechtel Group. There needs to be an index graphing corporations according to statistics such as, many Automatic weapons their "Public Relations" group owns. (That issue needs to be on a national referendum along with a few others I'll suggest later.)

��������������������������������������������������������������������������� A quick rundown on the Carlyle group.

The Carlyle Group is basically a group of the heaviest of heavyweight political insiders who buy failing military contractors t bargain basement prices. The reason why they buy the failing discounted companies is because the Defense Department appropriations guidelines requires that companies be in existence for a certain time before being allowed to enter government contracts, for the obvious reasons. Then, with all the requirements and appearances in place, they are free do insider deals with heir buddies in government for this or that failed and obsolete weapons systems, cashing in big time yet seriously jeopardizing the security of the United States. That's the Carlyle Group in a nutshell. Who's on the board of Carlyle Group? George Bush Sr, James Baker, John Major, It's chairman is Frank Carlucci ‑former Defense Secretary and Princeton University wrestling teammate and pal of current Defense Secretary, Donald Rumsfeld. They tried to shove the appropriately named Crusader tank down the throats of the military, but nearly unanimously, the military experts involved would have NONE of this 14 billion dollar waste of money. Still the politicos fought hard for this useless tank, and only sacrificed the program when it became crystal clear that had they continued pushing for this useless weapons system, it would have become the poster child of defense appropriations corruption and a lightning rod for critics.

The Carlyle Group is undermining the defense of the United States of America and putting the lives of our children and families in serious jeopardy. It took an act of congress to get George Bush's father, Prescott Bush to halt his undermining of American security for profit, looks like the son and son's son are up to grand dad's old tricks.

Terror works. History reveals that Americans will quickly cling to their nearest tyrant. As long as he's an expert liar and doesn't get caught in a sexual scandal. Bush is well aware that murder, genocide, theft, financial criminality are all fine, so long as he doesn't get caught with his dick in some intern's mouth there is nothing that he can't get away with. The more instances of the abrogation of basic civil and human rights he implements and the more instances of deception, terror, and war he subjects the American people and the world to, the more the American people willingly cede their long fought rights away. (no big deal here, really because few ever exercise them or know what they are) They have now ceded nearly all their savings ‑ Only the wealthiest have money ‑ the rest of Americans are flat broke. Yet we are told that polls say more than half the American people approve of Bush? We are shown images on the major media of people waxing rapturously over Bush. We see images on our television of people getting choked up and clasping their heart in upwellings of tender emotions when Bush appears before them with messages of mock concern for their well being. But in our daily life nearly everyone around us seems to hate this Bush President.

������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ We're getting polled all right.

It's called the "fake out." The news is fake ‑ It's just that simple. Ditto for the major public opinion polls as well. Nothing is left too chance. Since the 1950's with the inception of Operation Mockingbird the CIA's plan was to heavily infiltrate all the major media organizations. And they did just that! ‑ Former Director of the CIA William Colby let the cat out of the bag when he quoted, "The Central Intelligence Agency owns everyone of any significance in the major media." (Colby died in a "boating accident")

The grand old man himself WALTER CHRONKITE REVEALED THE TIP OF THE ICEBERG BY ADMITTING THAT HE HAD �SOMETIMES� RELAYED, AS NEWS, STORIES DIRECTLY HANDED TO HIM BY THE CIA. Dan Rather is widely suspected to be a CIA asset as well. The dark force has achieved the operational control of the mass media this much is certain. The widely held belief that Jews control the media is only partly true, they may control the presses and the operations but the dark hand can force their hand at any time, so who is the master of the media? Considering the depth and level of deception which undergirds nearly every facet of American life there is nothing at all implausible to suggest that even the Nielsen ratings themselves would in all probability be rigged as well. Remember one thing, assassinating presidents and slamming airliners into towers can sometimes be tricky, but infiltrating or buying polling organizations is a piece of candy. Nothing is left to chance.

Polls are now made to appear to show any disapproval indications towards Bush to be largely split down party lines What this is, is a "masking" technique. Commonly used in psy‑ops to couch the question in only two terms each less damaging than the real term which is masked by it's exclusion.

So if I were, say, the CIA and I was involved in the 9/11 attacks, and revelations‑n‑shit was hitting the fan and evidence started surfacing linking CIA to the crime, I would immediately mount a massive campaign to get all of my assets currently positioned at the major polling organizations to issue the following fraudulent poll nationwide:

Question1) Do you think that the CIA failed by overlooking key indicators of the impending attacks and possibly could have done more to prevent the atrocities of September 11th? choose one: Somewhat' Maybe' possibly' probably not'

Question 2) Do you think that the CIA did the best job they could given all the indicators they received? choose one: Huh' Dunno' What?' I guess'

This is how it's done people! By couching the scenario as only one of two possible benign turn of events you control the discourse and thus control the reality. They'll never ask the real question:) "Do you think these CIA motherfuckers are behind the biggest mass murder in American history?"� Because they might just get some write in responses they didn't anticipate. Yes' Definitely!' Fuckin‑a‑bubba!' Damn straight!' You got that right dude!' (A Note To CIA personnel: Individually most CIA personnel are good people ‑ no doubt about this. Most want to do good and fight crime. The problems with the agency are revealed when one does a cost benefit analysis of good vs evil. Voxnyc is claiming that if you are nice to the world's impoverished populations, you won't have to spend 400 billion dollars a year (combined military and intelligence) to constantly fuck them over. The problem with the CIA is in it's leadership and who it's leadership answers to (Hint ‑ see, the Illuminatti). Agents within the CIA need to organize and reform it's very structure, but those truly honest and talented agents who see the disturbing patterns already know that they keep their ideas to themselves or they'll be doing casework in Baffin Island in the Arctic or some such hole)

Polls are designed to play to the publics�� predisposition that this country is split down party lines. Designed to make us think that there is actually half the American Population who actually support Bush. That is just fucking laughable ‑ it is false. Here's what happens when you confront MOST Americans with the article you are now reading. At first people often throw up their hands and shake their heads. (They think you're from Mars.) They've never heard anything like it before. So they continue. When they get to the part about the dinner date. Everyone stops and focuses. You see a light, light up in their eyes. They say, "Is that true?" You say, "100% true."

They continue, concentrating, silent. They know. They feel it. It's very scary and that is why they would rather ignore it ‑ but they feel it. Then they begin to open their minds. And so like flowers I have seen people open up at just the reading of this paper alone. It is an alarm. It is a siren. And people are hearing it. They instinctively know the truth. Beneath this thin veil of patriotism people are very suspicious, people have a lot of pent up mistrust and frustration and they are ready to explode. They know they are being lied to. They know they were much better off before this return to the same old oil wars, same old energy crises, same old doublespeak. Same old COINTELPRO. Same old governance through deception and lies.

Americans, already widely regarded by social critics to be the most lied to population on earth, are in for an onslaught of lies, assassinations, mysterious questionable suicides, plane crashes, etc, the likes of which are going to make the Nazis look like nice guys. (second referendum must outlaw (again) government officially sanctioned lies, misinformation, to knowingly plant misleading information, disrupt open political processes)

������������������������������������������������������������������ No we don't support Bush. Very few actually do.

But this fact will never be reported in the major media. This fact will be concealed by layers of fraudulent, "Public Opinion" polls, with leaning inflection and bias, that show our overwhelming support for Bush. That's how it's done. And even in the unlikely event that the resistance becomes so obvious so enormous so great, that even fraudulent polls can no longer conceal the reality, Bush knows he can simply ignore the polls, ignore opposition, label them unpatriotic cowards or worse "terrorists" who are "aiding the enemy." At this point he is beyond public opinion. Public opinion doesn't matter in the slightest. Only the military chain of command matters ‑ nothing else ‑ least of all public opinion. For even if by some fluke public opinion turned on him irrefutably, well he can simply re‑manufacture it in all of one afternoon. With say...A Dirty Bomb.

Just look at the public opinion polls the day before the September attacks ‑ They all said that Bush was in serious political trouble. His popularity was at an all time low ‑ and this coming from polling organizations largely influenced and associated with the Bush organization.� But when those planes slammed into the towers, the Bush team knew that they had a winner. They could shape the public's opinion's into ANYTHING they want now they thought. And so some of the biggest scumbags on the face of the planet like Guiliani and Bush (both on their political balls of their asses), rebounded in all of one morning and rose to the status of Deities. Nearly Godlike. But that was just in the immediate aftermath of the WTC attacks.

Now, months after the attack, the American people are facing record unemployment, the looting of the treasury is nearly complete, the social security trust fund is emptied, and the people are broke and they are pissed off. But guess what? It doesn't matter. A few CIA polls later and hey, look at the poll! It shows nearly ninety five percent of the American People are giving their unbounded faith in Bushes handling of our "enemies." Sadly the few people who actually do "believe" they support Bush, will be unaware why they actually do "believe" they support Bush. In the Brave New World Order, often times by simply shouting it loud and long enough in a large enough mass medium, makes it so. That's the power of propaganda. That's the power of the corporate media. That's the power of the big lie.

And it's a simple task, since the Bush group already has the complicity of the major American opinion machines (CNN, ABC, NBC, CBS, FOX) in his game plan, the job of shaping public opinion becomes a simple matter. Like clay, they can shape it into any form they want.

The Bush team knows that all it has to do is concoct the most titanic of deceptions for the American people, maim as many of them as he can, invent some credible enemy complete with a manufactured plausible "back story", say, of bombing some embassies for example, then after executing the mock, (but very deadly) "terrorism," on the American people, it becomes simply a matter of trotting out the usual suspects, "discovering, " the pre‑planted, "evidence," and simply relaying the pre written, pre scripted feeble explanations, incomplete and suspicious excuses and blatantly fraudulent "evidence" and Americans will deny even what they see with their own eyes in lieu of whatever implausible evidence is thrown at them by the Bush team or as is the case with 9/11, no evidence at all ‑ They'll just have to take his word for it.

Then Bush has only to sit back and watch as the American population is herded into a corral of fear where they will be kept under tight control while Bush and his buddies loot the treasury in order to "protect" the American people with (mock) technology (made in Republican controlled districts) to imbue the people with the comforting illusion of mock security. It works EVERY time.

Time after time the Bushes have successfully defied the intelligence of billions of people world wide with the same old, "CIA book of dirty tricks," stunts and gotten away with it. But they don't fool us here at voxnyc. Our semiotic analysis of George Bush Jr's, eyes, forehead, speech patterns, vocal stress patterns, gestural positioning and stride point to only one conclusion ‑ That he is hiding his father's and possibly his own complicity in the World Trade Center Attacks. When the subject of the actual attacks on the towers came up, Bush, made some very telling anomalies. The most chilling of Bush's "Slip Ups" was during a news conference sometime after the attack when asked how he felt the moment he heard of the attacks, Bush made a revealing deception.

"Did you hear the news, the CIA just found a dirty bomb fragment stamped, "Made in Iraq." Lets get um!...Get the picture? And so it goes. And so it will go. It is a Vox certainty. And so, some such evidence will be, "discovered," implicating Iraq (who would have guessed). Saddam knows this. He feels it and he's hunkering down waiting for the war. Soon Bombs will be raining down on Iraq. Many of them manufactured by Texas based arms manufacturers. The Texas economy will boom. The economies of the nonindustrial media based cities like New York and Los Angeles and San Francisco and Seattle and Portland will wane. That's a big part of the plan. These places don't vote for the same block of interests that the petrochemical ‑ arms manufacturing axis do. We never vote for these Bush types. And we are NOT UNITED with them, contrary to the massive propagandizing that the Americans have been subjected to since Sept. 11th, would have us believe ‑ This Southern based "axis of evil" has felt all along put on the back burner. The Oil‑Arms‑heavy industry axis has felt the information age has passed them by. And so they have struck back ‑ with a vengeance! And seized control once again from the media and "clean" industries of the north. So there is ironically once again a North ‑ South struggle, although not central to this thesis on the invisible hand, is nevertheless yet another discernable pattern. However long gone you believe these memes to be, they are there as plain to see and undeniable. (See Kennedy Assassination)

�������������������������������������������������������������� Saddam's petting his cat a lot these days... Seriously!

Reports have him in a worried state and constantly clutching at his pet cat. It's a white long‑hair and seldom do you see Saddam without it. Always talking to it, calling it the Iraqi equivalent of "My Precious." Saddam knows he's being set up but there's nothing he can do but sit and wait as a force he knows full well but could never prove works to plot his doom. He's biting his nails a lot and the cat has to wear that funny cone around it's head because it too has an itch it just can't scratch. Made in Iraq

Whatever feeble evidence the CIA presents implicating Iraq will be sufficient enough evidence for the hoards of American news watchers and news readers as the war drums start beating and Americans do what Americans do best ‑ have another high tech armchair war. With the evidence in place and ready to go, the bombs deployed at their designated location. When all is clear, Bushes teams get the "Go Code."

����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� They ignite the bombs.

Hundreds of civilians in buildings (not related to companies that the Bush group own) will be killed ‑Several thousand more will have been subject to lethal doses of radiation and will die in the following months. The media will be replete with images of the horrors of radiation sickness, The American people will be whipped into a frenzy. A kill crazy rampage like the Germans before them. Property values in the Northeast and in the large cities will plummet. Houston and Dallas will be enjoying record growth due to the booming local economies centered on oil and arms. The cities in Florida will explode with a migration from the north.

Regular low level FBI and CIA agents, unaware they are being manipulated, will be brought in to, "discover" the pre‑planted evidence which will conveniently point towards, you guessed it, Saddam Hussein. The US military will begin air strikes against Iraq killing many thousands of Iraq's impoverished citizens. Many US soldiers will be killed in George Bushes war to avenge his father's honor. As usual the overt objectives will be about morals and the American way of life, blah, blah, blah... But to the trained eye the underlying motives will be the same as they've always been ‑ money, resources, markets, ego, vengeance, shame ‑ everything, except a shred of virtue, decency, conscience, humanitarianism, enlightenment.

�������������������������������������������������������������������������������� A note to US military servicemen

Vox is on your side. We want to help you. We believe there needs to be new military exceptions to service. Servicemen need to have a special clause in their terms of enlistment that states, "If the war is an obvious ego driven war based on some retarded Junior President's, "Daddy's Big Penis Complex," that the GI has a right to opt out of service. Thus saving himself from a needless vainglorious premature death."

Voxnyc supports our military men and we want to help save their lives! Each and every one of them. Welcome to Rome Since the invention of this technique of, "Mass population control through self terrorism," by the Romans and it's perfection by Hitler's Nazis the technique of attacking one's own population then stepping up to be the, "protector" is proving to be the military/industrialist's most reliable method of control for these problems called domestic populations. The American military used this technique at the turn of the 1900's to wrest Cuba from Spain. We sank our own battleship the "Maine" and blamed it on the Spanish. The war cry the government designed and trumpeted throughout the American Press with the help of the Media Mogul at the time William Randolf Hearst was "Remember the Maine!" Not very sophisticated semiotic but enough to rally the American population to support the land grab from Spain. Later we did the same thing in Vietnam in what was known as the "Gulf of Tonkin Incident."

The military set up it's own ship to get bombed by the Vietnamese so we could invade. In the most recent revelation of this treasonous technique, documents were unearthed showing that in 1961 the Joint Chiefs of Staff devised detailed plans to kill Americans and blame it on Cuba as a pretext to invasion. The following are some highlights from the Joint Chief's action plan. "We could blow up a US ship in Guantanamo bay and blame Cuba," "We could develop a Communist Cuban Terror campaign in Miami, Florida or Washington," "We could foster the attempts on lives of Cuban in the United States wounding them in instances to be widely publicized.," Exploding a few plastic bombs in carefully chosen spots... "Use of MIG type aircraft by US pilots could harass US civil air, attack US surface shipping and destroy a US military drone aircraft. An F‑86 properly painted would convince air passengers that they saw a Cuban MIG." By the time these military wacko's plans reached the then President Kennedy's desk, Kennedy killed the plan straightaway. See the actual document for yourself Operation Northwoods then ask yourself if it's possible that the guys that drew up this document could possibly be the same guys who would plot to kill Kennedy rather then wait to be fired by Kennedy which Kennedy was doing at an accelerated rate. The Answer is: They killed him before Kennedy fired them.

The American people, sadly, in their current state will follow like lambs to the slaughter like we have been doing for the past 50 years, like the Germans before and the Romans before them. The Bush Group leads the darkest criminal triad of oil, arms and political insiders in the history of the world.

The patterns of wars, assassinations, and covert deals involving generation after generation of Bushes is astonishing. Had the Bushes not always aligned themselves with the core of intelligence agencies all throughout the century, without a doubt their criminal exploits would be laid bare or they wouldn't have committed them in the first place. But not so when the grand patriarch (Bush Sr.) was once the head of CIA then President. There's no one left to investigate him. And while he was President he succeeded in erasing and expunging nearly any record of his families and his own misdeeds or for that matter ANY records of the Bushes deeds from the official record. There is more, Missing, information about the Bush's Presidency than any other President ever.

����������������������������������������������������� Welcome to the fourth Reich. It's shaping up to be a bloodbath.

This highly covert group of intelligence operators has one modus operandi, they are brokers ‑ trading the blood of young� American soldiers for one hundred times the blood of the impoverished people unfortunate to inhabit land whose resources US industrialists thirst for.

The Bushes Have NEVER waged war with any population except the very poorest of the Earth's poor ‑ The impoverished, shirtless and barefooted populations of Vietnam, Cambodia, Cuba, Guatemala, Nicaragua, El Salvador, and on and on. And now we are at war with Afghanistan ‑ The country with the lowest per capita expenditure on military in the world, right behind Cambodia. That's courage!� (The only historical exception to this rule of decimating only impoverished populations is when Prescott Bush, George Sr's father eagerly financed the Hitler war machine as it rampaged throughout Europe.) Bushes Jr.'s. grandfather and great grandfather were both merchants of death. The great Grandfather was involved with the Remington Arms Manufacturing Company when, during World War One ‑ they sold 3/4 of all light armaments used in that war ‑ to both sides!

����������������������������������������������������������������������� This is what they do ‑ This is ALL they do.

(Vox challenges any Bush spokesman or defender to prove otherwise) As Director of Union Bank, Prescott Bush eagerly financed the Nazis. It took an act of Congress to order him to cease and desist in aiding Hitler. But is was too late. The family fortune had already been made. And if you know how old families with old money work you will know that they are all very intimate with where their family fortune came from. The Bush men haven't forgot ‑ their money flows from blood.

�������������������������������������� Trading blood for money ‑ That's what the Bushes do ‑ THAT'S ALL THEY DO!

As brokers their fee is: All they can grab in the exchange of arms and energy futures ‑ The spoils and plunder of last of the petrol‑wars.� The principle objective of the Bush group's terrorist attacks on American citizens is to consolidate total power ‑ military, police, intelligence, and after the first three, political ‑ in the hands of George Bush Jr. But short of that, the Bushes will be satisfied with their typical "Fallback" objectives ‑ The time honored four year stint at wholesale looting of the treasury, through insider arms dealing.

���������������������������������������������������� The Handlers, the Handled, the Puppets, and the Puppet masters.

It is clear from all historical statistics that George Bush (the son) would not stand a chance at the polls in the next elections. In all similar dire economic situations in American history the incumbent president was unable to achieve reelection. With this� in mind and considering the historical facts surrounding the shadowy Bush dynasty it becomes crystal clear to those with a trained eye that it is more likely than not that it was the forces allied behind the Bush group of industries that were behind the 9/11 attacks as a means of ramping up the kinds of intelligence networks that come in handy for things such as a stubborn electorates come election time or some nation unfortunate enough to be sitting on oil or any geostrategic asset which will enhance their arms or petrochemical empires. just as it will be the forces allied behind bush who will be the ones behind the "Dirty Bomb", and NOT Bin Laden directing his jihad from a cave somewhere.

Bin Laden's forces will undoubtedly be manipulated into actually being the handlers of the dirty bomb, that much is for sure, but the key point is that, they themselves are being "handled."

In the insular, cellular networks of both espionage and terrorism there one similarity to bear in mind ‑ They are structured nearly identically in terms of hierarchy and secrecy and the cellular nature of both. And they all know the game. The key is that it is clandestine US forces who are setting the Islamic militants up, steering them in the right direction, putting the bomb in their hands, leaving the door open, showing them which door is open, preparing and planting all the evidence and possibly providing them with direct financing. Much has been made of Bin Laden's paltry 230 million dollars that he is alleged to have. News flash ‑ he's penniless. Except for whatever allowance his US handlers decide to funnel to him. Bin Laden may have been a puppet all along. Witting or unwitting there is a high probability that he was either knowingly working for the US group or was manipulated by them. It's even possible that he thought they would take him all the way but now he has lost his serviceability and has been cut loose and he's running scared. Unable to come forth because he is the most wanted man. He may be unable to tell the world the true nature of his handler (US based) because they would kill him in the Arab world. And such admission would implicate him in the largest mass murder (second only to Bushes' mass murder) Just like the Puppet masters of yesterday overinflated the Russian threat in order to reap arms manufacturing profits off the backs of American workers the Puppet masters of today have puffed up this Saudi militant to be the excuse they use to push American industry, and hegemony up into the ass of Central Asia and from the inside dominate and control Eurasia. Just look at a map. Afghanistan, Turkmenistan and the tactical dream prize Uzbekistan. These countries comprise the "Asshole of Central Asia."

That's an Irony, because literally and figuratively, it is up the ass that America is going to give it to the continent and people of Eurasia. The real force behind the terrorism, is US based and is at the very highest levels of the power elite. They are the true Puppet masters."

No doubt Bin Laden's men are executing the strikes. But the "door" is being "left open" by someone here. This is the key. But the American people are being distracted from seeing this repeating pattern. By focusing attention on the puppets (Islamic warriors) the Puppet masters have successfully distracted us from seeing the real force behind these titanic shifts of power.

���������������������������������������������������������������������� A North/South struggle? Well actually, yes.

If you look at the ensuing power shift that has occurred in America you will see that it also correlates with the thesis that the Bush group of industrialists is behind the Attacks on America. You will see that the media rich northern cities in America are suffering at a much higher degree than the industrial/south axis are. You will see that the tight circle of industries that have been traditionally in the bush camp (oil and arms) are prospering enormously. While all the northern cities, who never voted for Bushes anyway, are doing terribly. And while of course there are certain "crossover industries," such as capital and technology (that can play both ends of the field), you will see a clear divide between two camps. The one hand comprising the clean, media rich, service and financial intense industries of the North and on the other hand you have the dirty, arms, petrochemical, manufacturing and heavy industry intense industries of the South (and Midwest).

You are witnessing the titanic last gasps of a dying industrial paradigm. Oil, heavy industry, all soon to be dinosaurs on a planet that is simply running out of oil, are all convulsing in one last final desperate grab at power the only way they have left ‑ with airliners slamming into towers. Diplomacy and politics no longer "get the job done." These forces are using direct action. Terrorism. Sure Bin Laden's men are carrying out the strikes but make no mistake about it, someone here, left the door open a little too wide for a thinking person to believe it was a mistake

And they're going to do it again. It's just too obvious to avoid. We should all be talking about it, shouting it out from the rooftops, writing letters to our congressman (or tying them to rocks and throwing them through their windows.) Our future's at stake. And the City of New York is at stake. And the lives of Americans is at stake. It is clear in our analysis that there are too many corollaries and similarities to ignore that point directly to military intelligence involvement in the September 11th attack on the Twin Towers and the Pentagon. There are too many facts swirling around these suspicious events that bear the hallmarks of a planned military intelligence style operation.

The stories put out by our government are FAKE and 95% of all corporate "news" is pure fabrication. There are to many suspicious unexplained and uncorroborating questions such as the much hyped mystery stock deals discovered in the immediate days following the attack. When the questionable stock purchase was traced and linked (by a German investigative team ‑ not our FBI or CIA) to the brokerage house (Brown and co.) of the number 2 man at the CIA, Buzz Krongard, the story took the most precipitous dive into oblivion since the eighties when the story broke that Scott Hinckley (brother of the unsuccessful assassin, John Hinckley) was supposed to dine on the night of the attempt on then President Reagan's life with Vice President Bush's son Neil. Had the old family friend John Hinckley been successful Bush was "waiting in the wings" to take power. Like his fellow Texan, Vice President Lyndon Johnson did, 20 years prior, when, also in Texas, the same industrial axis assassinated President John F. Kennedy.

That Hinckley‑Bush connection story was obliterated in the days following the assassination attempt, just like nearly any reference to the much vaunted and much hyped airline stock connection story was expunged from any reference or further discussion when all leads in that story pointed to the number two man at CIA ‑ Krongard. Don't take my word for it. If you care about your life and that of your children, get out your google search engine and look it up for yourself. Your life depends on it. Type in (Krongard CIA airline) ‑ that should get you what little scraps remain of that story, but it's a biggy.

What should have been the biggest story of the eighties (the Bush / Hinckley dinner date) was wiped clean from history, and now this connection between the stock transactions and a direct link to the CIA has also been systematically killed from ever being mentioned by corporate media.

It must be just a coincidence because everyone knows that the CIA would never do any evil things such as this. In the immediate days following the attacks, when the story of the "airline short sells" first broke it was vaunted as the key to uncovering the true persons behind the attack, and before the evidence came in implicating the CIA boss, all fingers pointed to Bin Ladin as the culprit. But when the FACTS came in from abroad linking the transaction DIRECTLY TO THE NUMBER TWO MAN AT CIA, THE STORY WAS NEVER HEARD AGAIN, EVER! Our government expects us to believe that in this age of Echelon where nearly every transaction, e‑mail and phone call is accessible to the NSA that they are "baffled" by who actually made the short sells of those Airline stocks the day before the 9/11 attacks. The stock transactions were placed at the brokerage house (Brown) which just happened to be the brokerage house where the number two man at the CIA (Buzz Krongard) was the CEO of. Hmmmmm.

������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ Sure We Believe You... NOT

People are not THAT stupid. More and more people each day are getting very tired of all this and undergoing rapid change in their formerly closely held beliefs. They don't trust the government. They know the government is lying, they sense very strongly that the government is the one behind the September 11th attacks. They are being propagandized to at a level never before seen. And their anger is building. And there are indications here and there that the secret government's neatly constructed plot is fraying at the edges. There's too many stories out there for them to manage and ALL of them seem like they can unravel at a moments notice.

������������������������������������������������������������ Here's a big fat government LIE check it out for yourself

I'm talking about the extraordinarily suspicious obviously staged propaganda event which needs immediate independent scrutiny on a national scale. The news release (CIA) read that, Mohammed Atta supposedly had a meeting with a loan officer from the US Agriculture Dept. in order to buy an airplane, strip it of it's seats and transform the plane into a massive flying tank. During this so‑called meeting he is alleged to have blurted out reference after reference to terrorism, the "Great" Bin Laden and allegedly grew fascinated by a satellite photo of Washington DC hanging in the woman's office upon which he supposedly grilled the bureaucrat about the various landmarks of Washington and pressured her to sell the photo to him. (Voxfux gives this story the "Most suspicious propaganda plant of the month award for May 2002)

���������������������������������������������������������������������������� Now you think about it for a moment.

They want us to believe their story, that this man who supposedly masterminded the most notorious and dramatic military strike in the history of notorious and dramatic military strikes (except possibly Hiroshima), all the while planning and infiltrating the deepest cover to pull off this attack. And we're supposed to believe that he just walked into a US government office and blurted out the whole plan to some US Government loan officer? Voxfux recommends that a congressional and extra‑ governmental inquiry starts diving into these stories one by one and start to unravel these blatant and naked lies issued by our government, paid for by our tax dollars, to deceive and manipulate the American population, before this US based secret group of American terrorist industrialists destroys our cities and the very fabric of our nation.

Independent investigators need to look into these fabricated, disinformational , misinformational, fraudulent intelligence based media psy‑op cover stories. The story is a fake plain and simple, designed by a clandestine force using the "doppelganger" technique. This is the technique used by intelligence units to set someone up. A look‑alike is sent into situations to "Make his presence felt."

To make obvious references and connections to the crime which will soon happen. This creates a body of witnesses who in many cases genuinely believe that they saw what they saw. With this evidence and these unwitting witnesses the case to incriminate whoever the target of their impersonation is becomes nearly rock solid. And even if the government produced the videotapes (which they have not) which surely would have existed on every corner and building that Atta had to have walked by in order to get to the Agriculture loan office it still would not mean a thing. We know nothing about the possibly completely fictional and manipulated figures such as Atta and even Bin Laden for that matter. Bin Laden for all we know is bait ‑ dangling on a hook. A paid provocateur ‑ A nurtured pretext for US geostrategists to use for their push for Eurasian hegemony. Or he could be the real thing, an cunning Arab militant ‑ It doesn't matter ‑ either way his handlers are American.

Now let me take you one step further ‑ It's highly possible that the Al Queda operatives or whoever these men were who boarded the planes that morning, didn't even know that it was a suicide mission. That's right. Considering the brazenness of this US secret group and the confidence that this group has that they can simply script the most outrageous scenarios and then execute them (literally) It is not a stretch of the imagination to suggest that it is quite possible that this group simply gave the young terrorists instructions to perform the bloody and dramatic throat cuttings in the main cabin of the plane then go get the pilots and sit in the cockpit believing their handlers when they told them that the plane would be remotely piloted to some Arabic country in a spectacular hijacking, but that they would land in safety.

This is an example of the setting up of a whole nation or race of people based on the careful preparation of a couple of "Fall Guys" of that same race or nation. This wouldn't be the first time that our military at the highest levels played fast and loose with setting up people as terrorists to use as political evidentiary fodder and as a pretext to a military invasion. This setting up evidence and incrimination works every time. Remember all the cellular phone calls from the passengers who would witness the throat slitting? The stories about their last calls to their loved ones was replete with juicy incriminating morsels for feed the media circus which followed all pointing directly to, "Islamic Terrorists"

It is NOT implausible even to suggest that their instructions might have been to "mock" slit the throats of someone on the plane who was involved in the plot as well. Possibly they were told that there was going to be no violence at all during their plan ‑ maybe they were told that they were going to make a remotely piloted spectacular "fly‑by" of New York City and then the planes would continue onto Afghanistan. To safety. Maybe it was as much a surprise to the eager young politically idealistic militant Islamic warriors when their planes were remotely slammed directly into the towers instead of right by them, as it was to us. But because a shadow government operates the US in complete secrecy, NOT YOUR "ELECTED " OFFICIALS ‑ you will never know. So instead, know this... it is not only entirely possible and plausible, it is by all accounts completely probable.

If we were to apply the same standard of, "Justice," to the Bush family as we have applied to the young gang member now held in military custody, then the entire Bush family would be imprisoned and summarily executed. Finding the handlers who work for the puppet master is the key that will unravel the Bush group.

One place to start is to identify the thousand CIA agents who were fired by Admiral Stansfield Turner in 1977 under the orders of President Carter. These disgruntled agents whose speciality was assassinations and election rigging, swore revenge and turned their allegiance to then CIA Director, George Bush Sr. essentially saying, "What next boss." Now as "Free Agents," there was and is virtually zero restraint or oversight or accountability or even knowledge of their whereabouts or doings ‑ They could do whatever they want. Payments would have been arranged for the agents to continue their service to Bush instead of the US Government through a series of insulating intermediaries. Bush, for sure would have constructed layers of buffers and plausible deny‑ability between himself and his squad of private spooks. There may be only two or three persons who Bush trusts enough to be aware of his private clandestine army. Possibly Rumsfeld and Baker are the most prominent and likely to be aware of the schemes. Oil and Arms industrialists linked to Bush would gladly pick up the agents salaries (A mere drop in the bucket compared to the service the agents were sure to perform in exchange. One of these Bush private contractors surfaced during the 2000 campaign election disaster when the story broke that a "retired" CIA Agent, Charles W. Cane was caught with his hand in the cookie jar ‑ actually the ballot box. He was caught "correcting" ballots in the Florida's Martin County during the election rigging of 2000. And who do you think he was correcting them in favor of? That's right, George Bush. Cane is one of the few of the thousand fired back in 1977 and who went to work for Bush who ever floated to the surface. Most you can never expect to identify.

In the end, the result of this privately held intelligence organization was some of the most suspicious events in the past three decades starting with the October Surprise, which led to the theft of the 1980 election, The attempted assassination of Ronald Reagan, the first Iraqi war for oil and many more of Bushes greatest hits.

������������������������������������������������ This is the same group who is going to "Leave the door open." again

The search for this, "gatekeeper," to American Terrorism should be the central task of any law enforcement professional now. But it's not going to be easy. Each day the invisible hand throws new tid bits of dis‑info, mis‑info, info‑overload, threats and diversions to deflect the progress of any serious investigation. And their diversionary tactics are enough to occupy nearly 90% of all agents working for the agencies, to keep them busy. For example, Remember the damaging revelations that "BUSH KNEW" in advance of the terrorist strikes.

Do you remember what happened the following day? The following day the CIA suddenly announced that they had just picked up some "Chatter," as they called it in "LieSpeak," satellite phone activity which indicated another terrorist strike was eminent possibly immediately. The Bush team, who had been backed into the corner about the revelations about to explode on his presidency, released a bomb of their own ‑ a fabricated "Fear Bomb." And that was it ‑ Bushes political tangle evaporated instantly. That is the power of fear and ignorance as a systematic method of control. The media and the American people never even mentioned the revelations of prior knowledge any more, all they talked about was, "Did you hear the news, Bin Laden is going to attack again this weekend!" And so the simpleminded, sheep‑minded, cowardly American population, instead of standing up and revolting against this naked diversionary tactic, cowered under the dim blue glow of their cathode ray tubes as it delivered it's dose of fear, hate and ignorance directly to their brains.

Terrorism works 100% of the time. Terrorism is the most fail‑safe method of control. It works every time! Where are the true heros? (not at the top where they should be.) Hopefully there will be some "insiders," intelligence agents who still have their critical capacity intact and are aware that something's terribly wrong with the whole chain of events. These agents must break away and independently research the very suspicious details that have been uncovered thus far and squelched. A few areas which need investigation outside of official intelligence and law enforcement agencies: Follow up on the airline stock "short sells," the terrorist flight training schools in FLORIDA, the jihad manuals found . The possible dopplegangers going around making their presence obviously felt, especially the very suspicious Atta/loan officer story. That story is a dis‑info cover story.

Also look at the Bin Laden "confession" tape forgery and the very suspicious circumstances surrounding it. Look at the selected still frames comparing the real Bin Laden with the fraudulent Bin Laden as seen in the tape. (Nearly ALL Europeans news agencies believe the tape to be a forgery ONLY American news agencies accept the tape as real and make no mention of the overwhelming GLOBAL accusation that the tape is a fraud. (Use your own eye and mind) See for yourself Fraudulent Bin Laden Video. Like the phony "Oswald Backyard Photos" of yesterday, this video is a fraud. It's typical fabricated evidence, manufactured by the scientists of deception ‑ in the dark shadowy underworld of clandestine power politics.

������������������������������������������������������������������� Osama Bin Laden was manufactured by the CIA

For the purpose of a ready made pretext for a push into Central Asia ‑ which is the principle focus of all power grabs emanating from the upper echelons of the power elite based in the United States. Just as Oswald was designed to be the patsy in the Kennedy assassination, Osama is set up to take the fall for all this terrorism and be the excuse Bush uses as to why we had to invade CENTRAL ASIA and be custodians for all that oil there.

The Dark forces who own and operate the United States no longer have any credible third world adversaries to use as a pretext to invade and plunder so they create them, nurture them, like Oswald was nurtured to be the fall guy in the Kennedy assassination, Bin Ladin is our excuse to move into resource rich central Asia...and get the oil from those nasty Arabs ta‑boot.

This is the clearest analysis that is possible considering the pattern of events, historical precedent, personalities and psychological profiles of the individuals involved. The events are flowing with the regularity and precision and characteristic indications of a military/intelligence Psy‑op. As the unoriginal politicians love to say, "Make no mistake about it."

If this first radiological bomb is not enough to scare the American population into cowering under the protection of George Bush then The Bush cabal will simply declare martial law. Then, even the sheep‑like American population will object (slightly) but by that time, public opinion will be of little concern to the Bush group. Opinion will rapidly turn against Bush.

But to no avail. With the very sovereignty of the United States in "jeopardy" the Bush operators know that public opinion doesn't matter in the slightest. Only the military chain of command matters and in this area there are signs of slippage. It is not clear just how securely Bush's hand's are on the reigns of power. They are of course conjuring strategies of staying on beyond their term by means of a terror strategy in the days leading to the next presidential election, it will almost assuredly play out in one or two ways:

1) They will strike a northern American City with a radiological bomb. The terror strike and accompanying Psychological Operation alone is enough to cause a massive wave of public opinion swing. (From the double digit losses, he will almost assuredly be suffering, before the attacks to an easy reversal and victory. It will be the first time in history where the attacks become an integral real time scripted addition to the campaign commercials of presidential campaigns. Well actually, the second time. Bush's Iranian hostage crisis of 1979 was the first time.

The campaign commercials will already be manufactured complete with ominous theme and up welling moments when Bush surveys the radiation zone, long before the actual attacks occur. Once the attacks occur it becomes a simple matter of inserting the attack video into the right places, chroma‑keying the already prepared graphic elements over the attack videos and relaying the spots for the media to deliver to our minds. Learn to spot Lie‑Bombs. They are everywhere. The story boards of the attack and campaign plan are most certainly in the works as you read this. Once the script is written and approved it becomes a simple matter to execute the plan. or

2) If the terror strike that his forces unleash on Americans does NOT reverse the double digit percentage points that he will certainly be trailing by whoever the challenger is, then Bush may use the attack as an excuse to delay the changeover of government in the interests of National Security.

It will be explained that the only way they can protect America is to keep the current administration on with "fast track" powers on all matters, legislative, judicial, executive firmly in the hands of the administration.

Then, even new techniques and expertise in election monitoring will fail during the next presidential election after that, if ever. The forces on the Bush team have sworn to use the, "magicians art," to, "do what's right" ‑ to steal the election once again for the Bush cabal. The "Magicians Art," which is now old school standard operations for ex‑intelligence now private contractors for the "Bush Triad," of oil/arms/and political insiders is the technique they will employ to exploit weaknesses in the next election. There will be a moment when the boxes containing the ballots will be near a wall or occlusion ‑ that will be the moment where the swap occurs. "Election Monitors," with all the best intentions are no match for the skills of a competent intelligence operative who has been researching the switch techniques in the months approaching the next election over and over again. What's more, in states like Florida and Texas, these operatives will have full and complete access to the polling facilities in advance and will know every corner, every occlusion, every procedure, every step, every corridor, every avenue those ballot boxes will traverse between the place the votes are cast and the place where the counting will occur. There will assuredly be ten or twenty moments where the boxes will leave the direct eyesight of election monitors, this will be when the operatives who have been rehearsing the switch for almost a year will make the swap.

Short of actually having trusted observers from an independent party or extra‑governmental agency actually handcuffed to the boxes, it may no longer be possible, considering the personalities and histories of the persons involved, to assure whether or� not there will ever be a fair election again.

Jewish leftist Jacobo Timerman becomes a worldwide Jewish/leftist hero, after publishing his book Prisoner Without A Name, Cell Without A Number, about Timerman being jailed for subversion by right‑wing military forces in Argentina; Timerman claims it happened only because he is Jewish, and compares the Argentine government to "Nazis."

The first US "hate crime" law, created, sponsored and pushed by the ADL, is passed in New Jersey.

Simon Wiesenthal, in a letter to the Institute for Historical Review, claims to have proof of the existence of Nazi gas chambers that will win him $50,000, and proof of the authenticity of the Anne Frank "diary" that will win him $25,000. Unfortunately, Wiesenthal subsequently failed to provide this proof, and had to forego the prize money.� The Chicago Jewish Sentinel reports that there is now a Survivors' Registry for those former concentration camp inmates "who are prepared to disclose their personal stories to serious media artists working on Holocaust themes." There's no business like Shoah business.

Telford Taylor, Chief Prosecutor at the NMT Nuremberg Trials, reveals during a book review that despite his own role in wartime Army Intelligence, "I had no awareness of the �Final Solution' until after the War, and inquiry among my associates of those times; not a few of them Jewish, has disclosed very few who were more sensitive or perceptive than I in this respect It was known that many of the atrocity stories of World War I, especially those involving the German occupation of Belgium, had proved unfounded and were either deliberate fabrications or the natural product of the wartime rumor mill. There was a general awareness that propaganda was a weapon of war, and this spread a skepticism, in large part justified, that robbed official accounts of much of their credibility."

PBS airs the British film, Kitty: Return to Auschwitz, in which Holocaust "survivor" Kitty Hart so fails to be convincing that even her own son can manage no more than a faintly bemused expression while listening to her delusional ramblings.

West German authorities kick down doors and ransack 2,000 homes in search of...books! Did these books urge violence? Did they contain state secrets? Were they libelous or scandalous? No, they merely presented a different view of the Holocaust myth, and for that reason had to be confiscated. The source of the books, Canadian Ernst Zuendel, was charged for dissemination of "hate propaganda." In August of 1982, the District Court of Stuttgart ruled that Zuendel was completely innocent of the accusations, and ordered the state treasury to pay all court costs.

Joseph Brewda writing in New Solidarity cites a memorandum from the International Caucus of Labor Committees (to Secretary of State Alexander Haig) that accuses Nazi‑hunter Simon Wiesenthal of being a Nazi collaborator during WWII.

The Jewish Journal confirms Simon Wiesenthal's dedication to freedom of speech by noting that Wiesenthal has "urged that the US adopt legislation against racial hatred."

The editorial page of the Los Angeles Times contains a piece by Rachel Patron, who claims that as a Polish Jew she was shipped off to Siberia by the Soviets during WWII (and you thought all Polish Jews were captured and gassed by Nazis). Ms. Patron goes on to state that on later passing through Ukraine on her return to Poland she found a shed full of soap made from Jews. Isn't it interesting how these Holocaust survivors can remember seeing things that never existed?

Deborah Lipstadt, a teacher of Modern Jewish History at UCLA, publishes an elaborate rebuttal to the Jewish soap stories in the Los Angeles Times. Having said that, however, Ms. Lipstadt then goes on to repeat the lies that 6 million Jews died at the hands of the Nazis during WWII, and that the Nazis made lampshades from human skin. Proof, Ms. Lipstadt?

After weeks of rabble‑rousing in the Canadian Jewish News (and other periodicals), an anti‑German rally takes place at Allen Gardens (Canada). During the rally, speaker after speaker publically denounce and slander a Canadian citizen of German descent and others.

The assembled multitude then walk to the business of a local German‑Canadian and attempt to break through police lines to attack those inside. Neither the rally organizers, speakers, or attendees are censured for these acts. (In contrast, imagine what would have happened had Germans held a similar demonstration about Jews!)

IHR headquarters in Torrance is bombed at 5 am. Claiming responsibility for the bombing is a man who called the Associated Press and identified himself as being a member of the Jewish Defenders, an arm of the violence‑prone Jewish Defense League headed locally by Mordecai Levy and nationally by Irv Rubin.

The Spotlight announces that more than 100,000 copies of the German language edition of its special Holocaust supplement, The Great Holocaust Debate, has been circulated in the Federal Republic of Germany, even though such distribution is illegal due to German laws against "denying" the Holocaust.

Mordecai Levy of the Jewish Defense League is arraigned in Los Angeles federal count on charges of firebombing a Nigerian diplomat's car in New York City. Apparently, Levi was attempting to firebomb members of the Soviet delegation but missed. A week earlier, Levy had been arrested for physically assaulting; in a courtroom, a 77‑year‑old Latvian native.

The New York Post reports that 54 Jews are under going two weeks of training in upstate New York from "Israeli Commandos and US Army Special Forces soldiers" who teach them weapons handling, international politics, the Old Testament, and techniques of guerilla warfare.

Judge Thomas Johnson of the Superior Court of California hands down a partial decision on the case of Mermelstein vs. the IHR, taking "judicial notice" of the fact that Jews were gassed at Auschwitz in 1944.

The Third International Revisionist Conference, Los Angeles, California. At this conference it is announced that no one stepped forward with proof to claim either of the two $25,000 prizes; one of which would have gone to anyone who could proof the authenticity of the Anne Frank diary and the other to anyone who could prove that the Nazis ever made soap from the bodies of Jews.

More than 300,000 Cubans were stricken with dengue hemorrhagic fever. An investigation by the magazine �Covert Action Information Bulletin, which tracks the workings of various intelligence agencies around the world, suggested that this outbreak was the result of a release of mosquitoes by Cuban counter revolutionaries. The magazine tracked the activities of one CIA operative from a facility in Panama to the alleged Cuban connections. During the last 30 years, Cuba has been subjected to an enormous number of outbreaks of human and crop diseases which are difficult to attribute purely natural causes.

John Powell, a former publisher of a Shanghai magazine who was unsuccessfully tried for sedition in the early 1950s after accusing the United States of using germ warfare in Korea, exposes immunity deal in the Bulletin of Atomic Scientists.

United States begins series of space shuttle flights; assassination attempt is made on President Ronald Reagan; assassination attempt is made on Pope John Paul II; Sandra Day O'Connor becomes first woman on U.S. Supreme Court.

"We Jews regard our race as superior to all humanity, and look forward, not to its ultimate union with other races, but to its triumph over them." (Goldwin Smith, Jewish Professor of Modern History at Oxford University, October, 1981)

First cases of AIDS are confirmed in homosexual men in New York, Los Angeles and San Francisco, triggering speculation that AIDS may have been introduced via the Hepatitis B vaccine

A bomb exploded in the early hours of the morning outside the Bank Melli Iran building in San Francisco. Windows were shattered on both sides of the street, but there were no injuries. A man who identified himself as a representative of the JDL telephoned United Press international and claimed responsibility, stating that the group's act of violence was taken to protest the "brutal persecution of Iranian Jewry " and demanded the release of "50,000 Jews held hostage" that he described as being held in Iran. Earl Krugel, director of the JDL in California, denied responsibility for the explosion but was reported as condoning the action.

Twenty members of the JDL took over the offices of the American Civil Liberties Union in New York as a protest against the ACLU's legal defense of a neo‑Nazi group in Buffalo. Over a period of four hours, the JDL commandeered the ACLU reception area and disrupted the work of its staff by chanting "Don't defend Nazis!" and "Six Million ‑ Never Again!" No injuries or serious damage was reported.

Three members of the Jewish Defense League were issued summonses for harassment after they verbally abused diplomats at the Soviet Mission to the UN. One of the three, Howard Perel, stated that he had "shouted and cursed" at the diplomats as they were leaving the mission and had shouted slogans referring to Anatoly Shcharansky.

Eight members of the JDL wielding steel pipes attacked National Socialist Party of America leader Harold Covington on as he approached the NBC studios in New York. Covington and an aide were attired in full Nazi storm trooper uniforms on their way to a taping of the "Tomorrow" show. Later in the evening, Covington appeared on the program heavily bandaged and declared that all Jews should be gassed."

Two members of the JDL were arrested in Torrance, California at a demonstration outside the offices of the Institute for Historical Review, a Holocaust revisionist organization. Willis Carto, the director of the Institute, was assaulted by one JDL member after he began to write down car license plate numbers. Another member of the group was arrested after he was seen placing a loaded semi‑ automatic pistol in the trunk of a car.

Two JDL members were arrested for throwing rocks, bottles and eggs at the offices of the Soviet airline Aeroflot in New York. The two, Avigdor Eskin and Alex Khaves, were charged with starting a riot, reckless endangerment, and criminal mischief. Both had recently emigrated to the U.S. from the Soviet Union.

Two JDL members were arrested after allegedly vandalizing the Aeroflot office in Manhattan.

Four gasoline firebombs were hurled at the home of an accused Nazi war criminal, Boleslavs Maikovskis, in Mineola, Long Island at 2:30 a.m. There were no injuries, but slight damage to the house was reported. Within minutes of the firebombing attack, a representative of the JDL telephoned the New York Post and took responsibility for the attack.

At his deportation hearing, alleged Nazi criminal Boreslavs Maikovskis was punched and knocked down by a member of the JDL who shouted, "You Nazi bastard! " The JDL member was later identified as Mark [Mordechai] Levy, who was removed from the courtroom and charged with five misdemeanors.

Two JDL members were issued summonses after they allegedly harassed Soviet diplomatic personnel on a New York bus.

Six unexploded bombs were discovered near the Soviet Mission to the United Nations on September 3. On September 4, a small bomb exploded under an unoccupied car with diplomatic license plates parked near the Soviet Mission. No one claimed responsibility for these incidents.

A small bomb exploded at the Four Continent Bookstore at 1:40 a.m., causing damage to the display window of the store. The Four Continent Bookstore, which sold literature published in the Soviet Union, was targeted by what a caller identified as the "Thunder of Zion" which claimed to be a "militant faction" of the JDL. The caller stated, "Within the next two weeks they [Soviet Jews, including refuseniks Anatoly Shcharansky and Maria Tlemkin] had better be released or Russian blood will flow on New York streets. There will be blood up to your knees, including [Soviet foreign minister Andrei] Gromyko's." Arno Weinstein, the national director of the JDL, in an interview with the New York Post, said, "We do not take responsibility for this, but we applaud it. I am very happy that Jews are finally taking some action."

Fifteen members of the JDL take over the offices of the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society (HIAS) in New York, forcing the organization's employees to leave their offices and barricading the doors behind them with desks and office furniture. The JDL members occupied the office for two hours and demanded that HIAS send messages to Ethiopia calling for the emigration of Jews from that country. At the offices of the World Zionist Organization (WZO), another group from the JDL chained and padlocked the front doors of the organization's offices. The WZO offices continued to function normally in spite of the JDL's attempts at disruption.

Two firebombs severely damaged the Egyptian Government Tourist Office at Rockefeller Center in New York at 4:18 a.m. There were no injuries. An anonymous caller to the New York Daily News claimed responsibility for the bombing at 4:35 a.m., stating, "This is the JDL. We have just firebombed the Egyptian government offices. We demand that the Camp David Accords be buried with Anwar Sadat, in solidarity with those against the retreat from the Israeli‑liberated lands ‑ the Sinai. Shalom. Never again!" A spokesman for the JDL later denied responsibility for the bombing, but "if this bombing was done to expose the fallacy of the Camp David Accords, we support the act. " Kahane himself was quoted by the New York Post as saying, "it could have been members of the JDL and it could have been anyone. "249 At a press conference on October 26, Kahane stated, "I would not be particularly anxious to be an Egyptian in New York City." He continued, "I'm not going to say that the JDL bombed that office. There are laws against that in this country. But I'm not going to say I mourn for it either." In response to a question regarding the possibility of other such attacks, Kahane replied, "1 would not be surprised. It might very well be." One day later, an anonymous caller claimed responsibility for the JDL after the October 25 fire‑bombing at the Egyptian Government Tourist Office in New York. A JDL spokesman later denied his group's involvement, adding "We support the act."

Twelve bullets were shot into the sitting room in the home of the Soviet Union's ambassador to the United Nations in Glen Cove, Long Island. There were no injuries. An unidentified caller telephoned United Press International and claimed responsibility in the name of the JDL. Meir Kahane, in an interview with the New York Daily News while on a speaking tour of the U.S. stated, "We have no exact knowledge of who fired into the home, but we have no doubt it is the work of Jewish activists." Describing the shooting as an "unlawful act," he went on to praise it by saying, "We applaud it." At a press conference 15 hours after the shooting, Kahane "proudly announce[d]" and "heartily applauded" the act, predicting an "escalation" of attacks against Soviet representatives in the future. "Jews don't walk freely in the streets of Moscow," he said, warning, "Russians won't walk freely here."

Two houses are spray‑painted with Stars of David and slogans during the night, apparently in retaliation for earlier acts of vandalism carried out by two sixteen year‑olds against two synagogues in East Meadow and Mineola, Long Island. Nine Stars of David were painted on the house of Donald Ostrandez, and one on a car parked in front of house. At the house of Joseph McCloskey, all the tires on the two cars parked in the driveway had their tires slashed. Stars of David and the slogan "Never Again!" were painted on the house. A caller to several news organizations claimed responsibility for the act in the name of the JDL


The Jewish ADL now has "model legislation" for "hate crimes," designed for all US states. Many states adopt this, or very similar, laws, at the urging and pressure of the ADL.

At the behest of then Defense Minister (now Prime Minister) Ariel Sharon, Israel invades Lebanon (Lebanon has many Christian‑Arab citizens), and Jewish soldiers kill many unarmed Arab women and children (civilians; at least 800) at the Sabra and Shatila refugee camps, with machine guns, in front of many witnesses.

Forty JDL members seized the offices of the National Jewish Community Relations Advisory Council (NJCRAC).

For the third time in as many months, JDL vandals spray‑painted the homes of individuals recently convicted of anti‑Semitic vandalism. After denying involvement a JDL official then admitted to his group's "revenge" action.

Following the explosion of two bombs outside the Washington, D.C. office of Aeroflot, an anonymous caller claimed responsibility for the JDL. He added that there would be further actions would continue.

Kahane and about thirty followers seized the offices of the Herut Party in New York as a protest against Israeli withdrawal from Sinai.

Kahane and twenty‑five followers took over the main floor of the Israeli Consulate in New York.

An anonymous caller claimed responsibility for the JDL after pipe‑bombs were set off outside both the French and Lebanese Consulates in New York. Later, a JDL official denied the claim but added that the JDL did "applaud those actions."

Thirteen JDL demonstrators chanted obscenities and disrupted services at a church where accused Nazi war criminal Valerian Trifa was to appear.

Gary Hughes in the Adelaide Advertiser recounts the story of a brother and sister, reunited after 39 years, who had each thought the other to have been murdered in Nazi "gas chambers."

The Weekend Australian quotes Rabbi Marvin Hier of the Simon Wiesenthal Center as saying that the Institute for Historical Review has "disintegrated." Either this is another blatant lie, or Rabbi Hier is unaware that the SWC has 20 paid subscriptions to the Journal of Historical Review, which is published by the IHR, or that the SWC continues to order books from the IHR from time to time.

The Canadian Jewish News reports that Jewish students at the University of Toronto are attempting to have revisionist works reclassified as fiction in order to have them shelved away from the "true" Holocaust books.

The Los Angeles Times reports that David Shimtob, once a Jewish Defense League member, has been rearrested on various burglary, assault, and homicide charges in connection with a vicious group of paramilitary thugs that had been committing armed robberies of residences.� The Toronto Globe and Mail reports that the ADL is planning to ask the Library of Congress reclassify revisionist books as fiction. Says the League's executive director Alan Shefman,

"We don't want this to be seen as book‑banning, because we're very much opposed to censorship."

That is, he wants the books banned, but he doesn't want it to appear as if they are being banned. The German weekly newspaper Die Zeit warns that historical revisionism must be taken serious, lest an Orwellian situation come to pass as in the novel 1984. Apparently, Die Zeit is unaware that in George Orwell's 1984 the threat came from central powers controlling the thoughts of the individual, not from individuals displaying unorthodox thinking. The paper does concede, however, that a few of the better‑known Holocaust stories may have been without foundation after all, but that doesn't change a thing.

The Los Angeles Times reports that Dr. George Ashley is transferred from his teaching post at North Hollywood high school for answering a student's question about the "other side" of the Holocaust. The ADL is aghast that Ashley is not fired, and LA school board member Roberta Weintraub laments the protection afforded Ashley by the First Amendment.

The Institute for Historical Review offers a $50,000 reward "to any person who can prove that gas chambers existed at or in Auschwitz Concentration Camp during World War II." Three people respond, none with evidence that can meet the standards set forth in the Federal Rules of Evidence of the United States. Among those not responding: Allan Ryan, Lily Maier, Simon Wiesenthal, the Simon Wiesenthal Center, the St. Louise Center for Holocaust Studies, the Center for Holocaust Studies of Brooklyn, the Yad Vashem Museum and Library, Dr. Gisella Perl, Nathan Perlmutter, Lucy Dawidowicz, and Mel Mermelstein.

Senator William Proxmire's weak‑kneed screed against the IHR is reported in the Congressional Record.

Dr. Arthur Butz (author of The Hoax of the Twentieth Century) and William Lindsey, Ph.D. hold a seminar on key aspects of the Holocaust in Chicago.

WW II American airman Paul Stralka shares details of his stay at Buchenwald for the Duluth News Tribune by recalling "long lines of prisoners being led to the gas chambers, which were usually disguised as showers." Unfortunately, Buchenwald is in Germany, and as we all know, "there were no extermination camps on German soil" (Simon Wiesenthal, Books and Bookmen, April, 1975).

At the United Jewish Welfare Fund Toy Division dinner, a man named Fred Kort was given the UJWF's Humanitarian of the Year award. Kort is identified as a "survivor of the concentration camp at Treblinka." One problem: on page 284 of the book The Death Camp Treblinka: A Documentary, only 69 people are listed as surviving Treblinka, and Fred Kort's name is not among them. (Los Angeles Jewish Community Bulletin)

The famed "ghetto boy" of Warsaw, photographed with his arms raised over his head as he was allegedly being hustled off to join the other Jews inside the gas ovens, has apparently surfaced in Rockland County, New York. Dr. Tsvi C. Nussbaum claims the picture is of him as a young boy. Some groups, who cherish the symbolism of the photo, refuse to believe Nussbaum's claims. Of course, Nussbaum is not the first to claim himself as the subject of this photo; in 1978 wealthy Londoner Israel Rondel came forward to explain that the photo had been taken of Rondel after an arrest for theft, although he was later released unharmed and returned to his mother.

An Associated Press report by Ken Kusmer in the Los Angeles Daily News carries the astonishing news that Holocaust survivor Siegfried Halbreich saw Dr. Josef Mengele playing piano in a Los Angeles area restaurant in 1980, a year after Mengele's death. Halbreich is quoted as saying, "I could not be wrong in recognizing Mengele." Halbreich claims to have met Mengele six or seven times while Halbreich was detained at the Auschwitz concentration camp.

El Salvadoran trade unionists claimed that epidemics of many previously unknown diseases had cropped up in areas immediately after U.S. directed aerial bombings. There is no hard evidence to support these charges.

Palme Commission: (Independent Commission on Disarmament and Security Issues). Report: Common Security: A Blueprint For Survival linked security to development. Chaired by Olof Palme. World Resources Institute ‑ organized with help from Russell E. Train. Gustave Speth first director. World Charter for Nature ‑ precursor to the Earth Charter. U.N. Convention on the Law of the seas ‑ which created the International Seabed Authority.

Falklands War between Argentina and England is fought; Israel withdraws troops from Egypt's Sinai.


"The Order," named after an elite cadre in The Turner Diaries, was founded by Robert Mathews.

Five JDL members, on a "deprogramming mission," abducted a 22‑year‑old woman walking on a New York street. The woman had been active in the Jews for Jesus movement. One of her abductors was apprehended by police."

A JDL leader, surrounded by 25 heavily armed supporters, announced plans to create vigilante squads that would mete out "Jewish justice" to "Jew haters." This action was criticized by New York police and by ADL associate national director Abraham Foxman, who noted: "The JDL has a history of violence and extremism and a knack for exacerbating tensions."

Following Jesse Jackson's announced candidacy for President, a JDL spokesman vowed that his organization would disrupt Jackson rallies and meetings.

The perpetrator of a campaign of virulent anti‑Semitic graffiti, harassment, and death threats in Geneva, Switzerland, turns out to be 23‑year‑old Jewish medical student Phlip Gotchel. We can only surmise that Gotchel was unable to locate a suitable Nazi (American Jewish World).

A Reuters story, dateline Bonn, reports that Rabbi Abraham Cooper of the Simon Wiesenthal Center in Los Angeles has urged Mayor Henning Yoscherau of Hamburg, Germany, to block construction of a shopping mall on a former Jewish cemetery after a German court gave the go‑ahead to start building. Wrote Rabbi Cooper, "Considering the trauma and tragedy inflicted on the Jewish citizens of your city during the Holocaust, we would hope that the leaders of today's Hamburg would take a stand on behalf of memory."

The Toronto Star recounts the story of Frank Walus, who was fingered by Simon Wiesenthal first as a Gestapo collaborator, then later as a member of the Gestapo. Twelve eyewitnesses swore Walus was a mass‑murderer who had stomped a pregnant Jew to death. Forty eyewitnesses placed Walus at the concentration camp in Kielce, Poland, during the war. At the trial, however, it was established that Walus was never at the camp, never a member of the Gestapo, never a member of the SS, and that in fact all of Wiesenthal's charges against Walus were fabrications. This prompted the US Justice Department to drop all charges, issue an apology, and pay Walus $34,000 to help offset his legal fees.

In 1983 forces of the United States invaded the small island nation of Grenada in the Carribean after recent unrest there along with it's Marxist's governments' ties with Cuba being ever closer caused concern in the United States.� Grenada Prime Minister Maurice Bishop was arrested by fellow revolutionary Bernard Coard on charges of threatening to assassinate Coard. Unrest forced Coard to release bishop, who was then killed by Coard's followers. With 1000 U.S. medical students in Grenada U.S. forces then invaded the island nation.

By Mid‑December 1983 with a government in place friendly to U.S. interests and with the unrest quelled U.S. forces withdrew from the island.

U.S. forces land on Grenada; October 25‑27, 1983: Fighting continues as the U.S. battles Grenadian & Cuban military units; December, 1983: U.S. military units leave the island with a pro‑democracy government in place.

Soviets shoot down South Korean airliner, and 269 are killed; Sally Ride is first U.S. woman in space; bomb kills 237 U.S. Marines in Beirut, Lebanon; U.S. forces invade island of Grenada.


"The Order" killed radio talk show host Alan Berg (the Oliver Stone movie Talk Radio is based on this); Robert Mathews is killed by Federal agents on Whidbey Island, Washington.

The British Attorney General, Sir H. Shawcross, says in a speech that the "'Americans' around Roosevelt" pushed for war with Germany in WWII. He does not actually say "Jewish," but it is clearly implied, as Roosevelt's key advisors who pushed for war were Jewish, especially his pal Brandeis.

Jewish persons take control of the historically‑conservative, Gentile‑run Walt Disney Co., and quickly use it to spread left‑wing, multicultural agitprop aimed at children.

Jewish US Navy (civilian) analyst Jonathan Pollard begins spying for Israel, giving Israel thousands of sensitive, classified US government documents.

An anonymous caller from the "Jewish Direct Action" took responsibility for the fire‑bombing of a car in the Soviet compound. A spokesman for the group later denied the group's responsibility. However, the group stated in a press release that it would "launch a �war' that will wreck Soviet‑American relations" and would stage "major acts of violence that will seriously endanger" Soviet diplomats.

An anonymous caller claiming to be a JDL member took responsibility for spray‑painting the homes of local sponsors of a Soviet film series. A JDL spokesman denied his group's involvement, but did admit that the perpetrators may have been JDL members.

An anonymous caller claimed responsibility for the JDL in the planting of a practice grenade in the Greenburgh, N.Y. town hall during the showing of a Soviet film. A JDL official denied responsibility, but then admitted that it was "possible the people who perpetrated this may be JDL members."

Outside a Canadian courthouse, a throng of armed JDL thugs (led by Marvin Weinstein ...alias Meir Halevi) awaits the arrival of Holocaust doubter Ernst Z�ndel as they did two months earlier. This time, however, Z�ndel is able to make it to and from the courthouse without incident. Furious at being denied the opportunity to attack and beat a defenseless person, the JDL crowd then sets upon the news reporters and� cameramen they had invited to record the occasion.

The Institute for Historical Review is attacked by arsonists and burned to the ground in a vain attempt to silence the world's leading voice for truth about the Holocaust myth. JDL activist Jerry Rubin proudly and defiantly claims foreknowledge of the arson attack, and names Los Angeles Police infiltrator/informant Larry Winston as the perpetrator. Local police and the FBI investigate briefly, then lose interest in what has been called the worst case of political terrorism in the history of the United States.

Marines withdraw from Beirut; Geraldine Ferraro is nominated as U.S. Vice President.

The Power to Lead is published. Author James McGregor Burns admits: "The framers of the U.S. constitution have simply been too shrewd for us. The have outwitted us. They designed separate institutions that cannot be unified by mechanical linkages, frail bridges, tinkering. If we are to �turn the Founders upside down' ‑‑ we must directly confront the constitutional structure they erected."

"Your people are so paranoid, it is obvious we can no longer permit you to exist. We cannot allow you to spread your filthy, immoral, Christian beliefs to the rest of the world. Naturally, you oppose World Government, unless it is under your Fascist‑Christian control. Who are you to proclaim that your Christian‑American way is the best? It is obvious you have never been exposed to the communist system. When nationalism is finally smashed in America. I will personally be there to fire‑ bomb your church, burn your Bibles, confiscate your firearms and take your children away. We will send them to Eastern Bloc schools and re‑educate them to become the future leaders of a One‑World Government, and to run our Socialist Republic of America. We are taking over the world and there is nothing you can do to stop us." (Letter from a Spokane, Washington Jew to a Christian Identity Pastor)


Jonathan Pollard is caught spying against the US; Pollard later says that he "would do it again, if given the chance."

Arab‑American leader Alex Odeh is murdered by a booby‑trap bomb at his office in Santa Ana, CA. The 3 Jewish suspects flee to Israel.

Another enemy of the Jewish ADL, Tscherim Soobzokov, is also murdered by a bomb blast, at his home in Paterson, NJ.

Former US Congressman Paul Findley tries to publish a book detailing Jewish power in America. Jews try to prevent this, but are unsuccessful, although Findley does have a hard time finding a publisher because of Jewish threats. [His book is the aforementioned They Dare To Speak Out.]

Gentile media mogul Ted Turner tries to buy an American television network (CBS); Jews panic (as Turner would be the first non‑Jew in many years to control an entire network), and they successfully block, after some effort, Turner's attempts to buy it.

In 1985, Pierce relocated the National Alliance from Arlington, Virginia, to a 346‑acre farm in Hillsborough, West Virginia, which he reportedly bought for $95,000 in cash.

Members of "The Order" nine men and one woman, were convicted following a four‑month Federal court case in Seattle. They were sentenced to terms of 40‑100 years in prison, as well as stiff fines. One of these members, David Lane, coined one of White nationalism's most popular expressions known as "The 14 Words." They are: We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children.

The West Coast headquarters of the American‑Arab Anti‑Discrimination Committee is bombed, killing its Palestinian‑American director, Alex Odeh and injuring 7 others. A JDL spokesman declared that Odeh "got exactly what he deserved."

A bomb was placed under the car of Walter Berk, then the acting chairman of the JDL in New York, who was involved in a dispute with other members of the group over mailing lists and finances. In 1987 it was revealed that another JDL member, Jay Cohen, had planted the bomb. No injuries were reported.

The Toronto Globe and Mail reports that for the third time in as many appearances, Holocaust skeptic Ernst Z�ndel, his defense attorney, and a legal assistant are attacked on the steps of a Canadian courthouse (!) by 25 blood‑seeking JDL thugs while the police and media stand by. Later, four members of the JDL mob are charged with disturbing the peace (not assault or attempted murder), charges which are subsequently dropped.

According to the Toronto Globe and Mail, Arnold Friedman swore under oath that he had seen "fourteen foot flames" shooting out of the chimneys of crematorium at Auschwitz, and that he was able to tell whether the Nazis were burning fat Jewish Hungarians or skinny Jewish Poles by looking at the different colors of the smoke and flames coming out of the crematorium. On cross‑examination, however, Mr. Friedman reversed himself upon being presented with details of crematorium operation, and was forced to agree that perhaps Jews were not being burned in crematoria buildings. Mr. Friedman then made the startling confession that his entire testimony was based on what he had been told by others.

Maria Bohuslawsky of the Toronto Sun reports on a cross‑examination that took place the day before, in which self‑proclaimed Holocaust "expert" and author Raul Hilberg admitted under oath that after 36 years of studying the Holocaust, 1) he knew of no documentary (printed) evidence that the Nazis murdered or planned to murder Jews in gas chambers, 2) he had identified large parts of the key "confession" of Kurt Gerstein as to the "gassings" as "pure nonsense" and "totally false," 3) when presenting the Gerstein "confession" as proof of Nazi misdeeds he had edited out inconvenient sections in order to make his point, 4) he knew of no autopsies that showed death by gassing, 5) he billed himself as a Holocaust expert for 18 years before even visiting Auschwitz (he then spent only one day there), 6) he was not familiar with many books on the subject of which he was alleged to be the expert, and 7) he knew of no scientific proof that even one Jew had been gassed. (see also the article on the same date by Kirk Makin in the Globe and Mail, and the Sault Star of 1/18/85.) Understandably, when called upon to testify again in a later trial, Hilberg begged off.

The Alberta Report magazine quotes Holocaust survivor Eva Brewster as remembering how the bodies of Jews gassed at Auschwitz would be dropped through trap doors to the crematoria. Left out of the article are the facts that 1) no one else has ever "remembered" these trap doors, 2) no one else "remembers" that the "gas chambers" were above the crematoria, and 3) that there is no trace of these trap doors, either in blueprints, photographs, or in any other way.

Holocaust heavyweight Rudolf Vrba, under cross‑examination in a Canadian courtroom, states under oath that 150,000 French Jews were gassed at Auschwitz, in spite of the fact that the entire number of Jews deported from France were only 75,721. Vrba claims he arrived at his count "scientifically" by having listened to the language spoken by the inmates at Auschwitz and examining their luggage (!). The author of "I Cannot Forgive" next confessed that his book was "an artistic picture...not a document for a court," in spite of the fact that Vrba's testimony was crucial to both the War Refugee Board and the Auschwitz Trials in West Germany. Vrba further admitted that his written and pictorial descriptions of Auschwitz crematoria were a result of guessing, based on "what I heard it might look like." Oops!

As reported in the Toronto Sun, Robert Faurisson testifies under oath that there were never any gas chambers, mass murders, or other atrocities against Jews or anyone else during WWII. Dr. Faurisson is a professor in France, where he received his PhD from the Sorbonne. (see also the Canadian Jewish News, February 14, 1985)

The Ukrainian Catholic Daily lashes out at the US Justice Department's Office of Special Investigations for using Soviet‑supplied evidence, collaborating with the KGB, and using the mass media to attack Eastern European ethnic communities.

Wendy Darrocn, writing in the Toronto Star, recounts the sworn testimony of Russell William Barton, who was a medical student volunteer with the British Red Cross on May 2, 1945, when he entered the concentration camp at Bergen‑Belsen. According to Barton, there was no evidence of intentional starvation of the inmates, which has been the charge against Bergen‑Belsen since the dropping of the original charge that Bergen‑Belsen had homicidal gas chambers.

The Montreal Gazette reports that Dr. William Bryan Lindsey, who has a doctorate in chemistry from the University of Indiana at Bloomington, and who for 33 years has been employed as a research chemist, gives sworn testimony that it would have been physically impossible for the Nazis to exterminate millions of Jews with Zyklon B in the large, unsealed rooms that are being presented to the gullible as "gas chambers."

Ellen Kachuck, of the B'nai B'rith of Toronto, is quoted in the Toronto Globe and Mail as being far from pleased with the progress of the ongoing trial against Ernst Zuendel, who claims the Holocaust never took place. Says Kachuck, "I think it was a much messier affair than we expected it to be in terms of things coming out we didn't want." Translation: the truth can be so inconvenient when you are trying to disseminate the Big Lie.

The Toronto Globe and Mail, in a truly gutsy move, prints a photo of the swimming pool at Auschwitz taken by Swedish researcher Ditlieb Felderer, who has taken some 30,000 photos of Nazi concentration camps and conducted forensic tests on Holocaust‑related artifacts. This is the first time this photograph has been published. Earlier in the year, a judge had refused to admit this photo (and others) as evidence because it did not fit his preconceived notions about WWII concentration camps.

After WWII, Max Glauben was told his two aunts had been sent to the gas chambers at a German extermination camp. He assumed he was the only surviving family member. Today, his aunts telephoned Glauben in Dallas from Philadelphia after finding his name in a computer data bank maintained by the National Register of Jewish Holocaust Survivors.

The New York Times records the Auschwitz memories of one Pearl Herskovic, who says she saw her whole family go up in "billowing smoke" from an crematorium chimney, and that her family's "ashes began to fall on my arm." Apparently, scientific fact and technical impossibility cannot withstand irrational "truths" that are drummed into people's heads through endless repetition and suppression of contrary information.

The home of revisionist Dr. George Ashley is damaged by a crude explosive. The letters "JDL" are spray‑painted on the sidewalk in front of the home. This is the fourth time in three years that Dr. Ashley's home has been attacked by thugs.

Canadian journalist Doug Collins (North Shore News, North Vancouver, BC) becomes the first established journalist in North America to tell readers that the Holocaust story just doesn't add up.

A character in the comic strip Dondi vividly recalls (over 40 years later) the "big red chimney and Zyklon B poison gas" Dachau! Considering that no one seriously puts forth the proposition that Dachau had homicidal gas chambers, this is indicative of the future of the entire Holocaust myth...relegated to the make‑believe world of the funny pages.

The Israeli daily Ha'aretz reports on a study by the University of Haifa that shows, once again, that the majority of Jewish children in Israel see Arabs as "terrorists and murderers of children." It appears that Israelis have learned the lessons of fascism well.

Professional Holocaust survivor Mel Mermelstein settles a lawsuit against the Institute for Historical Review out‑of‑court in exchange for $90,000 and a simple apology. Mermelstein had sued the Institute for Historical Review for $17 million for various causes, including mental anguish, sleepless nights, and injurious denial of established historical fact (a cause of action hitherto unused in American courts, but popular in communist courts). It is estimated that the trial cost Mermelstein $150,000, and his law firm claims to have donated $400,000 worth of legal work to this one case.

Rabbi Meir Kahane, Orthodox Jew, Zionist, member of the Knesset, and founder of the Jewish Defense League, is quoted in the New York Times as saying, "Western democracy as we know it is incompatible with Zionism." No wonder the state of Israel has no constitution or bill of rights.

Rabbi Marvin Hier, Dean of the Simon Wiesenthal Center in Los Angeles, under questioning from a caller during a talk show on KCKC radio (San Bernardino), first claims there were no gas chambers at Treblinka (twice), then he says there were gas chambers and that he knows who operated them, then he says Treblinka started with small gas chambers and then graduated to something else, then he says that there were gassings at Treblinka, then not. He winds up by saying that the "gas chambers" were mostly at Majdanek, Auschwitz, and Birkenau.

Reverend Dr. Franklin H. Littel is quoted in the Jerusalem Post (international edition) as saying, "You can't �discuss' the truth of the Holocaust. That's a distortion of free speech...The US should emulate West Germany, which outlaws such public exercises." Of course, on July 26, 1984, Littel came out in The Jewish Times as being four‑square in favor of the 1st Amendment when it comes to religious freedoms, saying "We who love liberty should also view with grave concern the use of government to punish or suppress persons and groups whose religious views we think are wrong‑headed."

The case against Friedrich Rainer is dismissed in a Vienna courtroom when the neither the plaintiff nor the prosecuting attorney (provided by Simon Wiesenthal himself) show up for the trial. Rainer had been accused or challenging the Holocaust myth, and the plaintiff, Dr. Ella Lingens, claimed to be able to "prove" that homicidal gas chambers existed at Auschwitz. I guess now we'll never know.

Professional Holocaust survivor Mel Mermelstein sues the Institute for Historical Review for $60,000 because a letter from the Institute to Mermelstein was held up in the mail. Judge Charles Jones awards Mermelstein $38.36, considerably less than the hourly charge of Mermelstein's high‑priced attorney.

After rocks were thrown through the windows of eight Jewish‑owned shops in an apparent encore performance of similar acts two weeks earlier, Mayor Ed Koch and Jewish groups spring into action with an offer of $15,000 for information about the culprit. We do not know who collected the reward, but the vandal turns out to be 38‑year‑old Gary Dworkin, a Jewish resident of Boro Park.

An outbreak of Dengue fever strikes Managua Nicaragua shortly after an increase of U.S. aerial reconnaissance missions. Nearly half of the capital city's population was stricken with the disease, and several deaths have been attributed to the outbreak. It was the first such epidemic in the country and the outbreak was nearly identical to that which struck Cuba a few years earlier (1981). Dengue fever variations were the focus of much experimentation at the Army's Biological Warfare test facility at Ft. Detrick, Maryland prior to the "ban" on such research in 1972.

In ruling on a case in which a former U.S. Army sergeant attempted to bring a lawsuit against the Army for using experimental drugs on him, without his knowledge, the U.S. Supreme Court determined that allowing such an action against the military would disrupt the chain of command. Thus, nearly all potential actions against the military for past, or future, misdeeds have been barred as have actions aimed at the release of classified documents on the subject.

Dr. Murray Sanders, a former lieutenant colonel who was a U.S. adviser on biological warfare, claims that he persuaded MacArthur to approve the immunity deal in the fall of 1945.

Congressional subcommittee holds one‑day hearing in Washington, called by Rep. Pat Williams of Montana, aimed at determining whether U.S. prisoners of war in Manchuria were victims of germ‑warfare experimentation. Hearing is inconclusive.

Mikhail Gorbachev becomes leader of Soviet Union.

Norman Cousins, the honorary chairman of Planetary Citizens for the World We Chose, is quoted in Human Events:

"World government is coming, in fact, it is inevitable. No arguments for or against it can change that fact."

Cousins was also president of the World Federalist Association, an affiliate of the World Association for World Federation (WAWF), headquartered in Amsterdam. WAWF is a leading force for world federal government and is accredited by the U.N. as a Non‑ Governmental Organization.

U.N. Convention on Ozone Depleting Substances ‑ adopted in Vienna, Austria.

According to the journal Science (227:173‑177), HTLV and VISNA, a fatal sheep virus, are very similar, indicating a close taxonomic and evolutionary relationship.


Cleveland auto worker John Demjanjuk is falsely accused of WWII war crimes against Jews, and sent to Israel to be tried for being "Ivan The Terrible." He is later acquitted.

A bomb was placed under the car of JDL chairman Walter Berk by a rival member of the JDL. No injuries were reported.

A member of the JDL placed a firebomb under a loading dock at a Pan Am building at Kennedy International Airport in protest of the airline's flights to Russia.

A tear gas grenade was thrown into the opening performance of the Soviet Moiseyev Dance Company at the Metropolitan Opera. Twenty people were sent to the hospital for treatment, including the Soviet Ambassador, Uri Dubinin. 4000 others were evacuated from the building. JDL members Jay Cohen, Sharon Katz and JDL leader Victor Vancier were arrested in 1987 for carrying out the incident. (See October 27 1987)

Victor Vancier, [aka Chaim Ben Yosef] the "self‑proclaimed leader" of the JDL in New York, was arrested outside the Penta Hotel with a tear gas grenade after a fire broke out in the tunnels under the hotel where the Soviet Moiseyev Dance Company, was staying. Vancier was charged with a federal weapons violation. (See October 27 1987)

West German police storm the home of Otto Ernst Remer to seize a copy of a videotape that challenges the myth of the obvious thought‑crime.

Seventh International Revisionist Conference, Los Angeles, CA. In an interview on WNET with professor of Jewish History Dr. Yosef Yerushalmi, Bill Moyers asks Yerushalmi to clarify his statement that the image of the Holocaust is being shaped not on the historian's anvil but in the novelist's crucible. Yerushalmi replies that because the historical research has now all been done (!), the door is wide open for an infinite number of fictional refrains on this, the central event of all history. Translation: Let the brainwashing begin.

Melvin Konner in the New York Times Book Review points out that poet Avraham Stuzkever, claimed by Allen Ginsberg to have been killed in a ghetto during WWII, is in fact alive and well and living in Tel Aviv.

An AP wire service story in the Schenectady Gazette tells of a reunion between two childhood friends, Lieba Wainer and Yacob Basner. Coincidentally, Basner not only married another friend of Wainer's who Wainer had presumed murdered by Nazis, but had been in the same concentration camp with Wainer's husband between 1940 and 1945 (!), although they never met.

West German police raid the house of Ernst Roemer in Hamburg in search of a booklet challenging the Holocaust myth. Police were alerted to the existence of the book by examining a bookstore's order for the book, which was purchased before the book was banned. George Orwell was right.

The New York Times Book Review runs a letter to the editor concerning Martin Gilbert's book, The Holocaust, in which the correspondent quotes Gilbert as writing, "...on Oct. 20, 1944, (Yitzhak) Sonenson's mother and sister were killed..." The letter writer then goes on to introduce herself as Yitzhak Sonenson's sister, Yaffa Eliach. She continues, saying, "My brother Yitzhak is quite aware of my existence. In frequent family reunions� on both sides of the Atlantic, we celebrate this great gift of life."

Police raid the home of retired judge Wilhelm Staeglich, searching for prohibited materials (that is, those challenging the Holocaust myth). They find nothing, but confiscate some other documents for good measure.

An article in the Los Angeles Times by staff writer Robert Gillette reveals that enormous numbers of Russians, Ukrainians, Balts, Poles, and others welcomed the German invaders as liberators from communism and from the suffering they had endured during the 1920s and 1930s. One Red Army general, Andrei Vlasov, even raised an army to fight alongside the Germans in hopes of helping to bring down Stalin.

The Institute of Historical Review presents official testimony to the Elementary, Secondary, and Vocational Education subcommittee of the Education and Labor Committee of the House of Representatives, urging that Holocaust studies not exclude facts and research that might not be consistent with orthodoxy. This effort to support the First Amendment is repaid with an attack on the IHR in the Congressional Record by Rep. Jim Saxton (R‑NJ).

Rabbi Charles Rosenzveig, responding to questions from revisionist Bradley Smith on West Bloomfield radio station WSPD‑AM, admits that the human‑soap story is only a rumor. So what? Well, previously Rabbi Rosenzveig had exhibited absolutely no compunctions about perpetrating the lie that soap was made from human fat at Buchenwald, and was an example of the "inconceivable" behavior of Germans during WWII (see the Toledo Blade, February 24, 1985).

An editorial in the Washington Times reveals that enormous numbers of Russians, Ukrainians, Balts, Poles, and others welcomed the German invaders as liberators from communism and from the suffering they had endured during the 1920s and 1930s. One Red Army general, Andrei Vlasov, even raised an army to fight alongside the Germans in hopes of helping to bring down Stalin.

Raul Hilberg, fresh from his appearance as a witness at the trial of Canadian Ernst Z�ndel, is quoted in the Jerusalem Post as doubting the veracity of key Holocaust witnesses, pointing up the severe shortcomings of not only the magic 6,000,000 figure but Exterminationist estimations of Holocaust dead in general, and challenging survivor accounts. During questioning by Z�ndel's lawyer Doug Christie, Hilberg was forced to concede that although he cited SS officer Kurt Gerstein ten times in his book (Destruction of the European Jews), he did so only after editing parts of the Gerstein statements that were "pure nonsense" and "totally false."

US District Court Judge Lawrence Sydick approves a motion by the Institute of Historical Review to dismiss a lawsuit by professional Holocaust survivor Mel Mermelstein.

Washington Jewish Week reports that Theodore Weiner, head of Judaica cataloguing� at the Library of Congress, is creating a new subject heading for Holocaust revisionist literature (separate from establishment Holocaust literature, which until the late seventies was placed among other books on WWII), presumably to avoid any confusion among those who wish only to learn one side of the story.

A front‑page article by B. Amouyal in the Jerusalem Post quotes Yad Vashem Archives director Shmuel Krakowski to the effect that "Over half of the 20,000 testimonies from Holocaust survivors on record at Yad Vashem are �unreliable' and have never been used as evidence in Nazi war crimes trials." The story also states, "Krakowski says that many survivors, wanting �to be part of history' may have let their imaginations run away with them. �Many were never in the places where they claim to have witnessed atrocities, while others relied on second‑hand information given them by friends or passing strangers,' according to Krakowski." (paragraph) "A large number of testimonies on file were later proved inaccurate when locations and dates could not pass an expert historian's appraisal."

The Baltimore Gay Paper examines the unedited Dutch version of Anne Frank's diary and comes to the conclusion that Ms. Frank was a lesbian. And you say you thought history had nothing to do with politics.

The FBI connects the tossing of a tear gas grenade during a performance of the Moiseyev Dance Company at the Met to the Jewish Defense Leagure (JDL).

The FBI connects the pre‑performance firebombing of the Moscow State Symphony to the Jewish Defense League (JDL).

The Washington, DC, Spotlight reveals that the FBI was ordered by National Security Council analyst Genneth de Graffenried to omit from its 1984 report on domestic crime the terrorist attack on the Institute of Historical Review. de Graffenried has been categorized as a dual‑loyalist (that is, loyal to both America and Israel) and Israel‑firster (that is, putting the wants, needs, and wishes of Israel ahead of those of America, in spite of his oath of office).

An official Israeli inquiry finds no evidence that Austrian President Kurt Waldheim committed Nazi war crimes against the Jews. Previously, Simon Wiesenthal had spoken of Walheim's guilt as if it was absolute truth, which is one reason why the old Nazi hunter Wiesenthal is held in such low regard by law enforcement agencies around the world.

U.S. space shuttle explodes in flight, killing crew; Corazon Aquino is elected president of Philippines; U.S. aircraft raid Libya in retaliation for terrorism [Libya was later found to be innocent of the charges but no apology was issued from America]; Nuclear accident occurs at Soviet Chernobyl power station.

According to the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (83:4007‑4011), HIV and VISNA are highly similar and share all structural elements, except for a small segment which is nearly identical to HTLV. This leads to speculation that HTLV and VISNA may have been linked to produce a new retro virus to which no natural immunity exists.

A report to Congress reveals that the U.S. Government's current generation of biological agents includes: modified viruses, naturally occurring toxins, and agents that are altered through genetic engineering to change immunological character and prevent treatment by all existing vaccines.


Two JDL members disrupted the performance of Soviet pianist Lazar Berman at Carnegie Hall in New York by chanting, "Free Soviet Jews, Communist Nazis." Both were removed from the hall and charged with disorderly conduct.

Murray Young, a "suspected JDL member," was arrested for his involvement for two violent attacks that took place at the Metropolitan Opera and Avery Fisher Hall. Police confiscated "a cache of weapons and documents" from Young's home. Included among the weapons were: a semi‑automatic machine gun, handguns, rifles and two stun guns, as well as ammunition, tear gas canisters, explosive powder, stink bombs and "detailed records about bombings directed at organizations affiliated with the Soviet Union." Young was charged with possession of a pistol silencer without a serial number, and later received a 5‑year prison term. (See October 27 1987.)

Jay Cohen, Sharon Katz and Victor Vancier, all JDL members, are arrested in connection with six incidents, including the 1984 firebombing a car at the Soviet diplomatic residence in Riverdale, the 1985 and 1986 fire and pipe bombings of cars owned by a rival JDL member in Howard Beach, the 1986 firebombing at the stage door of Avery Fisher Hall before the performance of the Soviet State Symphony, and the detonation of a tear gas grenade at the Metropolitan Opera in September 1986. Authorities stated that with the arrests of the three, they had "solved all the significant JDL terrorist acts in the New York area. " (See October 27 1987.)

An arrest warrant for disorderly conduct was issued for Kahane in Overland Park, Kansas after he failed to appear at a hearing examining those charges in connection to a shoving match that Kahane had with two Arab men who attended a lecture he gave on November 18 1986. One of the men, Musa Shoucair, filed a civil suit against Kahane for $10,000 in damages for "assault, battery and outrageous conduct resulting in emotional stress" as the consequences of the incident."

Eight JDL members disrupt the Womens' Olympic Volleyball match in Florida between the U.S. and Soviet teams by sitting in the middle of the volleyball court and chanting, "One, two three, four, open up the iron door, five, six, seven eight ‑ let our people emigrate." They were arrested and charged with disorderly conduct."

The outer shell of a grenade wrapped in aluminum foil and connected to four batteries and a clock was found in a garbage can at Lincoln Center in New York hours before the Bolshoi Ballet was to perform. Minutes before the device was discovered, an unidentified caller telephone United Press International and said: "Bomb. Lincoln Square Plaza. Death to Soviet dancers," and referred to JDL founder Meir Kahane.

Victor Vancier, the former National Chairman of the JDL, was sentenced to ten years in prison for bombing attacks at the Soviet diplomatic residence in New York and at Soviet cultural performances. A JDL co‑defendant in the case, Jay Cohen, committed suicide on September 6 in his hotel room in the Catskill Mountains. Two other JDL members who were sentenced in the same case were Murray Young, described as a "bomb maker," who received a five‑year term because he co‑operated with prosecutors after his arrest. Young told the sentencing judge that he had engaged in violence because his grandfather had been beheaded in Russia. Sharon Katz was sentenced to six months house arrest and five years probation, and a $5000 fine for detonating a tear gas grenade. The three were sentenced for an incident in October of 1986 in which the opening night performance of the Soviet Union's Moiseyev Dancers was tear gassed. Vancier had previously justified the JDL's violence by saying that Jews must take extreme measures because "crazy Jews live longer.

�SS Gruppenfuehrer Gerhard Klopfer, who served as state secretary in the Party Chancellery under Martin Bormann and was the last surviving member of the Wannsee Conference (at which it was alleged that details were worked out for the "final solution") dies in Heilbronn, West Germany. Klopfer was charged with war crimes at Nuernberg, but the case was dropped for lack of evidence, and in fact Klopfer was permitted to resume practicing law in 1956. This lends credence to the proposition that the Wannsee Conference had nothing to with an extermination program.

The following piece on memory by Philip Ziegler (New York Times Book Review) appeared in Forbes. "Between 1936 and 1945 an ingenious anthropologist called Tom Harrison set up a network of observers to record the views of the Briton‑in‑the‑street on a wide range of issues. The fruit of his labors, the Mass Observation Archive, contains many first‑hand accounts of incidents that occurred during the wartime blitz, which were written immediately after the event and can therefore reasonably be accepted as accurate. Some 30 years later, a number of the surviving �mass observers' were asked to revive their memories. In every case, the relationship between the original and the revised version was so remote as to be almost coincidental. Yet, but for the original written evidence, their oral testimony would have been accepted as eminently reliable."

US Secretary of the Interior Donald P. Hodel informs a crowd of some 6,000 Holocaust survivors that Holocaust education is as important for Americans as the history of their own nation. Apparently, Hodel is unaware that the last thing the Holocaust lobby wants is more study of the facts and claims surrounding the Holocaust story.� Cherry Hill, New Jersey, police arrest three men, including 18‑year‑old Jew Matthew Tannenbaum, for vandalizing the predominantly Jewish Woodcrest Country Club on April 18.

The Chicago Tribune reports the reuniting of a family thought to have been murdered by the Nazis during WWII. For 40 years, Lucia Miller "thought her sister and an aunt were the only other members of her family to survive the Holocaust. This weekend, she saw differently: About 130 cousins; from her generation to her grandchild's, gathered in Chicago from around the world for a Mintz family reunion." The story goes on to say that "family members from Florida, California, Israel, France, and Brazil arrived to join the celebration." Helene Pomeranc from Paris "thought it was just my father and me." The reunion was the result of 30 years of effort by Harry Mintz, who searched for relatives by advertising in European newspapers and looking through thousands of telephone book pages. While reunions such as that of the Mintz family are not every day occurrences, they are by no means unusual. Unfortunately, each family member often believes that all the other family members were murdered, multiplying the death toll, while few make any attempt to locating missing family members.

Rabbi Dr. Samuel A. Turk claims in the New York Jewish Press that President John F. Kennedy was assassinated because he had blasphemed when he said "Ich bin ein Berliner" in Berlin in 1963. Turk's remarks were part of an open letter to President Ronald Reagan, in which the cleric expressed his outrage that Reagan had publicly challenged Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev to tear down the Berlin Wall.

A Washington Times article about the opening of a mass grave in Poland carries the headline, Mass Grave in Poland Dug up But Only Germans are Found. Imagine the outcry if the racially‑, ethnically‑, and religiously‑sensitive Times (owned by Reverend Sun Myung Moon) had run a headline reading, Mass Grave in Poland Dug up But Only Jews are Found, or Mass Grave in South Africa Dug up But Only Blacks are Found.

The "anti‑Semitic" arsonist who destroyed the Woodside synagogue in Silver, Spring on April 8, 1986 is now reported to be known to have been a member of the congregation, but because the suspect has left the area no arrest has been made. If the perpetrator had been a white non‑Jew, the worldwide man‑hunt would have ended in the death penalty for sure. A 19‑year‑old Jew Gary L. Stein is arrested for burning a swastika on the lawn of a private home in Rockville. (Washington Jewish Week) Irv Rubin, Earl Krugel, and Robert Manning, all members of the radical Zionist Jewish Defense League (JDL) are booked for investigation of using an explosive device at the Beth‑Sar Shalom Religious Center. (Associated Press)

The New York Post prints a nine‑page spread of wartime photos, said to have come from the collection of the late Tscherim Soobzokov, who had been acquitted of charges that he was a member of the Einsatzgruppe during WWII. Lurid captions are provided by Elie Wiesel and Lucjan Dobroszycki (the later being the senior research associate of New York's YIVO Institute for Jewish Research). A few days later, the son of the actual owner comes forward to claim the photos, which had been stolen from his apartment. The photos were part of a collection of photos purchased in Germany during the owner's military service after the war, and had nothing to do either with Soobzokov or with the demonstrably false captions assigned them by Wiesel and Dobroszycki.

The Los Angeles B'nai B'rith Messenger informs us that in early 1944 Hitler ordered SS commander Heinrich Himmler to do away with "all maimed, disabled German soldiers, including SS troops, who were of no further use to the Third Reich," using gasoline injections (!). This proposed slaughter of 750,000 German solders was allegedly stopped by Pope Pius XII. There is no mention why author Kurt Margalit is apparently the only historian ever to hear of this story, although we can certainly guess why no credence (or follow‑up activity) was ever given it.

German taxi driver Denis Doyle, who had been arrested and subjected to a house search after he was found distributing materials relating to Holocaust revisionism,� had case dismissed despite the best efforts of Juergen Hess and Judge Wolfgang Menz.

The Winnipeg Free Press reports that the B'nai B'rith has been found guilty of libel, and assessed damages of $400,000 (a record at that time). The judgment came because of B'nai B'rith's publication of an investigation of allegations of anti‑Semitic remarks by a political opponent, which cost the opponent the election. Haim Shapiro, in Israel's leading English‑language daily (The Jerusalem Post) reports, "Despite widespread acceptance of the Holocaust as a tragedy unique in Jewish history, leading Torah scholars are �unanimous' in �denying the uniqueness of the Holocaust as an event different...from any previous national catastrophe,' according to British Chief Rabbi Sir Immanuel Jakobovits." (paragraph) "The British chief rabbi noted that this was the case, despite the existence of what he described as �an entire industry, with handsome profits for writers, researchers, film‑makers, monument builders, museum planners, and even politicians.' He added that some rabbis and theologians were �partners in this big business.'" Translation: There's no business like Shoah business.

The New York Post reports that during a chance encounter between New York city Mayor Ed Koch and Long Beach businessman and professional Holocaust survivor Mel Mermelstein, Mermelstein informed the Mayor that "I was part of the special detail which hauled the bodies from the gas chamber and took them to the crematorium." He apparently also told Koch that he had seen Dr. Mengele directing traffic to the gas chambers. Interestingly enough, in Mermelstein's memoir Not by Bread Alone (1979) he says nothing about either one of these allegations. When deposed in connection with a court suit in 1981, he denied that he had done any physical work at all at the camp, and forgot to mention his eyewitness account of Dr. Mengele. Also during the deposition, he denied seeing the gas chambers at any time other than May 22, 1944, when his mother and two sisters were "gassed." Mermelstein's memory, like some wines, seems to be improving with age.

As the result of a lawsuit by a public interest group, the Department of Defense was forced to reveal the fact that it still operated Chemical and Biological Warfare (CBW) research programs at 127 sites around the United States.

Montreal Protocol: Converts voluntary Ozone Treaty into international law. Brundtland Commission ‑ (World Commission on Environment and Development). Report: Our Common Future, which defined "sustainable development."

Chaired by Gro Harlem Brundtland. Members included Shridath Ramphal and Maurice Strong (M). Institute for Global Communications ‑ created by the Tides Foundation to facilitate NGO communications. U.S. stock market crashes with 508‑point loss; Iran‑contra aid scandal involves U.S. officials; United States and Soviet Union agree to reduce nuclear arms; U.S. Navy ship Stark is attacked in Persian Gulf.

The Secret Constitution and the Need for Constitutional Change is sponsored in part by the Rockefeller Foundation. Some thoughts of author Arthur S. Miller are: "...a pervasive system of thought control exists in the United States...the citizenry is indoctrinated by employment of the mass media and the system of public education...people are told what to think about...the old order is crumbling...Nationalism should be seen as a dangerous social disease...A new vision is required to plan and manage the future, a global vision that will transcend national boundaries and eliminate the poison of nationalistic solutions...a new Constitution is necessary."

Department of Defense admits that, despite a treaty banning research and development of biological agents, it continues to operate research facilities at 127 facilities and universities around the nation.


Fred Leuchter drops a huge bombshell on the myth of German "gas chambers" with The Complete Leuchter Report (Court Document, 1988 Trial of Ernst Z�ndel). Read British Historian David Irving's "Forward to the Leuchter Report" here.

Irv Rubin, the JDL National Chairman in California, taunted Muslim anti‑Israel protesters at the Federal Building in Westwood, California. Police officers at the scene intervened in order to prevent any violence.

JDL National Director Irv Rubin denied responsibility for the bombing of the PLO's "Ship of Return" in Limassol, Cyprus. The "Ship of Return" was a PLO propaganda project aimed at evoking sympathy for convicted Palestinian terrorists who were expelled from Israel for their violent activities. An anonymous caller telephoned the Associated Press in Nicosia, Cyprus and claimed that the JDL in the U.S. was "responsible for the bombing in Limassol. Next time we will bomb it‑with all the people on it." When asked about the bombing, Rubin stated, "I wholeheartedly applaud the bombing of the PLO‑chartered ferry in Cyprus. It was a sacred, righteous act to defend the state of Israel. I am honored that our group was blamed. I would love to take credit for this action, but the credit belongs to people much more heroic than I and the JDL. " On a radio program several days before the ship was sunk, Rubin stated that he thought that "someone should sink the boat," and if people were aboard the ship while it was attacked, he "would not condemn the action. I am a Jew who understands what the PLO is about. Their total reason for being is to destroy the state of Israel.

Rochelle Manning, a member of JDL who was then living in Israel, was arrested as she alighted from a plane in Los Angeles for her involvement in the letter‑bomb murder of Patricia Wilkerson, a secretary working for the business rival of one of her JDL associates in Manhattan Beach, California. The bombing was not connected to the political program of the JDL, but was apparently part of a business feud between JDL member William Howard Ross and Brenda Crouthamel, who had no ties to the JDL. Both Rochelle Manning's and her husband, Robert Manning's fingerprints were found together with the materials accompanying the bomb. Robert Manning was previously convicted in 1972 for "placing an incendiary device" outside the home of two Arabs in Los Angeles. (See March 8 1994)

An anonymous caller to a new agency in France claimed responsibility in the name of the Jewish Defense Organization for vandalizing the offices of French right‑wing extremist Jean Marie Le Pen. The vandals painted SS insignia, swastikas and the Star of David on the walls, broke furniture, and stole membership money from Le Pen's National Front organization.

The automobile of German historian Ernst Nolte was set ablaze, apparently as a reminder that neither anti‑communism nor scholarship are universally appreciated. Nolte, whose 1987 book The European Civil War,

The New York Times reported: "Germ warfare experimentation �in which bacterial agents are sprayed directly into the air.' Since 1979, the Army has conducted more than 170 open air tests at Dugway Proving Grounds, 70 miles from Salt Lake City, as part of an expanded biological warfare program. Army officials steadfastly asserted their right to test outdoors �anywhere in the country, including the urban areas.'"

The Government "admits it is releasing a bacteria called Bacillus Subtilis, in Utah, to stimulate biological attacks with the more lethal Bacillus anthracis, which causes anthrax. Other bacteria, including Serratia marcescens, have also been used in open air tests."

Journalist Robin Ludlow of the Southam News, commenting on Canada's continuing ban in the import of certain books in the Hamilton, Ontario Spectator, notes "there are some patterns to what is prohibited and what isn't. Customs seems to clamp down harder on criticism of Jews, Zionists, Communists, and blacks than it does on criticism of Germans, Nazis, Arabs, right‑wing groups, and fundamentalist Christians." As of December 1987, there were over 500 titles on the Canadian Customs list of prohibited "hate material," including a tape of the Phil Donahue show, the Tomorrow show, and a Larry King radio program.

Arthur Rosenblatt, director of the United States Holocaust Museum, is quoted in the Washington Post as calling for everything and anything relating to the Holocaust myth, including "photographs, diaries, original letters and notes to families from the camp (sic)." Apparently, eyewitness accounts of new extermination camp (sic) arrivals being immediately marched, naked, from the trains to the waiting doors of the gas chambers have heretofore left out the fact that the condemned were allowed great latitude in their actions for the last few moments of their lives.

High school teacher Giovanni Pinto of Montville, New Jersey, is suspended by school authorities for challenging the historicity of the Holocaust. Thought crimes must not go unpunished.

Fred Leuchter and his team leaves for Poland, where they will obtain samples of suspected "gas chambers" at Auschwitz and Birkenau, the heart of the alleged Nazi Holocaust machine. The results of the test conclusively show that none of the so‑called "gas chambers" in either facility was ever used for such a purpose. Subsequent testing by others confirm Leuchter's findings. Conclusion: the Holocaust never happened.

An article in the Baltimore Sun calls attention to the rising incidence of impostors who tell grisly stories of wartime daring‑do in Vietnam, but who never served there, let alone saw combat. Psychologists and counselors working with Vietnam veterans have identified one telltale sign of these liars; a propensity to claim involvement in some atrocity, such as massacring women and children. One is reminded of Exterminationist Germaine Tillion's thoughts on this issue back in July 1954, at which time she wrote

"Those persons (who gratuitously lie) are, to tell the truth, very much more numerous than people generally suppose, and a subject like that of the concentration camp world; well designed, alas, to stimulate sado‑masochistic imaginations, offered them an exceptional field of action...There have been publishers to print some of their imaginings, and more or less official compilations to use them, but publishers and compilers are absolutely inexcusable since the most elementary inquiry would have been enough to reveal the imposture."

Speaking at a conference on Group Defamation and the Freedom of Speech, keynote guest Elie Wiesel urges that freedom of speech and inquiry on the alleged Holocaust be proscribed. Wiesel called revisionists "the most despicable of our enemies," and claimed that French revisionist scholar Dr. Robert Faurrison was "haunting" and "persucuting" him. When Wiesel was asked if his admonition to every Jew to maintain "a zone of hate; healthy, virile hate, for what the German personifies and for what persists in the German" might qualify as "group defamation," conference organizer Monroe Freedman intervened to denounce the question as anti‑Semitic.

Israeli citizen Michael Wolffsohn, teacher at the official West German War College, is quoted in the weekly Deutsche National‑Zeitung as saying the Jews need the Holocaust story and anti‑Germanism to maintain Jewish collective identity. Furthermore, according to Wolffsohn, "Whenever there are day‑to‑day or historical‑political differences of opinion between Germany and foreign countries, the Holocaust has proven to be a suitable instrument against Germany, and no one gives up an effective tool, especially in politics." Wolffsohn's comments first appeared in a special edition of Das Parlament.

A Washington Post story about a bus‑load of 5th graders trapped in a tunnel filled with diesel exhaust fails to ask why the 5th graders were able to survive their ordeal for 40 minutes when the Nazis are alleged to have used diesel exhaust to kill thousands (if not millions) of Jews and others during WWII.

The Seattle Times reports an eyewitness account by 90‑year‑old University of Washington professor emeritus Nikolai Poppe that charges the Nazis with digging a hole 50 yards square near Nalchik, in the Soviet Caucasus, and using it as a mass grave as they executed all the prisoners from the Nalchik city jail. One week later, readers of the Seattle Times were informed through a letter to the editor signed by David Knechtges and 30 other professors and staff members from the University that Poppe had been misquoted, and that the massacre in question had been carried out not by the Germans but by the Soviet NKVD. After attempts to portray the Germans as executioners for other Soviet mass murders such as those at Lvov (Lemberg) in 1941, Katyn in 1940, and Vynnytsia between 1937 and 1939, this seems rather par for the course.

The ADL issues a report on anti‑Semitic incidents that includes such unthinkable crimes as distributing pro‑Arab literature and criticizing the policies of the state of Israel. (DC Observer)

The home of Canadian James Keegstra is subject to an arson attack. Keegstra, who denies the Holocaust took place, had recently successfully appealed his conviction under Canada's obscurantist hate laws.

University College (at Cork, Ireland) professor Dermot Keogh is quoted in the Bangor, Maine Daily‑News as having discovered that the Irish government was loath to admit Jewish refugees during the 1930s and 1940s. In his book "Ireland and Europe

The Christian News reproduces a map issued by the International Tracing Service (ITS) that shows Auschwitz, Bergen‑Belsen, and Dachau as concentration camps, not as death camps. The so‑called death camps are shown as being Riga Jungfernof, Minsk, Treblinka II, Chelmno, Sobibor, and Belzec. The accompanying article points out that at one time the International Red Cross said that about 300,000 Jews died during WWII from all causes.

It seemed a clear case of vandalism when swastikas appeared for a fourth time in the hallway of a Yonkers woman who supported a controversial desegregation plan, accompanied this time by death threats. By December 1, however, the culprit turns out to be no one else but the victim herself, Laurie Recht. (New York Daily News)

Many strange "new" outbreaks of rare viruses and unusual bacterial infections, "can be tied directly to these continuing secret Federal biowar terror attacks against Americans." ( New York Times, 11/29/88)

Panamanian General Noriega is indicated in U.S. Courts, disrupting Panamanian economy; cease‑fire agreement is signed between Nicaraguan government and contra leaders; Iran accepts peace plan offer by Iraq; King Hussein abandons claim to West Bank territory and cedes authority to Palestine Liberation Organization; George Bush is elected President; U.S. space shuttle program makes first two successful trips since 1986 disaster; Palestine Liberation Organization recognizes Israel as a state and renounces terrorism; Soviet leaders Gorbachev agrees to reduce European forces in U.N. address; devastating earthquake in Armenia kills tens of thousands.

"Zionism was willing to sacrifice the whole of European Jewry for a Zionist State. Everything was done to create a state of Israel and that was only possible through a world war. Wall Street and Jewish large bankers aided the war effort on both sides. Zionists are also to blame for provoking the growing hatred for Jews in 1988." (Joseph Burg, The Toronto Star, March 31, 1988)

"There is scarcely an event in modern history that cannot be traced to the Jews. We Jews today, are nothing else but the world's seducers, its destroyer's, its incendiaries." (Jewish Writer, Oscar Levy, The World Significance of the Russian Revolution)

Former Under‑secretary of State and CFR member George Ball in a January 24 interview in the New York Times says: "The Cold War should no longer be the kind of obsessive concern that it is. Neither side is going to attack the other deliberately...If we could internationalize by using the U.N. in conjunction with the Soviet Union, because we now no longer have to fear, in most cases, a Soviet veto, then we could begin to transform the shape of the world and might get the U.N. back to doing something useful...Sooner or later we are going to have to face restructuring our institutions so that they are not confined merely to the nation‑states. Start first on a regional and ultimately you could move to a world basis."

December 7, 1988: In an address to the U.N., Mikhail Gorbachev calls for mutual consensus: "World progress is only possible through a search for universal human consensus as we move forward to a new world order."

Global Forum on Human Survival ‑ held in Oxford, England. Co‑sponsored by the Temple of Understanding and the U.N. Committee on Parliamentarians and Population, chaired by James Parks Morton. James Lovelock was the featured speaker. Complete background here (M). Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change ‑ created by WMO and ENEP.


William Pierce publishes his second novel, Hunter, again under the name Andrew MacDonald.

Irv Rubin, National Chairman of the JDL in California, announced his group's intentions to disrupt the convention of a Holocaust revisionist organization, the institute for Historical Review (IHR). "If we can find [their] location, we'll bring at least 100 people," Rubin said. Describing his group's stance towards the IHR, Rubin declared, "You don't picket Nazis, you don't protest Nazis, you smash Nazis. "

April 19, 1989: Forty seven U.S. sailors were killed by an explosion in a gun turret on the USS Iowa during gunnery exercises in the waters off Puerto Rico...Turret explosion is initially blamed on alleged suicide pact between gay sailors, as conjectured by Naval Investigative Service & as leaked to NBC News.

JDL Chairman Irv Rubin stated that his group would hold a rally against a white supremacist rock concert called "Aryan Woodstock" in San Francisco. "We're going to rally with our people. [We want] such a large number that the skinheads will show their true colors and scamper away like cockroaches," Rubin said.

Jewish Defense Organization leader Mordechai Levy threatened to "meet violence with violence" if a projected Ku Klux Klan rally was to take place in Millville, New Jersey. "I don't like violence," Levy said. But sometimes, violence must be used. If the Klan marches, it will be opposed with force."

The JDO's Mordechai Levy and the JDL's Irv Rubin nearly came to blows at a Los Angeles airport press conference that was called by Levy to denounce the attack by four neo‑Nazi skinheads against a Middle Eastern couple whom they mistook for Jews from La Verne, California. Rubin and several of his followers accosted Levy as he arrived in Los Angeles. The two spat in each others' faces and a Rubin follower tried to attack an innocent bystander whom he thought was a Levy sympathizer. The man, who happened to be Jewish, was holding a baby and chastised his attacker by saying, "I am a Jew, too, so let me through," as he walked down the hall.

The JDO's Mordechai Levy opened fire from the roof of his apartment building in New York on his arch rival, Irv Rubin, who was trying to subpoena Levy with a slander suit. After a 2 and � hour standoff, Levy surrendered to police. As the result of the shooting, a retired bus driver, Dominic Spinelli, was struck with gunfire in his leg. Levy was charged with four counts of attempted murder, one count of first‑degree assault, and one count .of criminal possession of a deadly weapon.

Yitzhak Shamir is quoted in the Los Angeles Times (page 12) as saying: "One of the angers I have against these people of the intifada is that they make us sometimes kill people we don't want to kill."

Claims that modern day German medical students are still using "body parts from Nazi (Holocaust) victims...for medical experiments" are dismissed as being another baseless horror story, in an article by Daniel Johnson appearing in the London Daily Telegraph.

In Miami, Florida, Denis Rety, a Jewish businessman, is ordered to pay $5.5 million to a man he falsely accused of being anti‑Semitic. Mr. Rety had earlier become involved in an argument with the man, a customer at Rety's restaurant, and apparently figured that the only way to win the debate was to libel his opponent.

The Great Holocaust Debate gets off to a slow start when Exterminationists Hal Lindsey (author), Glen Peglau (attorney), John Montgomery (author), and Tom Anderson (attorney) fail to show up to debate revisionists Mark Weber (author), Robert Faurisson (professor), Bradley Smith (author), and Robert Countess (doctor).

Simon Wiesenthal renews his claim that Dr. Josef Mengele is still alive, in spite of tests performed by six pathologists, including three hired by the Simon Wiesenthal Center.

The Christian News reports that theologian Hal Lindsey believes that Satan started revisionist inquiry surrounding the Holocaust myth, and that Satan is responsible for anti‑Semitism.

�Isser Harel (Mossad, Shin Bet) and Arnold Forster (ADL) denounce Simon Wiesenthal's claims to have aided in the capture of Adolf Eichmann, in the Daily News Bulletin of the Jewish Telegraphic Agency. (see March 3, 1989 for related story)

Daniel Goldhagen, writing in the New Republic, rails against Exterminationist author Arno Mayer, and his book Why Did the Heavens Not Darken? The reason? Mayer announces his intention to treat what he calls Judeocide according to the canons of historical scholarship rather than following the elsewhere much vaunted eyewitness system. Mayer admits that "Sources for the study of the gas chambers are at once rare and unreliable."

Yehuda Bauer, a leading Holocaust honcho who directs the Hebrew University of Jerusalem's Division of Holocaust Studies and is editor‑in‑chief of Pergamon Press's periodical Holocaust and Genocide Studies, downgrades his estimate of Auschwitz deaths yet again. Ten years ago, Bauer claimed 3.5 million lives were lost at Auschwitz. In 1982, he changed his story to 2.5 million. Today in the New York Times, he claims about 1,600,000. For his troubles, Bauer is slammed by other members of the Holocaust fraternity.

Exterminationist historian Martin Broszat dies. Broszat, director of the Institute for Contemporary History in Munich, was the first establishment historian to state publicly that Dauchau, Bergen‑Belsen, and Buchenwald were not death camps, and that no death camps were located in old Germany (1937 boundaries). On May 3, 1979, Broszat admitted in a West German courtroom that "the six million is a symbolic number." Broszat also took the "ultra functionalist" view that Hitler neither planned nor ordered the Holocaust.

Tyler G. Kent dies. As a young American diplomat in London in 1940, Kent attempted to warn the American and British people of the secret and illegal machinations of FDR in fomenting WWII. The government rewarded his patriotism by disavowing Kent and giving him over to the British for a secret trial and imprisonment until after the end of the war. He had violated no American laws, and he was neither charged nor convicted of espionage by the British.

The Palm Beach Post (West Palm Beach, FL) claims in the description of the unveiling of a monument to "Holocaust survivors" that the memorial will commemorate the "genocide of 30 million Jews." If a little lie is good, a bigger lie must be better.

The Madison, Wisconsin, Capital‑Times reports the sad story of David Rubinsky, who claims to have been denied the Medal of Honor because he is Jewish. Mr. Rubinsky claims to have single‑handedly killed 500 Japanese soldiers in the Pacific theater during WWII. The ADL supported his claim, prompting the Army to investigate. They found that Mr. Rubinsky had made up the entire affair, a finding that the ADL now accepts (Janesville WI Gazette, January 31, 1990).

Also, "Most of what is known is based on the depositions of Nazi officials and executions at postwar trials and on the memory of survivors and bystanders. This testimony must be screened carefully, since it can be influenced by subjective factors of great complexity."

And another, "Besides, from 1942 to 1945, certainly at Auschwitz, but probably overall, more Jews were killed by so‑called �natural' causes than by �unnatural' ones." Mayer also cites as a reference The Hoax of the Twentieth Century, by Arthur Butz, a key revisionist work.

President Bush invites the Soviets to join World Order. Speaking to the graduating class at Texas A&M University, Mr. Bush states that the United States is ready to welcome the Soviet Union "back into the world order."

Patrick Buchanan's column in the Washington Times defends rocket scientist Arthur Rudolph of charges he was a Nazi.

The Asbury Park Press reports that two Jewish teens will face charges that they spray‑painted swastikas and anti‑Semitic remarks on a home and a car. No doubt, the Holocaust made them do it.

The Jerusalem Post reports claims by Israeli citizen Israel Carmi, who served in the British Army's Jewish Brigade during WWII, of his role in the kidnaping and murder of an unspecified number of Germans during the last months of 1945 and 1946. One must wonder why this confessed murderer is exempt from prosecution.

In Binghamton, NY, swastikas and slogans (including "Kill Kikes" and "Zionazi Racist") are found inside the door leading to the Jewish Student Union of the State University. However, the New York Times of November 15, 1989, reports that the culprit is none other than the former president of the Jewish Student Union, James Oppenheimer, who lead the pack in condemning the vandalism.

Revisionist scholar Dr. Robert Faurisson is brutally attacked and severely injured for the sixth time by three young men claiming membership in The Sons of the Memory of the Jews near his home in Vichy, France. The assailants reportedly sprayed a Mace‑like chemical in Faurisson's face and then repeatedly struck and kicked the professor in the face, head, and chest. Dr. Faurrison sustained a broken jaw, nose, and ribs, and severe injuries to the head. To date, the police have done nothing to apprehend the culprits.

Cardinal Jozef Glemp of Poland accedes to Jewish demands that the Carmelite convent at Auschwitz (and its offensive 23‑foot cross)be moved to another site. News accounts of the confrontation between Catholic and Jew make seemingly endless reference to the 2.5 million Jewish deaths and 1.5 million other deaths that allegedly occurred at Auschwitz.

The Associated Press reports that the Soviet Red Cross has turned over information regarding the deaths of over 74,000 [actually closer to 69,000] wartime internees of Auschwitz to the International Red Cross. The news story, which cites Valentina Fatyukhina, head researcher at the Soviet Red Cross, as saying, "The deaths of over 74,000 people were neatly recorded, day after day, hour after hour, in 46 huge volumes. Their names, the birth dates, and the names of parents were written down." These volumes, which have been hidden away by the Soviets for 45 years, remain hidden until 2/11/92 for fear that revisionists will make use of them(!).

Carl Bernstein's (Woodward and Bernstein of Watergate fame) book Loyalties: A Son's Memoir is published. His father and mother had been members of the Communist party. Bernstein's father tells his son about the book: "You're going to prove [Sen. Joseph] McCarthy was right, because all he was saying is that the system was loaded with Communists. And he was right...I'm worried about the kind of book you're going to write and about cleaning up McCarthy. The problem is that everybody said he was a liar; you're saying he was right...I agree that the Party was a force in the country."

In 1989 forces of the United States invaded the Central American nation of Panama. This came after the Noreiga regime in Panama openly engaged in drug trafficking, and a continued campaign of harassment against U.S. service men and dependents. Election results in Panama were voided as Noreiga's Dignity Battalions (DIGBATs) beat opposition leaders. In October 1988 the Panama Defense Force (PDF) staged an unsuccessful coup against Noreiga. On December 15, 1988 the National Assembly of Panama declared that a state ow war existed with the United States. This escalated tensions in the country with a U.S. Marine lieutenant being killed shortly thereafter.

Contingency plans having been drawn up earlier in 1988 the NCA gave the orders to initiate Plan 90‑2 which became Operation Just Cause. The objectives of this operation were:

1). Protect U.S. lives, key sites and facilities; 2). Capture and deliver Noriega to competent authority; 3). Neutralize PDF forces; 4). Neutralize PDF command and control; 5). Support establishment of a U.S. recognized government in Panama; 6). Restructure the PDF. (But what was really happening Washington was simply protecting is supply line of drugs)

U.S. air and ground forces quickly invaded Panama city and the Atlantic side of the panama Canal. The primary objectives were quickly achieved and on December 27, 1988 U.S. forces started to withdraw. General Noriega later surrendered at the Vatican Embassy where he had taken refuge. He was taken to the U.S.. Where he was later tired and convicted of racketeering and drug trafficking charges. He currently is in prison serving his sentence.

Contingency Plans start for a Panama invasion; May, 1989: Election Results nullified after Guillermo Endara elected President; October 3, 1989: PDF attempt coup against Noriega fails; December 15, 1989: Panama declared war against the United States; December 16, 1989: 1st U.S. casualty; Marine Lieutenant killed; December 18, 1989: command received to initiate Plan 90‑2; December 20, 1989: 82nd Airborne combat jump on Torrijos International Airport in Panama, joined by ground forces; December 20‑22, 1989: U.S. Forces quickly secure primary objectives; December 27, 1989: U.S. Forces begin withdraw.

Israel's High Court of Justice rules that a Jew who converts to the Jews for Jesus sect is no longer a Jew, hence no longer eligible for Jewish nationality/citizenship benefits. Ruling confirms Israel's legal discrimination based on the equation of one's nationality with one's religion. Israeli citizens are required to carry ID cards on them at all times which specify whether they are Jewish or non‑Jewish.

Israeli police are required to display identification numbers which are coded to show if they are Jewish or non‑Jewish. Police can tell from a driver's license if the bearer is Jewish or non‑Jewish: Jews renews on the 15th of the month, non‑Jews on the 1st. N. Dacey, "Democracy" in Israel, p. 47. Jews in Israel are forbidden by a religious law, approved by the State, from marrying non‑Jews. Tekiner, Anti Zionism: Analytical Reflections, p.74.

All Jewish elementary schools, secular and religious, have changed the plus sign in math books to an inverted �T', because the plus sign looked too much like the Christian cross. Israel Shahak, Chairman, Israeli League for Human and Civil Rights, Al Fajr, October 1117, 1981.

Approximately 50% of the non‑Jewish sectors in Israel have no legal existence, which means they are not entitled to a sewage system, electricity, nor connection with the national water carrier, and any building done in these communities is considered illegal and subject to demolition. The Other Front, 4, April 1990.

Non‑Jews in Israel, far more than Jews, have their telephones tapped and their mail "stopped, opened and even destroyed." U.S. State Department's 1989 Country Reports on Human Rights.� Israelis non‑Jewish press is censored more strictly than its Hebrew language press. U.S. State Department's 1989 Country Reports on Human Rights.

In occupied Palestine, exclusive of East Jerusalem, automobile license plates issued to non‑Jews are different from those issued to Jews; also non‑Jewish operated taxis are clearly distinguished from Jewish operated taxis. N. Dacey, "Democracy" in Israel, p. 47.

1980s, CENTRAL AMERICA: The San Jose Mercury News series documents just one thread of the interwoven operations linking the CIA, the contras and the cocaine cartels. Obsessed with overthrowing the leftist Sandinista government in Nicaragua, Reagan administration officials tolerated drug trafficking as long as the traffickers gave support to the contras. In 1989, the Senate Subcommittee on Terrorism, Narcotics, and International Operations (the Kerry committee) concluded a three‑year investigation by stating:

"There was substantial evidence of drug smuggling through the war zones on the part of individual Contras, Contra suppliers, Contra pilots mercenaries who worked with the Contras, and Contra supporters throughout the region.... U.S. officials involved in Central America failed to address the drug issue for fear of jeopardizing the war efforts against Nicaragua.... In each case, one or another agency of the U.S. govemment had information regarding the involvement either while it was occurring, or immediately thereafter...Senior U.S. policy makers were not immune to the idea that drug money was a perfect solution to the Contras' funding problems." (Drugs, Law Enforcement and Foreign Policy, a Report of the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations, Subcommittee on Terrorism, Narcotics and Interactional Operations, 1989)

In Costa Rica, which served as the "Southern Front" for the contras (Honduras being the Northern Front), there were several different ClA‑contra networks involved in drug trafficking. In addition to those servicing the Meneses‑Blandon operation detailed by the Mercury News, and Noriega's operation, there was CIA operative John Hull, whose farms along Costa Rica's border with Nicaragua were the main staging area for the contras. Hull and other ClA‑connected contra supporters and pilots teamed up with George Morales, a major Miami‑based Colombian drug trafficker who later admitted to giving $3 million in cash and several planes to contra leaders. In 1989, after the Costa Rica government indicted Hull for drug trafficking, a DEA‑hired plane clandestinely and illegally flew the CIA operative to Miami, via Haiti. The U.S. repeatedly thwarted Costa Rican efforts to extradite Hull back to Costa Rica to stand trial.

Another Costa Rican‑based drug ring involved a group of Cuban Americans whom the CIA had hired as military trainers for the contras. Many had long been involved with the CIA and drug trafficking They used contra planes and a Costa Rican‑based shrimp company, which laundered money for the CIA, to move cocaine to the U.S.

Costa Rica was not the only route. Guatemala, whose military intelligence service; closely associated with the CIA, harbored many drug traffickers, according to the DEA, was another way station along the cocaine highway. Additionally, the Medellin Cartel's Miami accountant, Ramon Milian Rodriguez, testified that he funneled nearly $10 million to Nicaraguan contras through long‑time CIA operative Felix Rodriguez, who was based at Ilopango Air Force Base in El Salvador.

The contras provided both protection and infrastructure (planes, pilots, airstrips, warehouses, front companies and banks) to these ClA‑linked drug networks. At least four transport companies under investigation for drug trafficking received US government contracts to carry non‑lethal supplies to the contras. Southern Air Transport, "formerly" ClA‑owned, and later under Pentagon contract, was involved in the drug running as well. Cocaine‑laden planes flew to Florida, Texas, Louisiana and other locations, including several military bases. Designated as 'Contra Craft,' these shipments were not to be inspected. When some authority wasn't clued in, and made an arrest, powerful strings were pulled on behalf of dropping the case, acquittal, reduced sentence, or deportation.

1980s to early 1990s, AFGHANISTAN: ClA‑supported Mujahedeen rebels [now, 2001, part of the "Northern Alliance"] engaged heavily in drug trafficking while fighting against the Soviet‑supported government and its plans to reform the very backward Afghan society. The Agency's principal client was Gulbuddin Hekmatyar, one of the leading drug lords and a leading heroin refiner. CIA‑ supplied trucks and mules, which had carried arms into Afghanistan, were used to transport opium to� laboratories along the Afghan/Pakistan border. The output provided up to one half of the heroin used annually in the United States and three‑quarters of that used in Western Europe. U.S. officials admitted in 1990 that they had failed to investigate or take action against the drug operation because of a desire not to offend their Pakistani and Afghan allies. In 1993, an official of the DEA called Afghanistan the new Colombia of the drug world.

Mid‑1980s to early 199Os, HAITI: While working to keep key Haitian military and political leaders in power, the CIA turned a blind eye to their clients' drug trafficking. In 1986, the Agency added some more names to its payroll by creating a new Haitian organization, the National Intelligence Service (SIN). SIN was purportedly created to fight the cocaine trade, though SIN officers themselves engaged in the trafficking, a trade aided and abetted by some of the Haitian military and political leaders.


40‑60 JDL members pounded on the front door, trampled the lawn and left signs stating, "Deport Nazi Ensin!" and "No Mass Murderers in Mass.!" on the house of accused Nazi war criminal Albert Ensin in Stoughton, Massachusetts.

Auschwitz plaque reads: "For ever let this place be a cry of despair and a warning to humanity, where the Nazis murdered about one and a half million men, women and children, mainly Jews from various countries of Europe. Auschwitz‑Birkenau 1940‑1945." (cf. 1948 plaque)

A leading Jewish historian admits that the old, constantly‑repeated "Nazis‑made‑soap‑from‑dead‑Jews" story is false.

A Jewish ADL‑created‑and‑sponsored Federal "hate crime" law passes and becomes law. This law requires that "hate crime" statistics be compiled by the Federal government, instead of by the ADL, which previously did it for solely political reasons. In other words, your tax dollars now pay for it. Interestingly, the FBI's data collection method permits classification of offenders only as white, black, Asian, or American Indian. So: When a Hispanic is attacked for ethnic reasons the crime is recorded as an anti‑Hispanic hate crime. However, when a Hispanic commits a hate crime against a person of another race he is classified as a white offender. This, of course, inflates the number of hate crimes attributed to whites.

Nine days after the murder of Meir Kahane, a note was mailed to a television reporter threatening vengeance for the murder of the Kach leader. Threatening that "things will go boom in the night," the note reportedly contained a "hit list" which included prominent Jewish critics of Israel's policies and American Arabs sympathetic to the PLO. The note reportedly listed Rita Hauser, Chairperson of the International Center for Peace in the Middle East and a New York attorney who met with Yasir Arafat in 1988; Rabbi Arthur Hertzberg, a professor at Dartmouth known for his support of Israeli and Jewish peace groups, and New York Times columnist Anthony Lewis. Others reportedly included on the list were former Palestine National Council member Edward Said, Rashid Khalidi, former Arab League Ambassador to the UN Clovis Maksoud, Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan, and Muhammad T. Mehdi, head of the National Council on Islamic Affairs.

Opening day for Miami Beach's new Holocaust memorial...a 72 foot tall outstretched hand, crawling with miniature human figures. It is uncertain whether the sculpture is to memorialize Jews who were allegedly murdered by the Nazis during WWII, or if it is designed to memorialize Werner Nachmann, the defunct head of West German Jewry, who stole close to $16 million of the "war reparations" fraudulently wrung from German taxpayers.

The Israeli Supreme Court agrees to reopen the case against American auto worker John Demjanjuk to consider new evidence supporting Demjanjuk's alibi.

Assistant professor of history Donald D. Hiner of Indiana University‑Purdue University at Indianapolis is suspended for advocating a critical examination of various components of the Exterminationist Holocaust position. Hiner is later fired on March 1.

Dr. Wojciech Gubala and Eng. J. Labedz from the Institute of Judicial Expertise, Dept. of Legal Toxicology, Cracow, Poland, lead a team of investigators to Auschwitz‑Birkenau to conduct forensic tests of the alleged "gas chambers." Their report, dated August 24, 1990, supports earlier forensic tests by American expert Fred Leuchter: none of the so‑called "gas chambers" were ever used for that purpose.

60 Minutes airs a segment on John Demjanjuk in which they uncover witnesses who can positively state that Demjanjuk is not a war criminal. These witnesses have been prevented from testifying, which is hardly surprising considering the way Demjanjuk has been railroaded with false eyewitnesses, forged documents, and questionable legal tactics on an international scale. The Jerry Williams Show on WFXT (Boston) breaks new ground by actually finding an Exterminationist willing to debate against the revisionist viewpoint. Unfortunately for Williams and JDL representative Michael Slomich, revisionist Brad Smith and American gas chamber expert Fred Leuchter absolutely and totally demolish every Exterminationist claim in front of an estimated audience of 100,000.

US Representative James A Traficant (D‑Ohio) calls to our attention further serious flaws in the case against retired American auto worker John Demjanjuk.

Assistant professor of history Donald D. Hiner of Indiana University‑Purdue University at Indianapolis is fired for advocating a critical examination of various components of the Exterminationist Holocaust position. So much for the 1st Amendment.

Jack Wikoff gives a presentation on Holocaust revisionism at Wells College in Aurora, NY. An Orthodox Rabbi (a Holocaust survivor and Nuernberg participant) declines an invitation to appear before the all‑woman audience to provide rebuttal.

The Christian News devotes an issue exclusively to the revisionist side of the Holocaust story. The Visalia Times‑Delta prints an article critical of the authenticity of the Diary of Anne Frank. The ensuing hubbub on the opinion and letters pages lasts for weeks.

A court in Haifa, Israel sentences a Jew to three years in prison after he confesses to desecrating more than 300 Jewish graves in the hope that Arabs would be blamed. (New York Times)

The Washington Times runs an article by Krzysztof Leski and Ohad Gozani (of the London Daily Telegraph) reporting that Poland has cut the official Auschwitz death toll from 4 million to just over 1 million. According to the article, "Israeli experts said evidence to support the lower estimate had been mounting for some time," and "Shmuel Krakowsky, head of research at Israel's Yad Vashem memorial for Jewish victims of the Holocaust, said the new Polish figures were correct."

Influential Australian Jewish academic Dr. Frank Knopfelmacher condemns the ongoing campaign against alleged Nazi war criminals as an ill‑considered exercise motivated by revenge that fosters social strife, and against The Simon Wiesenthal Center for helping to foment "ethnic hatred." (The Australian)

Saddam Hussein orders invasion of Kuwait; August 6, 1990: Economic Sanctions against Iraq imposed; August 8, 1990: Iraq annexes Kuwait; September 14, 1990: Iraqi forces storm several diplomatic missions in Kuwait; November 29, 1990: U.N. authorized force to liberate Kuwait; January 16, 1991: Operation Desert Shield begins with air strikes on Iraq; January 17, 1991: Iraq launches 1st SCUD missile; February 23, 1991: Operation Desert Storm begins with ground attacks on Iraqi positions; February 26, 1991: Kuwaiti resistance re‑gains control of Kuwait City; February 27, 1991: President Bush declares a cease fire; March 3, 1991: Iraq formally accepts cease fire terms.

The blame for numerous desecrations of synagogues in the Federal Republic of Germany over the previous 40 years is laid at the door of the KGB, who was attempting to defame the FRG (Die Welt, Hamburg). For those familiar with Soviet propaganda tactics since the communist take‑over, this comes as no surprise.

The toxicological department of the Medico‑Legal Institute in Krakow releases the results of forensic tests on the so‑called gas chambers of Auschwitz that show no evidence of homicidal gassings. This report adds further credibility to virtually identical findings by American gas chamber expert Fred Leuchter is his report of similar tests he performed on these facilities in 1988. The toxicological department of the Medico‑Legal Institute in Krakow releases the results of forensic tests on the so‑called gas chambers of Auschwitz that show no evidence of homicidal gassings. This report adds further credibility to virtually identical findings by American gas chamber expert Fred Leuchter is his report of similar tests he performed on these facilities in 1988.

The Huntsville Times reports that "[A] damning document used in Canada's immigration hearing last month against exiled German rocket scientists Arthur Rudolph may have been a forgery..." on the part of the U.S. government.

The Washington Times reveals that the Office of Special Investigations (OSI) knowingly uses fraudulent testimony to railroad "Nazi war criminals" living in the United States. These phony war criminals include Arthur Rudolph, John Demjanjuk, and Andrija Artukovic. The charges are so serious that the FBI starts an investigation.

Diane Paul, of the American Red Cross, is quoted in the Chicago Sentinel as saying that the 46 volumes of the Auschwitz death books will not be made public because doing so would help those who challenge the traditional version of Holocaust extermination claims.

This Week In Germany reveals that members of the German military who dispute the official Holocaust story are now liable for dishonorable discharge. Apparently, it is okay to defend freedom but not okay to actually try to use it.

Global Forum on Human Survival ‑ held in Moscow, hosted by Mikhail Gorbechev, and Javier Perez de Cuellar, chaired by James Parks Morton. World Summit for Children ‑ held in New York; adopted Plan of Action. Women's Environment and Development Organization (WEDO) ‑ created by Bella Abzug. International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives (ICLEI) ‑ created at the invitation of the U.N.,to advance Agenda 21 at the local level.

After raking in millions of dollars and Deutschmark in guilt payments for the "Jewish Soap" myth, the UN‑Israeli "Yad Vashem" confesses there was no such thing as "Jewish Soap;" blames the myth on German propaganda.

The World Federalist Association faults the American press. Writing in their Summer/Fall newsletter, Deputy Director Eric Cox describes world events over the past year or two and declares: "It's sad but true that the slow‑witted American press has not grasped the significance of most of these developments. But most federalists know what is happening...And they are not frightened by the old bug‑a‑boo of sovereignty."

President Bush calls the Gulf War an opportunity for the New World Order. In an address to Congress entitled Toward a New World Order, Mr. Bush says: "The crisis in the Persian Gulf offers a rare opportunity to move toward an historic period of cooperation. Out of these troubled times...a new world order can emerge in which the nations of the world, east and west, north and south, can prosper and live in harmony...Today the new world is struggling to be born."

In an address to the U.N., Soviet Foreign Minister Eduard Shevardnadze describes Iraq's invasion of Kuwait as "an act of terrorism [that] has been perpetrated against the emerging New World Order." On December 31, Gorbachev declares that the New World Order would be ushered in by the Gulf Crisis.

In a U.N. address, President Bush speaks of the:� "...collective strength of the world community expressed by the historic movement towards a new world order...a new partnership of nations... a time when humankind came into its bring about a revolution of the spirit and the mind and begin a journey into age."

More than 1500 six‑month old black and Hispanic babies in Los Angeles are given an "experimental" measles vaccine that had never been licensed for use in the United States. CDC later admits that parents were never informed that the vaccine being injected to their children was experimental.


The U.N., bowing under Jewish pressure, repeals its previous (1975) declaration that Zionism is a form of racism,� though

by any objective measure it is.

Proving that Jews are a powerful political force, U.S. President George Bush is forced to apologize to the Jewish community after he says that they are a "powerful political force." Why would Jews demand an apology rather than be proud of their power? Because they know their greatest strength is invisibility. Remember: this is approximately 2% of the American population we're talking about. A 2% so powerful they can even demand the President apologize for acknowledging their power. Scary.

At the hearing of Sayyid al‑Nosair, Binyamin Kahane disrupted the proceedings by jumping to his feet and screaming "Revenge, revenge!" in Hebrew. Supporters of Kahane further disrupted the court proceedings by chanting "Never again, never again!" and jostled with court officers as they were removed from the courtroom.

Responding to the acquittal of Sayyid al‑Nosair for the murder of Meir Kahane, his son and leader of Kahane Chai, Binyamin Kahane, declared, "We vow that Sayyid Nosair will not see a day without fear until his very last day." (Note: On October 1, 1995, Nosair was convicted of Kahane's murder on seditious conspiracy charges.)

Historian Mark Weber reveals for the first time aerial photographs of Treblinka taken between May and November 1944. These photographs clearly show that Treblinka was a transit camp and not an extermination camp (Ukrainian‑born American auto worker John Demjanjuk was found guilty of helping to kill 850,000 Jews at Treblinka). Weber also exhibits aerial photographs of Auschwitz‑Birkenau (first made public by the CIA in 1979) that clearly show an absence of corroboration of the Holocaust extermination myth.

President Bush tells the Economic Club of New York: "My vision of a new world order foresees a United Nations with a revitalized peacekeeping function."

German member of parliament Heinrich Lummer calls for an open and truthful treatment of the Holocaust myth in the prestigious daily Frankfurter Allgemeine newspaper.

Recycling the old "gas chambers" propaganda that first surfaced in WWI and then again in WWII, the Brooklyn Jewish Press claims that "Iraqis have gas chambers for all Jews" in an enormous front‑page headline. According to the accompanying story, Saddam Hussein has built gas chambers for exterminating Jews everywhere in the world. You can't keep a good lie down. (see also Response, Spring 1991, page 2)

Lord Shawcross, chief British prosecutor at the Nuernberg Tribunal of 1945‑46, speaks out against the pending War Crimes law that was later pushed through by Margaret Thatcher, John Majors, and extreme pressure from Zionist groups (notably those in Southern California). Fair trials in such "war crimes" cases are almost impossible, Lord Shawcross explains, because "witness identification, notoriously the frailest form of human testimony," is particularly unreliable after so many years. "Evidence of identification is unsafe after four weeks and hopeless after forty years." As the cases of Frank Walus and many others in the United States and elsewhere have shown, such fears are well founded. British officials plan to use the new law to prosecute three cases starting immediately upon passage. (New York Times)

Author Linda MacRae‑Campbell publishes How to Start a Revolution at Your School in the publication In Context. She promotes the use of "change agents" as "self‑acknowledged revolutionaries" and "co‑conspirators."

President Bush praises the New World Order in a State of Union Message: "What is at stake is more than one small country, it is a big idea; a new world achieve the universal aspirations of mankind...based on shared principles and the rule of law....The illumination of a thousand points of light....The winds of change are with us now."

Massachusetts state officials set aside a criminal complaint against execution hardware expert Fred Leuchter instead of preceding with the trial, which had been set for June 24. The complaint arose after Leuchter published his report on forensic tests of the Auschwitz‑Birkenau concentration camps and found no evidence that the facilities had ever been used in homicidal gassings. Groups supporting the Holocaust myth forced the state to bring the suit in an effort to discredit Leuchter, in light of their inability to respond substantively to the report itself.

The Deland (FL) Sun News publishes a commentary entitled Exactly what is Holocaust Truth? The pieces centers on the disparity between the dogmatic, ritualistic view of the Holocaust and the Western historiographical tradition of objective inquiry into the past.

In an apparent attempt to smear American gas chamber expert Fred Leuchter, the Washington Post grossly misrepresents the facts surrounding the charges against Mr. Leuchter, as can easily be seen by comparing the direct quotes in the article with the Post's commentary. Furthermore, the Post reveals that the real reason behind Mr. Leuchter's persecution is the efforts of Jewish organizations including the Anti‑Defamation League (ADL).

The Council on Foreign Relations co‑sponsors an assembly Rethinking America's Security: Beyond Cold War to New World Order which is attended by 65 prestigious members of government, labor, academia, the media, military, and the professions from nine countries. Later, several of the conference participants joined some 100 other world leaders for another closed door meeting of the Bilderberg Society in Baden Baden, Germany.

An editorial in the North Lake Tahoe Bonanza rings down the curtain on the debate raging in the Letters section about the Holocaust myth. What started with one letter from a local reader protesting a $30,000 appropriation for Holocaust education expanded to many letters over a period of several weeks. These letters (where were sent in by those on both sides of the issue) in a newspaper of relatively small circulation are an encouraging indication of the growing impact of Holocaust revisionism. A debate of this depth and intensity would have been all but unthinkable just a few years ago, Desert Storm was the name given to the campaign by a coalition of forces led by the U.S. and Britain against Iraq in 1991. Iraq had invaded the tiny neighboring state of Kuwait in 1990, seizing it's rich oil fields. The U.S. and others had given Iraq a deadline in January, to withdraw from Kuwait. When it refused to do so a coalition of forces led by the U.S. and Britain invaded Kuwait and Southern Iraq swiftly defeating it.

The New York Review of Books again launches the Simon Wiesenthal Center into orbit by publishing an ad for two books from the Institute for Historical Review: Ingrid Weckert's Flashpoint: Kristallnacht 1938, and Harry Elmer Barnes' Barnes Against the Blackout: Essays Against Interventionism.

An ad calling for open debate on Holocaust extermination claims appears in the student newspaper of the University of Michigan at Ann Arbor, signaling the start of a maelstrom of controversy that continues for months. The ad later appears in the student newspapers at Duke University at Durham, NC (Nov. 5), Northeastern Illinois University at DeKalb (Nov. 11), Cornell University at Ithaca, NY (Nov. 11), and Rutgers University at New Brunswick, NJ (Dec. 3). Other student newspapers reject the ad, but are swept into the discussion nevertheless. The controversy even prompts commentators for general‑circulation magazines to enter the fray. (see November 15, 1991 for an example)

During a tape‑recorded interview reproduced in the Los Angeles Times, presidential hopeful David Duke expresses skepticism about the Auschwitz extermination story, correctly mentioning, for example, that there were recreation and entertainment opportunities for the inmates in the camp. Even a blind pig finds an acorn once in awhile.

Commentator Wesley Pruden of the Washington Times condemns the idea of openly discussing the Holocaust myth, and urges editors of student newspapers to reject ads calling for such a debate. Nobody ever said free speech was pretty. Similar articles appear in the New York Post (Eric Breindel, Nov. 28), and in the apparently misnamed Atlanta Journal/Constitution (Tom Teepen, Nov. 28).

Fred Leuchter, Jr., the first person to conduct forensic tests on the so‑called "gas chambers" at Auschwitz (with negative results), is arrested in Britain and deported back to the United States for the egregious crime of giving his opinion of the Holocaust which (unfortunately for him) is at variance with the establishment line. ABC Television's Nightline program reports on the rise of neo‑Nazism in Germany. The broadcast makes it clear that many of Germany's young disbelieve the Holocaust myth, and best‑selling British historian David Irving is quoted as saying that within two years no one who follows the issue will believe the legend of the extermination gas chambers.

In an ad on page A19 of the Los Angeles Times, the Anti‑Defamation League (ADL) urges a declaration of war on Nazis.

The Rutgers University Daily Targum student newspaper rejects an ad urging open debate on the Holocaust myth, but agrees to publish it is an opinion piece alongside the opposing viewpoint (opposing free speech, apparently).

The Institute for Historical Review (IHR) challenges revisionist‑bashing attorney Alan Dershowitz of the Harvard Law School to an organized public exchange about the Holocaust story. Two months go by before Dershowitz chickening out.

The Washington Post becomes the first major metropolitan newspaper to agree that open discussion about the Holocaust is okay, saying "Students should be encouraged to investigate the Holocaust story the same way they are encouraged to investigate every other historical event," and "the truth has [nothing] to fear from scrutiny."

Katherine Bishop's interview of revisionist Bradley Smith in the New York Times treats revisionism fairly, quoting Smith accurately and without the usual rancor...a real breakthrough in the nation's "newspaper of record."

While the ruler of Iraq, Saddam Hussein, remains in power tensions between Iraq and the U.S. continue to the present.

The Bilderbergers also exert considerable clout in determining the foreign policies of their respective governments. While at that meeting, David Rockefeller said in a speech:

"We are grateful to the Washington Post, The New York Times, Time Magazine and other great publications whose directors have attended our meetings and respected their promises of discretion for almost forty years. It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subjected to the lights of publicity during those years. But, the world is now more sophisticated and prepared to march towards a world government. The supranational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national auto‑determination practiced in past centuries."

The Southeastern World Affairs Institute discusses the New World Order. In a program, topics include, Legal Structures for a New World Order and The United Nations: From its Conception to a New World Order. Participants include a former director of the U.N.'s General Legal Division, and a former Secretary General of International Planned� Parenthood.

On a Cable News Network program, CFR member and former CIA director Stansfield Turner (Rhodes scholar), when asked about Iraq, responded: "We have a much bigger objective. We've got to look at the long run here. This is an example; the situation between the United Nations and Iraq, where the United Nations is deliberately intruding into the sovereignty of a sovereign nation...Now this is a marvelous precedent (to be used in) all countries of the world..."

Professional Holocaust survivor Mel Mermelstein drops his $11 million, 6‑year‑long court case against the Institute for Historical Review. Mermelstein had sued the IHR in hopes of forcing them to stop their Holocaust revisionist activities, but after losing virtually all of the pre‑trial hearings, Mermelstein's high‑powered Beverly Hills legal team threw in the towel, voluntarily withdrawing complaints of libel, conspiracy to inflict emotional distress, and intentional infliction of emotional distress. Truth and justice prevail!

The New York Review of Books launches the Simon Wiesenthal Center into orbit by publishing an ad for two books from the Institute for Historical Review: Ingrid Weckert's Flashpoint: Kristallnacht 1938, and Harry Elmer Barnes' Barnes Against the Blackout: Essays Against Interventionism.

David Funderburk, former U. S. Ambassador to Romania, tells a North Carolina audience: "George Bush has been surrounding himself with people who believe in one‑world government. They believe that the Soviet system and the American system are converging."

The vehicle to bring this about, said Funderburk, is the United Nations, "the majority of whose 166 member states are socialist, atheist, and anti‑American."

Funderburk served as ambassador in Bucharest from 1981 to 1985, when he resigned in frustration over U.S. support of the oppressive regime of the late Rumanian dictator, Nicolae Ceausescu.

President Gorbachev at the Middle East Peace Talks in Madrid states: "We are beginning to see practical support. And this is a very significant sign of the movement towards a new era, a new age...We see both in our country and elsewhere...ghosts of the old thinking...When we rid ourselves of their presence, we will be better able to move toward a new world order...relying on the relevant mechanisms of the United Nations."

������ Elsewhere, in Alexandria, Virginia, Elena Lenskaya, Counselors to the Minister of Education of Russia, delivers the keynote address for a program titled, Education for a New World Order.

Caring for the Earth ‑ published jointly by UNEP, IUCN, and WWF. Stockholm Initiative on Global Security and Governance ‑ origin of Commission on Global Governance.

The 1991 Desert Storm Campaign raises a number of issues, primarily what were the events leading up to the War with Iraq, and what role did the U. S. play in creating the conditions that allowed the war to take place? Did a U. S. Ambassador tell an Iraqi senior functionary that the U. S. would do nothing if Iraq invaded Kuwait? Was the young woman who tearfully testified to a Congressional Committee that Iraqi soldiers had taken Kuwaiti babies off� respirators in a Kuwaiti hospital really the daughter of a senior Kuwaiti ambassador and not a nurse as she had claimed, and that she had lied about those events to Congress? The answer to both of those questions is "Yes," and they were used to bolster the case for war against Iraq following their invasion of Kuwait. Iraq was the only country at that time militarily capable of hindering the continued acquisition of Middle Eastern oil, and our country's business interests required that Iraq be dealt with in a way that would convince other countries around the world via the American mainstream media that the U. S. was the only Superpower in the world. Since history has this rather annoying habit of repeating itself, take a guess as to which country is now perceived to be a current hindrance to our acquisition of the vast oil reserves of the Caspian Sea area.


August 17. Federal Marshals start the "Siege at Ruby Ridge." The Weaver family was anti‑ZOG, so ZOG killed their adolescent boy and shot the mother in the head as she held her baby.

Jewish ADL offices in both Los Angeles and San Francisco raided by police, after certain confidential police files are found to be missing; later, the files are found in an ADL operative's possession. He flees to Israel to avoid arrest.

A bomb exploded at 2:07 a.m. outside the Syrian Mission to the United Nations. Damage to the building included a shattered plate glass window near its entrance and a two foot hole in its entryway. There were no injuries. Several hours later, an identical bomb was found inside a cardboard box within a telephone booth on the Upper West Side of Manhattan. A note found with the first bomb was destroyed by the blast, but the second note read, "Free Syrian Jews." Later in the day, a man identifying himself as a member of Kahane Chai contacted the Associated Press and claimed responsibility for the bombing. Subsequently, the group made a statement denying responsibility for the bombing but did not condemn it. Binyamin Kahane, the director of Kahane Chai, made a written statement which declared: "We hope this incident will serve as a warning and a deterrent to Syria and to Syrian‑ backed terrorists that the long arm of Jewish vengeance can reach them too."

Attorney Alan Dershowitz of the Harvard Law School, who has taken upon himself the role of revisionist‑basher, declines an invitation to engage in an organized public exchange with Mark Weber of the Institute for Historical Review.

Mark Weber addresses a seniors' honors class at Mission Viejo high school (Orange County, CA). The students expressed skepticism but were cordial and appreciative of Mr. Weber's viewpoint.� American Red Cross president Elizabeth Dole announces that the public will be given greater access to German wartime documents that were seized by Allied forces at the end of WWII. The detailed records include transport lists and death registry volumes from German concentration camps. It is estimated that all of the German records seized at the end of the war together carry the names of between 300,000 and 500,000 internees. This decision marks a reversal of the 10/11/90 announcement by American Red Cross' Diane Paul.

Mark Weber appears on KCAL's Cross Check half‑hour public affairs TV program. Also appearing is Rabbi Nachum Shifren, representing the radical Kach movement. Rather than rebut Mr. Weber, Rabbi Shifren chooses to denounce "anti‑Semites" and "Arabs," and without any evidence whatsoever called Mr. Weber a Nazi and accused the Institute for Historical Review (IHR) of having links with the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) and "neo‑Nazi" groups.

At a community meeting to promote the Holocaust in Westlake Village, CA, Renee Firestone and another Holocaust survivor tell whoppers about the camps, including: 1) the Germans found a community of midgets (!), transported them to Auschwitz, shot them (!) en masse, and then were forced to let them sit in a pile for three days until the crematories could take them, 2) the Germans piled death bodies three stories high at Bergen‑Belson, and 3) after the war, the Jews "never never" took retribution on their jailers. The gullible public swallowed it whole.

Associated Press dispatches from Vienna reveal a report by Austrian engineer Walter Lueftl, which is yet another authoritative confirmation of the findings of American gas chamber expert Fred Leuchter. Lueftl writes, "The mass murder with Zyklon B [which was allegedly used to kill Jews in Auschwitz gas chambers] could not have taken place. Not only would this have violated natural law, but the technical and organizational prerequisites for it did not exist. On the basis of structural considerations, the crematories could not have handled the number of victims. Corpses are not burning materials. To burn them requires considerable time and energy."

In a series of articles, the Los Angeles Times describes the furor created among Jewish organizations by the luncheon invitation extended to Austrian President Kurt Waldheim by German Chancellor Hermut Kohl. Waldheim, who has been accused of "war crimes" (but never tried nor convicted) has been treated like a pariah even by the United States, where people are supposedly innocent until proven guilty.

Maud S. Beelman in the Santa Monica Outlook reports that "sophisticated genetic testing has confirmed that Josef Mengele, the Nazi �Angel of Death,' died in Brazil in 1979." This news will no doubt come as somewhat of a blow to Holocaust survivor Siegfried Halbreich, who claims to have seen Dr. Mengele playing piano in a small combo at a Los Angeles area restaurant in 1980. Said Halbreich at that time, "I could not be wrong in recognizing Mengele."

A German court convicts 80‑year‑old Josef Schwammberger to life in prison for "war crimes." Despite the crowing of various Jews and Jewish groups over the verdict and sentence, it is generally assumed that this will be the last major Nazi war crimes trial. (Santa Monica Outlook)

The U.S. Supreme Court rejects an appeal by Jewish groups to throw out the case brought against them by the widow of revisionist David McCalden. The suit charges that pressure and threats from the Jewish groups forced the California Library Association to cancel his exhibit scheduled for a Los Angeles hotel in December, 1984. (Santa Monica Outlook) Defense attorney Yoram Sheftel demands that the Israeli Supreme Court overturn the conviction of client John Demjanjuk.

Four years after the jailing of John Demjanjuk as Ivan the Terrible, new evidence has the prosecutor doubting the conviction, and a U.S. court is re‑examing the retired autoworker's extradition.

An Associated Press report out of London casually mentions that included in the just‑released documents of Rudolf Hess is a memo of Hess' peace terms: Germany was to hold sway in a European sphere of influence, while Britain was to keep its empire. Hess was found guilty of war crimes at Nuernberg and sentenced to life in prison.

The London Independent claims that a complete copy of the diaries of Joseph Goebbels, Hitler's propaganda minister, have been found in Russian archives in Moscow. Yossi Melman writes in the Jerusalem Ha'retz that Prime Minister Yitzhak Shamir headed a special hit squad during his 10 years (1955 to 1964) in Israel's Mossad secret service. The article notes that Shamir was recruited in part because he had "a lot of experience in murder, assassinations, planting bombs, threats, and harassment."

The Twilight of Sovereignty by CFR member (and former Citicorp Chairman) Walter Wriston is published, in which he claims:� "A truly global economy will require...compromises of national sovereignty...There is no escaping the system."

The Canadian Supreme Court throws out the "hate crimes" law that had been used against publisher Ernst Z�ndel, a Holocaust revisionist, completely exonerating him. The decision comes after nearly ten years of legal wrangling at the instigation of Jewish groups in Canada and the United States.

Commission on Global Governance; established: Willy Brandt, with the blessings of Boutros Boutros‑Ghali, appointed Ingvar Carlsson and Shridath Ramphal (IUCN president) as co‑chairs. Global Biodiversity Strategy; published jointly by UNEP, IUCN, WWF, and WRI. U.N. Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED) ‑ Rio de Janeiro.

Chaired by Maurice Strong. Produced: Agenda 21; Convention on Biological Diversity; Framework Convention on Climate Change; Statement of Forest Principles; and the Rio Declaration. U.N. Commission on Sustainable Development ‑ created to advance Agenda 21.

Earth Council; created in Costa Rica by Maurice Strong to coordinate global implementation of Agenda 21 through "National Councils" on Sustainable Development. National Religious Partnership for the Environment, outgrowth of Temple of Understanding's "Joint Appeal."� The Wildlands Project ‑ published by Dave Foreman, co‑founder of Earth First!. Project seeks to convert half of America to wilderness.

The United Nations Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED) Earth Summit takes place in Rio de Janeiro this year, headed by Conference Secretary‑General Maurice Strong. The main products of this summit are the Biodiversity Treaty and Agenda 21, which the U.S. hesitates to sign because of opposition at home due to the threat to sovereignty and economics. The summit says the first world's wealth must be transferred to the third world.

TIME magazine publishes The Birth of the Global Nation by Strobe Talbott, Rhodes Scholar, roommate of Bill Clinton at Oxford University, CFR Director, and Trilateralist, in which he writes: "All countries are basically social arrangements...No matter how permanent or even sacred they may seem at any one time, in fact they are all artificial and temporary...Perhaps national sovereignty wasn't such a great idea after all...But it has taken the events in our own wondrous and terrible century to clinch the case for world government."

As an editor of Time, Talbott defended Clinton during his presidential campaign. He was appointed by President Clinton as the number two person at the State Department behind Secretary of State Warren Christopher, former Trilateralist and former CFR Vice‑ Chairman and Director. Talbott was confirmed by about two‑thirds of the U.S. Senate despite his statement about the unimportance of national sovereignty.

At a town hall meeting in Los Angeles, Trilateralist and former CFR president Winston Lord delivers a speech titled Changing Our Ways: America and the New World, in which he remarks:� "To a certain extent, we are going to have to yield some of our sovereignty, which will be controversial at home...[Under] the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA)...some Americans are going to be hurt as low‑wage jobs are taken away."� Lord became an Assistant Secretary of State in the Clinton administration.

President Bush addressing the General Assembly of the U.N said: "It is the sacred principles enshrined in the United Nations charter to which the American people will henceforth pledge their allegiance."


Winter, 1992‑93: The CFR's Foreign Affairs publishes Empowering the United Nations by U.N. Secretary General Boutros‑Boutros Ghali, who asserts:

"It is undeniable that the centuries‑old doctrine of absolute and� exclusive sovereignty no longer stands... Underlying the rights of the individual and the rights of peoples is a dimension of universal sovereignty that resides in all humanity...It is a sense that increasingly finds expression in the gradual expansion of international law...In this setting the significance of the United Nations should be evident and accepted."

Strobe Talbott receives the Norman Cousins Global Governance Award for his 1992 TIME article, The Birth of the Global Nation and in appreciation for what he has done "for the cause of global governance."

President Clinton writes a letter of congratulation which states:

"Norman Cousins worked for world peace and world government...Strobe Talbott's lifetime achievements as a voice for global harmony have earned him this recognition...He will be a worthy recipient of the Norman Cousins Global Governance Award. Best wishes...for future success."

Not only does President Clinton use the specific term, "world government," but he also expressly wishes the WFA "future success" in pursuing world federal government. Talbott proudly accepts the award, but says the WFA should have given it to the other nominee, Mikhail Gorbachev.


February 26. A bomb explodes at the World Trade Center in New York, killing six people and injuring more than 1,000. Muslim terrorism, we will understand in retrospect, is one of many things America(ns) suffer for the honor of paying the Jews/Israel $10 million dollars a day.

April 19. The standoff at Waco, Texas, between federal agents and The Branch Davidians ends when the FBI moves in with tear gas and torches the place with men, women and children inside. The documentary WACO: The Rules of Engagement offers compelling evidence that the ATF machine‑gunned the only exit of the burning building, killing anyone who tried to flee. ZOG is totally out of control, on its way toward full‑blown Jewish Bolshevik rule. A must‑see film.

September 13. Israeli Prime Minister Yitzak Rabin and PLO Chairman Yasir Arafat shook hands at the historic peace agreement signing.

The United States Holocaust Museum, pushed for by Jews for years, opens in Washington, D.C., built on federal land. (No mention of the other holocausts is made.) Note that this is before a WWII monument has been created.

Jewish filmmaker Steven Spielberg creates the "ultimate" Holocaust movie, Schindler's List, another movie designed to create massive guilt in conservative persons worldwide, regarding Jews/persecution. It works brilliantly, and earns several Oscars. It is the first movie in television history to be allowed to show frontal nudity in prime‑time.

President's Council on Sustainable Development ‑ created by Executive Order No. 12852 to implement Agenda 21 in America, co‑chaired by WRI president, Jonathan Lash. First Meridian Conference on Global Governance; held in Bolinas, California. World Conference on Human Rights; in Vienna. Green Cross ‑ founded by Mikhail Gorbachev. BIONET ‑ created to promote Convention on Biological Diversity.

July 18, 1993: CFR member and Trilateralist Henry Kissinger writes in the Los Angeles Times concerning NAFTA: "What Congress will have before it is not a conventional trade agreement but the architecture of a new international system...a first step toward a new world order."

August 23, 1993: Christopher Hitchens, Socialist friend of Bill Clinton when he was at Oxford University, says in a C‑Span interview: " is, of course the case that there is a ruling class in this country, and that it has allies internationally."

October 28, 1993: American Fred Leuchter, Jr. is arrested and jailed for four weeks in Germany on the basis of a speech he made there in 1991 dealing with technical aspects of the alleged gas chambers at Auschwitz and Majdanek.

October 30, 1993: Washington Post ombudsman Richard Harwood does an op‑ed piece about the role of the CFR's media members: "Their membership is an acknowledgment of their ascension into the American ruling class [where] they do not merely analyze and interpret foreign policy for the United States; they help make it."

November 30, 1993: American Fred Leuchter, Jr. is released on bail from Mannheim jail in Germany, where he had been held for four weeks for a public speech he made in 1991 about technical aspects of the alleged gas chambers at Auschwitz and Majdanek.

December 28, 1983: While on his way to a court appointment, Holocaust revisionist Ernst Z�ndel is attacked by JDL thugs, who knock him to the ground on the very steps of the courthouse, then proceed to beat and spit on Z�ndel and his attorney. Police offer virtually no protection and make no arrests.


March 4. Four Muslim Fundamentalists are found guilty in the World Trade Center bombing in New York.

April 20. Paul Touvier is convicted of war crimes against humanity for ordering the executions of seven Jews during WWII. This is unusual because, as we know, most war crimes cases involve the world's most genocidal regime, the Jewish Communists, i.e., crimes committed by not against Jews. (Sadly, I'm kidding.)

Singer Dolly Parton tells the truth about Jewish power in Hollywood, in an interview in the women's magazine Vogue. She is later forced to apologize for her truth‑telling.

US President Bill Clinton's cabinet members and top advisors are so heavily Jewish (more than any other administration in U.S. history) that even leftists and Jews are forced to admit it, some in print.

Between 2:30 and 3:30 a.m., a bomb was placed outside a New York building that houses Americans for Peace Now, Habonim, Israel Horizons, and the Progressive Zionist Caucus. The bomb did not explode but was later defused by police. A second bomb, placed outside the building which houses the New Israel Fund, exploded but there were no injuries. Notes left with the bombs declared that an Jewish "civil war has begun. " The notes also spoke of the "spilling of blood in Israel" and criticized the Israeli Government as being "too liberal. " The notes were signed by the "Shield of David" and the "Maccabee Squad." A press release issued by Kahane Chai provided its traditional response subsequent to such incidents: the organization "denied responsibility" for the attacks, but "refused] to condemn the act."

JDL member Robert Manning was convicted of complicity in the 1980 letter‑ bombing death of a secretary in Los Angeles. He was sentenced to life imprisonment without possibility of parole for 30 years. The letter‑bomb incident had no connection to JDL activities but was instead an attack contracted by William Howard Ross, a fellow JDL member who had a long drawn out business dispute with the owner of the firm where the secretary worked.

The Israeli High Court of Justice rejected a petition by Rochelle Manning, wife of Robert Manning and both JDL members, to block her extradition to the United States in order to face murder charges. Rochelle Manning is to be re‑tried on murder charges relating to the 1980 letter‑bomb attack on a California secretary. On March 19 1994, Rochelle Manning died of a heart attack in an Israeli prison while awaiting her extradition to the United States.

The CFR's Foreign Affairs prints an opening article by CFR Senior Fellow Michael Clough in which he writes that the "Wise Men" (e.g. Paul Nitze, Dean Acheson, George Kennan, and John J. McCloy) have: "assiduously guarded it [American foreign policy] for the past 50 years...They ascended to power during World War II...This was as it should be. National security and the national interest, they argued must transcend the special interests and passions of the people who make up America...How was this small band of Atlantic‑minded internationalists able to triumph...Eastern internationalists were able to shape and staff the burgeoning foreign policy institutions...As long as the Cold War endured and nuclear Armageddon seemed only a missile away, the public was willing to tolerate such an undemocratic foreign policy making system."

In the Human Development Report, published by the UN Development Program, there was a section called "Global Governance For the 21st Century". The administrator for this program was appointed by Bill Clinton. His name is James Gustave Speth. The opening sentence of the report said:

"Mankind's problems can no longer be solved by national government. What is needed is a World Government. This can best be achieved by strengthening the United Nations system."

World Trade Organization; formed at Urquay round of GATT negotiations. U.N. Conference on Population and Development, in Cairo

With a technique called "gene tracking," Dr. Garth Nicholson at the MD Anderson Cancer Center in Houston, TX discovers that many returning Desert Storm veterans are infected with an altered strain of Mycoplasma incognitas, a microbe commonly used in the production of biological weapons. Incorporated into its molecular structure is 40 percent of the HIV protein coat, indicating that it had been man‑made.

Senator John D. Rockefeller issues a report revealing that for at least 50 years the Department of Defense has used hundreds of thousands of military personnel in human experiments and for intentional exposure to dangerous substances. Materials included mustard and nerve gas, ionizing radiation, psycho chemicals, hallucinogens, and drugs used during the Gulf War .


April 19. A Federal Office Building in Oklahoma City, OK is destroyed by a truck bomb, killing 168 people and injuring many others, making it the single worst act of terrorism against the U.S. in history. Timothy McVeigh and Terry Nicholls are arrested in connection with the attack. Timothy McVeigh says it was a strike against a federal government out of control and murdering citizens, a la Waco and Ruby Ridge. Though smeared a racist by the media, Timothy McVeigh was not a white nationalist. He saw the symptoms but did not understand or know how to articulate the Jewish disease. (Though The Turner Diaries was one of his favorite books, so perhaps his anti‑Semitism was played down by the media for strategic reasons?)

October 1. Sheik Omar Abdel Rahman and nine of his followers are found guilty in connection with the World Trade Center Bombing.

November 4. Israeli Prime Mister Yitzhak Rabin is assassinated in Tel Aviv.

American, Jewish Marxist Lori Berenson is arrested in Peru for aiding Communist terrorists.

Jewish millionaire George Soros becomes well‑known for funding a wide variety of subversive, left‑wing political causes, all over the world. (Strangely, or not, no one ever mentions him being Jewish).

Los Angeles, California ‑ William Howard Ross, a member of the Jewish Defense League, was sentenced to life imprisonment for having enlisted Robert and Rochelle Manning to construct and mail a booby trap bomb to a local computer company with whom Ross had had a personal dispute. (See June 1988 and February 10, 1994 regarding the trial and sentencing of Robert Manning.)

American Reporter revealed that some of the many unmarked black helicopter sightings, in urban areas such as Atlanta and in rural areas (flying at night, at roof top levels), are "Spraying some kind of Chemical. Shortly after these mysterious overflights, people in the area have become infected with various respiratory diseases and certain types of influenza. The helicopters, appear to be U.S. made UH‑1 Hueys and possibly Russian‑built Kamov �Helix' helicopters, whose civilian mission in Russia is spraying crops." ( The American Reporter, February/March 1995 issue)

The American Reporter also stated; "a large number of Russian chemical and biowarfare decontamination trucks have arrived in Mississippi."

Finally, newspaper accounts of the arrests of Egyptians accused of blowing up the World Trade Center reveal that not only did the FBI have advance notice of the bombing but, worse, their informant, a former Egyptian army officer, built the bomb. Emad Ali Salem infiltrated the anti‑Israel group for the FBI, who asked him if the Egyptians could build a bomb. Salem told them they could not. The FBI instructed Salem to build a bomb for the Egyptians, using phony powder. Then the FBI told Salem to use real explosives. Salem did as he was told but began secretly to tape his FBI handlers in their meetings.

Transcripts of these recordings were published in The New York Times in October, 1993. Properly placed, the bomb would have killed a hundred thousand rather than the six people it did kill. According to court documents filed in New York, the FBI had advance knowledge of the bombing. But the decision was made on orders from the highest levels within the government to allow it to occur. Why? World Summit on Social Development ‑ in Copenhagen. Commission on Sustainable Development ‑ met in New York. Fourth World Women's Congress ‑ in Beijing. Documents. State of the World Forum ‑ San Francisco, hosted by Mikhail Gorbachev and Maurice Strong. Our Global Neighborhood;� final report released, by the Commission on Global Governance. Analysis ‑ of Commission report. Global Biodiversity Assessment released by UNEP. Coordinated by Robert Watson.

Oklahoma City Bombing

�30 Oklahoma City Bombing Questions That Demand an Answer NOW!

Despite Timothy McVeigh's guilty verdict, numerous unanswered questions about the murderous Oklahoma City bombing remain. Indeed, there are so many unanswered questions, it is amazing that the prosecution was able to secure a conviction at all.

So pull up a front‑row seat for the McVeigh lynching, folks, and contemplate a few of the contradictions in the official account of the OKC� bombing before it all gets flushed down the memory hole. If this list doesn't make you paranoid, you must be one of them!

[To read the startling evidence which the jury was barred from hearing, be sure to check out Timothy McVeigh's Writ of Mandamus,

1). If the bombing of the Alfred E.� Murrah Federal building in Oklahoma City was a terrorist reprisal for the Federal massacre of the Branch Davidians at Waco, why were no BATF or FBI agents injured? Why was EVERY� BADGE‑CARRYING FEDERAL AGENT absent from work at nine o'clock on a weekday morning, their offices staffed only with civilian clerical workers?

2). When the word first got out that no Federal agents had been present in the building, the BATF produced its Resident Agent Alex McCauley who told a long story about his own heroism and that of a fellow ATF man who allegedly fell three floors in an elevator, walked away from it, and then helped rescue others trapped by the bomb.

This was quickly exposed as a fabrication in an angry interview by building maintenance supervisor Duane James, who described McCauley's story as "pure fantasy." James examined the elevator in question and also the central control panel and pointed out a number of technical and logical reasons why the miraculous elevator incident simply couldn't have happened in the way claimed. The McCauley account was quietly retracted and flushed down the memory hole by the ATF, with the help of the media. They now admit that McCauley was nowhere near the building when the bomb went off, although they refuse to discuss his� exact whereabouts or the whereabouts of any other ATF agent at the time of the explosion.

Will BATF Agent Alex McCauley be disciplined for telling a self‑serving lie which falsely made himself out to be a hero? If that was not the purpose, why did he make this palpably false public statement?

3). Why was U.S. Judge Wayne Alley, whose office was located in the Federal building, warned several weeks in advance in a Justice Department memo to be prepared for an unnamed "terrorist act" directed against the Federal� building?

4). Judge Alley made the above admission to the Portland Oregonian immediately after the bombing. He has since refused to repeat it or allow himself to be interviewed again.� Why?

5). Why did Ken Stern fax warnings to Federal judges and officials, legislators, and prosecutors warning of a possible attack on a government building of installation on the second anniversary of Waco on April 10th,� 1995, nine days before the OKC bombing?

6). "Norma," a witness who worked in an office building just down the street from the Federal building, told reporter Sherry Koonce what she saw prior to the explosion: "The day was fine, everything was normal when I arrived for work at about 7:45 a.m.� There was some talk about the bomb squad among the employees at our office. We wondered what it was doing in our parking lot. Around nine I heard and felt a huge explosion. Then someone said it had to be a bomb, and we all knew. I remembered the bomb squad in our parking lot and knew what had happened."

"Norma" has since quit her job, gone into hiding and refused to speak again to any reporters or investigators. So have a number of other people who saw the heavily armed and equipped bomb squad in the area up to three hours before the blast. Why?

7). Why did all mention of the facts outlined in questions 1 thru 6 disappeared from the news media after the first week of coverage of the bombing? Why has the media consistently suppressed and refused to report any information or evidence which indicates that, at the very least and regardless of who was responsible, there was Federal foreknowledge that the bombing would take place?

8). By definition, a terrorist must take credit for his violence, or else there is no compelling reason to commit a crime. The specific purpose of terrorism is to gain a political end through the credible threat to commit future acts of violence. No one has claimed credit for the Oklahoma City bombing. Militia and right‑ wing groups, the alleged masterminds and presumed beneficiaries, have been particularly vehement in denouncing the explosion and in many cases have cooperated directly with Federal agencies to absolve themselves of any involvement. The only statement of alleged political motive comes from the very government which was attacked. Why is this?

9). Did the Alfred Murrah building warehouse documents relating to the attack on the Branch Davidians at Waco? If so, what happened to those documents? Were they destroyed? If so, were any copies kept elsewhere? If not, why not?

10). Will the missing papers, if any, affect former Attorney General Ramsey Clark's lawsuit against the ATF and FBI on behalf of the Branch Davidian survivors?

11).Why did the Director of the University of Oklahoma's Geological Survey, Dr. Charles Mankin, tell the media that according to two different seismographic records there were TWO blasts, the second approximately eight seconds after the first?

12). The news media initially reported that there were two explosions, based on eyewitness testimony. Why did this version of events disappear from print and the air waves within twenty‑four hours?

13). According to the prosecution, McVeigh used an ANFO (Ammonium Nitrate and Fuel Oil) bomb to destroy the Alfred P. Murrah federal building. McGyver makes it look real easy on TV. But according to Department of the Army and Air Force Technical Manual No. 9‑1910, entitled Military Explosives, ANFO requires a greater than 99% purity of ammonium nitrate, as well as a specific dryness, before it can be mixed with diesel fuel to create an explosive substance.

The manual further spells out that even under ideal conditions (not often reached even by experts) 4,800 pounds of ANFO explosive would create a much smaller crater than the one left in front of the Murrah building, and its shock wave could not possibly wield the force necessary to compromise the building's concrete support structure. The FBI claims that the ANFO charge was� made from 50 bags of fertilizer. Ammonium nitrate fertilizers comes in much weaker concentrations than the 99%‑plus required for explosives. Creating concentrated amounts of ammonium nitrate is quite complex, and would require many bags of fertilizer. In short, according to the government's own textbook, the Oklahoma City bombing COULD NOT HAVE HAPPENED IN THE WAY THE FBI SAYS IT HAPPENED. IT IS A PHYSICAL, CHEMICAL, AND THERMODYNAMIC IMPOSSIBILITY.� Why is the FBI lying?

14). Retired Air Force Brigadier General Benton K.� Partin, former commander of� the Air Force Armament Technology Laboratory, a 25‑year expert in the design and development of bombs, urged Senators and Congressmen to delay the destruction of the Murrah building site. Partin stated in a news release, "When I first saw the picture of the truck bomb's asymmetrical damage to the Federal building in Oklahoma, my immediate reaction was that the pattern of damage would have been technically impossible without supplementary demolition charges at some of the reinforced concrete bases inside the building, a standard demolition technique." Partin further explained that "reinforced concrete targets in large buildings are hard targets to blast.� I know of no way possible to reproduce the apparent building damage through simply a truck bomb effort. "General Partin's request to have the bomb site preserved in order to examine the possibility of a second explosion was ignored by the government. Why?

15). General Partin's press release, quoted above, was reprinted in the John Birch Society magazine New American. Based on this the news media launched an egregious and bogus smear campaign against General Benton K.� Partin, claiming falsely that he was a member of the John Birch Society and therefore a "right‑wing extremist." [General Partin's report has been widely circulated and reproduced, including an electronic version here on ParaScope.] General Partin has been forced repeatedly to threaten lawsuits in order to obtain� grudging and deliberately downplayed retractions and corrections of this allegation. His alleged JBS membership still appears in print and broadcast media today as fact, even though the media are by now perfectly well aware that the allegation is false. Why are the news media telling a deliberate lie in order to discredit a highly respected expert who questions the official government version of Oklahoma City?

16). There have been repeated studies done by a variety of accredited explosives experts and professional demolition contractors, such as former FBI agent Ted Gunderson. All of these have stated their professional opinion that the destruction of the Murrah building could only have been accomplished with top‑grade military explosives, detonators, and careful placement of multiple charges. Why have the media ignored these expert opinions?

Why, indeed, have the media engaged in a concerted campaign to abuse, vilify, discredit and marginalize as a "crank" or a "right‑wing extremist" any explosives expert or engineer who questions the official FBI version of the bomb's construction and explosive power?

17). There is not a single piece of concrete evidence to connect either Timothy McVeigh or Terry Nicholls to any militia or right‑wing group. Why has the news media refused to acknowledge this fact and continued to spread the patently false assertion that McVeigh was a member of a militia group?

18). Terry Nicholls has been married twice, once to a Mexican woman and once to a Filipina. Obviously, a man who marries women of color not once but twice and has children with them can hardly be called a racist. Why has this fact, which clearly precludes any racist or neo‑Nazi involvement in the bombing of the kind implied by the media, not been given any significant exposure at all? And why has the media ignored connections between the Oklahoma City bombing and the very real, very racist Elohim City compound in Arkansas, not to mention Andreas Strassmeir, grandson of one of the founders of the Nazi party in Germany?

19). Having allegedly just committed a coldly calculated, carefully and meticulously planned mass murder, why did Timothy McVeigh then suddenly turn into a Clouseau‑like klutz and do everything but send up a flare to draw attention to himself? Why did he go speeding out of the state at almost 100 mph in a yellow car with no license plate, virtually guaranteeing that he would be stopped?

20). Timothy McVeigh is a highly trained combat NCO who won a Bronze Star for courage under fire in the Gulf.� Having been stopped by a state trooper, being armed with a pistol, and knowing that he now faced either execution or imprisonment for the rest of his natural life, why did McVeigh make no move at all to defend himself or escape, instead surrendering like a little lamb?

21). FBI agents are said to have tracked down McVeigh's truck rental agency by finding a vehicle identification number (VIN) on the truck's rear axle. This axle was found either in the bomb crater, according to the mayor of Oklahoma City's initial press statement, or three blocks away according to the later FBI version. Which statement is true?

22). There is another problem to the Ryder truck tale. No rear axle on any vehicle manufactured in America is imprinted with a VIN, even after recent legislation forcing manufacturers to place multiple VINS on the engine, firewall, and frame to discourage chop shops. When queried, a spokesman for Ryder told reporters than it does not imprint additional VINS on its trucks. The only conceivable number available on a rear axle is a part number, but a part number couldn't lead to the identification of a specific vehicle. We have here another case where the FBI version of events simply COULD NOT HAVE HAPPENED in the way the Bureau claims it happened. Where did the VIN story come from? Why has it been created and circulated by the media?

23). Did McVeigh use fake I.D.� or his real I.D.� to rent the truck? The FBI has relayed both stories as being true.

24). The FBI detained and interrogated Timothy McVeigh's young sister Jennifer� and Terry Nicholls' twelve year‑old son. They announced in the media that both of them were suspects and that Jennifer McVeigh was facing indictment and the death penalty.� These charges later vanished, and both young people were released. While undergoing harsh FBI interrogation, Jennifer McVeigh was exposed to projections of shocking, graphic images of bombing victims. What is the story here?

25). Who is John Doe Number Two?� Does he exist at all? The FBI first conducted a nationwide manhunt for JD‑2 over a period of several weeks. Then they claimed that a U.S.� Army soldier on leave, whose published photographs bear no resemblance whatsoever to the photofits, was JD‑2.� Then they claimed for some months that JD‑2 does not exist, and that all the witnesses who saw him were mistaken. Now they are hedging again and say they have an "open mind" about whether John Doe Number Two exists. What's the deal?

26). In January of 1996, National Public Radio broadcast a half‑hour special containing interviews with half a dozen witnesses who personally saw John Doe Number Two in the Ryder truck with Timothy McVeigh on the morning of the bombing. These witnesses all had one thing in common; other than a cursory preliminary interview by the FBI they had up until that time been approached by neither the prosecution nor the defense to appear as witnesses at the trial. Why not? Will any witnesses who saw John Doe Number Two be called to testify?

27). In the summer of 1995 a mysterious American named Daniel Spiegelman was� arrested in the Netherlands for trafficking in stolen diamonds and antiques. In July of 1995 the Janet Reno Justice Department quietly applied for Spiegelman's extradition to the United States IN CONNECTION WITH THE OKLAHOMA CITY BOMBING. This was accompanied by representations at the highest level demanding that the Netherlands courts hear the case in camera and that the proceedings be kept completely secret.

Through his attorney Spiegelman fought extradition, a Dutch judge refused to impose secrecy on the hearing, the media got hold of it, and Janet Reno allegedly withdrew the extradition request, whereupon the entire bizarre episode vanished from public view. No more media blackout in the OKC case has been more pervasive than the blackout imposed over the name of Daniel Spiegelman; it is as if he has stepped off the face of the planet.

Who is Daniel Spiegelman? What connection does he have with Oklahoma City?� Is he John Doe Number Two? Does he know who John Doe Number Two is?

28). FBI informant and star witness Michael Fortier, who admits to trading his testimony for lenient sentencing on gun charges himself, claims that he and Timothy McVeigh scouted out the Murrah building several weeks in advance looking for the BATF offices therein. If that is true, why did Timothy McVeigh stop the Ryder truck at a gas station on the morning of the bombing and ask directions to the building? And why did he park the truck on the side of the building the farthest away from the BATF offices, when there was an available parking lot which would have placed the truck bomb almost directly under the seventh‑floor windows of the BATF?

29). Why was the reaction of the Clinton administration, blaming right‑wing radio talk shows for the incident and demanding the most draconian police state legislation ever proposed in the United States, so swift and obviously organized? The air of orchestration about the entire government response did not escape notice even at the time, and was commented on by a number of observers across the political spectrum.

A blizzard of OKC‑inspired "domestic terrorism" bills were rushed into Congress in a matter of days, some of them pre‑written and already printed up BEFORE THE BOMBING.� These proposed laws cover everything from banning virtually all privately owned firearms to unlimited and court‑admissible Federal wiretaps to censorship of the Internet to the suspension of habeas corpus in "terrorism" cases to the grotesque destruction of the First Amendment advocated in Charles Schumer's bill H.R. 2580, which imposes a five‑year prison sentence for publicly engaging in "unseemly speculation" and publishing or transmitting by wire or electronic means "baseless conspiracy theories regarding the Federal government of the United States." Who decides what is a "baseless conspiracy theory"? Why, the very same government, of course.

How was a normally cumbersome, inefficient, and glacially slow legislative branch able to move so quickly, so comprehensively, and so efficiently in introducing these laws which will strip Americans of what remaining� freedoms they have?

30). Why did it take so unconscionably long for the trial of Timothy McVeigh and Terry Nicholls to begin?

Rush Limbaugh, an outspoken critic of anyone claiming a push for global government, said on his February 7, 1995 program:

"If you amount to anything in Washington these days, it is because you have been plucked or handpicked from an Ivy League school �Harvard, Yale, Kennedy School of Government ‑‑ you've shown an aptitude to be a good Ivy League type, and so you're plucked so‑to‑speak, and you are assigned success. You are assigned a certain role in government somewhere, and then your success is monitored and tracked, and you go where the pluckers and the hand pickers can put you."

The rabbi of the "Adath Yisrael" synagogue in Cleveland Park, Washington, dedicated his Sabbath sermon to the Jewish cultural and political center now being formed in America.

"For the first time in American history," the rabbi said, "we no longer feel we live in the diaspora. The U.S. has no longer a government of Goyim, but an administration in which the Jews are full partners in the decision making at all levels. Perhaps the aspects of the Jewish religious law connected with the term �government Goyim' should be re‑examined since it is an outdated term in the U.S." (Remarks, October 16, 1995)

We could have presented another hundred or two instances where the U.S. has sent our military men to defend the interests of the International Jewish Bankers and Oil Interests, but we believe these should suffice to prove our point; and where the Jews have subverted our laws in their efforts to destroy Christianity in America. And as we said you can accept it or not, it is not for us to try to convince you of anything or to change your mind about the events of history. You believe what you will.

Previous CFR chairman, John J. McCloy (1953‑70), actually said they have been doing this since the 1940s (and before).

"The thrust towards global government can be well‑documented but at the end of the twentieth century it does not look like a traditional conspiracy in the usual sense of a secret cabal of evil men meeting clandestinely behind closed doors. Rather, it is a �networking' of like‑minded individuals in high places to achieve a common goal, as described in Marilyn Ferguson's 1980 insider classic, The Aquarian Conspiracy."

Ronald Reagan continued his charge, comparing the NEA goals to the system that existed in Nazi Germany. In Hitler's Germany, he explained,

"where they had a nationalized school system...when he {Hitler} said �Burn the books' they burned the books." (But no one goes to the trouble to point out the books he ordered burned were Communist propaganda).

Marx called the Slavic people a "rabble" and looked forward to the time when the Christians of Russia would be destroyed. Marx called for "the most determined terror against the Slavic peoples." Weyl writes:

"...again the phrase sounds as if it had been uttered a century later by Adolf Hitler. When Hitler was a half‑ vagabond, half‑artist, living in Vienna and soaking up an enormous amount of racist hate literature, did he come across these early appeals for genocide by Engels and Marx? It would be interesting to know the answers."

Letter from F.D. Roosevelt to J.V. Stalin:

"My dear Mr. Stalin, This note will be presented to you by my friend Averell Harriman, whom I have asked to be head of our delegation to Moscow. Mr. Harriman is well aware or the strategic importance of your front and will, I know, do everything that he can to bring the negotiations in Moscow to a successful conclusion.

"Harry Hopkins has told me in great detail of his encouraging and satisfactory visits with you. I can't tell you how thrilled all of us are because of the gallant defense of the Soviet armies. I am confident that ways will be found to provide the material and supplies necessary to fight Hitler on all fronts, including your own. I want particularly to take this occasion to express my great confidence that your armies will ultimately prevail over Hitler and to assure you of our great determination to be of ever possible material assistance. Yours very sincerely, Franklin D. Roosevelt." (The Secret History of World War II, pp. 17‑18)

We need to be reminded that the Second World War commenced when Germany invaded Poland on September 1, 1939, following a treaty between the Nazis and the Communists known as the Hitler‑Stalin Pact or the Molotov‑Ribbentrop Pact which was signed secretly in August, 1939.

Have you ever wondered why: Russia invaded Poland at the same time that Germany did; but the English and French did nothing against Russia for it? It is because that Hitler was forcing the Jews and Communists out of Germany, and was restoring Germany to the German people; and taking it away from the Jews. In the early days of the war, the Nazis and Communists cooperated in the invasion of Poland. This harmony was shattered when the Germans invaded Russia in June, 1941. The authoritative British periodical, "Soviet Analyst," reminds us as follows:

"In fact it was Stalin, not the Americans, who cooperated with the Nazis from 1939 to June 1941, the USSR not the USA which signed a pact with Berlin distributing between them the territory of Poland and the Baltic States. Khatyn was a village wiped out by the German invaders; the Katyn massacre was at another place, another time. In the woods near Smolensk, the Germans found the bodies of over 4,000 Polish officers, hands bound behind their backs and shot through the nape of the neck. The Post Mortem evidence of Swiss Forensic Experts pointed to the conclusion that since the murders occurred in 1940, Stalin's NKVD was responsible. The 1953 Soviet Encyclopedia says that the victims were �taken prisoner by the Soviet army during the 1939 liberation of Western Ukraine and Western Byelorussia' and makes the false claim that the Nuremberg Tribunal found Nazi war criminals guilty of the Katyn Massacre (never explaining how the Nazi's came into possession of Soviet prisoners); In Fact the embarrassed Western Allies let the case drop."

Simon Wiesenthal, director of the Vienna Documentation center, recalls that a Soviet investigator on the Katyn case committed suicide. Wisenthal has discovered documentary evidence that confirms Soviet Guilt at Katyn and has a copy of a secret protocol to the Soviet‑German Friendship Treaty signed in Moscow on 28 September 1939 by the German and Soviet foreign ministers. Ribbentrop and Molotov, in which the two sides agree to cooperate in suppressing Polish resistance in occupied Poland.

The other nations of Eastern Europe were placed under the control of Communist Governments without even the pretense of free elections. Shortly afterwards, Poland, whose invasion and conquest had set off the Second World War, fell completely under Communist domination, much more brutal form of oppression than that of Hitler. In that respect, it can be said: All the "Blood, Sweat and Tears" shed from 1939‑1945 was in vain!

As far back as 1934, knowledgeable men knew that a war was in the planning stages for Europe and that it was to consist of aggression against Germany. Which is shown by the follow quotes, which are but a few of many:

"Hitler will have no war, but he will be forced into it, not this year but later..." (The Jewish Emil Ludwig, Les Annales, June, 1934)

"Judea declares War on Germany." Daily Express, March 24, 1934; "Germany must be turned into a waste land, as happened there during the 30‑year War." (Das Morgenthau‑Tagebuch, The Morgenthau Dairy, p. 11)

"The fight against Germany has now been waged for months by every Jewish community, on every conference, in all labor unions and by every single Jew in the world. There are reasons for the assumption that our share in this fight is of general importance. We shall start a spiritual and material war of the whole world against Germany. Germany is striving to become once again a great nation, and to recover her lost territories as well as her colonies. But our Jewish interests call for the complete destruction of Germany..." (Valadimir Jabotinsky, in Mascha Rjetsch, January, 1934)

Hitler had taken over dictatorial power in Germany in 1933, when he became Chancellor and although his enormous arms build‑up was financed by the International Jewish Bankers (who financed both sides during the conflict), these same Jewish leaders were promoting their long range plans for world conquest, which includes the destruction of Christian Germany, and of Christianity in general.

That they could make an enormous profit from this destruction, was an added bonus. While both the United States and Canada were objects in this attack, Germany was easier to reach and they already had control over England and France.

During World War II, Hitler often showed a reluctance to attack England. At Dunkirk, Hitler's orders, contrary to the advice of his senior commanders, allowed 50,000 British troops to escape, when they could have easily been annihilated.

There were other such incidents as well. While Germany has been touted in the Jewish controlled media as a war mongering people, they have started far fewer wars than either the French or English. Even Winston Churchill, who did everything possible to get us involved in World War II, admitted in 1936:

"America should have minded her own business and stayed out of World War I. If you had not entered that war, the allies would have made peace with Germany in the spring of 1917. Had we made peace then, there would have been no collapse of Russia, followed by communism. There would have been no breakdown in Italy, followed by Nazism and Germany would not have signed the Versailles Treaty, which set the stage for Naziism. If America had stayed out of that war, all the �isms' now sweeping Europe and breaking down parliamentary government would have ended, and if England had made peace early in 1917, it would have saved over a million British, French, American and other lives."

Stephen H. Roberts, 20th century Australian historian. Though hostile on almost every point to National Socialism, his The House that Hitler Built does admit that Jews were a menace in Germany:

"It is useless to deny that grave Jewish problems existed in Germany. The nation was in the unfortunate geographical position of being the first stage in the perennial push westward of the Polish Jews. Unless forced on, they tended to stop in Berlin and Hamburg, where they obtained an unduly share of good professional positions. In Berlin, for example, when the Nazi came to power, 50.2 percent of the lawyers were Jews. In medicine, 48 per cent of the doctors were Jews, and it was said that they systematically seized the principal hospital posts. The Jews owned the largest and most important Berlin newspapers, and they had made great inroads on the educational system."

Immediate plans were laid by the High Command to implement a scorched earth policy, destroy the crops and cattle, burn down the homesteads, and put the women and children in concentration camps. Hitler has often been accused of being the man who started civilian concentration camps. The truth is, the dubious distinction belongs to the British (Jews), who at the urging of Milner and Rhodes, saw it as a way to bring the Boers to heel. It was dirty war at its worst.

The Germans, not being exactly stupid, knew to whom they had sold their homes, farms and businesses for, what quickly became, bags of worthless marks. Consequently, when the little corporal appeared pointing a finger in the right direction, he became quite popular. Seeking to control Hitler, the ABs initially financed his rise to power. However, after achieving power, Hitler double‑crossed the ABs and instituted a debt‑free money system. This enabled Germany to go from being an impoverished nation to becoming the most powerful military nation on Earth in less than five years. Hitler had to be destroyed. And so he was.

But in order to do so, it was necessary to involve the U.S. in the war before the Nazis {National Socialists} in Germany could destroy the Communists {International Socialists} in Russia. If our leaders had been acting in our best interests we would have let the socialists destroy each other and then picked up the pieces.

Most Americans now know or suspect that the Japanese were instigated into attacking us at Pearl Harbor as Roosevelt's �back door' method of involving us in the war, which most Americans opposed at that time. As planned, Russia was the real victor of WW II. England supposedly declared war on Germany because of Hitler's invasion of Poland.� But Roosevelt and Churchill treasonously connived with Stalin to turn, not only Poland, but all of Eastern Europe as well as East Germany over to Communist Russia. Many Christians have wondered why the Jews have an almost insane hatred of Germany and try to destroy it every time they get the opportunity.


"The Communist desire to �liberate enslaved nations' will come as a surprise to the enslaved nations of Eastern Europe, and the goal of maintaining �integrity of their territories' rings strangely in view of the Soviet occupation of Czechoslovakia, Afghanistan, and other oppressed nations. Like other announced goals of World War II, the Atlantic Chapter and the Four Freedoms, Stalin's program achieved only one goal, �the destruction of the Hitlerite regime,' the only government in the world which had opposed the spread of Communist aggression with its military forces. The �abolition of racial exclusiveness,' which has (also) been official U.S. Government policy since 1945, was, quite simply, the Jewish Marxist goal of planned genocide of the White Race, because the White Race remained the only possible opposition to the total domination of the world by international Jewish Marxism. No African or Asiatic nation has ever mounted a successful counter‑revolution against a Communist regime, nor have they ever desired to.

"One hundred million White People died violently during World War II, but the only Asiatic people to suffer serious losses were the Japanese, who were known as �the Aryans of the East,' because of their aggressiveness and their highly developed technological abilities. Because of their well known opposition to Communism, the Japanese people were selected by Jewish strategists as the guinea pigs for the testing of the new Jewish Hellbomb, a weapon so horrible that when Hitler learned his scientists had begun work on it, he furiously ordered them to halt its development. He refused to allow his name or the name of the German people to be associated with such an inhumane operation. This allowed the Jews to develop their atomic hellbomb in Los Alamos for Roosevelt and Stalin, with no competition from anywhere in the world. They developed it in order to exterminate the entire German people, but, with the unlimited funds provided by American taxpayers, they turned it into a typical billion dollar Jewish boondoggle which dragged on until after Germany's defeat. Fortunately, the homicidal maniacs still had one anti‑Communist nation left on which they could conduct their atomic experiment, the island of Japan.

"Like most historic Jewish military operations, the great massacres of World War II occurred, not on the battlefield, but in peaceful neighborhood communities. This was in accordance with the dictate of the Book of Esther, which directs the Jews to massacre women and children, and to exterminate the families of those who dare to oppose them. Thus it was in Dresden, a historic German cultural center, where many thousands of German women and children, refugees from Communism had gathered. They were assured by the Red Cross that they would be safe, even while the Jewish generals were preparing to murder the men. The blood‑maddened Jews desired not only to murder as many White civilians as possible but also to erase from history all evidence of Western civilization, the greatest examples of White culture which had been gathered in Dresden, the irreplaceable porcelain, the priceless paintings, the baroque furniture, and the rococo mansions with their poetry carved in stone. All was laid waste in a mass bombing attack in which some 300,000 German civilians died in a city which was not even a military target! The responsibility for this horrible slaughter, in which helpless non‑combatants died horribly by flame and explosion, rests with, who else, �the Americans.' At the last minute, the Soviets prudently withdrew from what was planned as a �joint‑Allied' venture. Today, the Soviets denounce the United States for the annihilation of Dresden.

"Like Dresden, Hiroshima was also an ancient cultural center, with no visible military objective. Its non‑combatant families also died horribly by the hundreds of thousands. Many were pulverized instantly by the first atomic bomb ever used in a military operation, but thousands of other victims lived on for years, mangled and burned, their limbs and organs slowly rotting away from radiation poisoning. Even while the Japanese officials were desperately suing for peace, the Jews hastily ordered the dropping of a second atomic bomb, this one on Nagasaki, bringing off a second �test' of their Hellbomb against helpless non‑combatants, as prescribed by the Book of Esther. Again, hundreds of thousands of civilians died horribly.

"At last, the Jews had achieved the weapon which they planned to use to terrorize the entire world into subjecting itself to their insane frenzies and their frequently voiced goal of world domination of the �animals,' or non‑Jews. As Chaim Weizmann boasted, �We will never actually have to use this atomic weapon in military operations as the mere threat of its use will persuade any opponent to surrender to us." (Eustace Mullins, Foreword, War! War! War!)


"Ardent propagandists lashed the British public into a fury at the work of German Zeppelin and aeroplane raiders raining death and destruction on defenseless women and children...The carnage caused by allied airmen in German towns has been kept very quiet, but two instances will be enough to show its quality. In June, 1916, British and French pilots bombed Karlsruhe during the Corpus Christi procession, killing and wounding 26 women and 124 children.

"In a second raid in September they caused 103 casualties in the same city...Already the pitch has been reached in Great Britain where it is considered bigoted or reactionary to do other than praise the Jews for their industry and ability. Few papers will risk any attack on the Jews, however, well‑founded, for fear of appearing even distantly anti‑Semitic.

"This is more than true in America where it is dangerous to mention any truth derogatory to the Jews, and in New York it has been made a crime)...It has been estimated that of the world Jewish population of approximately fifteen millions, no fewer than five millions are in the United States. Twenty‑five percent of the inhabitants of New York are Jews. During the Great War we bought off this huge American Jewish public by the promise of a Jewish National Home in Palestine, held by Ludendorff to be the master stroke of Allied propaganda as it enabled us not only to appeal to Jews in America but to Jews in Germany as well...All over the world, and especially in the U.S.A. Jews will be active against Germany, and the Jew is a natural and energetic propagandist, though perhaps not a very far‑seeing one. There are, however, cross‑currents in the tide of World Jewry, the identification of Russian Jews with Communism, for example, and Palestine, another of our war propaganda hens which may come to roost! Which should warn us not to rely too much on having it entirely in our favor...

"I have said already that the Jew is a more energetic than a skillful propagandist, but he is undoubtedly energetic. At present we are with traditional readiness giving shelter to large numbers of persecuted Jews from Germany and Austria. It would be against nature if these immigrants, whether permanent or in passage, did not harbor resentment against the countries which had expelled them, and it should not be grounds for a charge of anti‑Semitism to point out that a great many of them are making an active propaganda to incite feeling against Germany...

"The U.S.A. will simply supply the world (with moving pictures, practically all owned by the Jews) Not only is she far and away the greatest producer, but, much more important still, she largely control the machinery of the world film distribution...they (the Americans) can perhaps be expected, in the security of their own detached hemisphere, to see European affairs realistically. For one thing, the American is the great champion of the oppressed, and frequently of the oppressed which may explain why he is so frequently taken in by the �hard‑luck' story of London confidence tricksters! Secondly, the American peoples are still under the influence of much of the Great War propaganda. They are more susceptible than most people, to mass suggestion, they have been brought up on it, and since 1918 they have shut themselves off from reality. Thirdly, they are at this moment the battle‑ground of an active propaganda of Labels." (Propaganda in the Next War, by Sidney Rogerson, pp. 86‑148; War! War! War!, by Cincinnatus, pp. 191‑193)

The State of the World Forum took place in the fall of this year, sponsored by the Gorbachev Foundation located at the Presidio in San Francisco. Foundation President Jim Garrison chairs the meeting of who's‑who from around the world including Margaret Thatcher, Maurice Strong, George Bush, Mikhail Gorbachev and others. Conversation centers around the oneness of mankind and the coming global government. However, the term "global governance" is now used in place of "new world order" since the latter has become a political liability, being a lightning rod for opponents of global government.

U.S. Government admits that it had offered Japanese war criminals and scientists who had performed human medical experiments salaries and immunity from prosecution in exchange for data on biological warfare research.

Dr. Garth Nicholson, uncovers evidence that the biological agents used during the Gulf War had been manufactured in Houston, TX and Boca Raton, Fl and tested on prisoners in the Texas Department of Corrections.


Actor Marlon Brando tells the truth about Jewish power in Hollywood, on the "Larry King" TV show. He is later forced to apologize for his truth‑telling.

"By the early 1960s, the large numbers of Jews in sociology led to a faculty‑club banter to the effect that sociology had become a Jewish discipline. In the literary world the triumph of Norman Mailer, Saul Bellow, and J.D. Salinger led Leslie Fiedler to hail the great takeovers by Jewish‑American writers of a task 'inherited from certain Gentile predecessors.'" (David Hollinger, Sciences, Jews, and Secular Culture, Princeton University Press, 1996, p. 28)

Two separate Jewish writers, Ben Stein and Michael Medved, admit Jewish control of Hollywood, in print, bolstering actor Marlon Brando's claims. Stein's book The View from Sunset Boulevard: America As Brought to You by the People Who Make Television is a staggeringly frank description of the Jew‑dominated anti‑white American agenda forwarded via mass media. Jews hate White America. What? You don't believe it? Are you calling Ben Stein, a Jew, a liar? Are you Anti‑Semitic? (Gets pretty weird, doesn't it?)

Powerful Jews, including US Secretary of State Madeleine Albright and Jewish billionaire Edgar Bronfman, pressure Switzerland to pay millions of dollars to "Holocaust" survivors, even though any Swiss involvement in that event was minimal. Take away the Hollywood/Spielberg‑sculpted moral context and it's extortion, plain and simple.

Under pressure from Congress and the public, after a 60 Minutes segment, the U.S. Department of Defense finally admits that at least 20,000 U.S. servicemen "may" have been exposed to chemical weapons during operation �Desert Storm.' This exposure came as a result of the destruction of a weapons bunker. Causes of the similar illnesses of other troops, who were not in this area, have not yet been explained, other than as post traumatic stress syndromes. Veterans groups have released information that many of the problems may be a result of experimental vaccines and inoculations which were provided troops during the military buildup. Sources: �'Factories of Death,'� by Sheldon H. Harris (Routledge, 1994); and �'Prisoners of the Japanese: POWS of World War II in the Pacific,'� by Gavan Daws (William Morrow, 1994).

In "Pipeline to Moscow", Robert W. Lee writes in the New American, September 1996: "Despots through out history have employed the Big Lie to beguile, manipulate, and control would‑be vassals. The Master Conspiracy...for instance, has for over two centuries honed the technique into a razor‑sharp tool for sculpting its New World Order. And the biggest of its corpulent fabrications may be the pretense that the United States has been the world's foremost bulwark against communism.

In reality, the historical record brims with hard evidence that rather than effectively opposing communism, our government has consistently nurtured communist leadership with material aid and offered crucial strategic support for communism's advance. In short, our government, contrary to the "official history", has been the single most powerful benefactor of the Master Conspiracy's communist arm."

U.N. Conference on Human Settlements (HABITAT II) ‑ Istanbul. Community Sustain ability (M), U.S. HUD's report to the conference. Istanbul Declaration on Human Settlements. Campaign for U.N. Reform ‑ organized to lobby for global governance. The United Nations 420‑page report Our Global Neighborhood is published. It outlines a plan for "global governance," calling for an international Conference on Global Governance in 1998 for the purpose of submitting to the world the necessary treaties and agreements for ratification by the year 2000.

Department of Defense admits that Desert Storm soldiers were exposed to chemical agents.


Al Gore's report ‑ to the U.N. at Rio +5. A broader view of Agenda 21 implementation. Kyoto Protocol ‑ Adopted in Kyoto, Japan. Converts voluntary climate change treaty to binding international law. On‑site reports. International Conference on Environment and Society ‑ sponsored by UNESCO in Thessaloniki. Survey of environmental education movement.


David Duke publishes My Awakening.

International Criminal Court ‑ created in Rome. On‑site reports from Rome. International Action Network on Small Arms (IANSA) ‑ created to lobby for U.N. gun control. U.N. Climate Change Conference ‑ in Buenos Aires.


May 17. Ehud Barak is elected Prime Minister of Israel.

Jewish Mossad agents murder a 27‑year‑old Lebanese nuclear physicist in his Paris apartment ("Before he helps the enemies of Israel! Better kill him first, just to be sure!").

Representatives of major Jewish groups appear before a Senate Judiciary Committee regarding possible government Internet censorship of some topics/subjects; the Jewish representatives advocate the censorship of "hate" (i.e., anything critical of Jews or Israel or groups they have a vested interest in "protecting") on the Internet.

Charter for Global Democracy ‑ consolidates recommendations of Commission on Global Governance into 12 principles. World NGO Conference ‑ held in Canada to promote plan for "The Peoples Assembly." U.N. Climate Change Conference ‑ in Bonn.


A Denver, CO. couple successfully sues the ADL for $10 million dollars, claiming that the ADL defamed them in public by accusing them of being "anti‑Semites." A judge later upheld the verdict, but reduced the dollar amount slightly.

Orthodox Jewish Senator Joe Lieberman comes VERY close to being the next US Vice‑President. Orthodox Judaism is known for its blatant bigotry/hostility towards Christians. E.g., Lieberman refers to Al Gore as his "Shabbos goy." How could a jew hostile to the majority of America almost become President? Problem is, most people DON'T KNOW how bigoted and hostile Judaism is. It's not taught in schools and it's not shown in the mass media. Where it is found is in books (principle texts of Judaism, etc) and on many of those websites the Jews want to censor. Think they want to censor anything for YOUR benefit? Puh‑leasssssse.

July. The Hal Turner Show premieres.

August 9. VNN, Vanguard News Network (, is founded by Alex R. Linder and Regina Belser.

Earth Charter; final draft. NGO Millennium Forum, New York, precursor to "The People's Assembly." Millennium Assembly ‑ New York.

What The Media Isn't Saying

On February 18, 2000:Ramsey Clark, former U.S. Attorney General, human rights and international law attorney; Diana Johnstone, former European editor of In These Times Newspaper, contributor to the Nation Magazine, Le Monde Diplomatic, and Covert Action Quarterly; Michel Collon, author of Liars' Poker: The Great Powers, Yugoslavia and the Next Wars, journalist for the weekly newspaper Solidaire in Belgium; Sara Flunders, Co‑Director of the International Action Center, contributing author of NATO in the Balkans and Challenge to Genocide: Let Iraq Live; Lenora Foerstel, U.S. director of Women for Mutual Security, national board of Women's Strike for Peace; and Nadja Tesich, author and playwright, met at the Community Church, 40 East 35th Street (between Fifth and Madison Avenues), New York City, Thursday, February 18, 2000 at 6:30 p.m. as part of a national speaking tour. Diana Johnstone and Michel Collon had recently returned from a trip to Kosovo.

NATO: U.S. police force for the world. The movement of NATO forces against Yugoslavia is part of the new military doctrine laid out by the Clinton Administration. On December 8, Secretary of State Madeleine (not so bright) Albright presented the plan to a meeting of NATO foreign ministers. Albright laid out a blueprint for turning NATO into an aggressive global police force.

The Kosovo precedential report in the December 5 International Herald Tribune said of the NATO authorization of military action against Yugoslavia: "Washington sees this as a precedent for a new NATO." It goes beyond the Balkans, to authorizing actions anywhere in the world. NATO is setting in the Balkans under U.S. initiative and without even a United Nations mandate. What we aren't hearing in the U.S. media Military expansion in the Balkans is being justified by reports of an alleged massacre of Albanians in Kosovo. The reports are based on accusations made by William Walker (A Jew) from the U.S. State Department. Walker heads the Kosovo Verification Mission. But Walker's account has been strongly disputed by several major European newspapers, including Le Monde and Le Figaro. These papers assert that the allegations of a massacre are a fabrication.

Walker is not an independent, neutral observer. He represents the U.S. government. He has a sordid history in his years of work in Central America with U.S.‑trained death squads in El Salvador. And he was responsible for setting up a so‑called humanitarian operation that was used as a cover for the contra war to overthrow the government of Nicaragua. What the Pentagon is really doing. The Pentagon's NATO expansion into the Balkans is not about helping the people of Kosovo. It's just like the U.S. war against Iraq, which had nothing to do with helping the people of Kuwait, despite all the propaganda claims. Just as in the Middle East, this is about expanding U.S. domination.

It is all too clear that the U. S. has used fabricated means in the past to achieve political, economic and military objectives. It is also becoming very clear that Bush and his supporters launched the "war against terror" by seizing on the overwhelming national sense of fear and hate toward an enemy the average American knew very little about. It is also clear that this is a war that has met none of the original objectives and continues to produce American casualties.

Where is Osama Bin Laden? Unknown.

Where is Mullah Omar? Unknown.

Has the Al Qaeda terrorist organization been truly crippled as we have been told repeatedly for the last several months, or have they just vanished to regroup and strike again? Unknown.

Is the list of hijackers accurate? Not according to the latest testimony by FBI Director Mueller.

In how many countries do we now have American combat troops? Unknown.

Has the new Afghani government agreed to allow the construction of an oil pipeline across Afghanistan? Yes.

Does Halliburton (Cheney's former company) have a long‑term contract with the U. S. to build advance military bases wherever directed by the "war on terror"? Yes.

Was September 11, 2001, another Pearl Harbor in the way that we have always been taught in school? Yes.

Was September 11, 2001, another Pearl Harbor that was allowed to happen? You be the judge.


April 19. Cincinnati Blacks Riot. (Jump to April 19, 2002 to see "Cincinnati Blacks Riot ‑ Again." Article on both events available there.) It's important to understand that Blacks rioting is the symptom, Jewish social‑engineering is the disease: The Jewish‑led civil‑rights movement in America emboldened Blacks to the point that they no longer fear, or feel subservient to, Whites as a group. It led to Blacks having an irrational but media‑stoked desire for revenge against Whites as their "oppressors," a feeling that Whites now owe Blacks financially and otherwise, now that Blacks are "equal." This feature applies to all Black‑ and minority‑committed crime in America since the early 1960s.

September 11. Two jumbo jets full of passengers are hijacked and crashed into the two World Trade Centers in New York City; both building collapse, killing thousands. Another jet crashes into the Pentagon; a fourth jet, presumably headed for Camp David, crashes in a field, far short of its target. Videotape message from Osama Bin Laden states unequivocally that the US is targeted by Arab terrorists for its unilateral support of Israel and Israeli occupation of Palestine; after the initial airing, the tape is buried by media and government alike supposedly because it "could contain secret instructions to terrorists." The media then repeatedly air various commentators, including Former Prime Minister of Israel Benyamin Netanyahu, asserting, "Israel is hated for its allegiance to America, not the other way around." This explicit lie rules the day.

September 27. Story surfaces that "Officials at Israel‑based instant‑messaging firm Odigo confirmed today that two employees received text messages warning of an attack on the World Trade Center two hours before terrorists crashed planes into the New York landmarks" (Brian McWilliams, Newsbytes). Jewish activist groups, such as the ADL, try to contain the story; they claim it's an "urban legend." It turns out to be true. Keep reading.

October 15. Senate Majority Leader Tom Daschle receives an anthrax laced letter, one in a series of dozens of such letters addressed to media personalities and government leaders. While the media tries to foist blame on "neo‑Nazi" groups, the fact is the FBI'S TOP ANTHRAX LETTERS SUSPECT IS JEWISH. Mainstream media is silent, of course.

John Mintz of the Washington Posts reports: "At least 60 young Israeli Jews have been arrested and detained around the country on immigration charges since the Sept. 11 attacks, many of them held on U.S. government officials' invocation of national security."‑dyn?pagename=article&node=&contentId=A3879‑2001Nov22� [This foreshadows an ugly truth that will emerge slowly over the next few months despite political and media attempts to bury it: Israel had foreknowledge of the 9/11 attacks and did not tell us.]

November 21. Victor Wolzek joins the writing staff of VNN. His premiere article is "White Slaves of Israel."

December 2. Jewish groups in the town of Kensington, MD argue Santa Claus in a public celebration conflicts with the separation of church and state. Kensington bans Santa Claus from their public celebration. To protest, over a 100 men in Santa suits show up.'s Bill White carries a sign that reads "If Jews Can Ban Santa, Why Can't We Ban Jews?" Good question.

President George W. Bush gives a televised speech in front of the Israeli flag. The folds in the flag are decorously balanced so that a full image of the Star of David is visible behind the President. The blatant display displeases many. Photos of the telecast are posted on Yahoo. Groups critical of the Jewish/Zionist influence in politics and media have more grist for their mill.

On December 11, Fox News ran the first of a four‑part series by Carl Cameron that offered yet more evidence that the Israelis had some rather specific foreknowledge of the 9/11 atrocity. Citing sources in law enforcement, Cameron dropped a bombshell: "A handful of active Israeli military were among those detained, according to investigators, who say some of the detainees also failed polygraph questions when asked about alleged surveillance activities against and in the United States. There is no indication that the Israelis were involved in the 9‑11 attacks, but investigators suspect that they [sic] Israelis may have gathered intelligence about the attacks in advance, and not shared it. A highly placed investigator said there are ‑ quote ‑ 'tie‑ins.' But when asked for details, he flatly refused to describe them, saying, ‑ quote ‑ 'evidence linking these Israelis to 9‑11 is classified. I cannot tell you about evidence that has been gathered. It's classified information.' Fox News has learned that one group of Israelis, spotted in North Carolina recently, is suspected of keeping an apartment in California to spy on a group of Arabs who the United States is also investigating for links to terrorism."

December 12. Jewish Defense League (JDL) chairman, Irv Rubin, and member, Earl Krugel, are arrested in Los Angeles by the FBI for plotting to bomb a mosque and an American congressman's office. Though "domestic terrorism" and "hate crimes" are otherwise ubiquitous in recent headlines, neither "terrorism" nor "hate" are found in reports of the arrest.

December 19. The Fox News expos� also reported on the near‑total penetration of US communications facilities by Israel, through two "private" Israeli telecommunications companies, Amdocs, Ltd., and Comverse Infosys, which, together, handle virtually all the billing records and government wiretaps in the US.

December ‑ ongoing. Almost 200 Israelis are held by the FBI; while they assert their innocence, many fail lie detector tests regarding the 9/11 attacks.

December. The first year in the history of the United States that the President publicly displays and lights a Menorah in the White House.


January 9. Glayde Whitney, scholar, President of Behavior Genetics Association, and the author of the preface to Duke's My Awakening, dies unexpectedly, though of natural causes.

January 12. "The Battle of York." Members of the World Church of the Creator, the National Alliance, and Aryan Nations meet in York, PA. The first time all three groups have come together to speak publicly.

February 12. David Duke interviewed live from Russia on The Hal Turner Show.

Newly released taped conversations between President Nixon and Billy Graham from 1972 reveal the two discussing "Jewish control of the media." Graham asserts, "If it isn't stopped, this country is going down the tubes." Though Jewish pressure groups force Graham to apologize for his truth‑telling, his statement is even more true today than when he first said it. Proof? As Fox reporter Carl Cameron wrote in his four‑part series on the Israeli spies in America had its implications for 9/11: "The biggest story of our time, of Israel spying on all branches of the government, on all our intelligence agencies ‑ in the CIA [Central Intelligence Agency], the DEA and the White House itself, is not picked up by the leading newspapers like the New York Times and the Washington Post."

March 6. As the evidence spills out about the Israeli spy ring, US and Israeli government mouthpieces continue to deny: "'This seems to be an urban myth that has been circulating for months,' said Justice Department spokeswoman Susan Dryden. 'The department has no information at this time to substantiate these widespread reports about Israeli art students involved in espionage.'"‑dyn/articles/A45802‑2002Mar6.html

Ms. Dryden's smug arrogance in dismissing serious charges as "urban myth" may have backfired. Denigrating your opponent when he has the goods on you is not a smart strategy. As long as US and Israeli officials continue to lie straight‑faced, while gullible journalists look to find a reason to believe government lies, Intelligence Online is threatening to publish the leaked DEA report in its entirety:� "'It seems irresponsible for us to publish it, but if the denials go on, we could put the report on our Internet site and in so doing possibly blacken the names of the people most exposed,' the editor of the Intelligence Online site, Guillaume Dasqui�, said...'The document we have in our possession details not only the identities of the members of this network, but also their activities in the Israeli army, and even their serial numbers in the intelligence services, their passport numbers and their validity, and their visas and their validity."

March 8. William Pierce interviewed live from West Virginia on The Hal Turner Internet radio show.

March 10. Hal Turner reports, News Breaks: Congress Trying To Sneak‑Through Amnesty For Illegal Aliens Vote set for this Tuesday, March 12.

The House GOP leadership has caved to the White House and set a vote for the Section 245(i) amnesty next Tuesday. Please use the toll‑free numbers to call your Congress‑traitors and tell them to vote NO !! US Congressional Switchboard Toll‑free Numbers are 1‑800‑648‑3516 or 1‑877‑762‑8762

Section 245(i) ‑‑ the mini amnesty


The White House at this moment is working all the levers of power to maneuver the Section 245i mini‑amnesty through Congress before President Bush goes to Mexico on March 22. This would significantly increase permanent U.S. population growth by creating a new wave of amnesty for hundreds of thousands of illegal aliens and the enticement of millions more to move here. It appears that the President apparently is willing to expend all the political capital necessary to have this amnesty in the form of a reinstatement of Section 245(i).

Section 245i allows illegal aliens who are on a waiting list to some year receive a green card as a relative or imported worker to pay a fine and be allowed to stay in this country legally until their turn arrives on the list. Why have a list, if you are going to allow anybody who jumps the line and comes here illegally to stay anyway?

Section 245i is a security risk because:

1). It allows hundreds of thousands of illegal aliens to stay permanently without going through face‑to‑face interviews in our embassies in their own countries, cultures and languages.

2). It allows people to remain here for years ‑‑ 20‑30 years in some cases ‑ as something just above an illegal alien until there name comes up on a waiting list for green cards.

3). It entices millions more foreign nationals to enter the country without screening to be illegal aliens here in hopes that they also will be rewarded for their lawbreaking.

And all of that shows how a Section 245 amnesty boosts US population growth.

March 10. Chinese peasants take revenge after being given HIV. "CHINA is being swept by a wave of revenge attacks by victims of a government scheme that infected hundreds of thousands of peasants with the Aids virus before abandoning them without medical care or compensation. [By Damien McElroy in Beijing (Filed: 10/03/2002)]

March 11. Audre Pinque, also known and loved by her Internet readers as "Mackenzie" and "Natalie," was killed in a car accident in Alabama. Here is Her last (?) known email:

Dear Hasan, I'm still laughing to myself that you thought I was a nun or priest. I loved talking to you today. I have to admit, the emotional drain of not knowing what had happened to you was starting to make me crazy.

You're a scoundrel for not telling me how old you are before you started flirting outrageously, but I guess I can forgive you. LOL!

Dear, sweet Ghasan, you asked me why I bother with your cause when there are so many other injustices going on in the world. There is no greater injustice than what is being done to your people and your land. There is no greater menace in the world than the Zionists. I initially took on the Zionists, not because of Palestine, but because of other reasons. And then, as I told you, I saw that little boy murdered. God, I must have looked at those photos a hundred times and cried for days when I realized what was really happening. And I'm not alone. I cannot imagine what your life is like, but I do know that the world is waking up. The whole world, Ghasan, not just the Internet.

Last night when Fr. Labib and I were writing back and forth trying to figure out what happened to you someone sent a photo to me of the young men, blind folded and handcuffed, from your camp being taken away. I freaked. I freaked the night that I heard the tanks had invaded. And yet you're so calm.

You also asked what I like to do ‑‑ what makes me happy. Defending the truth is the most wonderful thing I've ever had the privilege of doing. Okay, it's not a big money maker, but if there was ever a more precious truth to defend it is that of your people.

Okay? So I'm going to continue to be a pain in the neck for certain people. I play to an audience of very appreciative people and I love the job. :‑‑) And I love you, even if you are much too young for me. What's another strange happening in my life, eh? We still have Italy to explore!


[Reported by Jim W. Dean]

March 11. Communist dictator Castro Demands Reparations From The United States; calls embargo "economic terrorism." In other words a Cuban committed to a Jewish political ideology now uses Jewish forms of law‑based extortion to commit the Jewish art of swindling.\archive\ 200203\ FOR20020311g. html [By Jim Burns, Senior Staff Writer]

March 12. Israeli police execute 23‑year‑old Palestinian Mahmud Salah in cold blood. BBC News reported and published eleven photographs taken by an amateur photographer from his window in east Jerusalem, which show the summary execution. Though Israeli police claim Salah was a "suspected suicide bomber," more than 10 eyewitnesses, said the man was shot half‑an‑hour after his arrest when he was completely subdued. As the photos reveal, he was indeed, subdued, beaten to the ground, stripped down to his underwear, and while sprawled out face down on the street, was shot point blank in the head.

March 12. President Bush announces, "War against Saddam is inevitable" [By Rupert Cornwell in Washington and Andrew Grice Political Editor]

March 12. Move toward Global Taxes begins in earnest. "UN Conference To Promote Global Taxes; Bush Will Attend" By Cliff Kincaid, Correspondent\ForeignBureaus\ archive\ 200203\FOR20020312a.html

March 12. U.S. Immigration Service notified a Florida flight school that it has approved "student visas" for Muhammed Atta and another hijacker who died in the attacks of 9/11!! Letter of approval was mailed march 5; Flight school received written approval from INS on march 12. These are the types of idiots we have "protecting" our country.‑065018‑1074r

March 13. Congress Approves Amnesty for Illegal Aliens. Ignores 70‑80% of Citizens Who Said "NO." The House of Representatives voted 275‑138 Tuesday night to grant amnesty to millions of illegal aliens living in the U.S. [Jeff Johnson,]

March 14. Lesbian Celebrity Rosie O'Donnell Pushes for Gay Adoption "Talk Show Host Pushes for Homosexual Adoptions" ( ‑ When talk‑show host and activist Rosie O'Donnell declares her homosexuality publicly for the first time on "Primetime" Thursday, she will use the occasion to push for the abolition of laws that prevent homosexuals from adopting children in Florida. [By Lawrence Morahan, Senior Staff Writer, March 14, 2002]\Culture\archive\200203\CUL20020314b.html Gay adoption rights are straight out of the Frankfurt School's program to destroy white western values. It's a manifestation of Jewish aggression

March 19. Washington Post reports, "In Times of Terror, Teens Talk the Talk." Boys are "firefighter cute." Their bedrooms are "ground zero." Translation? A total mess. A mean teacher? He's "such a terrorist." A student is disciplined? "It was total jihad." Petty concerns? "That's so Sept. 10." And out‑of‑style clothes? "Is that a burqa?" It's just six months since Sept. 11, but that's enough time for the vocabulary of one of the country's most frightening days to become slang for teenagers of all backgrounds, comic relief in school hallways and hangouts. "It's like 'Osama Yo Mama' as an insult," offered Morgan Hubbard, 17, a senior at Quince Orchard High School in Gaithersburg, where students have picked up on the phrase from an Internet game. "If you're weird, people might call you 'Taliban' or ask if you have anthrax," said Najwa Awad, a Palestinian American student at J.E.B. Stuart High School in Fairfax County. "Sept. 11 has been such a stressful thing that it's okay to joke a little bit. It's funny." [By Emily Wax, Washington Post Staff Writer, Tuesday, March 19, 2002; Page A01]

March 22. Arranged by Victor Wolzek, Tom Metzger is interviewed live from Fallbrook, California, on The Hal Turner Show.

March 26. Pedophilia gets push from mainstream academics. Of course fresh new PC names are in order: These academics seek to change the language, moving away from "pedophilia," which often evokes a charged negative response, particularly in light of the priest‑pedophile cases challenging the Roman Catholic Church. In its place would be more neutral terms such as "intergenerational sex" or "adult‑child sex"�a child's "willing encounter with positive reactions" be called "adult‑child sex" instead of "abuse."

March 27. Matt Hale is interviewed live from East Peoria, Illinois, on The Hal Turner Show.

March 28. Canadian judge rules child porn has artistic merit.

March 28. Colleges get rid of the S.A.T.! Want to focus more on "achievement" than "aptitude." Anything to avoid acknowledging the dissolution of public schools due to integration and multicult indoctrination instead of traditional education.

March 29. Arabs begin troop movements. Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, and Egypt begin preparing to assist Arafat in war against Israel.

March 29. Debate rages over what's history, what's not. Black educators and policy makers say the proposed Massachusetts history curriculum standards don't give enough prominence to Africa. Debate_rages_ over_what_s_history_what_s_not+.shtml

March 30. Israel raids Arafat's Headquarters.‑dyn/articles/A35837‑2002Mar29.html

March 30. U.S. Marines to "infiltrate" Boise, Idaho in "Urban Warfare" drill.‑ 024315‑8298r

March 31. Israeli soldiers air hardcore porn on Palestinian TV after seizing TV stations. common/storypage/0,5936,4049446%255E1702,00.html

March 31. 30% Black and Hispanic teachers flunk competency test; three times as likely as Whites to be "uncertified." They're suing state of New York claiming teacher tests "discriminate" against blacks and hispanics. regionalnews/44747.htm

March 31. Police accuse an 18‑year‑old Arab, Akbar Salaam of raping a 17‑year‑old white girl and attempting to kill her by injecting her with bleach. o0072_BC_NY‑BRF‑‑RapeAssault&&news&newsflash‑newyork‑si

March 31. Netherlands becomes the first country to legalize euthenasia. 585&u=/nm/20020331/sc_nm/dutch_euthanasia_dc_1

March 31. Israeli army reduces Ramallah to huge detention camp. "The Israeli occupation army continued to rampage throughout the city of Ramallah in the west Bank, terrorizing townspeople and vandalizing private and public property. The invading army also severed electricity and water supplies to the city and cut off telephone communications to the headquarters of Palestinian Authority Chairman Yasser Arafat. 'The Israelis are perpetrating a huge carnage here, they are shooting at anything moving, we call upon the world to come to our rescue,' said a resident of Ramallah." php?sid=3143

March 31. Israeli tanks enter Bethlehem, 500 yards from church of the Nativity. story&cid=514&u=/ap/20020401/ap_on_re_mi_ea/israel_palestinians_2806

April 7. Jews hurled a grenade into the church of the Nativity, the most Holy church in the entire Christian religion. When Palestinian cop tried to put out the ensuing fire, Jew sniper shot him in the head.‑dyn/articles/A11292‑2002Apr7.html world/middle_east/ story.jsp? story=282737

April 7. 100 US Special Forces killed; 200+ injured; 4 apache helicopters destroyed in Afghanistan. U.S. media silent.

April 7. Israeli army systematically bulldozing houses in refugee camp ‑‑ with civilians inside houses, i.e., burying them alive. Also burning civilians out.

April 8. Iraq cuts oil protesting Israeli actions for 30 days or until jews leave Palestine. meast/04/08/iraq.oil/index.html

April 13. Two black men kidnap, beat, hack 21 year old white man, Michael Streeter, cut off multiple fingers, gouged out an eye; then stole his SUV and set it on fire.

April 17. Harpers Ferry, W.Va. ‑ A 62‑year‑old white woman working the front desk at the Hilltop House Hotel suffered a broken nose when she was punched in the face by a black robber who stole $150 from the hotel early Tuesday, police said.

April 17. A black man identifying himself as the Rev. E. Slave, and dressed in a black Santa Claus suit, climbed a ladder at the State House Wednesday afternoon and burned the Confederate flag and signed its pole.

April 18. "Responding to the terrorist attack on the nation last September, the Pentagon yesterday unveiled a new organizational structure that creates for the first time a command charged with defending the continental United States." By Thomas E. Ricks, Washington Post Staff Writer. Hal Turner writes, "They MUST be kidding, right? The whole purpose of the US military is to protect the United States. What they seem to be saying is that for 50 years, they never bothered to do that. Unbelievable." Correctamundo, Hal.

April 19. Israel once more on the offensive. GAZA, April 19 (UPI) ‑‑ Two bulldozers and at least 13 Israeli army tanks firing at Palestinian houses rolled into a Gaza border area in the early hours of Friday, residents said.

April 19. Saudi Arabia throws $5.6 billion of advanced US military gear into the desert. US suspects Saudis in secret pact with Saddam Hussein: he won't attack them if they throw the US out. So they did!

April 19. Cincinnati Blacks Riot ‑ Again. Same area as the riots last year. There was no police shooting, no reverends shouting for justice this time ‑ just 300 black people blocking Vine Street on Monday night, pelting cars with rocks, bottles and eggs and yelling "get whitey." Some cities would call that a riot. Cincinnati didn't even call it a "disturbance." The headline over a 3‑inch story in the Enquirer the next day said, "Fight draws crowd; police close street." ["Vine Street: What was the excuse this time?" by Peter Bronson]

April 19. LOS ANGELES ‑‑ A police officer who says he was passed over for promotion by the predominantly black city of Inglewood because he is white was awarded nearly $550,000 in a reverse discrimination lawsuit. 1407964/detail.html

April 19. A New Jewish Social Movement: Endorsement of adult‑child sex on rise "Harris Mirkin, a professor at the University of Missouri‑Kansas City, published a 1999 article in the Journal of Homosexuality complaining that boys who have sex with men 'are never considered willing participants, even if they are hustlers.' He has also written that 'children are the last bastion of the old sexual morality.'" (Robert Stacy McCain, The Washington Times) culture/20020419‑75530376.htm

April 22. Sharon plans to annex half the West Bank, says coalition ally (By Inigo Gilmore in Jerusalem and David Wastell in Washington).

April 22. "LONDON ‑ A wave of anti‑Jewish attacks ‑ ranging from hate mail and graffiti to stonings, shotgun blasts, gasoline bombs and synagogue bombings ‑ has swept Europe from Britain to Ukraine as the conflict between Israelis and Palestinians worsens in the Middle East. In recent days, one synagogue in Marseille, France, has been doused in gasoline and burned to the ground; another in Lyon, France, was damaged in a car attack; a third, in Brussels, was firebombed; and a fourth, in Kiev, was attacked by 50 youths chanting, "Kill the Jews," who then beat up a rabbi. An unidentified assailant hurled a stone through the window of another synagogue in southern Ukraine yesterday. In Britain, which takes pride in a "multicultural" society, police have logged at least 15 anti‑Jewish episodes this month, including eight physical assaults, synagogues daubed with racist slogans and hate mail sent to prominent figures among the nation's 300,000 Jews�But it is in France, where some 700,000 Jews and 4 million Muslims uneasily coexist, that the problem is particularly acute. The French Interior Ministry has recorded nearly 360 crimes against Jews and Jewish institutions in April alone, coinciding with the escalating violence between Israelis and Palestinians" (By Al Webb, The Washington Times).‑41009042.htm

April 2002. GAZA, April 22 (UPI) ‑‑ Israeli soldiers have begun pulling the media credentials of journalists reporting from near the Church of the Nativity, where some 200 Palestinians have been holed up for more than three weeks" (By Saud Abu Ramadan, International Desk).‑095937‑9210r

May 20. The Real Truth Online announces it is shutting down.

May 20. BOSTON ‑‑ Stephen Jay Gould, Jewish evolutionary biologist and author who influenced his field for decades, died Monday. He was 60. Gould died of cancer at his home in New York City. Gould's book, The Mismeasure of Man was a covert political treatise aimed at discrediting real science in effort to serve Jewish interests (i.e., perceived fears of anti‑Semitism).

May 23. Israeli embassy in Paris destroyed by fire PARIS, May 23 (Reuters) ‑ Flames tore through the Israeli embassy in Paris early on Thursday in a devastating blaze that police and the ambassador said was probably caused by an electrical short circuit.

May 23. Church bombing trial: The final verdict� Bobby Frank Cherry is guilty of murdering four black girls by bombing Sixteenth Street Baptist Church, a Jefferson County jury decided Wednesday. Cherry was the last living suspect in the 1963 explosion that made Birmingham an embodiment of violent opposition to integration. The jury's foreman delivered the verdict shortly after 1:30 p.m. and Circuit Judge James Garrett asked Cherry, 71, whether he had anything to say. "This whole bunch lied all the way through this thing," Cherry said. "I told the truth. I don't know why I'm going to jail for nothing." Garrett sentenced Cherry to consecutive life sentences on four counts of first‑degree murder for the deaths.

June 27. Pledge of Allegiance ruled unconstitutional. Jewish atheist Michael A. Newdow, from Sacramento, CA, sued his daughter's Elk Grove school district, Congress and then‑President Clinton in 2000, but the suit was dismissed. The federal appeals court, however, declared that reciting the Pledge of Allegiance in public schools is unconstitutional because of the words "under God" inserted by Congress in 1954. Whether you are Christian or not, this is another step forward in the Jewish assault on White western culture.,2933,56310,00.html

July 19. "Israel to deport 'terrorist' relatives" (Times Online). This "collective punishment" is specifically forbidden by International Law. But Israel doesn't care about International Law because they have stupid cattle in the U.S. protecting them.,,1‑360159,00.html

July 19. Jews sell bullets to Palestinians. "Five Israelis have been arrested on suspicion of selling thousands of rounds of ammunition to Palestinian militants" (Fox news).,2933,58149,00.html

�Military Practice Takeover

July 18, 2002: A gigantic multi‑force exercise taking place out west, and hardly a peep out of the mainstream press. Road blocks, tanks on American streets, APC's, illegal searches, urban warfare, etc. This is a United Nations exercise. This is practice for a United Nations takeover of America, read the fine print. Urban Warfare, Fema Camps, gun confiscation, testing new technology and population control. This has nothing to do with protecting Americans in the war on terrorism. Meanwhile they leave the borders WIDE open. America, you had better wake up. You are about to lose your nation, your freedoms, your businesses, your homes, your families. Your government is selling you out to global tyranny. Bush is selling you out, Rush Limbaugh is selling you out, our congress has been totally compromised.� Both parties are controlled by the globalists. Congressmen are in total fear of global government.

This exercise is totally un‑American. They are using our own military to practice the takeover of America. You better wake up. You better wake your friends, family, and neighbors up.

Mock battle in SoCal and Nevada to test battle technology

By SETH HETTENA: Associated Press Writer Published 3:10 p.m. PDT Thursday, July 18, 2002

SAN DIEGO (AP) ‑ Preparations are underway in Southern California and Nevada for the largest military experiment in U.S. history. The Millennium Challenge 2002, which begins next week, was mandated by Congress� to help U.S. forces prepare for future wars.

About 13,500 troops from the Army, Navy, Air Force and Marines will use the latest in military hardware in a simulation of what planners believe the battlefield could look like in five years.� Over three weeks, troops will play out a scenario that echoes real‑world events involving simulated weapons of mass destruction, urban warfare, the United Nations and humanitarian relief.

The Joint Forces Command, operating in Suffolk, Va., is coordinating the experiments from July 24 through Aug. 15 off the coast of San Diego and at bases in Southern California and Nevada. Top military brass, including the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and the chief of Naval operations, ill attend. The experiments are the fruits of a drive to transform the military from a heavy, mechanized force designed to fight the Soviet Union into mobile, high‑tech troops that can deliver swift hammer blows to a different kind of enemy.

"In the Persian Gulf, it took us months and months to stage forces and stockpile logistics," said Tony Billings, a spokesman for Joint Forces command. "New concepts are designed to cut down on that preparation time dramatically and position U.S. forces so that they're capable of rapidly and decisively striking at the enemy's center of gravity." Just as remarkable is the fact that all four branches of the military ‑ often riven by intra service rivalries ‑ are working on the same page.

"It's like you're playing baseball all these years but the infield never worked with the outfield," said Dan Goure of the Lexington Institute in Arlington, Va., who specializes in transformation issues. "Now you've got them all in the field trying to go through a couple of innings." Two years of planning have gone into the experiment to test how the U.S. military can respond to an international incident that can rapidly spin out‑of‑control into all‑out warfare. "The question for us is how do we bring all our resources to bear to prevent that from occurring," said Cmdr. Jack Hanzlik, spokesman for the Navy's Third Fleet based in Coronado.

The hypothetical scenario begins with a military coup in a country stricken by a massive earthquake. At the same time, a decision by the World Court over disputed territory outrage the coup leaders and prompts a military buildup and a shipping blockade. In response, the United Nations votes to impose sanctions. As part of the simulation, parts of which are classified, the U.S. Marines and special forces will destroy a hypothetical weapons of mass destruction site at the former George Air Force Base in Victorville. That will be followed by a 96‑hour urban combat exercise that shifts Marines between all‑out fighting and peacekeeping.

Off‑the‑shelf technologies will be tested including Dragon Eye, a five‑pound unmanned aerial vehicle that troops in the field can use to scout terrain over surrounding hills. The Navy will test a high‑speed vessel capable of maximum speeds of 55 miles per hour.

Wednesday, July 24, 2002: Soviet‑Era Atrocity Unearthed in Ukraine Remains of 225 Apparently Killed by Secret Police Are Found at Monastery, By Peter Baker, Washington Post Foreign Service, Page A01

ZHOVKVA, Ukraine: For two years, the Rev. Volodymyr Dolganyuk lived in the small, Spartan room at a monastery here studying the word of God. For two years, he had no idea that just beneath his feet lay the work of unspeakable evil.

Construction workers at a monastery in Ukraine's western town of Zhovkva have unearthed about 225 skeletons that they believe were victims of a secret Soviet massacre shortly after World War II. (Peter Baker ‑ The Post) Then one day someone decided to unseal the basement of the 17th‑century building and came across a few bones. And then some more. And still more. By the time all the rubble and sand had been cleared out of the catacombs, the remains of 225 people had been unearthed; not those of ancient ancestors, but of fathers and mothers and siblings of today's Ukrainians, probably victims of a wave of killing by Soviet secret police after World War II.

The discovery of the mass grave, announced last week in this small town just 30 miles from the border with Poland, sickened people in this corner of the old Soviet empire, but did not entirely surprise them. While Ukraine and other countries once dominated by Moscow struggle to build new societies, events periodically intervene to remind them they have yet to fully catalogue the horrors of the former era. "We must confront the past for the sake of the future," said Yevgen Gryniv, a local human rights activist who has been sifting through the residue at the monastery. "Right now it's fashionable to talk about terrorism. That's what it was, terrorism against the people. Here almost every place is connected to tragedy, to death." The tomb of the unknown victims beneath the floorboards at Vasilyansky� Monastery is hardly the only mass grave found since the collapse of the Soviet Union a decade ago, but it is especially grisly. Of the 225 bodies dug out, about 80 belonged to children; workers discovered a few bones so small that specialists believe they belonged to a fetus just four months after conception.

Some of the skulls have single, small bullet holes in the back, a few still ringed with black from the gunshot. Others have cracks down the front, apparently from an ax, or have been crushed on top, possibly by a hammer. The bodies were not found laid to rest, but rather crumpled as if thrown in. No buttons or belt buckles or combs or shoe soles; the parts of clothing that typically survive the longest, were found, suggesting the people were buried naked. Who they were or precisely how they got here remains a mystery. No one has come forward with information about what happened. But older people in this town of 11,000 near the city of Lviv said that after World War II the monastery was occupied by the NKVD, which in 1954 became the KGB. And the crypt has yielded a few clues about the timing of the killings; kopeck� coins minted in 1946 and 1949 and torn pictures of a May Day‑style parade featuring posters of a postwar local Communist leader. In all likelihood, according to people investigating the discovery, the� bodies are those of Ukrainians executed by Soviet authorities in a campaign� to pacify the region following the defeat of Nazi Germany. This part of western Ukraine was absorbed into the Soviet Union in 1939 when� Joseph Stalin and Adolf Hitler carved up Poland. During World War II, the Nazis captured it. After the war, Ukrainian partisans who had battled the fascists refused to lay down their arms and fought the Soviets into the 1950s.

Now some residents of Zhovkva wonder whether their long‑lost loved ones may have been found. "My brother disappeared and it's still unclear where and how," said Bagdan Kondrat, 75, a retired bus factory worker who spent four years in political exile in Siberia. "It's possible he's here. Many people think they have people here. I know more than 40 people who think their relatives might be here." They may never know for sure. The local prosecutor has opened an investigation, but without dental records or expensive DNA testing, identifying half‑century‑old bodies will be very difficult. Unless a credible witness turns up or Russia produces documents that people here assume exist, the story of Vasilyansky Monastery may remain a secret. It has fallen to aging men such as Gryniv, the human rights activist, and Myroslav Gorbal to keep pursuing the painful truth, here at the monastery� and at other sites where bodies from Soviet times have been unearthed. Gryniv, 65, who founded the local chapter of Andrei Sakharov's organization, Memorial, as the Soviet Union began falling apart in the late 1980s, and Gorbal, 76, who fought as a Ukrainian partisan against the Soviets and was later exiled for 14 years, have made it their mission to track down the dead.

Gorbal lost two older brothers during the rebellion against the Communists and has spent years combing through KGB files looking for answers. In 1992, he found his brother Bagdan's grave, and three years later he found documents disclosing the name of the informer who led Soviet agents to Bagdan's hideout in 1945. Gorbal's other brother, Yaroslav, has yet to be found. Today Gorbal's life revolves around old records. He has compiled them into a thick, 1,000‑page book listing the victims of the Soviets in western Ukraine from 1944 to 1954. He has collected 8,000 names and said he believes they represent only a fifth of the region's total. Half a century later, Ukraine remains torn in its attitude toward the Ukrainian Insurgent Army, the armed wing of the Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists. The Ukrainian government in Kiev recently proposed granting pensions to former partisans, just like veterans of the Soviet Red Army. The suggestion has provoked considerable criticism from some quarters still sympathetic to the Communists, as well as from Russia, which finds the idea appalling. "These people were fighting for independence of the country against Poles, against Germans and against Communists," Gorbal said. "And now this is an independent government. All the logic says these people should be recognized, if not as heroes, at least as respected people."

For his part, Gryniv did not fight with a gun. But he has scoured the hidden graves in the Lviv region for years. Since 1990, he and his group have found 16 mass graves in western Ukraine, some with hundreds of bodies, and have identified nine other sites to examine. Gryniv has organized ceremonies to rebury the dead and dreams of building a museum in their memory. He gets little help from a government that wants to move forward. He has to use his own car, his own money. "We've never had any support except from the people for pulling the past up to the surface," he said. Over dinner recently, he offered a toast to "the success of our hopeless business."

For all the work done already, the discovery at Vasilyansky Monastery stood out. Never before had such a large mass grave been found by accident. The bodies at Vasilyansky were found only because some Moldovan monks came to the Greek Catholic monastery seeking the crypt of a favorite saint. While searching the basement, they found a sealed passage and began chipping away.� The first bones were found in late March. As more turned up, the monks realized they needed to call in the authorities.

Ultimately, three rooms in the damp catacombs were excavated. The remains have been moved to a vault and organized as well as possible into complete bodies and piles of random bones. The priests sprayed holy water on the site and prayed for the souls of the dead."We were trembling a little," said Miron Ivanyuk, 42, one of the workers who� dug through the sand and concrete. His brother, Ivan, 47, saw the small� bones and thought of his children. "I want them to find out who did this. I want them to take care of this. There must be somebody who knew. They must still be here."

Few were more shocked than Dolganyuk, the 33‑year‑old priest who lived right above the secret tomb. "I don't understand the cruelty that people had, the hate people had. They didn't love children, they didn't love Ukraine. They didn't have any kindness." But he added, "We don't have the right to have hate against the people who did this because Jesus said in the Bible to forgive and forgive again."

The development has stirred the older generation in Zhovkva, but not their children. The older people "know about the troubles and they're full of pain," said Brother Anthony, 35, a monk at Vasilyansky. "Most young people don't think about it too much. They just think about business, about how to make money." Gorbal, the old freedom fighter, thinks about little else. But his capacity for shock has ebbed. As he wandered through the vault studying the bones over the weekend, he said he had no feeling. "Absolutely nothing," he said. "My emotions have atrophied. I've dug out so many that ‑‑ "

He paused and left the thought incomplete, returning to the safe ground of� forensics. "Of course, I wish I could complete all the skeletons and take everything out of the ground. Look at that one." He picked up the lower jaw of a child. "It has almost all the teeth in it but when we pulled it out of the ground, they fell out. This one doesn't have wisdom teeth, they grow after 18 so we know this one was younger than that."He turned back to the personal impact. "I don't have any disturbing emotions. When I was 13, I witnessed the death of my friend when a drunk policeman killed him in 1939. We went to the railroad storage area to look for something. Three policemen rushed in and kicked us out. They were all drunk. One of them raised his gun and shot him through the heart. I lifted my friend's head. His eyes rolled back in his head and he died. They just looked and walked away." He paused again and looked back at the table of bones. He picked up a small one, no more than a couple of inches long. "You know what this is?" he asked. It was the shoulder bone of a child.

The Hoaxer Project: A Joint Appeal

Are you disturbed by a "rising tide" of allegedly racist and anti‑Semitic incidents? Have you wondered how some of these incidents seem to occur just when they are most convenient for propaganda, or institutional blackmail, or to promote restrictions on freedom of speech? If so, you may not be surprised to learn that a significant proportion of these incidents are hoaxes.

Most real incidents are isolated things, usually involving children entirely unconnected with a "hate" group. Incidents involving physical injury or damage to property are statistically rare. For example, the 1,200 or so allegedly anti‑Semitic incidents recorded annually in the United States by the Anti‑Defamation League amount to approximately one incident per two hundred thousand citizens; and the vast majority of these are nothing worse than graffiti or nuisance phone calls by children. A single hoaxer can inflate these statistics considerably.

Because real incidents are so uncommon, and because they are so useful to manipulate people and institutions when they do occur, the temptation to fabricate them is strong. The benefits of victimization are well established and "victims" are often treated as heroes ennobled by their experience. Police officers who investigate these incidents privately report that perhaps as many as 25 per cent of them are hoaxes.

What signs suggest that an alleged anti‑Semitic or racist incident may be a hoax? We suggest the following:

1). An incident which cannot be corroborated with good evidence from a disinterested witness;

2). An incident which occurs when it is "needed" to promote awareness or sensitivity, or to silence critics;

3). Repeat incidents, especially with "difficult," resentful and easily offended individuals who frequently complain of insults, slights, harassment or assaults;

4). Incidents which are ruthlessly exploited by the victims to attain victim celebrity status, or to pursue a social or political agenda, or to obtain financial benefits.

Here follow several examples of proven hoaxes:

1). Quintin E. Banks, an 18 year old black student at Northwest Missouri University in Maryville, Missouri, reports a "racially‑motivated" assault and death threats. These reports bring him much attention. Newspaper accounts portray the university as a hotbed of racism. On the strength of the complaint, the University calls in the FBI, the Justice Department and a special investigator from the Missouri Highway Patrol. During the course of an interrogation by Sergeant Larry R. Stobbs of the Highway Patrol, Mr. Banks admits that the complaints were a hoax of his own making.

2). Laurie A. Recht, a Jewish legal secretary and supporter of court‑ordered desegregation in Yonkers, New York, reports receiving many death threats over several months following a meeting where she was heckled by angry whites. Ms Recht becomes a media heroine for her actions and is awarded an honorary degree. To catch the perpetrators, the FBI installs a television camera� outside her apartment and taps her telephone line. The tap shows that no calls have been received when she reported that they had; and the hidden camera records Ms Recht in the act of writing a threat on the wall next to her apartment.

3). A series of fires in Hartford, Connecticut occurs at Young Israel Synagogue, Emmanuel Synagogue, the home of Rabbi Solomon Krupka, and at the home of State Representative Joan Kemler, who is Jewish. In a glare of hostile publicity, the Police pull out all the stops to find the arsonist. Barry Dov Schuss, a 17 year old Jewish student, eventually confesses to all four parsons.

4). A New York black teenager, Tawana Brawley, claims to have been kidnaped for several days, and raped by white men;

who then put her in a plastic rubbish bag and marked her with racist insults using dog feces. The case becomes a cause celebre in New York City, with editorials, marches and media personalities deploring the incident and the racist climate which caused it. Later, a detailed police investigation determines that the whole case was a hoax.

5). James Oppenheim, former president of the Jewish Student Union at the State University of New York in Binghamton leads demonstrations against anti‑Semitism after the Union building is defaced with anti‑Jewish abuse in November 1988. He also makes numerous demands on the university administration, among these being the establishment of a Judaic Studies Department. Mr. Oppenheim is then arrested for having painted the anti‑Semitic abuse himself in order to create sympathy for Jewish causes.

6). Michael A. Smith, a white student at Ohio Dominican College in Columbus, is charged with sending "hate letters" with racial abuse and death threats to 13 black and Puerto Rican students and faculty members. Following an investigation, Sheriff's department investigators determine that it was Janice Hamlet, a black instructor who had argued with Mr. Smith and attempted to get him thrown out of school, who typed and posted the letters. The charges against Mr. Smith have been dropped, and made against Ms Hamlet instead. The maximum penalty on conviction is 11 years in prison or a $7,000 fine or both.

We will say emphatically, that not every reported incident of this kind is a hoax. We will also say that those who do commit attacks on life and property should be caught and punished according to law. However, it should be plain that many hoaxes are perpetrated, and that in at least Great Britain and some European countries, the purpose of many such hoaxes is to attack the right of many; undoubtedly vile, organizations to put their case before the public.

Although in any given year, many hoaxes will be discovered and reported, these discoveries have little value individually. Very often, once public attention has moved elsewhere, a hoax will be quietly added to a list of allegedly real incidents, and so used as propaganda regardless of its discovery.

The purpose of the Hoaxer Project is to gather up and record as many hoax reports as possible. By doing this, we hope to be able to show patterns of use and effect that have not so far been found. What the readers of Free Life can do is to look out for and send in evidence of any proven hoaxes of this nature. Information on past events is also helpful. Of course, any newspaper cuttings must include the name of the newspaper and date of publication. Any submissions without these essential markers, no matter how interesting in themselves, will be thrown away.[B].htm

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